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The Peanuts Movie, 2015

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The Peanuts Movie, 2015

- Hey!
- Hey!
Time to get up.
You don't want
to be late for school.
- Get up!
- Uh?
My blanket!
Snow day?
Snow day!
No school today!
Dreams do come true!
- Woo hoo! No school.
- Yay!
Woo hoo!
Franklin and Peppermint Patty
are on my team.
- I got my hockey stick.
- I got my skates.
Who has the pugs?
Looking sharp today, Pig-Pen.
- Sorry, I'm late.
- Eww.
What's taking him so long?
- Come on, Charlie Brown!
- Come on, Charlie Brown!
Uh, no.
Not quite.
That's the one!
I got my kite.
Today's the day.
I can feel it.
- A kite, today?
- In the middle of winter?
- Come on, guys.
- Only Charlie Brown.
A new kite.
A perfect breeze.
It all feels just right.
Now that the kite eating tree
is sleeping for the winter,
we have nothing to fear.
Lift off!
Wait a minute.
It's in the air.
It's flying.
Hey, guys.
Look, I did it!
Hey, Charlie Brown.
Still no luck, huh?
- Ow!
- Remember,
It's the courage to
continue that counts!
- Hey!
- Runaway kite.
- Ahh!
- Sorry.
No brakes.
And now,
for my famous Triple Axel.
Prepare to be amazed.
- Ooo, a quadruple.
- Bravo.
Stupid kite eating tree.
Good grief.
You blockhead!
I should have known.
What kind of a person
tries to fly a kite
in the middle of winter?
Don't you ever know
when to give up?
You will never
get that kite to fly.
Because you're Charlie Brown.
Thanks, Linus.
Listen, Charlie Brown.
Ignore what my sister, Lucy, says
has enabled me to
make it this far in life.
What would I do without
a good friend like you.
My Sweet Babboo!
Isn't he the cutest thing?
- Yee-haw!
- Careful, sir.
- Whoa!
- Ah!
- Ha-ha.
- Huh?
Watch the curls.
- Woo hoo!
- Heh-heh!
I don't care what Lucy says.
I may have had troubles
in the past flying a kite,
and I may have never
won a baseball game,
but it's not for
the lack of trying.
My pitching has to improve
if I come out here
to my trusty mound everyday.
Charlie Brown is not a quitter.
Play ball!
Bottom of the 9th,
two outs.
A strike out here would make
the pitcher an instant hero.
- Yay!
- Yay!
It all comes down
to this one pitch.
Let's see if you can
handle my fast ball.
Old number one.
The heera.
The brown bullet.
It's going to be
a long winter.
Someone's moving in
across the street from me?
Hey, gang, look.
There's a new kid moving in!
Big brother, pull yourself together.
Come on, Charlie Brown.
- Get out of the way.
- Ow.
Hey, guys, what do you see?
Who is it?
Oh, I think I see a piano.
I hope he loves Beethoven.
Beethoven Schmeetoven.
Maybe he will appreciate
my natural beauty.
Who cares about that.
As long as he's a better
goalie than Marcie.
- You're hurting me, sir.
- I'm sorry, but it's true.
No, you're pulling on my hair.
I just hope he'll have an open mind
about The Great Pumpkin.
I think they have a toaster!
I just hope this new kid
has never heard of me.
He would know nothing
of my past imperfections.
It's not often you get the opportunity
to start over with a clean slate.
This time, things will be different.
- He did it!
- He did it!
- Huh?
Snoopy, why is it that everything
I try turns out wrong?
Sometimes, I wonder
if the kids really like me.
Maybe that new kid will
see me for who I really am,
like you.
A dog doesn't try to
give advice, or judge you;
they just love you
for who you are.
It's nice to have someone who
will just sit and listen to you.
Zzz Zzz.
Zzz Zzz z.
Man's best friend.
You can't come to school, Snoopy.
Now, be a good dog
and go home.
No dogs allowed.
- I think I saw the new kid.
- Did you see that new truck arrive?
Who do you suppose it would be?
The new kid is coming.
- Oh.
- That's not the new kid.
Hey, Charlie Brown.
Good morning, Linus.
What do you have there?
It's my turn for
show and tell today.
