117 Mtce A
117 Mtce A
117 Mtce A
The oldest A380 aircraft are now approaching the end of their first base
check cycle over a 12-year period. Positive maintenance inspection results
a check cycle, releasing the aircraft for longer periods of operational
availability. Sandra Everest examines the A380’s base maintenance inputs.
System 140 109 23 1 12 42 24 68 199 73 57 748
Structures 113 505 260 878
Zonal 191 191
GVI: General Visual Inspection, DET: Detailed Inspection, SDI: Special Detailed Inspection, CHK: Check, SVC:
Servicing, VCK: Visual Check, LUB: Lubrication, FNC: Functional Check, OPC Operational Check, DIS: Discard
AF: Airframe, EN: Engine, NDT: Non-Destructive Testing, AV: Avionics,CL: Cleaning, LU: Lubrication,
EL: Electrics, RA: Radio and Communications, UT: Utilities
one aircraft grounding and C check over “Two airlines are currently validating
each six-year period. There will now be the 36MO base check interval through MPD content
two base checks instead of three in the their local authorities,” adds Salles-
72-month interval, and just four checks Parfouby. “Other airlines are taking into
in the cycle (see table, page 38). account the revised MPD, based on their System tasks
The A380 C checks will move to needs, organisation and time The Rev 13 MPD Systems, APU and
36MO or 18,000FH, 72MO or constraints.” Powerplant section contains 748 tasks
36,000FH, 108MO or 54,000FH, and As the process of report collection is within about 110 different inspection
144MO or 72,000FH. The larger undertaken for all tasks, there is potential interval groupings. These intervals use
groupings of structural inspections tasks to extend some larger structural task one or a combination of two FH, FC, and
at 72MO and 144MO will still be in line groupings at 6YE and 12YE. calendar parameters. AH is also used
with the second and fourth C check in a “We still need to collect data from the when referring to APU hour utilisation.
cycle. That is, the C2 and C4 checks. 72MO events,” continues Salles- Of the 748 tasks, 242 are FH-driven,
This check escalation has been Parfouby. “After only 10 years of service 23 are FC-driven, 371 are calendar-based,
achieved by analysing the in-service fleet there have obviously been far fewer and 57 are a combination of FH/FC or
findings down to individual task level. 72MO checks than 24MO checks. Yes, MO. The remaining 55 tasks are related
“For the aircraft in service each the 72MO tasks could be extended with to vendor or NOTE references for
individual task in terms of the escalation the reports we receive from the operators, interval requirements.
programme is looked at,” explains but you have to keep in mind that The Systems section inspections
Stegerer. “The reports that we get back increasing the interval of 72MO will outline aircraft systems and aircraft
on content of the task or the potential affect the synchronisation of the 144MO component scheduled maintenance tasks.
findings will either lead to escalation of check. With maintenance planning, The term aircraft component covers the
that particular task or not.” synchronisation is key to avoid additional engines and APU.
“The path for escalating the A checks costs.” Of the 748 tasks, 582 apply to all
from 750FH to 1,000FH was secured in For operators that choose to move to A380-800s, 48 cover the A380-841/842,
2016,” adds Salles-Parfouby. “The next the 36MO cycle after their maintenance 35 apply to the A380-861, and 83 apply
step in the process was to proceed with programmes have been validated by local according to each aircraft’s modification
the C check escalation programme during authorities, a bridging check would be (mod) status.
2017. The result is that many of the performed at the next convenient base Inspections contained in the Systems
24MO and 24MO/12,000FH tasks are check that would release the aircraft onto section cover 11 task codes and nine skill
being escalated to 36MO, equal to about a 36MO cycle. codes, and originate from numerous
18,000FH; and the 48MO tasks are being “The check escalations have the source documents. Task codes define the
escalated to 72MO. potential to introduce a 10% reduction in type of task, for example: FNC for a
“There are still some 24MO and maintenance costs when applied to the functional check, LUB for a lubrication
48MO tasks where we need to collect main maintenance events at 1,000FH and task, or DET for a detailed inspection.
and review more airline reports, so in the 36MO over the 12YE maintenance Skill codes define the required experience
meantime the interval will not change,” cycle,” explains Stegerer. or trade knowledge required for the task,
adds Salles-Parfouby. “This is a “The main point is that the aircraft for example: RA for radio and
continuous process of information has more potential for flexibility in the communications, CL for cleaning, or
collection.” maintenance programme. Its in-service NDT for non-destructive testing. The
While Airbus will retrieve all the behaviour so far has allowed Airbus to Task and Skill code overview is detailed
reports from across the airlines to get extend intervals at an individual task (see table, this page).
