Succeed at Work: This Guide Will Address Five Stages For Succeeding at Work
Succeed at Work: This Guide Will Address Five Stages For Succeeding at Work
Succeed at Work: This Guide Will Address Five Stages For Succeeding at Work
At Work
You prepared yourself, said all the right things in the interview, and landed that job you needed! Congratulations!
But dont get too comfortable, the hard work is not over yet- you are very likely on probation for 3, 6, or 12 months!
This means your new employer can decide to take your job away without an excuse. Your employer is giving you a
trial-run, so you have to prove that you are that star employee you claimed you were in the interview.
Succeed At Work will guide you through the frst few days at your new job as well as help you maintain your status as
a key employee. Showing up is half the battle.
It is recommended that you read through this guide from beginning to end. Each stage builds on the other, and the
information provided works best as a package.
Dont forget to download and use the other free publications from the California Career Resource Network
( The California Career Planning Guide, second edition; and Find and Get the Right Job
Good luck on your new adventure in the world of work!
Stage 1: Acting Self-Employed
This stage explains what it means to act self-employed,
even if you have an employer. By acting self-employed
you will take charge of your career and reap the benefts
of being a star employee.
Stage 2: Starting a New Job
This stage will give you a better sense of what you can
expect from your employer and what your employer
will expect from you. Starting a new job can be scary,
so many unknowns, but if you have a better idea of what
to expect on the frst day you will approach your new job
with confdence.
Stage 3: Being an Excellent Employee
There are many things you need to be aware of in order
to become an excellent employee. This section walks you
through ethics and responsibility in the workplace.
Thanks to the Labor Market and Career Information Unit of the Texas Workforce Commission for allowing California
Career Resource Network (CalCRN) to reproduce and edit Succeed At Work to create this resource for Californians entering
the workforce.
This guide will address fve stages for Succeeding at Work:
Stage 4: Living a Balanced Life
Being a great employee can be physically, mentally and
emotionally draining. This section offers advice on what
to do in order to take care of yourself at work and in life.
Stage 5: Enjoy Your Current Position
Your job is not your life, but it does help give you a life.
When you are very unhappy with your job, you can
become very unhappy with life. This section helps you
take charge of your happiness and come up with
solutions to make you not so miserable on the job.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
STAcc 1:
AcTiNc ScLr-cmLoYco
Change occurs so rapidly these days. It can be hard to keep
up with all the advances in science, communications and
other technology. You can expect your work life to change
often too. Jobs and even careers will come and go. To suc-
ceed in this environment, you might think of yourself as
your own private company, offering your services to dif-
ferent employers over the years.
Upon completion of this section you will be able to:
understand the importance of acting self-employed in
the new world of work, and identify the advantages and
You may own your own business or you may work for
someone else. Either way, acting as though you are self-
employed can give you vision, power, and fexibility to
succeed in a world where job security no longer exists.
You are the Chief Executive Offcer (CEO), sole owner
and only employee of a one-person company called Me,
Incorporated (Mc, lNc.). Of course, you can replace the
Me with your own name. Its Jessica, Inc. or Juan, Inc...
You fll in the blank.
You are in charge of your career
When you act as though you run Mc, lNc. you take
responsibility for your working life, your education,
and training, your job performance and your career
advancement. To succeed in this environment you
must direct your career because no one else will,
especially in this climate of downsizing.
Unfortunately, years of downsizing has created a work
environment where employees cannot rely on their
employers to consistently provide them with a job. One
study cited in 7 Survival Skills for a Reengineered World
by William Yeomans found that 64 percent of workers
didnt believe what their management told them. When
you dont trust your employer, you have to look out for
yourself. You must make sure that you can land on your
feet if your employer goes under or your job becomes
unnecessary. In other words, youve got to run Mc, lNc.
You have to deliver a quality
Like any company, Mc, lNc. has a service or product
to provide and customers who pay for it. Mc, lNc.s
product is youyour skills, knowledge and experience.
Mc, lNc.s customers are your employers, co-workers
and your employers customers.
Like any company, Mc, lNc. must constantly work to
attract and keep customers. You do this by delivering a
quality product. Over time, your customers count on you
to do excellent work in the same way that you count on
your local bakery to provide the best cakes.
Upon completion of this section you will be able to
understand the importance of acting self-employed in
the new world of work, identify the advantages and
disadvantages and be able to respond with specifc
actions to take.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
The New World of Work
The world of work has changed the job model, the education required and how employers and employees view each other.
Job Model
A How it used to be:
Work in one profession or career your entire life.
Income and responsibilities increase in a
predictable pattern.
Do exactly what your employer tells you
to do - and no more.
Perform manual labor in the manufacturing
Work full-time.
Work hard and be loyal, receive income and
security from employer in exchange.
A How it is Today:
Work in several careers and have many jobs.
Hold a fexible and project-oriented position.
Create a unique career path; change
employers to increase wages and
Provide creative work, customer service or
technical work in a service or knowledge
Work full-time, part-time, temporary or contract.
Work hard and look out for self; receive income
and training in exchange.
Education Requirements
A How it used to be:
Obtain a high school diploma, any college
degree is a bonus.
Need to use job hunting skills rarely.
Compete locally for jobs.
