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SECTION-A 155. Identify the correct statement :

Attempt All 35 questions (1) All vertebrates are chordates
151. The coelom which is formed by splitting of (2) All arthropods have 3 pairs of legs
mesodermal is present in :- (3) All echinodermates are sessile
(1) Aschelminthes (4) Cyclostomates can be considered as true
(2) Annelida fishes
(3) Echinodermata 156. Which of the following animal do not belong to
(4) Hemichordata division Gnathostomata ?

152. Identify the correct statement for bony fishes :- (1) Hag fish
(A) Body is not stream lined (2) Dog fish
(B) Skin is covered by placoid scales (3) Labeo
(C) Air bladder and operculum present
(D) Mouth mostly terminal (4) All of the above
(E) External fertilization 157. Notochord is present from head to tail region and
(1) A, B, D persistent throughout life in which animal?
(2) A, B, E (1) Ascidia (2) Doliolum
(3) C, D, E (3) Amphioxus (4) Salpa
(4) A, D, E 158. The largest phylum of Animalia is :-
153. Which of the following is an odd one out w.r.t. (1) Insecta (2) Mollusca
the phylum platyhelminthes ? (3) Arthropoda (4) Chordata
(1) Wuchereria (2) Taenia 159. Triploblastic animals primarily shows :-
(3) Fasciola (4) Planaria (1) Radial symmetry
154. Common bath sponge is – (2) Bilateral symmetry
(1) Leucosolenia (2) Scypha (3) Sexual dimorphism
(3) Euplectella (4) Euspongia (4) Asymmetry
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160. Archaeopteryx is the connecting link between : 166. Leech is :
(1) Aves and mammals (1) Carnivorous (2) Sanguivorous
(2) Amphibia and aves (3) Ectoparasite (4) Both (2) and (3)
(3) Reptiles and aves 167. An endoparasite of human, which is
(4) Reptiles and Amphibia pseudocoelomate, viviparous and its vector is
161. In which animal setae are located on parapodia? Culex mosquito :-
(1) Pheretima (2) King crab (1) Ascaris (2) Taenia
(3) Hirudinaria (4) Nereis (3) Planaria (4) Wuchereria
162. Parasitic vertebrate is : 168. Which of the following is a transparent
(1) Frog (2) Taenia
(1) Tendon
(3) Wuchereria (4) Myxine
(2) Hyaline cartilage
163. Tube feet is the locomotory structure in :
(3) Ligaments
(1) Scoliodon (2) Jellyfish
(4) Fibrous cartilage
(3) Silver fish (4) Starfish
169. Identify A to D given in the figure.
164. Which of the following is a mismatch?
(1) Fasciola - Liver fluke
(2) Ascaris - Hirudinaria
(3) Ancylostoma - Hookworm
(4) Wuchereria - Filarial worm (1) A – Collagen fibres, B – Macrophage, C –
165. Which one of the following is not a Mast cell, D – Fibroblast
(2) A – Macrophage, B – Fibroblast, C – Mast
characteristic of phylum Annelida?
cell, D – Collagen fibres
(1) Ventral nerve cord
(3) A – Mast cell, B – Collagen fibres, C –
(2) Closed circulatory system Macrophage, D – Fibroblast
(3) Segmentation (4) A – Fibroblast, B – Mast cell, C – Collagen
(4) Pseudocoelom fibres, D – Macrophage
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170. The ciliated columnar epithelial cells in humans 176. Choose the incorrect match.
are known to occur in Simple squamous
(1) Air sacs of lungs
(1) Ependymal epithelium and fallopian tubes epithelium
(2) Bile duct and oesophagus Inner lining of
(3) Fallopian tubes and urethra (2) ducts of salivary
(4) Eustachian tube and stomach lining
171. The major constituent of connective tissue is – Brush bordered
(3) PCT
columnar epithelium
(1) Lipid (2) Carbohydrate
Simple cuboidal
(3) Cholesterol (4) Collagen (4) Ducts of glands
172. Epithelial tissue originate from 177. Secretory duct of sweat glands has :-
(1) Ectoderm (2) Endoderm (1) Cuboidal epithelium
(3) Mesoderm (4) All of these (2) Stratified cuboidal epithelium
173. Cells of loose C.T. which forms fibres in matrix (3) Stratified columnar epithelium
are :-
(4) Columnar epithelium
(1) Fibroblast (2) Macrophages
178. Which of the following is/are included in loose
(3) Mast cell (4) All of these connective tissue?
174. Fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells are (1) Areolar tissue
present in the :-
(2) Adipose tissue
(1) Epithelial tissue
(3) Both 1 & 2
(2) Nervous tissue
(3) Connective tissue (4) Dense connective tissue
179. Bone destroying cells are
(4) Smooth muscle tissue
(1) Osteoblasts (2) Osteoclasts
175. Nasal septum is made up of :-
(1) Elastic cartilage (3) Osteocytes (4) Chondrocyte