individual task escalations increased level,” adds Stegerer. “There is always, Of the listed inspections, 726 have a
inside the MRB Report leading into the however, a balance to be found. Pushing 100% interval only over 95 different
MPD, each airline will discuss its own for longer intervals for the sake of it does groupings, while 22 tasks have 100%
reliability programme with its local not make sense, but it shows how easy it threshold over 15 different groupings. Of
authority to obtain approval on interval is to maintain the aircraft in terms of the tasks with initial thresholds and
escalation. ground time and packaging.” repeat intervals, six groupings have
A380 MAI M
groupings fall due with this group. Inspections contained in the section Most of the tasks have reduced
There are 112 systems tasks that will cover only three task codes (DET, SDI intervals in comparison to the initial
most likely fall due before the C checks. and GVI) and three skill codes (AF, EN threshold. This can vary from as little as
The largest quantity grouping is the and NDT). Numerous source documents 100FC less than the original threshold, to
750FH group of nine tasks. The lowest are referenced (see table, page 40). more than halving the initial threshold.
frequency tasks are at 48 hours. As well as monitoring the aircraft Unlike older Airbus types, the A380
structure for fatigue and accident MPD was not released with a separate set
damage, the purpose of the Structures of thresholds and intervals for sampling
Structures inspections includes controlling corrosion aircraft which often represented a
The Revision 13 MPD Structures to a level 1 or better. percentage of the oldest aircraft in the
section contains 878 tasks with 530 As a guide, if corrosion is found on operator’s fleet.
different threshold and intervals inspection of the aircraft structure, it is “There are no tasks in the A380’s
groupings using calendar, FH or FC given a level of 1-3 for defect reporting. MPD relating to the MRBR fatigue-
parameters or a combination of interval Level 1 corrosion can be blended out sampling programme as in the case of
parameters. By far the most are FC and within the permitted limits by the previous aircraft maintenance
FH combinations. aircraft’s Structural Repair Manual programmes,” explains Salles-Parfouby.
Of the 878 tasks, three are FH-driven, (SRM) or per inspection documents used. “Instead, a fatigue-monitoring
83 are FC-driven, 243 are calendar-based, Level 2 corrosion is reported if the area to programme has been developed.
and 545 are a combination of either FH be blended out exceeds the permitted Operators have benefited from more than
or FC and MO. The remaining four tasks limits requiring repair or replacement, a 90% reduction in the number of MRBR
are related to Vendor or NOTE references while Level 3 corrosion is determined to sampling tasks which feed the MPD.”
for interval requirements. be of an airworthiness nature and Landing gears, however, are involved
Of the 878 tasks, 801 apply to all requires potential fleetwide inspection. in a fleetwide sampling programme
A380-800s, 26 to the A380-841/842, 32 All structures tasks use an initial controlled independently of the MPD.
to the A380-861, and 19 apply according threshold and repeat interval apart from For maintenance planning purposes,
to the A380-800 mod status. one task that has only a 100% interval. landing gears are to be removed for ‘off
aircraft’ restoration at
144MO/12,700FC. For sampling
purposes, gears from different climate
regions are being removed at an earlier
interval for initial inspections.
“We have begun a controlled
sampling programme of the landing gears
at the request of authorities,” explains
Salles-Parfouby. “The first MSN landing
gear has been inspected with no
significant findings to report that could
amend the current proposed interval of
144MO/12,700FC. The second gear for
sampling was removed from another
MSN in March 2018, and was in very
good condition, and another is due in
August 2018. With no significant
findings, that part of the aircraft is
behaving as predicted.”
Deep access requirements for cabin
and freight bays will be driven primarily
by the structural section 72MO and
144MO task groupings.
For 72MO calendar-driven
inspections there are 132 tasks: 106 apply
to all aircraft, five to the A380-841/842,
11 to the A380-860, and 10 to the A380-
800 per mod status. Additional task
groupings are two tasks at
72MO/3,800FC/28,000FH, and one task
at 72MO/6,300FC.
Access for the 72MO inspections
includes, for example, removal of: wheels
and brakes; ballast weights and insulation
at specific locations; lavatories and
galleys; and interior ceiling and sidewalls.
Engines and pylons also have heavy
access requirements.
