Appendix 10 Design Syllabus For 7th in First Semster
Appendix 10 Design Syllabus For 7th in First Semster
Appendix 10 Design Syllabus For 7th in First Semster
1. Grade 7th
Name of Islamic Boarding School
Islamic Name of Educational Institution
Boarding English Language Subject
School Logo
General Achievments At the end of Phase D, students in Islamic boarding schools use oral, written, and visual texts in English to interact and
communicate in various contexts, both formal and informal, incorporating elements of compassion. They are able to
use various types of texts such as narratives, descriptions, procedures, special texts (short messages, advertisements),
and authentic texts as the main references in learning English in this phase, while considering the values of kindness
and empathy in their communication.
Students use English to discuss and express their desires/feelings, paying attention to sensitivity towards the feelings
and needs of others. Their understanding of written texts continues to develop, and they begin to use inference skills to
understand implied information, including understanding and responding with empathy to the experiences of others.
They are also able to produce structured written and visual texts in English with a wider range of vocabulary, while
considering sensitivity to the values of compassion in their message delivery. They understand the purpose and
audience when producing written and visual texts in English, as well as considering their impact on the well-being and
common good.
Learning Objectives Listening-Speaking:
Per Elements
By the end of Phase D, students use English to interact and exchange ideas, experiences, interests, opinions, and views
with teachers, peers, and others in an increasing variety of familiar formal and informal contexts. With some repetition
and rewording, they comprehend the main ideas and relevant details of discussions or presentations on a variety of
general interest topics, demonstrating empathy and understanding towards others' perspectives. They engage in
discussions such as giving opinions, making comparisons, and stating preferences, with a compassionate approach that
considers the feelings and viewpoints of others. They explain and clarify their answers using basic sentence structure
and verb tenses, ensuring their communication is clear and respectful, reflecting the values of kindness and empathy
fostered in the environment of the pesantren.
By the end of Phase D, students independently read and respond to familiar and unfamiliar texts containing predictable
structures and familiar vocabulary. They locate and evaluate main ideas and specific information in texts of different
genres. These texts may be in the form of print or digital texts, including visual, multimodal, or interactive texts. They
identify the purpose of texts and begin to make inference to comprehend implicit information in the text. Additionally,
they demonstrate the ability to show empathy towards the characters and themes presented in the texts they
read and sensitivity towards the perspectives and experiences of others when evaluating ideas and information
in the text.
By the end of Phase D, students communicate their ideas and experiences through simple, organized paragraphs,
demonstrating a developing use of specific vocabulary and simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan, create,
and present informative, imaginative, and persuasive texts in simple and compound sentences to structure arguments
and to explain or justify a position. They include basic information and detail, and also vary their sentence
construction in their writing. Students express ideas in the present, future, and past tenses. They use time markers,
adverbs of frequency, and common conjunctions to link ideas. Their attempts to spell new words are based on known
English letter-sound relationships, and they use punctuation and capitalization with consistency. Additionally, they
demonstrate the ability to show empathy towards others in their communication process and conveying their
ideas, and consideration towards the perspectives and experiences of others when writing and presenting texts.
Materials 1. Week 1-2: Introduction to Various Types of Texts: Narrative & Descritpion
2. Week 3-4: Introduction to Various Types of Texts cont: Procedures
3. Week 5-6: Basic Communication Skills: Expressing desires and feelings; Sensitivity in Communication
4. Week 7-8: Reading Comprehension: Understanding explicit information and Introduction to inference
5. Week 9-10: Review and Practice
6. Week 11: Midterm Exam Preparation
7. Week 11: Midterm Exam Preparation
8. Week 12-16: Continuation of Topics with Depth: Narratives, Descriptions, Procedures, Expressing desires and feelings,
sensitivity in communication
9. Week 17-18: Final Exam Preparation
4. Interpreting Themes
and Messages:
- Group discussions
about the themes and
messages contained in the
story being read.
- Writing analytical
essays on the main
themes of a particular
story and how those
themes are reflected in the
plot and characters.
- Creating visual
presentations (posters,
slideshows) illustrating
the themes found in the
5. Diverse Perspectives:
- Reading and analyzing
stories from various
cultures and backgrounds
to understand different
- Discussing social
issues that arise in the
story and how characters
deal with them.
- Writing letters to one
of the characters in the
story, expressing
understanding and
empathy for their
6. Critical Thinking and
- Engaging in inference
activities to analyze the
feelings and actions of
characters based on
evidence in the text.
- Keeping reflective
journals recording
students' reactions and
thoughts on the stories
- Discussing the moral
implications or messages
of the story and how they
can be applied in
everyday life.
