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Precast Twinwall

Design guide
This publication is intended to assist Structural The objective is to develop an integrated capability for
Engineers commissioned to design hybrid concrete Structure, Mechanical and Electrical, and Envelope.
structures. It forms part of a suite of publications and
This document is concerned with design of the structure and
deals with detailed guidance for twin walls.
in the context of this document, the Contractor is the party
Detailed design guides for other key components of the responsible for constructing the building. This may be either
structure are also available from Explore. a Laing O’Rourke Business Unit with Expanded responsible
for assembly and temporary works design or a Contract
Readers should be aware that where a standard is referred
executed by Expanded acting as Contractor and temporary
to without a date, they should consult the latest available
works designer.
version. Where a date is used, this refers to a clause from that
specific version.

Explore Manufacturing is a subsidiary of Laing O’Rourke set

up to advance the strategic objective of off-site manufacture
or Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA). This sets
out to transform traditional construction methodologies into a
modern process of assembly, with the purpose of achieving:

■ 70% of the constructed asset delivered by DfMA.

■ 60% reduction in on-site labour.
■ 30% reduction in construction programme.

1 Introduction 3

1.1 Purpose and scope 3

1.2 Product definition 3

2 Scheme design stage 5

2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Structural scheming 5
2.3 Planning and coordination 5
2.4 Durability and fire resistance 6
2.5 Robustness 6

3 Structural overview 7

3.1 Summary 7
3.2 Structural behaviour 7
3.3 Analysis methods 8
3.4 Interaction of the temporary and permanent conditions 8
3.5 Design at the ULS 8
3.6 Design at the SLS 9
3.7 Design of joints 9
3.8 Detailing 12

4 Detailed design process 14

4.1 Summary of process 14

4.2 Process steps 14

5 Manufacture 23

5.1 General 23
5.2 Materials 23
5.3 Manufacturing tolerances 23
5.4 Manufacturing process 23
5.5 Storage, transportation and handling 26

6 Construction 27

6.1 General 27
6.2 Materials 27
6.3 Installation methods and tolerances 27
6.4 Lateral pressure during concrete pouring 29

7 References 32

Appendix A – Design process maps 33

Appendix B – Frequently asked questions 37

Appendix C – Example calculations 41

Appendix D – Model specification 75

Precast Twin Wall

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose and scope
This Explore Design Guide aims to assist in the understanding of the design issues relating to the use of
precast twin wall (sometimes called double wall) units. It is intended for use by Structural Engineers who are
commissioned to design such wall systems and Structural Engineers overseeing such designs, for example
as client’s representatives or Building Control Officers. It discusses issues that require liaison with Explore
Manufacturing during design and development.

This guidance is provided on the basis of design to the Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes; however,
where appropriate, reference is made to other applicable publications, including BS 8110-1(1). The IStructE
publication Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2(2) and the Concrete Centre
publication How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2(3) are also recommended background

The advice contained within this Explore Design Guide is limited to the common use of structural precast
twin wall applications for hybrid construction. This typically includes load-bearing twin wall units connected
to in-situ or precast lattice slabs. Non-structural applications of precast twin wall, where the core is not
filled with in-situ concrete or where the wall is not load bearing (infill panels) are not covered by this guide.
Non-standard applications of twin wall (e.g. functioning as part of a deep beam or transfer system) require
additional attention and whilst many of the issues presented in this guide may be relevant, other aspects of
the design may warrant more detailed analysis.

Precast twin wall is commonly used for basement construction; but specific advice related to watertightness
is not covered by this guide. Design and detailing for basements should follow industry standard guidelines
with specific attention given to the joint locations. Explore will be able to advise on typical details.

Precast twin wall is also well suited to high-rise construction; however, the design aspects specific to this
type of unit should be carefully considered, particularly in the context of both the lateral stability and vertical
load system. This may warrant more detailed analysis methods. The design and construction issues relating
to high-rise buildings are not explicitly covered in this guide.

1.2 Product definition

The standard Explore twin wall system utilises two precast concrete panels containing embedded
reinforcement in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The panels are connected by triangular steel
lattices partially embedded into both inner faces. The void between the precast elements is filled with in-situ
concrete on site. Continuity is provided at the horizontal and vertical joints using one or two layers of splice
reinforcement. See Figure 1 for a typical precast twin wall hybrid construction detail. Refer to Section 5.4 for
details of the manufacturing process.

Precast Twin Wall

In-situ concrete

Precast panel
In-situ topping to floor slab

Slab top reinforcement

Lattice girder

Lattice floor slab

Splice bars


Figure 1
Typical arrangement of Starter bars from foundation
hybrid twin wall construction,
showing connections
between floors and walls

2 Scheme design stage

2 Scheme design stage

2.1 Introduction
The following sections highlight some of the main issues that the Structural Engineer should consider as part
of the evaluation process in partnership with Explore and the Contractor executing the works.

2.2 Structural scheming

In most instances, a like-for-like replacement of in-situ reinforced concrete walls with precast twin walls
is often possible; however, the Structural Engineer should consider the design aspects specific to hybrid
precast construction during the scheme design.

Precast twin wall functions in essentially the same way as monolithic reinforced concrete. The most significant
additional structural consideration is the design and detailing for effective transfer of force across the panel
joints. In most situations, however, this aspect of the design is not limiting and the potential for applying
precast twin wall is typically wide ranging.

The Structural Engineer should consider the design issues described in Section 3 and Section 4 at all the
levels and positions of interest throughout the structure. Particular consideration should be given to the
following at scheme stage:

■ Due to a reduced reinforcement lever-arm and possible reduction of effective joint width, transverse
(minor axis) bending at the joints may govern the wall thickness, particularly where the axial force is
relatively low (at the upper storeys). This may be particularly pertinent if a precast lattice slab system
is adopted, and joint details should therefore be carefully considered at the outset to ensure wall
thicknesses remain efficient.
■ In situations where the resulting stiffness of the wall/slab base joint is significantly lower than a gross
elastic section (due to joint opening), the impact on connecting elements such as slabs should be
assessed as part of the design process.
■ To ensure that the reinforcement details remain practicable, care should be taken in the scheming of
openings and doorways where lintel beams or coupling beams contribute to overall stability.

2.3 Planning and coordination

In addition to finalising the structural arrangement and connecting member sizes (beam dimensions and
slab thicknesses), the provision of M&E openings, windows and doorways and additional cast-in items (e.g.
supported steelwork and fittings) should all be advised to Explore prior to wall manufacture.

The Structural Engineer should also allow sufficient time to check and review the Explore component
drawings to ensure they are in accordance with the design intent and that he has allowed for detailing all in-
situ reinforcement to complete the permanent works.

Precast Twin Wall

2.4 Durability and fire resistance

BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. states that ‘Material used for connections should be stable and
durable for the design working life of the structure, protected against adverse chemical and physical influences
and fire resistant to match the fire resistance of the structure’. This essentially echoes the advice contained
in BS 8110-1: 1997(1) cl., which states that ‘Connections should be designed to maintain the level of
protection against weather, fire and corrosion required for the remainder of the structure’.

Therefore there are no additional durability or fire resistance requirements relating to the design of precast
twin wall compared with in-situ wall construction, although the joints require particular attention.

Materials and cover should be specified appropriately in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1, BS 8500-1(5) and
BS EN 1992-1-2: 2004(6) cl. 5.3.

2.5 Robustness
An important aspect of modern structural design is to ensure robustness. Most buildings will come into class
2B, which is adopted as a minimum standard. Buildings in class 3 should also meet the class 2B standard,
together with any additional requirements arising from a risk assessment. The requirements are generally
complied with by providing horizontal ties in floors and vertical ties in columns and walls, typically making use
of reinforcement already provided for other purposes. However, reinforcement is not always continuous in
hybrid construction and it is necessary to rely on interface shear in some locations.

The requirements for vertical tying are defined in BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004 cl. 9.10 and PD 6687(7). The principle
is well known, and is shown in Figure 2.


T = Tension Wall removed

Figure 2
Structural action of
vertical tying

In the case of precast twin walls, the tying capacity is provided by vertical splice bars acting together with
the reinforcement cast into the panels. This must be designed such that the tying force can be effectively
transmitted in interface shear. The design of this connection is discussed in Section 4.2.

3 Structural overview

3 Structural overview
3.1 Summary
This section provides an overview of the key issues for the analysis and design of hybrid precast twin walls
(as defined in Section 1.2 and within the scope defined in Section 1.1), and discusses the factors influencing
the design over and above those required for in-situ wall construction. Where required, these issues are
developed in further detail in the context of the design process in Section 4.

The design of the horizontal spliced joints is the most critical factor in the bending and axial capacity, and
should be coordinated carefully at an early stage to ensure the joint details are buildable whilst remaining
reasonably efficient. Interface shear adjacent to the joints needs specific consideration.

3.2 Structural behaviour

In terms of its load-bearing mechanism in the permanent condition, a composite precast twin wall functions
in the same manner as an in-situ reinforced concrete wall. The axial force is carried by compression in the
combination of in-situ concrete, precast concrete and embedded reinforcement. Transverse bending is carried
in normal reinforced concrete flexure through tension in the embedded reinforcement and compression in
the precast and in-situ concrete and embedded reinforcement in the opposite face. In practice these effects
are combined with the distribution of force between the in-situ and precast components facilitated through
interface shear (described further in Section 4.2).

In the case of walls subject to shear forces, in-plane bending and shear forces are manifest through a
variation in axial force along the length of the wall and a combination of vertical and horizontal shear stress
(see Figure 3). These shear forces are carried by a combination of the embedded reinforcement and in-situ
and precast concrete. At the joints these forces are transferred through interface shear to splice reinforcement
(see Section 4.2).

Floor slab

Precast panels

Vertical stress at joints

Axial load

Horizontal stress at joints

a) Shear stress in wall

Figure 3
b) Vertical stress distribution
In-plane forces in a precast at base of wall
twin wall resisting shear and
overturning forces

Precast Twin Wall

3.3 Analysis methods

Shear walls are typically designed either by hand or, increasingly, using Finite Element (FE)-based design
methods. Traditionally, issues such as transverse (minor axis) bending and vertical in-plane shear have not
been explicitly checked by engineers for typical projects. However, for the design of precast twin wall, explicit
consideration of transverse bending and in-plane shear is recommended owing to the mechanisms of load
transfer between the precast and in-situ parts of the wall. The benefits of FE-based methods to extract forces
and moments, and in some cases calculate reinforcement and carry out serviceability checks, may prove
very useful.

A linear elastic calculation based on gross section properties, as would be assumed for in-situ construction,
is generally suitable for the design of precast twin wall and is in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4)
cl. 5.4. The following assumptions for elastic analysis should therefore be reviewed for appropriateness:

■ Where joint opening at the SLS in expected, a cracked stiffness may be appropriate for SLS design to
ensure deflections of adjacent elements are conservatively considered. Alternatively it may be simpler
to model the base of the wall as pinned to check deflections of adjacent elements (the design of the
wall itself should still be undertaken using a connection with a finite rotational stiffness).
■ The reduced flexural stiffness at vertical joints is not usually significant as the out-of-plane (in-plan)
bending is inconsequential.

3.4 Interaction of the temporary and permanent conditions

In the temporary condition the wet in-situ concrete exerts a lateral pressure on the precast panels. The
concrete specification, rate of pour and prop spacing all influence the lateral pressure and are determined by
Explore and the Contractor as part of the temporary works design.

In between prop locations, this lateral pressure is resisted through a combination of tying action of the
vertical lattices and bending of the horizontal embedded reinforcement. ‘Locked-in’ stresses will therefore be
apparent in these elements in the permanent condition. In most situations such stresses will be low and will
not affect the ULS capacity of the composite section.

If, owing to the nature of the project, the Structural Engineer believes a specific check is warranted, Explore
can provide further information on the reinforcement stresses from the temporary condition.

3.5 Design at the ULS

Provided that full composite behaviour can be demonstrated, precast twin walls can be designed using
normal design methods as clarified in BS EN 14992: 2007(8) Annex A which states that ‘a composite wall
should be designed like a solid wall’.

In this respect, the only additional checks required for twin walls are those necessary to demonstrate the
assumed monolithic behaviour as follows:

■ Panel interface shear capacity (required to demonstrate overall composite behaviour).

■ Splice reinforcement quantities (required to maintain ultimate capacity throughout the wall height
and length).
■ Interface shear capacity of non-contact laps (required to ensure the effectiveness of splice

ULS calculations should be compatible with the chosen joint details, particularly at the horizontal joints where
the available ultimate capacity can be significantly affected. Refer to Section 3.7 for further discussion of joint

3 Structural overview

The main bars of the lattices embedded into the precast elements can be considered to contribute to the
wall capacity.

Where the in-situ and precast elements have different concrete strengths it is recommended that, for simplicity,
the ULS design should utilise the minimum concrete compressive strength. With this in mind, consideration
should be given to the specifications of the in-situ and precast concrete to improve compressive strength
compatibility and reduce inefficiencies.

Where transverse reinforcement (through the thickness of the wall) is required in accordance with
BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 9.6.4, it may not be possible to demonstrate that the lattice provides suitable
restraint to the vertical reinforcement. In this situation the only viable option may be to use an in-situ wall. The
requirement for transverse reinforcement is specified only when the vertical reinforcement exceeds 2% of
the plan area of the wall for each face; therefore it is unlikely that this will provide a restriction in the majority
of cases.

3.6 Design at the SLS

Although the behaviour of precast twin walls at service is not fundamentally different from in-situ construction,
when designing at the SLS the Structural Engineer should consider the influence of the joints to ensure
satisfactory performance. Unless deemed critical to the design, serviceability calculations may ignore staged
construction effects; however, the Structural Engineer should be aware that these effects may affect the
distribution of strain at the SLS.

The horizontal joints between panels are typically located in zones of high moment. The reduced reinforcement
lever arm and the non-homogeneity of the precast-to-in-situ bedding joint makes the potential magnitude
of joint opening more significant than cracking in an equivalent in-situ wall. It is therefore recommended to
estimate the joint opening in order to mitigate underperformance at the SLS.

Owing to the splice bar location, joint opening should be calculated at the appropriate position for assessment
of durability crack width limits. Two calculations of joint opening may therefore be required; one at the tension
face and one at a position of minimum cover from the edge of the splice bar. This is discussed further in
Section 4.2.

As mentioned in Section 3.3, the opening of joints may increase the magnitude of deflections of adjacent
elements, and elastic models should be adjusted accordingly if the influence is anticipated to be significant.

3.7 Design of joints

3.7.1 Horizontal joint details
Horizontal joints occur at both the top and bottom of the wall at the junctions with the slab. At the base of the
wall it is usual to raise the twin wall panels to allow the in-situ concrete to flow beneath to provide a bedding
joint suitable for transfer of compressive and shear forces. BS EN 14992: 2007(8) Annex A suggests that this
bedding joint should be at least 30 mm deep (see Figure 4).

Bedding joint details of less than 30 mm are not recommended due to the significantly more onerous designs
that result from the assumption of a complete loss of concrete shear capacity and compressive capacity in
the panels (affecting bending, axial force, in-plane shear and interface shear design).

Precast Twin Wall

Splice bars

b b

Dry bearing

a) Twin wall and in-situ slab; b) Twin wall and precast slab;
top and bottom of wall full effective width at top of
full effective width floor, but reduced at soffit

Splice bars

b b b

grout, 10 mm

c) Twin wall and precast slab; d) Twin wall and precast slab; e) Horizontal joint
30 mm joint provides full 10 mm thixotropic joint provides with no slab junction;
effective width for wall joint full effective width for wall joint 30 mm bedding joint
provides full effective
width for wall joint
Note: full concrete cross section can be
Figure 4
taken as load bearing when b > 30 mm
Wall and slab junctions,
showing various joint details

At the top of the wall, if an in-situ slab is specified, the precast panels should extend to the soffit (Figure 4a)
where the subsequent casting of in-situ concrete will provide effective load bearing onto the panels’ edge.
If a lattice slab system is specified, a dry bearing (between the precast lattice plank and precast wall panel)
(Figure 4b) will not facilitate efficient transfer of internal actions. Therefore a 30 mm bedding joint at the top
of the wall should be specified (see Figure 4c). Alternatively, a 10 mm bed of thixotropic high-strength mortar
may be used (Figure 4d).

Where the wall is on a slab edge (Figure 4b), the external precast panel often provides the side shuttering to
the slab concrete. A bedding joint must be provided between the precast panel and the wall panel above to
ensure transfer of compressive force. If post-tensioned slabs are specified, a detail of this type will need to be
coordinated carefully in order to accommodate stressing access requirements.

