Golden Triangle Waste Services Lien, Tax Levy & 1099C Discharge of Debt 10+31+2024

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HE @OGs= Moroccan Empire United States for North America ‘Squam Pomack Provincial Government ‘> ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ Moorish Divyne and National Movement of the Earth Northwest Amexem + Northwest Aftica+ North America* the North Gate all adjoining islands > ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ ‘ ~ the true and de jure natural peoples + heirs to the land ~ ye ~islam.~ empire state ov morocco unnibersall sobereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall dibpne affibabit kourte decesion articlle iii al moroccan moorishe squam pomack konsular kourte October 20, 2024 all ize ande stande ande remain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovercigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione, i am sovereigne livinge justise david jeffrey blackman in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona suijuris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen nationall appellatione is dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origencall inndigeneous natural! divyne anneiente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall govemmente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nung pro tung. ‘Cause of Action whereas proper governance of our vast estate and resources must not be left inappropriately unaccounted for by actors from the previous era former Corporation’s[ Mississippi Department of Rev 1 [ Golden Triangle Waste Services] | Lowndes County Tax Collector] who were mtinually engaged in breach of trust, malfeasances, genocide by decree, human trafficking PERSONS, Persons, and too many other violations of oaths of office and acts repugnant to the constitution for the United States For North America, therefore proper explicit instructions must be formally stated, delivered and ‘executed by government (we the people from the living states for Morocco ) and from those with whom Proper authority to govern resides, note: during and throughout the past $0 years various subjects in the Office of Garbage Collection at Golden Triangle Waste Services at the corporate location c/o 1311 Industrial Park Road , Columbus, Mississippi 39701, Office of Tax Collector Office of Commissioner Mississippi Department of Revenue subordinate Office of Lowndes County Tax Collector at the ‘post’ found at the corporate location c/o 1121 Main Street at the Columbus, Mississippi 3.970 1 and Mississippi Department of Revenue have purposely engaged in interference- delays obstruction of beneficiary rights of property ownership and processing claims tax returns , collection of the peoples garbage from their domiciles. The former corporations from these locations, presumably in ignorance that the land of said all Mississippi's building’s locations are owned by we the sovereigne universall origeneall endigeneous ancient ascendents as mentioned above. affidavit of fact weit of execution aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem northwest africa north america / the north gate’ - the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ ‘turtle island’: non ‘cause ov acetione mesn*+24+squ+cause?99+99+0243 ‘unnlawfulle occupatione ov sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous land isaiah 33:22 for the lord is Our judge, the lord is Our lawgiver, the lord is Our king: itis he who will save Us. exxodus 21:21 ande if'a man smites his servante or his maid withe a rod ande his servante die ‘under his hand, he shall be surely punished notwithstanding. if he continues a day or two, he shall not be punished for he is his money. mathyou 16:18+19 et ego dico tibi quia tu es petra et super hane petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferinon praevalebunt adversum eam 19 ttibi dabo claves regni caelorum et quodcumque sumus ligaveris super terram ert ligatum in ealis et quodeumque sumus solveris super terram erit solutum in caelis. date kommanded to appeare : October 19, 2024 notice for remedy commandment ajudicated and executed Whereas we confirm that the Empire State ov Morocco, has issued the United States Treasury Creditor ‘Bond 202592 and Lowndes County Creditor Treasury bond 646000641 in the amount of two hundred and seven thousand (207,000,000.00) gold backed dollars (from our lands) circa 2018-2019 the following, ‘government directives have been implemented by this court action order and executed by the United. ‘States Fiduciary Trustee, Sovereign Postmaster and living creditor. This is to confirm that 1, Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey Chief Justice for the Squam Pomack Territory Supreme Anticle ili Consular Courte as issued a judgement and damages to the estate of The El + Ali Moorish Tribal Trust immediately. The following former Corporation’s [Mississippi Department of Revenue | [Golden Triangle Waste Services] [Lowndes County Tax Collector] will immediately ‘cease and desist from sending fraudulent bills of exchange to the Doris Ann Willis estate claiming that a debt is owed to the corporation. They are also guilty of mail fraud by using the post office to send their fraudulent bills of exchange which is a violation of the constitution. On October 19, 2024, a discharge hearing was held at the land ov nod, squam pomack territory consulate. Consular Court jurisdiction ‘and the article ii moorish judge is the only judicial officer who can render a decision on this matter. There can ‘be no tax on Moroccan land by a foreign state or Corporation there will be 100% immediate reimbursement or discharge of all commercial obligations and transactions with the national identification bearing the United ‘States Department of State tax non obligated public law number AA222141 Al as stated by the original indigenous Moorish al Moroccan state. The debt is now discharged and will be reported to the intemal revenue ‘on form 1099C under your corporate name (Golden Triangle Waste Services} [Lowndes County Tax Collector] and all assigns, agents and heirs. Your corporate jurisdiction over the property [2019 Kia Soul 4eyl Turbo Engine, Grey Exterior/ Black Interior with Identification Number: KNDJP3A51K7689245] has been terminated and is now returned to the original sovereign