2.review of Literature and Statement of Problem

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Review of Literature and Statement of Problem

2. 1 Review of Literature The objective of this work is to develop a virtual proto type for single phase PM BLDC motor driven applications. For this purpose literature survey has been done to cover the areas of design, finite element analysis and dynamic modeling of PM BLDC motor. Journals related to single phase PM BLDC motor has been collected to understand the latest research on the topic. [1]. Design of Brushless Permanent-Magnet Motors, JR Hendershot Jr, TJ E Miller, Magna physics publishing and clarendon press, oxford. 1994: - This book discusses operating point of magnet and design of magnetic and electric circuit of three-phase PM BLDC motor. Also explains the computer aided designing of PM BLDC motor. The concept explained in this book is adapted and modified for single phase PM BLDC motor [2]. Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives, R Krishnan, CRC Press: - This book discuses fundamentals of PM synchronous and brushless dc machines, power devices, inverters; PM synchronous motor drives, and brushless dc motor drives. Also there is explanation regarding finite simulation of halbach magnet which is used in this study. [3]. Permanent Magnet Materials and their Application, Peter Campbell, Princeton University, New Jersey: - This book discusses about permanent magnet materials, properties, [4]. magnetic circuit design, magnetization of magnet material, measurement of magnetism etc. Stepping motors and their microprocessor controls, Edition: 2, Illustrated, reprint, Published by Clarendon Press, 1994. Takashi Kenj and Akira Sugawara: This book discusses about stepper motors. The specific aspect referred for current study is cogging torque behaviour under unexcited condition [5]. Influence of design parameters on the starting torque of a single-phase PM brushless dc motor, S. Bentouati, Z.Q. Zhu, and D. Howe, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 35333536, Sept. 2000 :- This paper discusses about starting torque of a single-phase permanent magnet brushless dc motor for both radial and

parallel magnetization. Finite element analysis is used to assess the relative merits of alternative methods of introducing the required airgap asymmetry, viz. tapered airgap, stepped airgap, asymmetric airgap, and slotted teeth. Authors are validated the prediction by experimental proto type [6]. Properties of cogging torque, starting torque, and electrical circuits for the single phase brushless dc motor, Chun-Lung Chiu, Yie-Tone Chen, and Wun-Siang Jhang, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 2317-2323, Oct. 2008. : -In this paper, authors use the finite-element method to analyze the properties of cogging torque, starting torque, and electrical circuits. Also they describe an optimum asymmetric air-gap structure that not only produces an optimum starting torque but also reduces the cogging torque to a tolerable range. Authors are validated the prediction by experimental proto type to illustrate the accuracy of the FEM model. [7]. Impact of shape of stator pole of one phase brushless motor on cogging torque, A. Hamler and B. Hribernik, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1545-1548, May. 1996.: - In this paper, authors discuss the influence of the stator pole shape on the cogging torque of single phase PM BLDC motors. The shape of the pole is changed so that the asymmetry of the air gap between the stator and the rotor varies. The finite element method was used to calculate the magnetic field and the torque was calculated using the Maxwell stress method. For this method the influence of the chosen integration path in the element, as well as the influence of the shape of the elements over which the integration path runs were analyzed. The results of analysis on a real model clearly indicate that good torque calculation results can be obtained even with a relatively rough meshing. [8]. Novel topology of unequal air gap in a single-phase brushless dc motor, Byungll Kwon, Byoung-Yull Yang, Seung-Chan Park, and Young-Sun Jin, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 3723-3726, Sept. 2001.: - In this paper, a single phase Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet (DSPM) motor is discussed. The principle of operation, modeling and finite element analysis of the motor are investigated in the paper. Experiment results for a prototype machine are presented. [9]. Performance assessment of a single-phase PM synchronous motor for small fan appliances, Mauro Andriollo, Manual De Bortoli, Giovanni Martinelli, Augusto

Morini, Andrea Tortella, Sandro Bassini, and Andrea Scala, 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, 2008, pp.1-6, 6-9 Sept. 2008.: - This paper discusses about a non-linear mathematical model for the performance assessment and the design improvement of small single-phase PM synchronous motor. The calculation of the model parameters is carried out by 2D FEM analyses suitably corrected to take also into account of the 3D effects. The procedure implemented in a numerical code allows investigating significant design aspects related to a motor configuration adopted for small fan appliances. [10]. Drive of single-phase brushless dc motors based on torque analysis, Lizhi Sun, Qi Feng, and J Shang, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 46-50, Jan. 2007 : -In this paper, authors discuss suppressing high torque peaks commonly found in single-phase brushless dc motors by using different driving methods, which are proposed and studied based on finite-element analysis (FEA). It is concluded that one dead-zone can be added into the driving signals to improve current waveforms and torque envelope. The test results show that the noise level and performances are greatly improved when one proper dead zone is implemented. [11]. "Dynamic modeling of a high speed single-phase pm brushless dc drive", Z. Q. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. D. Howe, and H. Gliemann, 3rd lET Int. Conf. on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, pp. 484-488,4-6 April 2006, Dublin, Ireland.: -This paper discusses about dynamic simulation of a 45krpm, 1kW, single-phase brushless dc motor, when it is supplied from a full-bridge inverter and a halfbridge inverter. The electromagnetic performance is modeled, with due account of the stator iron loss, rotor eddy current loss and the friction loss, and simulated results are validated experimentally. [12]. Design improvement of a single-phase brushless permanent magnet motor for small fan appliances, Mauro Andriollo, Manual De Bortoli, Giovanni Martinelli, Augusto Morini, and Andrea Tortella, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no.1, pp.88-95, Jan.2010 : - In this paper, an adaptation of a shaded pole motor operating as a single-phase brushless PM motor is studied. A nonlinear mathematical model for performance assessment and design improvement is proposed. The calculation of the model parameters is carried out by 2-D FEM

