1. PM Modi Dedicates Bidkin Industrial Area of DMIC to Nation (Economy)
2. National Centre of Excellence for AVGC-XR to be set up in Mumbai.(S&T)
3. 54th Dadashaeb Phalke Award Winner: Mithun Chakraborty.(AWARDS)
4. 8th edition of India -Kazakhstan military EX KAZIND 2024 Start in Auli.(Defence)
5. India deserves permanent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) seat: Bhutan
6. Karnataka Government Withdraws ‘General Consent’ to Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) (POLITY)
7. The European Organization for Nuclear Research celebrated 70th Anniversary.(S&T)
9. Ukraine (Capital: Kyiv).(Maps)
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually dedicated the Bidkin Industrial Area in Maharashtra to
the nation.
• The Bilkin Industrial Area is part of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC).
• The project is part of the central government’s “Make in India, Make for the World” programme
• The government of India launched the Make in India programme on 25 September 2015, and it
has been in operation for 10 years.
• The Maharashtra Industrial Township Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that was formed
between the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) and the National
Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT).
• Later, it became part of the National Infrastructure Pipeline project, which the central
government launched in 2019.
• Under NICDP, 11 Industrial Corridors, with 44 industrial nodes/areas/smart cities, are being
developed in four phases.
• The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Project, approved by the government in 2007, is
the first Industrial Corridor.
• The proposed NCoE will be in Mumbai, Maharashtra, the hub of the Indian film industry.
• The NCoE is being set up on the recommendation of the Task Force on Animation, Visual
Effects, Gaming, and Comics in 2022.
• The government of India set up a Task Force on Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics
(AVGC) in 2022,
• The Task Force was established after budget speech for 2022-23.
• The Task Force recommended creating a National AVGC-XR (Extended Reality) Mission with a
budget outlay for the integrated promotion and growth of the AVGC sector.
• Companies with charitable objectives are set up under section 8 of the Companies Act 2013.
• The Company will be a joint venture of the Government of India in partnership with the private
sector represented by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce &
Industry and Confederation of Indian Industry.
• Indian Institute for Immersive Creators (IIIC)
• The name of the provisional National Centre of Excellence (CoE) will be the Indian Institute for
Immersive Creators (IIIC).
• The IIIC will be set up on the model of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian
Institutes of Management (IIMs).
• The Indian Institute for Immersive Creators will create a manpower pool that will revolutionise
the AVGC sector and foster innovation in immersive technologies.
• 54th recipient:
• Mithun Chakraborty will be the 54th recipient of the Dada Saheb Phalke Award.
• Last year, Waheeda Rehman received the Dadasaheb Phalke Lifetime Achievement
Awards for 2021.
• 70th National Film Festival award ceremony, which will be held on 8 October 2024.
• He won the National Film Award for Best Actor in his first film, Mrigayaa (1976).
• He won the National Film Award for his acting in the films Tahader Katha (1992) and Swami
Vivekananda (1998).
• The Dadasaheb Phalke Award was instituted by the Union Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting in honour of Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, popularly known as Dadasaheb Phalke.
• He was the pioneer of cinema in India, having made the first film Raja Harishchandra in 1913.
• The Award was first given in 1969, and Devika Rani was the recipient.
4. 8th edition of India -Kazakhstan military EX KAZIND 2024 Start in Auli:
• Context:
• India -Kazakhstan joint military exercise KAZIND -2024 commenced at the mountainous Surya
Foreign Training node in Auli, Uttarakhand, on 30 September 2024.
• The last edition of the annual bilateral military exercise was held in Otar, Kazakhstan, from 30
October to 11 November 2023.
• In this year's exercise, the Indian contingent comprises 120 personnel, including a battalion of
the Kumaon Regiment of the Indian Army and a contingent of the Indian Air Force personnel.
5. India deserves permanent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) seat: Bhutan:
• Context:
• Recently, US, France and UK have also supported for India’s bid to become a permanent
member of UNSC.
• Amendment would come into force for all Members of UN when it is adopted by:
• Vote of two thirds of members of General Assembly and ratified by two thirds
of Members of UN, including all permanent members of UNSC.
