Nit 66 - 12592988401728618612

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Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management


NIT No. DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/66 dt.10.10.2024

Chairman GB, DCSEM, DAE, 3rd floor, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94 on behalf
of the President of India invites online item rate tender (in two bids) from eligible contractors
for the work of “Renovation of houses internal finishes at Nilgiri building and other
location at Eastern Zone of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai”. The details are given below.


for Online Bid Submission
The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using
valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders
in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and
submitting their bids online on the CPP Portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:
1) Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public
Procurement Portal (URL: ) by clicking on the link
“OnlinebidderEnrollment”on the CPPPortal which is free of charge.
2) As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique
username and assign a password for their accounts.
3) Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of
the registration process. These would be used for any communication from the
4) Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify / nCode / eMudhra etc.), with their profile.
5) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that he do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
6) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID /
password and the password of the DSC /e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID,
Organization Name, Location, Date, Value, etc. There is also an option of advanced
search for tenders, wherein the bidders may combine a number of search parameters
such as Organization Name, Form of Contract, Location, Date, Other keywords etc. to
search for a tender published on the CPPPortal.
2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download
the required documents/tender schedules. The tenders can be moved to the respective ‘My
Tenders folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS/e-

mail in case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
3) The bidder should make a note of the unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case
they want to obtain any clarification / help from the Helpdesk.

1) Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document
before submitting their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to
understand the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid. Please note the
number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of
documents - including the names and content of each of the document that need to be
submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
3) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in
the tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR /
DWF/JPG formats. Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white
option which helps in reducing size of the scanned document.
4) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents
which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such
standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has
been provided to the bidders .Bidders can use “MySpace” or ‘’Other Important Documents’’
area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may be directly
submitted from the “MySpace” area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded
again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid submission
Note: My Documents space is only a repository given to the Bidders to ease the uploading process. If Bidder has
uploaded his Documents in My Documents space, this does not automatically ensure these Documents being
part of TechnicalBid.

1) Bids shall be submitted online only at CPPP website :
2) Bidder should log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that they can upload
the bid in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any
delay due to other issues.
3) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as
indicated in the tender document.
4) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee / EMD as
applicable and enter details of the instrument.
5) Bidder should prepare the EMD as per the instructions specified in the tender document.
The original should be posted/couriered/given in person to the concerned official, latest
by the last date of bid submission or
6) 6+ as specified in the tender documents. The details of the DD/any other accepted
instrument, physically sent, should tally with the details available in the scanned copy and
the data entered during bid submission time. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
7) The agency shall download the pre bid clarification if any for the work and upload the
same (scanned copy) duly signed and sealed. The revised documents (if any) shall be
uploaded in e tender portal.
8) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in
the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as
a standard BoQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and
to be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BoQ file, open it and
complete the SKY BLUE coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial
quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed.
Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online,
without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the
bid will be rejected.
9) Tenderers are advised to upload their documents well in advance, to avoid last minutes
rush on the server or complications in uploading. DCSEM, in any case, shall not be held
responsible for any type of difficulties during uploading the documents including server
and technical problems whatsoever.
10) Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which helps in
reducing size of the scanned document.
11) Theservertime(whichisdisplayedonthebidders’dashboard)willbeconsideredasthe
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders,
opening of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.

11) Submission of the tender documents after the due date and time (including extended
period) shall not be permitted.

12) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be
viewed by unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the
bids is maintained using the secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data
storage encryption of sensitive fields is done. Any bid document that is uploaded to the
server is subjected to symmetric encryption using a system generated symmetric key.
Further this key is subjected to asymmetric encryption using buyers/bid opener’s public
keys. Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender
opening by the authorized bid openers.

13) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.

14) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid
Submission” in the portal),the portal will give a successful bid submission message &a bid
summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the bid
with all other relevant details.

15) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission
of the bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening

16) Intending Bidders are advised to visit this website regularly till closing date of submission
to keep themselves updated as any change/ modification in the tender will be intimated
through this website only by corrigendum / addendum/ amendment.

1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained
therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant
contact person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP
Portal in general may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk.
3) All bidders who have locked in (Not Guest Login) with their respective credentials in NIC
& have downloaded tenders, must clicked on FAVOURITE button, so that the tender will
move into their FAVOURITE ZONE, to get the uploaded corrigendum intimation from

1 NIT No. DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/66 dt.10.10.2024

2 Name of work Renovation of houses internal finishes at Nilgiri

building and other location at Eastern Zone of
Anushaktinagar, Mumbai
3 Estimated cost put to tender Rs. 274.33 lakh

4. EMD EMD of Rs. 5,48,660/-to be submitted only in the

following form
a) Banker’s cheque of a Commercial bank
b) Account Payee Demand draft of a Commercial
c) Fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of a Commercial bank,
d) Insurance Surety Bonds
in favor of Pay & Accounts Officer, DCSEM,
Payable at Mumbai.
Having validity for minimum 180 days from the
last date of submission of the tender.
Bidders may also submit the EMD as follows:
i) Rs. 2,74,330/-in the form of Fixed Deposit
Receipt/DD as prescribed above in favor of Pay
& Accounts Officer, DCSEM, Payable at
Mumbai. Having validity for minimum 180 days
from the last date of submission of the tender.
i) Balance amount of Rs. 2,74,330/- in the form of
Bank Guarantee/ e-Bank Guarantee (BG/e-BG)
issued by a commercial bank in favor of Pay &
Accounts Officer, DCSEM, Payable at Mumbai.
Having validity for minimum 180 days from the
last date of submission of the tender.
EMD in the form of cheque will not be accepted.
Bank guarantee not in the prescribed format shall
not be accepted.

5 Completion period 12 (Twelve) months

6 Fee of Tender Document Nil

7 Tender Processing Fee Nil

8 Security Deposit 2.5% of tendered value.

9 Performance Guarantee 5% of tendered value

10 Date of Publish 10.10.2024 (03.00 PM) website on

CPPP site
Detailed NIT is also available on website for view only.

11 Document Download/ Sale From 10.10.2024 (03.00 PM)
start date

12 Document Download/ Sale end Up to 28.10.2024 (03.00 PM)


13 Seek clarification start date From 10.10.2024 (03.00 PM) website on

CPPP site
or queries may be sent to [email protected]

14 Seek clarification end date Up to 15.10.2024 (03.00 PM)

15 Bid submission start date From 18.10.2024 (10.00 AM)

16 Bid submission end date Up to 28.10.2024 (03.00 PM)

17 Last date for submission of hard On or before 29.10.2024 (15:00 Hrs.) in the Office of Head
copy of Original FDR/BG etc. QSB, 3rd floor, North wing, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan,
towards EMD. Anushaktinagar, Mumbai -400 094 in a sealed envelope
superscripted mentioning name of work and NIT number.

18 Date and time of online 30.10.2024 (03.30 PM.) in the “Office of Head (QSB),
opening of Technical Bid. 3rd Floor, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai –

19 Date of opening of Financial Will be notified at a later date

Bids of qualified bidders
Note: Department reserves the right to accept or reject the tender(s) in full or in part, without
assigning any reason thereof. Tenders with any condition including conditional rebate shall
be rejected forthwith.



The applicant who fulfils the following criteria shall be considered for
participation. Joint Ventures and Consortium etc. shall not be accepted.
Proof of registration with Government / Semi Government organizations like
CPWD, MES, BSNL, Railways, State PWDs etc. in appropriate class (if any)
having experience in execution of similar nature of works.

1.1 The applicant should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned
below during the last seven years ending previous day of last date of
submission of tenders.

