Design and Implementation of Magnetically Coupled
Design and Implementation of Magnetically Coupled
Design and Implementation of Magnetically Coupled
Decarbonizing Energy Systems: Smart Grid and Renewable Technologies Available online at:
Fang Rui-ming and Qiangqiang Liao (Guest Editors)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Guntur 522213,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract. A research paper or proposal on designing a 1.6 kW Resonant Inductive Power Transfer (IPT)
system for electric vehicles (EVs). Design, Modeling, and Analysis of a 1.6 kW Resonant IPT System for
EVs. To Enhance Design Performance: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of power transfer compared
to traditional EV charging systems. Conduct Loss Analysis and Analyze and minimize losses associated with
the IPT system. The Advantage Highlight advantages of the proposed system over existing EV charging
methods. Methodology, Integration with AC Grid: Despite EV systems being connected to the grid, this
research proposes further integration and improvement using resonant (Compensated Network) circuits within
IPT systems. Resonant Circuit Utilization: By matching the supply frequency with the circuit’s resonant
frequency, optimal performance is achieved, addressing current IPT system drawbacks. Implementation Steps,
Simulation: Evaluate primary and secondary circuits through simulation. Component Selection: Determine
component values based on derived equations. Hardware Implementation: Construct the system in hardware
based on simulation results. Feasibility Testing: Validate calculations through simulation and practical
hardware testing. Contribution, this research aims to contribute to the field by demonstrating, improved per-
formance through resonant IPT systems. Feasibility of integrating such systems into EV applications. Practical
benefits over conventional EV charging methods. By leveraging resonant circuits in IPT systems, this study
aims to demonstrate enhanced performance and efficiency suitable for EVs, thereby contributing to the
advancement of EV technology and grid integration. This structured summary encapsulates the key aspects
and goals of the research paper as described.
Keywords: Power electronic topologies, Performance evaluation, Coupling coils, Simulation analysis, Induc-
tive power transfer.
lO :n 2 a b Fig. 4. Quantified frequency-related transmitter coil induc-
L¼ b ln þ a ln ð1Þ
p r r tance and Q-factor. The solid blue line indicates inductance,
whereas the dashed red line shows Q-factor [24].
a, b, r, and n represent the size of wires and the number of
turns in a coil. The transmitter coil in Figure 1 has dimen-
sions of 7.8 m for a, 6.3 m for b, and 16 turns for n. The
coils used in this investigation were constructed from
3 mm Litz wire capable of carrying a current of 40-A.
The research calculated the inductance of the transmitter
coil to be 398 lH for circular coils and 107 lH for square
coils using equation (1). The inductance and Q-factor of
the transmitter coil were measured in a shielded environ-
ment using an LCR metre by varying the frequency. Fig-
ure 3 displays the transmitter coil that was measured [37,
Figure 4 shows the frequency-dependent inductance and
Q-factor of the transmitter coil. Figure 5 shows the induc-
tance represented by a solid blue line and the Q-factor by
a dashed red line [23].
Figure 4 displays the measured inductance of the trans- Fig. 5. Displays the inductance and Q-factor of the receiver coil
mitter coil as 398 lH, in accordance with equation (1). The at different frequencies. The solid blue line represents induc-
Q-factor of the transmitter coil peaked at 440 at a frequency tance, whereas the dashed red line represents Q-factor.
of 90 kHz [25].
Fig. 13. Compares transmitter coil current simulation and Fig. 14. Displays simulated and observed receiver coil voltage.
measurement. The solid blue line indicates the measured value, The solid blue line indicates the measured value, while the
while the dashed red line shows the simulation. dashed red line shows the simulation.
Fig. 24. Simulation model output waveforms are given in the following figures.
Fig. 26. Simulation voltage across capacitor for 1.6 kW circuit. Fig. 28. 1.6 kW circuit input current simulation result.
10 The Author(s): Science and Technology for Energy Transition 79, 86 (2024)
Table 4. L and C values for different frequencies. Table 5. Output voltages for different turns ratios.
