Geography Paper 2 Marking Scheme Form 4 Term 1 Exam 2018
Geography Paper 2 Marking Scheme Form 4 Term 1 Exam 2018
Geography Paper 2 Marking Scheme Form 4 Term 1 Exam 2018
1 a) State two human activities that may lead to soil erosion. (2mks)
- Ploughing land up and down the slope.
- Abandoned land due to shifting cultivation.
- Deafforesttation and burning of vegetation cover.
- Overstocking / overgrazing. (Any 2 x 1=2mks)
b) Give three problems experienced by sugar cane growing in the Lake Victoria basin
- Low sugar cane prices discourage farmers.
- Delayed payments discourage the farmer
- Stiff competition from imported sugar
- Poor management
- Unreliable transport / infrastructure.
- Frequent fire outbreaks destroy the crop in the field.
- Destruction of cane by pests and diseases mainly Ratoonstanting and leaf rust while the
pests are stalk borer.
- Reduced quality from poor management and poor seeds.
- High costs of farm inputs
- Unreliable rainfall patterns. (Any 3x1=3mks)
b) State two measures that have been taken in Kenya to reduce infant mortality
- Improved immunization of children.
- Providing more education opportunities for the, mothers.
- Encouraging girls to acquire education and pursue careers before having children.
- Reducing poverty so as enable the mother to have access to a good diet for the baby.
- Teaching sex education in schools to curb cases of unwanted pregnancies.
- Carrying out more research on childhood diseases.
- Empowering women. (Any 2 x 1=2mks)
5 a) A part from the sun, name two other renewable sources of energy.
- Water
- Wind
- Plants
- Animals Any 2 x 1=2mks.
b) State three advantages of using hydro- electric power over other forms of energy.
- It is clean to the user.
- It can not be exhausted.
- It is easy to use.
- It can easily be transported.
- Has many varieties of uses. (Any 3 x 1=3mks)
- Poor housing.
- Lack of sanitation.
- Dumping is high due to the congestion in housing.
- Poor accessibility
Any other relevant description ( 1 x 6=6 mks)
b) (i) Explain four main problems which may be experienced in this areas.
- Lack of sanitation people resolve to use the polytene papers hence high dumping.
- High water/ sewerage pollution from the running river resulting to high risks of
related diseases.
- Air pollution from the materials dumped resulting to nose / throat diseases.
- Poor housing resulting to disease outbreak as phemonia.
- High utilization of resources as social amenities resulting shortages.
- Inadequate physical facilities / clean water.
- Poor drainage / Road network.
- Dwelling aresemi permanent can be swept away during floods / destroyed by fire
- High crime rate due to poverty. (Any 4 x 1=8mks)
c)(i) Explain four problems which may result from high population growth rate
in E. African Countries.
- There is likely to be a high rate of unemployment as job opportunities may not
increase at a rate that can cope with the increasing number of job seekers.
- The large number of poor unemployed people may lead to high crime rate as such
people seek ways of supporting themselves.
- The high demand of social amenities caused by high population growth rate may
lead to congestion in schools, hospitals, housing and transport facilities.
- High depending ratio due to unemployment reducing the rate of investment
slowing economic growth.
- High demand for food due to high population leading to food high population
leading to food shortage foreign exchange.
- There would be a strain of natural resources and scarcity of land. More land
would be required for farming leading to land fragmentation / landlessness.
(Any 4 x 2=8mks)
(ii) Give four reasons why Kenya should become an industrialized country.
- Earns foreign exchange
- Availability of Employment opportunities
- Improved infrastustructere.
- Leads to increased Agricultural production.
- Improves balance of trade.
- Diversification of the economy
- Fosters good international relations.
- Formation of cooperative settlements.
- Leads to the growth of settlements. (Any 4 x 1=4mks)
c)(i) Explain four factors which have favoured the development of electronics industry
in Japan.
- Educational system is technically biased leading advanced skills.
- Availability of power (Highly developed sources of power encouraged the
growth of manufacturing industries.)
- Automation Japanese workers are much willing to use automatic equipment to do
work previously done by people leading to high production efficiency.
- Government policy. The electronic industry receives government support through
loans to carry out research and develop the industry.
- Market: High population and purchasing power provide a large market for the electronic
- Labour: Japan has a dense population with a large labour force – Highly skilled and
semi skilled.
- Geographical position: Japan is located in a strategic position in relation to other
countries which favours importation of raw materials needed and exportation of
electronic goods.
- Transport and communication net work which well developed.
(Any 4 x 2=8mks)
(ii) State five ways in which the government of Kenya encourage Jua Kali industry
- The ministry of trade and industry has a set up a department to promote Jua Kali
- The government provides space for the establishment of Jua Kali shades.
- The government facilitate formation of co-operatives through which artisans and
traders access credit and market their products.
- Through K.I.E Jua kali traders are are given loans for purchase of raw materials
and building shades.
- The government offers advisory services.
- The government offers training though seminars and workshops.
- The government sources for funds and machinery from donors and NGO to
enable trades to expand and improve the products. (Any 5x1=5)
8 a) (i) Why is necessary to conserve water.
- So as to maintain Hydrological circle.
- Flora and Fauna depends on water as a source of food.
- The aquatic life depend on water hence improves our tourism sector.
(Any 2 x 1=2mks)
(ii) How does terracing help in water conservation.
- It checks surface water runoff.
- It encourages water percolation / infiltration.
- It reduces the speed of water runoff. (Any 2 x 1=2mks)
b) Explain three measures being taken by East African Countries to manage wildlife.
- Burn on game hunting
- Protecting on endangered species
- Creation of antipoaching units
- Involvement of NGO in the conservation.
- Legislation of management / conservation.
- Creation of public awareness on environmental issues. (Any 3 x 2=6 mks)
9.a) (i) Using a divided rectangle represent the data given above.
2.9cm 2.8cm 2.1cm 1.2cm 0.9cm
ii) Besides divided rectangles name any three other methods of presenting the data.
- Pie chart.
- Bar graphs.
- Proportional circles.
- Dot maps. (Any 3 x 1=3mks)
b) Explain four ways in which communication contributes to the economic development of Africa.
- Communication enhances trade in order to obtain raw materials and sell finished
- Many people are employed in the communication sector.
- Communication promotes international and domestic tourism.
- The govs are able to disseminate information through the media
such information help to improve people’s ways of life.
- Communication promotes international understanding which enhances trade
between Africa and other countries Any four x 2 =8mks
c) Explain three transport problems experienced in the great lakes and St. Lawrence seaway.
- Has natural barriers as rapids waterfalls and shallow stretches which render it
naturally inevigable.
- The seaway as frozen in winter and navigation comes to a standstill.
- Constant siltation needs regular and constant dredging which is expensive.
- Fog interferes with visibility . (Any 3 x 2=6mks)