Earth Sci Reviewer
Earth Sci Reviewer
Earth Sci Reviewer
What is Mining?
is the process of mineral extraction from a rock seam or ore –a
natural rock or sediment containing one or more valuable
mineral. The minerals can range from precious metals and
iron to gemstones and quartz. Modern mining technology uses 2. Underground mining – is used to extract the rocks,
geophysical techniques that involve measuring the magnetic, minerals and other precious stones that can be found beneath
gravity and sonic responses of rocks above and around a the earth’s surface. In underground mining, miners need to
prospective mineral ore body. create a tunnel so they can reach the ore minerals. This kind of
mining is more expensive and dangerous as compared to
surface mining because miners need to use explosive devices
to remove the minerals from the rocks that cover them.
Methods of Mining
Role of Government
Mines and Geoscience Bureau (MGB)
- Undertake final evaluation of all mining application, conduct
audit of the disposition of mineral lands and resources, and
manage the Mineral Rights Management System.
4. Cyanide heap leaching: This method used for low-grade Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)
gold ore where the crushed rock is placed on a “leach pile” - Issued ECC and monitor its commitments and compliance's.
where cyanide solution is sprayed or dripped on top of the
pile. As the leach solution percolates down through the rocks, Laws
the gold is dissolved into the solution. The solution is RA 7942 - The Philippine Mining Act
processed further to extract the gold. EO 79 - People’s Small Scale Mining Areas
The waste material is either used as a backfill in the mine or
sent to a tailings pond, while the metals are sent for further POSSIBLE STEPS TO RESTORING SURFACE-MINED
processing. LAND
- Water that seeps into the soil & is pulled down by gravity
- Can move or sit under the surface if there are spaces
between the rock/soil particles (permeable)
The Hydrosphere - Water will seep down until it hits an impermeable surface,
then fill up from there (like your bathtub with the drain
Hydrosphere: the part of Earth that contains water closed!)
- 97% of Earth’s water is salt water - The region filled with ground water = Saturation Zone
- Only 3% is fresh water: (22% groundwater, 77% frozen, - The top surface of this area = Water Table
1%on surface)
Precipitation -
Land -
Flows Downhill -
Stream -
River -
Larger River or Lake -
Estuary = mix of fresh & salt water in a bay -
Ocean!!...all water ends up here
What is water cycle? 1.) Man-made Well – pipe dug into ground to extract water
from aquifer
Water Cycle 2.) Artesian Well – water flows naturally to surface because
it’s under pressure
1. Sun heats the water on the surface of Earth 3.) Spring – water flows to surface because surface of land
2. Freshwater evaporates into atmosphere as water vapor (salt dips below water table
in ocean stays behind) 4.) Hot Spring/Geyser – water heated up by rocks, pushes up
3. Water vapor cools & condenses on dust particles to form to surface due to pressure
4. Water falls back to Earth as precipitation in the form of Aquifers
rain, sleet, snow, or hail Underground permeable rock or sediment that contains water
5. Precipitation that hits surface either gets absorbed into Particles in ground act like filter to water!!
ground, stays trapped as standing water, or moves downhill as
“run-off” back into lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, oceans
**The amount of water on Earth stays the same!!**
Freshwater Resources
1/3 of Earth’s freshwater is groundwater!!
- The distribution of water on the Earth's surface is There are three types of geothermal steam plants
extremely uneven. Only 3% of water on the surface is fresh; depending on the way the energy is generated.
the remaining 97% resides in the ocean. Of freshwater, 77%
resides in glaciers, 22% underground, and less than 1% is 1. Dry Steam Power Plant
located in lakes, rivers, and swamps. 2. Flash Steam Power Plant
3. Binary Steam Power Plant
What is geothermal energy?
How it Works
- “Geothermal” comes from the Greek words geo (earth) and
thermal (heat). So, geothermal means earth heat. - Large holes have to be dug into the earth until a geothermal
-The thermal energy contained in the interior of the earth is hotspot is found.
called geothermal energy. - Pipes are inserted inside these holes through which water is
- Geothermal heat originates from earth’s fiery consolidation sent and steam output is obtained.
of dust and gas over for billion years ago. - The production involves two process
- The geothermal energy is enormous and will last for several 1. Converting Geothermal energy into Mechanical Energy
millions of years and is therefore called renewable. 2. Converting Mechanical energy into Electrical energy
- The success of the energy production depends on the
What is geothermal power plant? temperature of the plant which depends on the temperature of
the rocks in earth.
A geothermal power plant uses its geothermal activity to - The water is sent through the injection well and reaches the
generate power. This type of natural energy production is rocks and then hot water comes from the production well.
extremely environmentally friendly and used in many - Due to the high pressure when it reaches the topmost of the
geothermal hot spots around the globe. earth surface it is converted into steam.
- The seperator is the place where steam that comes from earth
is made clean by removing the brine and dirt so that they do
not damage the turbine blades.
- The high pressure and low pressure steam runs the turbine.
- The generator is coupled with turbine to produce electricity.
- The condenser is a phase changer where the steam output of
the turbine is given to the condenser and gets converted to hot
- This hot water is then sent to the cooling tower where it
loses it heat and then sent to the geothermal reservoir for
further production of steam.
Dry steam plants are the simplest and oldest design. They
directly use geothermal steam of 150 Degree C or greater to
turn turbines.
Heat Resources
What is Hydropower?
Hydropower Energy
History of Hydropower
- The initial cost of the power plant is very high.
- Takes long time for construction of the dam
- Generally, such the plant are located in hilly areas far away
from load center
- Wildlife habitats can be changed or destroy.
- The water quality can also be degraded as the hydro plant
blends in dissolved metals.
- Hydropower may become expensive in the future.
Water Resources
- Water
- Earth’s surface is covered by 71% water
- Essential for life – can survive only a few days without
What is soil?
Waste Disposal
- Soil pollution happens when hazardous chemicals from
human and industrial sewage are carelessly disposed .There
are methods of soil conservation and protection that can be
observed in order to protect and conserve our soil at the same
time. The goal here is to reduce erosion and to ensure the
soil’s fertility. Water the Soil
Forest Protection
No-Till Farming
- No-till farming is an approach that allows crops to remain in
place for a season. This keeps the soil from being left bare and
Terrace Planting
- This type of planting is done by maximizing the topography
of the land. It benefits from the way the rain water flows
naturally. This is a way to protect the soil from erosion. It is
also a proven method to encourage growth from moist soil
Plant Trees
Waste Management is the process of treating solid wastes and
offers variety of solutions for recycling items that don’t
belong to trash.
- It is about how garbage can be used as valuable resource.
Waste management is something that each and every
household and business owner in the world needs.
- Waste management disposes the products and substances
that you have use in a safe and efficient manner.
Kinds of Waste
B. Hazardous Waste
- Industrial and hospital waste are considered hazardous as
they may contain toxic substances.
C. Hospital Waste
- This is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or
immunization of human beings or animals or in research
activities in these fields or in the production or testing of
biological waste.