Joints at upper (roof) slab and ground slab connections follow the same logic as outlined above and should
be designed accordingly.

3 Structural overview

At horizontal joints where there is no slab junction, as shown in Figure 4e, where two wall panels are stacked
to achieve the necessary height, a bedding joint should be provided to facilitate transfer of compressive force
and to maximise the lever-arm efficiency for minor axis bending. Such walls may be classed as slender and
the addition of second-order effects may prove critical for joints at mid-height.

Continuity reinforcement is provided at horizontal joints with splice bars lapped with the embedded
reinforcement, as shown in Figure 5. Splice bars should be positioned so as to avoid touching the inside
face of the precast panels as any unfavourable manufacturing and construction tolerances may make it
impossible to lower the panels over the in-situ starter bars. To achieve full bond strength, the splice bar
position should enable full flow of concrete between the bar and the inside face of the panel in accordance
with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 8.2. This will be no less than 20 mm.

Therefore, depending on the width of the wall, the width of the precast panels, the diameter of the splice
reinforcement, the maximum aggregate size and the precast manufacturing and installation tolerances, it
may not be possible to specify two rows of reinforcement with confidence.

In this case, the Structural Engineer should review the design requirements, dimensions and tolerances and
determine the most efficient splice arrangement. In general, for walls of less than 225 mm total width, single
rows will usually be more practicable. Where transverse moments are high relative to the axial force, the
maximum lever arm offered by two rows of reinforcement may, however, be desirable.

Panel mesh
SIngle row reinforcement Two rows
of continuity of continuity
reinforcement reinforcement
laps with panel lap with panel
mesh reinforcement mesh reinforcement

Figure 5
Vertical section of wall/
floor joint showing continuity
reinforcement provided by a)
single layer or b) double layer a) b)
of splice bars

Suitable cover should be provided to the splice reinforcement from the edge of the effective joint in accordance
with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004 Section 4, BS 8500-1(5) and BS EN 1992-1-2: 2004(6) cl. 5.3. Where a fully
effective (i.e. >30 mm) horizontal bedding joint is specified this can contribute to cover; however, a dry or
ineffective joint (i.e. <30 mm) between panels cannot contribute to the cover. A thixotropic high-strength grout
may be used to provide an effective joint between precast elements.

When determining vertical splice reinforcement quantities it is often useful to allow an additional 10–20% to
account for clashes with the vertical lattice locations. Where a clash is apparent and a starter bar must be
cut, then a bar either side of the lattice is typically needed.

Precast Twin Wall

3.7.2 Vertical joint details

Vertical joints occur between the panels where the length of wall cannot be easily accommodated by a single
panel width (due either to manufacturing or transportation limitations).

Vertical joints differ from horizontal joints in that they are not usually load bearing. Out-of-plane bending in plan
is usually inconsequential as the diaphragm action of the supporting slab restrains any movement.

Vertical joints are not usually detailed to be filled with concrete, and the joint is nominally detailed as open and
dry (i.e. does not contribute structurally). A 20 mm gap is usually detailed to accommodate manufacturing
tolerances, and the resulting residual gap is usually partially filled during the pouring of in-situ concrete. Any
remaining joint is usually filled with non-structural filler material to achieve an acceptable finish.

Continuity reinforcement is typically provided using a prefabricated single (Figure 6a) or double (Figure 6b)
layer of reinforcement, which is lowered into place between the lattices after the precast wall units are in place.
If the twin wall is required to function as a shear wall, checks should be carried out to ensure that sufficient
shear capacity exists to transmit the vertical shear between panels. Minimum reinforcement requirements will
often be the governing criteria.

20 mm Continuity 20 mm


Figure 6 Panel mesh

&600 mm reinforcement &600 mm
Plan view of vertical joint
details showing continuity a) b)
reinforcement provided by a)
Note: for design purposes, joints are considered unfilled
single or b) double layer of
continuity reinforcement

Horizontal splice bars should be fully lapped with the embedded wall reinforcement. The available space
between the vertical lattices should be checked to avoid clashes on site and smaller diameter splice bars
may be preferable to minimise bond lengths. As a guide, the centre of the lattices are typically located
350 mm from the panel edge. Minimum cover should always be maintained from the edge of the effective
joint width (usually the in-situ wall width).

3.8 Detailing
Explore should be consulted for the latest standard details that should be employed in the structure, as they
are subject to review as a process of continual improvement.

3.8.1 Preferred details

To maximise the benefits of precast construction, all construction details should be considered early in the
design process to ensure buildability and compatibility with design assumptions and methods. Explore has
significant expertise in construction using twin wall in conjunction with other in-situ and precast building
components and has a range of preferred details that the Structural Engineer can specify. Some design
aspects of these details are discussed briefly in the following sections.

Various construction options are available, each of which has different design implications. It is suggested
that the options are discussed with Explore and the Contractor at an early stage of development to ensure
the design remains compatible with the chosen detail.

3 Structural overview

3.8.2 Edge details

The end of the wall is typically shuttered traditionally with a simple stop-end (as shown in Appendix E). With
in-situ construction usual good practice is to close the end of the wall by providing a U-bar detail; however
this will not always be possible for precast twin wall owing to the limited space between the precast elements.
Where horizontal bars are designed to contribute to shear capacity, it is important that the bars are fully
anchored with a closed end detail. If the wall is too narrow to permit a U-bar within the in-situ part of the wall,
an alternative solution may be available using a bespoke product; this should be discussed with Explore in
advance. This is particularly important where embedded reinforcement provides shear capacity such as in
door lintels or coupling beams (see Section 3.8.4).

3.8.3 Corner details

At the corner junctions of walls, the design and detailing should ensure effective transfer of forces and
moments with non-contact laps (i.e. adequately lapped splice reinforcement with interface shear design
checks). Although transfer of moment around corners of walls is rarely required, it requires particular attention
and should be assessed for the effective joint detail adopted.

3.8.4 Coupling beams and lintels

Openings for doors and windows can be incorporated into the precast twin wall as required. Where a lintel
beam spans an opening or a coupling beam is provided to connect two shear wall sections, the design should
consider the forces and moments in the beam in the same manner as in-situ reinforced concrete design.
Consideration of stiffness reduction owing to cracking may be appropriate where such beams contribute
significantly to lateral stability. This is outside the scope of this guide.

Care should be taken to ensure that the necessary reinforcement (longitudinal and shear) can be placed
as required in the beam section, giving due regard to the precast element width, bar spacing rules and
tolerances. All horizontal bars should be lapped with splice bars and any additional bars in the in-situ concrete
should be fully anchored into any adjacent shear wall panels. All vertical shear reinforcement should be fully
anchored at the top and bottom of the beam. In some instances, where the width of the in-situ wall section
permits, it may be prudent to specify an internal beam reinforcement cage.

3.8.5 Ground slab and roof slab details

The design issues associated with ground slab and roof slab connection details are the same as those for
other wall–slab connections. Buildability issues may warrant particular consideration of the actual details

Precast Twin Wall

4 Detailed design process

4.1 Summary of process
The design process for precast twin wall is shown in the process map in Appendix A (Figure A.1). This guides
the Structural Engineer through the various stages and decisions involved in designing a precast twin wall.
The main calculation steps of this process are demonstrated through the sample calculations provided in
Appendix C, and are listed below:

■ Agree preliminary panel layout with Explore and the Contractor.

■ Analyse structure with gross elastic stiffnesses.
■ Design panels and joints at the ULS (in-plane shear, combined bending and axial force).
■ Estimate joint opening at the SLS.
■ Determine requirement for reanalysis using a reduced joint stiffness or design refinement using more
than one splice reinforcement layer.
■ Check reinforcement meets vertical tying requirements.
■ Check any requirements for in-panel interface shear (if peak moments do not occur at the top and
bottom joints).
■ Check splice lap lengths and non-contact lap interface shear.
■ Finalise wall design and panel layout.

The following sections provide further background on each of the steps, highlighting key assumptions and
making reference to Section 3 for background theory where appropriate. In addition, Appendix B contains
answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

4.2 Process steps (see Appendix A for design process map)

1 Agree preliminary panel layout

Joints require explicit consideration in the design process and influence other aspects of the design. It is
therefore recommended that before detailed design commences the Structural Engineer agrees a preliminary
panel layout with Explore and the Contractor.

2 Analyse structure

The analysis of twin walls should initially be based on gross elastic stiffnesses using FE methods or hand
calculations. Modifications to stiffness may be appropriate where opening of the horizontal joints is anticipated,
and may indeed be necessary to improve design efficiency or determine the impact of joint rotations on
adjacent elements such as slabs.

3 Extract ULS forces and identify critical load combinations

Forces factored appropriately for the ULS and SLS should be extracted for design from the analysis software.
Owing to the interaction of the bending and axial force, critical load combinations will need to be identified
taking into account the range of the resulting forces in each panel. If the analysis software includes the
capability to undertake reinforced concrete design (and if its use is appropriate for twin wall) this step will
usually be internal to the software.

As with normal good practice, it is recommended that results for individual load cases are interrogated to
ensure structural behaviour is as expected.

4 Detailed design process

4 Design wall panels and joints for in-plane shear forces

Where a twin wall is designed to contribute to the lateral stability system (i.e. a shear wall), the ULS design
must incorporate a check of in-plane shear capacity.

Horizontal in-plane shear forces should be averaged over the length of the wall, and checked in accordance
with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 6.2 to determine the requirement for vertical reinforcement. Similarly,
vertical in-plane shear forces should be averaged over the height of the wall and checked to determine the
requirement for horizontal reinforcement.

In most instances, owing to complementary shear stresses, these shear forces will be similar in magnitude,
although horizontal shear design will benefit from the coexistent axial force.

Horizontal joints with at least a 30 mm bedding detail will provide the same concrete shear capacity as the
composite wall section and will therefore not require a separate check. Vertical joints, typically with only the
in-situ cross section effective, may be critical and should be checked explicitly.

5 Add geometrical imperfections and 2nd order effects

Design loads should include an allowance for geometric imperfections and, if applicable, second order effects
in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004 cl. 5.2 and 5.8.

In determining the effective length of the wall for transverse bending, the appropriate support conditions at
the top and bottom of the wall should be considered. The effective length factors listed in the Manual for the
design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2(2) Table 5.14 are appropriate in most instances and the
approach is quicker and more familiar to Structural Engineers than that described in BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004

Where transverse moments are subject to reversal within the storey height (most frame buildings) it is
recommended that the factor rm (used to calculate parameter C) is determined from the analysis results to
maximise the slenderness limit llim. Calculated in this way most walls should be classed as non-slender.

6&7 Design wall panels for combined moments and axial forces

Provided full composite behaviour can be demonstrated (see Step 12 and Step 16), wall panels should be
designed in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004 cl. 6.2 for the worst case combined moments and axial
forces (determined in Step 3).

In practice, this can be carried out using spreadsheets, commercially available design software or the column
charts in the Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2(2) Appendix C.

8 to 10 Design joints for combined moments and axial forces

The horizontal joints can be designed in exactly the same manner as vertical joints for wall panels. In practice,
this can be carried out using either spreadsheets or commercially available design software. The column
charts in the Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2 Appendix C will not normally
be appropriate due to the reduced lever arm.

The design of the joint itself should reflect the position of the splice reinforcement (see Section 3.7.1). Owing
to the reduced internal lever arm, the joint will always be a critical location (see Figure 7).

Precast Twin Wall

Fst Fst

Fcc Fcc
Wall stress blocks

Fsc Fsc

Fst Fst

Joint stress blocks

Fcc Fsc
Figure 7
Internal lever arm at a) Single splice detail b) Double splice detail
horizontal base joints

Where FE-based design methods are used, care should be taken to ensure the cover (usually the means to
define the reinforcement position) is appropriate for the anticipated bar position.

To a certain degree, the concrete compressive strength may be increased to enhance the moment capacity
of the base joint. Where it is impracticable or inefficient to increase the material strengths further, other
options should be investigated. These may include:

■ Carry out further calculations to demonstrate a reduced moment due to the redistribution caused by
the rotation.
■ Improve the efficiency of the joint by providing multiple splice bar layers, as in Figure 7b (where it is
practicable to do so).

11 Check vertical tying and minimum reinforcement

Wall and joint reinforcement will normally meet the requirements for vertical tying and minimum reinforcement
but should be confirmed in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 9.10 and cl. 9.6. Owing to the
arrangement of the splice reinforcement at the joints, tying capacity and minimum reinforcement at these
locations will need to be checked explicitly. Minimum reinforcement will often be the governing criteria at
vertical joints.

4 Detailed design process

12 & 13 Estimate joint opening

It is particularly important that the joint opening at the horizontal joints is checked at the SLS. The discontinuity
of a jointed section and reduced reinforcement lever arm will focus rotations at a single location. The calculation
of joint opening is not, therefore, a crack width calculation.

An upper bound of joint opening can be estimated from the assumption that the total base rotation will be
due to those tensile strains apparent in the zone of the splice bar that are released at the joint. In this lap
zone, the bending moment reduces with height and the lapped panel and splice reinforcement exchange
effectiveness. This behaviour is complex, but the net effect can usually be approximated using the product of
the peak strain (at the joint) and half the splice bar lap length (see Figure 8).

Where the splice reinforcement remains in compression, the strain distribution at the joint can be easily
determined by hand; however, if the splice reinforcement is anticipated to be in tension, sectional analysis
software or spreadsheet methods will be needed.


Splice bar

a) Section

Peak tensile strain at tension face

ect = ecc (h – x) / x

Splice bar Average tensile strain

ect av = ecc (h – x) / 2x
Joint opening at tension face
ecc Dct = ect av l0

c d
Joint opening at cover distance
from splice bar
h Dcov = Dct (d + c + f/2 – x) / (h – x)
where f = diameter of splice bar
b) Strain distribution
Figure 8
Calculation of joint opening

Precast Twin Wall

Joint opening should be limited according to the specific aesthetic and durability requirements of the project.
In the absence of further guidance, joint opening should be limited to the crack widths defined in Table NA.4
of the UK National Annex(9) to BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4). These crack width limits usually assume the bar
to have normal concrete cover to the tension face; however, in the case of a typical wall splice joint, the bar
has significantly more cover. In terms of durability therefore, joint opening at the face of the wall is somewhat
irrelevant, and it should be assessed at a distance equal to minimum cover from the edge of the splice bar.

13-1 & 13-2 Calculate cracked section stiffness of base joint

Where the ULS design is unsatisfactory (either unachievable or uneconomic) or the joint opening at the SLS
is deemed to be excessive, then as described in Sections 3.3 and 3.6, benefit may be gained by using a
joint stiffness more representative of the physical behaviour under the anticipated loads. This is likely to be
particularly appropriate for upper storey edge walls where the ratio of axial force to bending moment is low.

The flexural stiffness of the open horizontal joint can be estimated using the neutral axis depth determined
from an analysis of the section at the SLS (see Figure 9). As discussed in Steps 11 to 12, where the dowel
bar is predicted to be in tension this will require the use of sectional analysis software or spreadsheets. The
2nd moment of area can be calculated from Figure 8.

ecc sc

x Fcc

d – x/3

b ect

a) Plan at joint b) Strain diagram c) Internal forces

Note: 2nd moment of area of open joint cross section

I cr = bx 3 / 3 + a e A s d – x) 2
Figure 9 where
Calculation of 2nd moment ae = modular ratio of steel to concrete (i.e. Es / Ec)
of area for an open horizontal

This ‘cracked’ stiffness should not be applied to the full height of the wall, but a nominal height of wall at
the base sufficient to represent the reduced flexural stiffness apparent at the joint. Within reasonable limits
(typically a height less than the wall width) the results will not be very sensitive to the exact height over which
the reduced 2nd moment of area is applied.

Stiffness factors of between 10–30% are typical for edge walls on upper storeys.

4 Detailed design process

13-2-1 & 13-2-2 Improve joint efficiency with multiple splice bar layers

Where a reduction in joint stiffness has already been applied, but the design remains uneconomic or
unachievable, a joint detail with more than one layer of splice reinforcement can be considered to improve
efficiency. Typical single and double layer details are discussed in Section 3.7.1.

14 Check panel interface shear

Sufficient interface shear capacity is essential to achieve composite behaviour. Forces applied to the wall
must be effectively transferred between the in-situ and precast concrete components to engage the full
available section stiffness and ultimate capacity.

