Soe Reviewer Draft
Soe Reviewer Draft
Soe Reviewer Draft
Red beans and rice is my mom's favorite dish. Ether the hears or the lion has escaped from the
Spaghetti and meatballs is my specialty zoo
The singer and songwriter of the hit song was Neither the lion nor the bears have escaped from
awarded a Grammy. the zoo.
A CEO and Founder of the company has a vision Neither the teacher nor the pupils are riding the
for its future. school bus
Pluralization: The CEO AND THE FOUNDER, The students or the teacher is available every
14. Indefinite pronouns typically take singular Tomorrow
verbs. (either, each, either, little, much,
neither, other, some)
Everybody wants to be loved
15. Except for the pronouns (few, many,
several, both, all, and some) that always take never
the plural form.
Few were left alive after the flood.
Tom jogs slowly
16. If two infinitives are separated by and they
take the plural form of the verb. It was raining hard.
To run and to read are my two favorite “free time” We are marching forward
activities. Bob is walking downstairs.
17. When gerunds are used as the subject of ↓
a sentence they take the singular form of the
verb, but when they are linked by and they PREPOSITION
take the plural form. HOW OFTEN?
Standing in the water wat a bad idea. Genever takes her vitamins every morning.
Swimming in the ocean and playing drums are She attends her classes regularly.
my hobbies.
18. Collective nouns like herd, senate, class,
crowd, etc. usually takes singular verb form. Infinitive, purpose
The class was ready for test. They work hard to earn money.
We’re having a party on the fourth of July. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME: for and since
3. we use in for nonspecific times during a day, 1. We use for when we measure time
a month, a season, or a year. (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months,
He’s going to quit in March.
He held his breath for seven minutes. for seven
It’s too cold in winter to run outside. years.
Jenny likes to jog in the morning. She's lived there.
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE: AT, ON, AND IN. The British and Irish have been quarreling for
1.We use at for specific addresses. seven centuries.
Nina lives at Bonifacio Street in Baguio. 2. We use since with a specific date or time.
3. And we use in for the names of land-areas PREPOSITIONS WITH NOUNS, ADJECTIVES,
(towns, countries, states, and continents). AND VERBS.
• Example Sentence: "She left before she -She is talented, yet she lacks confidence."
finished her coffee." -She is tired, yet she wants to keep working.
CONJUNCTION 7. So: Used to show a result or consequence.
A conjunction is used to join words or group of Example:
words. Conjunctions are function words which
connect words, phrases or clauses -He studied hard, so he passed the exam.
•COORDINATING -Join grammatically -He studied hard, so he passed the exam. -She
equivalent sentence elements. practiced every day, so she improved her skills.
3. Nor: Used to introduce a negative alternative - Example: "You can either study now or play
or join two negative ideas. Example: video games."
-She neither eats meat nor drinks alcohol. - Example: "We can either eat out tonight or
cook at home."
- She neither eats meat nor drinks alcohol.
-He neither reads nor watches TV.
- Function: Used to negate both options or
4. But: Used to show a contrast or exception indicate that neither of two things is true or will
between two ideas happen.
Example: - Example: "She neither reads nor writes
-He is tired, but he still wants to go for a run.
- Example: "Neither the blue shirt nor the red
- He is tired, but he still wants to go for a run.
shirt fits me."
-She studied hard, but she didn't pass the exam.
5. Or: Used to present a choice or alternative.
- Function: Used to present a contrast or
Example: exception.
- Example: "He is not rich but generous." - Example: "She decided to go to the party
although she was tired."
- Example: "It's not the price but the quality that
matters." 3. as:
- Function: Used to indicate a cause or reason.
5. NOT ONLY BUT ALSO: - Example: "He left early as he had a meeting."
- Function: Used to emphasize additional - Example: "As it was late, she decided to call it
information. a night."
- Example: "She not only plays the piano but 4. as if/as though:
also sings beautifully."
- Function: Used to describe a manner or way
- Example: "The movie is not only entertaining of doing something that is not necessarily true.
but also thought-provoking."
- Example: "She danced as if no one was
6. WHETHER OR: watching."
- Function: Used to present a choice between - Example: "He spoke as though he were an
two possibilities. expert."
- Example: "I don't know whether he will come 5. if:
or not."
- Function: Used to express a condition or
- Example: "We need to decide whether to stay supposition.
home or go out."
