Grammar and Punctuation. Book 2
Grammar and Punctuation. Book 2
Grammar and Punctuation. Book 2
Kevin |
77-85 Fulham Palace Road
London W6 8JB
© Louis Fidge
Louis Fidge asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
The publishers wish to thank the following for permission to use
copyright material:
Cover photograph: Telegraph Colour Library
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their
permission for the use of copyright material. The author and publishers will
gladly receive any information enabling them to rectify any error or omission
in subsequent editions
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Grammar an
Book 2
Louis Fidge
What’s in a unit
Each unit is set out in the same way as the example here. There are
also Progress Units to help you check how well you are doing.
© Adjectives
Copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable adjective from the —_ = e
brackets to fill each gap Practise your punctuation
giant lived in an costle. (ugly, cold, old, blue) Each time you come to the adjective nice, repiace it with a
more interesting word.
apple. (purple, little, juicy, hairy)
Unit Page
1 ~~ Parts of Speech (nouns, verbs and adjectives) 4
2 Common and Proper Nouns 6
3 Verbs (doing and being words) 8
4 Sentences and Phrases 10
5 Adjectives 12
6 Subjects and Verbs 14
7 ~~ Singular and Plural 16
8 Exclamation Marks 18
Q Verb Tenses (past and present) 20
10 Adverbs 22
Progress Test A 24
11. Pronouns 26
12 Conjunctions 28
13 More about Adjectives 30
14 Prepositions 32
15 Adjectives (Comparatives and superlatives) 34
16 Opposites (verbs) 36
17 Apostrophes (contractions) 38
18 Sentences (Subject and predicate) 40
19 Direct Speech 42
20 Positive and Negative Sentences bly
Progress Test B 46
Parts of Speech
(nouns, verbs and adjectives)
; **
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Copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable verb to
complete each sentence.
Making sure
1. Think of a suitable noun to go with each adjective.
a) ared b) the brown
c) some golden d) an empty
e) a soft f) the warm 5
g) some tall h) a foolish
Now make up four sentences.
Use one of your answers in each sentence.
2. Think of a suitable adjective to go with each noun.
a) a parcel b) the
c) some children d) a
e) a accident f) some
g an giant h) the
Now make up four sentences.
Use one of your answers in each sentence.
Snow White crocodile bus Fluff Manchester
letter Mr Barnes house shop River Thames
The Times day Mars pet Sunday word
woman Easter Nasir sentence
| Prope HS
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AyatSb eeet ae thebsieade
1. Copy the sentences. Underline the proper nouns. Circle the
common nouns. The first one has been done for you.
a) The to Birmingham was full.
lb) At Diwali some people have a party.
c) The boat sailed down the River Severn.
d) During his holiday Ben visited Portugal.
e) Sir Francis Drake was a famous explorer.
f) My favourite team is Chelsea.
g) Mrs Rossetti is a keen gardener.
h) The book was The Pink Pyjamas by Barbara Miller.
- Some335verbs
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“Ittel a
1. Copy the sentences. Underline the doing verb in each one.
a) Tadpoles nibble weeds. b) Tadpoles swish their tails.
c) The frog jumped on toa rock. d) The frog croaked loudly.
2. Complete each sentence with the correct being verb from the box.
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eee caaet nets?
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: Practiseyour punctuation
Bewnite these pairs of sentences.
Exchange the verbs in each pair so that
the sentences make sense.
1. The lady laid an egg. The hen fried an egg. |
_ The man boiled his scarf. The cook lost the potatoes. /,
. Fishes trot. Horses swim.
. The goat sang the grass. The girl ate the song.
5m 2m
Copy the sentences. Choose the most suitable adjective from the
brackets to fill each gap.
1. The beggar wore clothes. (poor, wet, dirty, new)
2. The giant lived in an castle. (ugly, cold, old, blue)
3. The girl ate a apple. (purple, little, juicy, hairy)
4. The lady smiled as she sat on the bench.
(wooden, cheerful, red, rubber)
5. The cat chased the mouse. (fat, dry, noisy, tiny)
6. The monster had a nose . (wobbly, long,
strange, metal)
7. The clown tripped over his boots. (funny, thin,
heavy, big)
8. A hedgehog walked up the path. (narrow, high,
prickly, quiet) ——_ bee
| so
Making sure
1. Copy the sentences. Leave out the adjectives. —
a) The brave knight fought the fiery dragon. a.a, y.
lb) The mighty wind ripped up the old tree. a
Copy the sentences. Underline the subject and circle the verb in
each one. The first one has been done for you.
1. Sandra a fairy. oni * a
Hp [Ae dena) $9 as “ewer R 4
. Dogs bark. dg ig
. Tortoises eat lettuce.