The design process for interface shear in twin wall follows the same principles as for composite floors and
is described in Composite floor structures: guide to good practice(10). In the case of precast twin wall, the
bending moment diagram is usually linear with peak moments of opposite signs at the top and bottom of the
wall. Conveniently this gives rise to a constant interface shear stress, which can be calculated from the in-
plane force in the precast panel distributed evenly over the length over which the force is transferred; usually
the distance between the peak moment and the point of zero moment (at the point of inflection). This concept
is demonstrated in Figure 10.

However, as the horizontal joints coincide with the peak moment locations, the interface shear capacity
required to achieve the non-contact lap for the splice reinforcement (see Steps 15 to 18) will always be
critical. An explicit check for overall composite action is not therefore necessary provided the lattice provision
is detailed throughout the full height of the wall.



+ + + Fpan2
h2 tL =

h1 tL =

M1 V tL

Figure 10 a) Cross section b) Bending moment c) Shear force d) Longitudinal
of wall diagram diagram shear stress
Typical interface shear

Precast Twin Wall

There may, however, be other situations that could be critical for interface shear capacity and these should
be considered for composite behaviour of the panel. In some instances peak bending moments may be
apparent remote from the spliced joints. Examples are:

■ Where second order effects result in a moment diagram with a significant value in the mid-height zone
of the wall (i.e. very slender walls with low applied moments at each end). Note that second order
effects for moments at the joint positions should be considered in the interface shear capacity check.
■ Where forces are applied at intermediate positions in the wall resulting in high bending moments
outside the splice bar anchorage zone (e.g. accidental loads).

In such cases the interface shear stress should be assessed over an appropriate height of wall required to
transfer the force to the precast element. This will be apparent from the particular bending moment and shear
force diagrams.

The subsequent calculation of interface shear capacity should be undertaken in accordance with BS EN
1992-1-1 2004(4) Exp. (6.25) that includes a contribution from chemical cohesion, mechanical friction and
tension in the lattice reinforcement. For standard manufacturing processes the parameters c (cohesion) and
m (friction) should be taken from the ‘Smooth’ definition in cl. 6.2.5(2) (i.e. 0.2 and 0.6 respectively). In the case
of walls the normal stress across the joint, sn, will usually be zero.

As a guide, a ‘smooth’ interface with lattices at a standard spacing of 600 mm will have a shear capacity of
approximately 1.0–1.5 N/mm2 (depending on concrete strength) split almost evenly between the interface
and the lattice.

To maintain design efficiency, it is suggested that the maximum lattice spacing for the assumed temporary
condition (based on the pouring pressure) is used as the starting point for any calculations; however, the
lattice girder spacing generally needs to be reduced if interface shear is significant.

15 Calculate interface shear forces for non-contact laps

Horizontal joints (vertical splice reinforcement)

As discussed in Section 3.7, the embedded reinforcement in the precast elements is not continuous through
the horizontal joints. In order to transmit the load from the precast element to the cross section at the
horizontal joint the internal actions must be redistributed across the precast/in-situ interface.

The compressive and shear forces carried by the concrete in the precast panel are transferred through the
joint directly. The magnitude of the interface shear force is therefore limited to the force in the embedded
reinforcement perpendicular to the joint contributing to either tension, compression or shear as appropriate.

The interface shear force for the transmission of a non-contact tension lap should be based on the design
force of the splice reinforcement, Asssd (see Step 16 below).

Interface shear for the non-contact lap of reinforcement required for vertical tying or minimum reinforcement
should be checked for the full force required. As these forces are purely axial, they can be assumed to act
over both interfaces (i.e. lapped with embedded reinforcement in both panels).

Vertical joints (horizontal splice reinforcement)

The function of the splice reinforcement at vertical joints is to provide additional resistance to in-plane shear
or, in the absence of any specific design requirement, provision of minimum reinforcement. It can therefore
be assumed that the applied actions are transmitted over both interfaces (i.e. lapped with embedded
reinforcement in both panels).

Consistent with vertical splice reinforcement, the interface shear force for the transmission of a non-contact
lap should be based on the design force of the splice reinforcement, Asssd.

Again, interface shear for the non-contact lap of reinforcement required for vertical tying or minimum
reinforcement should be checked for the full force required.

4 Detailed design process

16 Calculate splice lap lengths

Splice reinforcement across the joint should be lapped in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 8.7.2
for tension or compression as appropriate, including an additional allowance for a non-contact lap if the clear
distance between the splice bar and the embedded reinforcement is greater than 50 mm or 4 x the diameter
of the bar.

Calculations for splice laps should be based on the reinforcement design stress for the action considered
(i.e. ssd), bearing in mind that reinforcement required for vertical tying or for minimum reinforcement provision
must be assumed to function at the design yield stress, fyd.

The bond calculation should be compatible with the distance of the bar from the inner face of the precast
element. Where the gap between the splice bar and the inner face of the precast panel is less than that defined
in Section 3.7.1, lap lengths should be increased to compensate for the potential reduction in bond.

For horizontal joints, in order to mobilise the shear capacity of the lattice legs, an allowance should be made
for the in-plane distance from the splice bars to the lattices. This can be conservatively estimated as half the
lattice spacing less the lattice width. This is indicated in Figure 11. For a typical lattice arrangement this will
be approximately 250 mm.

For vertical joints in normal situations, the available splice lap length will be limited by the space between the
vertical lattices. The layering and diameter of reinforcement will need to be optimised to ensure the design
remains practical to implement.

Lattice spacing, s Lattice top bar

Allowance to
mobilise lattices,

Basic design
lap length, l0


T Lattice width,
Lattice diagonals

Starter bar

Figure 11
Additional lap length to allow Note: Allowance to mobilise lattice legs, llattice = s / 2 – wlattice / 2
for in-plane distance from
splice bar to lattice

Precast Twin Wall

17 Determine interface shear stresses for non-contact laps

Interface shear stresses can be calculated using the forces determined in Step 15, which are assumed to
act over the length of the basic design lap length, l0 (i.e. not including the allowance for the non-contact lap
– see Figure 12).

Precast panel

Allowance for a
45° non-contact lap

Interface shear Basic design

length = l0 lap length, l0


Splice bar
Figure 12
Length used to assess
interface shear for a non-
contact lap

18 Check interface shear capacity

The interface shear capacity should be checked in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004(4) cl. 6.2.5 as
described in Step 14.

Increasing the interface shear capacity is usually achieved most efficiently by increasing the number of lattices
local to the lap zone. This is best achieved through the addition of short intermediate lattices fitted between
the main lattices.

For vertical joints, however, horizontal splice reinforcement is not able to mobilise the lattice reinforcement
legs; therefore only the concrete cohesion component is effective in resisting the splice bar force. The
roughness of the interface is therefore critical to the effectiveness of the force transmission.

19 Finalise design

Once the design is finalised it can be confirmed in the following deliverables (each project may have its own
requirements in terms of information required and transfer formats):

■ General arrangement drawings of wall dimensions, thicknesses and joint positions.

■ Splice reinforcement design intent drawings for detailing and scheduling.
■ Panel reinforcement and lattice design intent schedules for Explore.
■ Joint/bedding design intent drawings and details for the Contractor/Explore.
■ Concrete compressive strength requirements for input into the concrete specification.
■ Designer’s Risk Assessment.

Please refer to the Explore Model Specification for details of likely deliverables and formats.

5 Manufacture

5 Manufacture
5.1 General
This section provides information on the manufacture of precast twin wall by Explore. Further details regarding
the specification for manufacture are also provided in Appendix D, Model Specification.

5.2 Materials
Materials used by Explore for the manufacture of standard precast twin wall comply with the requirements of
BS EN 1992-1-1(4), BS EN 206-1(11) and BS 8500-1(5) for concrete constituents and BS EN 1992-1-1 and
BS EN 10080-1(12) for reinforcement.

Factory mix designs can fulfil any of the strength classes of BS EN 206-1. A minimum preferred strength is
C40/50, but consideration of high-strength classes should take into account the class of adjoining precast
elements, grouts or in-situ concrete.

Preferred bar sizes for main bar diameters are 10, 12 and 16 mm, with 8 and 14 mm also available; this
should be confirmed with Explore.

The Structural Engineer should ensure the materials specified are compatible with the Client’s Brief and are
appropriate for the intended end use. Where non-standard or specific materials are required this should be
discussed with Explore in advance.

5.3 Manufacturing tolerances

Manufacturing tolerances (see Table 1) are within the relevant requirements of BS EN 14992(8), BS EN 13369(13)
and BS EN 1992-1-1. Many of these tolerances have direct implications on strength, durability and fire
resistance and are therefore monitored during manufacture as part of the quality control process.

The Structural Engineer should advise if more stringent tolerances are necessary for design or to achieve the
Client’s Brief. These should be discussed at the earliest opportunity.

5.4 Manufacturing process

The production plant is set up as a pallet circulating system. The moulding area comprises steel pallets
14 x 4 m that are transported in longitudinal direction by rollers and friction wheel drives. The pallet is
transported from one workstation to the next. This system enables the definition of fixed working areas, and
other areas with full automatic operation for pallet transports.

The precast structure is developed as a digital prototype and analysed and designed before being ‘elementised’
into structural precast components. This produces digital manufacturing data for elements. For each element
a set of data according to the Unitechnik CAD/CAM interface description is prepared. Each file contains all
information about the dimensions of the element, its geometry, volume, reinforcement, cut-outs and all other
production-relevant details. The master computer in the factory can read all files prepared for production and
optimise pallet use and throughput.

Stages in the production of twin walls are shown on page 24.

Precast Twin Wall

Parameter BS EN 14992: 2007 BS 8110 – 1: 1997 Standard expected

(Precast concrete (Structural use of of precast
products. Wall concrete) supplier.
elements) (To be confirmed
with Explore)
Length ±3 mm (0.0 – 0.5 m) ±6 mm (0.0 – 3.0 m) ±4 mm (up to 8.5 m)

Length ±5 mm (0.5 – 3.0 m) ±6 mm (0.0 – 3.0 m) ±4 mm (up to 8.5 m)

Length ±6 mm (3.0 – 6.0 m) ±9 mm (3.0 – 4.5 m) ±4 mm (up to 8.5 m)

Length ±8 mm (6.0 – 10 m) ±12 mm (4.5 – 6.0 m) ±4 mm (up to 8.5 m)

Length ±10 mm (10.0 m & over) ±18 mm (6.0 – 12.0 m) TBA

Height ±3 mm (0.0 – 0.5 m) ±4 mm (up to 3.45 m)

Height ±5 mm (0.5 – 3.0 m) ±4 mm (up to 3.45 m)

Height ±6 mm (3.0 – 6.0 m) TBA

Height ±8 mm (6.0 – 10 m) TBA

Height ±10 mm (10.0 m & over) TBA

Thickness (0 m – 0.5 m) ±3 mm (0.0 – 0.5 m) ±3 mm (0 – 0.5 m)

Shell thickness A ±3 mm; B ±8 mm A ±3 mm; B ±8 mm

Cross section (0 m – 0.5 m) A ±3 mm; B ±8 mm ±6 mm TBA

Cross section (0.5 m – 0.75 m) A ±5 mm; B ±14 mm ±9 mm TBA

Surface flatness (Class A) (mould) 0.2 m = 2 mm; ±2 mm

3.0 m = 5 mm

Surface flatness (Class B) (no mould) 0.2 m = 4 mm; ±2 mm

3.0 m = 10 mm

Surface flatness from a 1.5 m str. edge placed 6 mm TBA

in any position on a nominal plane

Twist (D diagonals) (up to 0.6 m W to 6 m L) 6 mm 6 mm

Twist (D diagonals) (over 0.6 m W to any L) 12 mm 8 mm

Squareness (shorter side) (0 m – 1.2 m) 6 mm 6 mm

Squareness (shorter side) (1.2 – 1.8 m) 9 mm 9 mm

Squareness (shorter side) (over 1.8 m) 12 mm 12 mm

Opening location, door, window (horizontal) ±6 mm

Opening location, door, window (vertical) ±6 mm

Opening dimensions A ±10 mm; B ±15 mm ±6 mm

Positioning of inserts A ±10 mm; B ±15 mm ±6 mm

Straightness/bow (0 m – 3 m) 6 mm TBA

Straightness/bow (3 m – 6 m) 9 mm TBA

Straightness/bow (6 m – 12 m) 12 mm TBA

Min. lattice embedment top chord 10 mm min. TBA

Min. lattice embedment bottom chord 10 mm min. TBA

Position of lattice girder from edge As required

(300 mm nom.)

Table 1 1 Tolerance for cast-in inserts to be obtained from Explore and compared with the project specification requirements.

Precast manufacturing 2 All the above figures may be subject to change. Always check against the source standards or Explore’s latest
tolerance document.
tolerances for twin wall

5 Manufacture

Figure 13
Working on the first shell of
the twin wall, the precast
outline and holes or fixings are
plotted onto the steel pallet
using digital data from the
drawing process to drive the

Figure 14
Formwork, bottom mesh and
lattice reinforcement in place
ready for concreting

Figure 15
Securing lattice girders in
place on steel pallet fitted
with spacers and mesh

Precast Twin Wall

Figure 16
Concrete distributor placing
concrete in formwork. (The
construction of shell 1 of twin
wall is identical to that of
lattice floor pictured here)

Figure 17
After curing the first shell is
inverted and inserted into wet
concrete of the second shell

5.5 Storage, transportation and handling

The effects due to transient conditions such as storage, handling and transportation are considered and
checked by Explore in accordance with BS EN 13369(13), BS EN 14992(8) and BS EN 13670-1(14) and do
not normally need separate consideration or calculation by the Structural Engineer.

6 Construction

6 Construction
6.1 General
This section provides information on the installation of precast twin wall by the Contractor. Further details
regarding the specification for construction and installation are also provided in Appendix D, Model

6.2 Materials
The installation process enables the precast twin wall units to function effectively within the structural frame.
The in-situ concrete and splice reinforcement ensure that the wall will function as intended and are as
important as the constituent materials of the precast twin wall unit itself.

In-situ concrete should be specified by the Engineer in accordance with the requirements for structural
concrete (i.e. BS EN 1992-1-1(4), BS EN 206-1(11) and BS 8500-1(5). The fluidity of the concrete used will
have implications on the temporary stability of the element (see Section 6.3 below) and the Contractor should
propose a suitable mix for the Structural Engineer’s approval. This will require discussion between Explore
and the Contractor regarding methods of compaction and the possible use of self-compacting concrete
(SCC). Explore will be able to provide advice regarding the implications of any particular option with respect
to the temporary works design.

Site-fixed reinforcement should be in accordance with BS EN 1992-1-1 and BS EN 10080-1(12).

6.3 Installation methods and tolerances

Figure 18
Twin wall
propped prior to
concreting inner

Figure 19
Close up of top
of twin wall
element showing
cast-in lifter

Precast Twin Wall

Figure 20
Twin wall and
lattice slab
elements erected
awaiting steel
fixing before
in-situ concrete
is poured

Figure 21
offloading bay
with twin wall
units in racks on
the lorry

Construction tolerances should be within the relevant requirements of BS EN 1992-1-1(4) and

BS EN 13670-1(14). Many of these tolerances have direct implications on deflection, strength, durability
and fire resistance; the Contractor should therefore provide procedures for monitoring as part of the quality
control process.

6.3.1 Lifting
Under CDM regulations the design of the lifting points should be the responsibility of Explore. Designs should
be checked by Laing O’Rourke temporary works engineers. The project team must ensure that the design
of the lifting points and the design check covers precisely the way the units will be handled on site. Lifting
points and attachments must be:

■ Designed for safe handling.

■ Take into account whether the unit is lifted straight or turned.
■ Visibly identified on the unit using clear markings.
■ Listed in the lifting plan.
■ Inspected prior to use by a competent person.
■ Shown on the drawing.

Consideration must be given to safe access to attach the lifting equipment at the top of the units. Racks with
purpose-made access platforms are available, but limit the number of units transported at a time. Ladders
with an attachment that hooks the top of the unit to provide a secure attachment are an alternative, as shown
in Figure 21.

Storey-height wall units are usually delivered in racks on their sides and need to be turned in an upright
position for installation. They are typically lifted from the rack and placed down on suitable bearers or a sand
bed for turning. Lifting points are required on two sides to allow the unit to be lifted from the ground in the
correct orientation for placing in the structure.

6 Construction

6.3.2 Starter bars and fixing

To avoid clashing with lattice girders, starter bars may need to be displaced or sometimes sacrificed during
the installation process. Consequently H16 diameter bar should be the maximum size used where possible.
If larger diameter bars are required Explore recommends that all wall starter bars are overdesigned by 20% to
allow for sacrificial bars, and also recommends that a joint width of 50 mm is used at the base of all twin walls
that are designed for full cross-sectional loadbearing capacity. In addition a high flowing mix design must be
used to infill the wall cavity and the joint.