This is the same plane flown
by Manfred Von Richthofen.
- Who?
- The Red Baron.
The most famous aviator
during the great war.
It's not real, is it?
My naturally curly hair!
- Duck, Linus.
- Whoa!
Yikes !
- Yes, Miss Othmar.
- Yes, Miss Othmar.
No, three!
- Was I close?
- Class hasn't started yet, sir.
What? The new kid
is joining our class.
She doesn't look
like a goalie to me.
She is pretty.
She's not that pretty.
Mmm, Linus.
She looked at me.
- Aww!
- Aww!
- Not the yearly standardized test again!
- Not the yearly standardized test again!
Ma'am, will this test, accurately reflect
the knowledge we have gained here?
Is it fair, we at this young age...
Yes, ma'am.
(Sigh) Thanks.
Question 1:
If you had 6 red tomatoes and...
Come on, focus.
First impressions are everything.
No dogs!
Already done?
She must be smart.
It's got teeth marks.
She nibbles on
her pencil like I do.
We have something in common!
One minute left?
Out of my way, Chuck.
Write our names?
Yes, ma'am.
Chuck, are you trying
to hold my hand?
You sly dog.
- Ooo.
- Ooo.
Huh! Ah!
Hi, I'm Brown Charlie.
I mean, Barney Clown.
I... I mean...
What... What...
What are you in for?
Have you ever had that feeling
when you can't stop smiling?
Your heart pounds inside your chest.
You try to stand,
but your knees become weak.
And then that Little
Red-Haired Girl glances at you
and all of life's possibilities
become so clear.
And then you realize...
she has no idea you're alive.
Why am I here?
(Sigh) Because I just came down
with a serious case of inadequacy.
Whoa. Whoa.
Whoa. Whoa!
Yikes !
See you tomorrow.
Hey, that's my seat!
Huh, here she comes.
This is my chance to
make a good impression.
Maybe tomorrow.
- Augh!
- Augh!
It was a dark
and stormy night
High above the French countryside,
the World War I Flying Ace
had never been so close...
- Ha ha ha!
- to his life long enemy,
the infamous Red Baron.
The key, is keeping a low profile.
For now, we just keep our distance.
That was a close one.
If I could only work up
the nerve to go over there, I...
What are you looking at, big brother?
Are you crazy?
You're in love.
Ha ha ha!
Chapter 1
It was the greatest
love story ever told...
Her name was Fifi.
She was the most beautiful thing
he had ever seen.
I can't believe I'm about to talk
to the Little Red-Haired Girl.
It's moments like this when
you need your faithful friend.
Yup. If there's one person you want
by your side at a moment like this,
it's your loyal dog.
Hello ??
She said, "Hello" !
HELP 5 cents
Charlie Brown.
What brings you out here
so late in the day?
I need your advise on girls, Lucy.
You're a girl, right?
Let's just say there is this girl
I like to impress.
But she's something
and I'm nothing.
If I were something
and she was nothing,
I could talk to her.
Or she was nothing
and I was nothing,
I could talk to her.
But she's something
and I'm nothing.
So, I just can't just talk to her.
You're being ridiculous, Charlie Brown.
Why, you have much to offer.
She has a pretty face
and pretty faces make me nervous.
Pretty face?
I just need to know the secret
to winning her heart.
Look into this mirror, Charlie Brown.
This is the face of failure.
A classic failure face.
Do you think girls like failures,
Charlie Brown?
Well, no.
Girls want someone with proven success.
Have you won any awards?
Like a Congressional Medal of Honor,
or a Nobel Peace Prize?
What are your real estate holdings?
- Do you have a diversified portfolio?
- Huh?
Let me let you in on a
little secret, Charlie Brown.
If you really want to impress girls,
you need to show them you're a winner.
A winner?
Lucy, you may be on to something!
Of course, when I say "you",
you know I don't mean "you personally".
That would be 5 cents, please.
Nickels. Nickels. Nickels.
What a beautiful sound.
Congratulations, you're now on
your way to becoming a winner.
Step 1: Forget everything you
ever knew about yourself.
Step 2: Project confidence!
Don't slouch!
Maintain eye contact at all times.
Ha ha!
Ha ha ha.
- Huh!
- Yee-haw!