A How it is Today:
Obtain at least some post high school
Need to sharpen and use job hunting
skills constantly.
Compete globally for jobs.
Now lets look at how the education required has changed in the new world of work.
A How it used to be:
Employees rarely changed jobs because
employers did not trust those who change
jobs every few years.
Rarely, if ever, experienced layoffs. Companies
viewed layoffs as a sign of fnancial crisis.
Employer = Caretaker.
Employees stayed with one employer to get the
best possible retirement benefts, which employers
based on length of service and highest earnings.
A How it is Today:
Employees tend to change jobs every few years
in order to gain advancement opportunities and
advance skill sets.
Face lay offs routinely as employers constantly
try to streamline operations.
See your employers as your customer.
Take retirement portfolio to new employers
without losing benefts, responsible for investing
in your own future.
How Employers and Employees View Each Other
There is a tremendous change that has occurred with how employers and employees view each other.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
You Relate to Others as Equals:
There is more of a team mentality in the work
place. Supervisors roles have changed from
parent to coach. You joined the team voluntarily
and can leave any time. You also know that they
can trade you at any time they dont like your
Advantages to the New World of Work
You Keep Growing:
To stay competitive you improve your skills,
increase your knowledge and build relationships
with others. You must be fexible and able to
adapt to an ever changing work environment.
You must be able to transfer your skills to
different types of work.
You Find Greater Fulfllment in Work:
You can choose work that you fnd fulflling.
Since very few jobs offer real security, why not
do what you love? Shop around and fnd the
type of work and environment that suits you.
You Defne Yourself:
Defning yourself rather than letting a job defne you
is empowering. Its the difference between saying,
I was a house painter, carpenter and drafter and
saying, Im good with my hands and Ive put my skills
to use over the years in painting, carpentry and drafting.
Telling your story puts you in charge.
Possible Disadvantages to New World of Work
You Have No Job Security:
There are many factors that affect job security
and admitting this to yourself is important.
Your employer may go out of business or lay
you off. Another company may buy your
employers company and restructure you
out of a job. And with the rapid changes in
technology your job may no longer be necessary.
You Must Provide Great Service:
Employers are looking for employees who have
excellent soft skills and communication skills.
If you are lazy, uncaring or disrespectful, you will
not be successful in the world of work. You must
provide and deliver quality service or you will be
out a job.
You Must Grow:
In order to stay marketable you must constantly
update and increase you skills and knowledge.
Learning is lifelong.
You Must Defne Yourself:
Unfortunately there is no returning to the days of job
security. Your employer no longer defnes who you are
and where your career will lead. You are in charge of
your career and choose your career path. This takes
time, effort, follow through, and demands risks.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Actions You Can Take in the New World of Work
There are actions you can take to be successful in the new world of work. The frst is to aim for lifelong employability, not
lifelong employment. Employability means you can readily fnd a new job when needed, that employers want to hire you.
Stay Employable:
3 Know how to job hunt effectively.
(see Find and Get the Right Job publication)
3 Know how to please customers.
3 Understand how to transfer your skills to
different types of jobs.
3 Learn quickly and effectively.
Build Your Base of Potential Employers:
3 Think of your job as temporary: Thinking of your job in temporary terms reminds you that
you always need to be job hunting.
3 Always do your best: Constantly prove yourself to those who are in a position to hire you,
they are watching you.
3 Learn, learn, learn: Take every available opportunity to improve and add skills and knowledge,
especially if your employer pays for the training.
3 Practice job hunting: Even if you love your job, practice searching for another one.
It sharpens you job searching skills, provide insight into industry changes and advances,
which can give you an edge in skill advancement opportunities.
Take Action:
3 Take the initiative and look ahead, planning your
future, rather than reacting to events.
3 Seek new career opportunities, new employers,
and new ways to grow.
3 Pay attention to labor market trends so that you
know your felds future.
3 Set goals for yourself and work to achieve them.
Manage your own work life: you are responsible for your career.
Options and Opportunity: be aware of them and ready to seize them.
Training never ends: keep learning about your feld and others.
International mind set: value cultural difference and learn geography.
Value all work: it shows that you place worth on your time and yourself.
Achievement: do the best job possible, set and realize goals.
Technology: become fuent with computers and stay current with advances.
Economics: understand how the economy shapes the labor market in
general and your feld in particular.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
STAcc 2:
STAnTiNc A Ncw Joa
Starting a new job can be stressful. Reduce the stress by knowing what to expect and preparing for it in the future.
Upon completion of this section you will be able to:
1. Evaluate your job expectations and duties.
2. List ways to develop positive work relationships.
3. Identify ways to succeed your frst day and frst year.
Realistic Expectations
Have realistic expectations for yourself in regards to your new job so you can enjoy
the experience and handle diffculties in a calm manner.
A Areas in your job where you form these expectations are in:
Duties, People, Attitudes
Systems, Equipment, Procedures
Atmosphere, Work space, Commute.
A School:
Many teachers
Frequent evaluations (exams, report cards)
Summers off and long holiday breaks
Annual promotion (grade level changes
e.g. junior to senior)
Can get perfect grades
Learn on one kind of equipment/software
Fellow students generally your age and
experience level
Told what to do and when to do it
Can start fresh with a new teacher every term
A Work:
One boss
Annual review
One to two weeks off a year
Infrequent promotions
No way to be perfect
Use different kinds of equipment/software
Form long-term relationships with co-workers
Co-workers generally of all ages and levels of
May be told what to do or may have to fgure it
out and be self-motivated
Keep the same boss a long time
School vs. Work
Understanding the differences between school and work will help
you form more realistic expectations about your new job.
