PCS-931 Line Current Differential ProtectionData Sheet
PCS-931 Line Current Differential ProtectionData Sheet
PCS-931 Line Current Differential ProtectionData Sheet
Features 2
Functions 3
Function Arrangement 5
Protection Functions 7
Communication 24
Hardware 26
Technical Data 31
PCS-931 is a digital line differential protection with the thermal overload protection, and dead zone protection
main and back-up protection functions, which is designed etc. Moreover, a back up overcurrent and earth fault
for overhead line or cables and hybrid transmission lines protection will be automatically enabled when VT
of various voltage levels. circuit fails. In addition, stub overcurrent protection is
provided for one and a half breakers arrangement when
Main protection of PCS-931 comprises current transmission line is put into maintenance.
differential protection which can clear any internal fault
instantaneously for the whole line. DPFC distance PCS-931 has selectable mode of single-phase tripping
protection can perform extremely high speed operation or three-phase tripping and configurable auto-reclosing
for close-up faults. There is direct transfer trip (DTT) mode for 1-pole, 3-poles and 1/3-pole operation.
feature incorporated in the relay.
PCS-931 with appropriate selection of integrated
PCS-931 also includes distance protection (3 forward protection functions can be applied for various voltage
zones, 1 reverse zone and 1 settable forward or levels and primary equipment such as cables, overhead
reverse zone distance protection with selectable mho or lines, interconnectors and transformer feeder, etc. It
quadrilateral characteristic), 4 stages directional earth also supports configurable binary inputs, binary outputs,
fault protection, 4 stages directional phase overcurrent LEDs and IEC 61850 protocol.
protection, 2 stages voltage protection (under/over
voltage protection), broken conductor protection, pole
discrepancy protection, breaker failure protection,
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• The intelligent device integrated with protection, • The unique DPFC distance element integrated in
control and monitor provides powerful protection the protective device provides extremely high speed
function, flexible protection configuration, user operation and insensitive to power swing.
programmable logic and configurable binary input
and binary output, which can meet with various • Self-adaptive floating threshold which only reflects
application requirements. deviation of power frequency component improves
the protection sensitivity and stability under the
• High-performance hardware platform and condition of load fluctuation and system disturbance.
modularized design, MCU (management control
unit). DSP (digital signal processor). MCU manages • Advanced and reliable ‘power swing blocking
general fault detector element and DSP manages releasing′ feature which ensure distance protection
protection and metering. Their data acquisition operate correctly for internal fault during power
system is completely independent in electronic swing and prevent distance protection from
circuit. DC power supply of output relay is controlled maloperation during power swing
by the operation of fault detector element operates,
this prevents maloperation due to error from ADC or • Flexible automatic reclosure supports various
damage of any apparatus. initiation modes and check modes
• Fast fault clearance for faults within the protected • Multiple setting groups with password protection and
line, the operating time is less than 10 ms for close- setting value saved permanently before modification
up faults, less than 15ms for faults in the middle
portion of protected line and less than 25ms for • Powerful PC tool software can fulfill protection
remote end faults. function configuration, modify setting and waveform
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• Remote control (open and closing) • Number of circuit breaker operation (single-phase
tripping, three-phase tripping and reclosing)
• Synchronism check for remote and manual closing • Channel status
(only for one circuit breaker) • Frequency
• Event Recorder including 1024 disturbance records, • GOOSE communication function (optional NET-DSP
1024 binary events, 1024 supervision events, 256 plug-in module)
control logs and 1024 device logs.
