3 - Lubricants - Prof. P S Mukherjee

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Dr. P.S.Mukherjee
Professor (Retd.)
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mining Machinery
Indian School of Mines

Discovery of the beneficial effects of lubrication must have followed
closely upon making of the most primitive mechanical contrivances, and it
would have been quickly recognized that the practice of lubrication not only
reduced the muscular effort (or force and power required) of using the
contrivance, but also reduced the wear and tear of the working parts. Thus it
was observed that the practice of lubrication increased mechanical efficiency,
reduced wear, reduced excessive heating of the parts and all the three are of
vital importance for the existence of machines to-day.

From history we find that even 500 years back, Assyrians and
Egyptians used lubrication for their cart movements. Since then, although
lubrication was in practice, but the development of the technology was very
slow. Industrial revolution gave birth to study and development of this branch
of engineering. Later on, World War II brought sea change in the lubrication
practice for running of developed and efficient war equipment. After this only,
the subject “Lubrication Engineering” came into existence.

The activity of application of a suitable material between two rubbing
surfaces in relative motion to reduce friction between them is called
lubrication. The material such applied between the rubbing surfaces is called
the lubricant. Thus, any material capable of reducing friction between two
rubbing surfaces in relative motion can be called a lubricant irrespective of its
state (i.e. solid, liquid or gaseous).
From the above statement, it is observed that the basic purpose of
lubrication is to reduce friction between rubbing surfaces. This does not mean
that only the presence of a lubricant serves the purpose of effective lubrication.
Effective and purposeful lubrication means “Application of correct quality of
lubricant in proper quantity at right period of time” Here the important points
may be noted: i.e. the application method, correct quality, proper quantity and
the right period.

The purpose of lubrication may be divided into two
categories i.e. primary purposes and secondary purposes. The primary
purposes for lubrication are:
1. Reduction of mechanical power required to run the system
2. Reduction of wear of various components of the equipment and
3. Reduction in excessive heating and rise of temperature causing loss of
properties of the components.
The secondary purposes may be enlisted as below:
1. Extended useful life of the equipment and its components
2. Reduced unscheduled down time due to break downs
3. Lower production cost
4. Reduced power cost
5. Removal of wear debris
6. Sealing from environment
7. Rust prevention
8. Reduction of thermal stresses
9. Improve material property
10. And many others.

It is not obvious, that the three primary purposes mentioned above
have some relations, but are found to have the same origin. Lubricant
interposes a partially or fully, continuous stratum of fluid between the mutually
opposed parts of the machine to which it is applied. It thus prevents partly or
wholly direct contact of solid members with one another. When the application
is ideal, and the layer of fluid is complete and continuous, solid contacts and
solid frictions are completely eliminated together with the possibility of
abrasion or seizing. Therefore, the physical and chemical properties of the
lubricant are of much importance from the subject point of view.
Lubricants are classified based on their physical state as under:
1. Liquid : Lubricating oils,
2. Semi-solids: Greases and
3. Solid lubricants: Powder.

Properties of liquid lubricants
Although there are many physical and chemical properties of lubricant, the
following properties are important and within the scope:
Viscosity: It is the measurement of internal resistance to flow of liquids and is the
most important single property of lubricating oils. The viscometer is to an oilman what
the ruler is to a carpenter. Viscosity determines the ability of oil to support a load on a
fluid film, the power consumed in friction and the amount of heat that will be
Flash point: The flash point of an oil is the temperature to which it must be heated to
give off sufficient vapours to form an inflammable mixture with air. At this point,
vapour flash upon application of a lighted burner and then go out for want of more
Fire point: Fire point is the temperature to which the oil must be heated to burn
continuously after the test burner has been applied to the escaping vapours. As a
general rule, fire point is 300C to 450C above the flash point.