School and work have many things in common. Both require you to:
3 Focus on tasks and prioritize them
3 Learn new skills
3 Be patient with the learning process and have realistic
expectations about study time, grades, etc.
3 Be around a diverse group of people.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
New Hire Expectations
Regardless of the type of work you do or the type of company that hired you there are certain expectations you
should have.
A Orientation: Usually on the frst day, someone
orients you to the company, department, and your
new position, including fnalizing any paperwork.
A Introductory Period: In most cases this is the frst
90 days on the job, but may last up to a year.
A Beneft Limits: When you begin your new job you
may not have access to all of your benefts. Benefts
usually begin after the introductory period.
A Training: You may be required by your employer to
attend training.
A New Jargon: Some professions and companies use
specifc language for their industry.
A New Equipment: The equipment and tools used on
your new job may be different than those used on your
previous job or in school.
A New Policies and Procedures: Learn your
companys policies and procedures and follow them.
A New Hire Duties: New hires duties are usually
temporary, and may be tasks that do not suit your
interests. Keep in mind that it is only temporary.
A How You May Feel
When you start a new job you may
experience many different and conficting
emotions and impressions. Being realistic
about what to expect and knowing that
most people feel similar to you when
starting a new job can help.
Here is a list that may help you identify
some of these emotions:
3 Overwhelmed 3 Lonely
3 Anxious 3 Doubtful
3 Dependent 3 Uncomfortable
3 Excited 3 Motivated
How Your Co-Workers May Be
Co-workers can make a place of employment a fun or miserable place to work. As a new employee realizing how your
co-workers will react to you in the beginning can make the transition to a new job easier. Your new co-workers may:
A Forget You: When you are introduced to your
co-workers they may seem welcoming and interested.
Once you begin working they may suddenly seem
unavailable and indifferent. Remember that it is not
that they dislike you, it is just that they are busy with
their own work. Do not take it personally.
A Stereotype You: Right or wrong, it is human nature
to base initial judgments on appearances and precon-
ceptions. Do not take this personally because time and
experience will help them see the real you.
A Label Your Work Style: Show your co-workers
your openness and willingness, and most of all respect.
It is through your behavior that you help shape the
labels that people have about you.
Developing Positive Work Relationships
Here are some ways you can build productive work
relationships with your co-workers:
3 Learn names
3 Learn unoffcial rules of your work place
3 Ally with successful and trustworthy co-workers
3 Be sensitive to differences among co-workers
3 Reach out slowly
3 Avoid personal questions
3 Reveal only as much as others do
3 Keep your relationships with your
co-workers professional
How Your Supervisor May Be
Your supervisor is there to help you succeed and be productive. Acknowledging there are different styles of supervisors
can help you transition into your new job.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Gossip usually means talking about someone else without all the facts. Gossip
can be hurtful, is unprofessional, and can make you look bad. Although gossip
can reveal the companys culture and can alert you of potential problems gossip
can actually ruin peoples reputations and cause your co-workers to distrust
you. Gossip can even get you fred, so dont engage in this behavior. If you fnd
yourself or someone else the subject of gossip here are some strategies for
dealing with it.
Gossip about you:
3 Ignore it, if the rumor isnt damaging let it go.
3 Confront it. Ask the gossiping person to stop or retract
the statement.
3 Report it to your supervisor or human
resources department.
3 Be skeptical of the gossip. Just because you hear about
gossip second hand doesnt mean its really happening.
Gossip about others:
3 Ignore it. It is none of your business.
3 Encourage the individual gossiping to
speak with the other person directly.
3 Challenge it or defend the person being
gossiped about.
3 Express discomfort with gossip and say
that you dont want to participate in
Do Your Job Well
To perform well at a new job you need to be prepared
to learn, show appreciation, follow directions, be
teachable, take responsibility, believe in yourself
and take the initiative.
3 Remember, This too shall pass.
3 Try to be comfortable with not knowing.
3 Dont judge your feelings of uncertainty and share them with others.
Succeed the First Day:
3 Prepare for orientation.
3 Be ready to start fresh.
3 Encourage yourself.
3 Research the company.
Succeed the First Year:
It is not uncommon to take a year
to feel comfortable at your new job.
Be patient with yourself.
3 Take pride in small steps.
3 Remember your goals.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
STAcc 3:
ciNc AN ExccLLcNT EmLoYcc
Being an excellent employee means developing a good work ethic and good work habits.
Upon completion of this section you will be able to list ways to develop a good work ethic and implement actions
to achieve work excellence.
Work Ethic and Excellence
You may be wondering: What is the difference? Having a good work ethic means you are honest and hard working.
Work Excellence means performing your job extremely well. You need both to succeed at work. If you have a great
work ethic but are incompetent, employers will not want you. Nor will they want you if have work excellence and
are extremely productive, but you steal from them.