(i) Three similar works each costing not less than Rs. 109.73 lakh
(ii) Two similar works each costing not less than Rs. 164.60 lakh
(iii) One similar work costing not less than Rs. 219.46 lakh

Important Notes:

a) Similar work shall mean: Building Work/ Building Maintenance Work/

Building Renovation Work

b) Cost of work shall mean gross value of the completed work including the
cost of materials supplied by the Client, but excluding those supplied free of
cost. This should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive
Engineer/Project Manager or equivalent.

c) The eligible similar works are not carried out in Central Government/ State
Government/ Public Sector undertaking of Central or State Governments/
Central Autonomous bodies, then TDS certificates should be produced by
bidder for the same.

d) The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level
by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% per annum;
calculated from the date of completion to the last date of submission of

1.2 The applicant should have had Average Annual financial turn over (gross)
of Rs. 274.33 lakh on construction works during immediate last three consecutive
financial years ending 31st March 2023. This should be duly audited by a
Chartered Accountant. Year in which no turnover is shown would also be
considered for working out the average.

1.3 The applicant should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during
the last five consecutive immediate financial years ending 31st March 2023 duly
certified by the licenced Chartered Accountant.

1.4The bidding capacity of the contractor should be equal to or more than the
cost of the work. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:
Bidding Capacity = (A x N x 2) – B
A= Maximum turn over in construction works executed in any one year during the
last five years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The
value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of works at a simple rate of 7% per annum.
N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work.
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which tender has been invited.

1.5 The applicant should have valid Solvency of Rs. 109.73 lakh certified by his

1.6 The applicant should own construction equipment as per list required for the
proper and timely execution of the work. Else, he should certify that he would be

able to manage the equipment by hiring etc. and submit the list of firms from whom
he proposes to hire.

1.7 The applicant's performance for each work completed in the last seven years
should be certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or

1.8 The applicant should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative
employees for the proper execution of the contract. The applicant should submit
list of well qualified and experienced Engineers and Supervisors stating clearly how
those would be deployed for execution of works.

1.9 List of works in hand & List of similar works carried out by them for last 7
years indicating; i) Agency for whom executed, ii) Value of work, iii) Completion
time as stipulated and actual, or present position of the work.

1.10 List of construction plant, machinery, equipment’s, accessories &

infrastructure facilities possessed by the agency to complete the work in time.

1.11 List of technical staff they possess and proposed to deploy for the work.

1.12 Certificates: (Scanned copy of original certificates to be uploaded)

i. Registration certificate, if any

ii. Certificates of Work Experience / Performance Certificates

iii. GST (Goods and Services Tax) Registration Certificate

iv. PAN (Permanent Account Number) Registration

v. EPFO registration certificate (as applicable)

vi. ESIC registration certificate (as applicable)

1.13 UNDERTAKING as under: -

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got
executed through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such
a violation comes to the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for
bidding in DCSEM / DAE in future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit / Performance
Guarantee. (Scanned copy of the undertaking duly signed & sealed on letter
head of the bidder to be uploaded at the time of submission of bid).
I / We, hereby tender for the execution of the work for the President of India within
the time specified in Schedule “F”, viz., Schedule of quantities and in accordance
in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and instruction in writing
referred to in Rule 1 of General Rules & Directions and in Clause – 11 of the General
Clauses of Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by and in respects
in accordance with such conditions so far as applicable.

I / We have read and examined the e-Tender Notice for Inviting Pre-Qualification
(PQ) of Contracting Agencies, Section I, II & III, & other documents and rules
referred to and all other contents in the tender documents for the work AND
ACCORDINGLY. I / We, hereby submit credentials and other documents as are
provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as

I / We have read and examined the Notice Inviting Tender, General Rules &
Regulations, Directions, form of tender, special conditions, Safety & Security codes
for work contract, general condition of contract and all other contents in the tender
documents for the subject work.

I / We also declare that we have not executed similar works(s) through another
contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such violation comes to the notice
of Department, then we shall be debarred for bidding in DAE in future forever. Also
if, such violation comes to the notice of the Department before date of start of work,
the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit / Performance Guarantee etc.