. The helicopter crashed.
. Eddie followed the strange troll.
. Charlie found some gold.
. The snake slid through the grass.
. Sam won the race.
SO). Curry is my favourite dinner.
10. Jack and Jill went up the hill.
1. Think of a suitable subject to complete each sentence. Underline the
verb in each sentence.
Q) _ IS a. good friend. b) swung through the
C) hunt for food d) has lovely
at night. handwriting.
e) buried the treasure. _ f) scared the children.
2. Think of a suitable sentence ending to go with each subject.
Underline the verb in each sentence.
a) The proud princess
b)) The submarine _
c) Humpty Dumpty
d) A roaring dragon
e) Some old people
f) The strong wind
to make them p
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_we change
bee ree |) Le earth ee kere
Making sure
How do they
do that?
Look what
| have found! Why are you
What do you think each person is saying? Write it down.
Remember the exclamation marks.
Today Tort is rowing his boat.
Making sure
Tom is
Tom skipped
Tom is cooking
Tom is catching
Tom ate
3. Rewrite each sentence, changing the verb into the past tense.
1. Form an adverb from each adjective.
The first one in each group has been done for you.
a) deep —> deeply _b) light c) proud
d) clever e) glad f) fierce
g) clear h) slow
a) b)
. Copy the chart, and write each noun in the correct column.
6. Copy and complete this chart.
ESS SEA eee Sigs ak RIS TASS
|, me
Making sure
Copy the sentences. Replace: oe FF,the underlined nouns with
a pronoun. The first one has been done for you.
1. Pick up your book and put your book on the desk. —
Pick up your book and put it on your desk. 1@s moo
2. My sister and | are going on holiday because g ae .
my sister and | like the sun. |
. Ben knew exactly what to do when Ben saw the robber. |
. When the girl walked in the rain the girl got wet.
. Mrs Blake gave Tom a hug because Mrs Blake loved Tom.
. The race was very important. The race turned out to be very exciting.
mel After the woman had read the book the woman returned the book
to the library.
8. Ann and | spent the night at a hotel. Ann and | left the next morning.
_ Practise your.punctuation.
1. Punctuate these sentences correctly.
a) we live in a big house with a large garage | keep
a bike a sledge a go-kart and some footballs in it
b) pull the rope hard if you let it go the post will fall over
c) the television programme bored me it was very dull
even the adverts were boring they were too old
d) we went to the match mr smart gave us a lift
e) joe asked mrs crown the way to the shop
she told him how to get there
f) give me an apple please
Make each pair of sentences into one longer sentence.
Use either the conjunction and or the conjunction but.
1. The gorilla looked fierce. It was really rather tame.
Jack went to the shop. He bought a comic.
The referee blew the whistle. The game began.
My favourite food is chips. You prefer baked beans.
The lion chased the zebra. It sprang on to its back.
It rained heavily. The game continued.
Mum grabbed her umbrella. She went out into the rain.
Gary did ten spellings. He got two wrong.
Making sure.
1. Make each pair of sentences into one longer sentence.
Use either the conjunction because or the conjunction so.
a) | went to bed early. | was tired. _b) | felt sick. We hurried home.
c) It was raining. We could not d) Dan washed his hands. They
go out. were dirty.
e) Jack overslept. He was late f) | want something to eat. | am
for work. hungry.
g) The dog barked. A cat was h) There was a fire. We shouted
coming. for help.
1. Find a suitable ending for each of these sentences.
Write the sentences.
a) | felt angry when ... b) Ali felt excited when ...
c) Jane was jealous when ... d) At school! was bored when ...
e) He felt brave because ... f) The small boy was lonely when ...
g) Mrs Smith was worried h) The burglar was surprised
because... when ...
i) | would feel shy if ... j) The cat was curious when ...
2. Say which you think is better. 3. Say which you think is worse.
Explain why. Explain why.
a) Being pleased or S @ a) Being gloomy or
being delighted LA being miserable
b) Being happy or being ecstatic b) Being annoyed or
c) Being interested or being being furious
fascinated c) Being scared or being terrified
Practise your,punctuation
. Punctuate these sentences correctly.
a) have you ever felt lazy have you ever
wanted to stay in bed all day
b) dan felt happy he felt contented satisfied
pleased and delighted all at the same time
c) edward threw the ball at sue unfortunately it missed and
hit the window crash mr clark appeared at the door looking
very angry
d) it was shireens ninth birthday she had invited four friends
to her party sam nazma dan and dean all came
ee ee —— = ——
Making sure
Think of a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
1. Tara received a lovely present her aunt.
2. John draped his coat a chatr.
3. The pirate gold was buried the ground.
4. Mrs West turned off the light her bed.
5. The car raced the dog at great speed.
6. Jamal ran the race track twice.
7. The robber threw the stone the shop window. = 4
8. The car crashed | the traffic lights.
9. The lottery money was divided two winners. fe e 2
10. The magician pulled a rabbit his hat.
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Aare eT?