A Work Ethic:
Pride in work
Good attendance
Maximum Effort
A Work Excellence:
Customer Service
Good Communication
Good Team Player
Continuous Learning
Problem Solving
Good Organizational Skills
Good Time Management Skills
Pride in Work
A strong work ethic means taking pride in
your work, regardless of what job you do or
position you hold.
A Every Job Matters:
Every job is interconnected. So no matter
what job you do, or how menial, it serves
an important purpose.
A Your Job Matters:
Believe in yourself and in the value of your
job. Its up to you to decide the value of
your job.
A Pride in Work Leads to Pride in Self:
If you think you are a quality person, you
will do quality work. You learn to think
positively about yourself by doing positive
Most people need to miss work occasionally for various reasons,
such as illness, accidents, or a planned vacation. It is important that
you handle these situations properly. Heres how:
Call as soon as you realize you will not be able to make it to work.
Make the call yourself.
Ask for vacation time as soon as
Explain your reason honestly.
Give your boss exact dates.
Offer to make up the lost time.
Put request in writing, using
company form or note that your
supervisor signs.
Arrange to have a co-worker to
cover for you BEFORE notifying
your supervisor, if applicable.
Late Arrivals/Tardiness:
Call in even if you think it
will make you even more late.
Speak with a supervisor not
a co-worker.
Give an estimate of your
arrival time.
Apologize when you arrive.
Dont let it happen again.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
A You:
3 Lose pay.
3 May lose your job,
especially if you are
late or miss work often.
3 Make your boss and
co-workers angry at you.
A Your Co-workers:
3 Have to pick up the slack
for you which creates
resentment and anger.
3 May have to come in early,
stay late, or come to work
on a day off to cover you.
A Your Supervisor:
3 Has to rearrange the work
schedule or personally
have to cover for you.
A The Company:
3 Loses productivity.
3 Faces upset customers
who did not receive the
service they should.
Missing Work?
Some reasons for missing work are more acceptable than others.
I am ill with an infection or fu.
My child is ill and I have to care for him/her.
I was in an accident on my way to work.
Its a religious holiday for me.
A death of a family member or close friend.
My car is not running and I dont have a ride.
Have to meet with my lawyer or other professional.
Family or friend asked you to watch their children.
Too upset to work because had an argument with
partner, family or friend.
Need to visit someone in the hospital.
Need to get new contacts/glasses.
Have a hangover.
The Effects of Missing Work
When you are absent or even just late, it can negatively affect everyone at the worksite.
Employers expect you to:
Be honest and discreet.
Follow company rules.
Follow local, state and federal laws.
Follow the written code of ethics for
your occupation (if there is one).
Speak up when someone else acts
Employers also expect you to do the right thing, which means avoiding
behaviors that are viewed as inappropriate or dishonest such as:
Using company equipment for personal business.
Cheating on your time sheet.
Abusing drugs and alcohol at work.
Violating confdentiality (employer, employees, customers).
Tolerating others bad behavior.
Violating company policies.
When you agree to work for someone, you agree to be sincere, follow the rules and be honest.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Ask Yourself:
Is it legal? If it is against the law, Do Not Do It, even if your boss tells you to.
The law will hold you accountable.
Would I feel proud about it? If your conscience tells you it is wrong, Do Not Do It.
Would I like everyone to know it? If you would not want your supervisor, co-workers, family, etc.
to know about it Do Not Do It.
Would it hurt someone? If it harms someone or an organization physically, mentally, or fnancially,
Do Not Do It.
What would happen if I didnt decide? If not deciding could result in harm,
Do something positive, dont just wait.
Integrity Questions
Having integrity is not always easy. You might fnd yourself in a situation or an ethical dilemma and wondering
what to do.
Positive Attitude
Employers want their employees to be friendly and have a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude makes it easier
for co-workers and customers to work with you.
A positive attitude cannot be faked. Your true feelings are revealed through your verbal and nonverbal signals.
Having a positive attitude makes you feel better about your job and your life.
Sometimes having a positive attitude is challenging, but try to look for the humor in the situation and remember
to be grateful for all the good things in your life.
Whats Your Attitude?
What kind of attitude do you want to project, Positive or Negative?
A Positive:
Takes pride in work and behavior
Eager to learn, change, and grow
Happy to help others
Energetic and
A Negative:
Does only the minimum
Complains and criticizes
Resists change
Treats others poorly
Blames others for
own problem
A Positive
3 Enhances relationships
3 Creates fun and creative
work environment
3 Increases productivity
3 Allows more
opportunities for
A Negative
Attitude Will:
3 Drive others away
3 Make yourself miserable
3 Create more illnesses
and absences
3 Limit opportunity for
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Maximum Effort
In order to succeed at your job you have to be focused, work hard, and give your job your all.
Here are some tips to maximize your working effort.
Leave your home life at home.
Sharing your personal problems with your co-workers
is not a good idea. It reduces your productivity and
you risk losing the respect of your co-workers.
Limit socializing at work:
Building relationships with co-workers is valuable and
shows that you want to be part of the team. Be careful,
and professional, and know when to get back to work.
Put in a full shift:
Be sure to work your entire shift. Make up any
personal time you take at work. Take breaks only in
accordance with company policies. Conduct personal
business, such as web surfng or phone calls, only
during breaks.
