Pharmacology and Therapeutics Semi 1
Pharmacology and Therapeutics Semi 1
Pharmacology and Therapeutics Semi 1
PST 05104
Pharmacology &
NTA Level 4
Semester 2
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide i
December 2018
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Copyright © Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children 2018
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide i
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Table of Contents
Session 1: Drug Absorption.................................................................................1
Session 2: Drug Distribution..............................................................................11
Session 3: Metabolism of Drugs........................................................................18
Session 4: Drug Excretion..................................................................................25
Session 5: Drug Receptor Interaction................................................................32
Session 6: Agonists, Antagonists and Dose Response Relationship...................43
Session 7: Enzyme Inhibitors and Inducers........................................................52
Session 8: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on Endocrine System...............57
Session 9: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on Respiratory System............69
Session 10: Pharmacodynamics of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer
Disease.............................................................................................................. 80
Session 11: Pharmacodynamics of Analgesics, Antipyretics and Anti-
inflammatory Drugs...........................................................................................89
Session 12: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting Locally on the Skin.................96
Session 13: Pharmacodynamics of Antineoplastic Drugs................................102
Session 14: Pharmacodynamics of Immunosuppressive Agents.....................111
Session 15: Pharmacodynamics of Vitamins and Minerals..............................119
Session 16: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on Genital-Urinal System....126
Session 17: Pharmacodynamics of Antihelminthics........................................137
Session 18: Pharmacodynamics of Antimalarial Drugs....................................143
Session 19: Pharmacodynamics of Antifungal Drugs.......................................150
Session 20: Pharmacodynamics of Penicillins and Cephalosporins.................158
Session 21: Pharmacodynamics of Macrolides................................................167
Session 22: Pharmacodynamics of Fluoroquinolones.....................................172
Session 23: Pharmacodynamics of Aminoglycosides.......................................177
Session 24: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs for Amoebiasis................................182
Session 25: Pharmacodynamics of Antiviral Drugs..........................................188
Session 26: Introduction to Toxicology............................................................196
Session 27: Management of Acute Poisoning..................................................201
Session 28: Pharmacodynamics of Anticonvulsants........................................211
Session 29: Pharmacodynamics of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics.........................218
Session 30: Pharmacodynamics of Antipsychotic Drugs..................................225
Session 31: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease...........234
Session 32: Pharmacodynamics of Antidepressants........................................242
Session 33: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs for Heart Failure.............................251
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 34: Pharmacodynamics of Antihypertensive Drugs..........................258
Session 35: Pharmacodynamics of Anticoagulants..........................................267
Session 36: Pharmacodynamics of Antiplatelet Drugs.....................................275
Session 37: Pharmacodynamics of Local Anaesthetics....................................281
Session 38: Pharmacodynamics of General Anaesthetics................................287
Session 39: Pharmacodynamics of Antituberculosis Drugs.............................295
Session 40: Pharmacodynamics of Antiarrythmic Drugs...............................302
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
There is currently an ever-increasing demand for pharmaceutical personnel in Tanzania.
This is due to expanding investment in public and private pharmaceutical sector.
Shortage of trained pharmaceutical human resource contributes to poor quality of
pharmaceutical services and low access to medicines in the country (GIZ, 2012).
Through Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) the Pharmacy Council (PC) together with
Development Partners (DPs) in Germany and Pharmaceutical Training Institutions (PTIs)
worked together to address the shortage of human resource for pharmacy by designing a
project named “Supporting Training Institutions for Improved Pharmaceutical Services in
Tanzania in order to improve quality and capacity of PTIs in training, particularly of
lower cadre pharmaceutical personnel.
The Pharmacy Council formed a Steering committee that conducted a stakeholders
workshop from18th - 22ndAugust 2014 in Morogoro to initiate the implementation of the
Key activities in the implementation of this project included carrying out situational
analysis, curriculum review and harmonization, development of training
manual/facilitators guide, development of assessment plan, training of trainers and
supportive supervision.
After the curricula were reviewed and harmonized, the process of developing
standardised training materials started through Writers Workshop approach. The
approach included a number of workshops for developing, reviewing, editing and
formatting the sessions of the modules.