In-situ infill

Single row of starter bars

with 20% extra to allow
35 x bar for clashes
+ 50 mm

50 mm

Figure 22
Detail at base of twin wall

6.4 Lateral pressure during concrete pouring

The maximum lateral pressure of concrete on a twin wall system depends on the following factors:

■ Height of the in-situ pour.

■ Average rate of rise of the concrete vertically up the centre of the twin wall.
■ Temperature of the concrete at the time of placing
■ Plan dimension of internal twin wall void.
■ Constituents of the concrete, type of cement and/or blend with or without admixtures.
■ Density of concrete.
■ Fluidity of concrete.

The industry recommended concrete pressure of 30 kN/m2 for standard twin wall design equates to pouring
at the rate of approximately 750 mm per hour. However, site logistics and size of pours often require pours
to be made quickly. This can be accommodated by design of additional lattice in the wall. Accordingly this
information should be provided to the Explore at an early stage.

Research has shown that by reducing the centres of the lattice girders and increasing lattice embedment (by
increasing shell thickness) it is possible to design twin walls to take full hydrostatic pressure. This will increase
the allowable rate of rise but does mean that joints will require temporary support (tying).

Precast Twin Wall

6.4.1 Pour rates

The graph in Figure 24 shows the relationship between the lattice girder spacing and the rate of rise for
different wall thicknesses. Table 2 highlights the design requirements for the shell thicknesses and the lattice
spacing to achieve the rate of rise shown in the graph.

Lattice bottom
bars dia. = f b
Lattice top
bars dia. = ft

Cover to lattice bar = c

Lattice diagonals
≥ 55 mm dia. = fd

Cover to main bars

= 25 mm

Shell 1 Shell 2
thickness = t1 thickness = t2

Main bar dia. = fm

Overall wall thickness = T

Figure 23
Spacing of twin wall lattice Concrete C35/45 Tolerances Wall thickness ± 4 mm Shell thickness +5 mm

T, mm t 1, mm t 2, mm c, mm f m, mm f t, mm f b, mm f d, mm Lattice girder capacity,

200 65 65 16 10 8 5 5 15.60

250 65 65 14 10 10 5 5 19.80
Table 2 300 65 70 18 12 10 6 5 21.90
Wall and lattice girder
350 70 75 21 12 10 6 6 24.40

Pour rates
4.00 Key
3.50 Wall widths and
concrete slump
Rate of rise, m/hr

200 mm, F4
200 mm, F3
2.00 250 mm, F4
1.50 250 mm, F3
1.00 300 mm, F4

0.50 300 mm, F3

350 mm, F4
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 350 mm, F3

Lattice girder spacing, mm

Figure 24
1 The lattice girder capacity (and resulting wall capacity) is determined by top bar diameter, ft and cover, c.
Relationship between pour
2 Pressures are in accordance with BS EN 14992: F3 slump = 120–180 mm approx; F4 slump >180 mm approx.
rate and lattice girder

6 Construction

6.4.2 Hydrostatic pressure

Figure 26 shows the relationship between the lattice girder spacing and the hydrostatic pressure for different
wall thicknesses. Table 3 highlights the design requirements for the shell thicknesses and the lattice spacing
to achieve the pour heights shown in the graph.

Lattice bottom
bars dia. = f b
Lattice top
bars dia. = ft

Cover to lattice bar = c

Lattice diagonals
≥ 55 mm dia. = fd

Cover to main bars

= 25 mm

Shell 1 Shell 2
thickness = t1 thickness = t2

Main bar dia. = fm

Overall wall thickness = T

Figure 25
Concrete C35/45 Tolerances Wall thickness ± 4 mm Shell thickness +5 mm
Spacing of twin wall lattice

T, mm t 1, mm t 2, mm c (min), mm f m, mm f t, mm f b, mm f d, mm Lattice girder

capacity, kN/m
200 65 65 15 10 8 5 5 15.60

250 65 65 15 10 10 5 5 19.80
Table 3 300 65 70 17 12 10 6 5 21.90
Wall and lattice girder
350 70 75 22 12 10 6 6 24.40

Hydrostatic pressure
4.00 Key
3.50 Wall widths

200 mm wall
250 mm wall
Pour height, m

300 mm wall
350 mm wall



200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Lattice girder spacing, mm

Figure 26
Relationship between pour
The lattice girder capacity (and resulting wall capacity) is determined by top bar diameter, ft and cover, c.
height and hydrostatic

Precast Twin Wall

7 References
1. BSI. BS 8110-1: 1997. Structural use of concrete – Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction.

2. The Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the design of concrete building structures to
Eurocode 2, 2006.

3. The Concrete Centre. How to design concrete structures using Eurocode 2, 2006.

4. BSI. BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004. Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures –

Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.

5. BSI. BS 8500-1: 2006. Concrete – Complementary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 –

Part 1: Method of specifying and guidance for the specifier.

6. BSI. BS EN 1992-1-2: 2004. Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures –

Part 1-2: General rules – Structural fire design.

7. BSI. PD 6687: 2006. Background paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1992-1.

8. BSI. BS EN 14992: 2007. Precast concrete products – Wall elements.

9. BSI. NA to BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004. UK National Annex to Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures –

Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.

10. CEB-FIP. Composite floor structures – Guide to good practice. 1998.

11. BSI. BS EN 206-1: 2004. Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity.

12. BSI. BS EN 10080-1: 2005. Steel for the reinforcement of concrete – Weldable reinforcing steel - General.

13. BSI. BS EN 13369: 2004. Common rules for precast concrete products.

14. BSI. BS EN 13670-1: 2009. Execution of concrete structures – Part 1: Common.

Appendix A: Design process maps

Appendix A: Design process maps

A1 Introduction
This appendix presents two process maps.

Twin wall design process map

This is a detailed design process map, showing the analysis and calculation process for twin walls. The
numbers allocated to the steps are used to take the reader through the twin wall worked examples in
Appendix C and are referred to in the twin wall design guide.

Design for manufacture and assembly

The process map for design for manufacture and assembly sets out the general design process, showing
how the responsibility for the various steps is allocated to the parties involved.


Precast Twin Wall

Figure A.1: Twin wall design process map

Inputs Outputs

and modelling
Agree preliminary panel Revise structural arrangement

Panel layout
LOR/Contractor preferences Preliminary joint layout
layout with LOR/Contractor or thicken wall.

2 Analyse structure
Geometry and loads
assuming gross elastic stiffness

3 Extract ULS and SLS

bending moments and axial
Model results for ULS and Critical ULS and SLS
forces and ULS in-plane shear
SLS load combinations load combinations
forces per panel and identify 13.3
critical load combinations Apply stiffness
reduction to model
Critical ULS load combinations, horiz. joints
4 Required concrete grade, wall
section geometry, bedding details, Design wall panels and
thickness, joint and reinforcement
concrete and steel design joints for in-plane shear forces
strengths, fyd, fcd

5 Add geometrical
Critical ULS load combinations, imperfections and 2nd order
Critical ULS load combinations
geometrical imperfections and effects to ULS moments as
including additional effects
2nd order effects appropriate in accordance with
BS EN 1992-1-1

Critical ULS load combinations,

section geometry, bedding 6 Design wall panels for Required concrete grade, wall
ULS bending and shear

details, concrete and steel combined moments and axial forces thickness and reinforcement details
design strengths, fyd, fcd

Wall panel design, buildability, Wall

No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements, cost panel design
acceptable? wall panel design
efficiency 13.2.2 Improve
reinforcement efficiency
Yes by increasing internal
Critical ULS load combinations, lever arm (e.g.
section geometry, bedding 8 multiple layer detail)
Design joints for combined Required concrete grade, horiz.
details, concrete and steel
moments and axial forces joint and reinforcement details
design strengths,
fcd, fyd

Horiz. joint design, buildability, Horiz.
joint design No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements,
acceptable horiz. joint design
cost efficiency
at ULS?



Vert. joint design, buildability, Vert.

joint design No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements, cost
acceptable vert. joint design
at ULS?

Tying check
Vertical tying force
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 No 11.1 Additional reinforcement to meet
reinforcement for
cl. 9.10.2 and minimum Add reinforcement tying or minimum reinforcement
vert. tying and
reinforcement requirements requirements
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 9.6)
12 13.2.1
Estimate horiz. Joint opening
from critical SLS load combinations Efficiency
Critical SLS load combinations significantly improved No Expected joint opening
with multiple

SLS checks

Crack width limits No

(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 7.3.1) 13 13.2
Is joint Calculate cracked Confirmation of SLS horiz. joint
No Stiffness Yes
opening width stiffness of horiz. joints design, cracked section
acceptable? from SLS forces and joint significant? stiffness for horiz. joint
design detail
Panel interface shear

Critical ULS load combinations,

interface shear stresses for 14 14.2
composite panels, lattice
Peak 14.1 Can
spacing, s, area of lattice, As, Calculate interface Sufficient No No
moments at top No more lattices
steel design strength, fyd, shear stresses for interface shear
and bottom horiz. be added?
angle of lattice, a, friction angle, m composite panels capacity?
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 6.2.5)

Appendix A: Design process maps

Yes Yes Yes
Add additional lattices Lattice spacing, s
Critical ULS load combinations 15 Calculate interface shear
forces for non-contact laps Interface shear forces
18.2 for non-contact laps
Increase bar
Concrete and steel design diameter and spacing
strengths fyd, fcd, bar 16 accordingly
Calculate splice lap
diameter and lap offset Minimum design lap
lengths in accordance with
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 8.7.2) length for splice
BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 8.7.2

Interface shear forces for

Non-contact laps

non-contact laps, minimum 17

Determine interface shear Interface shear stresses for
design lap length for splice
stresses for design lap length non-contact laps
Interface shear stresses for 18.1
noncontact laps, lattice 18 18.1.1
spacing, s, area of lattice, As, Sufficient Can splice Can
steel design strength, fyd, angle No No No Confirmation of splice lap lengths,
interface shear bar diameter be more lattices be
of lattice, a, friction angle, m splice bar diameter
capacity? increased? added?
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 6.2.5)
Yes Yes

19 18.1.2
Finalise wall design Add
Revised lattice spacing, s
and panel layout additional lattices

Confirmation of wall thickness,

concrete grade, reinforcement
details and joint layout

Precast Twin Wall

Figure A.2: Design for manufacture and assembly - process map, twin wall

Submit BIM Prepare schedule of
structural model all requirements
inclusive of for execution;
Determine/revise: precast outline, joint steel schedules;
Establish: ฀Precast wall outline Does the positions of doors concrete
and wall thickness manufacturing advice and windows specifications
฀ ฀ ฀ ฀
฀ ฀

Prepare structural connection confirm initial

reinforcement assumptions for Yes
model using twin details
areas to shell design?
wall design guide ฀ ฀
1 and 2 Submit
and follow horizontal joint
฀ ฀ reinforcement
design process details
arrangement intent for shell 1 No
฀ ฀ based on
and design and shell 2 for
architecture, or
precast elements
structural efficiency

Are the requirements

of the permanent
Submit details and
works incorporated in
Prepare/revise drawings of layout
the DfMA Solution?
preliminary of fixtures and
arrangement builders work not
of panels incorporated into
for comment the model

Standard details
Explore manufacturing

for proposed
Prepare/revise 3D
model with
elementised twin
wall components, Approved for
Review panel Determine lattice incorporating Prepare/revise manufacture
arrangement height and spacing temporary works manufacturing
and advise on and shell requirements Manufacture
details and send
element shape for thickness for and specification for approval
manufacture final design requirements


Are the
Advise on propping Maximum weight requirements

requirements; for installation and of the temporary

Determine preferred
temporary loads maximum height/ works and site execution;
assembly method
affecting permanent rate of pour unit size maximum weight,
works incorporated
in the DfMA

Appendix B: Frequently asked questions

Appendix B: Frequently asked questions

1. I would not usually consider minor-axis bending. Is it not simpler and
easier to just assume a precast twin wall is pinned at the base?
In many situations the minor-axis bending component is small; however this depends on the magnitude of
the applied loads, the slenderness of the wall and length of span supported. For large end spans, minor-axis
bending is likely to be significant and simply designing for a pinned condition may represent an unacceptable
amount of moment redistribution. Such effects should always be considered by the Structural Engineer for
both traditional RC and precast twin walls.

2. Surely if I only specify a single layer of splice reinforcement the joint

must be pinned?
If a single row of splice reinforcement is specified this does not reduce the joint to a pin. Moment capacity
still exists and is enhanced by the axial load which is likely to be present. Indeed, if a single row of
reinforcement is specified it is important that the design (at ULS and SLS) is considered explicitly, due to
the reduced lever arm.

3. Why can I not maximise the effectiveness of the splice bars by

placing them against the inner face of the element?
Positioning the splice bars so that they are directly adjacent to the inner face of the element will in theory
increase their efficiency; however, this approach is not recommended for two reasons. Firstly, the bond
on the splice bars will be adversely affected and an increase in bond length will be required to satisfy the
same force in the bar. Secondly, with no gap between the element and the bar, buildability may be seriously
affected and, if tolerances are unfavourable, it may not be possible to lower the next panel over the splice

4. Why is the width of the element ineffective if the joint width is less
than 30 mm?
The 30 mm limit is set in BS EN 14992(8). This limit is defined to facilitate flow of concrete constituents fully
into the joint. Any joint less than this cannot be considered as fully effective, as the efficacy of the concrete
underneath the element cannot be guaranteed.

5. I would not do a crack width check for a normal RC wall design so

why do I need to estimate the joint opening for precast twin wall?
A joint opening check is recommended only at the joint positions. This is due to the reduced internal lever arm
and non-homogeneity at the precast/in-situ interface, which makes the potential magnitude of joint opening
significantly more than crack widths in an equivalent RC wall junction. Joint opening should therefore be
checked to ensure the design achieves the necessary performance at the SLS (see Section 4.2 Steps 12
to 13).

6. The precast element and in-situ concrete have different concrete

strengths. How can I take account of this in design?
Unless specific software is available with the facility to consider different concrete strengths, it is recommended
that the wall is designed using the lower 28 day compressive concrete strength.

Precast Twin Wall

7. I have been told that the walls can pull apart when the concrete is
poured. How will Explore and the Contractor ensure this will not happen?
Using the method statements and proposed concrete mix from the Contractor, Explore will consider the
height of concrete poured, rate of pour and positions of the lattice to ensure that the wall will never experience
an unacceptable internal pressure. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the lattice embedment is
a critical factor in such pull-out failures. Explore manufacturing tolerances will ensure that the minimum
embedment as recommended by BS EN 14992(8) is always achieved. Resulting reinforcement stresses are
not significant for the permanent condition design.

Appendix C:
Example calculations
Precast Twin Wall

Appendix C: Example calculations

Appendix C: Example calculations

Design for manufacture and assembly 15203

Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

Key: The following symbols are used in the left hand column:

1 – Design process (colour coded) map reference

EC2 5.2(7) – Reference to BS or other publication

This is a typical building concept design for manufacture and assembly (DfMA)
using precast components from Explore’s precast component set.

In following this design for twin walls, readers should refer to the Twin Wall Design
Guide, to the marked up process design map on page 71 that shows the two cases
considered, and to the process flow chart on page 36. The Concrete Centre’s
spreadsheets* can be used for part of this design (see page 72).


The structure has been analysed using a 3D finite element model. The wall
section to be designed and the associated design forces have been taken from
this model. Hand calculations are to be carried out on this section to EC2.
Due to shear wall action and the resulting variation of forces the design will be
carried out on a panel-by-panel basis.

Figure C.1
Model of structure
Two separate cases will be checked (see process design map on page 71):
1. Botom storey; where axial force is greatest
2. Top storey; where axial force is least and moment will have a greater effect

Wall section
Trial wall section at h = 300 mm min thickness
Precast element thickness = 50 mm
fck = 50 MPa (C50/60) for precast panels, fck = 40 MPa (C40/50) for in-situ.
Design will be conservatively based on the lower value of fck = 40 MPa fck = 40 MPa
fyk = 500 MPa fyk = 500 MPa
The layout agreed with Explore consists of spliting the wall into 4 panels.
Therefore, the loads taken from the FE model are based on 4 x 1.95 m panels
with average results being extracted for each.
* RC spreadsheets: V3. User guide and CD. CCIP-008. The Concrete Centre 2006. Excel
spreadsheets for design to BS 8110 and Eurocode 2 and its UK National Annex.