Moorish National Estate (land ov flowers territory El & Ali Moorish Tribal Trust). You will have 3 days from receiving this notice to refute it line by line and praecipe by praecipe. unrebutted affidavits stand as law islam. The Lowndes County Tax Office ‘will immediately with 3 business days upon receipt of certified mail 7020 2450 0002 2784 4201. Return all funds to the Estate of Doris Ann Wills the living beneficiary account by United States Post Office Money Order. The Office of Lowndes County Chief Financial Officer will be the party responsible for this action. Golden Triangle Waste Services will be responsible for consul fee or services rendered to the beneficiary Doris, Aun Willis. There isa charge of $1500.00 is due fom which will sent by United States Post Office Order to the domicile of record of the Doris Ann Willis estate If for any reason the subjets doing business as chief ‘does not comply within 7 days of receipt of this writ, all subjects will have a arrest command issued to the 290" Military Police Brigade Commander for immediate execution. ‘aMdavit of fact writ of execution sboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem northwest africa north america / the north gate’ the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ turtle island’: non - reaz the unniversall origeneall inndigeneous annciente Tivinge empire state ov moroceo didd herebye Kommande the phollowing debtors to appeare at the al moroccan moorishe Squam Pomack atiiclle iii Konsular kourte to state [their Name] ande nationalitie for the reckorde to the unniversall sovereigne corigeneall inndigeneous naturall divine peepel who are the moorishe national! republic federall govemmente . said debtors failled to appeare ande the 290th Military Police Bridage Commander are hhorebye have been notified of your treason on the land. The arreste command will be issued for you actions against the nationals. The following debtors failed to appear as commanded; The Chief Executive Officer ‘and employees of the following corporations unlawfully doing business on the land without a creditors bond! insurance! and license issued through the —_moorish government. [Miss pi Department of Revenue] (Golden Triangle Waste Services}(Lowndes County Tax Collector, {all Agents, all Principals, all Heirs, all Assigns, all Derivatives Thereof]. eache debtor failled to appeare as kommanded by the peepel who are the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous living annciente empire state ov morocco. this unniversall annciente origeneall inndigencous living articlle ifi kourte is the sovereigne jurisdictione for all matters on the land. all of [YOUR COMMERCE] and that of all [Agents, Principals, Heirs ande Assigns] is hereby tennminated by way of sovereigne unniversall commercial! code I lien. the 290 Military Police provoste marshalle has been notified as [YOU] are guillty ov unnlawfulle occupatione ov our sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous lands. faillure to appeare is juste cause for this sovereigne kommande for [YOUR] immediatte aJTeste ande placemente in prisonne at Guantanamo Bey, Cuba innto perpetuitie. knowtise to [Agent] is knowtice to [Principal]. knowtice to [Principal] is knowtice to [Agent]. all foreigne [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CORPORATIONS] are unlawfulle at annciente morocco nung pro tung. all sovereigne origeneal! innbigencous annciente bivyne moorishe amerikan autogratts affirming this anbe all sovercigne origencall tnnbigencous annciente empire siate ov morocco anbe the de jure moorishe national! reepublic federal! quvernmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorbe at amerika, annciente morocco, northe weste amexeit, northe weste affrica, the nerthe gate, tutte istanbe, gata’, uibguarbe, earth. ‘ronos time immemorial! inn to pervetutee come Deed blab Wb fag {ustise vizier ministar in capitis diminutio nolo in ed ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes. |knowtise to agente i knowtise to principal. knowtise to principal is knowrtise to agente Date October 20, 2024 1 am Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey, (Chief Judge and United States Fiduciary ‘quam Pomack consulate Near (Yonkers. New York Union State Society] ‘Natural area code x: Tiwexmo y: okgbhz lande of nod northwest africa, moroeco stot eine seo emenaimenesee _ te ©: ey) ey TE Rouesov \ By } QS Ly) JUDGE'S MAILROOM 20 October 2024 SQUAM POMACK TERRITORY aMdavit of fact writ of execution sboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem northwest africa north america ‘the north gate’ - the moroccan empire - continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ ‘turtle island’ non - Bewestin nae paladin sahil = omer Petes lene Rag etd BE Rots ed toner hice empire state ov morocco United states for north america moorishe nationale republic federale governmentess territory, lande ov mecea a~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ a moorishe divine and nationale movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and moroccan islands ‘a~ temple of the moon and sun ~ a a~ i. self. law. am, master. ~a TP rab al awa 1S foster OT SHEA, unniversall sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall Divpue affidavid uf. ‘writtene innitiall unniversall kommerciale kode 1 phinansinge statemente liene nationale safe harbore programme universall commershial code § 9-521 whercbye nationalls whoo phil writene universal! kommereiale code liens ean pile universall kommerciale kode lienes in anye tate all ize ane stand. this is a sovereigne lvinge ancicote ankle ii moorshe amerikan al moroccan Kourte section. 