Function Arrangement
50G 50P
Data Transmitt/Receive
51G 51P 27
SOTF 25 79
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Function arrangement
ANSI Function
87 Current differential protection
21D DPFC distance protection
21 Distance protection
67G Earth fault protection
50G Definite-time earth-fault protection
51G Inverse-time earth-fault protection
67P Phase overcurrent protection
50P Definite-time phase overcurrent protection
51P Inverse-time phase overcurrent protection
59 Over voltage protection
27 Under voltage protection
81 Frequency protection
46BC Broken conductor protection
50BF Breaker failure protection
49 Thermal overload protection
50STB Stub overcurrent protection
50DZ Dead zone protection
62PD Pole discrepancy protection
SOTF Switch onto fault
51PVT Phase overcurrent protection when VT circuit failure
51GVT Earth fault protection when VT circuit failure
25 Synchronism check
79 Automatic reclosure
FR Fault recorder
FL Fault location
Protection Functions
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Protection Functions
Protection Functions
Z -Zk
Figure 4 Operation characteristic for reverse fault
Z' S : total impedance between remote system and
Zzd protective device location
Figure 4 shows the operation characteristic of the DPFC
-Zs distance element on R-X plane when a fault occurs
in reverse direction, which is the circle with the Z′S as
the center and the│Z′S-Zzd│as the radius. The region
of operation is in the quadrant 1 but the measured
impedance -Zk is always in the quadrant 3, the DPFC
distance protection will not operate.
Figure 3 Operation characteristic for forward fault
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Protection Functions
When distance protection is used to protect long, heavily • Zone 1, 2 and 3 of phase-to-ground
loaded lines, the risk of encroachment of the load distance element
impedance into the tripping characteristic of the distance
protection may exist. A load trapezoid characteristic for
all zones is used to exclude the risk of unwanted fault
detection by the distance protection during heavy load Z IN
flow. EM EN
φLoad φLoad R
Load Area Load Area
RLoad RLoad
Protection Functions
• Zone 1, 2 and 3 of phase-to-phase Z' S : total impedance between remote system and
distance element protective device location
Circle C
-ZS Circle B
Z'S Circle A
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Protection Functions
The characteristic of the distance protection for a three-
phase fault on a system is an impedance circle cross
the origin, and there is a voltage dead zone around the B: 15° C: 30°
origin. In order to eliminate the dead zone of the distance A: 0°
protection for a close up three-phase fault memorized D
positive-sequence voltage is adopted as polarized
voltage when the positive-sequence voltage drops down
to 15%Un or below.
The transient (during process of memory) operation
characteristic is shown as the impedance circle A in the
above figure. The circle takes ZZD and -ZZS as diameter
and thus the origin is within the impedance circle. When
three-phase fault happens in reverse direction, the Figure 11 Shift impedance characteristic of zone 1 and
distance protection has a clearly defined directionality zone 2
and no dead zone during the process of memory.
The impedance characteristic of phase-to-ground
For zone 1, zone 2 and zone 3 of the phase to phase distance protection is the circle with line connecting ends
distance protection, if distance protection operates with of ZZD and -2ZS/3 as the diameter and that of phase-to-
memorized polarizing voltage, this means a close up phase distance is the circle with line connecting ends of
forward fault. When the memory fades out, the operation ZZD and -ZS/2 as the diameter.
characteristic will be reverse offset a little to enclose the
origin as impedance circle B to ensure keeping operating In order to prevent the transient overreach caused by
of distance protection until the fault being cleared. If the infeed power supply from the remote end, the zero-
distance protection does not operate with memorized sequence reactance line D is added. These measures
polarizing voltage, it will be a close up reverse fault. have enhanced the capacity against fault resistance
When the memory fades out, the operation characteristic when using distance protection in short lines.
will be forward offset not to enclose the origin as
impedance circle C, and the distance protection will not
mal-operate even if voltage is zero.
