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better inform educational and clinical practices to ensure student success. Through an
analysis of survey data using the Knowledge and Skills with Homeless Students Survey
(Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013), this exploratory study applied a mixed methods approach to
homelessness. Thematic analysis of the survey data indicated the existence of four
In 2007, the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimated that
nearly 1.35 million children experience homelessness, affecting nearly one out of every
45 children each year (Griffin & Farris, 2010; The National Center on Family
to escalate, there is a growing concern for researchers, educators, and policy makers to
better identify and address the needs of these children. Although children experiencing
These children, when compared to peers with consistent housing, are also more likely
issues (Bucker, Bassuk, Weinreb, & Brooks, 1999; Mansoo, North, Lavesser, Osbourne,
& Spitznagel, 2008; The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2005). The pervasive
(Grothaus, Lorelle, Anderson, & Knight, 2011; Herbers et al., 2012; Masten et al., 2012).
difficulties that impact the trajectory of their later development, it is essential to further
understand their complex and collective needs. Through exploring the needs of
seeks to expand on the present findings regarding students’ needs in order to develop
more effective and individually tailored services and interventions to facilitate emotional,
of students experiencing homelessness. Through use of the Knowledge and Skills with
Homeless Students Survey [KSHSS] (Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013), the present study
Association [ASCA] National Model (ASCA, 2012). While several articles identify the
Helfrich, 2004; Coker et al., 2009; Hicks-Coolick, Burnside-Eaton, & Peters, 2003), no
address the needs of all students (ASCA, 2012), including students who experience
homelessness, school counselors are likely to work closely with these students and are
uniquely attuned to their needs (ASCA, 2010). In this sense, the perspective of the
school counselor – a valuable yet often overlooked vantage point – offers a useful layer
needs. Through a mixed methods analysis, this study provides a deeper understanding
practical implications to better address these needs. The results of this article propose a
model of needs that can guide educators and other service providers to offer supportive
shared struggles that these students’ face, their needs can be further clarified and used
to enlighten best practices. Several authors have concluded that homelessness can
impact the emotional, behavioral, and academic development of students. For example,
Buckner, Bassuk, Weinreb, and Brooks (1999) drew attention to the impact of
and children with consistent housing (N = 148). They found that children experiencing
homelessness are exposed to more stressful life events than their peers with consistent
housing and are also more likely to exhibit internalizing and behavioral concerns.
Research also indicates that homelessness can interrupt a child’s personal and social
1992), which can make it difficult for children to maintain consistent relationships
(Daniels, 1992). Further, Gewirtz et al. (2008) suggests, the emotional and behavioral
homelessness are also at an increased risk for facing academic concerns (Fantuzzo,
LeBoeuf, Chen, Rouse, & Culhane, 2012; Obradovic et al., 2009). Due to their
basis, thus preventing them from receiving the same academic services as their
difficulties including developmental delays (Karger & Stoesz, 1998), lower academic
performance (Miller, 2011; Rubin et al., 1996), increased risk for learning disabilities
(Rubin et al., 1996; Biggar, 2001), and increased likelihood for grade retention (Rafferty,
Shinn, & Weitzman, 2004). Further, children experiencing homelessness have difficulty
McCarthy, 2000; Strawser, Markos, Yamaguchi, & Higgins, 2000). Importantly, the
symbiotic relationship to the child’s psychosocial difficulties. The intricacy and co-
improve interventions and services in the school, family, and community. In light of the
have suggested needs that emerge due to challenges faced by students (Aviles &
Helfrich, 2004; Daniels, 1992; Baggerly & Borkowski, 2004; Grothaus et al., 2011;
Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003). For instance, Aviles and Helfrich (2004) and Hicks-Coolick
et al. (2003) describe service needs, as those comprehensive services that are needed
related to education, emotional guidance, daily living, health, and basic needs (Aviles &
Physiological Needs (food, clothing, and finances), Safety Needs (personal security and
having a safe haven), the Need of Love and Belonging (acceptance, affection, and
needs can be broken down into separate, yet interconnected categories that often
dynamically co-exist.