3. Empathy and
- Character
descriptions: Have
students describe a
character from a story or
novel, focusing not only
on physical appearance
but also on personality
traits and emotions.
- Perspective-taking
activities: Assign students
to describe a place or
object from the
perspective of someone
with a different
background or life
experience, fostering
empathy and
- Empathy discussions:
Lead class discussions
about the importance of
empathy in descriptive
writing and how it can
help readers connect with
the subject being
4. Organizing
- Graphic organizers:
Provide graphic
organizers such as a T-
chart or bubble map to
help students organize
their thoughts before
writing descriptive
- Model descriptions:
Analyze model
descriptive paragraphs to
identify how they are
organized and structured,
focusing on topic
sentences, supporting
details, and concluding
- Peer editing: Have
students peer-edit each
other's descriptions,
focusing on the
organization and
coherence of the writing,
as well as the
effectiveness of the
language in evoking
emotions and empathy.
-Writing Procedures:
Procedure brainstorming:
Brainstorm a list of
activities or tasks that
require procedures to be
followed, such as making
a sandwich or playing a
board game.
Procedure writing
practice: Guide students
through the process of
writing procedures using
a structured format,
focusing on clear and
concise language.
Peer feedback: Have
students exchange
procedures with their
peers and provide
feedback on clarity,
completeness, and
consideration for the
Consideration for Others:
Discussion on empathy:
Lead a discussion on the
importance of considering
the needs and abilities of
others when writing
procedures, especially for
diverse audiences.
Inclusive procedures:
Encourage students to
consider how they can
make their procedures
accessible to people with
different backgrounds,
abilities, or learning
Engage in role-playing
activities where students
express desires and
feelings in different
situations, such as
conversations with
friends, family members,
or in a professional
Emphasize the
importance of active
listening and responding
empathetically to others'
expressions of desires and
6 - Students will Sesitivity in Role-Playing Scenarios: Empathetic - Evaluation of role- 45 minutes x 3 - Articles,
demonstrate Communication: Communication: playing meetings videos, or case
sensitivity and Engage in role-playing performances, studies
empathy in their 1. Empathy in activities where students Ability to communicate assessing students' illustrating
communication, Communication practice sensitive in a way that ability to examples of
considering the 2. Respectful communication in various acknowledges and communicate sensitive and
feelings and needs Interaction situations, such as validates the feelings sensitively and empathetic
of others. 3. Active Listening resolving conflicts, giving and perspectives of empathetically in communication
- Students will 4. Non-verbal feedback, or expressing others. various scenarios. in real-life
develop Communication support. Demonstration of - Assessment of situations.
compassion by 5. Cultural Provide prompts and understanding of the written reflections on - Role-playing
recognizing the Sensitivity guidelines to encourage impact of language and past communication prompts and
importance of 6. Conflict students to respond with tone on interpersonal experiences, scenarios that
respectful and Resolution empathy and relationships. focusing on students' provide
considerate consideration for others' insights into the opportunities
communication in feelings. Respectful Interaction: impact of their for students to
fostering positive communication style practice
relationships. Reflective Writing: Use of language and on others. compassionate
behavior that shows - Participation in communication
Assign writing tasks respect for others' group discussions, skills.
where students reflect on boundaries, beliefs, and assessing students' - Reading
past experiences of identities. engagement, materials and
communication and Engagement in contributions, and discussions
analyze the effectiveness constructive dialogue ability to exploring the
of their approach in and active listening, demonstrate importance of
demonstrating sensitivity fostering mutual sensitivity and empathy, active
and empathy. understanding and empathy towards listening, and
Encourage students to empathy. others' perspectives. respectful
identify areas for communication
improvement and in building
strategies for enhancing positive
their communication relationships.
Group Discussions:
Facilitate group
discussions on topics
related to sensitivity and
empathy in
communication, such as
cultural differences,
active listening, and non-
verbal cues.
Encourage students to
share personal
experiences and insights,
promoting a deeper
understanding of the
importance of
7 - Students will Understanding Text Analysis: Comprehension Skills: - Evaluation of 45 minutes x 3 - Varied texts
demonstrate the Explicit comprehension meetings including
ability to Information Engage in close reading Ability to identify and quizzes or articles, essays,
understand explicit material: activities to analyze texts extract explicit assessments short stories, or
information and identify explicit information from texts measuring students' informational
presented in 1. Recognizing information, such as main accurately. ability to identify passages
various texts. Main Information ideas, supporting details, Demonstration of and understand covering a
- Students will 2. Details and Facts and key facts. understanding of the explicit information range of topics
develop 3. Empathetic Practice using strategies main ideas, details, and in texts accurately. and
compassion by Perspective such as skimming, facts presented in the - Assessment of class perspectives.