Protection Functions
Zone 4 Zone 5
ZZDF: impedance setting of zone 4 in forward direction
ZZDR: impedance setting of zone 4 in reverse direction
Φ: positive-sequence characteristic angle
ZK: measurement impedance
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Protection Functions
• Impedance Characteristic When a fault occurs on the busbar at the back, reverse
distance element zone 4 is provided to clear it with
Features available with quadrilateral distance protection definite time delay and is used as backup protection for
include 3 forward zones (zone 1~3) phase-to-ground or reverse busbar fault.
phase-to-phase distance elements, 1 reverse zone (zone
4) phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase distance element, jX
1 settable forward or reverse zone (zone 5) phase-to- C
ground or phase-to-phase distance element and 1 pilot RZD β O
zone distance protection. Each zone can respectively φ φ
enable or disable power swing blocking releasing. α
Quadrilateral distance protection will be disabled when
VT circuit fails.
jX Where:
ZZD: impedance setting of zone 4 in reverse direction
ZZD RZD: resistance setting of zone 4 in reverse direction
θ φ: positive-sequence characteristic angle,
α: the angle of directional line, fixed at 15°
β: the angle of directional line, fixed at 15°
θ: tilted angle of the reactance line AB, fixed at 12°
α φ
β R
O RZD Zone 5
Protection Functions
Power Swing Detection The distance SOTF (switch onto fault) protection is a
complementary function to the distance protection. With
Power swing is generally a dynamic process when distance SOTF protection, a fast trip is achieved for a
power system is disturbed. When power swing occurs, fault on the whole line, when the line is being energized.
the angle between the generators in parallel operation, It shall be responsive to all types of faults anywhere
the frequency of the system, the voltage on the bus, the within the protected line.
current and power of the branch lines are all fluctuating.
Power swing may destroy the normal operation of power
systems and even damage electrical equipment, causing Current Differential Protection
the system to collapse.
Current differential protection comprises three elements,
once channel failure is detected, the current differential
protection will be blocked automatically.
Power Swing Blocking Releasing
• DPFC current differential element (2 stages)
Tripping due to operation of the distance measuring
• Steady-state current differential element (2 stages)
element during a power swing is generally not allowed.
• Neutral current differential element (1 stage)
Our distance protection adopts power swing blocking
releasing to avoid maloperation resulting from power
swing. In another word, distance protection is blocked all
along under the normal condition and power swing when DPFC Current Differential Element
the respective logic settings are enabled. Only when
fault (internal fault or power swing with internal fault) is DPFC (Deviation of Power Frequency Component)
detected, power swing blocking for distance protection is p e r c e n t d i ff e r e n t i a l e l e m e n t o n l y r e f l e c t s f a u l t
released by PSBR element. components which can perform a sensitive protection
for the transmission line. Lab test shows that it is
Power swing blocking for distance element will be more sensitive in the heavy load condition than the
released if any of the following PSBR elements operates. conventional percent differential element.
Each distance zone elements has respective setting for
selection this function.
Steady-state Current Differential Element
• Fault detector PSBR element (FD PSBR)
• Unsymmetrical fault PSBR element (UF PSBR) Calculation of steady-state restraint current and
• Symmetrical fault PSBR element (SF PSBR) differential current is phase-segregated. Charging current
is eliminated from phase currents by the charging current
compensation function, so it is not needed to consider
Distance SOTF Protection capacitive current during disturbance status for current
differential setting threshold
When the circuit breaker is closed manually or
automatically, it is possible to switch on to a fault. In this
situation, the fastest possible clearance is required.
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Protection Functions
Neutral Current Differential Element 1. For long transmission line without shunt reactor
Phase capacitive current of line can be derived from
The sensitivity of steady-state differential current “∏” equivalent circuit. Under normal condition, circuit
element is too low for the slight fault during heavy energization and external fault clearance, not only
load, and DPFC current differential element can only steady-state component but also transient component of
reflect the slight fault during heavy load, but low for the capacitive current can be compensated. It can improve
slow changing fault due to the small change of fault the sensitivity of current differential protection.
component. Neutral current differential element can be
very sensitive to this kind of fault.