4 am sovereigne living justise dawed bilal abdullah bey in cepts diminitio nolo, in red ink, in ropa persona su juin propio ‘solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the orgenellinndigencoussovereigne anncinle al moroccan moorisheamerikanascendens of the greate pharoahs uf kemet and ofthe annciente moabicsandecanaanits, ou ful fate and trust, our allegiance, our reddit nde our nergy ae herebye vested in ourselves for wear hepocpe who ar the orgcocllinndigencousnatrall dvyne de jure ‘moorishe ational republic feerall government. we heebye excercise all sovereigne right this time ande at all pointes in time ‘mune pro tune to deers, debter [Michael G. Rhodes doing business as MICHAEL G. RHODES} ane ll hires assigns principals agentes and derivative ther [eo $00 Woodward Avenue, Devo, Michigan 48226] copies mailed to: Bowser, Maret OFFICE OF THE MAYOR John A. Wil Building 1350 Pensylvania Ave, NW. #2031 Washington, DC 20008) \elivered via male ande turned receipte united states poste offic copy: Lee, Glenn (OFFICE OF THE RECORDER 101 4 Ses #270 [Washington DC 20004], [delivered via emaileande etumed receipt united states poste ofise] al debiors received orignelafiavits soveregneorigenealenndigencous natural divyme de jure kredditore i the peep whoo a thee ‘ongenealenndigencoussovereigne natural dvynic empice sat Moroso ned ses or thet exer ‘Moons AI Morocan govramerte Stu porackKonslte Nex [Yorker anion sate soy of NewYork Tan of mad orivest axe, morse placed on the pubic reckorde a calme'o & Senbe al ter pubic places ss never [ons su KIA aa [ALY MRANCIL INC (GOL TRLANGLS WASTE SERWTEE] sini nag pels ames sen ee!" pt ar pci min i eng fe non ad es aan trons on Ap“ eb apna pape tip moe ie] Cc a S > sovereign orgeneal nnigencos raul ivyne de jue keto hepepul whoo ae tee rien cencigancous sovretane natal dy ‘empire sate ov Morse seed tes fer twee Moorish AI Moroccan governmenie ‘seuam porack horse Near [Yorkers union sae ssi of New York] land of od othvestamexem, Mewoeco ‘sis a ntl veal comers! cde | ping punsane ew avers comme cades ade ln of od sovecine Kode 9-501, § 259.502, § 249.516, § 289516, § 289-50, § 28951 ande al ober applica Koes Konaceming were ‘sera ngencl ernigenoas natal de Keds nde nn nes 62894821 universal were fnmange sence pling of thal accepts writen eka aye nt refs cept a writes inal naesge Semen i ths form ane foeat excep fora ean se orth im 289 SID) ‘seed hat Fonsties phi ekiveness af hing” (a) except a erwin proven ssc © cree etter [MICHAEL 0, RHODES dene business 8 CEO ALLY FINANCIAL. INCORPORATED) (RUSSELL HUTCHINSON ing tusinss CFO of ALLY FINANCIAL, INCORPORATED] adel ies assigns principals agons| Ande devin thereat [0 500 Woodward Avenue, Deo, Michigan 4226), oxyde (Gola Tage Waste Servs ding ie at GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICE] ade is snes pci oc ne ea bra fe 11 nal Pak Ren Colaba Mg S701) oper (a of Reventon uses or MISISSHP DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE anal ies sesena pcp teas cl | 50 Cat Care Can, ag 05] xyes dts {Chis Gahan ding busines as CRIS GRAHAN dg nines x CONDAISSIONER OF NSSISIPPL DerARTMENT OF REVENUE] deal eres tages pnp gees andra her se 0 Cine Cner brine, Chao nap 056) come er? [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICE ding sins Aart Number 140232] ding sins [10 Seyi Red ‘Caf, M5 39749 doing business LUE FATHER WILLIS doing business 82.2839 eral del os de al het ‘son pial apr ade deat the oI Ids Pk and Combs Nap 3970) cospora debe (Ut Wii ing ant J WILLIAMS dig anne OWNER GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES) [iy A Gian Sigs a UARY ANN GLLILAND ie Dn Rest age GOLDEN TRIANGLE |WASTE SERVIC aa lies epee inp gent de Sra ere {ee I nce Pak Re Colne Msp 39701) corporate deter 8 (2019 Grey Kin Soa V4 Engine Vehicle Mean Number kljs K768924S Fue Grey, Interior 4 eat Aoatic ‘ong busines as 2019 GREY KIA SOUL. Vi ENGINE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER KNDJPSASTV650045 [EXTERIOR GREY INTERIOR 4 SEAT AUTOMATIC] anal is asignes principal ages ane derivatis thereof [0 760 Starkville Road, Crawford, Mississippi 39743] corpore debe (38S DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE dng inet ot LOWNDES COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR dein hie ae TAG NUMBER. [UT025 dig basins w 219 GREY KIA SOUL Vt ENGINE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER KNDIPIASIR7S89245) eel iis anes pig ages ane dren 760 Starkville Road, Crawford, Mississippi 39743) ceport eter 10 ‘qasissae DEP ATMENT OF REVENUE doing sine ae CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NUMBER MIS 1053961244 ding bss 9s 2019 GREY KIA SOUL V4 ENGINE VERICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ENDIPSASIR7689245 EXTERIOR GREY INTERIOR 4SEAT AUTOMATIC andeall ees anes prc ear ene dinate tov! {0760 Starkville Road, Crawiord, Misisspps 39783] 11. sovereign. unnvesloigenalendignson rere unite tates or noth mei, en caps “iminto nolo, en propia pesona sujal rights ceried tl tyme moors atonal government 12, cir sovereign mrishe american. allsovergne orgeneal endigeneous moors mmencan agra frets ade al sovereign united sates of seria government Gckumenes ron ths publickwrekord a america te peple who are the sovereign nner eigen emdigenes atl dye red en apie minuto nol ex ropea prion au aren pop solo en pop hedes al ges hired eal mes 13. posting locations empire ste oF mroeco uni sas fer notes mene “vam pomeck erase Near [Yonkers union sate society of NewYork} land ef od. ortives anexem morocco 14 cola this nacinge statements cover the following colle ‘hits verdicts law fil racine statement that covers the followings Klara the Klar covered bye this ‘inancinge statements $,00,00,00 In god ached sovereige carrency foe cash: sovereigns eigen cocgenous aint seco pre the deter cups on the nde hat al sverige eigen eadipena morse smercane who ae the Cato sas A anes Came Coe LFNANCNG STATEMENT ek So Kms as ik eDSALLY HRANIAL Ne] GOLDEN TALE WASTE SERVICES) roca mer ta mers) ogame ae essere es eel oot ne gl eon (teats, gt mh ep rd fee geared ams cC a S = © sovercien ngeveall cndigencousnaneall diye une ses of america. mele the dere moe naonal epic ede {ovement the moershe american Lows nde he morse ive ande nana! movement uf the eae are bee thi Pursuant scene soverigne supreme univral aural ivyoc awe. his susie and etal evocation uf emmnenie ‘Sominon bya moors who pose al lane al propper. anal Kommere the oorshe american gol standard haz teene hcvated the sovereign ogra endiencos natural dye occa moeccan pg shal eae poppies on Ot Sovereene Inde a al mes mae one Schack okey ifapikable ane check nly ove bo collec held nthe universal tte the ppl whe are the ued ees faerie ane he moore "anon spac federal goversmete 16 Dav lal Abdullah Bey the redo the ving tansiting uly a check one iappiksabe ane check oaey one bos ‘capiculsal en nance pig 16 altemative designation (i appliabul):c esee lessor chonsignehongnrosllerbayer eral iene icemer| 17. this