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Corazon R. Mangubat
Research 1 Teacher
The study will examine the structure, roles, and functions of the Lupong
Tagapamayapa in the Loyola community. It will explore the extent to which the
Lupong Tagapamayapa is able to effectively settle disputes, considering factors
such as the speed of resolution, satisfaction of the parties involved, and the
overall impact on community harmony and development. However, the Lupong
Tagapamayapa is a community- based dispute resolution body that follows a
structured process to encourage amicable settlements. Here are the typical
procedures involved:
The purpose of this research is to assess the efficiency and impact of the
Lupong Tagapamayapa in resolving conflicts and disputes within the community
of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan Surigao Sur. The study aims to evaluate how
effective this alternative dispute resolution mechanism is in providing timely and
fair resolutions to conflicts, promoting harmony and peace, and ensuring access
to justice within the local community. The research may examine the structure
and functioning of the Lupong Tagapamayapa, the success rate of dispute
resolutions, the satisfaction level of the community members with the system,
and any challenges or improvements needed for its effectiveness.
Every three years, barangay elections are held to elect the Punong
barangay, who represents the head of the barangay government (chief
executive), as well as the seven members of the sangguniang barangay
(legislative body), which is likewise chaired by the Punong barangay. These
elections are non-partisan and never take place on the same day as national or
local elections. The Lupong Tagapamayapa ("barangay court" -Lupon-) is the
judicial body, also known as the Barangay Justice System (BJS).
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
The nature of the Barangays altered dramatically during the Marcos
(1972-1986) government, as he exploited them as part of his machinery-building
approach to construct a more popular dictatorship. He was also instrumental in
establishing the Barangay Justice System (BJS) by the 1978 Presidential Decree
(PD) NO. 1508, also known as "Establishing A System Of Amicably Resolving
Disputes At The Barangay Level." Conflicts between residents of the same
cities/municipalities shall first be filed for mediation or, if that fails, for conciliation
in the Barangay: "No complaint, petition, action or proceeding involving any
matter within the authority of the Lupon as provided in Section 2 hereof shall be
filed or instituted in court or any other government office for adjudication unless
there has been a confrontation of the parties before the Lupon Chairman or the
Pangkat Secretary, attested by the Lupon or Pangkat Chairman, or unless the
settlement has been repudiated" (Presidential Decree No. 1508, June 28, 1978,
Section 6).
The PD No. 1508 was later changed and consolidated by the 1991 Local
Government Code (LGC), which recognized Mediation, Conciliation, and
Arbitration as valid and effective methods of resolving certain types of disputes,
particularly family and communal problems. As a result of this. The KP became a
vital part of the Barangay Governance, with enhanced authority and scope over
the cases it was permitted to handle. Onendain believes. "Barangay Justice, to
reiterate, is a splendid idea that holds bright promises for the establishment of a
fast and orderly society under a new political order; however, much of its success
must depend on the people themselves, the official who will administer the
system, and the citizen who will participate in it; in one way or another, on how
responsibly they will perform their respective roles, and more importantly, on how
clearly and intelligently they read the law."
in general; with the goal of elucidating principles that can apply to all types of
systems at all nesting level in all field of research, through this it will emphasize
that the real system are open to and interact with their environments (Ludwig
related to the research work, since Barangay Justice System has a goal of
This study's conceptual framework discusses the elements that contribute to a
better understanding of the study's flow and the link between the independent
and dependent variables. The paradigm, which is made up of the significant
variables, is depicted in Figure 1. The analysis of receiving of complaint,
issuance of summon, mediation and reconciliation, and amicable settlement is
the independent variable, while the performance of Lupong Tagapamayapa is
the dependent variable. The focus of this study is on the effectiveness of
Lupong Tagapamayapa in decongesting Local courts for high quality of justice.
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
Level of Effectiveness:
Receiving of Complaint
Issuance of summon
Amicable Settlement
Extent of the problems Performance of Lupong
encountered: Tagapamayapa in
decongesting Local courts
Job knowledge for high quality of justice
Service Orientation
3.2 Stewardship;
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Settling complaint out of court with the
assistance of an impartial dispute resolution body. Resolving consumer this way
is easier, faster and less expensive than going to court.
