Question Demo
Question Demo
Question Demo
Graphic Design
Unit of Competency 1/ work in a self-directed team
2/ Carry out workplace interaction in English
3/ Carry out communication with clients
4/Operate office application software
5/ Comply to ethical standards in ICT work place
6/ Use graphic design application software
7/ Create stationary design
8/ Convert raster to vector
9/ perform basic image editing
10/ Perform basic color correction
3 Which of the following is an essential skill for effective workplace interaction in the design sector?
a. Active listening b. Avoiding Eye contact
C. Interrupting others d. Multitasking during conversations
4 Which of the following is a common challenge faced during workplace and design sector
a. Time Constraints
The process of developing a cohesive system of design elements, such as a logo, colors, typography,
illustrations, and photography, is known as brand design.
A mockup is a detailed visual representation of a design or product, showing how it will look and work
in real life.
একটট মকআ হ একটট ফিজোইন বো গযযর একটট ফবশদ ফিজযযযো উ স্থো নো, যো লদখোয লয এটট
বোস্তব জীবগন কীিোগব লদখোগব এবং কোজ করগব।