04 Customizable Localisation Warrior Lodges
04 Customizable Localisation Warrior Lodges
04 Customizable Localisation Warrior Lodges
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse }
localisation_key = string_norse_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri }
localisation_key = string_tengri_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic }
localisation_key = string_baltic_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish }
localisation_key = string_finnish_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic }
localisation_key = string_slavic_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african }
localisation_key = string_west_african_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun }
localisation_key = string_zun_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
localisation_key = string_bon_training
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic }
localisation_key = string_hellenic_training
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_norse_training #fallback, in case it fails to
find relevant info
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse }
localisation_key = string_norse_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri }
localisation_key = string_tengri_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic }
localisation_key = string_baltic_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish }
localisation_key = string_finnish_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic }
localisation_key = string_slavic_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african }
localisation_key = string_west_african_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun }
localisation_key = string_zun_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
localisation_key = string_bon_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic }
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol #"the gods". Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = { #Used here and there? Made *singular*, on purpose...
name = GetWarriorLodgeSymbolShort #forest, light, wolf, etc...
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse }
localisation_key = string_norse_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri }
localisation_key = string_tengri_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic }
localisation_key = string_baltic_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish }
localisation_key = string_finnish_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic }
localisation_key = string_slavic_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african }
localisation_key = string_west_african_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun }
localisation_key = string_zun_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
localisation_key = string_bon_symbol_short
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic }
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol_short
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol_short #"the gods". Fallback,
in case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = { #Used here and there? Made *singular*, on purpose...
name = GetWarriorLodgeSymbolShortCap #Forest, Light, Wolf, etc...
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse }
localisation_key = string_norse_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri }
localisation_key = string_tengri_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic }
localisation_key = string_baltic_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish }
localisation_key = string_finnish_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic }
localisation_key = string_slavic_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african }
localisation_key = string_west_african_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun }
localisation_key = string_zun_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
localisation_key = string_bon_symbol_short_cap
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic }
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol_short_cap
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_hellenic_symbol_short_cap #"the gods".
Fallback, in case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = { #Used in HFP.11037 (battle event)
name = GetSkullTrophyComment
text = {
trigger = { has_character_flag = took_enemy_skull }
localisation_key = string_took_skull
text = {
trigger = { NOT = { has_character_flag = took_enemy_skull } }
localisation_key = string_didnt_take_skull
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_didnt_take_skull #same as no skull
defined_text = { #Used in HFP.11038 (battle event)
name = GetWarriorBattleNick
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_norse_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_tengri }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_tengri_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_baltic_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_finnish_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_slavic_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_west_african }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_west_african_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_zun }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_zun_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_bon_symbol
text = {
trigger = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic }
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_hellenic_symbol
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_battle_nick_neutral_symbol #"Battering Ram".
Fallback, in case it fails to find relevant info
text = {
trigger = {
event_target:my_war_target = {
location = {
#Is either a coastal province accessible via water...
is_coastal = yes
can_naval_path_to = { target =
event_target:home_capital distance < 1000 }
#And they are not accessible via land...
NOT = { can_land_path_to = { target =
event_target:home_capital distance < 1000 } }
localisation_key = string_sail_your_ships
text = {
trigger = {
event_target:my_war_target = {
location = {
OR = {
AND = {
#Or they are accessible via land...
event_target:home_capital = { is_coastal = no }
can_land_path_to = { target =
event_target:home_capital distance < 1000 }
AND = { #Or not a coastal place...
is_coastal = no
can_land_path_to = { target =
event_target:home_capital distance < 1000 }
#event_target:home_capital = { distance =
{ where = PREV distance < 1000 } }
localisation_key = string_march_your_troops
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_march_your_troops
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_norse } }
localisation_key = string_WL_norse_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_tengri } }
localisation_key = string_WL_tengri_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_baltic } }
localisation_key = string_WL_baltic_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_finnish } }
localisation_key = string_WL_finnish_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_slavic } }
localisation_key = string_WL_slavic_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_west_african } }
localisation_key = string_WL_west_african_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_zun } }
localisation_key = string_WL_zun_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_bon } }
localisation_key = string_WL_bon_religion
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_society = warrior_lodge_hellenic } }
localisation_key = string_WL_hellenic_religion
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_no_religion # Fallback, in case it fails to
