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:‫الفئة المستهدفة‬

) ‫المرحلة اإلعدادية ( تعليم عام‬

)‫الصف (األول – الثاني – الثالث‬
 General Standards for Preparatory Stage
Domain 1: Listening
1. Learners identify and discriminate sounds, stress and intonation
2. Learners listen and respond to spoken discourse from a variety of
3. Learners gain knowledge and understanding of target cultures through
4. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while listening.
Domain 2: Reading
1. Learners construct meaning from written texts.
2. Learners develop cognitive/ metacognitive strategies to facilitate
3. Learners understand the practices and values of both national and
target cultures.
4. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while reading.

Domain 3: Writing
1. Learners write for variety of audiences, purposes and in various forms
to communicate meaning, ideas and emotions.
2. Learners develop writing process to enhance their written products.
3. Learners demonstrate awareness of the practices and values of both
national and target cultures while writing.
4. Learners practice higher level thinking skills while writing.
5. Learners translate from English into Arabic and vice versa.

Domain 4: Vocabulary and Structure

1. Learners develop vocabulary through a variety of ways.
2. Learners use morphology and lexicon accurately and appropriately.
3. Learners use syntax to communicate meaning accurately and

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
9 ‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

‫الضوابط العامة للورقة االمتحانية لمادة اللغة االنجليزية‬
‫أن تكون أسئلة الورقة اإلمتحانية في حدود المقرر الدراسي المستهدف‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أن تتوزع األسئلة على نواتج التعلم للمادة وفق الوزن النسبي لها‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أن تغطي األسئلة مستويات الصعوبة المختلفة لتكون قادرة على التمييز بين مستويات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫التحصيل الدراسي للطالب‪.‬‬
‫أن تتدرج األسئلة في الورقة االمتحانية من األسهل إلى األصعب‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أن توازن الورقة االمتحانية بين المستويات المعرفية المختلفة‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أن تكون األسئلة محددة وواضحة في صياغتها اللغوية‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أن تستوفي الورقة االمتحانية البيانات األساسية (المرحلة – الصف – المادة – الزمن‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫– الدرجة– الفصل الدراسي لغير الثانوية العامة – العام الدراسى)‪.‬‬
‫جودة تنسيق الورقة االمتحانية بما يضمن مقروئيتها؛ حجم الخط – نوع الخط –‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫المسافات بين السطور والهوامش – العناوين – تعليمات األسئلة ‪ -‬جودة الطباعة ‪-‬‬
‫الخلو من االخطاء اللغوية والطباعة‪.‬‬
‫يراعى في أسئلة الورقة االمتحانية عدم احتواءها على اية موضوعات أو عبارات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫سياسية أو دينية أو منحازة الى فئة معينه دون غيرها‪.‬‬
‫بالنسبه لسؤال قطعة الفهم القرائي البد أن تحتوي القطعة في معظمها على مفردات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫لغوية مما درسة الطالب على أن ال يتم إدراج القطعة من كتب المقرر الدراسي للصف‬

‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة ‪:‬‬ ‫املرحلة ‪ :‬العدادية ‪ -‬تعليم عام‬ ‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‪ :‬اللغة االنجليزية‬
‫‪9‬‬ ‫الفصل الدراس ي ‪ :‬األول‬ ‫العام الدراس ي‪2024 / 2023 :‬‬

First Year Preparatory
Marks: 24 Time: 2 hours

A. Listening (4 Marks)
1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (4 marks)
Students listen to a text from (25 – 30) words. Topics should be from the Set
Books. Students listen and answer FOUR (4) multiple choice questions with
FOUR (4) options each. (One mark each)

B. Language Functions (2.5 Marks)

2. Complete the following dialogue:
A dialogue of TEN (10) exchanges with FIVE (5) deletions (3 responses & 2
stimuli) is provided. Students are asked to complete the deletions completely
without providing them with any guidance. The situation should be provided
and clear. The first sentence is given in full. (Half a mark each)