Loyola: This is the specific barangay or community under study in the research.
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
Lupong Tagapamayapa: This refers to the community or barangay- based
dispute resolution council in the Philippines. It's a local government mechanism
for settling minor disputes and conflicts through mediation and conciliation.
design used by the author, the sources of data, the sampling procedure, the
Research Design
is applicable since the study focus to the respondent which pertains to the
appropriate present conditions and the description of the current status of the
of the answer of the respondents for the variables of the study. Through the
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
use of the descriptive research design, the assessment of the Barangay
design will serve as framework for the in-depth evaluation of the independent
Research Locale
This study was conducted in the Municipality of Hinatuan Surigao Del Sur.
this place is situated in Loyola, Hinatuan Surigao Del Sur, REGION 13,
Table 1
P-4 38 4% 7
P-7 21 2% 4
P-7A 33 4% 6
P-8 66 8% 13
P-10 28 3% 5
n= 8711+871(0.7)2
n= 8711+871(0.0049)
n= 8711+4.27
Research Instrument
P=∑ fxn
formula is;
Where: WM= weight mean
∑ fx= sum of product of the frequency
and raw score
N= No. of Population
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
A five-point rating scale was adapted to describe the relevance of the
respondents answer in part 2 of the questionnaire, the 5 point rating scale is
shown below;
This chapter presents and discusses the relevant results of the statistically
computed data collected from the conducted survey questionnaire. The relevant
results are in conformity with the statement of the problem and hypotheses of the
Study. The interpretation is narratively expressing the form of the data from the
tabulation. The analysis of the computed data is resulting from the comparative
study. The presentation and discussion arrange in accordance with the sub-
problem of the study.
Demographic Profile
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
Age Group
Table 2
Respondent’s Profile according to Age
Based from the grand total distribution, it could be deduced that majority of
the respondents belonged to the age bracket 40-49 years old. The second
largest group of respondents was 30-39 years old, followed by 50 and above.
The least number belonged to 29 below.
Gender Profile
Table 3
Female 42 24.45
Total 165 100
Legend: F- Frequency P- Percentage
The respondents of the study as for its gender in the community of Loyola,
it revealed one hundred twenty-three (123) or seventy four point fifty five percent
(74.55%) male and the female was composed of forty-two (42) or twenty four
point forty-five (24.45%) in total of one hundred sixty five (165).
Based from the grand total, it registered that majority of the respondents
were male that accumulated almost 75% of the total number of respondents.
Table 4
Respondent’s Profile according to Marital Status
Marital Status Community of Loyola
Single 34 20.61
Married 121 73.33
Separated 7 4.24
Widow/Widower 3 1.82
Total 165 100
Legend: F- Frequency P- Percentage
Table 5
Respondent’s Profile according to Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment Community of Loyola
Elementary 17 10.30
High School 104 63.03
College 44 26.67
Vocational 0 0
Total 165 100
Legend: F- Frequency P- Percentage
Respondent’s Assessment
A1 Receiving of Complaint
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
Table 6
A2 Issuance of Summon
Table 7
Table 8
Table 10
B1 Job Knowledge
Table 11
The overall weighted mean indicated that the indicator received “not
serious” verbal interpretation should be given the much attention for the label
objective achiever Barangay Justice System. Therefore, the seminar for job
knowledge variable should be addressed to ensure effectiveness and eventual
success in achieving the general objective of the Barangay Justice System.
B2 Stewardship
Table 12
B3 Service Orientation
Table 13
B4 Team Work
Table 14
Table 15
Based from the findings of the study, the following recommendations are
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Ojustice. LawPhil
Southern Technological Institute of the Philippines – Pacific View College INC
The Effectiveness of Lupong Tagapamayapa in Settling Dispute to the
Community of Barangay Loyola, Hinatuan,Surigao del Sur
Appendix A
Name (Optional): _______________________________________
Dear Respondents,
1.1 Age
( ) 29 yrs. old and below ( ) 30-39 yrs. Old
( ) 40-49 yrs. Old ( ) 50 yrs. old and above
1.2 Gender
( ) Male ( ) Female
4 effective 3.40-4.19
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
4 effective 3.40-4.19
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1