Be physically ready to work:
Show up to work ready to work hard. Avoid drinking
alcohol or doing drugs before going into work. Arrive
to work well rested, and focused.
On top of working hard you should also work smart. Working smart increases your productivity making you a valuable
employee. Here are fve steps to help you.
Ask For What You Need
You can increase your productivity if you have the necessary or the best tools for the job.
If you need certain equipment or support to be more productive, ask for it.
Do some research. If you need a faster computer, for example, learn what type and speed you need.
Be reasonable, do others in your same position at a similar company use that type of computer?
How much will it cost? Put the request in writing. Explain how it will beneft the company.
Meet with your employer in person to discuss the request, and be gracious no matter what the decision is.
1 Prioritize:
Learn which tasks are most
important. These are the ones
you should compete frst.
2 Do your tasks:
Productivity means working
effectively and accomplishing
the tasks you have prioritized.
Plan ahead, it saves time
later. Be results oriented.
Dont be afraid to ask for help.
4 Do your tasks well:
Make your work time count.
Listen carefully to instructions
to reduce mistakes.
3 Do your tasks on time:
Meet your deadlines. High
productivity means you
complete you work in a timely
manner while still being
effcient and accurate.
5 Do more tasks:
Take the initiative to do the
assignments that no one
else wants to do. If you see
something that needs to get
done, do it without being told.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Work Hard
When you work hard and work smart you put forth maximum effort. No one can work full-out every second of every day,
but you can:
3 Concentrate on the
task at hand:
Minimize distractions in order
to keep your focus.
Periodically take short breaks
to help maintain your energy
3 Dont cut corners:
Always do your best.
Sloppy or incomplete work
is not working hard.
3 Dont give up:
Be determined to complete your
work to the best of your ability,
even if it is diffcult. You get a
feeling of accomplishment when
you dont quit and you learn
something new.
3 Do your homework:
Meet your deadlines.
Be prepared for meetings.
Follow through on assignments.
3 Mind your own
Dont worry about what
others in the company
are doing. Just do your
work to the best of your
ability every day.
Customer Service
Excellent customer service is vital to a businesss success. It is important for you to have good customer service skills to
succeed at work.
A Examples of good customer service:
3 Greeting customers
3 Opening doors for customers
3 Taking customers to items they want
3 Answering the phone cheerfully
3 Promptly returning phone calls
3 Doing exactly what customers request
3 Responding calmly when customers express anger
3 Acknowledging and apologizing for errors
3 Listening politely to customers
3 Asking customers if they need help
A Examples of bad customer service:
3 Talking with co-workers while customers wait
3 Ignoring customers on hold
3 Complaining to customers about co-workers
3 Not looking up when customers enter
3 Letting customers wander around lost
3 Saying Its not my job
3 Promising something you cant deliver
3 Failing to show up for appointments
3 Suggesting customers are stupid or unreasonable
3 Walking past registers with long lines
Who is the customer?
Internal customers:
Your supervisor, co-workers, and others in
your employers company.
External customers:
The public or other businesses.
Potential customers:
Those you do not yet know.
Why bother with customer service?
Unhappy customers usually do not return.
Unhappy customers tell an average of
15 people of their bad experience.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Serving Unhappy Customers
Inevitably, you will encounter unhappy or dissatisfed customers. They say they received poor service or a defective
product. Whatever their complaint, believe them. Relatively few customers are crooks or chronically troublesome.
Most of them have cause to complain.
When customers
complain, dont take it
personally or negatively.
Instead, see it as a
chance to make
them happy.
Customers know that mistakes happen. They just want you to fx the
problem promptly and respectfully. You can do just that by following
the 7 Cs of Customer Service.
When you resolve a problem to the customers satisfaction, you may have
a customer for life. Research shows that well over half of the complainers
will remain customers. The number goes up to almost 100% when you
resolve the situation immediately.
The 7 Cs of Customer Service
Remember these 7 customer service skills and you will be successful at resolving customer dissatisfaction.
1. Courteous:
Listen attentively and respectfully
2. Contrite:
Apologize immediately if you or your employer makes a mistake-even if no one notices.
Explain to the customer how you will avoid the error in the future. Show that you are sorry.
3. Clear:
Learn exactly what the customer wants. Explain all possible options to the customer.
4. Connected:
Describe what will happen next, follow through, and then contact the customer to confrm
that it went well.
5. Confdential:
Use your tone and manner to show that you respect your customers privacy, especially if
the customer is confding in you about their personal business.
6. Cautious:
Make sure the area is safe for you and your customers.
7. Calm:
Keep your voice and manner calm and helpful. No matter how diffcult the customer is,
dont react negatively.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Why Customers Complain
Often, people have a good reason to complain about the service they receive.
Businesses cause complaints by:
3 Confusing customers with too many choices and not enough information
3 Ignoring (or seeming to ignore) customers
3 Keeping customers waiting a long time
3 Treating customers poorly, including being rude, uncaring, unhelpful or indifferent
3 Treating customers as criminals without just cause
Serving Angry Customers
At times, you may encounter angry or unreasonable customers. If they cross the line and become threatening,
you need to keep yourself, your other customers and your worksite safe.
Call security and/or the police if a customer:
Threatens or abuses you or others.
Seems intoxicated or high.
Uses loud or aggressive language.