- Example: "If it rains, we will stay indoors."
- Example: "She will go shopping if she has
These join clauses that are not equivalent enough money."
grammatical structures. Subordinating
6. than:
conjunctions introduce dependent clauses.
- Function: Used to make comparisons.
Dependent clauses cannot stand by themselves
but must be joined to a main or independent - Example: "He is taller than his brother."
- Example: "I would rather walk than take the
(Dependent clauses, also known as bus."
subordinate clauses, do not express a
complete thought and cannot stand alone as 7. in order:
sentences. They rely on an independent clause, - Function: Used to indicate purpose or
which can function as a complete sentence, to intention.
give them context and meaning. Without being
joined to an independent clause, dependent - Example: "She worked hard in order to pass
clauses often feel incomplete or fragmented.) the exam."
- Example: "He saved money in order to buy a
1. after:
8. that:
- Function: Used to indicate the time or
sequence of events. - Function: Used to introduce a clause or to
indicate purpose, result, or consequence.
- Example: "After finishing her work, she went
for a walk." - Example: "She told him that she was leaving."
- Example: "He arrived after the movie had - Example: "He studied so that he could pass
started." the test."
2. although:
- Function: Used to introduce a contrast or 9. rather than:
concession. - Function: Used to indicate a preference or
- Example: "Although it was raining, they went choice between alternatives.
for a hike."
- Example: "She chose to walk rather than - Example: "She likes to read while he prefers
drive." to watch TV."
- Example: "He decided to stay home rather - Example: "While she is outgoing, her sister is
than go out." more reserved."
10. since: 17. wherever:
- Function: Used to indicate a point in time or a - Function: Used to indicate a location or
reason. situation, regardless of where.
- Example: "He has been working here since - Example: "He will go wherever his job takes
2010." him."
- Example: "Since you're here, let's get started." - Example: "Wherever she goes, she always
carries her camera."
11. so as to/so that:
- Function: Used to express purpose or result.
18. when:
- Example: "She studied hard so as to pass the
exam." - Function: Used to indicate the time or
circumstance in which something happens.
- Example: "He turned off the lights so that
everyone could sleep." - Example: "He was reading when the phone
12. though:
- Example: "She feels happiest when she's with
- Function: Used to introduce a concessive
her friends."
clause, indicating contrast or opposition.
19. where:
- Example: "Though it was cold, she went for a
swim." - Function: Used to indicate a location or
- Example: "He still loved her, though she had
hurt him deeply." - Example: "This is where I live."
13. unless: - Example: "I don't know where he went."
- Function: Used to introduce a condition under 20. who:
which something will happen or be true.
- Function: Used to introduce a relative clause,
- Example: "I won't go out unless it stops providing additional information about a person.
- Example: "The woman who lives next door is
- Example: "She won't eat unless she's hungry." a doctor."
14. until: - Example: "He is the one who won the
- Function: Used to indicate the time when
something will happen or end.
- Example: "They stayed up until midnight." Subordinating Conjunctions- after , although,
as if, as though
- Example: "I won't leave until you come back."
Dependent clause- cannot stand without a
15. which:
- Function: Used to introduce a relative clause,
After finishing her work she went, for a walk
providing additional information about a noun.
Subordinate conjuctions dependent clause
- Example: "The book which she borrowed from
independent clause
the library was interesting."
He is taller than his brother
- Example: "He chose the dress which he liked
the most." Since you’re here, let’s get started
- Function: Used to indicate a contrast or OF ADDITION- Extra information, also,
comparison between two actions or situations. besides, furthermore, moreover.
Ex. Her favorite animals are dogs, also, she Alack! I broke my favorite vase.
likes cats.
Alas! The concert tickets are sold out already.
I heard this movie is terrible besides I hate
Oh! He died last night.
horror film.
Alack and Alas is the same that is used to revoke
OF CONTRAST- Show differences or
an outcome of the consequences.
contradiction, however, still, nevertheless,
conversely, nonetheless, instead 2.CONTEMPT, DISGUST, DISBELIEF,
Ex. Mingyu loves chocolate, however, he is
allergy to it. EX: Boh! That was terrible
Joey lost his job, still, he remained optimistic Pooh! This food taste awful
about finding a new opportunities.
Ugh! This heat is unbearable.
Ex: eh c. O my Father!