The goals of writers workshops were to build capacity of tutors in the development of
training materials and to develop high-quality, standardized teaching materials.
The training package for pharmacy cadres includes a facilitator guide, assessment plan
and practicum. There are 11 modules for NTA level 5 making 11 facilitator guides
including one practicum guide.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
The development of standardized training materials of a competence-based curriculum for
pharmaceutical sciences has been accomplished through involvement of different
Special thanks go to the Pharmacy Council for spearheading the harmonization of training
materials in the pharmacy after noticing that training institutions in Tanzania were using
different curricula and train their students differently.
I would also like to extend my gratitude to Christian Social Service Commission (CSSC) for
their tireless efforts to mobilize funds from development partners. Special thanks to Multi
Actors Partnership (MAP) for the financial and technical support.
Particular thanks are due to those who led this important process to its completion, Centre
for Education Development in Health Arusha (CEDHA), Ms. Diana Gamuya, Mr.
Dickson Mtalitinya and Members from the secretariat of National Council for Technical
Education (NACTE) for facilitating the process.
Finally, I very much appreciate the contributions of the tutors and content experts
representing PTIs, hospitals, and other health training institutions. Their participation in
meetings and workshops, and their input in the development of this training
manual/facilitators guide have been invaluable.
Dr. O. Gowele
Director of Human Resources Development
Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Module Overview
This module content is a guide for tutors of Pharmaceutical schools for training of
students. The session contents are based on sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks
of the curriculum for Technician Course in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The module sub-
enabling outcomes and their related tasks are as indicated in the in the Technician
Certificate in Pharmaceutical Sciences (NTA Level 5) Curriculum
Target Audience
This module is intended for use primarily by tutors of pharmaceutical schools. The
modules sessions give guidance on the time, activities and provide information on how
to teach the session. The sessions include different activities, which focus on increasing
students knowledge, skills and attitudes.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
handouts. Sometimes, a handout will have questions or an exercise for the participants
including the answers to the questions.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Instructions for Use and Facilitators Preparation
Tutors are expected to use the module as a guide to train students in the classroom and
skills laboratory
The contents of the modules are the basis for teaching and learning dispensing.
Use the session contents as a guide
The tutors are therefore advised to read each session and the relevant handouts and
worksheets as preparation before facilitating the session
Tutors need to prepare all the resources, as indicated in the resource section or any
other item, for an effective teaching and learning process
Plan a schedule (timetable) of the training activities
Facilitators are expected to be innovative to make the teaching and learning process
Read the sessions before facilitation; make sure you understand the contents in order
to clarify points during facilitation
Time allocated is estimated, but you are advised to follow the time as much as
possible, and adjust as needed
Use session activities and exercises suggested in the sessions as a guide
Always involve students in their own learning. When students are involved, they learn
more effectively
Facilitators are encouraged to use real life examples to make learning more realistic
Make use of appropriate reference materials and teaching resources available locally
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 1: Drug Absorption
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe absorption
Describe factors affecting/determining absorption
Differentiate between Absolute and relative bioavailability
Calculate bioavailability
Explain clinical application of bioavailability
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 10 minutes Definition of Absorption
3 45 minutes Small Group Factors Affecting Absorption
4 20 minutes Presentation Absolute and Relative Bioavailability
5 20 minutes Calculation of Bioavailability
6 10minutes Presentation Clinical Application of Bioavailability
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide 1
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
What is absorption?
What are the processes involved in drug transport across GI tract?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
ALLOW few groups to present and the rest to add points not mentioned
Absorption is the movement of a drug from its site of administration into
the blood.
Most drugs are absorbed by passive absorption but some drugs need
carrier mediated transport. Small molecules diffuse more rapidly than
large molecules.
Lipid soluble non ionized drugs are absorbed faster.
Route of administration
Drugs are most rapidly absorbed when given by the intravenous route, followed by the
intramuscular route, the subcutaneous route, and lastly, the oral route.
Typically, about 75% of a drug given orally is absorbed in 1-3 h, but numerous factors
alter this, some physiological and some to do with the formulation of the drug.
The main factors are:
o gastrointestinal motility
o splanchnic blood flow
o particle size and formulation
o Physicochemical factors.