Neutralization number: It is the number, which identifies the acidity or
alkalinity of oil. It is the weight in milligrams of potassium hydroxide required
to neutralize the acid content of one gram of oil.
Pour point: The pour point of an oil is an identification of its ability to move
at low temperatures. The test is important for lubricating oils that are to be
used in cold surroundings; particularly they must flow to suction side of an oil
Insoluble rating or precipitation number: The insoluble rating is the amount
of insoluble material in oil.
It has been stated that the viscosity is the most important single
property of lubricating oils. This property changes with pressure and
temperature of the fluid. While viscosity increases at very high pressure, the
viscosity reduces with rise in temperature in liquids. For engineers, the
phenomenon of change of viscosity with temperature needs attention.

Viscosity index (VI)
The rate of variation of viscosity with temperature is different for
different oils. For example, mineral oils with napthenic base vary more over
the same temperature range than those of parafene base oils. The rate at
which the viscosity of an oil changes with temperature is expressed by an
empirical number known as viscosity index (VI).
A relatively small change in viscosity with temperature is indicated
by high VI, whereas, a low VI shows a large change in viscosity with
A particular oil (Pennsylvanian oils), consisting of mainly parafines is
arbitrarily assigned a VI value of 100 as they exhibit a relatively small change
in viscosity with rise in temperature.
Another oil (oil of Gulf-coast origin) consisting mainly napthenes is
assigned a VI value of 0 as they exhibit a large change in viscosity with rise in
In industry, lube oils with high VI are preferred since they have
almost the same viscosity over a range of temperatures.

Determination of VI
VI = [(L – U)/(L –H)]× 100
Where, L = Viscosity at 1000F of the low viscosity standard oil having VI = 0
(gulf-oil) and also having the same viscosity as the oil under test at 2100F.
U= Viscosity of oil under test at 1000F.
H= Viscosity at 1000F of the high viscosity standard oil having
VI = 100 (Penn. oil) and also having the same viscosity as the
oil under test at 2100F.

Viscosity grades
Commonly used viscosity grades have been standardized as:
(i) ISO viscosity grades (ISOVG)
(ii) SAE viscosity grades for engine oils and transmission oils
(iii) AGMA grades (American gear manufacturers association).

ISO grades
It has 18 viscosity grades (i.e. 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 22, 32, 46, 68, 100,
150, 220, 320, 460, 680, 1000 and 1500) in the range of 2 cst to 1500 cst (at
400C). The viscosity grade indicates the mid-point viscosity. For a particular
grade the kinematic viscosity is supposed to be within 10% of the mid-point
viscosity. However, this classification is silent about the viscosity-temperature
relationship or other characteristics like the quality, type of hydrocarbon their
specification etc.

SAE grades
SAE classification is based on the viscosity at 990C. Sometimes, suffix
‘W’ is used which means “winter”. These oils have good cold start-up
characteristics i.e. the oil retains its fluidity at low temperature also. The
classifications are as under:

SAE Engine oil SAE Transmission oil
Grade Viscosity cp at -- 0C Viscosity cst at Grade Viscosity cst at
990C (2100F) 990C (2100F)

0W 3250 at 30 3.8 70W 4.1

5W 3500 at 25 3.8 75W 4.1
10W 3500 at 20 4.1 80W 7.0

15W 3500 at 15 5.6 90 11.0

20W 4500 at 10 5.6 140 13.3 – 24.0

25 6000 at 05 9.3 250 24.0 – 41.0

20 - 5.6 - 9.3
30 - 9.3 – 12.5
40 - 12.5 – 16.3
50 - 16.3 – 21.9
60 - 21.9 – 26.1

AGMA grades
This classification standardizes gear oils on the basis of additives
used. There are rust and oxidation inhibited gear oils, extreme pressure gear
lubricants and compound oils.
(Grades like 7EP, 8EP, 8AEP, 8Comp and 8AComp are also available for special
No. Viscosity range cst at 400C Equivalent ISO grade