Displays weapons of any kind.
Appears irrational or mentally disturbed.
Never engage the angry customer in a verbal or physical fght. Instead, hold your temper and get help.
You may feel scared or angry, but try to remain cool in front of the customers.
How to Refuse Customers
You cant always give customers what they want. But you can refuse them in a way that leaves them feeling treated fairly.
The key is to provide specifc information.
A Heres how to handle a refusal:
Listen to what the customer wants.
Empathize. Saysincerelythat you understand and care and want to help.
Dont say no or argue.
Give one reason why you cant do exactly what the customer wants. Be direct and honest.
Explain their options. Ask the customer to choose from what you can offer.
Repeat these steps as needed.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Communicating effectively means listening, and exchanging information and ideas. Employers value proper
communication skills more than ever. To succeed at work, you need to perfect your communication skills in speaking,
listening, writing and reading.
Public Speaking:
Public speaking is a desirable skill for employers.
The skill of speaking in front of an audience makes
you marketable and successful at work. Here a few
things to remember to do well:
Treat your speech as a conversation
not a lecture.
Tell stories, dont just give facts.
Nervousness gives you energy to do your best,
so welcome it.
Begin your speech with a story, a question, or
a startling fact to grab the audiences attention.
Try to involve the audience as much as
possible, especially with activities.
It keeps your audience interested.
Speaking Effectively
Communication guidelines for effective speech are the
same whether you are talking one-on-one with a customer
or co-worker or addressing an audience.
Be calm and honest.
Speak for yourself.
Be positive and you will get positive responses
in return.
Use appropriate language your listener can
understand no jargon or shorthand.
Avoid extremes. If you use harsh language and
give orders you will push people away.
If you never speak up people forget about you.
Stay aware of your body language.
Look the person you are speaking with in the eye.
Be responsible for making sure that your listener
hears and understands you. Ask to be sure.
A Listen Effectively:
Listening is more than staying
quiet while someone else talks.
To listen effectively:
Be attentive.
Show your interest.
Ask questions.
Refect back what you hear.
A Read Effectively:
Almost every job requires you to
read, whether it is from books,
web content or directions.
To read quickly and accurately:
Skim frst.
Take notes.
Ask yourself questions about
what you are reading.
Summarize the main points later.
A Write Effectively:
If you know how to write clearly
and concisely, you will always
fnd work.
To write effectively:
Plan ahead.
Be logical.
Be brief.
Be organized.
Think of your readers.
Use simple words.
Use action verbs.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Team Player
To succeed at work you must be a team player. This requires you to work hard and get along with others.
Team work means working towards a common goal, not personal interests or glory.
Follow these guidelines:
Dont be shy
Encourage others to participate
Let go of your ego
Value differences in people and opinions
Expect confict
Keep the project on track
Keep your sense of humor
Be considerate
Team players ensure that their working environment is positive
and run effciently by taking care of the little things:
Notice your co-workers: Greet them when they arrive and
say good bye when they leave.
Clean up after yourself: Dont leave a mess in the break room
or spoiled food in the refrigerator.
Restock supplies: If you use the last of anything such as copy
paper, printer paper, water from the cooler, etc. be sure to
either restock or notify the proper person.
Replace items where they belong: Dont just throw things
back in the supply closet or leave them lying around.
Return borrowed items promptly: Take items only if you
have permission.
A Dont
3 Blame the boss
3 Fight the boss
3 Wait for problems to get fxed
3 Feel frustrated by slow progress
3 Be afraid to change
Here are some Dos and Donts to being a team player:
A Do:
3 Take the initiative
3 Keep the boss informed
3 Take responsibility
3 Be solution oriented
3 Learn from your boss
Continuous Learning
To be an excellent employee you will need to stay current with technological and other advances in your area of expertise.
Sometimes this will mean you develop new skills or upgrade existing skills.
Where to Learn:
3 Read books and articles
that relate to your job.
3 Listen to business news
about your feld.
3 Ask your supervisor to send
you to job related workshops.
3 Take classes at a community
How to Learn:
3 Listen and observe.
3 Be curious, ask questions.
3 Be adventurous,
exploring new ideas.
3 Be willing to make mistakes.
3 Be determined.
3 Admit when you dont know.
Benefts of
3 Get hired easily.
3 Get promoted quickly.
3 Earn more.
3 Direct your own
work life.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Problem Solving
Problem solving is a critical job skill of the new world of work. To solve a problem you should follow the seven
steps below:
1. Defne the Problem:
2. Analyze the Problem:
3. Develop Solutions:
4. Evaluate Solutions:
5. Select a Solution:
6. Implement the Solution:
7. Evaluate the Outcome:
Organization helps you be successful at work by increasing your effciency.
By being organized you get more done without wasting time.
A Organize Your Duties:
Gather all the supplies you need before
you begin your project.
Break your routine tasks into parts.
Take notes.
Group similar tasks together.
Automate everything you can.
Clean your work area before you go home.
A Organize Your Work Area:
Arrange items by frequency of use.
Use broad categories when fling
or arranging items or tools.
Throw or give away anything
you dont need.
Use bins and boxes to store items.
Time Management
To be an excellent employee, you need time management so you can complete your work on time.
In order to manage your time there are a couple of things to remember.