find relevant info
# (male eunuch)
# They claim you are no longer a man, but, I ask, were you ever?
# You were already a girl in every way before even losing your manhood.
# Your manhood was not cut: it shriveled off for lack of use.
# (female)
# Was there ever a fouler place than the cave between your legs?
# Your wailing is such that your lovers need to bed you with earplugs.
# Do you dress as a warrior because you could never pass for a lady?
# No place is as desolate and maggot-riddled as your womb.
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_1
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_2
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_3
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_4
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_5
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_6
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_7
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_8
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_9
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_10
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_option_11
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_prowess_insult_option_default # Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = {
name = GetCharacterInsultOption
# (based on looks)
# Were you always this ugly, or did you just lose one too many brawls?
(not fair/groomed)
# I might have to yield, looking at your face is too great an offence to
bear. (not fair/groomed)
# [From.GetFirstName] is so repulsive children flee at [From.GetHerHis]
sight. (ugly)
# [From.GetFirstName] face is so grotesque it scares wolves and cracks stone.
# What god did your mother offend to curse you with such a revolting look?
# It is telling how often [From.GetFirstName] has to remind us that she a
woman. (ugly, female)
# (based on strength)
# It is telling how much faster you are to play word games over proper
fights. (not strong)
# I am still unsure what made you think a weakling like you can be one of us.
(not strong)
# Was there ever a weaker fighter recruited to [From.Society.GetName]?
# I am impressed you managed to get on this table without breaking a bone...
# Does the little girl need her hand held before she faints?
# I shall try to speak softly, lest my voice strikes you dead.
# Delicate as a flower, [From.GetFirstName] yet clings to dreams of war.
# (based on intellect)
# Was there ever a problem [From.GetFirstName]'s mind couldn't avoid solving?
(not smart)
# Are you truly as dumb as you look, I wonder?
(not smart)
# I will be using big words now, [From.GetFirstName], try to keep up.
# You realize this is a game that requires wit, right?
# I am looking forward to your grunts of rebuttal, for sure.
# Is it really such a surprise you jumped at the chance to yap some more?
# Are you sure you wouldn't rather give up and go hide in a corner?
# One can hardly find anything bad or good to say about [From.GetFirstName].
# Saying you are the dullest [From.GetManWoman] I ever met would give you too
much credit.
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { OR = { trait = proud trait = groomed } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_1
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = gluttonous } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_2
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = envious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_3
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = slothful } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_4
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = greedy } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_5
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = wroth } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_6
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = lustful } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_7
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = uncouth } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_8
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_attractive_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_9
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_attractive_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_10
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_11
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_12
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_13
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_female = yes has_unattractive_trait_trigger =
yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_14
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_strong_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_15
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_strong_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_16
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_17
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_18
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_19
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_20
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_21
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_smart_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_22
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_smart_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_23
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_24
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_25
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_26
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = gregarious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_27
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { OR = { trait = craven trait = shy } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_28
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_alive = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_29
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { is_alive = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_option_30
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_character_insult_option_default # Fallback,
in case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = {
name = GetAccomplishmentsInsultOption
X <-- Don't go beyond here.
# Not every [From.Culture.GetName] can be satisfied with so little...
(not ambitious)
# I suppose being born with so few skills makes mediocrity desirable?
(not ambitious)
# Better be careful not to trip over your broken dreams on your way out.
(not ambitious)
# How does it feel to be the black sheep of your dynasty?
(not ambitious)
# I can scarcely believe how little a [From.GetTitle] like you could
accomplish. (not ambitious)
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = ambitious } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_1
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = ambitious } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_2
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = ambitious } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_3
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = ambitious } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_4
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = ambitious } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_5
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = ambitious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_6
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = ambitious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_7
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { trait = ambitious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_accomplishments_insult_option_8
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_accomplishments_insult_option_default #
Fallback, in case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = {
name = GetFamilyInsultOption
X <-- Don't go beyond here.