Basic Needs
On the most primary level, basic needs are commonly highlighted as lacking for
basic needs include food, shelter, privacy, and clothing (Aviles & Helfrich, 2004; Browne,
1993; Buckner, 2008). Further, Hicks-Coolick et al. (2003) describes basic needs as
Additional basic needs related to financial stability include having heat in the winter and
worrying about family safety (Buckner, 2008). The lack of basic needs such as those
Emotional Needs
counseling (Baggerly, 2004; Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003; Strawser et al., 2000), as well as
(Buckner et. al., 1999) are frequently suggested in the literature to address the
(Baggerly, 2004) are needed as well as student services that focus on empowerment
(Swick, 2010). A need for a supportive school environment is further emphasized in the
literature, which includes providing a safe and trusting climate for the students as well
as educational and emotional support for parents (Hausman & Hammen, 1993).
Generally, programs that provide emotional supports are critical in ensuring students in
Academic Needs
additional academic needs that include obtaining consistent transportation to and from
school and having access to school records and documentation required for enrollment
(U.S. Department of Education, 2004). Other academic needs associated with the
Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003). Other academic needs include shelter space, before- and
afterschool care, attendance support, and training and support for parents (Hicks-
While the research literature has identified and defined the needs of children
experiencing homelessness, these studies are limited in their scope and perspective. As
children experiencing homelessness are often embedded within the school system, it is
imperative to explore how their needs are described and classified by those who work
intimately with these students. Given school counselors are likely to directly interact with
understanding of their perspective on the needs of these children will better inform
section of the Knowledge and Skills with Homeless Students Survey [KSHSS] that
prompted school counselors to respond with what they felt were the major needs of
students experiencing homelessness (Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013). The purpose of this
analysis is to better understand and identify themes and patterns within school
mixed methods approach was selected to maximize the strengths inherent in qualitative
and quantitative research and to render the most useful and thorough solutions to the
research questions (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Thematic analysis was selected
Stirling, 2001). The chi-square statistic was selected to analyze the coded categorical
data to determine differences between each of the reported needs and participants’
school levels (elementary, middle, and high school), and locations (urban, rural, and
suburban) (Schumacker & Tomek, 2013). This study addressed the following research
What do school counselors perceive as the major needs of students who are
experiencing homelessness?
and suburban) and level (elementary, middle, and high) of the schools where
they work?
counselors, and 50 (31.3%) urban school counselors. Broken down by grade level,
counselors, and 64 high school counselors (40%). Four participants did not provide
demographic information and therefore, were included in the thematic analysis, but not
In total, 873 school counselors received a link to participate in this survey. The
overall response rate for the original study was 207 participants (23.7% response rate),
with 160 (18.3% responses rate) participants completing the survey in its entirety
(Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013). The authors speculate that many of the participants who
opted out of the last section, which asked them to report the needs of students
experiencing homelessness, may have had little interaction with students experiencing
homelessness and therefore did not have any needs to report. Some participants (n =
others (n = 76) reported having less than five. All of the participants who did complete
the survey in its entirety (N = 160) had one or more students experiencing
Data Collection
elementary, middle, and high school counselors from the ASCA member directory were
with an electronic consent form and university institutional review board statements.
Participation was completely voluntary. The link was re-sent five times to increase
participation. After survey responses were collected, they were downloaded into an
Excel spreadsheet for coding and thematic analysis and then recoded into an SPSS
one section of the KSHSS were analyzed (Gaenzle, 2012; Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013). For
more details on the instrument design, see Gaenzle and Bryan (2013). The full survey
ended section allowed participants to write in their perceived needs, based on the three
domains of the ASCA national model of school counseling (ASCA, 2012), with no word
Data Analysis
and understanding that may be missed in a single methods approach (Johnson &
Onwuegbuzie, 2004). As the literature on homelessness has not examined the needs of
students experiencing homelessness from the perspective of the school counselor, the
authors believe they can better inform policy and practice to support students through
small mid-Atlantic institution conducted the analysis. The team included an assistant
professor with a background in school counseling and one first year and one second
year graduate student in clinical mental health counseling. The assistant professor had
homelessness. The graduate students entered the study with limited background and
In order to develop the coding for this data, the three researchers applied
theoretical thematic analysis as a deductive approach for analysis, using the guidelines
suggested by Braun and Clarke (2006). Braun and Clark (2006) describe a six-step
approach to thematic analysis; these steps include becoming familiar with the data,
generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing the themes, defining and
naming themes, and producing a report. This method was selected due to the large
number of responses in the data set and in order to have a clear process to identify a
number of themes that reflect the textual data in this study (Howitt & Cramer, 2008).
