Discusssion 5

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Macie Morales

Texas Government

Dr. Park

October 7, 2024

Discussion 5

1. A political party is a group of people with a specific interest whose purpose is to control

the government by winning an election. An interest group influences governmental


2. The political parties and interest groups “function as intermediaries between individuals

and government.”

3. The Democrat and republican parties use to function as one party the Democrat-

republican party in 1796. It was created by Anti-Federalists James Madison and Thomas

Jefferson. It was the opposing party of the federalist party which was a very strong

national government at the time. Today, the Democratic and Republican party are two

separate parties which have dominated the country since 1850.

4. The four levels of political parties are national, state, county, and precinct.

5. Temporary party organization’s function is to quickly nominate candidates, pass

resolutions, make a party platform, and select delegates to party convention. The

permanent party organization’s function is to register voters, distribute candidates’

information, operate phone books, and taking people to the polls. The difference between

the two is that the temporary party organizations are the party nominees and the

permanent party organization are the members elected by the voters.

6. The function of the state convention is to adopt a party platform.

7. The number 64 comes from one man and one woman who are from each of the senatorial

districts, along with a chair and a vice chair one of which is required to be a woman.

8. Political ideologies

a. Conservatism would benefit the community by the low cost of government and

reducing taxes as well as curbing public spending, they also do not agree with

government run programs. Conservatists believe in the importance of their family


b. A Liberal favors the governments regulation of the economy unlike conservatists.

They prefer more services such as healthcare provided by the government. They

“seek a limited role for government involvement with regard to other social


9. A conservatist is more likely to oppose governmental intervention whereas a liberal

would recommend governmental intervention.

10. The social issues that would be opposed by conservatism would be problems such as

abortion and homosexuality. Liberalism on the other hand would be more likely to

oppose matters such as prayer and church involvement in public schools.

11. The former governor Edmund J. Davis took control of voter registration and appointed

more than 8,000 officials. He was condemned for corruption, graft, and high taxation.

12. The democratic party was strong due to the weakening of the republican party by

Edmund J. Davis. The Democratic party won 52 consecutive elections.

13. After the civil rights movement more minorities supported governmental services such as

public housing, healthcare, and income support which lead them to associate with the
democratic party, as a result the conservative Anglo democrats looked to the republican

party which created the two-party system.

14. Dealignment is where the voters are not associated with a political party and vote

independently. Realignment happens when a member of one party shifts to another party.

15. The aspect keeping third parties unpopular is because of cultural consensus.

16. Among the third parties the libertarian party has held 8 elective offices in the state of


17. An independent is a “candidate who run in a general election without party endorsement

or selection. Independent candidates rarely get selected because it is difficult for them to

gain ballot access because of the Texas election code which requires them to get petition


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