anti-CT saturation. C
Protection Functions
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
than 0.1In.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
4. Transient capacitive current compensation
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
2. Asynchronous method
CT Supervision as shown in above figure, there is a short time before CT
is saturated after fault current cross zero point, during
If CT circuit failure occurs at one end, the current
the period, CT can convert fault current accurately, so
differential protection will not mal-operate.
there is restraint current but no differential current, the
congruent relationship between increased differential
However, if CT circuit failure associated with internal
current and increased restraint current is used to judge if
fault or pickup due to system disturbance is detected, the
there is a internal or external fault, strong anti-saturation
current differential protection will be blocked or operate
ability can be get according to this method.
with alarm signal being issued at the same time when
the current differential current of the faulty phase is more
than the differential current setting during CT circuit The above methods can prevent current differential
failure protection from mal-operation if there is more than 1/4
cycle before CT is saturated.
CT Saturation
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Protection Functions
Phase overcurrent protection consists of following three Residual current SOTF protection will operate to trip
elements: three-phase circuit breaker with a time delay of 60ms
when 1-pole auto-reclosing.
1. Overcurrent element: each stage is independent Residual current SOTF protection will operate to trip
overcurrent element. three-phase circuit breaker with a time delay of 100ms
when 3-pole auto-reclosing or closing manually.
2. Direction control element: one direction control element
shared by all overcurrent elements, and each overcurrent
element can individually select protection direction. Voltage Protection
1. Overcurrent element: each stage equipped with one 3. Phase voltage or phase-to-phase voltage can be
independent overcurrent element. selected for protection calculation.
2. Directional control element: one direction control 4. “1-out-of-3” or “3-out-of-3” logic can be selected for
element shared by all overcurrent elements, and each protection criterion. (1-out-of-3 means any of three phase
overcurrent element can individually select protection voltages, 3-out-of-3 means all three phase voltages)
For stage 1 and stage 2 of overvoltage protection,
3. Harmonic blocking element: one harmonic blocking operating characteristic can be chosen from definite-time
element shared by all overcurrent elements and each characteristic and 12 inverse-time characteristics.
overcurrent element can individually enable the output
signal of harmonic blocking element as a blocking input.
Protection Functions
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Protection Functions
When both the phase-segregated tripping contact from • Two stages for alarm purpose and two stages for
line protection and the corresponding phase overcurrent trip purpose
element operate, or both the three-phase tripping
contact and any phase overcurrent element operate, • Thermal accumulation can be cleared by external
breaker failure protection will send three-phase tripping input signal
command to trip local circuit breaker after time delay and
trip all adjacent circuit breakers after time delay. The thermal overload formulas are shown as below.
1. Criterion of cooling start characteristic:
When the protection element except undervoltage
element within this device operates and issues tripping I2
signal, breaker failure protection will also be initiated. T = τ × ln
I 2 − (k × I B ) 2
Taking into account that the faulty current is too small for
generator or transformer fault, the sensitivity of phase 2. Criterion of hot start characteristic:
current element may not meet the requirements, zero-
I 2 − I p2
sequence current criterion and negative-sequence T = τ × ln
current criterion are provided in addition to the phase I 2 − (k × I B ) 2
overcurrent element for breaker failure protection Where:
initiated by input signal from generator and transformer T = Time to operate (in seconds)
protection. They can be enabled or disabled by logic = Thermal time constant of the equipment to be
settings respectively. protected
IB = Full load current rating
For some special fault (for example, mechanical I = The RMS value of the largest phase current
protection or overvoltage protection operating), maybe IP = Steady state pre-loading before application of the
faulty current is very small and current criterion of overload
breaker failure protection is not met, in order to make k = Factor associated to the thermal state formula
breaker failure protection can also operate under the ln = Natural logarithm
above situation, an input signal is equipped to initiate
breaker failure protection, once the input signal is The characteristic curve of thermal overload model is
energized, normally closed auxiliary contact of circuit shown as follows.
