8.3 SailPoint Duo Connector Guide
8.3 SailPoint Duo Connector Guide
8.3 SailPoint Duo Connector Guide
Version: 8.3
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Supported Features
SailPoint IdentityIQ Duo Connector supports the following features:
Account Management:
Manages Duo User’s and Administrators as accounts
Duo Connector supports password management of Duo Administrators for external management of the pass-
word in the Duo native system. While performing change password operation for the Duo Administrators,
Duo connector sets has_external_password_mgmt attribute to true.
For more information on has_external_password_mgmt attribute, see Account Attributes.
Ensure that an Admin API integration is created.
This would generate an Integration Key and Secret Key that would be required for Duo configuration as explained in
Configuration Parameters section.
Administrator Permissions
Login as an administrator user and log into the Duo Administrator Panel.
Ensure that the administrator creating the new Administrator API integration has the following permissions:
l Grant Administrators
l Grant Read Resource
l Grant Write Resource
For read only operations, the 'Grant Write Resource' permission is not required.
Configuration Parameters
This section contains the information that this connector uses to connect and interact with the application. Each applic-
ation type requires different information to create and maintain a connection.
The Duo Integration Credentials are used by IdentityIQ and not by Connector.
If these parameters are not configured, then Duo Connector uses the default page size for all operations.
Page size for associated attributes of end user’s (such as phones, groups).
Set the value of the pageSize parameter as follows:
<entry key="pageSize" value="100"/>
Default value: 100
Maximum value: 500
Schema Attributes
This section describes the different schema attributes.
Account Attributes
Following are the list of account attributes:
Name of the user.
The user’s status:
Email address of the user.
User’s unique ID generated by Duo system.
User’s real name.
Notes about the user. Seen in Duo administrative interface.
List of groups to which user belongs. Contains description and name of the group.
Phone numbers of user account.
Last login time of user account.
Token for the user account.
Desktop tokens for the user account.
Administrator role.
Type of user.
Administrator account restricted by an administrative unit assignment.
Username Alias 1
Username Alias 2
Username Alias 3
Username Alias 4
Group Attributes
Following are the list of group attributes:
The group’s name.
The group’s description
The group’s authentication status.
The group’s ID.
If true, user’s in the group would be able to authenticate with a voice callback. If false, user’s in the group would
not be able to authenticate with a voice callback.
This setting has no effect if voice callback is disabled globally.
If true, user’s in the group would be able to use SMS passcodes to authenticate. If false, user’s in the group
would not be able to use SMS passcodes to authenticate.
This setting has no effect if SMS passcodes are disabled globally.
If true, user’s in the group would be able to use mobile OTP password to authenticate. If false, user’s in the group
would not be able to use mobile OTP password to authenticate.
This setting has no effect if mobile OTP passwords are disabled globally.
If true, user’s in the group would be able to use Duo Push to authenticate. If false, user’s in the group would not
be able to use Duo Push to authenticate.
This setting has no effect if Duo Push is disabled globally.
Account Attributes
Provisioning policy attributes for Create, Enable and Unlock Account:
If Phone attribute is not present in default provisioning policy, add the Phone attribute manually.
Create Account
User Type*
Type of the User account.
Name of user account.
Email of the user account.
Phone number of the user account.
(Optional and applicable only when single mobile number is assigned to account) Type of phone (mobile or land-
For multiple phone numbers assigned to the account, the default phone type is set as mobile.
(Optional and applicable only when single mobile number is assigned to account) Platform of the mobile.
For multiple phone numbers assigned to the account, the default phone platform is set as ‘generic smartphone’.
Email of the user account.
Name of the user account.
Phone of the user account.
Role of the user account.
The default role Owner is assigned to the administrator user if role value is not provided as available in the Duo
Managed System.
For setting administrator's password along with password attribute, set the value of the has_external_pass-
word_mgmt attribute to true. The value of has_external_password_mgmt attribute is false if passwords are
Default value: false
Provide password for the Duo administrator after setting the value of has_external_password_mgmt attribute to
If set to true (1), the activation link and an introductory message would be emailed to the new administrator. If set
to false(0), no email would be sent and the link would be returned to the API method’s caller only.
Default value: false
Additional Information
This section describes the additional information related to the Duo Connector.
Upgrade Considerations
l After upgrading IdentityIQ to version 80. Patch 5 or later, to support alias user name for the upgraded existing
Duo application, add the alias schema attributes manually to the application debug page as follows:
l While upgrading IdentityIQ to version to 8.5 Patch 5 or later, to manage the Duo Administrator user’s perform
the following:
a. Select the Manage Administrator Users check box in the Configuration tab. For more information,
see Configuration Parameters.
d. For provisioning of administrator user, add the following attributes with the required settings:
l user_type
l name
l password
l phone
l role
e. To enable the password management operations for administrator user, the PASSWORD feature value
must be added to the features string in application XML as follows:
l After upgrading to IdentityIQ version 8.0 Patch 5 or later, delete the existing password field from create
account provisioning policy.
Behavioral Changes
During Aggregation:
l On Duo system the Last login for some of the user’s is displayed as Never authenticated. In this case, during
aggregation, the last Login is displayed as blank.
l For the Phone numbers of Account attribute, the API returns the phone number as +19405429053 but on
Duo Connector UI it is displayed as 9405429053.
For provisioning:
l When performing provisioning on AD_SYNC user(s) on Duo, it fails with the following error message:
1- During provisioning policy while configuring phone_type or phone_platform attribute
an error message is displayed
During provisioning policy while configuring phone_type or phone_platform attribute the following error message is dis-
openconnector.ConnectorException: Both attributes 'phone_type' and 'phone_
platform' are required.
Resolution: During provisioning policy, configure both the attributes phone_type and phone_platform.
Resolution: Ensure that the following entry key is present in the application debug page:
<entry key="adminUsersUri" value="/admin/v1/admins"/>
Resolution: Ensure that the system time is properly synchronized with Network Time Protocol. Timestamp of server
instance must be updated to current date and it must be same as IdentityIQ.