instrument sa natural creation, and itis owned by dawul bl shdullah bey tan yun wiya territory. “This is conveyed iio the Gnosis Of The King Dawood ofthe Moors Trust under record number ‘men*23+sp 19994990249 and Aai Yun Wiya Territory Trust under record number me*'23+ani+s999+9% 9688, and “Moorish scence temple ov America Trast R#1010S90S andthe Moorish National Republic Federal Goverament ‘Trust under record umber macn+999999909, andthe Moorish Divine & National Movement of The World record number macwe+r333333333, 18. optional ile reference data maximum principal nna) we the moors al moroccan a nh west sexe, athe exxecurs, mins, keds, amen, sie nde benephiiars wv al lane, al marl resources, nde all Kommese. honours, dawed bial abdullah bey cepts diminto ol nde we, the diye sverige ting ain tat we are tee soverige etal nie diye eines hee en poaine en caps dimint nlo en pops son jus en propo solo ane en proprio erodes ane afrmode bye lm fll berth being law fae Stunerslie qualified andehornpeteot wo afieme Os dockumente wether plaice or sovereign hanes ane Sealleretne and en svar ual orca moroccan natal yrs Oath Ose yor 2024 coun dowd bled abatah beg 2 at soverig xgeel enero rise marca ogame al ovesone ‘nted oats of morc sovonmeedactumens aon fe uch wrechon a ecco. jsisesizismiistas en pop pao sr on prop sao andeen pope heedes sllsoversigne righ exereisd all yes. north west lta south west a ote a adding sams ‘same arose ane ‘vw peck eine New (anki sane soci ew Yer] C ASS empire estates of morocco united estates for north america squam pomack tribal governmente ani pun wipa territory, land ob flowers ‘ ~sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos— » moorishe divpne ande nationales mubemente of the earthe northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + the northe gate all addjoining isslands so ~tempel of the moon ande sun~ & the true anbe be jure naturall peeples + heirs of the lande @ -i.s.La.m- oe default notice to affidavid uf turittene innitiall unniversall kommerciale kobe 1 phinansinge statemente liene judgment by acquiescence nonresponse notiffeation (exercise of constitution for the united states for north america- secured rights) 04 Rabi Al Thani 2024 [October 07, 2024) all rize ande stande ande reemain standing nung pro tung. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe ‘amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justse dawud bital abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen nationall appellatione is dawud bilal ibn yusef ef abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui Juri, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle fathe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in ourselves for we are the Peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne anneiente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall republic federall governmente. i ande all moors are the rightfulle, awfulle tittle exxecutors ministars heirs trustees klaimantes benephisiaries ande possessors of the unniversall vasstesstate truste for our own vasst essate. we who are the origeneall inndigencous american sovereignes are god, mother, father of the unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne anncientes. all exxchanges in unniversall kommuurs shall be made in gold ande silver. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at ths time ande at all pointes in time nung pro tung, be it knowne that i, dawud bilal abdullah bey ande all moors are the unniversall sovereigne origencall inndigencous annciente naturall divyne fiduciaries for the sovereigne livinge state uf ande for annciente morocco, allso appellationed as the maghrib al agsa, the northe gate, northe amerika, northe westeaffrica, northe weste amexem, turtle island, ande the moste exxtreme weste, ammung other sovereigne land appellationes. no UNITED STATES CORPORATION or CORPORATE COMPANY CITIZEN or -anlother foreigner, has personam jurisdiction over me or any other ‘moorishe nationalese herec in the ani yun wiya territory at the land of flowers, [State of Mississippi Corporation]. IMCN+2415999919919855. Affidavit of Univeral Commerical Code I FINANCING STATEMENT {2019 KIA SOUL KNDIP3ASIK 7649245] [ALLY FINANCIAL INC’] GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES) Soverignekoute atone men!24squ + empire state of Morocco squam pomack tribal government & ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ «3 moorish divine and national movement of the world northwestamexem /southwestamexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantisand americana islands 3 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ #3 the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land 2 ~isLam. ~ writ of praecipe (Exercise of Constitution For The united States of America- Secured Rights) October 09, 2024 from: chief justice, dawud bilal abdullah bey to: squam pomack tribal office of tax and revenue Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous soverci amerikan ascendents of the greate pharoahs uf kemet ande of the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe nde truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous natural! divyne de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nune pro tune. iam dawud bilal abdullah bey, in capitis nolo, in propria persona, sui juris, in proprio solo, in proprio heredes, at all time and at all points in time. i am a descendant of the great pharaoh's of kemet and the moabites and canaanites. you do not have jurisdiction over me, dawud bilal abdullah bey and no UNITED STATES CORPORATION CITIZEN has Jurisdiction over an aboriginal indigenous moorish al morocco national at any time. On or about October 07, 2024, a default notice affidavit of lien judgement, foreclosure & bankruptcy by ‘acquiescence nonresponse notification was issued to the | LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI} [GOLDEN ‘TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES| and all assigns, agents and heirs.unrebutted affidavits stand as law. i dawud bilal abdullah bey and my property are inthe jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited estate at this time and all points in time and idawud bilal abdullah bey am exercising all of my sovereign rights at this time and at all point IMCN+24+ANI+999109+9855 Affidavit