Chap 10 Sci 6
Chap 10 Sci 6
Chap 10 Sci 6
Grade- 6th Sana
Q 10.3 Give answers in detail.
1. Show with the help of an activity that a freely suspended bar magnet
always points north to south direction.
Activity 10.1 page No. 119
2. How can you prove that like poles repel each other while unlike poles
attract each other?
We can proof it by performing a simple activity 1.
Take two bar magnets.
Place them on table in such a way that similar poles (N-N) or (S-S) face
each other. They will repel each other.
Now place them in such a way that opposite poles (N-S) face each other.
They will attract each other.
3. Describe a few uses of magnets.
There are many uses of magnets in our daily life. Some of which are:
1. Electric bell that we use in our homes works with magnet.
2. Magnets play role in producing sound in speakers.
3. A dynamo produce electricity with help of a magnet.
4. We can separate a magnetic material from non-magnetic material by
using a magnetic.
5. Crane lifting heavy iron objects use big magnets to do so.
4. A, B, C are three similar bars. One is magnet, another Iron bar and third
aluminium bar. How would you identify which one is which?
First of all we will identify the magnet. Suspend all the three bars freely.
The bar which points itself in north south direction will be a magnet.
Now take the magnet to other two bars. The bar attracted towards
magnet will be iron bar.
The bar which do not attract toward magnet will be aluminium bar.
5. How can you draw the magnetic field of a bar magnet using iron filings.
Write down the procedure?
Activity 10.3 page No. 121.
6. Describe applications of electromagnets in daily life?
Electromagnets are widely used in our daily life. Some applications of
electromagnets are:
1. Electromagnets are used in generators.
2. Electric bells.
3. Headphones and loudspeakers.
4. Data storage devices like hard discs.
5. Magnetic locks.
6. MRI machines.
Q 10.4 Constructed response questions.
1. You have a bar magnet without any indication OF POLES. How will you
identify its north and south poles?
Suspend the bar magnet freely with the help of a thread tied to center of
it. The end that points to the north direction will be regarded as north
pole and other end is regarded as south pole of magnet.
2. What cause the Earth’s magnetic field?
The earth’s magnetic field is generated by convection currents of molten
iron and nickel in earth’s core. Because of spin of planet, iron is thought
to make an electric current which in turu produce earth’s magnetic field.
3. How does metal core affect the strength of electromagnet?
Metal core strengthen the magnetic field produced by magnet thus
increase the strength of an electromagnet.
4. How are electricity and magnetism related?
Electricity and magnetism are strongly related to each other. When
electric current flows through an object it became a magnet strength of
magnetic field increase with increase in amount of electric current.
Q 10.5 Investigate.
1. The metals which can be magnetized?
Iron, Cobalt and Nickel are the elemental metals that are naturally
magnetic. Compounds and alloys containing these metals can also be
2. Do other planets have magnetic field like earth?
Planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all have magnetic fields
much stronger than earth.