The theoretical approach to thematic analysis was selected because the initial codes
homelessness (Aviles & Helfrich, 2004; Baggerly & Borkowski, 2004; Daniels, 1992;
uncovered new codes that seemed to best capture the data set. Through individual
reflection, reflective journaling, and group discussion of the codes, the researchers then
began identifying broader themes within the data. Throughout the six steps, the team
worked independently and then jointly as they discussed and reflected upon their
understanding of the analyses. The codes were refined and revised throughout the
process (Heppner, Kivlighan, & Wampold, 1999). After the researchers gained a better
understanding of the themes they derived from the coding, they analyzed each
individual theme further, operationalized the definitions of these themes, and then
determined how they connected to the initial research questions (Hsieh & Shannon,
2005). Subsequently they developed thematic maps, which are provided in the results.
The researchers sought to converge and expand these research findings through
relationship between school level (elementary, middle, and high school) and school
location (urban, rural, and suburban) and the participants’ reporting of each need.
Initially, frequencies were run on the participant’s reported needs by location and level.
Since many participants reported multiple needs, in order to calculate the frequencies, a
total count was provided for each of the needs, regardless of the specific participant, to
determine how often each need was reported overall by level and location.
reported on each of the major needs that emerged from the thematic analysis. For
example, if a participant reported an academic need, they were given a 1. If the same
participant did not report a need related to emotional connection, then they received a 0
for that type of need. Responses were coded by using six needs based on the thematic
analysis. The six needs included academic, survival, emotional connection, access and
knowledge, career, and parental needs. Chi-square analysis was chosen due to the
categorical nature of the independent variables (level and location), as well as the
Validity. Threats to validity within this study include researcher “bias” due to the
used to limit bias in interpretation of the data (Guion, Diehl, & McDonald, 2011; Heppner
et al., 1999). Each researcher coded and developed themes independently throughout
the process, and then a discussion was held as a team. During the process, the three
researchers compared perspectives when they did not understand a theme or code and
challenged each other when bias was presented. While coding, each researcher
In order to further improve validity and to reduce researcher bias, a peer audit
was applied (Maxwell, 2005). A fourth individual was invited to audit the thematic
analysis. The individual was outside of the counseling field and had no background in
working with students experiencing homelessness. The peer auditor reviewed the
thematic analysis and offered her insights on the codes and themes. These codes were
homelessness from the perspective of school counselors and provide a framework for
educators addressing the needs of students. The four main themes include a) survival
academic services and supports, and d) access to and knowledge of services. Further,
18 subthemes emerged under the main themes. As no previous studies describe these
needs from the perspective of the school counselor, this study offers insight into the
provision of services that can better address and enhance the development of students
support previous findings, provide a framework for educators and service providers and
highlight areas that had not previously been mentioned in the literature.
Survival and healthy development. The first theme, survival and healthy
development is defined as the basic element necessary for children to develop and
thrive (see Figure 1). This theme includes the subthemes food, clothing, and shelter.
The participants in this study described the need for these necessities as well as a need
for safety in the home and school environment for students experiencing homelessness.
In reflection of the importance of this primary need, one participant stated, “safety and
shelter needs must first be addressed.” Further, having clean clothes or school uniforms
as well as snacks at home and in school to increase focus and energy were frequently
described. For example, one participant stated that there was “not enough
food…including snacks (at home).” Related to food, clothing and shelter, participants
also identified the necessity of obtaining financial security to meet these basic needs.