# I guess, after seeing how you came out, your parents simply gave up?
(only child)
# So, how is the wretched harpy that spawned you, [From.GetFirstName]?
(living mother)
# I have heard great, hilarious tales about your father's cowardice.
# If you are the best your folks can offer, I dread the sight of your
siblings. (has siblings)
# I cannot lie: your parents confided me that you are their greatest mistake.
(living parents)
# Let us be quick about this game, your mother's legs still wait for me.
(living mother, vs male/lesb)
# Eager to return to that toad you call wife?
(married, male)
# Eager to return to that spineless worm you call husband?
(married, female)
# Tell me, how many times did you stomp on your kids' heads?
(with children)
# One can only hope your children sprung from a stronger seed than yours.
(married with children, male)
# What sort of imbeciles would not expose a revolting child like you at
birth? (vs cruel)
# Of all the drooling imbeciles making up your family, you are the worst.
(vs cruel)
# I guess a deficiency of honor and bravery runs deep within your family...
(vs cruel)
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
NOR = {
father_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
mother_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_1
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_2
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_3
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
OR = {
father_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
mother_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_4
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
father_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_5
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
is_female = no
AND = { is_female = yes trait = homosexual }
FROM = {
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_6
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_married = yes
is_female = no
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_7
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_married = yes
is_female = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_8
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
num_of_children = 2
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_9
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_female = no
num_of_children = 2
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_10
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_11
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_12
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_13
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_14
text = {
trigger = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_15
text = {
trigger = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_16
text = {
trigger = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_option_17
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_family_insult_option_default # Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
# (male eunuch)
# They claim you are no longer a man, but, I ask, were you ever?
# You were already a girl in every way before even losing your manhood.
# Your manhood was not cut: it shriveled off for lack of use.
# (female)
# Was there ever a fouler place than the cave between your legs?
# Your wailing is such that your lovers need to bed you with earplugs.
# Do you dress as a warrior because you could never pass for a lady?
# No place is as desolate and maggot-riddled as your womb.
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_1
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_2
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_3
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no NOT = { trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_4
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_5
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_6
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no trait = eunuch } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_7
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_8
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_9
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_10
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_11
#Additional variants
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no NOR = { is_close_relative = FROM
trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_12
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = eunuch NOT = { is_close_relative =
FROM } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_13
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes NOT = { is_close_relative = FROM }
} }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_14
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = no is_close_relative = FROM NOT =
{ trait = eunuch } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_15
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = eunuch is_close_relative = FROM } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_16
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes is_close_relative = FROM } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_prowess_insult_desc_17
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_prowess_insult_desc_default # Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = {
name = GetCharacterInsultDesc
# (based on looks)
# Were you always this ugly, or did you just lose one too many brawls?
(not fair/groomed)
# I might have to yield, looking at your face is too great an offense to
bear. (not fair/groomed)
# [From.GetFirstName] is so repulsive children flee at [From.GetHerHis]
sight. (ugly)
# [From.GetFirstName] face is so grotesque it scares wolves and cracks stone.
# What god did your mother offend to curse you with such a revolting look?
# It is telling how often [From.GetFirstName] has to remind us that she a
woman. (ugly, female)
# (based on strength)
# It is telling how much eager you are to play word games over proper fights.
(not strong)
# I am still unsure what made you think a weakling like you can be one of us.
(not strong)
# Was there ever a weaker fighter recruited to [From.Society.GetName]?
# I am impressed you managed to get on this table without breaking a bone...
# Does the little girl need her hand held before she faints?
# I shall try to speak softly, lest my voice strikes you dead.
# Delicate as a flower, [From.GetFirstName] yet clings to dreams of war.
# (based on intellect)
# Was there ever a problem [From.GetFirstName]'s mind couldn't avoid solving?
(not smart)
# Are you truly as dumb as you look, I wonder?
(not smart)
# I will be using big words now, [From.GetFirstName], try to keep up.
# You realize this is a game that requires wit, right?
# I am looking forward to your grunts of rebuttal, for sure.
# Is it really such a surprise you jumped at the chance to yap some more?
# Are you sure you wouldn't rather give up and go hide in a corner?
# One can hardly find anything bad or good to say about [From.GetFirstName].
# Saying you are the dullest [From.GetManWoman] I ever met would give you too
much credit.
