A) B) C) D)

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Total Pages: 06
Paper ID: SH001 Course Code: C-SHAW 1
Examination (January - 2024)
Certificate Programme in The Science of Happiness at Work
Introduction to Science of Happiness
Time Allowed: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions for the Students
1. The question paper shall consist of 70 Multiple Choice questions.
2. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark.
3. There will be no negative marking.

Q 1 From the word "psychology" originated? Q 2 Psychology is a –

a) USA a) Biological science
b) Greek b) Physical science
c) England c) Social science
d) None of the above d) Chemical science

Q 3 Psychophysics is a study of ? Q 4 People lost their touch with reality when they are
a) Perception illness
b) Movement perception a) Psychopathic
c) Psychological perception or physical b) Psychotic
stimuli c) Manic
d) None of the above d) Neurotic

Q 5 What are some of the advantages of Q 6 Who proposed the biopsychosocial model?
attention? a) Freud
a) A calmer mind b) Sontag
b) Improved focus c) Engel
c) Higher levels of cheerfulness and good d) None of these
d) All of the above
Q 7 Self pride motivated feelings relate to: Q 8 What is the 'flow state'?
a) personal attributes, goals, wants, and a) Being relaxed going and 'going with the flow'
needs b) Holding a optimistic mindset
b) other people’s needs and wants c) Overcoming from challenges
c) external traits and abilities d) Being totally captivated and engrossed in
d) physical and social settings something

Q 9 Emotions are: Q 10 Psychology is a methodical study of and

a) detached reactions to experiences in our .
environment a) Behaviour, mental progressions
b) personal responses to experiences in our b) Mental sickness, Mental wellbeing
environment c) Physical states, mental states
c) biological changes to experiences in our d) None of the above
d) behavioural changes to experiences in our

Q 11 Seligman refers to three facets of optimism Q 12 What does PERMA stand for?
versus pessimism. What are they? a) Positive Emotions, Empathy, Relationships,
a) Permanence, Pervasiveness, Meaning, Actualisation
Personalisation b) Positive Emotions, Engagement,
b) Persuasiveness, Pervasiveness, Relationships, Meaning, Authenticity
Personalisation c) Positive Emotions, Energy, Relationships,
c) Permanence, Pervasiveness, Positivity Mental Health, Achievement
d) Permanence, Perspective, Personalisation d) Positive Emotions, Engagement,
Relationships, Meaning, Achievement

Q 13 Which is the below best description of the Q 14 What does the term well-being include?
term mental health?
a) A person state of expressive wellbeing a) Well-being includes good physical health,
b) A individual’s capacity to handle routine happy state of mind
stress and able to work efficiently b) Well-being comprises living in a big house and
contributing to their community affluent area
c) .One’s capability to seek help when feeling c) Well-being includes being liked by all your
concerned peers
d) A sickness that can affect the way a person d) None of the above
feels or acts
Q 15 Which of the following part of the brain is Q 16 Which of the following Greek philosopher
responsible for transferring short-term memory to believed that knowledge is acquired through learning
long-term memory? and experience?
a) Cerebellum a) Aristotle
b) Amygdala b) Plato
c) Hippocampus c) Archimedes
d) None of the above d) None of the above