(2) White fibrous cartilage 180. Outer most covering of bone is called :-
(1) Endosteum (2) Periosteum
(3) Hyaline cartilage
(3) Perichondrium (4) Endocardium
(4) Calcified cartilage
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181. In the given diagram of TS of cartilage, identify 185. Assertion : Bones have a hard and non-pliable
A and B. ground substance.
Reason : Ground substance of bones is rich
calcium salts and collagen fibres which give
bone its strength.
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct and
reason is the correct explanation of assertion
(2) Both assertion and reason are correct but reason
(1) A – Collagen; B – Chondrocyte is not the correct explanation of assertion
(2) A – Osteocyte; B – Collagen (3) Assertion is correct but reason is incorrect
(4) Both assertion and reason are incorrect
(3) A – Microtubule; B – Osteocyte
(4) A – Chondrocyte; B – Collagen This section will have 15 questions. Candidate
182. Which of the following types of cartilage is can choose to attempt any 10 questions out of
found in intervertebral disc of mammals ? these 15 questions. In case if candidate attempts
(1) Hyaline cartilage (2) Fibrous cartilage more than 10 questions, first 10 attempted
questions will be considered for marking.
(3) Calcified cartilage (4) Elastic cartilage
183. Which points are correct with the regarding of
Cardiac muscle?
(i) Have dark and light bands
(ii) Intercalated disc are present
(iii) Similar to smooth muscle in structure
(iv) Muscle fibres are branched, cylindrical
(v) Get fatigued after a long period
(vi) Unstriated and involuntary
(1) i, ii, iii, vi (2) i, ii, iv
In the given above figure ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’
(3) iii, iv, v (4) i, iii, v respectively represent –
184. Number of axons in bipolar and multipolar (1) Cellular level, Ctenophora, Bilateral
neurons are respectively: (2) Ctenophora, Bilateral, Cellular level
(1) One, one (2) One, many (3) Bilateral, Ctenophora, Cellular level
(3) Two, many (4) Two, two (4) Ctenophora, Cellular level, Bilateral
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187. Assertion : Visceral muscles are also known as 190. What is the function of Adhering junction?
involuntary muscles. (1) Cementing to keep neighbouring cells together
Reason : Activities of visceral muscles are not (2) Give rigidity to tissue
under the voluntary control of nervous system.
(3) Stop leaking substance across the tissue
(1) Both Assertion and Reason are True and
the Reason is a correct explanation of the (4) Fasciliate the cells to communicate with each
Assertion. other by connecting Cytoplasm of adjoining cells.
(2) Both Assertion and Reason are True but 191. Epiglottis is composed of :-
Reason is not a correct explanation of the (1) Yellow elastic cartilage
Assertion. (2) White collagen fibrous cartilage
(3) Assertion is True but the Reason is False. (3) Glass like cartilage like cartilage of nasal chamber

(4) Both Assertion and Reason are False. (4) Calcified cartilage

188. In sponge, the sperm and ova are produced by 192. Assertion : Non-striated muscles are said to be
voluntary in nature.
the same individual. Such types of organisms
Reason : Striated unbranched muscles can be
are called
moved according to will.
(1) Asexual (2) Unisexual (1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
(3) Hermaphrodite (4) Dioecious Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
189. Match the following and select correct answer. (2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason
is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Column I Column II
(3) Assertion is false but Reason is true.
A Cnidoblasts I Platyhelmenthes
(4) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
B Flame cells II Ctenophora 193. Find the incorrect statement related to simple
C Comb plates III Porifera columnar epithelium :-
(1) It is composed of a single layer of tall and
D Choanocytes IV Coelenterata slender cells
(1) A – II, B – I, C – IV, D – III (2) Their nuclei are located at the base

(2) A – IV, B – I, C – II, D – III (3) They are found in the lining of stomach and
intestine and help in secretion and absorption
(3) A – IV, B – I, C – IV, D – III
(4) Free surface of cells always have microvilli
(4) A – II, B – I, C – III, D – IV and kinocilia
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194. Match the columns............. 197. Volkmann's canals are found in
Column-I Column-II (1) Bones of birds
a Skin 1 Loose connective tissue
(2) Bones of amphibians
Specialized connective
b Tendon 2
tissue (3) Bones of mammals
Adipose Dense regular connective (4) Cartilage of mammals
c 3
tissue Tissue
198. The mast cells contain →
Dense irregular
d Cartilage 4
connective tissue (1) Heparin and Histamine

Select the correct option (2) Heparin and Calcitonin

a b c d (3) Serotonin and Melanin
(1) 3 1 2 4
(4) Vasopressin and relaxin
(2) 4 3 1 2
199. Statement-1: All skeletal muscles are voluntary
(3) 2 4 3 1
(4) 1 2 4 3
Statement-2: All smooth muscles are voluntary
195. Urinary bladder is lined by :
(1) Cuboidal epithelium
(1) Statement (1) is true but (2) is false.
(2) Stratified squamous epithelium
(2) Statement (1) is false but (2) is true.
(3) Compound epithelium
(3) Both Statement (1) and (2) are true.
(4) Ciliated epithelium
(4) Both Statement (1) and (2) are false.
196. Statement-I : Fibre and fibroblast are loosly
packed in the dense connective tissue. 200. Nissl's granules are found in ............ and helps in
Statement-II : Tendon & Ligament are example ............ :-
of dense irregular connective tissue.
(1) Cyton only, lipid synthesis
(1) Statement-I & Statement-II both are correct.
(2) Cyton & Axon, Protein synthesis
(2) Statement-I is correct & Statement-II is incorrect.
(3) Statement-I is incorrect & Statement-II is correct. (3) Dendron & Axon, Protein synthesis

(4) Both Statement-I & Statement-II is incorrect. (4) Dendron & cyton, Protein synthesis
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