Protection Functions
The criterion for dead zone protection is: when dead The synchronism check function measures the
zone protection is enabled, binary input of initiating dead conditions across the circuit breaker and compares them
zone protection is energized (by default, three-phase with the corresponding settings. The output is only given
tripping signal is used to initiate dead zone protection), if if all measured quantities are simultaneously within their
overcurrent element for dead zone protection operates, set limits.
then corresponding circuit breaker is tripped and three
phases normally closed contact of the circuit breaker
are energized, dead zone protection will operate to trip
adjacent circuit breaker after a time delay.
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Protection Functions
The dead charge check function measures the amplitude Transfer Trip
of reference voltage (Uref) and synchronism voltage
(Usyn), and then compare them with the live check Transfer trip can be controlled by local fault detector by
setting and the dead check setting. logic setting. In addition, the transfer trip initiation binary
input is always supervised, and the device will issue an
Synchrocheck in this device can be used for auto- alarm and block transfer trip once the binary input is
reclosing and manual closing for both single-breaker and energized for longer than 4s and drop off after resumed
dual-breakers. to normal with a time delay of 10s.
Protection Functions
Under normal conditions, CT secondary signal is When an earth fault occurred on a line of parallel lines
continuously supervised by detecting the residual current arrangement, a distance relay at one end of the faulty
and voltage. If residual current is larger than 10%In line will tend to underreach whilst the distance relay at
whereas residual voltage is less than 3V, an error in CT the other end will tend to overreach. Usually the degree
circuit is considered, the concerned protection functions of underreach or overreach is acceptable, however, for
are blocked and an alarm is issued with a time delay of cases where precise fault location is required for long
10s and drop off with a time delay of 10s after CT circuit lines with high mutual coupling, mutual compensation
is restored to normal condition. is then required to improve the distance measurement.
Practically, the mutual effect between the parallel lines is
insignificant to positive and negative sequence and thus
Fault Location the mutual compensation is only for zero sequence.
• Function Description
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This protective device provides two rear RS-485 The IEC specification IEC60870-5-103: Telecontrol
communication ports, and each port has three terminals Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols
in the 12-terminal screw connector located on the back Section 103 defines the use of standards IEC60870-
of the relay and each port has a ground terminal for the 5-1 to IEC60870-5-5 to perform communication with
earth shield of the communication cable. The rear ports protective device. The standard configuration for
provide RS-485 serial data communication and are the IEC60870-5-103 protocol is to use a twisted pair
intended for use with a permanently wired connection to EIA RS-485 connection over distances up to 500m.
a remote control center. It also supports to use an Ethernet connection. The
relay operates as a slave in the system, responding to
commands from a master station.
EIA RS-485
120 Ohm
IEC60870-5-103 Interface over Serial Port
Slave Slave Slave
The IEC60870-5-103 interface over serial port (RS-485)
is a master/slave interface with the protective device as
Figure 19 EIA RS-485 bus connection arrangements the slave device. It is properly developed by NR.
Each device is connected with an exchanger via The following IEC60870-5-103 facilities are supported by
communication cable, and thereby it forms a star this interface:
structure network. Dual-network is recommended in
order to increase reliability. SCADA is also connected to • Initialization (reset)
the exchanger and will play a role of master station, so • Time synchronization
the every equipment which has been connected to the • Event record extraction
exchanger will play a role of slave unit. • General interrogation
• General functions
• Disturbance records
Switch: Net A
Switch: Net B
IEC60870-5-103 Interface over Ethernet Please note that gateways can be considered as clients
and servers subject to the communication object.
The IEC60870-5-103 interface over Ethernet is a master/ When retrieving data from IEDs within the substation,
slave interface with the relay as the slave device. It is the gateways are considered as servers whereas
properly developed by NR too. All the service of this transmitting data to control centers, the gateways are
relay is based on generic functions of the IEC60870-5- considered as clients.