1 41.4 – 50.6 46
2 61.2 – 74.8 68
3 90 – 110 100
4 135 – 165 150
5 198 – 242 220
5EP 280 – 352 320
6 414 – 506 460
6 EP 612 – 748 680
7Comp 900 – 1100 1000
Lubricating oils are classified as under:
1. Animal and vegetable oils,
2. Mineral or petroleum oils,
3. Blended oils and
4 Synthetic oils.
Animal oils are extracted from crude fat and vegetable oils are obtained by
crushing the seeds. Both these oils need further treatment before use as lubricating
oil. The treatment processes involve cooling, filtration, neutralization from free fatty
acids, coagulation treatment for removing suspended impurities etc.
These oils possess good “oiliness” and hence they stick to the surface of
machine parts even under high temperature and heavy loads.
Animal and vegetable oils have very limited use because:
1. They are costlier
2. Less resistant to oxidation and after oxidation, forms gummy and acidic
3. Get thickened when coming in contact of air.

Mineral or petroleum oils are obtained by distillation of petroleum crudes.
They are cheap and stable under service condition and hence most widely
Impurities like wax, asphalt etc. are removed from crude oil before use by
dewaxing, acid refining, solvent refining and such other processes. These oils
are less resistant to oxidation and possess lower oiliness. These drawbacks
are removed by adding number of additives.
Desirable properties of lubricating oils can be improved by adding small
quantities of various additives. The oils thus obtained are known as blended
oils or compounded oils. Some of the additives can be classified as under:
Lubricant protective additives
Additive type Purpose Examples

Antioxidant Retard oxidative decomposition Aromatic amines, hindered

phenols etc.
Metal deactivator Decrease catalytic effect of metals Amines, sulphides etc.
on oxidation rate
Antifoamant Prevent persistent foam formation Silicon polymers

Surface protective additives

Rust corrosion Prevent rusting and Metal phenolates, sulphonates etc.

inhibitor corrosion of metal parts
Anti-wear agent Reduce wear and prevent Zinc thiophosphates, organic
scoring and seizure phosphates
Friction modifier Change co-efficient of High molecular weight organic
friction phosphorus and phosphoric acid esters
Detergent Keep surfaces deposit free Magnesium phenolates

Dispersant Keep insoluble

contaminants dispersed Polymeric alkyl thiophosphate

Performance additives

Viscosity Reduce rate of change of Polymers of olefins, alkylated

improver viscosity with temperature styremes

Pour point Enable lubricant to flow at low Polymethacylates, alkylated

depressant temperatures napthene

Seal swell agent Cause swelling of elastomers Aromatic hydrocarbons

by chemical reaction

Semi-solid lubricants or greases
The semi-solid lubricant obtained by mixing oil with thickening agent
is known as “grease”. The oil is the principle component and it may be oil of
high or low viscosity. Thickeners are primarily soaps of lithium, sodium,
aluminum etc. Non-soap thickener include carbon black, silicon gel, bentonite
The fibrous structure of the thickener traps the oil and enables the
lubricant to cling to moving parts. However certain properties of grease must
be noted as under:
Grease flow only under pressure (unlike oils)
Water contamination degrades grease very fast
Grease have high shear and frictional resistance
It can support heavier loads at lower speeds
Co-efficient of friction is much higher
It cannot effectively dissipate heat like oils.

Solid lubricants
They are used either in powder form or mixed with oil or water. Low
spots on the surface are filled by these lubricants which then form solid films
having low frictional resistance (µ=0.005 – 0.01). Two most commonly used
solid lubricants are:
1. Graphite and
2. Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2).
They have low co-efficient of friction, they are very soapy, non-inflammable
and stable in air even up to 3500C.
Graphite dispersed in oil is called oil-dog and is used in piston ring-cylinder
contact in some cases. Graphite dispersed in water is called aqua-dog and is
useful where a lubricant free from oil is needed.