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010


A B C D 3200 mm

Figure C.2
Bottom storey wall
with panel locations
7800 mm

3 CASE 1 – Botom storey

The worst case panel loads can be taken from the FE model and are shown
below for the botom storey. Appropriate values of Ny (axial load), My
(transverse bending), and Nxy (in-plane shear) have been extracted from the FE
model and are presented on a panel-by-panel basis.

ULS transverse bending

Results averaged per panel width
36 kNm/m 24 kNm/m 24 kNm/m 36 kNm/m


16 kNm/m 12 kNm/m 12 kNm/m 16 kNm/m

ULS axial force

Results averaged per panel
866 kN/m 734 kN/m 651 kN/m 620 kN/m


937 kN/m 764 kN/m 667 kN/m 579 kN/m

ULS in-plane shear

Results averaged on joint length
37 kN/m
–31 kN/m

43 kN/m

32 kN/m


37 kN/m

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010


Panel design – horizontal in-plane shear forces

The wall is known to be in compression therefore the full length of the wall is
effective (7800 mm). A maximum horizontal shear force can be taken from the
FE model as 37 kN/m (see above).

The maximum horizontal shear stress in the plane of the wall,

vEd = (37 × 1.95) × 103 / (300 × 1950)
= 0.123 MPa vEd = 0.123 MPa

Normal stress due to minimum SLS axial load (from FE model);

EC2 6.2.2 scp = NEd / Ac

Check based on minimum ULS axial load (Panel D),

NEd = 579 kN/m
therefore, scp = NEd / Ac = 579 ×103 / (1000 × 300)
= 1.93 MPa

This means that the minimum design shear strength

EC2 6.2.2 Min. vRdc = vmin + k1 scp
= 0.035k1.5 fck0.5 + k1scp
k1 = 0.15 recommended
k = √(200/d) + 1
= 1.81 < 2 OK
vRdc = (0.035 × 1.811.5 × 400.5) + (0.15 × 1.93)
vRdc = 0.83 MPa vRdc = 0.83 MPa
0.83 > 0.123
vRdc > vEd
Shear reinforcement is not required vertically for ULS strength vRdc > vEd OK

Panel design – vertical in-plane shear forces

The full height of the wall is effective (3500 mm). A maximum vertical shear
force can be taken from the FE model as 43 kN (Panel B/C).
The maximum shear stress in the plane of the wall,
EC2 6.2.2
vEd = (43 × 3.5) ×103 / (300 × 3500) = 0.143 MPa vEd = 0.143 MPa

This means that the minimum design shear strength

Min. Vdc = vmin + k1 scp
= 0.035k1.5fck0.5 + k1scp
scp = 0 MPa conservative
k1 = 0.15 recommended
k = √(200/d) + 1
= 1.81 <2 OK
vRdc = (0.035 × 1.811.5 × 400.5)

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.
vRdc = 0.53 MPa vRdc = 0.53 MPa
0.53 > 0.143
vRdc > vEd
Shear reinforcement not required horizontally for ULS strength vRdc > vEd OK
Joint design – vertical in-plane shear forces
Splice bars between vertical joint

For design purposes, joints
are considered to be unfilled
Figure C.3
Plan view on vertical
joint showing horizontal
This calculation is similar to the wall panel design; however, at vertical joint
locations the depth of wall decreases to 200 mm.
vEd = (43 × 3.5) ×103 / (200 × 3500) = 0.215 MPa vEd = 0.215 MPa
This means that the minimum design shear strength
vRdc = vmin + k1 scp
= 0.035k1.5fck0.5 + k1scp
scp = 0 N/mm2 conservative
k1 = 0.15 recommended
k = √(200/d) + 1
= 2 ≤ 2 OK
vRdc = (0.035 × 21.5 × 400.5)
= 0.63 MPa vRdc = 0.63 MPa
0.63 > 0.215
∴vRdc > vEd vRdc > vEd
Shear reinforcement is not required in vertical joints for ULS strength OK

Joint design – horizontal in-plane shear forces

As shear reinforcement is not required for the panel and the bedding joint
is greater than 30 mm (i.e. the same effective width), no further checks for
shear are required for the horizontal joint. Therefore shear reinforcement is not
required in horizontal joints for ULS strength.

5 Slenderness
The wall section is to be designed as a non-sway structure with axial load
IStructE and bending to be applied. Using the clear height between floors (3200 mm),
EC2 Manual 2.2
slenderness can be calculated:

EC2 Manual
Effective height L0 = b lw
Table 5.14 = 0.85 × 3200
= 2720 mm

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

Radius of gyration i = √(I/A)

= √[ (bd3/12) / bd ]
i = d / √(12)
i = 86.6 mm
Slenderness ratio l = L0 / i
l = 31.4 l = 31.4
For m width Ac = w d
= 1000 × 300
= 3 × 105 mm2
EC2 Min. slenderness lmin = (20 A B C) / √(n)
A = 0.7
B = 1.1
rm = M01 / M02
Where M01 and M02 represent the moments at the top and botom of the
member. These moments can be read from the analysis model (Panel C).
rm = –16 / +36
= – 0.44 (Minimum rm for all panels)
C = 1.7 – rm
C = 1.7 – (–0.44)
= 2.14
Maximum ULS axial load (Panel A),
Nsd = 937 kN/m conservative
fcd = fck / 1.5
= 40/1.5
= 26.7
n = Nsd / (Ac fcd)
= 937 × 103/(3.0 × 105 × 26.7)
= 0.12
lmin = (20 × 0.7 × 1.1 × 2.14) / (√0.12)
= 95 lmin = 95
31.4 < 95 l< lmin
l < lmin Wall is non-slender Non-slender
Moment and axial force
6 In addition to the output moment taken from the FE model, a moment is
applied from an assumed axial load eccentricity.

Maximum ULS axial load (Panel A),

Nsd = 937 kN/m (maximum for all panels)
EC2 5.2.7 Eccentric moment, ei = L0 / 400
= 2720 / 400
= 6.8 mm
Mi = Nsd ei
= 937 × 0.0068
Mi = 6.4 kNm/m (maximum for all panels) Mi = 6.4 kNm/m

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.

According to clause in EC2 where the column is non-slender, it should

EC2 be designed for first order internal moments and forces (ignoring second order

Summarising design forces for all panels (conservatively using maximum

moment and minimum axial force for each panel)
Panel A Mt = 36 + 6.4 = 43 kNm/m Nsd = 866 kN/m
Panel B Mt = 24 + 6.4 = 31 kNm/m Nsd = 734 kN/m
Panel C Mt = 24 + 6.4 = 31 kNm/m Nsd = 651 kN/m
Panel D Mt = 36 + 6.4 = 43 kNm/m Nsd = 579 kN/m

EC2 Manual
Appendix A
By inspection, Panel D is critical i.e. has the
maximum moment with a minimum axial load.
Mt/bh2fck = 43 × 106 / 1000 × 3002 × 40
= 0.012
NEd/bhfck = 579 × 103 / 1000 × 300 × 40
7 = 0.048

Ploting on design charts indicates that

8 x
Asfyk /bhfck = 0.
Ft s This check confirms that ultimate strength
reinforcement is not critical. Minimum reinforcement
and tying requirements are likely to be dominant.

Figure C.4
Force diagram in panel Z

9 Joint/splice check (horizontal joints)

The horizontal joints must be checked for ULS shear and flexure. An effective
bedding joint of 30 mm is provided at the top and botom of the wall.

Ft Z
30 mm s
bedding joint

A A d

Splice bar
to provide
Figure C.5 continuity
Forces acting on
horizontal joint Section A–A

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

Assuming the splice bar is placed centrally:

deff = 300 mm/2
= 150 mm
Consider critical case identified in Step 6 i.e. Panel D.
N = 579 kN/m
M = 43 kNm/m

The previous method of using IStructE manual charts is not appropriate due
to a small d/h ratio.

Therefore using Concrete Centre Spreadsheet TCC12, it can be shown that

the reinforcement needed for ultimate strength is minimal (see page 72).
Reinforcement required for tying and minimum requirement will be critical.
The horizontal joint design is acceptable at ULS; however, it will be subject to
minimum reinforcement and vertical tie requirements.

10 Joint/splice check (vertical joints)

There is no significant bending in the vertical joints and no shear reinforcement
is required (see Step 4). Therefore only minimum reinforcement is required for
the horizontal splice, see Step 11.


Minimum vertical panel reinforcement
Asvmin =
Asvmin = 0.002Ac
EC2 9.6.2 300 mm2/m EF
= 0.002 × (1000 × 300) H10 @ 200
= 600 mm2/m (300 mm2/m EF) c/c (393 mm2/m)
Use H10 @ 200 c/c EF (393 mm2/m) vert. steel

Minimum horizontal panel reinforcement

EC2 9.6.3 Ashmin1 = 0.001Ac Ashmin1=
= 300 mm2/m (150 mm2/m EF) 150 mm2/m EF
Or 25 % vert. reinforcement: Ashmin2 = 0.25 Asvprov
= 0.25 × 393
H8 @ 250
= 98 mm2/m EF c/c (201 mm2/m)
Use H8 @ 250 c/c EF (201 mm /m) horiz. steel

Minimum vertical splice reinforcement

Minimum steel required for splice (same as the total for the wall panel),
As,vsplice = 600 mm2/m H16 @ 300
c/c (670 mm2/m)
Use H16 @ 300 c/c (670 mm2/m) for vertical splice (single row) vert. splice

Minimum horizontal splice reinforcement

As the vertical joint has a reduced depth of wall, the minimum reinforcement

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.

Minimum steel required for splice,

As,hsplice = 0.001Ac
= 0.001 × 1000 [300 – (2 × 50)]
= 200 mm2/m H8 @ 250
c/c (201 mm2/m)
Use H8 @ 250 c/c (201mm2/m) for horizontal splice horiz. splice

Minimum tie reinforcement

Vertical ties should be capable of resisting a tensile force equal to the
maximum total design ultimate load received by the wall from any one floor,
under an accidental load combination.

Maximum ULS axial load (taken from FE model with an accidental load case),
Nac = 386 kN/m
As,tie = Nac / (gS fyk)
gS = 1.0 (accidental load case)
As,tie = 386 × 103 / (1.0 × 500)

As,tie = 772 mm2/m > 670 mm2/m splice reinforcement FAILS Tie provision FAILS
< 393 × 2 = 786 mm2/m panel reinforcement PASSES
The bars chosen earlier for the vertical splice reinforcement are insufficient;
therefore steel needs to be increased. H16 @ 250
Adopt H16 @ 250 c/c (804 mm2/m) for vertical splice c/c (804 mm /m)
vert. splice


SLS loading (per panel)

The worst case panel loads can be taken from the FE model and are shown
below for the botom storey. Appropriate values of N y (axial load), M y
(transverse bending), and Nxy (in-plane shear) have been extracted from the FE
model and are presented on a panel-by-panel basis.

SLS axial force

Results averaged per panel
598 kN/m 565 kN/m 584 kN/m 640 kN/m


610 kN/m 589 kN/m 603 kN/m 654 kN/m

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

SLS transverse bending

Results averaged per panel width
30 kNm/m 20 kNm/m 20 kNm/m 30 kNm/m


–13 kNm/m –10 kNm/m –10 kNm/m –13 kNm/m

Joint opening at SLS

To avoid lift-off (cracking) at SLS, no tension can exist at the joint. Therefore
the resultant force must be in the middle third of the wall. By inspection, Panel
D is most onerous for force eccentricity.
N = 240 kN e =M/N
M = 20 kNm
e = 30 × 106 / 579 × 103 = 52 mm e = 52 mm

The middle third of wall is / either side of centreline. Therefore for the reaction
to be in the middle third, the eccentricity should be less than or equal to / of
the wall width.
b = 300
eallow = 300 / 6
= 50 mm < 52 mm

The allowable eccentricity is exceeded, therefore lift off occurs,

this means that an additional joint opening check has to be performed.

Joint opening check

When the splice bar is not in tension the following simple joint opening check
can be performed;

The calculation assumes, conservatively, that the maximum joint opening is

defined by the sum of tensile strain within the zone of the splice lap.

ect / (h – x) = ecc / x
es ect = ecc(h – x) / x
ect ect = [ (h – x) / x](sc / Ec)
Figure C.6
Average strain,
Strain at ectave = [ (h – x) / 2x ](sc / Ec)
design section d
Joint opening at face, Dcf = ect (l0/2)
Ecm = 17 N/mm2 h
e = 52 mm
1/3x = (300/2) – 52
Therefore, ∴x = 294 mm (splice bar
remains in compression)

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.
N 0.5sc x = 240 × 103
sc = (2 × 240 × 103) / (294 ×
1000) = 1.6 N/mm2
ect = [(300 – 294) / (294)] ×
1/3 2/3
[1.6/17 × 103]
sc = 2 × 10–6
l0 = 51f (conservatively using
Figure C.7 x IStructE EC2 Manual)
Stress at
design section
300 l0 = 51 × 16 = 816 mm
Dcf = 2 × 10–6 × 816/2
= 8.16 × 10–4 mm < 0.3 mm
Joint opening OK D < 0.3 mm OK

13 Since joint opening is minimal the reduction in support stiffness is not

significant for the wider structure. Therefore it is not necessary to apply
cracked section stiffness.


No lateral forces are applied to the wall (and the wall is non-slender) therefore
end moments are critical. Also, the interface shear in the non-contact lap for
the splice bars will be critical therefore there is no need for an additional in-
panel interface shear check.
Joint interface shear – horizontal joint
Step 6 indicates that only minimum reinforcement is required in the wall panel
and Step 8 also demonstrates this at the joint. After checking the accidental
case in Step 11, vertical tying reinforcement is clearly critical.

As the tying force, T, is a pure tension force, the non-contact lap acts on both
faces to transfer force to reinforcement in both panels.

Therefore interface shear force, T = 386/2

= 193 kN/m T = 193 kN/m

16 Anchorage/lap length of vertical splice bar

Using H16 @ 250 c/c (804 mm2/m);
EC2 8.4.3
EC2 8.4.2 Anchorage length, lb,rqd = (f/4)(ssd/fbd)
EC2 Table 3.1
fbd = 2.25n1n2fctd
fctd = actfctk,0.05/gC
fbd = 2.25 × 1 × 1 × (0.85 × 2.5/1.5)
= 3.19 MPa
ssd = 386 × 103 / 804
= 480 MPa
(Note: as the critical load combination is
tying, gS = 1.0 hence ssd > 435 MPa)
EC2 8.7.3 therefore, lb,rqd = (16/4)(480/3.19) lb,rqd = 602 mm
= 602 mm vertically

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

EC2 Table 8.2

Provide 602 mm anchorage length min past the joint (Figure C8)

Lap length, l0 = a1a2a3a5a6 lb,rqd > l0 min

a1 = 1.0
a2 = 1– 0.15(Cd – f) /f
a2 = 1.0 conservative
EC2 Table 8.3 a3 = 1.0
a5 = 1.0 conservative
EC2 8.4.4 a6 = 1.5
l0 min = max{0.3 a6 lb,rqd; 15f; 200 mm}
= max{0.3 × 1.5 × 602; 15 ×16; 200}
= max{271; 240; 200}
= 271 mm

l0 = 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.5 × 602

= 903 mm > l0 min l0 = 903 mm

Allowance for non-contact lap is required due to the distance between the
reinforcement in the precast panels and the splice reinforcement.
EC2 8.7.2 states that the clear distance between lapped bars should not be
EC2 8.7.2 greater than 4f or 50 mm, otherwise the lapped length should be increased by
the clear space.
Allowance = (150 – 25) –50
= 75 mm
Total lap, lt = 903 +75
= 977 mm + 25 mm end cover
= 1002 mm (Figure C.8) lt = 1002 mm

An additional lap length is required to allow for in-plane distance from splice
bar to latice (to mobilise the capacity of the latice legs in interface shear).
Assuming latice spacing, s, is 600 mm and latice width, wi , is 100 mm.
Allowance to mobilise latice legs, llat = s/2 – wi /2
= 250 mm
Provide 1252 mm lap length total

Total bar length = (2 × 1252) + 30 mm joint + 300 mm (slab) Total bar length =
= 2834 mm, say 2850 mm 2850 mm

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.
Total lap length
Allowance for Design lap length, l0
non-contact lap Design anchorage length, l bd

Figure C.8
Diagram showing Interface shear length, based on l0
non-contact lap End cover, C Joint width, W