A Set Your Priorities:
Begin with the assignments or tasks
that are important:
To your boss.
To your team, co-workers, or customers.
New tasks, because they might take you
longer than you expect to complete.
A Useful Time Management Tools:
Calendar helps you remember
appointments, deadlines, and keeps
you from over scheduling.
Daily Action List helps you keep track
of the individual activities that you need
to accomplish that day.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Success at work means following the dress code set by your employer.
A Be clean:
Proper hygiene is important.
Keep your face, body, hair and nails clean.
Always wear clean and unstained clothes.
Use antiperspirant/deodorant daily.
A Ensure safety and health:
Chose clothes that ft the work place
such as an apron, boots, hair net, etc.
A Try to ft in:
Model yourself after your successful
co-workers. Keep your look simple, fairly
conservative, or traditional business.
Dress so that people feel comfortable
around you and minimize distractions.
A Minimize distractions:
Your goal at work is to work, not distract
others from the business at hand.
For most jobs, NEVER wear:
3 Suggestive or low-cut clothes.
3 Elaborate or unusual hair styles.
3 Unnatural-looking hair color.
3 Excessively high-heeled shoes.
3 Heavy perfume or cologne.
3 Large, eye-catching jewelry.
3 Visible or unsupportive underwear.
3 Clothing with holes or messages.
3 Visible tattoos, ritual scars or piercings
other than in the earlobe.
Manners are as important as your appearance. Conduct yourself professionally.
A Always:
3 Hold the door for customers.
3 Let customers walk ahead of you unless
youre showing the way.
3 Act confdently.
3 Smoke only in designated areas.
3 Put cigarette butts and chewed gum
in the garbage.
3 Keep the volume on your radio or
stereo low.
A Never:
3 Swear or yell at work.
3 Interrupt a customer.
3 Slouch, lean, put your feet up.
3 Dip or chew tobacco in public.
3 Chew gum in front of others.
3 Pick at your nose, ears, fngers or clothes.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Working hard can be exhausting so you need to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Upon completion of this section you will be able to identify steps to keep yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally ft.
A Physical Health:
To stay ft and avoid injury:
Get plenty of sleep.
Follow recommended procedures
for each task.
Drink plenty of water.
Request proper equipment from
Get regular cardio exercise.
Stretch frequently.
Increase your strength using free weights,
machines or isometrics.
Check your posture every half hour.
Wear clothes that ft comfortably,
without binding.
Eat a balanced diet.
Shift regularly from standing to sitting.
Avoid nicotine in all forms.
Periodically focus your eyes on a distant
point if you do detail or computer work.
Drink alcohol and caffeine only in
Get regular check ups with a doctor.
Lift heavy or large objects by squatting
and using your legs, not your back.
A Mental Health:
Keeping you brain in shape prevents your
creativity and thinking from becoming
negative and lazy.
To protect your mental health:
Learn a new skill.
Encourage yourself.
To reenergize your brain it is best
to leave work at work.
Take periodic breaks.
A Emotional Health:
Change your response to stress by
developing the structure and support
you need to handle lifes ups and downs.
Remember to:
Let it go.
Identify if any harm is being done.
Put your problems in perspective.
Take responsibility for your feelings.
No one can make you feel a certain
way. Your emotions come from
within You.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Procrastination means putting off doing something, especially as a regular practice. Contrary to popular belief,
procrastination is not caused by laziness. Several factors may contribute to the problem. Procrastination has many
consequences, preventing you from succeeding at work. But there are some things that you can do to help yourself.
Need for Excitement
Some Causes of Procrastination:
Fear of Failure
Consequences of Procrastination:
Your work suffers: You dont present your best work if you
hastily throw it together at the last minute.
Your work relationships suffer: You feel sneaky and guilty
around co-workers and boss when you avoid your work.
Your dreams suffer: You dont pursue your life goals because
you are too busy putting them off.
Your integrity suffers: You make promises to yourself and
others that you cant keep.
Your quality of life suffers: You feel guilty when you dont
work and anxious when you do.
You feel stressed: Because you put off doing the necessary
work, you carry it around with you all the time.
Your co-workers feel stressed: They are waiting for you to
fnish your part before they can complete theirs.
Your supervisor feels stressed: Because pressure is coming
down on them.
Your family feels stressed: They have been living with you while
you work around the clock to meet your deadline and youve been
distracted, self-centered, and irritable.
Cures for procrastination:
Break it down: Divide the work into small,
realistic tasks. Write a list and cross off the
items once you complete them.
Prioritize: Focus on the most important
tasks frst.
Get support: Ask for help on complicated
tasks or work together with someone.
Lighten up: Forget about the guilt,
it is just another excuse to procrastinate.
Start fresh!
Fear of Success
Inability to Prioritize
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Reduce Stress
Reduce your stress by structuring your day. Structure provides you with a routine that can create success at work.
A Morning Routine:
Use an alarm clock to help you wake up
in time for work.
Wake up at the same time everyday.
Decide what you must do in the morning
and what can wait until later in the day.
Work on being effcient to get yourself
out the door on time.
A Travel Time:
Plan to leave at a realistic time for getting to work.
Give yourself more time if the weather is bad.
A Dependent Care:
Have a plan in place that ensures your
dependents get the care they need.
