Small-Signal Modeling of Series Resonant Converter
Small-Signal Modeling of Series Resonant Converter
Small-Signal Modeling of Series Resonant Converter
The main difficulties in the analysis and control of
switching regulators are due to the highly non-linear
nature of the dc-dc converters. To solve this problem, Fig. 3 Circuit block when the perturbation operates on the input
different linearizing modeling techniques were proposed Hence the input voltage can be expressed that
in the past. However, they were either complicated or A Av
obtained numerically.
vg (t) = Vg +vg (t) = Vg + Avg cosQt = Vg (1+ m cos Qt), m = Vg (1)
In this paper, a new modeling technique is presented Assume that Q << , Avg << V, and resonant tank has high
based on the steady-state model of series resonant Q-factor, hence the input voltage of the resonant tank
converter, which avoids the above mentioned problems. network v, (t) is
The series resonant converter circuit and steady-state
model are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig.2. 4
vj t) =
V, (I1+mcos Qt) sin co,t (2)
V, sin tt + g sin(at) + Q)t +
sin(t), - Q)t
v (t) I(t I I I
ct) is the frequency of the switch. It can be assumed that
_________I ._______ l________ll_I_I I the voltage transfer functions of the resonant tank
network are as followings:
sitch Itwork r ttie tw k Iow-pI ss filtcr
I H(jos) = Ale
H2[j(s +Q)]= A2e-'2
net-ok net-1l
Fig. Series resonant convertercircuit.. UH3 [j(cos Q)] = A3e-j"3
Project supported by Natural Science foundation of China +{a sin(o)t - Ql) + p sin[(o, Q)t qj3]} = x +y
- -
Project supported by Beijing Natural Science foundation of China
(No.405201 1)
1-4244-0645-5/07/$20.00©2007 IEEE 1466 on September 11,2024 at 09:27:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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x = asin(cot - 91) +bsin[(c, + Q)t - 92] when (c - Q) and (c + Q) are close to co, q' is almost linear
±,1-2) ]sin(ca t - +
[a + b cos(Qt+ (91) along the changes of the w, hence (q4 - p2) = p3 - qo = Aqp
bsin(Qt + -92) ( ) cos(ca t - = (91) UX sin(cst - 1 + a) if
v, (t) = 4 [2a + (b + p) cos(Qt + AQ)] (1 1)
uX = Va2+ b2 + 2ab cos(Qt + - ip))
Because andv/i
a >>b j k 1+k, u a +bcos(Qt+91-92)
+ vo (t) = (b + p) cos(Qt + A9)
2 4 (12)
a arctan b sin(Qt + 91- 2) =
{~H[j(wq, +Q)~+ ~H[j(wq, Q)]}cos(Qt +A(p)
a+bcos(Qt+ 92)
Assume that the low pass filter (LPF) current transfer
y uysin(ost- 1 +O) function is
uy a+ p cos(Qt+ 93- 1)
HF(jW) = IHF(jwo)IejF (13)
,i arctan aP sin(Qt + f' - f1) The small-signal transfer function from input to output is
a + p cos(Qt + f3' - 91 )
VR(t) = [a + b cos(Qt + - (2)]
92 sin(o t - 1 + a) Gvg A (jQ)
+[a + p cos(Qt + p3 - q )]sin(os t - qp + / vg (jQ) (14)
Because a >> b and a >> p, a ,-6 = O H[j(o +Q)] + H[j(o- Q)] HF(jQ) ej(A,+
VR(t) = x+y = [2a+bcos(Qt+1 -92)+ (6) 2
It also can be approximated as following:
(p )] sin(os t - 91 )
p cos(Qt + 931- A
2 HF(
from input to output is obtained, illustrated in Fig.4.