17 Interface shear – vertical splice capacity check

The average shear stress can be calculated by dividing the tensile force by the
area defined as the area over which the force is transmited. Interface shear
between the in-situ and precast elements transmits the forces from the joint
splice reinforcement to the reinforcement in the precast planks. Therefore we
must check that there is sufficient capacity at the interface to allow this to

The interface should always satisfy the following expression

vEdi > vRdi

As shown in Figure C8, the interface shear length is approximately equal to the
basic lap length, l0;
l0 = 903 mm
vEdi = T / (l0 × width)
= 193 × 103 / (903 × 1000)
= 0.21 MPa vEdi = 0.21 MPa
18 From EC2 the interface shear resistance can be calculated for
concrete cast at different times.
vRdi = cfctd + msn + rfyd (msina + cosa)
EC2 Exp. (6.25)

Assuming that the upper surface of the precast element has been formed as
standard, the values for ‘smooth’ should be used for the coefficients c and m.
EC2 6.2.5 (2) c = 0.2
m = 0.6
fctd = actfctk,0.05 / gC
act = 1.0
EC2 2.4.2 gC = 1.5
fctk,0.05 = 2.5
fctd = 1 × 2.5 / 1.5
EC2 Table 3.1
= 1.67
sn = 0 (no normal force)

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

a = angle of reinforcement through the interface, assuming that the latice

trusses are formed as equilateral trusses:
a = 60°
r = ratio of reinforcement crossing the interface
r = As / Ai

We will assume latice girders at 600 centres and approx. 250 high with H8
side bars. Therefore, 4 legs of H8 every 250 mm (standard latice spacing).
Area of bar / m = 4 × 50.3 × 1000/250
= 805 mm2

Average area of bars per m2; As = 805 × 1000/600

= 1342 mm2/m2
Ai = 1000 × 1000
= 1 × 106 mm2
r = 1342 / 106
= 1.342 × 10–3
fyd = fyk / gS
gS = 1.15
fyk = 500 MPa
fyd = 500/1.15
= 435 MPa
vRdi = (0.2 × 1.67) + 1.342 × 10–3 × 435
(0.6sin60 + cos60)
= 0.585 + 0.595
= 2.12 MPa vRdi = 2.12 MPa

EC2 6.2.5
Limiting value of vRdi:
EC2 3.1.6 vRdi lim = 0.5vfcd
fcd = acc fck / gC
NA EC2 acc = 1.0
Table NA1
EC2 Table 2.1
fck = 40 (for grade C40/50 concrete)
gC = 1.5
fcd = 1.0 × 40 /1.5
= 26.67 MPa
v = 0.6(1 – fck/250)
EC2 6.2.2
= 0.6(1 – 40/250)
= 0.504
vRdi, lim= 0.5 × 26.67 × 0.504
= 6.72 MPa

vRdi as calculated: = 2.12 < vRdi lim

= 6.72
so, use: vRdi = 2.12

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Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.

vEdi < vRdi

0.21 < 2.12
vEdi < vRdi therefore steel sufficient for interface shear vEdi < vRdi OK

15 Joint interface shear – vertical joint

As minimum reinforcement is the critical requirement for horizontal splice
reinforcement, the yield strength of the bars must be used to give a capacity
load. H8s @ 250 c/c are specified in Step 11.
Strength of reinforcement, fyd = fyk / gS gS = 1.15 for reinforcement
fyd = 500/1.15 = 435 MPa fyd = 435 MPa

Maximum capacity of tensile bars,

T = As fyd
= 201 × 435 = 87.4 kN/m

As the force, T, is a pure tension force, the non-contact lap will act on both
faces to transfer load to the reinforcement in both panels.

Therefore, T = 87.4/2 = 43.7 kN/m T = 44 kN/m

16 Anchorage/lap length of horizontal splice bar

Anchorage length, lb,rqd = (f/4)(ssd/fbd)
EC2 8.4.3,
EC2 8.4.2, fbd = 2.25n1n2fctd
EC2 Table 3.1

fctd = actfctk,0.05/gC
fbd = 2.25 × 1 × 1 (0.85 × 2.5/1.5)
= 3.19 MPa
ssd = 0.87fyk
(assuming bars are at full stress)

therefore, lb,rqd = (8/4)(0.87 × 500/3.19) lb,rqd = 273 mm

= 273 mm horizontally
Provide 273 mm anchorage length min past the joint (Figure C8)
EC2 8.7.3
Lap length, l0 = a1a2a3a5a6 lb,rqd > l0 min

EC2 Table 8.2 a1 = 1.0

a2 = 1– 0.15(Cd – f) /f
a2 = 1.0 conservative
a3 = 1.0
EC2 Table 8.3 a5 = 1.0 conservative
a6 = 1.5

EC2 8.4.4 l0 min = max{0.3 a6 lb,rqd; 15f; 200 mm}

= max{0.3 × 1.5 × 340; 15 × 10; 200}
= max{153; 150; 200}
= 200 mm

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

l0 = 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 ×1.5 × 273 l0 = 410 mm

= 410 mm > l0 min horizontally
An allowance for non-contact lap is required due to the distance between
reinforcement in the precast panels and the splice reinforcement.

EC2 8.7.2 states that the clear distance between lapped bars should not be
EC2 8.7.2 greater than 4f or 50 mm, otherwise the lapped length should be increased by
the clear space
Allowance = (150 – 25) – 50
= 75 mm
Total lap, lt = 410 + 75
= 485 mm + 25 mm end cover
= 510 mm (Figure C.8)

The lap length specified above is too long to fit in between vertical latices;
therefore 2 layers of reinforcement will have to be used.
Using the same bar size and spacing with half the stress applied previously
(2 layers)
lb,rqd = 137 mm
l0 = 205 mm
Non-contact lap allowance = 50 mm

Therefore, lt = 205 + 50
= 255 mm + 25 mm end cover
= 280 mm l t = 280 mm
Total bar length = (2 × 280) + 25 mm joint horizontally
with 2 layers of
= 585 mm

17 Interface shear – horizontal splice capacity check

The interface should always satisfy the following expression
vEdi > vRdi

As shown in Figure C.8, the interface shear length is approximately equal to

the basic lap length, l0 l0 = 205 mm

Therefore, vEdi = T / (l0 × width)

= 44 × 103 / (205 × 1000)
= 0.21 MPa vEdi = 0.21 MPa
18 From EC2 the interface shear resistance can be calculated for
concrete cast at different times.
vRdi = cfctd + msn + rfyd (msina + cosa)

For the vertical joint, no latice legs contribute to the shear capacity therefore,
by taking only the concrete into account, the expression becomes;

EC2 Exp. (6.25) vRdi = cfctd + msn

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 1 cont.

Assuming that the upper surface of the precast element has been formed as
EC2 6.2.5 (2) standard, the values for ‘smooth’ should be used for the coefficients c and m.
c = 0.2
m = 0.6
fctd = actfctk,0.05 / gC
act = 1.0
EC2 2.4.2
EC2 Table 3.1 gC = 1.5
fctk,0.05 = 2.5 MPa
fctd = 1 × 2.5 / 1.5
=1.67 MPa
sn = 0 (no normal force)
vRdi = (0.2 × 1.67)
vRdi = 0.334 MPa vRdi = 0.334 MPa
Limiting value of vRdi, calculated earlier:
vRdi, lim = 6.72 MPa
vRdi as calculated: = 0.585 < vRdi, lim = 6.72
so, use: vRdi = 0.334 MPa

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010


Panel reinforcement
H10 @ 200 c/c EF vertically
H8 @ 250 c/c EF horizontally

Bedding detail > 30 mm top

and botom of wall panel

Splice reinforcement
H16 @ 250 c/c
vertically 3050 mm

Vertical latices
@ 600 c/c

Figure C.9
Tying requirements
at horizontal joint

Vertical latices @ 600 c/c Splice reinforcement

H8 @ 250 c/c horizontally 585 mm

Figure C.10
Splicing requirements
at vertical joint

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

3 CASE 2 – Top storey


The worst case panel loads can be taken from the FE model and are shown
below for the top storey. Appropriate values of Ny (axial load), My (transverse
bending), and Nxy (in-plane shear) have been extracted from the FE model and
are presented on a panel-by-panel basis.

ULS transverse bending

Results averaged per panel width
81 kNm/m 61 kNm/m 62 kNm/m 84 kNm/m


– 66 kNm/m – 47 kNm/m – 47 kNm/m – 69 kNm/m

ULS axial force

Results averaged per panel
137 kN/m 48 kN/m 48 kN/m 142 kN/m


91 kN/m 124 kN/m 127 kN/m 111 kN/m

ULS in-plane shear

ULS results averaged on joint length
– 4 kN/m
– 6 kN/m
28 kN/m

22 kN/m


– 5 kN/m


Panel design – horizontal in-plane shear forces

As the in-plane shear, nxy , is lower than the previous case (see above) and the
cross section of the wall is the same, the same conclusion can be made that
shear reinforcement is not required vertically for strength.

Panel design – vertical in-plane shear forces

As the in-plane shear, nxy , is lower than the previous case (see above) and the
cross section of the wall is the same, the same conclusion can be made that
shear reinforcement is not required horizontally for strength.

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

Joint design – vertical in-plane shear forces

As the in plane shear, nxy , is lower than the previous case (see above) and the
cross section of the wall is the same, the same conclusion can be made that
shear reinforcement is not required in the horizontal joints for strength.

Joint design – horizontal in-plane shear forces

As the in plane shear, nxy , is lower than the previous case (see above) and the
cross section of the wall is the same, the same conclusion can be made that
shear reinforcement is not required in the vertical joints for strength.

5 Slenderness
The wall section in the top storey is identical to the botom storey therefore:
Slenderness ratio l = 31.4 l = 31.4
EC2 Min. slenderness lmin = (20 A B C ) / √(n)
A = 0.7
B = 1.1
rm = M01 / M02

where M01 and M02 represent the moments at the top and botom of the
member. These moments can be read from the analysis model (Panel C).
rm = – 47/ +62
= – 0.76 (Minimum rm for all panels)
C = 1.7 – rm
= 1.7 – (– 0.76)
= 2.46
Maximum ULS axial load (Panel D),
Nsd = 142 kN/m (Maximum for all panels)

fcd = fck / 1.5

= 40/1.5
= 26.7 N/mm2
n = Nsd / (Ac fcd)
= 142 × 103/(3.0 × 105 × 26.7)
= 0.018
lmin = (20 × 0.7 × 1.1 × 2.46) / (√0.0124)
= 282
31.4 < 282 lmin = 282
l < lmin
l < lmin ∴ Wall is non-slender Non-slender

6 Moment and axial force

In addition to the output moment taken from the FE model, a moment is
applied from an assumed axial load eccentricity.
Maximum ULS axial load (Panel D),
Nsd = 142 kN/m
EC2 5.2.7 Eccentric moment, ei = l0 / 400
= 2720 / 400

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 2 cont.
= 6.8 mm
Mi = Nsd ei
= 142 × 0.0068
Mi = 1.0 kNm/m Mi = 1.0 kNm/m
According to clause in EC2 where the column is non-slender, it should
be designed for first order internal moments and forces (ignoring second order
Summarising design forces for all panels (conservatively using maximum
moment and minimum axial force for each panel)
Panel A Mt = 81 + 1.0 = 82 kNm/m Nsd = 137 kN/m
Panel B Mt = 61 + 1.0 = 62 kNm/m Nsd = 48 kN/m
Panel C Mt = 62 + 1.0 = 63 kNm/m Nsd = 48 kN/m
Panel D Mt = 84 + 1.0 = 85 kNm/m Nsd = 142 kN/m
Input for column interaction charts, checking Panels C and D

Panel C,
Mt/bh2fck = 63 × 106 / 1000 × 3002 × 40
= 0.018
NEd/bhfck = 48 × 103 / 1000 × 300 × 40
IStructE = 0.004
EC2 Manual Panel D,
Appendix A
Mt/bh2fck = 85 × 106 / 1000 × 3002 × 40
= 0.024
NEd/bhfck = 111 × 103 / 1000 × 300 × 40
= 0.00925

Using IStructE EC2 Manual, an area of steel can be estimated from column
design charts.

Panel C,
Asfyk/bhfck = 0.03
As = (0.03 × 1000 × 300 × 40) / (500)
= 720 mm2/m (360 mm2 EF)
Panel D,
Asfyk/bhfck = 0.04
As = (0.04 × 1000 × 300 × 40) / (500)
= 960 mm2/m (480 mm2 EF)
H12 @ 200 c/c
Therefore, (565 mm2/m)
Use H12 @ 200 c/c EF (565 mm ) vert. steel
7 Wall reinforcement quantities are acceptable therefore proceed with joint design.

9 Joint/splice check (horizontal joints)

The horizontal joints must be checked for ULS shear and flexure. An effective
bedding joint of 30 mm is provided at the top and botom of the wall.

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010


Ft Z
30 mm s
bedding joint

A A d

Splice bar
to provide
Figure C.11 continuity
Forces acting on
horizontal joint Section A–A

Assuming the splice bar is placed centrally:

deff = 300 mm /2
= 150 mm

Consider critical case identified in Step 6 i.e. Panel D.

W = 142 kN/m
Mt = 85 kNm/m

The previous method of using IStructE manualcharts is not appropriate due to

a small d/h ratio.

Using Concrete Centre Spreadsheet TCC12, it can be shown that the H20 @ 200 c/c
reinforcement needed is H20’s @ 200 c/c (1570 mm2/m) for the vertical (1570 mm2/m)
splice (see page 73). vert. splice

The horizontal joint design is acceptable at ULS, however, it will be subject to

minimum reinforcement and tying requirements.

10 Joint/splice check (vertical joints)

There is no significant bending in the vertical joints and no shear reinforcement
is required (see Step 4). Therefore only minimum reinforcement is required for
the horizontal splice.


Minimum panel vertical reinforcement

EC2 9.6.2 Asvmin = 0.002 Ac Asvmin =
= 600 mm2/m (300 mm2/m EF) 300 mm2/m EF

H12 @200 c/c (565 mm2/m EF) is satisfactory (Step 6)

Minimum panel horizontal reinforcement

EC2 9.6.3 Ashmin1 = 0.001 Ac Ashmin1 =
= 300 mm2/m (150 mm2/m EF) 150 mm2/m EF

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 2 cont.

Or 25 % vert. reinforcement:
Ashmin2 = 0.25 Asvprov
= 0.25 × 565
H8 @ 250 c/c
= 141 mm2/m EF (201 mm2/m)
Use H8 @ 250 c/c EF (201 mm /m) horiz. steel

Minimum vertical splice reinforcement

Minimum steel required for splice (same as the total for the wall panel),
As,vsplice = 600 mm2 / m
H8 @ 250 c/c
H20’s @ 200 c/c (1570 mm2/m) provided for vertical splice (201 mm2/m)
is satisfactory (Step 8) horiz. splice

Minimum horizontal splice reinforcement

As the joint has a reduced depth of wall, the minimum reinforcement decreases.
Minimum steel required for splice,
Assplice = 0.001 Ac
= 0.001 × 1000 × [300 – (2 × 50)]
= 200 mm2/m
Use H8 @ 250 c/c (201 mm2/m) for horizontal splice

Minimum tie reinforcement

As calculated in case 1, the area of steel required for tie provision,

As,tie = 772 mm2/m > 1570 mm2/m splice reinforcement PASSES

< (670 × 2 =1340 mm2/m) panel reinforcement PASSES Tie provision OK

This shows that the vertical steel reinforcement chosen for the splice and
panel are sufficient.


SLS loading (per panel)

The worst case panel loads can be taken from the FE model and are shown
below for the botom storey. Appropriate values of Ny (axial load), My
(transverse bending) and Nxy (in-plane shear) have been extracted from the FE
model and are presented on a panel-by-panel basis.

SLS axial force

Results averaged per panel
116 kN/m 39 kN/m 40 kN/m 117 kN/m = 78 kN/m


78 kN/m 101 kN/m 106 kN/m 91 kN/m = 94 kN/m


Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

SLS transverse bending

Results averaged per panel width
68 kNm/m 51 kNm/m 52 kNm/m 69 kNm/m = 60 kNm/m


– 55 kNm/m – 42 kNm/m – 39 kNm/m – 56 kNm/m = – 48 kNm/m


Joint opening at SLS

To avoid lift-off (cracking) at SLS, no tension can exist at the joint. Therefore
the resultant force must be in the middle third of the wall. Using average values
across the length of the wall.
N = 78 kN/m
M = 60 kNm/m
e =M/N
e = 6 × 106 / 78 × 103
= 769 mm e = 769 mm
This value for the eccentricity is outside of the footprint of the wall, so by
inspection the joint experiences lift-off. Therefore the simplified bearing check
is not applicable for this section.

