Martharogers Note

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1. Introduction of Martha Rogers Humans and their environments are 5. Assumptions

interconnected; this significantly impacts
Birth: health and well-being. Wholeness
May 12, 1914, Dallas, Texas, USA Patient-Environment Interdependence:
Education: A patient cannot be separated from their Human as a Unified Whole:
Diploma: Knoxville General Hospital School of environment when addressing health and A human being is considered a unified whole,
Nursing (1936) treatment. not a collection of parts.
Graduation in Public Health Nursing: George "Science of Unitary Human Beings": Openness
Peabody College (1937) Martha E. Rogers' theory views nursing as a
MA: Teachers College, Columbia University, scientific discipline, emphasizing the Continuous Energy Exchange:
New York (1945) interconnectedness of humans and their A person and their environment are
MPH: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore environments. constantly exchanging energy with each
(1952) Abstract System, Not a Theory: other.
Doctorate in Nursing: Johns Hopkins Rogers emphasized her work as an abstract Unidirectionality
University, Baltimore (1954) system, a science, from which many concepts
and principles could be derived. Irreversible Life Process:
Positions: The life process of a human being evolves
Professor at Division of Nursing, New York 4. Components of the Theory irreversibly and unidirectionally, from birth to
University Five Assumptions: death.
Consultant, Speaker The theory is built upon five fundamental
Death: assumptions about human beings and their Pattern and Organization
March 13, 1994 environments. Pattern as Identity:
Four Major Concepts: Pattern identifies individuals and reflects
2. Publications of Martha Rogers Energy field their innovative wholeness.
Theoretical Basis of Nursing (Rogers 1970) Openness Sentence and Thought
Nursing Science and Art: A Prospective (Rogers Pattern
1988) Pan-dimensionality Unique Human Capacity:
Nursing: Science of Unitary, Irreducible, Human Three Major Principles: Humans are the only organisms capable of
Beings (Rogers 1990) thinking, imagining, having language, and
Vision of Space Based Nursing (Rogers 1990) Resonancy experiencing emotions.
3. Introduction of Theory Integrality (also known as homeodynamic
Coexistence of Human and Environment: principles) 1/4
10/31/24, 9:06 AM Cramify: tailored study tool for exams

Pattern is the unique characteristic of an

energy field, perceived as a single wave.
Identity of the Field:
Pattern gives identity to the energy field.
10. Pan-dimensionality
Non-linear Domain:
Pan-dimensionality is a non-linear domain
without spatial or temporal attributes.
6. Major Concepts 7. Energy Field Multi-dimensional Existence:
Energy Field: Open Energy Exchange: Human beings are pan-dimensional, existing in
An inevitable part of life; both humans and Human and environmental energy fields are more than three dimensions.
their environments have energy fields that are open, allowing for free energy flow between
open, allowing energy to flow freely between them.
No boundaries or barriers inhibit the flow of
energy between humans and their
environments, leading to continuous
movement and exchange of energy and
Defined as the distinguishing characteristic of 11. Homeodynamic Principles
an energy field, perceived as a single wave; Dynamic Life Process Balance:
gives identity to the field. 8. Openness Homeodynamics refers to the balance
Pan-dimensionality: Uninhibited Energy Flow: between the dynamic life process and the
A non-linear domain without spatial or No boundaries restrict the flow of energy environment.
temporal attributes; human beings are pan- between humans and their environments, Unitary Human Being Perspective:
dimensional, existing in more than three leading to continuous movement and These principles help to view humans as
dimensions. exchange. unitary human beings.
9. Pattern Three Principles:
Distinguishing Characteristic: Resonancy:
Wave patterns continuously change in 2/4
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environmental and human energy fields. Bad interaction or misplacement of energy Emphasis should be given on understanding
Helicy: leads to illness. the patient and self, energy fields, and the
The nature of change is unpredictable, environment.
continuous, and innovative. Nursing Non-invasive Modalities:
Integrality: Service to People: Training should focus on teaching non-
Energy fields of humans and environments Nursing exists to serve people. invasive modalities such as therapeutic
are in a continuous mutual process. touch, meditation, humor, and regular in-
Science and Art: service education programs.
12. Rogers' Theory and Nursing Nursing is both a science and an art. Research
Metaparadigm Social Responsibility:
It is the direct and overriding responsibility of Testable and Applicable:
Person nursing to serve society. Rogerian theory has been used in many
research works and has always been found
Unitary Human Being: 13. Application of Rogers' Theory in testable and applicable in research.
A unitary human being is an open system Nursing 14. Strengths of Rogers' Theory
that continuously interacts with the
environment; a person cannot be viewed as Clinical Practice Worldview for Nursing:
parts but should be considered as a whole.
Focus on Unitary Human Being: Rogers' concepts provide a worldview from
Environment Nursing actions are always focused on the which nurses may derive theories and
unitary human being and changing the hypotheses and propose relationships specific
Energy Field Beyond the Person: energy field between humans and their to different situations.
The environment includes the entire energy environments. Testable in Principle:
field other than the person. Non-invasive Interventions: While not directly testable due to a lack of
Irreducible and Unlimited: Nursing actions include non-invasive concrete hypotheses, Rogers' theory is
These energy fields are irreducible, not interventions such as guided imagery, humor, testable in principle.
limited by space and time, and identified by therapeutic touch, music, etc., which are 15. Weaknesses of Rogers' Theory
their pattern and organization. used to increase the potential of the human
field. Complexity and Difficulty:
Health Pain Management and Support: The theory is considered a complex concept
Interaction of Energy Fields: Emphasis should be placed on pain and quite difficult to understand.
Health is determined by the interaction management, supportive therapy, and Lack of Specific Hypotheses:
between energy fields, specifically human rehabilitation. Rogers' model does not define particular
and environmental fields. Nursing Education hypotheses or theories; it is an abstract,
Illness as Energy Misplacement: unified, and highly derived framework.
Understanding Patient and Self: Questionable Concept Validity: 3/4
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Testing the concepts' validity is questionable

because its concepts are not directly
Ambitious and Abstract:
The theory was believed to be profound and
too ambitious because the concepts are
extremely abstract.
Unclear Nurse Roles:
Rogers claimed that nursing exists to serve
people; however, nurses' roles were not clearly
16. Summary and Conclusion
The Science of Unitary Human Beings is highly
generalizable as the concepts and ideas are
not confined to a specific nursing approach,
unlike the usual way of other nurse theorists in
defining the major concepts of a theory.
Holistic Patient View:
Rogers emphasized how a nurse should view
the patient; she developed principles that
emphasize that a nurse should view the client
as a whole.
Patient-Environment Interdependence:
Her statements made us believe that a person
and their environment are integral to each
other; a patient cannot be separated from their
environment when addressing health and
treatment. 4/4

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