analyses suitably corrected to also take into account 3-D effects, mainly due to different stator and rotor lengths. The procedure implemented in a numerical code makes it possible to investigate significant design aspects and determine the mechanical characteristic related to motor configurations adopted for small fan appliances. [13]. BLDC motor for fan application with automatically optimized commutation angle, Andras Lelkes, and Michael Bufe, Proc. IEEE PESC 04, vol. 3, pp. 2277 2281, 20-25 June 2004, Aacehn, Germany: - This paper describes methods for the automatic optimization of motor efficiency by changing the commutation angle. These motors are electronically commutated; the commutation point is determined by Hall-sensors or sensor less (mainly by the so called back EMF method). In case of constant commutation angle, this angle can be optimized only for one operating point. Through this optimization, motor current and power consumption can be reduced. However, if the motor works in another operating point (different supply voltage, speed and/or torque), its efficiency will be lower than that of a motor with a commutation angle optimized for this new operating point. [14]. Current control for the smoothing of torque in a single-phase permanent-magnet disc motor using 3-D FEM, Mariusz Jagiela, Ernest A. Mendrela, and Rafal Wrobel, Springer Berlin Journal Electrical Engineering, Vol.87, Number 4, pp.191-196, June, 2005 :- In this paper, a new disc-type single-phase permanentmagnet motor with a salient pole stator is considered. Due to a particular configuration of the magnets on the rotor disc, the motor develops a starting torque. It also is capable of producing a constant, nearly smooth torque by modifying the current waveform. To determine the required current waveform, the 3-D finite element field model (FEM) is used. To control the current in order to minimize the torque ripple, the field circuit model of the motor was developed, including the inverter topology. [15]. In-depth study of the torque constant for permanent-magnet machines, D. Lin, P. Zhou, and Z.J. Cendes, IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 5383 - 5387, Oct. 2009. : - This paper presents an in-depth study of the torque constant and the back-EMF constant under various real conditions in PM machines. The torque

constant at various load conditions is computed using transient 2D finite element analysis (FEA). It is shown that the torque constant is not a constant for BLDC motors and PM AC machines. [16]. A novel adaptive commutation angle method for single phase BLDC motor, Jian Ni, Lijian Wu, Bo Zhang, Wanbing Jin, and Jianping Ying, Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems 2007, Oct. 8~11, Seoul, Korea : - In this paper, a novel low-cost adaptive commutation angle method is proposed to improve the performance of single - phase BLDC motor. Proposed method is verified by analysis and simulation. Experimental results show the motor efficiency using adaptive commutation angle is about average 4% higher than that without adaptive commutation angle. [17]. Optimal driving efficiency design for the single-phase brushless dc fan motor, Chun-Lung Chiu Chen, Y.-T. You-Len Liang Ruey-Hsun Liang , IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 46, no. 4, pp1123 - 1130, March 2010: -In this paper authors used the finite-element method (FEM) to simulate the back-EMF voltage and the coil current for the single-phase BLDC motor, and then adjust the conduction time of switches by detecting the waveform of coil current. The motor can improve its efficiency, noise, and vibration when it obtains the optimal shift angle of each speed. The experimental results are used to confirm the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed driving method. [18]. A novel single phase doubly salient permanent magnet motor, Bian Dunxin, and Zhan Qionghua, pp725 - 729 vol.2, International conference on power electronics and drive systems, 1999. Proceedings of the IEEE 1999:- In this paper, a singlephase doubly salient permanent magnet (DSPM) motor is discussed. The motor has four stator poles and six rotor poles. Different air-gaps are arranged under stator poles for the purpose of starting. The principle of operation, modeling and finite element analysis of the motor are investigated in the paper. Experimental results for a prototype machine are also presented [19]. Finite element analysis in the design of permanent magnet machines, Z. Q. Zhu, G. W. Jewell, and D. Howe, IEE seminar on current trends in the use of finite elements (FE) in electromechanical design and analysis (ref. no. 2000/013), 2000:

- This paper focuses on permanent magnet brushless machines, and illustrates the application of finite element analysis to both linear and rotary machine topologies, demonstrates how it facilitates the prediction of iron loss and eddy current loss, and shows how it can account for the influence of magnet powder alignment and impulse magnetization systems on machine performance. [20]. Halbach permanent magnet machines and applications: a review, Z. Q. Zhu, and D. Howe, IEE Proc. Electric Power Applications, vol. 148, issue.4, pp.299-308, Jul. 2001: - This paper reviews halbach machine topologies and the realization of halbach magnetized magnets from pre-magnetized sintered rare earth magnet segments (which approximate the halbach magnetization distribution and thereby compromise their performance), and as bonded isotropic and anisotropic NdFeB ring magnets (which are subsequently impulse magnetized with a halbach field distribution). Radial- and axial-field, slotted and slot less, rotary and linear (tubular and planar), and spherical halbach magnetized brushless machines are described, and potential applications, including a motor/generator for a high-speed flywheel peak power buffer, high-performance linear and rotary servo motors, and passive magnetic bearings are explained. 2. 2 Statement of Problem Develop a product development procedure of single phase PM BLDC external rotor motor covering design, design analysis, dynamic performance with power electronic supply and load for low power applications. Develop a prototype of ceiling fan motor for establishing and validating the product development flow.

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