of Universal Commerical Code I FINANCING STATEMENT [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES| | LOWNDES COUNTY TAX OFFICE} sovereign koute actione mentsqu *cause+ 99949940243 ab original and indigenous peoples documents norhnes amexcm northwest alten / the north gale” = the Tmorcsan ernie = continental united ates “Yemne ofthe mon and in’ te land an = metic mon resident rnc os / mush fe c | @ ae 3 2 ‘The squam pomack tribal office of tax and revenue is commanding the office of tax & internal revenue at Kansas City, “Missouri to levy and discharge the $2285.40 debt taxes due from the [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES| that is owed to the Lue Eather Willis Heirs Estate and revenue office of THE EL & ALI MOORISH ‘TRIBAL TRUST. Once all debt taxes have been discharged you are to deposit trust credits into the El & Ali Moorish Tribal Trust bank account. ‘en honoure, i, dawud bilal abdullah bey n capitis diminutio nolo ande we, thee divynne sovereigne beings affirm that we arre thee sovereigne naturall ande divyne beings here en proklaimed en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes ande affirmede bye law full bearthrighte being law fullie universallie qualified ande kommpetent to affirme this dockumente. we therefour plaice ourr sovereigne handes ande seall heretwo ande en favorr uf all moorishe al moroccan nationalls. kyros day 09 -month October year 2024 wm da ylid hibel abolition all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe al united states of morocco governmente dockumentes justises/vizirs/ministars en propria persona sui juris en pro sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes. ograffs fore this ande all sovereigne. publick wreckord at morocco. © Solo ande en proprio heredes. all. empire state 09 morocto uit states for norihiestamexemt ‘quam pomack tribal gobermmente séquam pomack konsulate Columbus, union state society of Mississippi} land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco spn men ico ths quae lipatert speeram rt enn egoin alo et accumu sl. spe tera rata tc ‘et amen diovobs, queue alent spe tram rt ent pin cal et gas solver sete rte THE KOURT OV RECEIVED JUDGE’S MAILROOM 09 October 2024 SQUAM POMACK TERRITORY Ale More anuhah IMCN+24+ANI29994099855_Afidavit of Universal Commerical Code I FINANCING STATEMENT [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES| | LOWNDES COUNTY TAX OFFICE] sovereign kourte actions mensqutcase+9999+243 ab eriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest afte ‘the north gale the ‘moroccan ernie = continental unite tts: ‘temnle af the monn and sn” "tute ean non-domestic non veda wan_—eahect-rmons/ mr - Bene the onersuete 6969 1096 Anni Ati Form United States Information Returns Unto Sisas Treasury [OMB No. 15450008 Summary and Transmittal of 2024 GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICE ‘Stee adores dnclang oom or sue number) 1311 Industrial Park Road, ty orton, sat x proves, county, and ZIP oi postal code ‘Columbus, Mississippi 39701 Fudan Tastes Aton Fost "elopionenomber ne ppieabie Doris Arn Bats etaircaomian Fax nanber not appicaie | Filer dentiication 2 Social scuiy uber | 3 Total number offoms 587 74 9353. B including tis page "Erte anX Th only One box below fo indicate the ype of form being Wed. waa [romarc] soo | tome | wee | seer | soma | some7 | roma se fee | ‘or | re | “ee | oo | te | wo | eure} ovens oopsec| rom.c00| 008. | sowea | rooeon| sooon | roses | soonsa| fe | | me | rar | a [a | se | 7s With honoure, by my sovereign hand, | affirm that this affidavit formatte with accompanying documents is truth. comm 1D A Aste ‘31 United Statos Code § 1501: Documontary evidance requirement for Government entitlements ‘GA amount shah be recorded as a pad entilement for. of and by the United States ‘Soyement when supprted by documeran evidence of feu : a en tng. aan a a eee theccarar rat spe repens Sc Pecos ee (Ghacaut commana requ ty aw tbe pace wan an agency (@)a court command and issued in aignment with alaw authorizing | Purchases without advertising (Ashen necessary because ofa nations forthe pure (Shor ratral dsc pershable utistnce ets; Onl i 3, or rn tzbutons to, amounts paid in specie amounts xed by law of by formulas (PRESEN ‘employment work o” services of persone of expenses of travel in [aigninet wit the low Sie ee aR SS REE oder scretyeen sews neon ene unouts tates “Tite 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for ations in exchange for gold and siver, propery transfers, and entitlement (2) Any entilement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, a propery delivery. made to or fr the United Slates, oF as otherwise ‘directed by this competent cour, pursuant to this gection or any ule, regulation, instruction, or rection tved Here by shall be full _acquttance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in fll fr all enitlements issued hereby people shal be held liable in any ‘court for in respect to anything done or mitted in rust in connection with the minster governing fortis arts H action “Tile 28 United States Code sub/sec 1610. Exceptions to the immunity from attachment or execution. (a)The property inthe United States used fr commercial activity shall nat be immune from attachment in the aid of except from ‘execution, upon a judgement entered by a compotent ace i cout forthe United States nunc pro tunc whan the person or was Used forthe commercial activity upon which the clam is based “The Unted States Constitution Article 1 Section 1X. Money shall be paid from the treasury in alignment with national appropriations ‘Made by law. Psalms 23:12 “and we forgive the U.S. their debi, therefore we have forgiven cur debtors. Romans X111: Vi if revenve, then revenue, Jab XXX: Xt accept no [MAN'S PERSON] ce Treasury Bios Urbana, Illinois October 07, 2024 oot oa Creditor: Doris Ann Batts as Bonding Fiduciary for the UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA 1103 West Hill Street Urbana, Illinois Debtor/Taxpayer: GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES JL WILLIAMS doing business as Owner EIN 64-600041 1311 Industrial Park Road Columbus, Mississippi 39701 IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To. GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICE. Asof August 02,2024, wehavenotreceived your