Joint opening check

The calculation assumes, conservatively, that the maximum joint opening is
defined by the sum of tensile strain in the zone of the splice lap.

A section analysis on the existing section with the existing SLS forces gives
the following for H20@200 c/c (N = 78 kN/m, M = 60 kNm/m);
ecc = 0.0005977
ect = – 0.002968
Neutral axis depth, x = 50 mm
as, Dcf = ect (l0/2)
l0 = 51f (conservatively using IStructE
EC2 Manual*)
= 51 × 20
= 1020 mm

Joint opening at face, Dcf = 0.002968 × 1020/2

= 1.5 mm > 0.3 mm
And at cover distance, Dcov = [Dcf (d + c + f/2 – x)] / (h – x)
Dcov = [1.5 (150 + 35 + 20/2 –50)] / (300 – 50)
Dcov = 0.87 mm > 0.3 mm
Joint opening FAILS D > 0.3 mm FAILS

13 By inspection this joint opening is excessive and we must adjust the design to
reduce this estimated value.

* The Institution of Structural Engineers. Manual for the design of concrete building structures to
Eurocode 2. 2006.

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 2 cont.

Two layers of splice reinforcement is an option, however we will first aim to

reduce the predicted joint moment by adjusting the stiffness of the section
to represent the significant cracking that will occur. To check this we shall
calculate the stiffness factor, based on the original stiffness in relation to the
cracked stiffness.

13.1 Cracked stiffness, Icr = (bx3/3) + aeAs (d – x)2

Icr = (1000 × 503/3) + 15 × 1570
× (150 – 50)2
Icr = 277 × 106 mm4

Gross second moment of area, I = 1000 × 3003/12

= 2.25 × 109 mm4
Stiffness factor, k = 277 × 106 / 2.25 × 109
= 0.12
13.2 Effective width in the model, hnew = (277 × 106 × 12/1000)1/3
hnew = 149 mm
(i.e. approx. half the width of the wall)
13.3 Reanalyse structure
Re-modelling this wall will have the effect of transferring some of the moment
that is in the column into the the adjoining elements. The effect of this
reduced stiffness will need to be investigated for these elements.

The model is adjusted so that the top storey wall has a top and botom joint
modelled as only 150 mm deep (applied to a nominal height of 300 mm)

3 (pass 2) Revised ULS forces

Axial forces and in-plane shear forces remain unchanged. Revised transverse
bending moments are as follows.
Transverse bending
Results averaged per panel width

40 kNm/m 35 kNm/m 36 kNm/m 42 kNm/m


–28 kNm/m –22 kNm/m –20 kNm/m –29 kNm/m

As the ULS bending values have changed we need to recalculate previous steps.

5 (pass 2) Slenderness
Slenderness ratio l = 31.4
rm = –22/ +35
= –0.63
lmin = 322
31.4 < 322
l < lmin ∴ Wall is non-slender

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

6 (pass 2) Moment and axial force

Checking Panels C and D using IStructE column charts:
Panel C,
Mt /bh2fck = 36 × 106 / 1000 × 3002 × 40
= 0.01
NEd/bhfck = 48 × 103 / 1000 × 300 × 40
= 0.004
Panel D,
Mt /bh2fck = 42 × 106 / 1000 × 3002 × 40
= 0.012
NEd/bhfck = 111 × 103 / 1000 × 300 × 40
= 0.00925

Using IStructE EC2 Manual, an area of steel can be estimated from column
design charts.

Panel C, Asfyk/bhfck = 0.02

As = (0.02 × 1000 × 300 × 40) / (500)
= 480 mm2/m (240 mm2 EF)
Panel D, Asfyk/bhfck = 0.01
As = (0.01 × 1000 × 300 × 40) / (500)
= 240 mm2/m (120 mm2 EF)
Therefore, Previous H12 @ 200 c/c EF (565 mm2) satisfactory
7 (pass 2) Wall reinforcement quantities are acceptable therefore proceed with joint

8 (pass 2) Joint/splice check (horizontal joints)

Entering the axial loads and the new transverse moment values into the Concrete
Centre Spreadsheet TCC12, it can be shown the that the reinforcement required H16 @ 200 c/c
is now (1005 mm2/m)
H16s @ 200 c/c (1005 mm2/m) for the vertical splice vert.splice

9 (pass 2) Wall reinforcement quantities are acceptable therefore proceed with remaining

10 (pass 2) Joint/splice check (vertical joints)

As previously stated minimum reinforcement is needed as there is no
significant bending in the vertical joints.


The minimum reinforcement previously calculated remains the same with the
reanalysed structure.

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 2 cont.

12 (pass 2) Joint opening at SLS

To avoid lift-off (cracking) at SLS, no tension can exist in the stress block.
Therefore the resultant force must be in the middle third of the wall. Using results
from the reanalysed structure and average values across the length of the wall,
N = 78 kN/m
M = 32 kNm/m
e =M/N
e = 32 × 106 / 78 × 103
= 410 mm
This value for the eccentricity is outside of the footprint of the wall, so by
inspection the joint experiences lift-off and the splice reinforcement is in
tension. Therefore the simplified bearing check is not applicable for this section.

A section analysis on the existing section with the existing SLS forces gives
the following for H16@200 c/c (N = 78 kN/m, M = 32 kNm/m)
ecc = 0.0003469
ect = – 0.001933
Neutral axis depth, x = 46 mm

as, Dcf = ect (l0/2)

l0 = 51f (conservatively using
IStructE EC2 Manual)
= 51 × 16
= 816 mm
Joint opening at face, Dcf = 0.001933 × 816/2
= 0.79 mm > 0.3 mm
And at cover distance, Dcov = [Dcf (d + c + f/2 – x)] / (h – x)
Dcov = [0.79 (150 + 35 + 16/2 – 46)] /
(300 – 46)
Dcov = 0.46 mm > 0.3 mm
13 (pass 2) Joint opening FAILS D > 0.3 mm FAILS
13.1/13.2 A cracked stiffness is already applied; therefore design forces are not
expected to significantly reduce it further.

13.2.1 Further joint efficiency can be gained by using two rows of splice reinforcement.
We will try 2 no. rows of H16@200 mm to see if there is sufficient reduction in
calculated joint opening.

50 mm
2 no. rows 25 mm
H16@200 mm
splice 150 mm
25 mm
Figure C.12 50 mm
Plan section

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

A revised section analysis with the same SLS forces gives the following:
ecc = 0.0001966
ect = – 0.0007345
Neutral axis depth, x = 63 mm
as, ∆cf = ect (l0 /2)
l0 = 51f (conservatively using
IStructE EC2 Manual)
= 51 × 16
= 816 mm
Joint opening at face, Dcf = 0.007345 × 816/2
= 0.29 mm < 0.3 mm D < 0.3 mm OK

This joint opening on the wall face is acceptable for both aesthetics and durability.

8 to 13 By inspection, joint ULS capacity, tying and minimum reinforcement are acceptable. Use two layers
[Note: for ULS strength only H12@200 c/c are required] H16 @ 200 c/c
(Pass 3)
vert. splice


No lateral forces are applied to the wall (and the wall is non-slender) therefore
end moments are critical. Also, the interface shear in the non-contact lap for
the splice bars will be critical, therefore there is no need for an additional in-
panel interface shear check.

15 Joint interface shear – horizontal joint

Bending is the critical requirement for the vertical splice reinforcement in this
instance, therefore the interface shear force is applied on only one interface. As
only H12@200 c/c are required for ULS strength, the full capacity of the H16
bars is not required. The interface shear force will therefore be based on As,req.
Strength of reinforcement, fyd = fyk / gS gS = 1.15 for reinforcement
fyd = 500/1.15
= 435 MPa
fyd = 435 MPa
As,req = 565 mm2/m (H12 @ 200 c/c)
Maximum capacity of required reinforcement;
T = As,req fyd
= 565 × 435
= 246 kN/m T = 246 kN/m
[Note: By inspection this is greater than that required for vertical tying – see
Step 15, Case 1)

16 Anchorage/lap length of vertical splice bars

Using H16 @ 200 c/c (with stress based on As,req )

EC2 8.4.3
Anchorage length, lb,rqd = (f/4)(ssd/fbd)
EC2 8.4.2 fbd = 2.25n1n2fctd
EC2 Table 3.1
fctd = actfctk,0.05/gC

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

CASE 2 cont.
fbd = 2.25 × 1 × 1 (0.85 × 2.5/1.5)
= 3.19 MPa
ssd = 565 / 1005 × 0.87fyk
= 245 N/mm2
therefore, lb,rqd = (16/4)(245/3.19) lb,rqd = 307 mm
= 307 mm
Provide 545 mm anchorage length min. past the joint
EC2 8.7.3
Lap length, l0 = a1a2a3a5a6 lb,rqd
a1 = 1.0
EC2 Table 8.2 a2 = 1 – 0.15(Cd – f) / f
a2 = 1.0 conservative
a3 = 1.0
a5 = 1.0 conservative
EC2 Table 8.3 a6 = 1.5

l0 min = max{0.3 a6 lb,rqd; 15f; 200 mm}

EC2 8.4.4 = max{0.3 × 1.5 × 307; 15 × 16; 200}
= max{138; 240; 200}
= 240 mm
l0 = 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 ×1.5 × 307
= 461 mm > l0 min l0 = 461 mm
An allowance for a non-contact lap is required due to the distance between
reinforcement in the precast panels and the splice reinforcement.

EC2 8.7.2 EC2 8.7.2 states that the clear distance between lapped bars should not be
greater than 4f or 50 mm, otherwise the lapped length should be increased by the
clear space
Allowance = (150 – 25) – 50
= 75 mm
Total lap, lt = 461 + 75
= 536 mm + 25 mm end cover
= 561 mm
An additional lap length is required to allow for in-plane distance from splice bar to
latice. Assuming the latice spacing, s, is 600 mm and latice width, wi, is 100 mm.
Allowance to mobilise latice legs, llat = s/2 – wi /2
= 250 mm
Provide 811 mm lap length total
Total bar length = (2 × 811) + 30 mm joint + 300 mm (slab) l = 811 mm
= 1952 mm say 2000 mm vertically

17 Interface shear – vertical splice capacity check

The average shear stress can be calculated by dividing the tensile force by the area

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

defined as the area over which the force is transmited. Interface shear between
the in-situ and precast elements transmits the forces from the joint splice
reinforcement to the reinforcement in the precast panels. Therefore we must check
that there is sufficient capacity at the interface to allow this to occur.

The interface should always satisfy the following expression;

vEdi > vRdi
As shown in Figure C8, the interface shear length is approximately equal to the
basic lap length, l0:
l0 = 461 mm
vEdi = T / (l0 × width) vEdi = 0.53 MPa
= 246 × 103 / (461 × 1000)
= 0.53 MPa
As calculated in Case 1,
vRdi = 2.12 MPa vRdi = 2.12 MPa

vEdi < vRdi
0.53 < 2.12
vEdi < vRdi therefore steel sufficient for interface shear

15 Joint interface shear – vertical joint

Using H8 @ 250 c/c, as in the previous case:
Maximum capacity of tensile bars,
T = As fyd = 201 × 435
= 87.4 kN/m
Therefore, T = 87.4/2
= 44 kN/m T = 44 kN/m

16 Anchorage/lap length of horizontal splice bars

As per case 1, two layers of splice bars are required to avoid vertical latices;
Anchorage length,
lb,rqd = 137 mm
l0 = 205 mm
Non-contact lap allowance = 50 mm
Therefore, lt = 205 + 50
= 255 mm + 25 mm end cover l = 280 mm
= 280 mm horizontally
Total bar length = (2 × 280) + 25 mm joint with 2 layers of
= 585 mm reinforcement

17 Interface shear – horizontal splice capacity check

As the horizontal splice is identical to the previous case the allowable tensile
force, T, is the same. This means that like the previous case;
18 vEdi < vRdi
vEdi < vRdi therefore steel sufficient for interface shear vEdi<vRdi OK

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010


Panel reinforcement
H12 @ 200 c/c EF vertically
H8 @ 250 c/c EF horizontally

Bedding detail > 30 mm top

and botom of wall panel

Splice reinforcement
H16 @ 200 c/c
vertically 2875 mm

Vertical latices
@ 600 c/c

Figure C.13
Tying requirements at
horizontal joint

Vertical latices @ 600 c/c Splice reinforcement

H8 @ 250 c/c horizontally 585 mm

Figure C.14
Splicing requirements
at vertical joint

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010

Key 1

and modelling
Agree preliminary panel Revise structural arrangement

Panel layout
LOR/Contractor preferences Preliminary joint layout
layout with LOR/Contractor or thicken wall.

Case 1
2 Analyse structure
Geometry and loads
Case 2 assuming gross elastic stiffness

Note 3 Extract ULS and SLS

bending moments and axial
Model results for ULS and Critical ULS and SLS
forces and ULS in-plane shear
Full size chart SLS load combinations
forces per panel and identify 13.3
load combinations
critical load combinations Apply stiffness
on page 34 reduction to model
Critical ULS load combinations, horiz. joints
4 Required concrete grade, wall
section geometry, bedding details, Design wall panels and
thickness, joint and reinforcement
concrete and steel design joints for in-plane shear forces
strengths, fyd, fcd

5 Add geometrical
Critical ULS load combinations, imperfections and 2nd order
Critical ULS load combinations
geometrical imperfections and effects to ULS moments as
including additional effects
2nd order effects appropriate in accordance with
BS EN 1992-1-1

Critical ULS load combinations,

section geometry, bedding 6 Design wall panels for Required concrete grade, wall
ULS bending and shear

details, concrete and steel combined moments and axial forces thickness and reinforcement details
design strengths, fyd, fcd

Wall panel design, buildability, Wall

No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements, cost panel design
acceptable? wall panel design
efficiency 13.2.2 Improve
reinforcement efficiency
Yes by increasing internal
Critical ULS load combinations, lever arm (e.g.
section geometry, bedding 8 multiple layer detail)
Design joints for combined Required concrete grade, horiz.
details, concrete and steel
moments and axial forces joint and reinforcement details
design strengths,
fyd, fcd

Horiz. joint design, buildability, Horiz.
joint design No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements,
acceptable horiz. joint design
cost efficiency
at ULS?



Vert. joint design, buildability, Vert.

joint design No Confirmation of ULS
client’s requirements, cost
acceptable vert. joint design
at ULS?