Synthetic lubricants
These lubricants exhibit unique combination of properties like high
temperature stability, extended temperature range, long service life in reactive
environment etc. They are not produced by normal manufacturing or refining
process in petroleum industry, rather they are synthesized in chemical plants.
In general, they possess the following properties:
1. Thermal stability in high temperature
2. Chemical stability in corrosive environment
3. High viscosity index
4. Low freezing point

Few applications are:

Chemical name Application Special quality

Diester Lubrication of turbo-jets Performs satisfactorily
between -500C-2300C
Phosphate esters Additive in petroleum Improves boundary
lubes lubrication properties
Poly-alkylene Aircraft turbine lubes Thermally stable, free from
glycol corrosive actions
Poly-glycidyl Submarines High oxidation stability
Silicone Lube for clocks, timers, Moisture repellent dielectric
electronic devices lubes; Prone to oxidation at
high temperatures

Basic principles
From the fundamental laws of
friction, we know that when a solid body is
dragged on a dry flat surface (refer fig. 1),
the resisting force due to friction is
dependent on the weight of the body and the
nature of the surfaces in contact.

• Refer fig. 1. In this case,

• F = N (N = W in this particular case)
• Where  = co-efficient of friction and depends upon the nature of the
surfaces of contact.
• However, putting some lubricant in between the surfaces to separate them,
changes the whole picture (refer fig. 2).

Now, the frictional resistance is greatly reduced
and is independent of the nature of the surfaces
in contact, but is directly dependant on the area
of contact. In this case, the resistance to dragging
is not due to frictional forces as the surfaces are
not in contact.

Here, the resistance is mainly due to shear stress induced in the

lubricant. Thus, the property of “viscosity” of the lubricant comes into
picture. From the Newton’s law of viscosity, we know that the shear
stress of a fluid is directly proportional to the velocity gradient of the
fluid. Mathematically, Shear stress   du/dy.
Where, du is the change in velocity of the fluid and y is the distance
between the layers. Putting the constant of proportionality, the above
equation is written as,
 =  (du/dy)

This constant of proportionality is known as co-efficient of dynamic viscosity
or simply viscosity of the fluid.
Again, the resisting force here is the product of shear stress and the
area in contact. Mathematically, F=A
Thus, the resisting force now is dependent on the quality of the
lubricant being used and the area of the surfaces in contact.

It may be noted that, the above statement is true only when the solid
surfaces are completely separated by a film of lubricant. But this is not
possible every time. Let us suppose, a shaft, rotating inside a journal bearing at
a very low speed. In such case, it will practically not be possible to maintain a
continuous film of lubricant separating the surfaces of the shaft and the
bearing. Since the surfaces will be sometimes in contact, the nature and
condition of the surface is also of same importance as that of the quality of
lubricant. Moreover, the thickness of the film will depend not only on the
quality of the lubricant but also the load on the shaft. Based on the above
statements, the condition of the surface and lube film thickness may be
classified as under:

1. Perfectly clean surface: free from lube oil or any other contaminant.
Maximum frictional resistance is encountered in this case.

2. Boundary condition: Slightly lubricated surface as an absorbed film on the

surface (in the form of oxides, vapors etc.). The frictional resistance is slightly
reduced in such case.

3. Thick film condition: Complete separation of surfaces by oil film. A

hydro-dynamic wedge of lubricant develops forcing surfaces to keep apart.

4. Mixed film condition: Intermediate between boundary and thick film. This
condition is also known as quasi-hydro-dynamic condition.

5. Elasto-hydrodynamic condition: Combined effect of elastic deformation of

surfaces resulting from external load and pressure-velocity-viscosity

Lubrication methods
The following illustration explains the different methods of

The characteristics for each of the above systems along with their application in
general are explained in the following table.

Table showing characteristics and application for different methods of lubrication

Sl. System type Characteristics Application

1. Total loss grease Assembly packed Rolling element bearings

2. Hand grease Through nipple/feed Small no. of application points
3. Centralized grease Grease pump Large no. of application points as well as
inaccessible points
4. Total loss oil Can and intermittent Small no. of application points also small
feed rate of heat removal
5. Pressure mist Aerosol spray Rolling element bearings, mechanisms etc.