103. The following table lists all the group number of this
relay. And this relay will send all the relevant information • Peer-to-peer
about group caption to the SAS or RTU after establishing This is a non-connection-oriented, high speed type of
a successful communication link. communication usually between substation equipment,
such as protection relays. GOOSE is the method of peer-
to-peer communication.
Messages Description for IEC61850
Protocol • Substation configuration language (SCL)
A substation configuration language is a number of files
The PCS-931 series relays support IEC 61850 server
used to describe IED configurations and communication
services over TCP/IP communication protocol stacks.
systems according to IEC 61850-5 and IEC 61850-
The TCP/IP profile requires the PCS-931 series relays to
7. Each configured device has an IED Capability
have an IP address to establish communications.
Description (ICD) file and a Configured IED Description
(CID) file. The substation single line information is stored
• MMS protocol
in a System Specification Description (SSD) file. The
IEC 61850 specifies the use of the Manufacturing entire substation configuration is stored in a Substation
Message Specification (MMS) at the upper (application) Configuration Description (SCD) file. The SCD file is the
layer for transfer of real-time data. This protocol has combination of the following items: individual ICD files,
been in existence for a number of years and provides SSD file, communication system parameters (MMS,
a set of services suitable for the transfer of data within GOOSE control block, SV control block), as well as
a substation LAN environment. IEC 61850-7-2 abstract GOOSE/SV connection relationship amongst IEDs.
services and objects are mapped to actual MMS protocol
services in IEC61850-8-1.
• Client/server
This is a connection-oriented type of communication.
The connection and communication activity is initiated
and controlled by the client. Substation computers
running HMI programs or SOE logging software are
considered as IEC61850 clients. Substation equipment
such as protection relays, meters, RTUs, instrument
transformers, tap changers, or bay control units are
considered as servers.
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Front/rear panel
291 465.0
Figure 23 Dimensions
Typical Wiring
NR1102 NR1401 NR1161 NR1213 NR1161 NR1504 NR1521A NR1521C NR1521C NR1521F NR1301
MON module
PWR module
DSP module
DSP module
CH Module
BO module
BO module
BO module
BO module
AI module
BI module
Slot No.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
PCS-931 (conventional CT/VT and conventional binary input and binary output)
Slot No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
Module ID NR1102 NR1401 NR1161 NR1213 NR1504 NR1504 NR1521 NR1521 NR1521 NR1521 NR1301
PCS-931 (conventional CT/VT and GOOSE binary input and binary output)
Slot No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
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NET-DSP Module
MON module
PWR module
DSP module
DSP module
CH Module
BO module
BO module
BI module
Slot No.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
Slot No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
Slot No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1
Module ID NR1102 NR1161 NR1213 NR1136 NR1504 NR1504 NR1521 NR1521 NR1521 NR1521 NR1301
0204 Ib BI_12 + 0814
To parallel line Ic Not used 0815
0207 BI_13 + 0816
From parallel line 0208 IM0
Protection Voltage
detector element
Synchronism Voltage
BO_02 1104
0220 UB1
0221 BO_11
UL2 1122
UB2 1201
Signal Binary Output
B 0102
Signal Binary Output (option)
SGND 0103 BO_CtrlCls1 1504
TXD 0106
Multiplex 0012
SGND 0107 RJ45 (Front)
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CH-RX BI_03 + 0805
BI_11 + 0821
Phase A RX
FO interface for SV channel
SV from
ECT/EVT - 0822
Phase B
(LC Type)
Up to 8
BO_02 1104
BO_11 1122
PWR+ P110