Giddy-up, little pony.
What're you doing?
I'm going to be a rodeo star
in the big talent show.
Why, when I win
that first prize ribbon
there will be no one who hasn't
heard the name, Sally Brown,
and her trusty horse, Broomstick.
Win the talent show.
Now, that's a great idea.
This is just what
Lucy was talking about.
Ha ha.
We're ready.
- Whoa. Look at that.
- Whoa. It's Charlie Brown.
- Is that Charlie Brown?
- That's impressive.
You're the next Houdini, Charlie Brown.
She's here.
I've a really good
feeling that tonight
she will see the
new Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown?
As your psychiatrist,
I'm surprise to see you here.
A person with all your insecurities
normally wouldn't enter a talent show.
Ha! Ha ha!
Ha ha ha...
I oughta slug you.
I've been kissed by a dog!
I have dog germs!
Get hot water!
Get some disinfected!
Get some Iodine!
Let's keep this thing moving!
Time's a wastin.
- Heeyah!
- Ugh.
- Hiyah! Hi!
- Ow!
Thank you.
Break a leg, Chuck.
Treat you assistant kindly, Charles.
Okay, Sally.
We're running behind,
so, gallop, don't trot.
Save the applause for the end, everyone.
If you like this,
wait for the encore.
Ugh. Your sister is
really dying out there.
That's not a real horse.
Sorry, Charlie Brown,
this has gone on long enough.
Drop the curtain!
Don't do that. She said
she has a big finish.
Well, it's either your act or her's,
we can't hold on forever.
- Huh?
- Change of plan, Snoopy.
Big brother?
Rope me!
- Moo!
- That's not a real cow.
I'm gonna get you.
Whooa !
Yoo hoo!
- Huh?
- Hi yah!
- Sorry, sir.
- Good one!
Oh, Schroeder.
You can run, little doggy,
but, you can't hide.
This is going great.
Yee haw!
My name is Calamity Sally,
the best bronco-busting,
lasso-roping cowgirl in this here town.
Thanks, big brother.
Well, no body reads
the school paper anyhow.
Look on the bright side, Charlie Brown.
They say there's no such
thing as bad publicity.
You're right, Linus.
She definitely knows
who I am now.
(Peanut butter again.)
You know, Charlie Brown,
if you like her so much,
why not just walk up to her
and introduce yourself?
After the complete fool
I made out of myself last night?
Yeah, and why don't I
just fly to the moon?
Oh, brother,
she's talking to them?
So much for a fresh start.
Time is running out!
Number 6: Tell yourself,
" I am worthy, I can do this!
I have what it takes."
You girlfriend's on the phone.
- Hello.
- Hey, Chuck!
This is Peppermint Patty.
How've you been?
- Well, I...
- Listen.
I've some great news
for you, Chuck.
The Winter Dance
is in a few weeks.
- and I'm saving a dance for you.
- Huh?
Anyway, Marcie put me in charge
of the refreshment committee.
I took it upon myself and signed
you up to make the cupcakes.
You did what?
I can't cook cupcakes.
The only thing I do know
how to make is toast.
Besides, why would I even want
to go to the Winter Dance.
Toast and cupcakes.
That sounds good, Chuck.
See you there!
Hold on!
I said...
What's going on?
Turn it down!
Turn it down in there!
She likes to dance.
Bamboleo bambolea
Porque mi vida yo la prefiero
vivir asi
One. Two.
Three. Four.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
- I could really use a dance partner.
- Good luck with that!
One. Two.
Three. Four.
Okay, Snoopy.
I got the basics down.
But, if I'm gonna win,
I need to step it up.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
I can see it now...
We have our winners!
Let us applaud them, as they begin
the traditional dance of the champions.
Thanks for the help.
I left some cookies
in your dog dish.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
One. Two.
You know, I always wanted
to dance with Pig-Pen.
Uh, yuck!
Why isn't anyone dancing?
It's called a dance!
Hey, guys.
- Oh, sweet babboo.
- Oh, no. Here she comes.
Someone needs to
get this dance started.
- No. No.
- Woo.
These cupcakes don't look half-bad,
if I do say so myself.
This time, I've come totally prepared.
I couldn't have done it
without you.