C. Reading Comprehension (4.5 Marks)

3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
An unseen text of about ONE HUNDRED (100) words is provided. This can
be a short story, a factual text, a timetable or a letter. Most lexical items and
all structures in the text should be from the Set Books. Students are required
to answer THREE (3) multiple-choice questions with FOUR (4) options
each (Half a mark each) and THREE (3) open-ended questions (One mark
These questions should test the following reading comprehension skills:
 Giving the main idea (1 question)
 Extracting information (2 questions)
 Understanding reference (1 question)
 Guessing the meaning of vocabulary in context (1 question)
 Critical thinking skill (1 question)

D. Vocabulary & Structure (7 Marks)

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5 Marks)
TEN (10) multiple-choice questions (7 vocabulary & 3 structures) based on
the Set Books are provided. Students are asked to choose the correct answer
from the FOUR (4) options given. (Half a mark each)

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
9 ‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in
brackets: (2 Marks)
FOUR (4) structure sentences are provided. Students are asked to complete
the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets. The given
word(s) in brackets could be verbs, adjectives, adverbs…etc. related to what
students have studied. (Half a mark each)

E. Writing (6 Marks)
6. Write a paragraph of about EIGHTY (80) words on……: (6 Marks)
The students are asked to write a paragraph from SEVENTY FIVE (75) to
EIGHTY FIVE (85) words on a specific topic related to the Set Books.

(One mark for organization – One mark for relevance of ideas – One
mark for choice of vocabulary – One mark for spelling - One mark for
punctuation – One mark for grammar)

Write an email of about EIGHTY (80) words on .…: (6 Marks)
Students are asked to write an email from SEVENTY FIVE (75) to
EIGHTY FIVE (85) words on a specific topic related to the Set Books.
Students must write who the email is to and from, as well as the subject of the
email. Names and addresses are provided.

(One mark for organization – One mark for relevance of ideas – One
mark for choice of vocabulary – One mark for spelling - One mark for
punctuation – One mark for grammar)

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
9 ‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

Second Year Preparatory
Marks: 24 Time: 2 hours

A. Listening (4 Marks)
1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (4 Marks)
Students listen to a text from (30 – 35) words. Topics should be related to the
Set Books. Students listen and answer FOUR (4) multiple choice questions
with FOUR (4) options each. (One mark each)

B. Language Functions (2.5 Marks)

2. Complete the following dialogue: (2.5 Marks)
A dialogue of TEN (10) exchanges with FIVE (5) deletions (3 responses & 2
stimuli) is provided. Students are asked to complete the deletions completely
without providing them with any guidance. The situation should be provided
and clear. The first sentence is given in full. (Half a mark each)

C. Reading Comprehension (4.5 Marks)

3. Read the following, then answer the questions:
An unseen text of about ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY-FIVE (125)
words is provided. This can be a short story, a factual text, a timetable or a
letter. Most lexical items and all structures in the text should be from the Set
Books. Students are required to answer THREE (3) multiple-choice
questions with FOUR (4) options each (Half a mark each) and THREE (3)
open-ended questions (One mark each).

These questions should test the following reading comprehension skills:

 Giving the main idea (1 question)

 Extracting information (2 questions)
 Understanding reference (1 question)
 Guessing the meaning of vocabulary in context (1 question)
 Critical thinking skill (1 question)

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
9 ‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

D. Vocabulary & Structure (7 Marks)
4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (5 Marks)
TEN (10) multiple-choice items (7 vocabulary & 3 structures) based on the
Set Books are provided. Students are asked to choose the correct answer from
the FOUR (4) options given. (Half a mark each)

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in

brackets: (2 Marks)
FOUR (4) structure sentences are provided. Students are asked to complete
the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets. The given
word(s) in brackets could be verbs, adjectives, adverbs…etc. related to what
students have studied. (Half a mark each)

