KARIL Isabella Nurul
KARIL Isabella Nurul
KARIL Isabella Nurul
Email: [email protected]
lecturer email
[email protected]
English is a vital language in the current global context, especially in education in Indonesia.
Even though it is considered a foreign language, it is important to understand that English is a
crucial skill in the era of globalization. Study This aims to analyze the increase in students'
motivation to speak English using image media at Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School.
Method used in study This is classroom action research (PTK) with characteristic
collaboration. Based on the results, research data analysis shows that using image media can
increase the motivation of students to speak English. This matter is seen from the average score
of students in cycle II, which increased to 73.5. In contrast, previously in the cycle, I was only
55 before learning to speak English without using image media. Meanwhile, with the use of
image media, the ability to speak English enhanced student experience, which amounted to 10.7
because in cycle I, the average achievement of students was 62.8 after using image media. So,
the motivation of students who speak English at Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School can be
improved using image media.
Keywords: Motivation students, speak Language English, image media
English is one of the languages used today, especially in education. Especially in
Indonesia, English is considered a foreign language, so it is only used occasionally in daily
interaction (Tandikombong et al., 2022). English is a mandatory language that is internationally
owned and controlled in the era of globalization, especially for all students in Indonesia. English
learning This can be taken in all school levels, including junior high school (school intermediate
First). Magdalene et al. (2021) state that language skills are very needed for all individuals.
That matters because Skills language is a method for developing cognitive and character
abilities, especially in the era of moderate globalization development. Increased communication
skills can help in all aspects of life, including professional and social life (Ningsih, 2020).
Next, Sekunda (2018) states that English, as an international language, is an important
language for mastering good in a way, written or verbal. English is a tool for communicating
in oral and written form. Communicating who we are now is understanding and expressing
information, thoughts, and feelings and developing knowledge, technology, and culture. Ability
to communicate here in meaning ability discourse, i.e., capable of understanding and producing
text oral or realized writing in two Skills language, that is, Skills receptive and skillful
productive. Skills receptive covers Skills listening (listening) and skills reading (reading,
whereas Skills productive covers Skills speaking (speaking) and skills writing (writing).
Therefore, eye lessons In English are directed to develop skills so that the graduates are capable
of communicating and discoursing in Language English at a level of literacy (La Ode
Muhammad Idrus Hamid 2014).
In environmental education, students are capable of speaking in the learning process.
Students must be capable of expressing their ideas. They should also be able to answer questions
or submit questions with Good while learning takes place. The students are capable of putting
forward opinions, defending opinions, refuting the opinions of others, or influencing other
students to follow suit and channel their thinking. Students can already master the procedures
of talking but have mastered abilities that only form the ability to speak in circumstances in
advance or in small groups.
Speaking is one of the required competencies controlled by participants educated in the
control lesson Language, English. However, in fact, students feel that they do not believe
enough and find it difficult to speak, especially in the context of daily life in the form of a
narrative and report with the use Language English, because the teachers still use method less
conventional pleasant. Besides that, there are other factors that influence the ability to speak to
students. Among them are low mastery of vocabulary, difficulty in compiling good sentences,
and the ability of students to develop ideas, habits, and language. Mothers communicate both
in the environment of school, family, and community. Also, teachers often use lecture
techniques to explain teaching materials during the learning process in class, specifically in eye
lessons. Language English makes the students not interested enough in eye lessons (Sekunda,
Based on the problems faced by students, applying various media and strategies can
increase students' motivation to speak in class. According to Adriani et al. (2024), learning
media is a means of conveying content/material learning, such as books, films, videos, and so
on. Objective using learning media, namely: making the learning process easier to teach,
looking after relevance with objective learning, helping concentration Study student,
component source learns what you can stimulate student for learning, rides pregnant physique
material instructional, as well technology carrier information.
The selection of learning media needs to be customized to individual needs, situations,
and conditions. Teachers can develop it in an appropriate way, from content, explanation
messages, and student characteristics to determining learning media. One of the learning media
that can be used is image media. Image media was chosen Because the writer feels this medium
is very in accordance. To help students compile a complete and coherent essay, channel the
story at a time and motivate students to convey the message contained in the image in written
form or essay. Dina Indiana (2011:65) explains that image media capable of providing inside
details from pictures What there is, so children are capable of remembering them with more
Well compared with verbal media also, image media can solve existing problems in oral or
verbal media, i.e., in limitations, Power remember in tell a story or explain something.
In the learning process, teaching the presence of media has great meaning. It is important
because it can represent what is missing. The teacher can say it through certain words or
sentences. Even abstract material can be concrete with the article's media presence. This aim is
to study in depth the application of image media in increasing the ability of English language
students to speak. Ability measured speaking in a study is based on 5 aspects, according to Jack
Richard and Renandya (2002:222-224), which are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, and comprehension. To increase students' learning motivation, a teacher must have the
skills to hold variations of teaching. The ability to use various variations is one of the teaching
abilities that educators need to develop (Tirangka, 2023).