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { OR = { trait = proud trait = groomed } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_1
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = gluttonous } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_2
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = envious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_3
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = slothful } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_4
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = greedy } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_5
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = wroth } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_6
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_7
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = uncouth } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_8
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_attractive_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_9
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_attractive_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_10
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_11
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_12
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { has_unattractive_trait_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_13
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_female = yes has_unattractive_trait_trigger =
yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_14
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_strong_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_15
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_strong_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_16
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_17
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_18
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_19
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_20
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_weak_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_21
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_smart_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_22
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_smart_trigger = no } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_23
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_24
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_25
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_dumb_trigger = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_26
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = gregarious } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_27
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { OR = { trait = craven trait = shy } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_28
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_alive = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_29
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { is_alive = yes } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_30
#Additional variants
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful is_female = no prefers_men_trigger
= no } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_31
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful is_female = no prefers_men_trigger
= yes } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_32
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful is_female = yes
prefers_men_trigger = yes } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_33
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful is_female = yes
prefers_men_trigger = no } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_34
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = gluttonous } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet
} } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_35
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = envious } FROM = { NOT = { trait =
poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_36
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = greedy } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_37
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = slothful } FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet }
} }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_38
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = wroth } FROM = { NOT = { trait =
poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_39
text = {
trigger = { FROM = { NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_40
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { OR = { trait = proud trait = groomed } } FROM =
{ trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_41
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful prefers_men_trigger = no } FROM =
{ trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_42
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = lustful prefers_men_trigger = yes } FROM =
{ trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_43
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = gluttonous } FROM = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_44
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = envious } FROM = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_45
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = greedy } FROM = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_46
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = slothful } FROM = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_47
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { trait = wroth } FROM = { trait = poet } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_48
text = {
trigger = { ROOT = { OR = { trait = proud trait = groomed } } FROM =
{ NOT = { trait = poet } } }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_character_insult_desc_49
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_character_insult_desc_default # Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
defined_text = {
name = GetAccomplishmentsInsultDesc
X <-- Don't go beyond here.
# Not every [From.Culture.GetName] can be satisfied with so little...
(not ambitious)
# I suppose being born with so few skills makes mediocrity desirable?
(not ambitious)
# Better be careful not to trip over your broken dreams on your way out.
(not ambitious)
# How does it feel to be the black sheep of your dynasty?
(not ambitious)
# I can scarcely believe how little a [From.GetTitle] like you could
accomplish. (not ambitious)
defined_text = {
name = GetFamilyInsultDesc
X <-- Don't go beyond here.
# I guess, after seeing how you came out, your parents simply gave up?
(only child)
# So, how is the wretched harpy that spawned you, [From.GetFirstName]?
(living mother)
# I have heard great, hilarious tales about your father's cowardice.
# If you are the best your folks can offer, I dread the sight of your
siblings. (has siblings)
# I cannot lie: your parents confided me that you are their greatest mistake.
(living parents)
# Let us be quick about this game, your mother's legs still wait for me.
(living mother, vs male/lesb)
# Eager to return to that toad you call wife?
(married, male)
# Eager to return to that spineless worm you call husband?
(married, female)
# Tell me, how many times did you stomp on your kids' heads?
(with children)
# One can only hope your children sprung from a stronger seed than yours.
(married with children, male)
# What sort of imbeciles would not expose a revolting child like you at
birth? (vs cruel)
# Of all the drooling imbeciles making up your family, you are the worst.
(vs cruel)
