ENGLISH - Writing - A-Persuasive Essay - Guidelines and Rubric
ENGLISH - Writing - A-Persuasive Essay - Guidelines and Rubric
ENGLISH - Writing - A-Persuasive Essay - Guidelines and Rubric
SY. 2024-2025 | 1st QUARTER
The school has organized a symposium-workshop about the importance of accessing to information. As
one of the renowned speakers from your community, you are tasked to be one of the speaker-facilitators
of the said activity. In preparing for your speaking engagement, you need to write first your speech
transcript in a persuasive essay form about the topic, “Is Information Accessibility Indispensable to
Teachers and Learners?” The essay should contain an introduction which clearly states the author’s
stand, the body which consists of topic sentences and supporting details, and the conclusion which leaves
the reader a solid understanding of the writer’s position. The essay should also adhere to the principles of
organization and mechanics.
Please refer to the guide below in writing the content of your essay.
A persuasive essay tries to convince the reader to agree with the writer's opinion on a subject. In
your persuasive essay you do three things:
What is your stand
Topic Sentence 1:
What is the ______________________________________________________________
reason for your
agreement or
disagreement on _____________________________________________________________________
the topic? _____________________________________________________________________
Evidence 1: What _____________________________________________________________________
evidences do
you have to _____________________________________________________________________
support it? (This _____________________________________________________________________
may be an expert _____________________________________________________________________
opinion or
quotation, fact,
data or statistics, _____________________________________________________________________
or any accurate _____________________________________________________________________
and relevant _____________________________________________________________________
Analysis 1: How _____________________________________________________________________
does the _____________________________________________________________________
evidence support _____________________________________________________________________
the topic
sentence? (This
part explains the _____________________________________________________________________
evidence. In _____________________________________________________________________
other words, _____________________________________________________________________
discuss the
evidence.) _____________________________________________________________________
Concluding _______________________________________________
Sentence 1:
What does the
paragraph tell in
The following are
the parts you should
data or statistics,
or any accurate _____________________________________________________________________
and relevant _____________________________________________________________________
Analysis 2: How _____________________________________________________________________
does the _____________________________________________________________________
evidence support _____________________________________________________________________
the topic
sentence? (This
part explains the _____________________________________________________________________
evidence. In _____________________________________________________________________
other words, _____________________________________________________________________
discuss the
evidence.) _____________________________________________________________________
Concluding _____________________________________________________________________
Sentence 2: ___________
What does the
paragraph tell in
What is the
significance of your
1-3 4-7 8-10
The introduction states the
INTRODUCTION The introduction clearly states
The introduction does not author’s stand on the topic.
the author’s stand on the topic
clearly state the stand on the The author tried to hook the
with the use of an effective
topic. readers with an interesting
1-5 6-10 11-15
BODY Most of the evidence and
All of the evidence and
PARAGRAPH The evidence and examples examples are specific and
examples are specific and
are not specific and lack relevant. It is evident that the
TOPIC SENTENCES relevant. Explanations are
relevance. Explanations do not author tried to give
& SUPPORTING given that show how each
show that piece of evidence explanations that show how
DETAILS piece of evidence supports the
supports the author's position. each piece of evidence
author's position.
supports the author's position.
1-3 4-7 8-10
The conclusion is poor and The conclusion is good and The conclusion is strong and
leaves the reader a poor leaves the reader somehow leaves the reader a solid
CONCLUSION understanding of the writer's with an understanding of the understanding of the writer's
position. The author did not writer's position. The author position. The author
close the essay with a call to closed the essay with a call to effectively closed the essay
action. action. with a call to action.
1-5 6-10 11-15
Logical progression of details
No discernible organization. Organization is clear. Some
ORGANIZATION/ with a clear structure that
Transitions are not present. transitions are present, while
STRUCTURE Cannot discern a logical others are either inappropriate
enhances the essay. The
transitions are appropriate and
explanation of the topic. or missing
used very effectively.
1-3 4-7 8-10
A few regular errors in
punctuation, grammar,
Distracting and major errors in spelling, and capitalization No consistent errors in
grammar, punctuation, that. Although distracting, the punctuation, spelling,
spelling, and capitalization. meaning and intent of the grammar, or capitalization.
paragraph can still be
(Have your references listed here.)