Studies about motivating students to speak English using learning media have already
been researched by researchers previously, among others research conducted by Mandra
Saragih and Ratih Utami (2020), which states that a significant increase in motivation among
students in Language English through learning media. This matter, in line with research
conducted by Agustiawati (2021), also states that image media can applied in the learning
process because it is very helpful and useful in increasing the ability to speak to students.
Based on the description above, the research aims to increase the motivation of students
to speak English by using image media at Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School.
Form study This is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with characteristic collaboration.
Deep study: This study was held in several meetings because the design study consists of two
cycles. Every cycle consists of two meetings (face-to-face), and each cycle covers planning,
action, observation, and reflection.
Observation, direction, and measurement are techniques for deep data collection study.
Observation is normal, also called observation, for images and collections of the incident with
the complete learning process time taking place done observation. Meanwhile, measurement is
an internal process describing the performance of students using a number system (a
quantitative scale), so characteristic qualitative performance students the stated use of numbers.
Observation and test sheets, as well as the ability to speak English, become tools for deep
data collection study. The observation sheet consists of a sheet evaluating the implementation
of teacher learning and activities. Study the students in learning. The activities of the teachers
and students in question cover observation activity learning carried out from the beginning until
the end of learning while testing the ability to speak English given the time learning cycle I and
cycle II. The tests given in cycle I are the same as the ones given. There is cycle II, namely, the
test speaks Language English. The test was done by giving assignments to students. For telling,
fill pictures with notice of choice of words and manners, and use language with meaning. To
obtain marks after learning, use image media as a source.
The results of the student's assessment use the steps following: 1) assess practice
speaking English student with criteria evaluation that is suitability sentence with image,
arrangement sentences, and vocabulary, 2) each aspect evaluation assessed based on description
scale assessment, 3) Final Value Formula = x 100 is used in calculation mark final student.
The result of the activity of learning to speak Language English using image media is
seen from the results of implementation cycle I and cycle II. Then, it is analyzed and served in
a narrative of collected data. The data has been described and then served in a systematic way
so that it can concluded in a qualitative way. 1) Plan Implementation Learning (RPP), 2)
Implementation Teacher Learning (PBM), and 3) Learning outcomes for students, all three of
which are the data being analyzed.
As the object study, this is Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School students. The location
is easily accessible, convenient for looking for data, and provides opportunities for a broad time.
The subject of research is in accordance with the profession of the researcher, so the researcher
chose Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School as the object study. The subject study in this
research is Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School students who are students in 2nd grade at
Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School. Those students were 17 men and women and were taken
out of 31 students in class II B. So, 17 students made a sample to study this.
Study This uses the descriptive method. A descriptive method is a procedure solution to
the problem being investigated with described circumstances. Subject/object research is now
based on apparent facts or as it should be. The method used in the study. This is descriptive
quantitative, where the process is to describe the performance of students with the use of system
Collected data in classroom action research consists of observation/assessment data done
by collaborators and measurement data results. Study students on tests at each end cycle.
Results of the data observation were analyzed using a method that described each assessment
carried out to indicator observation. Meanwhile, data from measurement form mark tests are
analyzed with the use of calculation mathematics, that is, percentage and class average.
Research results on the ability to speak Language English students in 2nd grade at
Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School are as follows.
Table 1
Recapitulation Evaluation Carry Out Learning Precycle
No Nama Siswa KKM Nilai
1 Adinda Nada Sevani 60 30 √
2 Alfis’ah Khumairah Yasmin 60 75 √
3 Amirah Haifa Al Basalamah 60 50 √
4 Aurelya Cynara Alzena M 60 25 √
5 Azka Aulia Safitri 60 30 √
6 Dinda Nafizah 60 60 √
7 Erieka Lewih Setiana 60 65 √
8 Jauharina Farda Nazalia 60 45 √
9 Khanza Anggun Putri Dayana 60 55 √