# I guess a deficiency of honor and bravery runs deep within your family...
(vs cruel)
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
NOR = {
father_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
mother_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_1
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_2
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_3
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
OR = {
father_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
mother_even_if_dead = { num_of_children = 2 }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_4
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
father_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_5
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
OR = {
is_female = no
AND = { is_female = yes trait = homosexual }
ROOT = {
mother_even_if_dead = { is_alive = yes }
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_6
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_married = yes
is_female = no
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_7
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_married = yes
is_female = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_8
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
num_of_children = 2
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_9
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_female = no
num_of_children = 2
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_10
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_11
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_12
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_13
text = {
trigger = {
ROOT = {
is_alive = yes
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_14
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_15
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_16
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_17
#Additional variants
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
NOT = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_18
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_19
text = {
trigger = {
FROM = {
trait = cruel
localisation_key = string_WL_flyting_family_insult_desc_20
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_family_insult_desc_default # Fallback, in
case it fails to find relevant info
text = {
trigger = { has_character_flag = bloodline_quality_1 }
localisation_key = string_summary_1
text = {
trigger = { has_character_flag = bloodline_quality_2 }
localisation_key = string_summary_2
text = {
trigger = { has_character_flag = bloodline_quality_3 }
localisation_key = string_summary_3
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = string_summary_1 # Fallback, in case it fails to
find relevant info
text = {
trigger = { has_character_modifier = pet_hunting_eagle }
localisation_key = String_sky_hunter
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_modifier = pet_hunting_dog
trait = hunter
localisation_key = String_hunter
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = strategist
has_character_modifier = adept_of_strategy
trait = brilliant_strategist
localisation_key = String_strategist_role
text = {
localisation_key = String_warrior
text = {
localisation_key = String_fighter
text = {
trigger = {
prestige = 2000
localisation_key = String_champion
text = {
localisation_key = String_soldier
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
leader_traits = 1
has_minor_title = title_commander
localisation_key = String_commander
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
leader_traits = 1
trait = wroth
localisation_key = String_brute
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = duelist
duelist_skill_is_high_group_trigger = yes
localisation_key = String_duelist
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_warrior # Fallback, in case it fails to find
relevant info
text = {
trigger = { has_character_modifier = pet_hunting_eagle }
localisation_key = String_Sky_Hunter
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_modifier = pet_hunting_dog
trait = hunter
localisation_key = String_Hunter
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = strategist
has_character_modifier = adept_of_strategy
trait = brilliant_strategist
localisation_key = String_Strategist
text = {
localisation_key = String_Warrior
text = {
localisation_key = String_Fighter
text = {
trigger = {
prestige = 2000
localisation_key = String_Champion
text = {
localisation_key = String_Soldier
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
leader_traits = 1
has_minor_title = title_commander
localisation_key = String_Commander
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
leader_traits = 1
trait = wroth
localisation_key = String_Brute
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = duelist
duelist_skill_is_high_group_trigger = yes
localisation_key = String_Duelist
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_Warrior # Fallback, in case it fails to find
relevant info
text = {
localisation_key = String_bravery_lesson
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_bravery@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_bravery@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_ambition_lesson
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_ambition@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_ambition@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_patience_lesson
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_patience@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_patience@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_diligence_lesson
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag =
has_character_flag =
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_bravery_lesson # Fallback, in case it fails
to find relevant info
defined_text = { #Used to refer to a type of "warrior", initial cap...
name = GetTeachingMomentTool
text = {
localisation_key = String_bravery_tool
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_bravery@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_bravery@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_ambition_tool
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_ambition@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_ambition@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_patience_tool
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_patience@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_patience@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_diligence_tool
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag =
has_character_flag =
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_bravery_tool # Fallback, in case it fails to
find relevant info
text = {
localisation_key = String_teaching_moment_great
trigger = {
event_target:teacher = {
has_character_flag = great_outcome
NOT = { has_character_flag = kiss_of_gratitude }
text = {
localisation_key = String_teaching_moment_romance
trigger = { event_target:teacher = { has_character_flag =
kiss_of_gratitude } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_teaching_moment_ok
trigger = { event_target:teacher = { has_character_flag =
good_outcome } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_teaching_moment_bad
trigger = { event_target:teacher = { has_character_flag = bad_outcome }
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_teaching_moment_ok # Fallback, in case it
fails to find relevant info
text = {
localisation_key = String_flyting
trigger = {
OR = { #Only for northeners
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_norse
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_slavic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_baltic
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_finnish
text = {
localisation_key = String_arm_wrestling
text = {
localisation_key = String_drinking
trigger = { NOT = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon } }
text = {
localisation_key = String_dice
trigger = {
OR = {
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon
society_member_of = warrior_lodge_hellenic
fallback_text = {
localisation_key = String_arm_wrestling # Fallback, in case it fails to
find relevant info
defined_text = { #Used to refer to a type of "warrior", initial cap...