Survival and
needs; and individual and group counseling (skill building: goal setting, communication
homelessness need “understanding that they are not the only ones in the situation.”
Further, one participant stated that educators should be “supporting students so they
don’t feel alone and disconnected.” Participants also consistently mentioned the
They reported that students experiencing homelessness feel isolated in the school and
counseling approaches that support both personal and social development. The
counseling that addresses emotional support and skill building, were also persistently
management, as well as goal setting were frequently described, with one participant
suggesting that educators “meet with student[s] to set short and long term goals for their
future – this gives them hope and a focus as long as they know they will be supported in
their efforts.”
they feel supported and connected. Participants often mentioned including and
educating parents so they can better support their children emotionally. One participant
Act [McKinney-Vento 2001] as appropriate” in order for parents to optimally advocate for
their children. Another suggested that schools “provide parents with a list of
others highlight the value of healthy, encouraging relationships with peers and “positive
Involvement &
Counseling Support
Systems &
Services for
Connection Supportive
Individual & Group
Figure 2: Thematic map of Theme 2: Systems and services for support and connection.
Academic services and supports. In the third theme, participants identified the
Figure 3). Subthemes include having a location to study, school supplies, career and
college planning, and academic services. In order to contend with the educational level
of their peers with consistent housing, on the most basic level, participants
recommended that students obtain academic supplies such as pencils, notebooks and
school uniforms. For instance, one participant stated that students experiencing
notebooks.” Moreover, participants suggested the need for a consistent and quiet
location where students can study and complete assignments, since privacy may be
necessary for students to be on track with their peers. Further, participants proposed
that students experiencing homelessness should “not [be] penalized by teachers for
and that they are given opportunities to “[overcome] educational needs that have not
need to ensure students are career and college ready through creating educational
plans and addressing financial concerns related to application fees, cost of college, and
cost of tests required for admission. This includes the need for providing resources and
support for students to evaluate their post-graduation plans and prepare for college. For
example, a participant suggested, “creating a plan to let homeless students know they
Location to School
Study Supplies
Career &
Access to and knowledge of services. The final theme, closely related to the
first three themes, is the need for students and families experiencing homelessness to
have access to and knowledge of the services available to them (see Figure 4). This
resources and policies. Included in this theme is transportation to and from school with
one participant noting that students experiencing homelessness have “difficulty arriving
on time to school because they take the bus from far away.” Participants identified a
need for accessible and reliable transportation as it ensures students can attend school
Participants further describe a need for available resources for students and
provide for basic needs – food, shelter, clothing, etc.” Within this service context, many
participants highlighted the need for a resource specialist to “assist with needs at the
frequently identified as well as ability to access these general services. They also
understand the rights of the child and to be able to advocate to remove barriers.
Access to
Access to
of Services
Knowledge of
Resources and
homelessness and to explore whether there are possible differences between groups,
frequencies on all reported needs were run, as well as chi-square analyses. The
frequencies suggest the possibility of differences between the participant’s school level
and location and their perceptions of the students’ needs. Although academic needs
were reported at similar frequency, when broken down by sub-theme, career planning,
was reported more frequently for those at the high school level (17.8%), than at the
middle (11.6%) or elementary school levels (5.4%). Survival needs were reported more
frequently among elementary school counselors (22.5%), than middle (12.8%) or high
school counselors (13.6%). Further, the need for access and knowledge of services was
reported more frequently by participants at the high school (14.7 %) and middle school
levels (14%), than at the elementary school level (7.9%). See Table 1.
Table 1
Frequencies of Reported Needs by School Level
Some similarities and differences were also suggested by location (rural, urban,
and suburban). For instance, academic support needs were reported consistently
across locations. However, rural school counselors reported survival needs slightly
more frequently (22%) than suburban (15.3%) or urban (15.3%) school counselors.