10 Khayla Nur Khasanah 60 55 √
11 Maghfira Okta Choirunnisa 60 20 √
12 Melfani Safa Indriyani 60 30 √
13 Nafila Bilqis Alenta Nadhira 60 45 √
14 Natasya Aurelia Vanesha 60 70 √
15 Nazla Farkhanna Annas 60 40 √
16 Qonita Nathania Ramadhani 60 35 √
17 Raisa Ika Ganis Saputri 60 40 √
18 Restina Maulida Isna 60 65 √
19 Shada Alfina Putri 60 70 √
20 Yasmine Shasmira Nasha Putri 60 40 √
Jumlah 945
Rata-rata 47.25
Tuntas 15
Tidak Tuntas 5
Persentase Ketuntasan Belajar 75% 25%
Table 2
Recapitulation Evaluation Carry Out Learning Cycle I
No Nama Siswa KKM Nilai
1 Adinda Nada Sevani 60 50 √
2 Alfis’ah Khumairah Yasmin 60 80 √
3 Amirah Haifa Al Basalamah 60 65 √
4 Aurelya Cynara Alzena M 60 45 √
5 Azka Aulia Safitri 60 60 √
6 Dinda Nafizah 60 65 √
7 Erieka Lewih Setiana 60 70 √
8 Jauharina Farda Nazalia 60 50 √
9 Khanza Anggun Putri Dayana 60 65 √
10 Khayla Nur Khasanah 60 60 √
11 Maghfira Okta Choirunnisa 60 40 √
12 Melfani Safa Indriyani 60 60 √
13 Nafila Bilqis Alenta Nadhira 60 70 √
14 Natasya Aurelia Vanesha 60 75 √
15 Nazla Farkhanna Annas 60 65 √
16 Qonita Nathania Ramadhani 60 65 √
17 Raisa Ika Ganis Saputri 60 70 √
18 Restina Maulida Isna 60 75 √
19 Shada Alfina Putri 60 80 √
20 Yasmine Shasmira Nasha Putri 60 70 √
Jumlah 1280
Rata-rata 64
Tuntas 17
Tidak Tuntas 3
Persentase Ketuntasan Belajar 85% 15%
Table 3
Recapitulation Evaluation Carry Out Learning Cycle II
No Nama Siswa KKM Nilai
1 Adinda Nada Sevani 60 65 √
2 Alfis’ah Khumairah Yasmin 60 100 √
3 Amirah Haifa Al Basalamah 60 80 √
4 Aurelya Cynara Alzena M 60 65 √
5 Azka Aulia Safitri 60 70 √
6 Dinda Nafizah 60 75 √
7 Erieka Lewih Setiana 60 85 √
8 Jauharina Farda Nazalia 60 75 √
9 Khanza Anggun Putri Dayana 60 80 √
10 Khayla Nur Khasanah 60 85 √
11 Maghfira Okta Choirunnisa 60 65 √
12 Melfani Safa Indriyani 60 70 √
13 Nafila Bilqis Alenta Nadhira 60 80 √
14 Natasya Aurelia Vanesha 60 85 √
15 Nazla Farkhanna Annas 60 75 √
16 Qonita Nathania Ramadhani 60 70 √
17 Raisa Ika Ganis Saputri 60 80 √
18 Restina Maulida Isna 60 100 √
19 Shada Alfina Putri 60 100 √
20 Yasmine Shasmira Nasha Putri 60 80 √
Jumlah 1585
Rata-rata 79
Tuntas 20
Tidak Tuntas
Persentase Ketuntasan Belajar 100% 0%
Table 4
Recapitulation Evaluation Carry Out Learning Precycle, Cycle I, Cycle II
No Nama Siswa KKM
Prasiklus Siklus I Siklus II
1 Adinda Nada Sevani 60 30 50 65
2 Alfis’ah Khumairah Yasmin 60 75 80 100
3 Amirah Haifa Al Basalamah 60 50 65 80
4 Aurelya Cynara Alzena M 60 25 45 65
5 Azka Aulia Safitri 60 30 60 70
6 Dinda Nafizah 60 60 65 75
7 Erieka Lewih Setiana 60 65 70 85
8 Jauharina Farda Nazalia 60 45 50 75
9 Khanza Anggun Putri Dayana 60 55 65 80
10 Khayla Nur Khasanah 60 55 60 85
11 Maghfira Okta Choirunnisa 60 20 40 60
12 Melfani Safa Indriyani 60 30 60 70
13 Nafila Bilqis Alenta Nadhira 60 45 70 80
14 Natasya Aurelia Vanesha 60 70 75 85
15 Nazla Farkhanna Annas 60 40 65 75
16 Qonita Nathania Ramadhani 60 35 65 70
17 Raisa Ika Ganis Saputri 60 40 70 80
18 Restina Maulida Isna 60 65 75 100
19 Shada Alfina Putri 60 70 80 100
20 Yasmine Shasmira Nasha Putri 60 40 70 80
Tuntas 15 17 20
Tidak Tuntas 5 3
Persentase Ketuntasan Belajar 75% 85% 100%
From the data above, it can be concluded that, of the 20 students in the pre-cycle learning
activities, there were 15 students who achieved a score above the KKM with an average class
score of 57. After the first cycle improvements were carried out, student learning outcomes
increased to 17 students who achieved a score above KKM with an average class score of 67.
Furthermore, in cycle II improvement activities, student learning outcomes increased to 20
students, achieving a score above the KKM with an average class score of 81. So, it can be
concluded that the motivation to speak English for class VIII B SMP students Muhammadiyah
Rakit increased by using image media. This can be proven by the average student scores, which
increased in pre-cycle, cycle 1, and cycle 2.
In this research, it can be concluded that the motivation to speak English among
Muhammadiyah Rakit Middle School students increases by using image media. This can be
proven by the average student score, which increased in the second cycle to 20 students who
got a score above the KKM, with the original class average score in the first cycle being 17
students from previously only 15 students (before taking action). After using image media as a
learning resource, students' English-speaking skills have improved. This increase can be seen
from the average score of students in cycle II, which on average increased to 20 students or
100%, whereas previously in cycle I, it was only 17 students or 85% before carrying out
learning activities to speak English using picture media, which means the score is still at under
the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). By using image media, students' English-
speaking skills have increased because in cycle I, the average score obtained by students was
after using image media. The author's suggestion to future researchers is to use image media in
Indonesian language learning; this research should be used as input material. The use of
discussion methods and image media in English subjects in Class VIII B can improve student
learning outcomes.
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