6. Splash Lubrication by mist Enclosed gear box

7. Dip (ring or disc) Ring or disc Plain bearing with moderate rotational speed

8. Wick Pad or wick feed Plain bearing with light load

The above table gives a general description for commonly used
methods of lubrication. However, in a complex system, where the numbers of
application points are too many, particularly for oil lubricant, the force feed
circulating system is preferred. Such a system generally has the facility to
continuously clean the oil by a centrifuge or filter. The temperature of the oil
can also be monitored constantly, which enables us to know if there is any
problem in the lubricating system or the equipment.
The central oil circulation system
The central oil circulating system comprises of an oil reservoir of
moderate capacity with two chambers (one for the outgoing and the other for
the return) separated by a baffle wall. Lubricating oil from this reservoir
reaches the different friction interfaces of the equipment through a
strainer/filter by the help of an oil pump with a pressure gauge. Before the oil
is fed to the friction points, it is cooled by an appropriate cooling arrangement.
A thermometer is fitted at a suitable point on the return line through which the
oil returns to the reservoir. A continuous cleaning arrangement of the oil in the
reservoir consists of a centrifuge, a filter and an oil pump. Care is taken so that
the debris coming out of the friction points through the return line does not
reach the outgoing chamber of the oil reservoir. Fig. 3 illustrates such a
circulating system. In most of the equipment now-a day, particularly for IC
engines such system of lubrication is used. 27
Quantity of lubricant
While deciding upon the quantity of lubricant to be used for a
particular system, two important points are taken into consideration. They
The quantity of lubricant should be sufficient to avoid starvation of lubricant
There should not be excessive feeding also.
In case of starvation, wearing out of the components at interacting surfaces
occurs and the purpose of lubrication is totally lost. On the other end, in case
of excessive feeding there will be loss of lubricant resulting rise in overall
maintenance cost of the equipment. It is therefore, necessary, that an
optimum condition is maintained which strikes a balance between the two
The thumb-rule for calculation of the quantity of the lubricant is based on the
assumptions that:
Replace one-third of the bearing clearance volume for
every two hours for oil and every four hours for grease.

However, for a centralized circulation system, the above practices do
not hold good. Because, in that case, frequent replacement is not necessary
and the total oil in the reservoir is in circulation. The capacity of the reservoir,
in such case, depend mainly upon the number of points to be lubricated,
circulation time, heat removal rate of the particular lubricant, concentration
of wear debris etc.

Selection of lubricant
Selection of lubricant is a complex decision making process and
many parameters like the load-speed combination of the system, the quality
of the interacting surfaces, the availability of the lubricant of the nearest
quality to the desired one etc. are to be taken into account. In this process,
various alternatives are considered. The simplest and cheapest solution is –
put a small quantity of mineral oil in the place of friction. But such simple
solutions do not work in most of the cases, as prevailing situations are much

But when the life required is long, the system generates more wear
debris, also the heat generated is too much, small quantity does not work and
feed of oil is necessary.
Similarly, when sealing from the environment is necessary, grease is
always preferred over oil.
When low carbonization and low inflammability is required,
synthetic oil is preferred over mineral oil.
When product contamination is not acceptable, solid lubricant is
preferred over the oils.
The following table gives the properties of different types of
lubricants generally in use.

Properties Lube types
Plain mineral Min oil with Synthetic oil Grease Dry lubricant
oil additives
Boundary lub. F G-E P-E G-E G-E

Cooling VG VG F P VP

Low friction F G F F P-F

Remain on P P VP-P G VG
Seal P P P VG F-E
Temperature G VG F-E VG E
Anti corrosion P-G E P-G E P

Low volatility F F F-E G E

Cost V. Low Low V. High Fairly high High

E - excellent; G – good; VG – very good; F – fair; P - poor 32

The various additional properties of the lubricant are generally contributed
by the use of many additives while the base stock of the liquid lubricant may remain
same. Therefore, the total additive package used in the lubricant is of most
importance for the functional properties of the lubricant. Types of equipment vis-à-vis
important functional additives are given in the following table.