Emotional connection was reported frequently across all three locations; however, rural
school counselors (24.8%) reported this need less frequently than suburban (30.1%) or
urban school counselors (32.8%). Additionally, suburban (14.3%) and rural school
counselors (12.8%) reported needs related to career planning more frequently than
urban school counselors (8.0%). Lastly, urban school counselors reported needs related
Table 2
Frequencies of Reported Needs by School Location
participants’ reported needs by the categorical values, level (elementary, middle, and
high school) and location (urban, rural, and suburban), chi-square tests were performed.
Significant relationships were found between level and those counselors who reported
survival needs, X2(3, N = 159) = 9.59, p = .02 and career needs, X2(3, N = 159) =
19.88,p = .00. No significant relationships were found between school level and
p = .36; access and knowledge, X2(3, N = 159) = 6.56, p = .09; or parental needs X2(3,
N = 159) = .51, p = .96. Relationships between school location and academic, X2(3, n =
159) = 0.67, p = .92; survival, X2(3, N = 159) = 6.60, p = .08; access and knowledge,
X2(3, N = 159) = .71, p = .86; or career needs, X2(3, N = 159) = 5.09, p = .16, were not
connection, X2(3, N = 159) = 9.18, p = .03 and parental needs, X2(3, N = 159) = 10.15, p
(Aviles & Helfrich, 2004; Baggerly, 2004; Browne, 1993; Buckner, 2008; Daniels, 1992;
Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003; Strawser et al., 2000), this study expands current knowledge
these needs, as well as investigating differences between level and location of schools.
School counselors, who address the emotional, behavioral, and academic needs of all
students (ASCA, 2012), offer unique insight as the frequency and regularity of their
in identifying their needs at the school level. These findings reaffirm the importance of
The findings of this study qualify aspects of prior research that describe the
survival needs (care needs), safety needs, emotional needs, and service needs (Aviles
& Helfrich, 2004; Daniels, 1992; Hicks-Coolick, et al., 2003). Additionally, this research
affirms and reiterates the need for academic support such as tutoring programs
(Grothaus et al., 2011), counseling services (Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003; Strawser et al.,
2000) and supportive and safe school environments for students experiencing
homelessness (Hausman & Hammen, 1993; Strawser et al., 2000). However, this study
supplements current frameworks for identifying student needs in schools through the
identification of career and counseling needs and specific counseling objectives (goal
setting, communication skills, stress, and anxiety management) from school counselors’
perspectives. Additionally, this research offers added insight into the importance of
knowledge and access to resources and services as a need for students experiencing
homelessness. Further, it provides a clear direction for educators and service providers
highlights the differences in needs that students may experience at different levels or
locations of their schools. The distinguishable themes presented within this research
provide a clear framework for service providers in the provision of individually tailored
The results of this study render both clinical and academic implications for school
four identified themes presented within this research will better inform the practices of
homelessness. The distinctive lens of this study will also foster the development and
The findings of this study support the previous literature in their emphasis on
meeting student’s basic survival needs (Aviles & Helfrich, 2004; Browne, 1993; Buckner,
2008; Daniels, 1992; Hicks-Coolick et al., 2003). This study reaffirms the importance of
impacting healthy physical development and safety may not be easily recognizable in a
school setting. The prominent survival needs acknowledged within this study hold
meaningful implications for educators and service providers. For example, school
counselors may be more inclined to keep a donated collection of clothing and snacks on
hand for students in need to help them maintain focus and energy during the school day
(Daniels, 1992). In light of these findings, school personnel may also extend efforts to
obtain snacks on days when tests or large assignments are given. Moreover, they will
want to ensure students are enrolled in reduced or free lunch programs to alleviate the
financial burden on the parents. As suggested by this study, the survival needs of
students experiencing homelessness may differ depending on the level of the school.