For the 144MO
Multiplying the OEM’s estimated MH
by a reality or conversion factor has been
an accepted method over many years to
determine actual inspection MH figures
to resource base maintenance checks. In
previous Aircraft Commerce A380
articles, (see The A380’s & 747-8’s design
& maintenance requirements, Aircraft
Commerce, February/March 2012, page
45), operators noted a conversion factor
There are another 29 tasks at 48MO into one place. The MH information of up to 7 is being used, while experience
intervals: 15 apply to all, seven to the supplied is in the usual Airbus format of was being obtained on the aircraft type.
A380-841/842 and seven to the A380- Task, Prep and Access. While during the initial few base
861. These cover deeper access The Task, Prep and Access MH checks this may have been the case,
requirements, including access gained for listings cover aspects of inspection industry feedback has determined that a
internal cockpit, avionics compartment requirements: Task MH for the actual task-by-task MH evaluation is instead
and pylon inspections. Engine inspections technical performance of the required taking place. “Such a factor is of course
are listed only once in the MPD if the MPD listing; Access MH for panel only a rough guideline; we evaluate every
inspection applies to all four engines. The removal/re-fit and door opening/closing; single case during first accomplishment,”
four engine zones listed against the MPD and Prep MH for specific area or explains Christian Rieckborn, fleet
will confirm if inspections apply to all. A component preparation needed to manager (A380) at Lufthansa Technik.
large percentage of these tasks have been correctly complete the inspection. Of course, routine check figures will
escalated to 72MO in Revision 14 of the Preparation hours require close vary according to the internal cabin
MPD. attention. Details of aircraft interior layout of each fleet. Access MH figures
There are 38 tasks listed at a 72MO furnishing, galley/lavatory removals, will account for a large proportion of
interval: 31 apply to all aircraft, and landing gear, engine, even insulation MH calculations. In a three-class interior
seven to the location of galleys and blanket removal, will be covered by the configuration, 16 lavatories, 17 galley
lavatories. Twenty-eight of these Prep MH. Large MH tasks will be found modules, and additional wet floor areas
inspections require access to specific areas here. where bars are located, typically must be
of cabin and cargo compartment One example of a preparation removed on the structural checks.
equipment, furnishings, and floor panel requirement with guide MH figures Crew rest area maintenance
removals. supplied is the Zonal GVI of the main
The 96MO task grouping has only deck’s forward mid-cabin and utility area.
four tasks: two apply to all aircraft; one To complete this, floor panels, insulation,
to the A380-841/842; and one to the lavatories and galleys, seats and sidewall
A380-861. These tasks have wing, pylon panels must be removed. Preparation
and body fairing access requirements. areas are listed within the tasks content,
There are 47 144MO tasks, of which and a guide of 91.82MH provided.
45 apply to all aircraft; one to the A380- Panel removal requirements are listed
841/842; and one to the A380-861. next to each MPD task where required,
Like the 72MO grouping, there are along with associated MH. Appendix 6
extensive cabin, cargo compartment and of the MPD lists all 1,340 panel numbers
fuel tank access requirements. and doors on the aircraft with guide
removal/refit MH.
The MPD still has tasks with MH
A380 base checks listed as to be determined (TBD) where
Airbus is yet to list the MH requirement.
Under Task, 95 inspections are listed with
Man-hours MH as TBD. Two are listed under Access
The MPD shows MH in decimal requirements, and 82 under Prep
format within each Systems, Structures requirements. Often these tasks have FC
and Zonal section. In the Excel version of or FH intervals, and require NDT
the MPD there is a labour calculator that inspection or unique access.
collates all MPD inspection information Where N/A is quoted, MH do not
In general, for the first base check finish. By completing these critical Industry feedback for the base routine
cycle the ratio of defects to routine inspections as early as possible, you have with adjusted MPD MH that includes
inspection MH starts at 0.3:1 for the C1 a better chance to obtain all the support access and preparation MH, customer-
check. It increases throughout the check you need from Airbus for parts specific tasks and aircraft handling is as
cycle, and is expected to reach 0.7:1 to procurement to get the aircraft back follows: C1/24MO check is 5,000-
1:1 for the 12YE check. Some operators together in time.” 6,000MH; the C2/48MO check is 7,000-
represent this ratio as a percentage. 8,000MH; and the 6YE check (often
There are 89 A380 aircraft in active referred to as a C3 or 72MO check) is
service that are more than six years old, Check totals 25,000-27,000MH. The large rise in the
and so will have accomplished their first Some tasks in each maintenance check 6YE figures includes the overhaul of the
structural check at the 6YE interval. will include clearing inspections ahead to cabin furnishings and seats.