Important functional additives used based on equipment type

Sl. No. Machinery Additives used
1. Food processing None
2. Hydraulic AR, AO
3. Steam and gas turbine AR, AO
4. Air compressor AR, AO
5. Gears (steel to steel) AO, AW, EP, PPD, AF
6. Gears (steel to bronze) AO, OI
7. Machine tool sideways OI
8. I.C.Engines AO, AR, AW, PPD, VII, Dt, Ds, AN, CI, AF
CI – Corrosion inhibitor, AN – Acid neutralizer, Ds – Dispersant, Dt – Detergent, AF – Antifoam, AO – Antioxidant,
OI - Oiliness improver, VII – Viscosity index improver, PPD – Pour point depressant, EP – Extreme pressure, AW –
Antiwear, AR – Anti rust. 33
It may be seen that number of additives being used in I.C.Engines is
comparatively higher than the additives used in other equipment. This is
because an I.C.Engine works with wide variation of pressure and temperature
At the same time, no additive is used for food processing equipment
to avoid contamination of the end product.
The viscosity and additives required for a particular service is given
in the following table. From these tables it is seen that for each application,
the group of additives differ. Also, for a particular application, the property
requirement must be within certain limits. A choice has to be made within
these limits so that other requirements are also satisfied.

Additives based on services
Sl. Service Viscosity (SUS) Additives*
1. Spindle oil > 3600rpm 35 – 110 RI, MD
1800 –3600 rpm 100 – 150 -do-
300 – 1800 rpm 150 - 900 -do-
2. Turbine oils- Direct connected 150 RI, OI
- Geared 300 -do-
3 Hydraulic oils – Vane pumps 150 – 300 RI, OI
-Radial piston pumps 150 – 900 -do-
-Axial piston pumps 150 – 300 -do-
-Gear pumps 150 – 600 -do-
4. Circulating bearing oils– Light loads 150 – 400 RI, OI
- Intermediate loads 400 – 900 -do-
- Heavy loads 900 – 2500 -do-
- Extra heavy loads 1500 - 3500 -do-
5. Engine oils – Gasoline engines SAE30 OC,CI,Dt,VI,RI,AW,Df
- Diesel engines SAE30-40 -do-
- Gas engines -do- -do-
6. Compressor oil – upto 10 kgf/cm2 300 OI
- 10 – 70 kgf/cm2 500 – 600 OI, AW, CI
- 70 – 150 kgf/cm2 600 – 1500 -do-
- 150 – 300 kgf/cm2 1500 – 2500 -do-
- . 300 kgf/cm2 2500 -do-
7. Refrigerating compressor oil 150 – 300 RI, OI

8. Automotive transmission oil, conventional transmission and differential oil SAE 90 – 250 AW, Df
Hypoid gears SAE 90 – 140 -do-
Fluid transmission 200 AW, Df, OI, RI

9. Gear oils (enclosed gears) 600 –1800 OI, OA, AW, Df

Spur, herringbone, bevel 1500 –2500 -do- and EP
Heavy/shock loading worm 2500 -do-
Hypoid 35
AW- Antiwear; OA – Oiliness additive; EP – Extreme pressure; OI – Oxidation inhibitor; CI – Corrosion inhibitor; RI – Rust inhibitor; Df – Defoamant; MD – Metal deactivator
Apart from the above information, we have some standard graphs, which are
frequently referred for the purpose of selection of lubricant for particular equipment.
Fig. 4 is a pressure vs. contact speed graph, which explains the limitations of different
types of lubricant. This graph is often referred for the purpose of selection of lubricant.

Similarly, fig. 5 is a viscosity vs. temperature graph showing characteristics of
various oils and fig. 6 is a viscosity vs shear rate graph for different oils. These graphs
are always referred for selection of lubricant.

