org © 2022 IJCSPUB | Volume 12, Issue 4 October 2022 | ISSN: 2250-1770
Abstract : The need for electricity or power is growing every day in the modern world. By expanding the capacity of the transmission
lines from one location to another, more power can be delivered. But during the transmission, some faults occurred in the system.
The linked equipment to the power system is impacted by these faults. The major objective of this research is to analyse various
faults and to determine how they affect transmission lines. In this study, a transmission line model is created using the
MATLAB/Simulink, along with several symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults are simulated using fault blocks. To conduct the
study, a transmission line with a span of 100 km and a 400 kV, 50 Hz rating is being developed. This study also demonstrates how
the position of the fault has an influence on the magnitude of the fault current.
Index Terms – Fault, Symmetrical Fault, Unsymmetrical Fault, Transmission Line, Single line to Ground Fault, Double line
to Ground Fault, Double Line Fault, Triple Line Fault.
The most important link in the country's energy system is the power transmission network, which transports large amounts of high-
voltage electricity from generators to substations. The current power system is a complicated network that necessitates a quick,
precise, and dependable protection mechanism. It is unavoidable for the power system to have faults, and these faults frequently
include important components connected to higher overhead transmission lines. They not only affect the system's dependability but
also have a significant impact on end users.
A fault is only a defect in the electrical system. The fault value is expressed as an MVA. The overhead transmission line has a
greater fault incidence rate than the other crucial components of the electrical power system because it is mostly exposed to ambient
conditions. The electrical power grid is about to have problems. Transmission lines account for the vast majority of power system
faults [1]. Fig. 1 shows the potential for faults on the various equipment power system networks.
Power system faults can happen for a variety of causes. Even if many of the necessary preventative measures are implemented in
the fault detection, these defects must be anticipated and identified as soon as feasible in order to prevent a system outage that would
damage the customer. Power system faults can occur for a number of cause, however they are mainly categorized in two ways. The
first is a breakdown or failure at normal voltages caused by insulation deterioration, harm from unforeseen events like a car crashing
into a pole or tower, a bird short-circuiting, or a tree falling across the line which shown in Fig. 2, and the second is a breakdown or
failure at abnormal voltages brought on by an arcing ground, switching surges, lightning, or other factors [2].
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www.ijcspub.org © 2022 IJCSPUB | Volume 12, Issue 4 October 2022 | ISSN: 2250-1770
Transmission line faults are traditionally divided into two categories: series (open circuit) faults and shunt (closed circuit) faults.
While short circuit faults may be recognized by an abnormal phase current value, open circuit faults produce an abnormal shift in
phase voltage values. Asymmetrical faults and symmetrical faults are the two categories into which short circuit faults fall. As
indicated in Fig. 3, symmetrical faults are triple line (LLL) and triple line to ground (LLLG) faults, whereas line to ground (LG), line
to line (LL), and double line to ground (LLG) faults are asymmetrical faults [3].
To appreciate the requirement to recognize and categorize these faults appropriately, a brief explanation of the severity and
frequency of these faults is provided. Although it's not the most serious fault, the LG fault is the most often occuring fault. LL and
LLG are the next most prevalent and serious faults. The LLL and LLLG faults are the most dangerous for the stability of the power
system; if they occur and are not promptly discovered, they can bring down the entire system. Fig.4 depicts the possibility of different
types of transmission line faults. These faults can cause substantial economic damage in addition to personal and equipment loss [4].
The frequency information is included into dynamical models as fault of a novel modeling framework for the analysis and
simulation of imbalance faults in power systems, and this method creates approximative nonlinear models that are ideally suited for
analysis and simulation [6]. The saturation is included in the transformer models. The parameters were determined by actual or
hypothetical measurements. The study demonstrates that when voltage recovers, sags can result in transformer saturation. This causes
an inrush current to be generated that is comparable to the inrush current generated during transformer energizing. According to the
study, the voltage recovery instant can only take a discrete value since natural current zeroes result in fault-clearing [7]. Voltage
recovery and fault clearance both occur at the same time. A single point-on-wave of voltage recovery can be specified for both phase
to phase fault and single phase fault. On the other hand, the recovery occurs in two or three phases for two-phase-to-ground and three-
phase faults [8]. Grounding and ground fault prevention are crucial components in the petrochemical sector. For the first, it's crucial
to have the appropriate system grounding for the specific system application, and it's just as crucial to have the appropriate ground-
fault protection [9].
Current (Per Unit)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (km)
Fig. 10 Current versus Distance under Single line to ground fault
0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance (km)60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 13 Current versus Distance under Double line fault
0 20 40Distance(km)60 80 100
Fig. 16 Current versus Distance under Double line to ground fault
Current (Per Unit)
0 10 20 30 40
Distance50(km) 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 19 Current versus Distance under Triple line fault
VI. Conclusion
In this paper we conduct analysis of different types of faults, which include both symmetrical and unsymmetrical, on different
fault locations on a transmission line model, which is designed by using MATLAB software along with the Simscape power system
toolbox in Simulink for analysis of faults. A transmission line span of 100 km and a 400 kV supply is designed to conduct studies.
The fault is simulated at an interval of 1 km. Therefore, total instances become 101, including the origin, which is 0 km. Due to
which, plots between fault current and distance are created. The fact that a fault's current drops as it shifts away from its source might
aid in the creation of a fault localization model. The symmetrical fault under consideration is LLL, and the unsymmetrical faults
under consideration are LG, LL, and LLG. The analysis of these transmission line faults was carried out successfully in this study.
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