For example, elementary school students may have very different survival needs as
The findings of this study also reiterate the value of ensuring that students form
safe and secure relationships with faculty and peers within the school. School
student transience and seek to foster opportunities for students to build closeness with
others (Baggerly & Borkowski, 2004). Further, the findings substantiate the need for
school counselors and service providers to create a positive school environment that
engagement verified within this study implies regular interaction between school
counselors and families to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for parents to
relationships with family members (Amatea & West-Olatunji, 2007; Grothaus et al.,
2011) is then highly important, and includes having materials on services and programs
Act (Gaenzle, 2012; Julianelle & Foscarinis, 2003; Strawser et al., 2000). The identified
need for secure and safe attachments within this study, both within the school setting
and the family dynamic, implies that school counselors should implement more
services, such as group and individual counseling, may enhance their personal growth
and provide them with further emotional support (Baggerly & Borkowski, 2004; Grothaus
et al., 2011). The findings of this study imply school counselors should regularly
incorporate communication skill building, social skills enhancement, goal setting and
anxiety and stress management into their interventions. In addition, introducing topics of
problem solving and self-esteem are advantageous (Grothaus et al., 2011), as this
would provide a context for students experiencing homelessness to attend to and work
through their emotional challenges. While the identified counseling needs within this
study suggest the inclusion of particular intervention topics, it is still imperative for
counselors in this study frequently stated the need for additional academic support.
Although prior research indicates school counselors are infrequently engaged in the
experiencing homelessness (Gaenzle, 2012; Gaenzle & Bryan, 2013), the results of this
study reaffirm the importance of these supportive programs (Grothaus et al., 2011;
school personnel to guarantee students are accessing and attending these programs.
Collaboration with teachers within the classroom setting was also repeatedly described,
implying that counselors should extend an effort to work jointly with teachers to ensure
that students are receiving appropriate and challenging coursework remediation. This
also suggests that school counselors and teachers should be attuned to each student’s
housing limitations and should allocate support and latitude for late assignments and
late arrivals.
ensure students experiencing homelessness are both ready and prepared in their post-
based on level and location, school counselors must be attentive to their student’s
career goals and able to assist in their future planning pertaining to the developmental
level of the students. Through devising of clear graduation goals that are frequently
revisited (ASCA, 2012), school counselors can work with students experiencing
homelessness to attenuate anxiety and instill a sense of direction. The findings of this
career and college ready. As implied by the participants’ responses, school counselors
must help students access funding for college entrance tests, test preparation programs,
test fees and college applications, as well as educate students and parents on financial
aid options. Providing this information may require educators and other service
providers to connect with parents in the community settings, such as shelters, so they
can learn the steps students should take in order to be prepared for post-secondary
planning. Given the multitude of financial and academic steps needed to enhance post-
secondary vocational and college options, school counselors should begin planning
the community and school is imperative when assisting families. For instance, school
homelessness, as well as other barriers they may face (U.S. Department of Education,
2004). Moreover, providing families and children with tangible resources they can use at
their disposal will help them to become empowered and determine how to get their
needs met.
Future Research
Taking into account all of the identified needs and implied services for school
counselors and service providers to satisfy these concerns, further research would
elucidate more specific interventions to implement in the school setting. Although some
studies have indicated the effectiveness of counseling and academic interventions with
2011), further research with larger samples of students and varying locations and levels
is needed. More specifically, the impact of individual, small group, and large group
Limitations of this study include the inability to member check as the anonymity
of the responses prevented the researchers from contacting the participants. Further, an
responses was also a limitation as the researchers were unable to contact the
participants post-study (Creswell, 2005). This study also lacks understanding of the
context of the school and there was no ability for the researchers to build relationships
confound the findings of the research. The question specifically asked participants to
well as provided structure for the thematic analysis. However, this design was
intentional because researchers wanted to ensure responses were aligned with the role
Although there are limitations for this study, the large participant size for
qualitative data analysis represents a prominent strength. Considering that few studies
homelessness, this study offers a unique lens with which to better identify the
educational and emotional needs of this population. Stakeholders who have a more
these needs. Moreover, the findings can not only inform therapeutic and academic
practices but can also improve services at the community level, potentiating the
possibility for more accessible, affordable, and equitable interventions to meet these
needs. This study provides an initial framework for systemic and multi-level intervention
experiencing homelessness.
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