The old Charlie Brown would still be
lying in bed with a stomachache.
Good grief.
Marcie, look, everyone's here.
Oh, let me help you
with that, Marcie.
Such a gentleman, Charles.
She's here.
Best party ever!
Okay, ladies, it's time for you
to show off your best moves.
Which one of you will win the
first half of our dance competition
and take home the trophy.
Let them hear it!
Nice move.
Yay! Yay! Yay!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
- Yay!
- Yay!
Listen to that noise,
I think it's safe to say
we know who our winner is!
- She won.
- And now,
it's the gentlemen's turn to see who
will be joining our lovely winning lady
for the final dance of the night.
I got to get out there.
Are you guys ready?
Then, here we go!
This is it.
It's now or never.
Check out the moves on that
funny-looking kid with a big nose!
All right!
Okay, just like you practiced.
Remember the steps.
One. Two.
Three. Four.
- Charlie Brown?
- All right.
It looks like we may
have a winner here!
It's gonna happen.
I'm about to dance with
the Little Red-Haired Girl.
Whoa !!
Let's get outta here!
- Do I know you?
- Huh?
It's not over yet!
Thanks, buddy.
I hate to say it, Snoopy.
It seems like the harder I try,
the further away she gets.
The Flying Ace took to the skies,
he search endless for the girl
who has stolen his heart.
Ha ha!
Ha ha!
Daydreaming will not make
her materialized, Charlie Brown.
- She's not here.
- Daydreaming? Me?
She'll be back on Monday.
I heard she went back
East to take care
of her grandmother,
who isn't feeling well.
She seems like the kind of person
who would do that sort of thing.
- Aww! Not another book report!
- Aww! Not another book report!
Time to pick our partners.
No boys! No boys!
- Patty!
- Yes! All right!
There's no denying it,
it was written in the cards.
The Little Red-Haired Girl.
My lucky day.
This changes everything.
She will see the new me.
And together,
we'll win the gold star!
After that, anything is possible.
We could be the first kids
to land on the moon.
One small step for kids,
one giant leap for Charlie Brown.
You gotta help me, Linus!
I'm not sure I can handle being partners
with the Little Red-Haired Girl.
I need to slow things down.
Maybe I'm not ready
for a serious relationship.
How will I support her?
I can't afford a mortgage.
What if I'm put into escrow?
Charlie Brown, you're being ridiculous.
You're the only person I know
who can turn a simple book report
into a lifelong commitment.
I've never been responsible
for anything before.
This could be the worst thing
that's ever happened to her!
Linus, it just hit me.
I think I know how
to become her hero!
While she's away taking care
of her grandmother,
I could complete the book
report for the two of us.
That's one way to go.
But, if you want my advice...
They're posting the test scores!
Come on!
Someone got a perfect score, sir.
You would have to be a genius
to get a perfect score.
I didn't know that
was even possible.
- It's him.
- Here he comes.
No one in the world has ever
gotten a hundred before.
2. Marcie Carlin 92
3. Franklin 90
A perfect score?
This can't be right.
No, Charlie Brown, look.
You really do have
a perfect score.
Huh. I have heard
peanut butter is brain food.
Nice job, Chuck old boy.
I always knew you
had it in you, Charles.
This can't be right!
Out of my way!
Mr. Perfect: Charlie Brown?
It must be a typo!
I don't believe it.
I won't believe it!
I demand a recount!
Good afternoon, students and staff.
We have a special announcement.
There will be an all-school assembly
on Monday morning
to celebrate our illustrious classmate,
Charlie Brown,
who achieved a perfect score
on the standardized test.
Make way.
Genius coming through.
I have a science project due next week,
can you give me you thoughts?
I saw him first.
They say you're a genius.
Can you read my mind?
- Hey, leave him alone.
- Yeah, leave him alone!
Now, Charlie Brown,
as far as the book report goes,
what would you suggest?
Well, you can never go wrong
if you stick with the classics.
A comic book?
I thought classics had
to have hard covers?
Boy, do we feel stupid now.
Will you look at this.
What a contemporary piece.
Notice his use of space.
Have you all lost your minds?
You have what is referred
to as irrational fear.
Hey, kid.
What do you think you're doing?
Following in the
footsteps of goodness.
