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9 Change - Completed

Saturday, July 27, 2024 14:43

• Change Management Dimensions

○ Understanding Change What to change and why to change

○ Planning Change high overview of how to implement/ or wat are the major steps to implement the
required change
○ Communicating Change Sell the change , highlight the value and the positive impact of the change to
the organization( for management approval) , Persuade the team ( what is the value for the team )
○ Implementing Change Executing the change pla

Understand Scope :

• Organizational structure
Like creating new ministry or merging two of them

• Technology change
- Work process and methodologies
For example hiring process From newspaper ads to online posting and using Talent Management
Or summer internship to select best candidates
Marketing campaign process

• People change

○ Knowledge update - through training

○ Skill update - through development programs and on job training
○ Behavior ( attitude )change - is difficult and need time

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TOOLS to understand requirement of change

1- Fish Bone

Start with analysis of 6 areas to Identify the issues that is currently facing the organization in areas like
( process , people , material, equipment , management (policy and rules) , environment( external) )
People - are they qualified enough - do they need skill upgrade / training ?
Do they need more people ?
Is there conflict between them ? Is the leadership style is proper for them ?

Pareto principal
○ 80% of the issues will be related to one of the above areas , 20% will be related to other causes
That is why focusing on the right cause will improve the outcomes significantly

2- Five (5) Whys: get to the original root cause of each cause up to 5 stages

3- Force field analysis :

○ Driving (supporting )forces (People or conditions )
○ Resistance forces (People or conditions )

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Mostly unplanned

Types of Changes
• Planned change (mostly come from Internal drivers):- planned change is change resulting from a deliberate decision to
alter the organization. It is an intentional, goal – oriented activity.
• Unplanned change( mostly come from external drivers):- unplanned change is imposed on the organization & is often
Example : change in government regulation, change in the economy

• Change Cost benefit analysis

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Kotter Change

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1- Increase urgency :show that there is a need for urgent change , show the value of the change
2- Built the guiding team(the nucleus) coalition of people who follow you and share same view they are
the believers and the leaders of the change in the next stages
3- Get the right vision define the common vision with the guiding team and how it will be in the future

1- Communicate the buy in- what in it for me(WIIFM) --> sell the idea(critical) with the help of using
the guiding team get the optimal number of people around the opportunity that this change
offers( Volunteer Army )
2- Empower Action and remove obstacles :get support and authority from management and also
empower the leader team
3- Creating short term wins: show the good results so far periodically communicate these results show
what is the benefits for people and organization

1- Don't let up (keep going ) sustain the change - it must be completed till the target
half changes are disasters it will increase resistance factor in the next changes
2- Make it stick (The changes should become part of the core of your organization to have a lasting
effect. Keeping senior stakeholders on board, encouraging new employees to adopt the changes and
celebrating individuals who adopt the change will all help to promote the change .(Institute change -
Replace old habits and traditions with new behaviors and organizational success)

○ Sponsors : member from high level management who provide formal support ( authority , Budget ,
Approval …)
This member must be defined before the change, they provide authority for the change team the level of
the management is according to the changes scope

○ Supportive team members that provide any type of support mostly all the members are supportive
Counselors they are advisors consulting for certain areas they provide expert view

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○ Counselors they are advisors consulting for certain areas they provide expert view
○ Accountable owners of the result of certain parts of the change plan

1- Rapid / Fast Change :

 Corrupted environment
 Simple changes
 Require high level of formal support
 Available financial resources
 High competitive market
2- Slow/ Gradual Change :
 high risk Environment-
 Environment with high sensitive to change
 Non urgent changes
 Low formal support
 Complex Change
 Low readiness in-terms of Knowledge and skill

○ Individual sources of resistance to change reside in basic human characteristics such as perceptions,

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personalities & needs.

○ Group Resistance : Group alliance that share same interest and fear of loss of same benefits
○ Organizational Resistance :
 Resource constraint: Low Financial , material or human resources
 Structural factors Ex: in bureaucratic structure, change would be difficult.
 Internal political factors

• Communication and participation: hello word dissipation of employees in the change
definition to feel that they are part of the change
• Training and education providing the stakeholders with the right training to increase the
readiness for the change
• Employee support : accepting errors at the beginning of the change.
• Negotiation: determining what are the requirement to achieve the target, provide some
trade off and win-win situation, But don't let the wind on individual agreements
• Stress management & Coercion , using coaching , rewarding and coercive power to

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• Manipulation and Cooperation: provide win-win situation, But don't depend on
individual agreements

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