2020 IFAC SurfaceDrivenNBV 3D Exploration
2020 IFAC SurfaceDrivenNBV 3D Exploration
2020 IFAC SurfaceDrivenNBV 3D Exploration
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel cluster-based informative path planning algorithm
to simultaneously explore and inspect a large-scale unknown environment with an Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Most of the existing methods address the surface inspection problem
as a volume exploration problem, and consider that the surface has been scanned when the
corresponding volume has been covered. Unfortunately, this approach may lead to inaccurate
3D models of the environment, and the UAV may not achieve global coverage. To overcome
these critical limitations, we introduce a 3D reconstruction method based on TSDF (Truncated
Signed Distance Function) mapping, which leverages the surfaces present in the environment to
generate an informative exploration path for the UAV. A Probabilistic Roadmap planner, used
to solve a TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) over clusters of viewpoint configurations, ensures
that the resulting 3D model is accurate and complete. Two challenging structures (a power plant
and the Statue of Liberty) have been chosen to conduct realistic numerical experiments with a
quadrotor UAV. Our results provide evidence that the proposed method is effective and robust.
the recovered surface is evaluated in Table 2, by reporting all the regions that are accessible to the UAV are covered.
the average and standard deviation of the signed distance In addition, in keeping with the recent analysis in Schmid
error with respect to the GT point cloud, and the root- et al. (2020), it turns out to be competitive with the state-
mean-square error (RMSE). of-the-art approaches in terms of overall 3D reconstruction
The choice of the penalty terms λtc and λic appearing quality (Schmid et al. (2020) report an RMSE of 6.4 ±
in the utility function (5), depends on the nature of 0.8 cm). However, further work is needed to perform a
the 3D environment where the UAV evolves. Scenarios 1 comparative study under identical simulation conditions.
and 2 are, in this respect, quite representative. In wide It is finally worth pointing out here, that the quality of
box-like environments as Scenario 1, the ISEs tend to 3D reconstruction is resolution dependent: in fact, it is
appear in the proximity of occluded regions and sharp inversely proportional to the size of TSDF voxels. A small
edges, and large extents of known surface may separate resolution amounts to a large number of voxels to be
these sites. To minimize the total distance traveled, inter- integrated in the TSDF map, which is a resource-intensive
cluster utility should then take priority over intra-cluster process. Therefore, if the quadrotor UAV explores a large-
utility, i.e. λtc λic . On the other hand, the pedestal scale environment using only on-board sensing and pro-
of the statue excluded, Scenario 2 predominantly consists cessing, a trade-off between reconstruction quality and
of round surfaces and the average distance between two computational efficiency should be found.
clusters is much smaller than in Scenario 1. As a conse-
quence, similar penalty terms should be selected this time Table 2: Numerical results (averages over 10 trials).
(i.e. λtc ' λic , see Table 1). The upper bound dmax
ν on the Criterion Scenario 1 Scenario 2
distance between cluster configurations dν , changes during
the reconstruction, and its default value has been deter- Path length [m] 780 547
mined empirically by considering the spatial distribution Completion time [min.] 32 36
of viewpoint configurations. The algorithm by Song and emax [cm] 25.98 12.99
Jo (2018) exhibits similar completion times (around 35 Surface coverage [%] 91.5 92.3
min.) to ours, for Scenario 1. The gap is more important M3C2 Avg. error [cm] 0.14 0.29
in Scenario 2: in fact, our algorithm took 36 min., while M3C2 Std. dev. error [cm] 5.85 3.41
that of Song and Jo (2017), around 53 min. However, in RMSE [cm] 5.86 3.43
our case, the trajectory of the quadrotor UAV is longer
(780 m vs. 324 m, in Scenario 1), and more jagged. This is 6. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
not surprising, since the viewpoint configurations have
been generated for accurate 3D reconstruction and not for In this paper, we have presented a new surface-driven
navigation purposes as in Song and Jo (2018). Moreover, Next-Best-View planning algorithm for the exploration
no trajectory refinement (e.g. smoothing) is performed (to and inspection of large-scale environments with a UAV.
that effect, we plan to use a receding-horizon formulation In particular, a novel cluster-based 3D reconstruction gain
in future works). Nevertheless, our method guarantees that and cost-utility formulation has been proposed. Realistic
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT planning from point cloud segmentation of unknown objects.
Auton. Robot., 42(2), 443–458.
This work has been supported by ONERA DTIS and by Newcombe, R.A., Izadi, S., Hilliges, O., Molyneaux, D., Kim, D.,
the Hauts-de-France region, through the research project Davison, A.J., Kohli, P., Shotton, J., Hodges, S., and Fitzgibbon,
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