Frequency Inductance value Capacitance value Turns ratio Inductance value
20 kHz 0.11916 mH 0.552658 lF 1 611.255 V rms
30 kHz 0.0794448 mH 0.368438 lF 1.5 407.125 V rms
50 kHz 0.0476669 mH 0.22106 lF 2 305.623 V rms
C Q2 þ 1
¼ : ð17Þ
1 xQR0
Substituting all right-hand numbers in the following equa-
tion yields capacitance, Fig. 30. Simulation of 1.6 kW secondary winding output
26 voltage.
C¼ ¼ 2:2106e07 F:
5 2p 50 000 74:875
2.5. This system’s secondary output voltage is 244.7529 V
Formula for total circuit current at resonance, with 2.5 turns. By rectifying the voltage with a DC-DC con-
verter, the secondary side may produce 400 V DC.
5 1 To reduce DC-DC power losses, the conversion ratio is
I ¼ 5 þ
2p 50; 000 4:76669 10 74:875 set between 0.4 and 0.6. Full-wave rectifiers convert AC
I ¼ 41:669 A: power to DC via a higher average DC output voltage than
half-wave rectifiers. Calculate turn ratio from system out-
Inductor current is calculated using the formula, puts. The system is evaluated at 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 turn
611:88 ratios. Table 5 shows the system’s possible output voltages
IL ¼ depending on turns ratios, per specifications [35].
4:76669 105 2p 50; 000
Fig. 31. Hardware setup. Control and driving circuits use 12 V. A 12 V power source
supplies the main circuit, and theoretical computations ver-
appendix. Before being assembled into a system, the con- ify outputs. The hardware circuit’s theoretical peak volt-
trol, driving, and inverter components are built and tested ages were 84.45 V for the resonant capacitor and 86.53 V
independently. System parameters are tested at each stage for the inductor. Figures 32 and 33 illustrate the hardware
to guarantee proper operation. Figure 31 shows the experi- experiment resonant inductor and capacitor voltage output
ment apparatus. waveforms [34].
Hardware testing for the low-power primary circuit Hardware measurements show peak capacitor and
model is complete. A low-power circuit is simulated before inductor voltages of 68 V and 84 V, respectively, which
hardware installation. Tables 7 and 8 list low-power test match theoretical values. The hardware’s capacitors and
bed simulation requirements. inductors resonate as predicted, confirming the theory.
UC-3875 Phase Shift Resonant Controller and IR2125 Using 2.5 and 1 turning ratios, the system is tested with
current-limiting single channel driver are used. In actual no load, 10%, 30%, and 50% load. Transmission and recei-
application, UC 3875’s oscillator can operate at 1 MHz. ver distances range from 0 cm to 8 cm during the tests.
This controller has beneficial defences. Until the input volt- Observations: The experimental setup records output volt-
age exceeds 30.75 V, all outputs will be active low. The age fluctuations with different loads and transmitter-recei-
device can guard against overcurrent by turning off outputs ver distances. Figure 34 displays load test results and
within 70 ns of failure. A 120 V DC power source activates output voltage fluctuations. At various distances, tables
the controller in this thesis. The controller has four outputs, and graphs show how transmitter-receiver distance affects
ABCD, with A and C in one phase and B and D in another. output voltage. Waveform analysis shows that V0 and
The controller signals the IR2125 driving circuits. Each of I0 are almost in phase, indicating a power factor near 1.
the four driving circuits sends gate control signals to an Only channels If 1 and If 6 are shown due to oscilloscope
inverter switch. The IR2125 is a high-speed MOSFET/ channel constraints, with approximately equal amplitude
IGBT driver with an overcurrent protection circuit. Using and phase angle. Figure 35 shows six load current ampli-
a driver circuit protects system hardware. Table 8 criteria tude changes as load resistance increases. All six resistances
establish test bed theoretical values. Low power circuit match. Coils’ parasitic resistances gradually reduce load
calculations employ the 1.6 kW model’s system parameter current. The computed load currents match the recorded
formulae. Table 9 shows all hardware configuration ones. System Efficiency: Figure 36 shows load resistance’s
calculated values [35]. effect on system efficiency. The solid line shows calculated
Low-power test bed simulations confirm theoretical efficiency, whereas the dots show measured values. Effi-
calculations. The experiment uses the 6.5-W main circuit. ciency peaks at 86.6% with a normalized load resistance
The Author(s): Science and Technology for Energy Transition 79, 86 (2024) 13
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