recognizing the 4. Connection with scanning, and text. participation and - Online
importance of Personal summarizing to enhance contributions to resources such
clear Experiences comprehension. Empathetic group discussions, as interactive
communication 5. Implications of Understanding: focusing on students' reading
and understanding Information Discussion Groups: engagement, critical platforms,
the perspectives of 6. Applying Recognition of the thinking, and digital libraries,
others. Empathy in Reading Facilitate group perspectives and empathetic or educational
discussions where experiences of others understanding of the websites
students analyze and conveyed through the text. offering
interpret texts together, text. - Review of written comprehension
sharing their insights and Application of empathy responses or exercises and
perspectives. in interpreting and reflections practice
Encourage students to responding to the demonstrating materials.
consider the implications information presented. students' ability to - Supplementary
of the information apply empathy and materials such
presented and discuss compassion in as videos,
how it relates to their own interpreting and podcasts, or
experiences and the responding to the multimedia
experiences of others. perspectives presentations
Interactive Exercises: presented in the text. providing
Utilize interactive context and
exercises and quizzes to perspectives on
assess students' the topics
comprehension of explicit covered in the
information in texts. texts.
Provide feedback and
reinforcement to support
students' learning and
address any
misconceptions or
difficulties encountered.
8 - Students will Introduction to Text Analysis: Inference Skills: - Evaluation of 45 minutes x 3 - Varied texts
develop the ability Inference material comprehension meetings including
to infer implied Engage in close reading Ability to identify quizzes or literature
information from 1. Understanding activities to analyze texts implicit information assessments excerpts,
texts effectively. Implicit Information and identify clues or and draw logical measuring students' articles, or
- Students will 2. Inference evidence that support conclusions based on ability to make passages
cultivate Strategies making inferences. evidence from the text. accurate inferences covering a
compassion by 3. Recognizing Practice using inference Demonstration of based on evidence range of genres
recognizing the Clues and Evidence strategies such as making understanding of the from the text. and topics,
importance of 4. Character predictions, drawing reasoning process - Assessment of class providing
understanding Motivations conclusions, and involved in making participation and opportunities
others' 5. Drawing Logical analyzing character inferences. contributions to for inference
perspectives and Conclusions motivations. group discussions, practice.
experiences 6. Empathetic Empathetic focusing on students' - Online
implied in texts. Interpretation Discussion Groups: Understanding: engagement, critical resources such
thinking, and as interactive
Facilitate group Recognition of the empathetic inference
discussions where perspectives and understanding of games, digital
students analyze and emotions implied in the implied information. libraries, or
interpret texts together, text, beyond the explicit - Review of written educational
sharing their insights and information provided. responses or websites
inferences. Application of empathy reflections offering
Encourage students to in interpreting and demonstrating inference
consider alternative responding to the students' ability to exercises and
interpretations and implied experiences apply inference skills practice
discuss how different and feelings of others. and empathy in materials.
perspectives influence interpreting and - Supplementary
their understanding of the responding to the materials such
text. implied experiences as videos,
and feelings of podcasts, or
Creative Writing: others. multimedia
Assign writing tasks providing
where students create additional
narratives or dialogues context and
that expand on implicit perspectives on
information hinted at in the themes and
the text. topics covered
Encourage students to in the texts.
explore characters'
thoughts, feelings, and
motivations, fostering
empathy and
9-10 - Students will Review & Practice Group Review Sessions: Comprehensive - Evaluation of 45 minutes x 6 - Review
demonstrate a Understanding: students' meetings materials such
comprehensive Organize group review performance in as vocabulary
understanding of sessions where students Ability to recall and review quizzes or lists, grammar
previously learned work together to review apply previously assessments exercises, and
concepts and key vocabulary, grammar learned vocabulary, measuring their practice
skills. concepts, and language grammar rules, and ability to recall and worksheets
- Students will skills. language structures. apply previously covering
develop Encourage students to Demonstration of learned concepts and previously
compassion by discuss and clarify any proficiency in using skills. learned
supporting and areas of confusion and English language skills - Assessment of peer concepts.
assisting their share strategies for in various contexts. collaboration and - Online
peers in reviewing effective learning. support during group resources
and practicing Peer Support and review sessions, including
English language Peer Practice Exercises: Assistance: focusing on students' interactive
skills. engagement, review games,
Pair students up for Engagement in communication quizzes, and
practice exercises where collaborative review skills, and educational
they take turns practicing sessions where students willingness to assist websites
speaking, listening, assist each other in others. offering
reading, and writing in understanding and - Review of students' additional
English. practicing English written reflections or practice
Encourage students to language concepts. self-assessments materials and
provide feedback to their Demonstrated empathy documenting their tutorials.
partners and offer and compassion learning progress - Peer-reviewed
suggestions for through offering and identifying areas articles, videos,
improvement. support, for further or multimedia
encouragement, and improvement. presentations
Interactive Games and constructive feedback providing
Quizzes: to peers. additional
Incorporate fun and and examples
interactive games and to support
quizzes to reinforce students'
learning and provide understanding
opportunities for students of English
to practice English language
language skills in a concepts and
relaxed setting. skills.