Q 17 Which of the following is the idea by which Q 18 People lost their touch with reality when they are
we can access the personality of someone by
studying their face? a) Psychopathic
a) Physiognomy b) Psychotic
b) Phrenology c) Manic
c) Physiology d) Neurotic
d) Somatology
Q 19 The process of using psychological methods Q 20 In India, first psychological laboratory was
by a trained psychologist for helping people with established at –
psychological problems is called as - a) Delhi university
a) Psychoanalysis b) Bombay university
c) Calcutta university
b) Psychotherapy d) None of the above
c) Psychiatry
d) None of the above
Q 21 Which of the following facial expression is Q 22 Which of the following is the overt behaviour?
recognized universally? a) Do each and every thing
a) Raised eyebrows b) A person perform what he/she sense
c) A person perform what he/she see
b) Pursed lips d) None of the above
c) Smiling
d) None of the above
Q 23 Which of the following comprises the short Q 24 The gratifications are concerned with
list of six ‘core’ virtues?
a) wisdom, courage, love, leadership, a) eudaimonia
temperance, spirituality/transcendence b) the bodily senses and the emotions and
b) wisdom, courage, love, justice, positive perceptions
temperance, optimism c) enacting personal strengths and virtues (right
c) wisdom, courage, love, justice, action)
temperance, spirituality/transcendence d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ above
d) None of the above
Q 25 The pleasures are concerned with Q 26 Seligman speculates that one of the reasons for
the high rates of depression in our society is that
a) eudaimonia Western culture
b) the bodily senses and the emotions and a) is psychologically fat and flabby
positive perceptions b) Has corrupt moral standards
c) enacting personal strengths and virtues c) Has a terribly unhealthy diet
(right action) d) None of the above
d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’ above
Q 27 If a student studies and practices hard with Q 28 Study of qualities of a person is called as the
enjoyment and interest, it is known as? a) Nomothetic approach
a) Cognitive engagement b) Idiographic approach
b) Healthy adjustment c) General approach
c) Behavioural engagement d) None of the above
d) Emotional engagement
Q 29 The feeling of tension is known to be - Q 30 Who made it clear that once a person's basic
a) Anxiety needs are met, they move on to realization?
a) Stevenson and Wolfers
b) Depression b) Abraham maslow
c) Panic c) Carl Rojers
d) None of the above d) Martin seligman

Q 31 Human beings are generally hedonistic, they Q 32 Who said that the science that studies human
are basically selfish and animal alike, said. strengths and virtues is positive psychology? four
a) Jonathan Haidt essential mental needs.?
b) Abraham Maslow a) Martin seligman
c) Peterson b) Sheldon and King
d) Sigmund freud c) Sheldon and King
d) Veenhoven
Q 33 All human beings have the ability to achieve Q 34 Who proposed the PERMA model of happiness?
good things and are motivated to live a good life, a) Stevenson and Wolfers
was said by b) Martin Seligman
a) Martin Seligman c) Carl Rojers
b) Barbara Fredrickson d) None of the above
c) Linley and joseph
d) Talben-Shahar
Q 35 Who is the father of Positive Psychology? Q 36 Compared to pessimists, optimists tend to
a) Martin Seligman a) Be less able to cope with stress
b) Carl Rojers b) Experience more distress
c) Stevenson c) Doubt about solving the problem
d) None of the above d) Be confident about solving the problem

Q 37 According to positive psychology, Q 38 What is the state of liking and an all-inclusive
happiness involves all of the following except and comprehensive state of the mind that creates inner
a) Experiencing Pleasure harmony?
b) Having good wealth a) Prosperity
c) Being engaged in an activity b) Happiness
d) Engaged in a meaningful activity c) Innateness
d) Self-organize

Q 39 What are the basic desires of every human Q 40 To maintain harmony we have to work at four
being for which they are working? levels of living .Identify second level of living.
a) Physical facilities a) Self
b) Realization and understanding b) Family
c) Happiness and prosperity c) Nature
d) Continuous happiness and prosperity d) Society

Q 41 Samridhi means? Q 42 If we will maintain relationship with other

a) Happiness human beings on the basis of right understanding then
b) Wealth there will be
c) Prosperity a) Mutual prosperity
d) Health b) Mutual happiness
c) Happiness
d) Prosperity
Q 43 What is the emotional state of being happy? Q 44 What is the first level of living?
a) Happiness a) Society
b) .Joy b) Individual
c) Pleasure c) Family
d) All of these d) Nature

Q 45 Happiness may be defined as? Q 46 What is the nature of self?

a) Being in harmony
b) If there is synergy in it then I like to be in a) Conscious
that state b) Physio-chemical
c) If there is harmony in it then I like to be in c) Biochemical
that state / situation d) Semi-conscious
d) All the above