- Break away!
- Shoot it, Charlie Brown! Shoot it!
Nice use of angles there, Charles.
- All right! Charlie Brown.
- Whoa!
How is Santa ever gonna
find our house without lights?
- Yay!
- Yay!
This is where it all began.
As a youth he passed many hours
just sitting in that chair,
keeping his deep thoughts to himself.
And here we have his early kites,
used in many aerodynamic studies.
- Whoa.
- Wow.
- Ooo.
If we are lucky, we will see
him in his natural habitat.
And this is his actual bed
where he lies and ponders
life's greatest questions.
What are you doing?
I'm cashing in on your celebrity.
- Can I have you autograph?
- No.
And for Show and Tell, today,
my big brother!
Oh, I haven't seen you in a while.
My whole life has changed, Linus.
All of a sudden, everyone
wants to be my friend
and yet,
I haven't really change.
Do they like me for who I am?
Or for who they think I am?
There he is!
Charlie Brown, I need
you on my chess team.
He's got no time for meaningless
games, he's coming with me.
- Close up!
- Huh?
- His face.
- And action!
Do you have time to help
me write my book report?
It's due on Monday.
The report is due on Monday?
She's back on Monday!
I haven't even started yet!
Does anyone know where Marcie is?
She went skating with Peppermint Patty.
Mr. Brown.
Mr. Brown!
What about my exclusive?
There's Huckleberry Finn,
The Catcher in the Rye.
I've been sitting
here for hours,
these are the greatest
books of all time.
- Please just pick one.
- Hmm.
Let me sleep on it, Marcie.
There's no time for sleeping, sir.
It's due Monday.
Just my luck to get a partner that
thinks Moby Dick was a hockey player.
Where are you going?
Chuck, old boy.
What brings you down here?
I'm looking for Marcie.
I need some advise.
Curve ball not working for you?
Slap shot not strong enough?
I'm good with all that.
I need to talk to Marcie about
finding the greatest book of all time.
I just might be able to
help you there, Chuck.
Marcie just read off a
long list of great novels.
"Huckleberry Something,
Catcher with a Pie."
But she said the
greatest book of all time
is called "Leo's Toy Store"
by some old guy
called "Warren Peace".
- "Leo's Toy Store"
- Yup! That's the one, Chuck!
Thanks for the tip.
Love that hustle, Chuck!
Does anyone know where
I can find "Leo's Toy Store"?
- Shhh.
- Shhh.
- Shhh.
- Shhh.
Leo's Toy Store.
- Huh?
- No.
Where is it?
He's going into
the grown up section.
Is that legal?
I've never seen you
in here before.
Oh, Marcie.
Thank goodness I found you.
Can you help me find
a copy of "Leo's Toy Store"?
Did you say "Leo's Toy Store"?
Yeah. Peppermint Patty told me
you said it was the greatest...
Stop right there, Charles.
Come with me.
This, is what you're looking for.
How long was this war?
Are you sure, that, is the
book you want to read?
Might I remind you, Charles.
you only have the weekend
to complete your report.
I have to, if I'm gonna
win that gold star.
I'm okay.
Big book.
How are you going to
get it home, smarty pants?
Huh, pretty smart.
What am I saying?
Good ol' Charlie Brown.
Now, there's a guy
who is going places.
- Huh?
Happy birthday.
Who invited him?
WAR and Peace.
Page 1.
Eh bien, Mon prince, so Genoa...
(Well, Prince, so Genoa...)
- Hey, Charlie Brow, come out and play!
- Hey, Charlie Brow, come out and play!
- Sorry, guys.
- Ohh.
Who reads a book on the weekend?
Okay, where was I?
... took a horse from a commander,
and hungry and weary,
... and the musketry fire
sounded far away.
... unimportance of life which
no one could understand,
... there was yesterday,
and there was the day before.
- Ooo.
- Ooo.
- Aww.
- Aww.
Okay, show's over!
Clear out!
Will there be a late show?
... and to recognize a
dependence we do not feel.
The end.
I did it.
It's all coming together now.
Okay. This is my book report
about War and Peace.
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
First, there was war.
Then there was peace.
10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17 ?
Only 983 words to go.
This is no use.
I'm just not as smart
as they think I am.