External DC power Power
Signal Binary Output
P102 BO_FAIL BO_11 1222
P101 COM 1501
P105 BO_FAIL BO_CtrlOpn1 1502
Signal Binary Output (option)
P104 COM BO_CtrlCls1 1504
A 0101
B 0102 1517
cable with single point earthing
To the screen of other coaxial
BO_CtrlOpn5 1518
SGND 0103
0104 1519
BO_CtrlCls5 1520
SYN+ 0101 1521
Clock SYN
RTS 0105
TXD 0106
SGND 0107 RJ45 (Front) 0225 Grounding
Technical Data
Electrical Specifications
• AC Current Input
• AC Voltage Input
• Power Supply
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Technical Data
• Binary Input
• Binary Output
Technical Data
Short duration current
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Durability (Loaded contact) 10000 operations
Number Up to 55 binary output according to various hardware configurations
Mechanical Specifications
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Technical Data
Communication Port
♦ EIA-485 Port
♦ Ethernet Port
Technical Data
♦ Print Port
Type RS-232
Baud Rate 4.8kbit/s, 9.6kbit/s, 19.2kbit/s, 38.4kbit/s, 57.6kbit/s, 115.2kbit/s
Printer type EPSON® 300K printer
Safety level Isolation to ELV level
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Technical Data
Type RS-485
Transmission distance <500m
Maximal capacity 32
Timing standard PPS, IRIG-B
Safety level Isolation to ELV level
Type Tests
♦ Environmental Tests
♦ Mechanical Tests
♦ Electrical Tests
Technical Data
♦ Electromagnetic Compatibility
IEC 60255-22-1:2007
1MHz burst disturbance test Common mode: class 3 2.5kV
Differential mode: class 3 1.0kV
IEC60255-22-2:2008 class 4
Electrostatic discharge test For contact discharge: 8kV
For air discharge: 15kV
IEC 60255-22-3:2007 class 3
Frequency sweep
Radiated amplitude-modulated
10V/m (rms), f=80~1000MHz
Radio frequency interference tests Spot frequency
Radiated amplitude-modulated
10V/m (rms), f=80MHz/160MHz/450MHz/900MHz
Radiated pulse-modulated
10V/m (rms), f=900MHz
IEC 60255-22-4:2008
Fast transient disturbance tests Power supply, I/O, Earth: class 4, 4kV, 2.5kHz, 5/50ns
Communication terminals: class 4, 2kV, 5kHz, 5/50ns
IEC 60255-22-5:2008
Power supply, AC input, I/O port: class 4, 1.2/50us
Surge immunity test
Common mode: 4kV
Differential mode: 2kV
IEC 60255-22-6:2001
Conducted RF Electromagnetic Disturbance
Power supply, AC, I/O, Comm. Terminal: Class 3, 10Vrms, 150 kHz~80MHz
IEC 61000-4-8:2001
Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
class 5, 100A/m for 1min, 1000A/m for 3s
IEC 61000-4-9:2001
Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity
class 5, 6.4/16μs, 1000A/m for 3s
IEC 61000-4-10:2001
Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity
class 5, 100kHz & 1MHz–100A/m
Auxiliary power supply performance IEC60255-11: 2008
- Voltage dips Up to 200ms for dips to 40% of rated voltage without reset
-Voltage short interruptions 100ms for interruption without rebooting
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Technical Data
Technical Data
Management Function
♦ Control Performance
Control mode Local or remote
Accuracy of local control ≤ 1s
Accuracy of remote control ≤ 3s
♦ Clock Performance
Maximum duration 10000 sampled points (24 sampled points per cycle)
Recording position 10 cycles before pickup of trigger element
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Technical Data
Protective Functions
♦ Fault Detector
- Overvoltage Element
Setting range Un~2Unn (V)
Accuracy ≤2.5% of setting or 0.01Un, whichever is greater
♦ Distance Protection
Technical Data
♦ Overvoltage Protection
♦ Undervoltage Protection
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Technical Data
♦ Overfrequency Protection
♦ Underfrequency Protection
Technical Data
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Technical data
♦ Auto-reclosing
♦ Transient Overreach
♦ Fault Locator
Accuracy for multi-phase faults with single end feed < ±2.5%
Tolerance will be higher in case of single-phase fault with high ground resistance.