Q 47 Where should begin while setting a goal? Q 48 An Individual Purpose Testimonial is used to?
a) The between a) better comprehend your corporation's mission
b) The beginning statement
c) With the end in the mind b) Help you clearly define who you are and
d) None of the above where you want to be in life
c) Have a personal financial statements relations
d) None of the above

Q 49 When writing out your goals, what are Q 50 Creating a detailed strategy plan for your
the top 4 things you should keep in mind? goals will help you?
a) Money , time vacation and resources
b) Benefits, challenges, strategies and a) Understand and implement each task
rewards b) Give you a start and end date
c) Mind, Body ,Spirit and Other people c) Identify your team and resources
d) None of the above d) All of the above

Q 51 To attain accomplishment and equilibrium Q 52 An average goal without action is merely a?

in your life, one should set goals in what areas of
your life? a) Verbal Statement
a) Financial and relationships b) Wish
b) Fun/Recreation and community c) Thought
c) Personal and professional d) All of the above
d) All of the above

Q 53 The goal can be described as Q 54 Which of the following individuals connects to

a) The continuous chase the objective until it the term ‘emotional intelligence’?
is achieved a) Goleman
b) The destination of a journey b) Weschler
c) The objective of a person’s efforts an aim c) Sternberg
or desires result d) Ekman
d) All of the above

Q 55 More research is necessary to confirm the Q 56 Which of the following processes are important
assumption that cause positive changes to in explaining obesity?
quality of life. a. food environment
a. lifestyle changes b. physical activity
b. research findings c. individual psychology
c. survey data d. all of these
d. questionnaire responses

Q 57 When the body is in a state of internal Q 58 The body's main stress hormone is?
stability, it is said to be in a state of? a. ACTH
a. resistance b. cortisol
b. allostasis c. epinephrine
c. homeostasis d. norepinephrine
d. alarm

Q 59 The study of mental distress is known as? Q 60 The diagnosis of mental illness is generally
a. psychosomatics carried out by which of the following?
b. psychoanalytics a. a clinical psychologist
c. psychopathology b. a counsellor
d. psychodynamics c. a psychiatric nurse
d. a psychiatrist

Q 61 What does the biopsychosocial model NOT Q 62 Seligman describes a longitudinal study which
postulate? linked positive emotions to productivity in
a. that there is a single cause to a disease occupational settings. In this regard, how do happier
b. health and illness have many causes people differ from their less happy counterparts at
c. that there are connections between mental work?
events and biological changes a) They receive better evaluations from their
d. that infectious diseases have been replaced supervisors
by chronic diseases b) They get paid more money
c) They tend to be more extraverted and smoke
d) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ above
Q 63 Which of the under mentioned statement is Q 64 Which of the following is an example intrinsic
true regarding emotion and cognition? motivation?
a) High stress impedes learning a) Completing the project to impress the teacher
b) Interest impedes learning b) Playing a musical instrument for personal
c) High stress promote learning enjoyment
d) Disinterest promotes learning c) Studying to avoid being scolded
d) Participating in a quiz for money
Q 65 The word affect refers to? Q 66 What does the primacy debate have to say about
a) Emotions the relationship between emotion and cognition?
b) Drives a) Thoughts come before emotions
c) Actively pursuing your goals b) Emotions come before thoughts
d) The opposite of cause c) Some emotion occurs first, followed by
thoughts: Some thought occurs first, followed
by emotions
d) None of the above

Q 67 Being able to successfully recover from Q 68 Which of the following is NOT an internal
negative life events is known as? motivational force?
a) Resilience a) Needs
b) Positive effect b) Goals
c) Coping c) Attitudes
d) None of the above d) Feedback
Q 69 Unhappy individuals display which of the Q 70 Psychology is said to be the scientific study of
following symptoms? and .
a) Physical symptoms a) Behaviour, mental processes
b) Cognitive symptoms b) Mental illness, Mental health
c) Behavioural symptoms c) Physical states, mental states
d) All of the above d) None of the above

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