Gvg Hj(0)| HF(jQ) ej(A+ (15)
VR(t) = [2a + (b + p) cos(Q t + A()]sin(o) t - (1 ) (16)
the current of resonant tank is (t) is
Fig. 4. Small-signal model from resonant tank input to output is (t) = (is + is (t)) sin(qIt
- ) +I( (17)
[v,, (t) =v, sin co, t (ig (t)), = (is + ,is (t)) cos 10 = I, + Z g (t) (18)
|v2 (t) =2Av sin(ao + Q)t (8) Based on the above analysis, the small-signal model of
V, (t) 2Av,
sin(oA - Q)t
Vg - AL
[vR I (t) = v, Al sin(co, t - 1o)
VR2 (t) = 2Avg A2 sin[(c + Q)t - 921 (9)
VR3(t) = 2Avg
A3 sin[(o - Q)t - 931 Fig. 6. Small-signal model of input port
the input port is obtained, illustrated in Fig.6.
VV =
qVo2 (t) 2~2COS(Qt + p1 -102)(0
2 Pspice has been employed to simulate, illustrated in
vO3 (t) = 2 cos(Qt +93 - 9 ) Fig. 7.
Because of the amplitude and phase frequency
characteristic of series resonant tank shown in Fig.5,
Fig. 5. Frequency characteristic of series resonant tank Fig. 7. Schematic circuit of simulation
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The parameters are as the followings: Compared three results:
Vs (t) = (39.3 + 3.14x sin(2dz00)) sin(2;z50.4264k), experimental result: A V, 0.5434
Cs=7.4n, L=1.45m, C=2.24n, R,oad=27.36, RL= 4.3721(the AVg
equivalent resistance of inductance). simulatiion result: AVO 0.56703
The output waveforms in time domain and frequency AVg
domain are shown in Fig 8 and Fig 9 respectively. the error is 4.350/
I9[ ..
Hj(w )|
, ~~~~~~~~
Fig. 12. Circuit block when the perturbation operate on the control
Fig. 9. FFT of the output voltage V(1,2) Process of frequency regulation was illustrated in Fig. 13
The waveform in time domain and spectral analysis of
output voltage V(1,2) in the experiment using
oscilloscope TDS 5000 are shown in Fig.10 and Fig 11 VR
respectively. E
Ev~ oQ
1468 on September 11,2024 at 09:27:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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So that the frequency modulation signalvx(t) is if if
VI -(t)2 a1= 4-A1V,
v, (t) = sin(co,t + mf sin Qt) = v, sin(co,t + mf sin Qt) (
23) tvo2(t)2 4 bl = 8A2Vsmf
Assume that mf <<1, if if
cos(mf sin Qt) 11 , sin(mf sin Qt) -
mf sin Qt
Through the above analysis, the small-signal model
Vj(t) = v, sin wOt + 2[sin(wo, + Q)t sin(ao, - - Q)t] ( '24) from control to output is obtained, illustrated in Fig. 15.
V, (t) = v,1 + V,2 + V,3
vvl (t) v= si co, 2t
vv2(t) 2m sin(Wo, +Q)t 25)
kV,3 (t) = -M2 sin(co, - Q)t Fig. 15. Small-signal model from control to output.
When ( -Q) and (co + Q) are close to , q is almost
It can be assumed that the voltage transfer functions of linear along the changes of the c,hence A= q( 92 q= q-
the resonant tank network are as followings:
HI (ico ) = Ale-j v, (t) = v,2 + v,3
H2[j(as + Q)] = A2ej', = mf (A2 - A3) cos(Qt + A)
H3[j(a -Q)] = A3e -j Assume that the low pass filter (LPF) current transfer
So that the output voltage of the resonant tank is function is
VR (t) = Alv, sin(a)ot - (1 ) +A2 2 /fsin[(co, + Q)t - 92 ]
HF (jw) = HF (j)|eF'
- 2 sin[(a)o Q)t 93] - - Gv, (jQ) (32)
A co
VR (t) = VRl(t) + VR2 (t) + VR3 (t)
V TIHjc,+Q]I-IHjc) ) )~H (c)~e(P Ap
uy a, - PI cos(Qt + Q1,)01
- arctan psin(Qt+Q
a - p, cos(Qt + (
- l1)
p, cos(Qt +93 ol )] sin(st ql ) - -
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Based on the above analysis, the small-signal model of
the input port was obtained, illustrated in Fig. 16.
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