Defect findings from the in-service minimise maintenance ground time Using an escalating NR ratio for the
aircraft have been reported as on par between checks. base routine, preparation and access MH
with other aircraft types, or lower. An example of this is a base check at figures supplied by the airlines, the check
“Based on a 72MO check, our 24MO that may include both 18MO and total at 24MO, the labour required is
experience is that NR findings are lower 24MO calendar tasks, tasks between 6,500-7,800MH. This is using 0.3 defect
than for other fleets,” adds Rieckborn. 9,000FH and 19,000FH, and tasks due at MH for every routine inspection MH.
“Usually corrosion of the seat tracks is a 1,200-2,400FC. Using an optimised The C2 check total at 48MO is
major issue, but the use of titanium tracks check format, some FH and FC tasks may 9,100-10,400MH, using a defect ratio of
means this does not apply to Lufthansa be moved to small line checks to gain full 0.3MH per routine MH. The 6YE, often
aircraft. Many issues have been addressed utilisation of the inspection parameter. In referred to as a C3 or 72MO check, has
by modifications prior to the layover, an FH- and FC-optimised maintenance an NR guide ratio of 0.4:1, with a labour
however, so there are no surprises.” programme, such as the A380’s, few base requirement of 35,000-37,800MH.
“The ratio of routine to NR work for checks will be the same. For a more detailed look at the C2 at
the A380 is no different to any other Since the A380 entered service, Airbus 48MO, a routine figure across all trades
Airbus aircraft,” adds a spokesperson for has collected in-service MPD MH data with the MPD-factored and customer-
Etihad Airways Engineering (EAE). from various operators to use as guide specific cards included is 5,000MH, with
“With the scale of the aircraft it is estimates for checks. For the routine 1,300MH for access and preparation,
important to hit planned inspection MPD tasks only including access and and another 1,000MH for ground
targets early. In our maintenance check preparation, this is as follows: C1/24MO handling/technical cleaning/final
plans we have what we call a Critical check is 1,500MH, the C2/48MO check functions/de-fuelling/planning and
Determination Point (CDP), which is is 2,100MH, and the 6YE check (which engineering support. This equates to a
where all the critical inspection can be referred to as the C3 or 72MO guide check figure of 7,300MH. When a
requirements of the check are targeted to check), is up to 16,000MH. 0.3:1 defect ratio is applied to the base
12YE/144MO check
The first 12YE checks are now under Beyond 12YE check
way. Experience from the 6YE structural As expected, a large number of task
checks will be a huge factor in estimating thresholds fall beyond the 12YE check
MH required for the 12YE check. cycle within the structural inspection
Currently end-of-lease aircraft are the programme. Utilisation of each aircraft
first to have the scheduled check. While will affect when these intervals are
shop-floor data collection will be of reached in terms of calendar time.
interest to other airlines planning for the For example, there are 37 different
checks, any additional requirements, thresholds for 39 different tasks from
including cabin configuration changes 8,500FC to 8,900FC, and which have a
and general cosmetic work, will disturb 62,600FH to 66,000FH back stop. The
the potential flow of the scheduled higher FC aircraft utilisation will hit this
maintenance data for collection purposes. at 13-14 years, while the higher FH
Airbus is in constant contact with utilisation aircraft will hit this at 12-13
customers leading up to the checks. years. For these aircraft the tasks will
“For everything around the most likely be cleared on the 12YE check.
preparation of the check, Airbus is in For lower FC utilisation aircraft, the
constant communication with the same tasks will fall due at 19-20 years,
operator for support needs,” explains while the lower FH utilisation aircraft
Salles-Parfouby. “This includes the will hit this at 14-15 years. For these
availability of Ground Support aircraft the inspection tasks will either be
Equipment (GSE), carrying out repair and included on a case-by-case basis, or
risk assessments, and to support any task brought forward to the 12YE check.
optimisation the operator is looking for Another 211 tasks fall due from
or would like to proceed with.” 9,000FC to 18,700FC, and 66,600FH to
“We estimate that the aircraft will 136,000FH. These will come due at 15-
require 50,000MH for the technical 30 years of age in accordance with most
inspection tasks and defect rectification,” airlines’ rates of utilisation. Most of these
explains Stegerer. “This figure excludes are NDT inspections, including X-ray.
any preparation, access, or cabin Many of the tasks have a reduced
reconfiguration work, or repainting that repeat TxL9m%%9qd9dT
9qd9dTdL[h -)]nTxL9m1.1qd9dT
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may be needed. So more than 50,000MH
will be needed in an airline operation