A Evening Routine:
Decrease your pre-work preparation time
by starting the night before.
A Transportation:
Whether you drive, walk, bike, or take a bus
to work, your transportation must be reliable.
Home Life
Do not try to get your sense of fulfllment and purpose
from a job you dislike. Instead try to get meaning from
your home life, this will make your job seem less important
and you will resent it less. Find your happiness by focus-
ing on personal activities, devoting yourself to your family,
friends, religions, and other interests.
Work does not have to be your life.
Try to look at it as a way to support your life.
A Focus on Your Home Life:
3 Pursue personal interests.
3 Spend more time with family and friends.
3 Give to others.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Every person is responsible for creating their own happiness. Therefore, it may not be your job that is making you
unhappy, it might be you. Upon completion of this section you will be able to assess the factors that make you happy
and unhappy, list ways of transforming attitude toward a job, and recognize when to change jobs.
Take Charge of Your Happiness
Job satisfaction depends more on internal factors, which you can control, than external factors, which you cannot.
A Internal Factors:
Interest in the work itself
Work ftting your values
Positive self-image
Positive expectations about job
A feeling of self-esteem
A External Factors:
Mentally challenging work
Reasonable physical demands
Meaningful rewards
Contact with customer
Helpful co-workers and supervisors
How to Transform Your Job
Your can change your job without having to look for a new one. First you can improve your relationships with your
co-workers. Second, you can approach your supervisor and discuss your desire to transform your job.
This will take some preparation and thought.
Improving relationships
with co-workers:
One of the best ways to transform
your job is to improve your work
Stop complaining
Apologize if necessary
Socialize appropriately with
your co-workers
Work hard and work smart
Transforming your job:
Talk with your supervisor about
your position, your performance,
and what you want out of your job.
Know your performance evaluation,
be sure you exceed all expectations.
Do your research.
Schedule time to meet that is
convenient for your supervisor.
Let them know the purpose of
the meeting.
Be businesslike and use a
communication style that is
assertive, not passive or aggressive.
Be tactful so that your supervisor
does not feel threatened.
Stress the benefts you bring to
your employer and show why you
are worthy of job transformation.
Be willing to negotiate.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
Traits that Cause Unhappiness
Being successful at your job requires you to have a positive attitude. Certain attitudes, thoughts and behaviors can lead to
unhappiness and poor performance at work. Identifying these traits is the frst step in changing your attitude and creating
success at work.
A Low Self-Esteem:
Lack of self-confdence in
your skills and abilities.
A Fear:
Feelings and thought patterns
that create avoidance and
A Victimization:
Belief that life is doing something
to you and that it is all out of your
A Infated Self-Esteem:
Arrogance, refusal to ask for help,
not listening to others or seeing
value in others ideas and skills.
Get a New Attitude
You have the power to choose how you feel about your job and your life. You are solely responsible for your feelings and
you can change. Here are some strategies to change your negative attitude.
A Identify your negative thoughts:
Negative thoughts cause negative feelings.
Ask yourself what you are saying inside to
make yourself miserable. You can change
your thoughts by recognizing them,
challenging them, and reversing them.
A Attitude of Gratitude:
Even a job that you dislike has something
positive for you to focus on. It is enabling
you to gain valuable experience, develop
networking relationships, increasing your
skills and knowledge, earning an income,
an opportunity to explore the world of
work, and other benefts that you can
think of.
Succeed At Work
At Work
Succeed At Work
At Work
3 Make it a game.
3 Help co-workers or customers.
3 Focus on the present.
3 Learn from your mistakes.
3 See the humor.
3 Go with the fow.
Make Time Fly By
Sometimes despite your best efforts to change your attitude
about your job, it still comes down to just getting
through the day.
Here are some suggestions:
A Make Plans to Change Jobs
If your job does not match your talents, goals, or values, you need a new one. Actively hunting for other positions
brings hope for change and can make your current job more bearable. You see the light at the end of the tunnel
and you feel less trapped. Leaving a job is not a sign of failure.
For resources to help you on your job hunt, you can use the California Career Planning Guide or
Find and Get the Right Job publications.
If you skip lunch or work at home
you are always on call, then you will
get tired of your job.
You need a break!
Take breaks at work: you need
regular breaks to renew your
energy. Without breaks your
productivity declines.
Leave work at work: When you
go home, leave your job behind.
Take time off: Taking a vacation
allows you to return to your job
Succeeding at work requires you to work hard and
work smart. In the new world of work people need
to aim for lifelong employability. As an employee you
keep growing and learning and challenging yourself.
Working relationships play a large role in job. It is
important that you accept all people and appreci-
ate diversity. Additionally, being a part of a team and
communicating in order to meet expectations and
deadlines will increase your success at work.
Productivity, effciency, time management, organiza-
tion, and attitude will determine your success at work.
Always strive to do your best work.
Balancing personal life and work life can be diffcult at
times. Create structure, schedules, and make a routine
in order to reduce your stress. Remember to fnd time
for family, friends, and favorite activities to give you
enjoyable time away from work, which give you more
energy and a better outlook.
There may come a time when you fnd yourself back in
the job search mode. Your current position, no matter
how diffcult, has given you real benefts. You have
gained experience, used skills, networked, and earned
income. It has not been time wasted.