• About UNSC
• Established by UN Charter in 1945, UNSC is one of the six principal organs of UN with primary
responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.
• UNSC has power to make binding decisions that member states are required to
implement under Charter.
• Opposition from Various Groups: E.g. Uniting for Consensus/Coffee Club opposes
expansion of permanent seats in UNSC.
• Many other states, such as West Bengal, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, etc., have also withdrawn their
general consent in the past.
• West Bengal had withdrawn its general consent in 2018, which the Supreme Court upheld in
the State of West Bengal v. Union of India case (2024).
• As per section 6 of The Delhi Special Police Establishment (DSPE) Act, 1946, CBI must obtain
the consent of the state government concerned before beginning to investigate a crime in a
• In this respect, CBI position is different from that of the National Investigation Agency
(NIA), which is governed by The NIA Act, 2008, and has countrywide jurisdiction.
• Type of Consent
• General Consent:
• The CBI is not required to seek fresh permission every time it enters that state in
connection with an investigation or for every case.
• Case-specific consent: The CBI would have to apply to the state government in every case.
• About CBI
• Types of cases investigated: Anti-corruption, Economic offences, sensational crime having inter-
state/all-India ramifications etc.
• About CERN
• Its convention states that it shall have no concern with work for military requirements.
• Key Achievements:
• Discovery of the Z Boson and W Boson Particles: Fundamental in understanding the weak force.
• The World Wide Web: invented at CERN in 1989 by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee.
• Study of Anti-Matter: with the help of the Antiproton Decelerator aiding in the study of the
origin of the universe.
• The Higgs Boson Particle: also known as the God Particle was discovered at CERN’s Large
Hadron Collider (LHC).
• The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, a field
that gives mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons.
• India’s contributions
• Indian physicists through institutions like Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) are
involved in CERN experiments like L3 experiment, LHC etc.
• Department of Atomic Energy cooperation with CERN on Novel Accelerator Technologies (NAT).
• India operates two Tier-2 centres for the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG).
• Why in news:
• The conflict began during World War I when Britain took control of Palestine, which was part
of the Ottoman Empire.
• The British promised support for a Jewish homeland in the Balfour Declaration of 1917,
allowing many Jews to immigrate to Palestine.
• This influx led to tensions and violence between the Jewish immigrants and the local Arab
population, who felt their rights were being overlooked.
• The UN proposed a plan to create two states: one for Jews and another for Arabs, with
Jerusalem as an international city.
• The situation escalated in 1948 when the state of Israel was declared.
• Six-Day War
• In 1967, another significant conflict occurred—the Six-Day War—where Israel captured the
West Bank and Gaza Strip.
• Oslo Accords
• Which established limited self-governance for Palestinians in parts of the West Bank
and Gaza through the Palestinian Authority.
• Origin of Hamas
• In 2005, Israel withdrew its military presence from the Gaza Strip.
• However, the area remains under tight control, and conflict continues.
• In 2007, Hamas, a political and militant group, took control of Gaza after a power struggle with
Fatah, the leading faction of the Palestinian Authority. This division has led to two separate
• Philadelphi Corridor
• It is a narrow strip of land between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, it runs from the Mediterranean
Sea to the Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel.
• It includes the Rafah crossing; the main entry and exit point between Gaza and Egypt.
• After Israel withdrew its troops and settlements from Gaza in 2005, the Philadelphi Corridor was
designated as a demilitarized border zone; free of military presence and operations to promote
• Since Hamas took control of Gaza in 2007, they have used this area to build tunnels for
smuggling weapons and resources.
• Recent Events
• Israel believes controlling the Philadelphi Corridor is essential to prevent Hamas from smuggling
weapons and rearming.
• Recently, Israel launched military operations in Rafah to secure this area from Hamas.
• Context:
• Political Features
• The Sea of Azov & Black Sea are located to the south of Ukraine.
• Geographical Features
• Climate: Temperate
• Major Rivers: Dnieper, Danube, Dniester, etc.