I / We have downloaded and gone through the pre-bid clarifications issued by the
Department after close of sale of tenders and submitting tender accordingly.

I / We have gone through the “Additional Notes” sheet of financial bid/BOQ and
submitting tender accordingly.

I / We have understood the entire scope of work and rates (inclusive GST) quoted
accordingly. We shall carry out the work as per Schedule of Quantities, technical
specifications, drawing and complete the work within stipulated time to the entire
satisfaction of the Department.

“I have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a

country which shares a land border with India: I certify that this bidder is not from
such a country or, if from such a country, has been registered with the Competent
Authority. I hereby certify that this bidder fulfills all requirements in this regard
and is eligible to be considered.

2. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions as per “SECTION –
CONTRACT – 2008” carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers
himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required.
Department reserves the right of Non-consideration of Tender documents of
the agencies who are not fulfilling the NIT stipulations and / or having
adverse report on the works carried out by them in the past.
3. Information and Instructions for tenderers posted on website shall form part of
tender document.
4. The tender document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of
quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and
conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary
documents can be seen and downloaded from website CPPP site free of cost.

In addition to the above, the prospective agencies shall be required to possess
following documents with them separately, which shall form part of Tender
Documents for this work. These documents can be downloaded from the DCSEM’s

i) Conditions and Clauses of Contract -2008

ii) Specifications for Civil Works – 2023
iii) Specifications for Public Health Engg. Works-2023

5. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process.

6. Certificate of Financial Turn Over: At the time of submission of bid, contractor

may upload Undertaking / Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turnover of
last 3 years or for the period as specified in the bid document.

7. PRICE BID : Schedule of price bid would appear in the form of BOQ_XXXX
The Financial Proposal/Commercial bid / BoQ format is provided as
BoQ_XXXX.xls along with this tender document at . Bidders are advised to download this
BoQ_XXXX.xls as it is and quote their offer/rates in the permitted column and
upload the same in the commercial bid. Bidder shall not tamper/modify
downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to
be tampered/modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD
would be forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business.
Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting
rate in figures appears in SKY BLUE colour. While selecting any of the cells a
warning appears to mandatorily fill all such cells with any value, including “0”
8. In the case of bids in two / three stage system and if it is desired to submit
revised financial bid then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If
not submitted, then the bid submitted earlier shall become invalid.
9. The Department reserves the right to accept / reject any prospective
application without assigning any reason thereof.
10. Short listing of the agencies shall be subject to thorough verification of their
credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical
Evaluation Committee of experts, constituted by DCSEM. The performance report
from the executing authority shall also be considered for short listing.
11. If the information furnished by the applicant is found to be incorrect at a later
stage, they shall be liable to be debarred from tendering / taking up works in

Note:Prospective agencies shall satisfy themselves of fulfilling all the NIT

criteria before submission of tender. Department reserves the right of non-
consideration of tender of the agencies not fulfilling the stipulated criteria.

1 Financial Turn Over certified by CA

2 Profit & Loss statement certified by CA

3 Latest Bank Solvency Certificate

4 List of similar works completed in last 7 years indicating: i) Agency for whom
executed ii) Value of Work, iii) Stipulated and actual time of completion.

5 List of works in Hand indicating: i) Agency ii) Value of Work, iii) Stipulated time of
completion / present position.

6 List of Construction Plants and Machinery

7 List of Technical Staff

8 Certificates:
i) Registration certificate, if any

ii) Certificates of Work Experience / Performance Certificates

iii) GST (Goods and Services Tax) Registration Certificate

iv) PAN (Permanent Account Number) Registration

v) EPFO registration certificate (as applicable)

vi) ESIC registration certificate (as applicable)

9 Undertaking in the format provided in technical bid.
(Scanned copy of original certificates to be uploaded)

10 Tender Acceptance Letter as per Annexure-I.


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