Foster a supportive and
inclusive environment
where all students feel
comfortable participating
and taking risks.
11 - Students will Mid-Test Practice Tests: Language Mastery: Evaluation of students' 90 minutes x 1 Test preparation
demonstrate performance on the mid- meeting materials
comprehension Administer practice tests Ability to comprehend test, assessing their ability including
and application of or quizzes to simulate the and apply vocabulary, to apply English language review guides,
the English format and conditions of grammar rules, reading, skills and concepts within practice tests,
language skills and the mid-test. writing, listening, and the designated time frame. and sample
concepts covered Encourage students to speaking skills in questions
up to the mid-point engage in independent English. aligned with the
of the curriculum. study, as well as peer Demonstration of content and
- Students will study groups to prepare understanding and format of the
cultivate effectively. application of key mid-test.
compassion by language concepts and
providing support structures.
encouragement to Compassionate
their peers during Support:
the mid-test
assessment. Engagement in
supportive actions
towards classmates
during the mid-test,
such as offering
encouragement, and
Demonstrating empathy
and encouragement
towards peers who may
experience stress or
anxiety during the
12-15 See week 1 - 8 Continuation of See week 1 - 8 See week 1 - 8 See week 1 - 8 See week 1 - 8 See week 1 - 8
Topics with Depth
16-17 - Students will Final Exam Review Sessions: Comprehensive - Evaluation of 45 minutes x 6 - Comprehensive
demonstrate Preparation Understanding: students' meetings study guides
comprehensive Organize comprehensive performance in mock covering all
mastery of the review sessions covering Ability to recall and exams or practice topics and skills
English language all topics and skills apply a wide range of tests, assessing their included in the
skills and concepts included in the course vocabulary, grammar readiness for the course
covered syllabus. rules, and language final exam. curriculum.
throughout the Provide opportunities for structures. - Assessment of - Exam
course. students to ask questions, collaborative efforts preparation
- Students will seek clarification, and Demonstration of and peer support materials such
foster compassion practice exam-style proficiency in all during the final as practice
by providing questions. language skills: exam preparation tests, sample
support and Peer Tutoring: reading, writing, process, including questions, and
encouragement to listening, and speaking. participation in study review
their peers during Facilitate peer tutoring groups and peer worksheets.
the final exam sessions where students Collaborative tutoring sessions. - Online
preparation can teach and learn from Support: - Review of study resources
process. each other. materials, notes, and including
Encourage students to Engagement in other resources instructional
share their knowledge, collaborative study utilized by students videos,
explain concepts, and groups or peer tutoring during the interactive
provide support to sessions to review and preparation period. quizzes, and
classmates. reinforce learning. educational
Demonstrating empathy websites
Mock Exams: and compassion by offering
offering assistance, additional
Administer mock exams encouragement, and support and
or practice tests to understanding to peers. practice
simulate the format and opportunities.
conditions of the final - Peer-reviewed
exam. articles,
Provide feedback and textbooks, or
guidance to students reference
based on their materials
performance in mock providing in-
exams. depth
and examples
to supplement
learning and
18 - Students will Mid-Test Practice Tests: Language Mastery: Evaluation of 90 minutes x 1 Test preparation
demonstrate students' meeting materials
comprehension Administer practice tests Ability to comprehend performance on the including
and application of or quizzes to simulate the and apply vocabulary, mid-test, assessing review guides,
the English format and conditions of grammar rules, reading, their ability to apply practice tests,
language skills and the mid-test. writing, listening, and English language and sample
concepts covered Encourage students to speaking skills in skills and concepts questions
up to curriculum. engage in independent English. within the designated aligned with the
- Students will study, as well as peer Demonstration of time frame. content and
cultivate study groups to prepare understanding and format of the
compassion by effectively. application of key final-test.
providing support language concepts and
and structures.
encouragement to
their peers during Compassionate
the final-test Support:
Engagement in
supportive actions
towards classmates
during the mid-test,
such as offering
encouragement, and
Demonstrating empathy
and encouragement
towards peers who may
experience stress or
anxiety during the