verduetaxaftersendingseveralnoticestoyou. Because youhavenot paidyour balance whichispastdue, wehavelevied seized) property claimedby youandyour claimedrightsto property. Each year,more than 8 outof 10 taxpayers pay theirtaxes. Youarepartofa minority thathasnot fulfilled that duty Amount Past Due: $10,000.00 gold United States Dollars / Suis Francs due the Estate of The El & Ali Moorish Tribal Trust pursuant toDischarge Hearing of Debt on dated October 05, 2024 atthe Squam Pomack Consular court atthe land ov nod forthe Creditor empire state ov Morocco and the debtor AT&T, Incorporated, dated October 01, 2024 Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on October 07, 2024, at 4:30pm Easter Time You are required to do the following actions Due toyour inability to pay the stated debt, all property ishereby placedinthe possession and custody ofandforthe originalindigenous ancientsovereign people whoarethe Moorish Nationalaongressional affidavitiseffective immediately upon alldebtors, agents, principals, heirs assigns and any and all derivative debtors thereof. ‘Your Bing Summary Format Number Amount You owe Tax Period ending, Total 10/07/2024 1040 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 for each El & Alt for each El & Ali sori Tribal Drs __Moorist Tribal Trust Amount Due Immediately $10,000.00 for each El & Ali Moorish Tribal Trust Notification: Allocations are ancient and locations. All addresses are living corporate situs trust addresses. {31 United States Code § 1901: Documentary evidence requirement for Government eden fe ariceec ates ee Giants eee Re tat ‘see ae CCL ae Pere emern ee peag re anc eceree a eee emer: (ey ansgeanat aod cy {0.2 pare approved csston wt ana auorced bya tay tty aanpedeaian ‘starr lerstamertsproredy ConqensrecoenoetCrges ena) tires oy oseamowshaae enemas cossnt ‘wtnsubeecton (af secon Tle 12Unted Snes Cog to pon 82 geste acensinexhange fx gldand silver. propery tart, nd enilemert {2)Ary entiterent payment conveynce,ranfressignment.a roped) deen made toot othe UntedSits, ‘The Congress forthe United States Atle | Section 1 ‘Money shal be pald om the Treasury n alghmem wih natons appropraions mace by kaw. Regards ous, dns, Lat... Fact Internal Revenue “CREDITORS rare, soo dares. Gyo own, Sate or provi Sauy, | Taleo over ae a, October 07,2024 Doris Ann Batts Attorney in Fact for | 2Amountofdebtcancelled — 1099C i UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA $10,000.00 per trust Debt Cancellation aS eee sine inaxiedn box? Foret eo cael C00 202" 387 749369 64-600041 Copy B ETO Ta for Debtor Golden Triangle Waste Services ‘The Internal Revenue hasbeen ricrmed of the tansacton The Debioris required to Report ncone forth eee 1099¢ Deb Cancelaton Version 0001 Category 26280W ee ee 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententitements, (@ Aamountshall be recorded asa paid entitlement fr, ofand by the United States government when supported by “MGaindng agreement beeen and another person ( ‘a ‘an agency person (including an agency) that is, ‘in writing, by afidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; and (®)executed before the end oftheperiod of availabilty for entitlement of te appropriation orfund used for specific ‘goods to be delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided. (@,aloanagreement showing the amount andterms for repayment, ‘@)a court command required by law tobe placed with an agency. @ acourtcommandissuedinalignment with law: Purchases withoutadvertising (Ajwhen necessary, because of a national programme for the public. (B)fornaturalfoodsor perishable subsistence supplies: or (C)regardiess of specific monetary limits. (@ a grant, subsidy or national programme (from appropriations made for payment of, or contributions to, amounts paidin specificamounts fixed by law or by formulas prescribed by law. (8) by an agreement authorized by law, or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. (10ja tabtty that may resutt from pending itigation, {f)employment, work or services of persons or expenses of ravelin alignment withthe law; (@) services or works provided by public utilities; or Sher general welfare entilement forthe Government fom a constitutional appropriation or (@A statement ofentiements ‘oracommittee of Santa rate panied congone {Congress by an agency’ only those amounts thatare Title 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and siver, property transfers, and entitlements ‘ras otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section of any rule, regulation, instructon, of direction issued hereby shal be @ full acquitfance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in ful for all entilements issued hereby. “The Constitution for the United States Article | Section 1X ‘Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by law Be ere ye 20 HSI PH 2 SS FEBO3 D2 nc \CE COUNTY. Selig CONE R. WHITE, C UCC FINANCING STATEMENT Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey «quam. [email protected] 330 South Broadway Suite 810 # 13 |Yonkers, New York 10701 “DEBTORS WOWET [LOWNDES COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR] veneer ame pam are rT Talley Kalee Tax Collector po em a arenas 1121 Main Street ‘Columbus Ms 39701 Lowndes = ORBTORS AE aRTOT [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES] apoE oestrone) errata Williams oe IL. ‘Owner = RoR em iene —Jeram eo, 1311 Industris! Park Road Columus Ms 39701 Lowndes “EHipire Stale SY" MoToeco / Land ov Mecca, T ilinois ‘Doris Ann Willis [DORIS ANN BATTS 1103 West Hill Street Urbana il 801 [Champaign “nw soem nag mowsinpyBLANKET SECURED PROPERTY STATEMENT which covers all Proper, Land onmerca, er anioy tage squpment Ones erupt Ren eae Reercbies ‘Somerca cere tener or eect trveamerteocirios racanties re ‘Creditor isthe living transmitting utility SOT Denetsuce 6969. 