name = GetTeachingMomentRomanceReaction
text = {
localisation_key = String_share_kiss_long
trigger = { has_character_flag = become_lovers }
text = {
localisation_key = String_share_kiss
trigger = { has_character_flag = both_gain_romance }
text = {
localisation_key = String_kissed_on_cheek
trigger = { has_character_flag = student_gains_crush }
text = {
localisation_key = String_kissed_light
trigger = { has_character_flag = teacher_gains_crush }
text = {
localisation_key = String_bravery
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_bravery@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_bravery@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_ambition
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_ambition@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_ambition@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_patience
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_patience@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_patience@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_diligence
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag =
has_character_flag =
text = {
localisation_key = String_Bravery
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_bravery@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_bravery@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_Ambition
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_ambition@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_ambition@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_Patience
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = learning_patience@event_target:teacher
has_character_flag = teaching_patience@event_target:student
text = {
localisation_key = String_Diligence
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_flag =
has_character_flag =
text = {
localisation_key = String_LegendaryJourneyActiveTooltip
trigger = {
any_society_member = {
count = 2
has_character_flag = call_to_legend_active
prisoner = no
is_alive = yes
is_dying = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
text = {
localisation_key = String_DefaultLegendTooltip
trigger = {
NOT = {
any_society_member = {
has_character_flag = call_to_legend_active
prisoner = no
is_alive = yes
is_dying = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
text = {
localisation_key = String_OneWarriorLeftTooltip
trigger = {
AND = {
any_society_member = {
has_character_flag = call_to_legend_active
prisoner = no
is_alive = yes
is_dying = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
NOT = {
any_society_member = {
count = 2
has_character_flag = call_to_legend_active
prisoner = no
is_alive = yes
is_dying = no
NOT = { trait = incapable }
text = {
localisation_key = string_go_berserk_at_home
trigger = {
prisoner = no
text = {
localisation_key = string_go_berserk_in_prison
trigger = {
prisoner = yes
defined_text = {
name = GetWarLetterFlavor
text = {
trigger = {
has_focus = focus_war
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_war_focus
text = {
trigger = {
has_focus = focus_hunting
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_hunting_focus
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = cavalry_leader
trait = berserker
trait = aggressive_leader
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_battlecry
text = {
trigger = {
opinion = {
who = FROM
value = 50
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_quench
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = skilled_tactician
trait = brilliant_strategist
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_tactics
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
martial = 16
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_exchange
text = {
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_battlefield
text = {
localisation_key = string_war_letter_positive_wit
defined_text = {
name = GetWarLetterOutcome
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = positive_war_letter
localisation_key = string_positive_war_letter
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = negative_war_letter
localisation_key = string_negative_war_letter
defined_text = {
name = GetSuggestedActivity
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_focus = focus_hunting
trait = falconer
trait = hunter
localisation_key = string_suggested_post_war_hunting
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = trickster
trait = gamer
trait = strategist
NAND = {
has_focus = focus_hunting
trait = falconer
trait = hunter
localisation_key = string_suggested_post_war_games
text = {
trigger = {
OR = {
trait = scholar
trait = mystic
trait = erudite
learning = 18
trait = physician
NAND = {
has_focus = focus_hunting
trait = falconer
trait = hunter
trait = trickster
trait = gamer
trait = strategist
localisation_key = string_suggested_post_war_knowledge
text = {
trigger = {
NAND = {
has_focus = focus_hunting
trait = falconer
trait = hunter
trait = trickster
trait = gamer
trait = strategist
trait = scholar
trait = mystic
trait = erudite
learning = 18
trait = physician
localisation_key = string_suggested_post_war_party
defined_text = {
name = GetDecidedActionInHF51002
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = decided_to_kidnap
localisation_key = string_decided_to_abduct
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = decided_to_dig_up
localisation_key = string_decided_to_dig_up
defined_text = {
name = GetDecidedWeapon
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = crucible_steel_axe
localisation_key = string_decided_weapon_axe
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = crucible_steel_sword
localisation_key = string_decided_weapon_sword
text = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = crucible_steel_mace
localisation_key = string_decided_weapon_mace