MCC 7100 Product Specifications Sheet r3-13-2017
MCC 7100 Product Specifications Sheet r3-13-2017
MCC 7100 Product Specifications Sheet r3-13-2017
MCC 7100
Today’s dynamic command and control you are. The integrated Instant Recall Recorder
(IRR) can save and forward a single call or a
environments demand communication block of calls and will automatically delete records
capabilities that can be deployed at a as they exceed the configurable capacity.
moment’s notice, anytime, anywhere.
Take command of situations from virtually
As a fixed or mobile solution, the anywhere. The MCC 7100 Console uses wired or
MCC 7100 IP Dispatch Console eliminates wireless networks to establish Project 25 (P25)
traditional technology barriers to encrypted voice communications with trunked and
conventional radios, when and where you need
deliver the flexible, interoperable
them most.
communications you demand.
Use the portable MCC 7100 Console to quickly
The MCC 7100 Console offers mission critical expand your mobile work force communications
capability for controlled public safety dispatch for on the spot coordination during special events,
environments as well as secure connectivity from for disaster management, in back-up facilities and
the customer network or VPN access over the to increase temporary dispatch capacity. Equip
internet. senior staff with the ability to easily monitor and
initiate communications from their office, on the road
Listen and respond to 9-1-1 callers and radio
or in remote locations.
communications on one headset using external
phone interface (EPI) and standard Motorola With this new flexibility and mobility, dispatchers
accessories or travel light with MCC 7100 Console in the field no longer have to juggle multiple
on a laptop or tablet and common off the shelf USB portable radios for communications. Instead,
accessories. a laptop or PC equipped with the MCC 7100
Instantly record selected radio receive audio as well Console provides full dispatch control with firewall
as dispatcher transmit audio for replay wherever secured protection into the ASTRO® 25 network.
EASY TO USE, FLEXIBLE, AND Busy users quickly respond to missed calls by simply
CUSTOMIZABLE USER INTERFACE clicking on an entry in the Activity Log and selecting
transmit. The display information such as the number
To help reduce training needs, increase adoption of calls and date and time specifics are customizable to
rates and keep dispatch practices consistent, the fit the needs of the individual user.
MCC 7100 Console uses the familiar MCC 7500
Console graphical user interface (GUI) with easily To support full customization of the GUI or integration
recognized icons and graphics based on Microsoft with 3rd party applications, an available Software
Windows®. Development Kit (SDK) provides access to all console
The customizable GUI allows you to layout screen
resources with color, size and placement choices KEY INTEROPERABILITY FEATURES
organized by agency, shift or other criteria in order to Works in Parallel with MCC 7500 Consoles
build the user interface according to your individual or The ASTRO 25 console system may consist
organization specifications. exclusively of MCC 7100 Consoles or operate in
Enhanced Alert Tones provide the ability for parallel with MCC 7500 Consoles. Both share the
dispatchers to send one of fifteen user-configurable same GUI and can have the same selected resources
alert tones on the selected radio resource(s). The with cross muting supported between the two.
radio resource may be analog conventional, ASTRO 25
USB Audio Interface Module (AIM)
conventional, or trunked talkgroups or Private Calls.
The USB AIM supports Motorola standard mic,
The Enhanced Alert Tones are based on .wav files footswitch, and headset peripherals, plus an external
stored on the dispatch position’s computer and mapped paging encoder port to provide tone paging services,
to alert tone buttons on the dispatch position’s GUI. a NENA compliant external phone interface (EPI)
Trunked and conventional radio channels are port to allow a single headset to be used to answer
customizable with various controls, such as; patch 9-1-1 calls and handle radio communications, a local
setup and tear down, frequency select, coded/clear logging recorder port, and support for four private
select and individual volume control, based on user dedicated Aux I/O’s.
preferences. Per-channel controls can be fully or
Agency Partitioning Delivers Sharing
partially shown, or hidden to save space on the screen.
and Cost Savings
Because mission critical voice is dependent on the With Agency Partitioning, multiple agencies can
state of the network in use, the MCC 7100 Console share a system to gain interoperability and cost
includes a Network Status Indicator to provide the savings benefits, and still maintain control of their
user with constant real time feedback about network own channels, encryption keys, configuration and more.
conditions affecting communication performance.
NENA Compliant
Desk Top External Phone Local Logging Headset
Microphone Port Interface Port Recorder Port Reserved Jackbox Computer
System Compatibility ASTRO® 25 System
Vocoder Algorithms Supported AMBE, (IMBE is compatible with AMBE), G.728 (for Analog Conventional)
Encryption Algorithms Supported AES (256 bit), DES-OFB, ADP (Advanced Digital Privacy)
MCC 7100 IP Dispatch Console Console Resides on the Console Resides Outside the
Capacities ASTRO 25 Network ASTRO 25 Network
Simultaneous Audio Sessions per 5, 10,15 or 20 license options 5 or 10 license options
Bandwidth Requirement per 35 kbps 35 kbps
Simultaneous Encryption/ 5, 10,15 or 20 5 or 10
Decryption Sessions per Secure
Capable Console
Multi-Select Groups per Dispatch Up to 4 Up to 4
Console (with up to 20 Members per Multi-Select group) (with up to 10 Members per Multi-Select group)
Patch Groups per Dispatch Console Up to 4 (with 8 members per patch group) Up to 2 (with 4 members per patch group)
Monitored Resources per Dispatch Up to 60 Up to 30
Motorola Solutions, Inc. 1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A.
MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used
under license. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Me and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2014 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. R3-13-2017B