I can't let her down.
There's still time.
You can do this.
You can't give up
on her now.
998, 999, 1000.
- Wake up, big brother!
- Augh!
Today's the big assembly to
celebrate your perfect score!
Come see!
What are you up to now?
Now that you're a big celebrity,
we have to move fast.
I have shirts, hats,
mugs and more!
The fame that comes with intellectual
superiority can be very fleeting.
You have to cash in
while you can.
Today's going to be a big
day for us, big brother.
Thank you.
Come again soon.
This is all for you, Charlie Brown.
You've really made it.
It's going to happen.
She's finally gonna notice me
for doing something great.
Charlie Brown.
I hate to admit it, you blockhead,
but public opinion leads me to
believe that after all these years,
I may have been wrong about you.
This is not easy for me!
Can I please have Charlie Brown
come to the stage?
It is my pleasure
to present to you today,
this award, for the highest achievement
in this year's standardized testing.
But before I do,
the school proclamation.
On this day whereas you have upheld
the highest of academic standards,
and whereas no one would have
ever expected that of you,
and whereas you are the first
to ever receive a perfect score,
therefore, be it resolved that today
is declared Charlie Brown Day.
Signed, Miss Othmar.
That's my big brother.
How about that, Charlie Brown.
You're the star
of the school now.
Congratulations, Charles.
Let me present you
with your perfect test.

Oh, no.
I must have signed
the wrong paper

Before I begin,
I'd like to thank all
of you for your support.
You have all been so kind.
It is not often that I get
this sort of recognition.
But... um,
there's been a mistake.
This is not my test.
I knew it!
I cannot accept this honor.
Can a brother and sister
get a divorce?
I think this belongs
to Peppermint Patty.
She's the real genius.
That was a very admirable thing
you just did, Charlie Brown.
One moment I'm the hero,
the next I'm the goat.
Maybe things will go your way again,
after you hand in your book report.
I'm not so sure.
I was up all night working on it
and I can't remember a single word.
Surely it's not as bad as
you think, Charlie Brown.
Let me see what you wrote.
Charlie Brown, the insight you bring to
such a complex novel is beyond reproach!
You two are sure to win the gold star
with a book report of this quality.
Book report?
Were we supposed
to do a book report?
Oh, hi.
In light of the fact
that you were away,
Charlie Brown took it upon himself to
complete the report for the both of you.
And I must say, this is
one of the finest bits
of literary analysis I've ever read.
No. No. No.
Good grief.
Maybe we can fix it?
Chapter 4
Curse you, Red Baron!
- He did it!
- He did it!
The Flying Ace set out across
the hostile countryside, undeterred.
Whenever I feel really alone,
I just sit and stare
into the night sky.
I've always thought that
one of those stars was my star,
and at moments like this,
I know that my star
will always be there for me.
Like a comfortable voice saying,
"Don't give up, kid."
The Flying Ace had to
return to the aerodrome
if he was ever
to rescue Fifi.
Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Your crazy dog is
over here again.
Excuse me, mister.
Have you ever flown a kite?
Well... uh.
Actually, let me just say that,
I have years of experience
with kites,
- but I...
- That's great!
Oh, uh,
well, okay.
The thing is,
flying a kite isn't for everyone.
It takes a certain type of person.
It can be frustrating at times,
they tend to have
a mind of their own.
But with determination and dedication,
you can make it happen.
- Really!
- Here.
You hold this string.
Plant your feet.
Lean forward, knees bend,
back straight, head up
and remember,
keep it simple.
- Okay.
- Now, when I say go,
run as fast as you can.
Which way, mister?
That way!
Now, go!
I hope the little guy doesn't
get discourage, Snoopy.
He doesn't quite know
how difficult this will be.
It may take him years to
gain my level of experience.
It doesn't just happen over...
Woo hoo!
It's flying!
Thanks, mister.
You sure know your kites.
Do you wanna try?
You can do it!
Don't give up!
Chapter 7
Never give up!
The Flying Ace
knew this will be
the last chance to save
the love of his life.
The Flying Ace returned to the
aerodrome with the love of his life.
He returned a hero.
And so, as our hero observed
he was destined to face the
infamous Red Baron another day.
A dog that flies?