Hydrodynamic lubrication
Consider a block being dragged on a lubricated flat surface. The block, if
light will float as shown in fig. 2. But a heavy block will sink and if dragged, there will
be build-up of lubricant in front of it. Thus, when dragged along, it will slide over oil
keeping itself in inclined position as shown in
fig.7. i.e. an wedge is formed. If the oil is viscous,
velocity gradient will exist and there will be
shearing stress induced. The dragging force will be
the product of the shearing stress and the area of
contact. The block and the surface may be
considered the development of a journal bearing.
This theory holds good for a journal bearing also
provided the journal is concentric to the bearing.

On this basis, the Petroff’s law was devised which states,
 = (ZN/P)
Where,  = Co-efficient of friction
Z = Co-efficient of viscosity
N = Speed of the journal and
P = Pressure one the lubricant
But the wedge formation makes it different and due to this, there is change of
velocity, followed by change in oil pressure. Consider a horizontal bearing with
considerable load. When stationary, the shaft sinks in the oil film (fig.(a)). But when
revolution starts, it crawls up and drags in some lubricant, and the wedge of lubricant is
formed. This is explained in fig. (b).

Therefore, change in velocity across the circumference takes place and
accordingly there is change in pressure. The journal now, floats from right to left and
ultimately settles in an eccentric position (as shown in fig.C). In this condition, the
hydrodynamic pressure keeps the journal afloat on the oil and the separation between
the solid surfaces is maintained.

Heavy earth moving machines (HEMM)

These machines are deployed in most of the mining and construction
industries. The environmental and operating conditions of these equipment are
different due to variation of the properties of the working material (i.e. mineral, rock
or soil). However, the lubrication practice recommended by the manufacturer of the
equipment remains same for similar equipment and thus, does not take into
consideration the variation of operating and environmental condition under which the
equipment operates.
In a typical open cast mine, practicing drill-shovel-dumper combination,
mainly four types of lube oils are used. They are:
1. Engine oil,
2. Transmission oils,
3. Hydraulic oils (or otherwise known as hydraulic fluids) and
4. Gear oils.

These oils are in continuous circulation. Other lubricants like grease
and solid lubricants which are fed to some specific points by the method of
local application do not count much as their consumption is much less
compared to those lubricating oils. Out of these oils, maximum cost is
incurred on engine oil and hydraulic fluid as reported by a study made. It has
also been reported that about 6.5% of the operating cost is towards the cost
of lubricants used in HEMM’s in open cast mines.

In this context, it may be mentioned that, hydraulic oil cannot be

said to be a typical lubricant as it serves more as power transmission medium
than as lubricant. It is also worth mentioning that the engine oil is subjected
to two types of lubrication. It works as boundary lubrication between piston
rings and cylinders at some points (TDC and BDC). Whereas, it acts as
hydrodynamic lubrication for various engine bearings. Therefore, maximum
attention is drawn by engine oils.

Oil degradation
As every material has a span of life while in continuous use, so as the
lubricants which degrades continuously and ultimately reaches a point when it does
not serve the very purpose. This is true even if the system is maintained in best
possible condition. A lubricant in use is subjected to continuous mechanical and
thermal stresses. This affects the polymer chains and there is always some destruction
and reconstruction of these chains. This causes some change in the basic chemical
structure and also loss of oxidation stability of the lubricant which is an important
property. In addition, the additives are also in continuous decay and loss of properties.
Further to these, the continuous generation of wear debris from the tribo-
components in contact of the oil further deteriorates the system. Contamination by
moisture, dust, dirt and such other materials are also unavoidable in a mechanical
system. Diesel dilution is a common phenomenon for engine oils.
As the oil degrades continuously, it is essential to drain off the oil in use after
certain period of time and recharge by fresh oil. The time lag between two such
charges is the life of the lubricant. As lubricants are very much costly and more so as it
involves foreign exchange, we must be very careful for its use. Every drop of lubricant
must be used up to the last minute it serves the purpose.


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