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Name: Zyrus Jendell Lana Date: September 19, 2024

Grade & Section: 12 – STEM A Score:

Performance Task: What Have You Found?
Directions: Look for 3 related literature that you can use for your study.
Complete the table by supplying information that you’ve found.


1 Type of Source: Journal Article Critical thinking skills are one of the four skills needed in the 21st
Author: Basri, Hasan; Purwanto; As'ari, century. Critical thinking skills are so important that they need to be
Abdur Rahman; Sisworo taught and included in the school curriculum. This research aims to: (1)
describe the critical thinking skills of junior high school students in
Date: July 2019 solving mathematical problems and (2) identify the students' critical
thinking components in the analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation,
Title: Investigating Critical Thinking and self-regulation sub-skills. This is descriptive research with a
Skill of Junior High School in Solving qualitative approach. Data was collected through a test and interviews,
Mathematical Problem triangulation accomplished by comparing between test and interviews.
This research involved 24 subjects comprising 9 male students and 15
URL: female students. The test used in this research consisted of 6 problems
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1220211&fbcl representing 6 sub-skills of critical thinking skills. The results of data
id=IwY2xjawFY4UBleHRuA2FlbQIxMAA collection were analyzed through data reduction, data display, and
BHeDluQTBbm4EV1rlNH36CtjBbNycAOj conclusion drawing. The research results showed that: (1) the critical
X33WM1grVAywCHrD1tgHcG5dUEw_ae thinking skills of junior high school students were in a low category; and
m_As56HcQRtQ6JDJj0o71xAA (2) the evaluation, analysis, and self-regulation sub-skills became the
lowest critical thinking sub-skills mastered by the students compared to
Publisher: (if from books or other other critical thinking sub-skills.
printed materials)

Edition: 3
Vol. : 12
Page/s: 745-758

2 Type of Source: Journal Article We tested the mathematical literacy (ML) proficiency of 204 grade
Author: Hanan Shaher Almarashdi and 10 “advanced track” students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) using
Adeeb M. Jarrah 34 questions from the Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) 2012 released items. Using a quantitative descriptive
Date: December 3, 2022 approach, we analyzed the performance of males (n = 106) and females
(n = 98) on items spread across the four content subdomains (quantity,
Title: Assessing Tenth-Grade Student’s space and shape, change and relationship, and uncertainty), the
Mathematical Literacy Skills in Solving processes of problem-solving (formulate, employ, reasoning, and
PISA Problems interpret), and the four PISA contexts (personal, occupational, societal,
and scientific) across six PISA proficiency levels. The test was
formulated in three types of response format (multiple choice, closed-
URL: and open-ended). Results showed that overall student performance
https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/12/1/3 was in the very low category. Female students outperformed male
3?fbclid=IwY2xjawFY4T9leHRuA2FlbQIxMA students in all aspects of mathematical literacy. The highest percentage
ABHUy-fMC9WttXqG4Bymj5LLY7z-qI7lAz_X achieved in the modeling process was in the interpreting and then
Mdmlu3kjh4Rjqh1X60yiN4Ug_aem_DM1TO employ and formulate tasks. Students performed almost perfectly in
mZV_MMVbjvUEVDlcw problems that covered the uncertainty content area but fared poorly
with problems dealing with change and relationship. Students
Publisher: (if from books or other printed
performed better on personal mathematical problems than
occupational, societal or scientific problems. These findings are
important for UAE teachers regarding direct application to classroom
Edition: 1
practice and for researchers and officials to shape future research and
Vol. : 12
recommendations for future new educational policies
Page/s: 33
3 Type of Source: Journal Article In this study, we assess the group performance of 970 high school
Author: Josaphat A. Uvah and Kuiyuan Li students in mathematics. We use data from the American mathematics
competitions (AMC) tests administered at the University of West
Date: January 2017 Florida (UWF) for five consecutive years, 2007-2011, to assess the
Title: An Assessment of Math proficiency level of the participants as a group. The main aim is to
Proficiency Among High School Students identify areas of strength, and more importantly, weaknesses in high
in Northwest Florida school mathematics for the group. A secondary objective is to assess
the college readiness of the students in the area of mathematics. Aside
from identifying some factors known to affect students’ performance
URL: (if from the internet) at the high school levels, we offer a range of suggestions on individual
and institutional remedies that could be implemented in the 11th and
Publisher: US-China Education Review B 12th grades when most students take the standardized tests in
preparation for entry into institutions of higher education. Other
Edition: 1 recommendations may help students with college readiness in
Vol. : 7 mathematics. Although the students were drawn from two
Page/s: 1-14 counties—Escambia and Santa Rosa, the results of the study may be
useful throughout Northwest Florida and beyond. The results of the
study could also be used to guide grade teachers to place emphases on
some topics in the mathematics high school curriculum.

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