CASE 2 – Pass 2

CASE 2 – Pass 1
Tying check

Vertical tying force
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 No 11.1 Additional reinforcement to meet
reinforcement for
cl. 9.10.2 and minimum Add reinforcement tying or minimum reinforcement
vert. tying and
reinforcement requirements requirements
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 9.6)
12 13.2.1
Estimate horiz. Joint opening
from critical SLS load combinations Efficiency
Critical SLS load combinations significantly improved No Expected joint opening
with multiple
SLS checks


Crack width limits No

(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 7.3.1) 13 13.2
Is joint Calculate cracked Confirmation of SLS horiz. joint
No Stiffness Yes
opening width stiffness of horiz. joints design, cracked section
acceptable? from SLS forces and joint significant? stiffness for horiz. joint
CASE 2 – Pass 3 design detail
Panel interface shear

Critical ULS load combinations,

interface shear stresses for 14 14.2
composite panels, lattice
Peak 14.1 Can
spacing, s, area of lattice, As, Calculate interface Sufficient No No
moments at top No more lattices
steel design strength, fyd, shear stresses for interface shear
and bottom horiz. be added?
angle of lattice, a, friction angle, m composite panels capacity?
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 6.2.5)
Yes Yes Yes
Add additional lattices Lattice spacing, s
Critical ULS load combinations 15 Calculate interface shear
forces for non-contact laps Interface shear forces
18.2 for non-contact laps
Increase bar
Concrete and steel design diameter and spacing
strengths fyd, fcd, bar 16 accordingly
Calculate splice lap
diameter and lap offset Minimum design lap
lengths in accordance with
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 8.7.2) length for splice
BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 8.7.2

Interface shear forces for

Non-contact laps

non-contact laps, minimum 17

Determine interface shear Interface shear stresses for
design lap length for splice
stresses for design lap length non-contact laps
Interface shear stresses for 18.1
noncontact laps, lattice 18 18.1.1
spacing, s, area of lattice, As, Sufficient Can splice Can
steel design strength, fyd, angle No No No Confirmation of splice lap lengths,
interface shear bar diameter be more lattices be
of lattice, a, friction angle, m splice bar diameter
capacity? increased? added?
(BS EN 1992-1-1:2004 cl. 6.2.5)
Yes Yes

19 18.1.2
Finalise wall design Add
Revised lattice spacing, s
and panel layout additional lattices

Confirmation of wall thickness,

concrete grade, reinforcement
details and joint layout

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010
PROJECT LOR Product Development
CLIENT Laing O Rourke The Concrete Centre
LOCATION Case 1 - Lower Storey Made by: Date: Page:
SH 29 Jan 2010 1
Bending and axial force to BS EN 1992–1: 2003
Checked: Revision: Job no:
Originated from TCC12.xls
Version 3.0 on CD © 2003-2005 TCC PJM – 15203

Materials Horizontal Joint Design

fck 40 N/mm2 gS 1.15
fyk 500 N/mm2 gC 1.50 GIVES TENSION
Section Covers (to main steel)
h 300 mm TOP 35 mm
b 1000 mm BOTTOM 142 mm
SIDES 0 mm
Reinforcement H16 @ 300 c/c
Bar f No Area % Space
TOP 1 3.33 3 0.001 305.9
BOTTOM 16 3.33 670 0.223 406.3


M:N interaction chart for 300 x 1,000 section, Grade 40 concrete




Axial compression, NEd kN



0.1 A c f ck
1000 866

–400 –300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300
Moment, MEdxx kNm


Loadcases (ULS) Case NEd MEd Case NEd MEd
1 866 43 2 651 31
3 734 31 4 579 43

Appendix C: Example calculations


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010
PROJECT LOR Product Development
CLIENT Laing O Rourke The Concrete Centre
LOCATION Case 2 - Upper Storey Made by: Date: Page:
SH 29 Jan 2010 1
Bending and axial force to BS EN 1992–1: 2003
Checked: Revision: Job no:
Originated from TCC12.xls
Version 3.0 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC PJM – 15203

Materials Horizontal Joint

fck 40 N/mm2 gS 1.15
fyk 500 N/mm2 gC 1.50
Design (Full ixity)
Section Covers (to main steel)
h 300 mm TOP 35 mm BAR IN CENTRE
b 1000 mm BOTTOM 140 mm
SIDES 0 mm
Reinforcement H20 @ 200 c/c
Bar f No Area % Space
TOP 1 5 4 0.001 178.8
BOTTOM 20 5 1571 0.524 225.0


M:N interaction chart for 300 x 1,000 section, Grade 40 concrete




Axial compression, NEd kN



0.1 A c f ck



–400 –300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300
Moment, MEdxx kNm


Loadcases (ULS) Case NEd MEd Case NEd MEd
1 137 82 2 48 63
3 48 82 4 142 85

Precast Twin Wall


Design for manufacture and assembly 15203
Precast twin wall
Explore Manufacturing Ltd
DATE: Jan 2010 DATE: March 2010
PROJECT LOR Product Development
CLIENT Laing O Rourke The Concrete Centre
LOCATION Case 2 - Upper Storey Made by: Date: Page:
SH 29 Jan 2010 1
Bending and axial force to BS EN 1992–1: 2003
Checked: Revision: Job no:
Originated from TCC12.xls
Version 3.0 on CD © 2003-2006 TCC PJM – 15203

Materials Horizontal Joint

fck 40 N/mm2 gS 1.15
fyk 500 N/mm2 gC 1.50
Design (Reduced stiffness)
Section Covers (to main steel) GIVES TENSION
h 300 mm TOP 35 mm BAR IN CENTRE
b 1000 mm BOTTOM 140 mm
SIDES 0 mm
Reinforcement H16 @ 200 c/c
Bar f No Area % Space
TOP 1 5 4 0.001 178.8
BOTTOM 16 5 1005 0.335 230.0


M:N interaction chart for 300 x 1,000 section, Grade 40 concrete




Axial compression, NEd kN



0.1 A c f ck

–400 –300 –200 –100 0 100 200 300
Moment, MEdxx kNm


Loadcases (ULS) Case NEd MEd Case NEd MEd
1 91 40 2 48 36
3 48 35 4 111 42

Appendix D: Model specification

Appendix D: Model specification

1 General 76

1.1 Scope 76
1.2 Definitions 76
1.3 Associated information 76
1.4 Time periods 76

2 Design and detailing 76

2.1 Responsibilities 76
2.2 Transfer of design information 76
2.3 Provision of vertical ties 77
2.4 Health and safety 77
2.5 Detailed drawings 77

3 Manufacture and supply 77

3.1 General 77
3.2 Materials 78
3.2.1 Concrete 78
3.2.2 Reinforcement 78
3.3 Formed finishes 78
3.4 Tolerances 78
3.5 Curing 78
3.6 De-moulding 78
3.7 Marking 79
3.8 Records 79
3.9 Quality system 79

4 Storage, handling and erection 79

4.1 Storage and transport 79

4.2 Fixings and fittings 79
4.3 Erection and stability 80
4.4 Method statements 80
4.5 Materials 80
4.5.1 General 80
4.5.2 Testing 80
4.6 Alignment and tolerances 80
4.7 Quality system 81

5 Compliance with CDM 81

5.1 General 81

This model specification offers guidance to organisations that are producing specifications for precast twin wall. It is intended to cover
additional considerations for the use of precast twin wall within building structures, and does not represent a concrete specification. It shall be
the specifier’s responsibility to ensure that the contract specification is suitable and meets the requirements of the contract.

Precast Twin Wall

1 General
1.1 Scope
This model specification is intended to provide guidance on the manufacture, supply and erection of the
precast double wall panels within the building.

1.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this document the following definitions shall apply:

“the Engineer” – ……….[please insert]

“the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor” – ……….[please insert]

“the Main Contractor” – …………[please insert]

1.3 Associated information

This specification shall be read in conjunction with the project Structural Specification and all relevant
Engineer’s drawings and details.

1.4 Time periods

Except where defined for technical purposes, time periods specified are indicative only and shall be
reviewed for appropriateness on an individual project basis. Any adjustments shall be agreed in advance
by the relevant parties.

2 Design and detailing

2.1 Responsibilities
The Engineer shall design the precast twin walls based on appropriate and consistent strength and stiffness
design assumptions and in accordance with the relevant parts of BS EN 1990, BS EN 1991, BS EN 1992,
BS EN 14992, and their corresponding UK National Annexes. Reference should be made to the appropriate
Explore Design Guide for further details.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall produce detailed drawings and manufacture and supply the
precast twin wall panels for erection by the Main Contractor as detailed herein. The Engineer shall produce
drawings for continuity reinforcement at joint locations separately.

2.2 Transfer of design information

All relevant design intent information shall be communicated by the Engineer on drawings detailing the

■ Locations and plan dimensions of walls relative to grid lines.

■ Dimensioned wall elevations and sections including details of any penetrations.
■ Nominal cover to reinforcement.
■ Area of vertical wall reinforcement in each face per panel.
■ Area of horizontal wall reinforcement in each face per panel.
■ Continuity reinforcement at joints.
■ Minimum requirements for lattice girders for interface shear.

Appendix D: Model specification

■ Details of transverse (through wall thickness) reinforcement (if required).

■ Minimum characteristic compressive cylinder strength of precast and in-situ concrete.
■ Required durability characteristics of precast and in-situ concrete.
■ Additional specific requirements for concrete specification.
■ Details of any additional reinforcement at corners and connections, etc.
■ Any other relevant information.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall provide the locations of all horizontal and vertical joint
positions to allow the associated design checks to be completed by the Engineer.

These drawings shall be issued in accordance with the agreed protocols and programmes.

2.3 Provision of vertical ties

The Engineer shall check that the continuity reinforcement between panels is adequate to ensure that the
vertical tie requirements are achieved in accordance with the relevant requirements of BS EN 1990, BS EN
1991, BS EN 1992 and the UK Building Regulations Approved Document Part A3.

2.4 Health and safety

The Engineer shall undertake an assessment of risk throughout the design phase and shall endeavour to
eliminate or reduce risk wherever it is reasonably practicable to do so. Any residual risks shall be communicated
clearly to the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor and Main Contractor (see Section 5).

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall carry out an assessment of risk throughout the detailing
process and shall include mitigating measures wherever it is deemed reasonably practicable to do so (see
Section 5).

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall carry out all necessary design checks for lifting and handling
in accordance with the relevant health and safety legislation.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall add details of the maximum rate of concreting to the
detailed drawings/information issued to the Main Contractor.

2.5 Detailed drawings

The drawings shall indicate all reinforcement, fixings and details for the manufacture and installation of the
precast units including third-party fittings where required.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall give due regard to the location and interaction of the precast
panels relative to penetrations and panel connections.

Wall panel reinforcement shall be detailed in accordance with the relevant parts of BS EN 1990, BS EN 1991,
BS EN 1992, and their corresponding UK National Annexes.

Drawings shall be submitted for the Engineer for review no later than 2 weeks prior to the date necessary
for manufacture.

3 Manufacture and supply

3.1 General
The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall manufacture the precast units in factory conditions in a facility
intended for such purposes. Staff shall be adequately trained and experienced for the work undertaken.

Precast Twin Wall

3.2 Materials
3.2.1 Concrete
The Engineer shall advise the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor of the strength and durability
requirements for the precast concrete, and any special requirements regarding the concrete specification,
on transfer of the design information (see Section 2.2). The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall
submit confirmation of concrete mix details for review by the Engineer no later than 2 weeks prior to the date
necessary for manufacture.

All precast concrete shall comply with the project Structural Specification. The Specialist Precast Concrete
Contractor shall advise the Engineer of any practical requirements or limitations regarding the precast
concrete specification and the Engineer shall ensure that the project Structural Specification is revised to
include necessary amendments where appropriate.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall arrange for sampling and conformity testing of the precast
concrete in accordance with BS EN 206-1, BS EN 12350 and BS EN 12390 or as defined in the project
Structural Specification where more onerous.

3.2.2 Reinforcement
All reinforcement shall comply with the project Structural Specification.

Reinforcement cages and lattice girders shall be made up and securely fixed in accordance with the Engineer’s
design information to provide adequate rigidity and to ensure that the specified cover and fit within the mould
are achieved.

Reinforcement up to 12 mm in diameter that projects from the face of the units may be bent to facilitate the
casting or de-moulding of the unit subject to agreement for each case. The reinforcement shall not be re-bent
to its final position in the structure without the approval of the Engineer.

For concrete surfaces to be exposed in the completed structure the type of spacer blocks used shall be
agreed with the Engineer in advance.

3.3 Formed finishes

All formed finishes shall comply with the project Structural Specification.

3.4 Tolerances
Permitted dimensional deviations shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of BS EN 14992,
BS EN 13369 and BS EN 1992-1-1 or the project Structural Specification if more onerous. Before manufacture
the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall ensure that adequate allowances have been made for all
construction tolerances to ensure proper fit.

3.5 Curing
Curing of precast units shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN 13369: 2004.

3.6 De-moulding
For precast concrete units cast under factory conditions the minimum period before removal of the formwork
shall be at the discretion of the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor on the basis of the assessed
compressive strength of the unit.

No unit shall be lifted from the base on which it was cast before the concrete has attained its design de-
moulding strength and is strong enough to prevent the unit from being damaged, overstressed or distorted

Appendix D: Model specification

having due regard for the de-moulding equipment to be used. In no case shall the assessed compressive
strength be less than C6/8 N/mm2 at de-moulding.

3.7 Marking
Each precast unit shall be marked or labelled in accordance with BS EN 13369: 2004 cl. 7. Reference should
also be made to Annex ZA of BS EN 14992: 2007.

All marks shall be positioned so that they are hidden from view in the completed structure or may be removed
without marking the concrete surface.

3.8 Records
The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall keep records of the unit mark, the composition of the unit,
the date of manufacture, the date of release from the mould and the curing regime. These records shall be
kept on site and made available for inspection by the Engineer.

3.9 Quality system

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall operate an agreed quality management system to BS EN
ISO 9000. This system shall include appropriate methods of checking the work to ensure that the precast
units are manufactured in accordance with the requirements. The relevant standards applicable to the project
shall be identified in the Quality Plan where not specified elsewhere in the documentation.

4 Storage, handling and erection

4.1 Storage and transport
If precast units cannot be delivered to site and installed directly into their final positions, the Specialist Precast
Concrete Contractor shall arrange suitable storage to ensure that no deterioration or damage occurs. Storage
shall be on firm supports clear of the ground.

Storage instructions for precast units shall include the storage position, the allowable support points, the
maximum height of any stack and any protective measures required.

Unit faces to be exposed in the completed construction shall be protected from mechanical damage, dirt,
staining, rust marks or other disfiguration.

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall transport the precast units to site in a safe and secure
manner. During transport the precast units shall be protected from mechanical damage, dirt, staining or

4.2 Fixings and fittings

The Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall determine the need for any additional reinforcement or
fittings that may be necessary for handling the units until they are incorporated into the completed structure.
The Main Contractor shall make provisions for temporary works purposes and shall make good any inserts,
holes, etc. used for lifting or other temporary works purposes.

Any inserts or fixings required by the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor to be cast in the concrete and
permanently exposed either externally or within the cavity of the building envelope shall be of stainless steel
unless agreed otherwise with the Engineer.

Precast Twin Wall

4.3 Erection and stability

The Main Contractor shall ensure that the precast units are lifted without being damaged or overstressed. The
Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor shall ensure that all fittings required for this purpose are incorporated
within each unit (see Section 4.2).

The Main Contractor shall ensure that any precast concrete unit to be incorporated into the structure is kept
stable in its erected position until such time as the element can safely carry the construction loads without
distress. The overall stability of the structure shall be maintained at all times during erection.

The Main Contractor shall ensure that the rate of concreting for the in-situ concrete does not exceed the
recommendations of the Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor.

Any shims provided for temporary support, and remaining in the completed structure, should be sufficiently
deformable with a stiffness less than that of the concrete at its 28-day strength. Details of the shims shall be
submitted to the Engineer by the Main Contractor for agreement prior to installation.

4.4 Method statements

The Main Contractor shall submit a method statement describing the precast unit installation and concreting
process to the Engineer no less than 2 weeks prior to installation. In particular, the method statement shall
include details of the following:

■ Procedures for lifting of the precast units and positioning to tolerance (including fitting over the starter
■ Methods of providing temporary stability including coordination with the pour sequence.
■ Methods for shimming/bedding and achieving verticality to tolerance (if required).
■ Methods of fixing continuity reinforcement at wall joints and corners.
■ Procedures for cleaning and preparing the internal faces of the precast panels prior to concreting.
■ Methods of placing concrete to achieve suitable compaction at the base of the wall and to limit
pressure on precast formwork.
■ Methods of casting at corners and openings.
■ Details of records kept.

4.5 Materials
4.5.1 General
All in-situ concrete and reinforcement installed on site shall be in accordance with the project Structural

4.5.2 Testing
The Main Contractor shall arrange for sampling and conformity testing for all cementitious products used
during installation in accordance with BS EN 206-1, BS EN 12350 and BS EN 12390 or, where more onerous,
as defined in the project Structural Specification.

4.6 Alignment and tolerances

Precast units shall be positioned to the tolerances given in the project Structural Specification, or the Client’s
Brief if more onerous. Any deviation from the permitted tolerances shall be evaluated by the Main Contractor
who shall submit proposals for remedial work for agreement with the Engineer.

Appendix D: Model specification

4.7 Quality system

The Main Contractor shall operate an agreed quality management system to BS EN ISO 9000. This system
shall include appropriate methods of checking the work to ensure that the precast units are erected and
installed in accordance with the requirements. The relevant standards applicable to the project shall be
identified in the Quality Plan where not specified elsewhere in the documentation.

5 Compliance with CDM

5.1 General
The Engineer, Specialist Precast Concrete Contractor and Main Contractor shall comply fully with the
requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, in particular cooperating and
coordinating fully with all other parties to reduce health and safety risks.

The Main Contractor shall document and implement all necessary precautions for safe working during
installation operations.

Laing O’Rourke plc
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Anchor Boulevard
Admirals Park
T +44 (0)1322 296200
F +44 (0)1322 296262
E [email protected]

Published by Laing O’Rourke

April 2010 | Ref. EXP/DG/003 | © Laing O’Rourke

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Legal Notice: Proprietary Material. Strictly confidential. This document and
associated texts, images, templates and programs are copyright. These
materials and the process they embody are trade secrets of Laing O’Rourke
and should not be disclosed or made available outside the Laing O’Rourke
group of companies without authority. Laing O’Rourke gives no warranty
(nor accepts any liability) to any third party under any circumstances as to
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Readers should note that all Laing O’Rourke publications are subject to
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