This is the dumbest thing
I've ever read!
I got dog germs!
- Come on, Charlie Brown!
- Come on, Charlie Brown!
Today calls for something special.
Here we go.
Hey, guys.
It's the last day of school!
Well, big brother,
can you believe it?
No more reading,
writing, arithmetic!
No more learning ever!
What are you talking about?
This is just the start
of summer vacation.
You have eight more years
of grammar school,
four more years of high school,
plus four more years of college.
... four add the one to the extra four.
It's over 37 years of school!
I'll be bald and
wrinkly by then!
- Wow.
- Wow.
Look at that!
Is that Snoopy?
- Aww.
- Aww.
Okay, everyone, listen up.
I know this is the
last day of school,
- Yay!
- Yay!
but, first, before we leave,
we need to finish
picking our partners
for this year's summer
pen pal project.
- Aww!
- Aww!
When I draw a name, stand
if you want to be their partner.
Here we go.
The next name is, Pig-Pen.
I will.
A little dirt never hurt anyone.
- Schroeder!
- I do!
I mean, I will.
Charlie Brown.
- I will.
- Huh!
She will?
- Yay!
- Let's go.
Charlie Brown,
where have you been?
It's the first day of summer.
You should be down there
having fun with everyone else.
I can't stop thinking about it, Linus.
After all the humiliating disasters
she witnessed this year,
why would she choose me?
Was she feeling sorry for me?
I don't want her to choose me just
because she was feeling sorry for me.
I have slightly more
dignity than that.
Charlie Brown, it might be time
to consider the wild possibility
that you're a good person
and that people like you.
But you know, you'll never
really know the answer unless...
I just go up and talk to her.
I should have listen
to you all along.
Oh, Charles.
I mean, Charlie Brown.
She's not here?
On her way to summer camp?
So, the bus hasn't left school yet?
But, it's about to leave?
Oh, and by the way.
It was a pleasure
to meet you, ma'am.
- Charlie Brown!
- Charlie Brown!
You blockhead!
All right!
How do I get out of here?
The whole world seems
to be conspiring against me.
I'm just asking for a little
help for once in my life.
Get out of here.
Not you too!
Hey, look, it's Charlie Brown!
Charlie Brown is flying a kite?
Charlie Brown is flying a kite!
Chuck's got a kite in the air.
Way to go, Charles.
- Huh?
- Huh?
Charlie Brown is really doing it!
He's flying a kite!
Oh, hi, Charlie Brown.
You remembered my name?
Of course I did.
Before you leave,
there's something
I really need to know.
Why, out of all the kids
in our class,
would you want to be
partners with me?
That's easy.
Because I've seen the
type of person you are.
An insecure, wishy-washy failure?
That's not who you are at all.
I like the compassion you showed
for your sister at the talent show.
The honesty you had
at the assembly.
And at the dance,
you were brave, and funny.
And what you did for me,
doing the book report
while I was away,
was so sweet of you.
So, when I look at you,
I don't see a failure at all.
You have all the
qualities that I admire.
Sorry, I have to go now.
I think this belongs to you.
Oh, thank you!
I've been looking
everywhere for this!
I'll write to you, pen pal.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Is he okay?
It must feel pretty great being
Charlie Brown right about now!
You did it!
Nice job, Chuck!
Good job, Charles.
Hey, big brother!
I'm proud to be
your little sister.
- Out of my way!
- Oh oh.
I really need to tell you
something, you blockhead!
You're still full of surprises.
Good ol' Charlie Brown.
- YAY!
- YAY!
Subtitle created by - Aorion -
Charlie Brown...
Oh, Charlie Brown.
I'll hold the football and you kick it.
You say you'll hold it,
but what you really mean is
you'll pull it away and I'll land
on my back and I'll kill myself.
But I feel I have really
come to know you.
I now understand that you are kind,
compassionate, brave, and funny.
No one would pull a football away from
a person with all those qualities.
She's right.
I would never pull a ball
away from someone
with all those qualities.
I am gonna kick this ball
all the way to the moon.
And gullible.
I forgot to mention gullible.
A round of root beers,
for our hero, The Flying Ace.
- Yay!
- Yay!
- Hip Hip.
- Hooray!
Hip Hip.

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