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endiner. adjectives endinest.
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1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of each adjective.
The first one in each group has been done for you.
Qa) wise—» wiser —> wisest b) brave
c) safe d) pale e) strange
f) tame g) white h) large
as different as possi
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oo bee Loew
1. Write the opposite of each of these verbs by adding the prefix un.
The first one has been done for you.
qa) wrap unwrap b) pack c) dress
d) do e) tie f) cover
g) buckle h) bolt
1. Write these out in full. The first one has been done for you.
a) couldn’t could not b) haven’t
Cc) aren’t d) isn’t
e) hasn’t f) don’t
’'m l’ve 'd he’s she’d you're
we've it’s who’s we're you’ve we'll
Making sure —
1. Copy each sentence, ati Bonnets words instead of
contractions. The first one has been done for you.
a) I’ve got a new bike. I have got a new bike.
b) I’m going to France.
c) She’s a good swimmer.
) Is no good. You'll have to try harder.
e) We're having a great time.
f) I’m sure you’d like it.
g) We'll all do it together.
h) It isn’t fair. Q
oti your.punctuation
1. Punctuate this conversation correctly.
vehhe eer ieesesssestecetesaetetes
ee ee Ee see en 8 eee ee Sere
ee, 0 00 Tee Or eke ee tee
peuRisecetstt soseeestitemseeess yorecaaepeeettsiserse7
ek toe
seatti ics
649 Fee
eee go eee
eT Tce teeee
te eegee
neet eter
tte ties tee
08 ore te
cre 5 ee ea ewet?
PSPS Ul isere
13533 f
ide ee
e064 £2 eT boas 68 Tt ee teehee es
PGCCC. cut
Match these subjects and predicates to make simple sentences.
Write the sentences. The first one has been done for you.
ee line snake. bake bread.
2. Agrey cat > visited the sick child.
3. Bakers N~N chugged out of the harbour.
4. Comedians ‘“ i hid in Sherwood Forest.
5. Robin Hood -S slithered through the grass.
6. My pet dog jumped over our fence.
7. Some fishing boats tell jokes.
8. The busy doctor was chewing a bone.
dj a
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a ec
| would i a of soup
What sort “Til have the
soup, please. _/ | have you got? \ po} i
Py see =) Suaneeatcleeneeeree rae {iar :ae
J Ba Which soup \ | 4 i You can have \ | S27 "ll go and )
Oy would you like? / | 7 3
tomato soup or a get it for you
» Ve Fa ot =
K\ vegetable soup. wy
y a
Making sure
Copy the sentences, putting in what you think each person
is saying.
bareqeee? toeee bee et Ct ceseee es .ooeeee ee? ©
* .
werece -eeeee e were
sioe* saaeet see Soeaee hee. awee® aaev? Se ceseet? + sos eee?
-sieee ——< ee Oe 28 eee a eee
: whe ther each sent ence Is
1. Decide i iti
The first one has been done for Pia eal ah
a) | am fond of spi
b) | can’t finish ae aos
c) | don’t like Swaine
d) The sun isn’t very ‘tah
e) Those animals are vey tam
f) Paris is not in Scotland 7
g) Gary can’t ride a Biever
H) These questions are sa
Sasha is the best speller f the cla SS
j) Camping is allowed in the forest
| a
a) The boy could not carry the box. The box was too heavy for
the boy.
b) Mrs Bryant bought a new car. Mrs Bryant paid a lot for
the new car.
c) The firefighters fought the fire. The firefighters took a long time
to put the fire out.
d) Hannah keeps goldfish. Hannah feeds the goldfish every day.
e) Sam and Ben have a dog called Sally. Sam and Ben take
Sally for walks.
4. Make each pair of sentences into one longer sentence.
Choose a conjunction from the brackets.
a) Dad bought a new suit. It was too big for him. (and/but)
b) It was an easy test. | finished it quickly. (if/so)
c) | have a drink. | am thirsty. (and/when)
d) You will be late for school. You do not hurry. (because/if)
e) Sam picked an apple. She ate it straight away. (and/but)
f) The lady put up her umbrella. It was raining. (until/oecause)
8. Add dis, mis or un at the beginning of each verb to give it
the opposite meaning.
a) obey b) understand c) screw
d) lock e) approve f) appear
g) behave h) read i) load
a k) own - |) do
n) connect * 0) calculate
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