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of 145-108 aes United States Information Returns 2024 inte Sites Treeiey rat Reems FLERS nave GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES ‘Steet acres ¢netisng rom or ste rumba) 1311 Industrial Park Road ‘ty or town, sate province, county, and ZIP 8 frig postal code ‘Columbus, Mississippi 39701 For Official Use Only Fin Tunes Roney a Fa Tees mre! wo apps ee PETE FEL aaaress Fo bor val apiee luciary.united. states north amer@gmaii com | Flee entation naribay 2 Socal sec nanber [3 Taal nanberotoms | # Faso noone acwatho | 6 Tal amaitwooted wih a Fom }078562417 ‘including this page | § AA222141 AI not: '$1,000,000,000.00 Enter an Xn only one box below to Indicate the type of form being fd. was [iowrarc] tom | iowc | vceee | tooer | rosea | rose | soaea | some | ioanc [ron-car eon] 010 | rome] 1omex | roms we fw [oe fom |e |e | | we | m| oe x. oanxrcfiowsasdrossvec|rors.c10] ose. | soma | ocean] sono | somes | samen] vomesa] mar off | we | ma | fom | we | |e | a | as 6 ojo ‘with honoure, by my sovereign hand, |tfirm that tis affidavit formatte with accompanying documents is truth. egosum__ [Dawn BPP (olu lbh Bay 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Government entements {Gh aotearoa eco pu sete oof andy re Us Ses goverarent eer eee meee Re ae ee Ira py Geer PR PRE ‘Ghesmcoman route yan oe place wih (Geto comand anand nakrert wth aon aha | Pca wht vetare (evncey tae aS alual foods or pershable Subsistence supplies; or (Cyegarding of zz | suse [easecsal| Soe cn = pectic Fem ade payment for rntzbutons o, amounts pai in specie amounts fe ty tw or by formulas [GEER acon ‘employment work or services of persons of expenses of travel in vi the Leta BOTT AT Wee tae I cst tyoe scit hat oe ea “The 12 Unted States Code 88a, part 82 Repulaon for action in exchange for god and sive, property transfers, end entilement (2) Any entement, payment. corweyance, transfer assignment a propery dalvry, made lo orfor the Unaed Stes cr as otherwise directed by this competent court pursuant to this section or any rue, regulation instuctin, or dvecton Issued hereby shall be’ Ral soquetance and dlecharpe ‘or tendered payment and marked paid nul fora enitements ised hereby peopl eal be hed Hable any court fot in respect to anything ‘done or omitled in ust nconnecton wih ths minster govornng fr the ate action, “ile 28 United States Code subse 1810, Exceptions tothe immunty from attachment or execiton. (The property in the Unted States used for commercial activity shal not be immune from attachment in the aid of excep rom ‘execution, upon a judgement entere by a competent article fi court fr the United States nunc pro tune when the person or was sed forthe commercial activity upon which the claim is based ‘The Unites States Consttution Article 1 Section 1X. Money shall be paid from the treasury in alignment with national appropriations 1 internal Revenue eee infemal Revenue 30 South Broadus a Sute 708413 Kgnnee Oy. ieee October 07, 2024 Yonkers, New York 4:600041 64600044 Internal Revenue Creditor: Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey as Bonding Fiduciary for the UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA 30 South Broadway Suite 708 #13 Yonkers, New York Debtor/Taxpayer: GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES, JL WILLIAMS doing business as CEO EIN 64-600041 1311 Industrial Park Road Columbus, Mississippi 39701 IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To. GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICE. ‘Asof August 02,2024, we havenotreceived your overduetaxafter sending severalnotices to you. Because youhave not paid yourbalance whichis pastdue, wehavelevied (seized) property claimedby youandyour claimedrightsto property. Each year, more than 8 outof 10 taxpayers pay theirtaxes. Youare partofa minonty/thathasnottfulfiled that uty, ‘Amount Past Due: $1,000,000,000.00 gold United States Dollars / Suis Francs for each Moorish Al Moroccan National Trust pursuant to Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien Affidavit dated October 01, 2024 Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on October 07, 2024, at 4:30pm Eastern Time You are required to do the following actions Due toyour inability to pay the stated debt, all property ishereby placedin the possession and custody ofandforthe originalindigenous ancientsovereign people whoare the Moorish National congressional affidavit is effective immediately upon alldebtors, agents, principals, heirs assigns and any and all derivative debtors thereof. Your Biting Summary Format Number Amount You owe ‘Tax Period ending. Total 0107/2026 1040 '$1,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000 for each Moorish Al for each Moorish Al Moroccan National Trust _ Moroccan National Trust Amount Due Immediately $1,000,000,000 for each Moorish Al Moroccan National Trust Notiication: Alllocations areancientlandlocations. Alladdresses are living corporate situs trust addresses, 31 Und Sates Cae § 1501: Documentary eens equrenen le Goren rts ithanatnhberctndespadersoertiar eat ted Saks prance Slemeniay evserce “i sane andarctr aon rch gt hat. "iinutg yaart ot Seatce ware od Sue Bcc esata tion ofeapprpritin rand we sie sues be delve rx propery tbe ight or lal oreo some be pa (alanopmener sowegtnanditaatea pened \Gecatcownarteqaredbrewatepossdve say progemmed (Form apepceadeforpayment cf ocrontzbutons o,ameountspadinspecc amounts fxedby aw oy foals (@)byanagreementathorized bylaw, ow {C)by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law; {8 a fablyflatmay result fom pending (@ services orworks proved by pubic utili, or {Ojetrer cone walareenbement fx te Government kam 2 constutonal aeropriaion or fund (Asatet tenements providedty Congress oracormniie Congres anagency shah nude oy hseamountstaareeniements consistent ‘wi subsection a) ftissecton “Tie 12Untod Sates Code a, pen 82 Repke scons nexcange or godand silver. popry rsa, ad entitlement (@Anyettement payment conveyance ranserassgnmer.a propery every adetor ke Unted Ste ‘rasatherwse dectasbytiscerpatertcout pursuarttotnseectonor ante reguaton Inerusion or {Brecon sued hee bysal be tu ealtanceanddechargearenderedpaymentandmartedoasn ‘The Congress for he United Statos Ate | Secon ‘Money shal be paid rom the Treasury in alignment with nations appropriations made by aw. Regards Daud BIL thdulles Dftwad Bilal Abdullah Bey, Fiduciary, Trustee, Aomey in Fact Internal Revenue That, oe dae Cy owt Sale TES UAT. | Dae revert oe Octobe 07,2026 1099 Dewud Bilal Abdulah Bey Atlomoy in Fact for a UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA Genome Debt Cancellation 30 South Broadway je Suite 810413, Threat Fnaksedin box? Fase ye ‘Yonkers, New York 078 56 2417 7311 Industrial