E. Writing (6 Marks)
6. Write a paragraph of about NINETY (90) words on….: (6 Marks)
Students are asked to write a paragraph from EIGHTY-FIVE (85) to
NINETY-FIVE (95) words on a specific topic related to the Set Books.
(One mark for organization – One mark for relevance of ideas – One
mark for choice of vocabulary – One mark for spelling - One mark for
punctuation – One mark for grammar)
Write an email of about NINETY (90) words on .…: (6 Marks)
Students are asked to write an email from EIGHTY-FIVE (85) to NINETY-
FIVE (95) words on a specific topic related to the Set Books. Students must write
who the email is to and from, as well as the subject of the email. Names and
addresses are provided.
(One mark for organization – One mark for relevance of ideas – One
mark for choice of vocabulary – One mark for spelling - One mark for
punctuation – One mark for grammar)

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
9 ‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

Third Year Preparatory
Marks: 30 Time: 2 hours

A. Language Functions (5 Marks)

1. Finish the following dialogue: (5 Marks)
A dialogue of TEN (10) exchanges with FIVE (5) deletions is provided (2 stimuli
& 3 responses). The topic of the dialogue should be related to the students’
everyday life, interests, hobbies, events and so on ... The situation in which the
dialogue takes place is described briefly but clearly. Students are required to fill in
the deletions completely with the appropriate language forms without providing
them with any guidance. The first exchange should be in full. (One mark each)

B. Reading Comprehension (10 Marks)

2. Read and complete the text with words from the following list: (4 Marks)
An unseen text from FIFIY (50) to SIXTY (60) words with FOUR (4) gaps is
provided. Students are asked to fill in the FOUR (4) gaps (3 vocabulary & 1
structure) from a list of SIX (6) words (4 vocabulary & 2 structures).
(One mark each)

3. Read the following text, then answer the questions: (6 Marks)

An unseen text from ONE HUNDRED FORTY (140) to ONE HUNDRED
SIXTY(160) words is provided. This can be a short story, a factual text, or an
email. Most lexical items and all structures in the text should be from the Set
Books. Sstudents are asked to answer:
A. THREE (3) MCQ questions with FOUR (4) options each dealing with the
following reading comprehension skills:
- Determine the main idea of a text. (1 question)
- Skim and scan grade appropriate text. (2 questions)
B. THREE (3) open ended questions the following reading comprehension
- Make inference about grade appropriate text. (1 question)
- Summarizing a text. (1 question)
- Make prediction about upcoming events in a story or information in a
text. (1 question)
(One mark each)

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬
C. Vocabulary and Structure (8 Marks)
4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (3 Marks)
SIX (6) vocabulary multiple-choice questions based on what students studied
before are provided. They are asked to choose the correct answer out of the
FOUR (4) options given. The questions should test students' knowledge of:

- Definitions (2 questions)
- Synonyms /Antonyms (1 question)
- Suffixes / Prefixes (1 question)
- Guessing meaning from the text (2 questions)
(Half a mark each)

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets:
(5 Marks)
FIVE (5) structure sentences are provided. Students are asked to complete the
sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets. The given word(s) in
brackets could be verbs, adjectives, adverbs…etc. related to what students have
studied. (One mark each)

D. Writing (7 Marks)
6. Write ONE HUNDRED and TEN (110) words on the following:
(7 Marks)
Students are asked to write from 100 to 110 words on a specific topic related to
the Set Books in ONE of the following writing forms:
- A review
- A short story
- A Biography
(One mark for organization–Two marks for relevance of ideas –One mark
for related vocabulary – One mark for spelling - One mark for punctuation –
One mark for grammar “Three mistakes are accepted. Repeated mistakes
are marked once only”)

Sufficient spaces must be left to answer each question if the answer is on the
same question paper.

.‫يجب ترك فراغات كافية لإلجابة على كل سؤال في حاله ما اذا كانت اإلجابة في نفس ورقة األسئلة‬

: ‫إجمالي عدد أوراق املواصفة‬ ‫ تعليم عام‬- ‫ العدادية‬: ‫املرحلة‬ ‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬:‫مواصفة امتحان مادة‬
‫ األول‬: ‫الفصل الدراس ي‬ 2024 / 2023 :‫العام الدراس ي‬

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