Mahogany Tree Fruit Husks As An Alternat
Mahogany Tree Fruit Husks As An Alternat
Mahogany Tree Fruit Husks As An Alternat
Agapito Jose L. Cruz, 1Kirt Noe R. Estrella, 1Kayla Mae M. Bael, 1Marielle A. Piquero, 1Ya-Hsin L. Tsai
Jeovanny A. Marticion
Charcoal is a hard black material that is made by burning wood with a small
amount of air. There are many types of charcoal such as the coconut shells, woods, and
more. These days, charcoals are very applicable in our daily lives since it has been used
as a household fuel. This study aimed to produce an alternate source of charcoal from
mahogany tree fruit husks and determine the quality of the product by comparing it to
commercial wood charcoal. The researchers used the static group design the procedure
is composed of two groups of charcoal that came from different source of materials.
These two groups were labelled as Group A and Group B that was both post tested.
Group A is the experimental group that is consist of six (6) kilograms of mahogany fruit
husk (MFH) that is accumulated and undergone the process of carbonization. Group B is
consisting of two (2) kilograms of commercial wood charcoal (CWC). These two groups
will then be compared to test the effectiveness of the mahogany fruit husk using
commercial wood charcoal as a comparable group. Result showed that three out of five
variables accepted the null hypothesis. These are the heat duration, moisture content and
carbon content by comparison of the p-value and the level of significance which is 0.05.
The experimental results and statistical analyses supplements the claim that mahogany
fruit husk charcoal is an effective alternate charcoal, since it competes with the
commercial wood charcoal in terms of moisture content, sustains heat in terms of heat
duration, and carbon content even if the commercial wood charcoal is superior in terms
of ash content and volatile content.
Keywords: charcoal, mahogany fruit husk, ash content, heat duration, volatile content,
moisture content, carbon content
d. Moisture Content
Moisture can be defined as
absorbed water on external surface of coal
or in capillary of pores present in the coal.
To obtain the moisture content of
Mahogany fruit husk charcoal (MFHC)
and commercial wood charcoal (CWC),
the researchers weighed ten (10g) grams
each for both charcoal which will have a
Preparation of Charcoal Samples total of thirty (30g) grams each type of
Zamboanga del Norte National High School
charcoal since it undergo trials. The Results
measured quantity of charcoal was placed
in a tray filled with water and was soaked Heat Duration
for 10 minutes. The final weight was
gathered. Moisture content of MFHC was Table 1 Comparison of Heat Duration between
obtained by getting the difference of the Mahogany Fruit Husks Charcoal and
final and initial weight divided by the final Commercial Wood Charcoal
weight and multiplied by a hundred (100).
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Zamboanga del Norte National High School