Park Road Yoo, aa oF pron, county, —n posal coe 1099C Debt Cancellation Version 0001 Category 26280 ‘Treasury inert Revenue 311United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Govemnmententitlements {2 Aamountshallbe recorded as paldentitement for, fend by the United Sates goverment when supported by "ang sree tren an age an ante pon chi an oer) at (A)in writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; (Bhexecuted before the endo to pena ofavalaity for ctternt ofthe eppropriaon orfunusedforspctic ‘goods to be delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided, (@aloanagreement showing the amount andterms for repayment, G)a court command required by law tobe placed wth an agency. (@ acputcommandisnvedhlonment vit alow Purchases withoutadvertsing (A)when necessary, because of a national programme for thepublic; {Gyornatural food orpershable subsistence supplies: or (C)regardless of specific monetary Os ort. ay of palo ogee (”from appropriations madefor payment of, orcontibutinsto, amounts pein specific amounts fixedly lw orby formulas prescr {8) by an agreement authorized by law; or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. © a liability that may result from pending Iitigation; {) empleyment workorserdcesofpersons or expenses ofravetinalgnmentwithtelaw, (8)services or works by public utilities; general entilemnt forthe Government from a consttitonal appropriation or fund. (0) A statement of entitlements provided by Congress or a committee of Congress by an agency shallinclude only those amounts thatare fentitlements consistent with subsection (a) of this section Tile 12 United States Code 96, part 82 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and silver, property transfers, and entilerents (2) Any entitement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to ofr the United States, ‘or as otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, of direction issued hereby shal be a fll acquittance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in ful, {or all entilements issued nereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article | Section IX ‘Money shall be paid from the Treasury in algnment with national appropriations made by law. TREDTORS rane sree oda cy own Bales poe, Soa, | Tone Te Gaiety, mie 1099C Dawud Bilal Abduah Boy Atomey in Fact for Gan TERETE UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA $1,000,000,000.00 per perception: en oe "Sines fnaudedn bax? Foret ‘Yonkers, New York 0.00 2024 CNTR TET TR ENTRCATON ROR [9 DRE SS 0 Seizure $1 00) Copy B ove 362417 seoonnes Re iecractsecaresmitem es | Run. DEBTORS Te ‘neta Natora! Tstpasot he Uwe Golden Triangle Waste Services fpmlbemrrieneaceme repetporcemeaee 2 Since crestor oy cannon repos The Internal Revenue TE aT) ESOS eo” payment of the det * [al] this transaction. The Ba te teal Pek Road Debtor is required to Repot income from th transaction. Tae ‘64600041 AB.C.DEFG $1,000, 000.00 por rust 1099C Debt Cancetation Version 0001 Category 26280W “maya Ravens 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententilements {9 Ramount shall be recorded asa paid entitement for, fend bythe United Sates government when supported by ‘habindng aor soe between a aac andar pron cing an ge) ha (Win wring, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; and {® executed before the endofthe period of evalabilty for enitement ofthe appropriation orfundusedtorspecfc ‘goods 1 be delivered, real property tobe bought or leased, or work or sevice to be provided. @aloanagreement showing heamountandterms for repayment: (@)a court command required by lawtobe placedwith an agency, @ acourtcommandissuedinalignmentwithalaw authorizingpurchases without advertising ‘A)when necessary, because of a national programme forthe public. (@)fornaturalfoodsr perishable subsistence supplies; or (Cyregardiess of spectic monetary limits (a gr. subst o atonal programe (om spprepratone ade payment ‘contributions to, amounts paidin specific amounts fxedby law orby formulas prescribed by law. (8) by an agreement authorized by law; or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law. (10)a liability that may result from pending litigation. {iemplyment, wor orser ices ofpersons of expenses oftravelinalgnmentwihtelaw teenies ctearcuncroneean 9 puede nes, ‘or (0 Astatanarfentements prodedty Cngessoraconmntce ciConrere sinc trent enteerts roedby Cones racomtes olCongresebyarayeny saline ony hose arounsthatare entitlements consistent with subsection (a) of this section. pe sa Tile 12 United States Code 95a, part 82 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and siver, propery transfers, and entitlements (2) Any entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to or for the United States, ‘or as otherwise directed by tis competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instructon, or direction issued hereby shall be a full acquitance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in ful, for all entitlements issued hereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article| Section 1X ‘Money shall be paid from the Treasury in aignment with national appropriations made by law. @ounreo ie = ° %, hy > tins aw IN GOUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FED O03 222 2 ANS PH ASS cc FINANCING STATEMENT Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey {[email protected] [30 South Broadway [Suite 810 # 13 |Yonkers, New York 10701 PaRORSWaRT [LOWNDES COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR] ra Talley [Kale roa ‘Tax Collector ier is — Jaren — feo ‘1131'Main Street Columbus Ms [39701 | Towndes riper we) ie ier [GOLDEN TRIANGLE WASTE SERVICES] —areceen eoarroaneet Pearce fa Williams 7 Ir ‘Owner ae ena iso — pcos fom T3iT Industrisl Park Road —_/Columus Ms. [39701 [Lowndes secon neon SETpIPE SHALE 6VMOF8Eco / Squam Pomack Territory New York ‘Dawud Bilal Abdullah B[DAWUD BILAL ABDULLAH BEY 30 South Broadway Suite 810 #13/Yonkers NY __[fo7or |Westchester ‘Tanase se bry earosomn: BLANKET SECURED PROPERTY STATEMENT which covers all Property, Land ‘comme. othe verity {age eaupment Ofee easprent (etree (erro) Cemmereal instruments eter forest trvesmont secures Recevaties| Taran Saas EP a a ‘= Creditor isthe ving ansmiting uy SS ee

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