Blood flows faster through the deltoid muscle (in the upper arm) than through the gluteal
muscle (in the buttocks).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The gluteal muscle, however, can accommodate a larger volume of drug than the
deltoid muscle
Fig 1.3 Absorption of drugs from the intestine, as a function of pKa, for acids and bases. Weak acids
and bases are well absorbed; strong acids and bases are poorly absorbed. (Redrawn from Schanker L S et al.
1957 J Pharmacol 120: 528.)
Drug interaction
o Some drug interactions affect drug absorption. For example Tetracycline binds
strongly to Ca2+, and calcium-rich foods (especially milk) prevent its absorption.
o Bile acid-binding resins such as colestyramine (used to treat certain forms of hyper-
cholesterolaemia) bind several drugs, for example warfarin and thyroxine.
Particle size and formulation
Tablets from different manufacturers may result into different plasma concentrations even
though the active ingredient content is the same because of different particle size.
Therapeutic drugs are formulated pharmaceutically to produce desired absorption
Capsules may be designed to remain intact for some hours after ingestion in order to
delay absorption, or tablets may have a resistant coating to give the same effect.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
In some cases, a mixture of slow- and fast-release particles is included in a capsule to
produce rapid but sustained absorption.
Fig 1.2 Variation in oral absorption among different formulations of digoxin. The four curves show the
mean plasma concentrations attained for the four preparations, each of which was given on separate
occasions to four subjects. The large variation has caused the formulation of digoxin tablets to be
standardised since this study was published. (From Lindenbaum J et al. 1971 N Engl J Med 285: 1344.)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Fig 1.4 Blood concentration-time curves, illustrating how changes in the rate of absorption and extent
of bioavailability caninfluence both the duration of action and the effectiveness of the same total dose
of a drug administered
Absolute Bioavailability
Is the fraction of drug that reaches systemic circulation. I.V. is used as reference
Relative Bioavailability
The amount of drug that reaches the system compared to the amount from another
standard formulation
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Calculation of Bioavailability (20 Minute)
Activity: Brainstorming (5 minutes)
What is the bioavailability of paracetamol when 100mg is taken orally and 67mg of
the drug reaches systemic circulation?
ALLOW few students to respond?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What is absorption?
What are the factors affecting absorption of drugs?
What is absolute bioavailability?
Whay is the clinical use of bioavailability?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 2: Drug distribution
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe the distribution of drugs in various compartments of the body
Describe factors affecting/determining distribution of drugs
Describe Volume of distribution
Calculate Volume of distribution
Explain clinical applications of volume of distribution
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Distribution of Drugs in Various
2 10 minutes
Buzzing Compartments of the Body
3 30 minutes Factors Affecting Distribution of Drugs
Volume of Distribution
4 20 minutes Presentation
5 30 minutes Small Group Calculation of Volume of Distribution
Clinical Application of Volume of
6 15minutes Presentation
7 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
Once in the systemic circulation drugs will distribute into sections/units called
compartments. The following are the compartments for governing drug distribution:
o Drugs with very large molecular weight or those binding extensively to plasma
proteins are effectively trapped within the plasma (vascular) compartment because
such drugs are too large to move out through the endothelial slit junctions of the
o Extracellular fluid
o Observed in drugs with low molecular weights but also hydrophilic, such drugs can
move through the endothelial slit junctions of the capillaries into the interstitial fluid.
However, these hydrophilic drugs cannot move across the membranes of cells to enter
the water phase inside the cell.
o Observed in drugs with low molecular weight and are hydrophobic, such drugs can
not only move into the interstitium through the slit junctions, but can also
move ,through the cell membranes into the intracellular fluid.
o Other sites
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o In pregnancy, the foetus may take up drugs and thus increase the volume of
Fig 2.1 Drugs appear to distribute in the body as if it were a single compartment.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
The magnitude of the drugs distribution is given by the apparent volume of distribution
(Apparent) Volume of Distribution: Volume into which a drug appears to distribute with
a concentration equal to its plasma concentration
Vd is not a real volume with an independent existence. In this regard, the word volumeis
used in a metaphorical sense.
However Vd is important clinically
Values of Vd have been measured for many drugs
ALLOW few groups to present and the rest to add points not mentioned
o A delay in achieving the desired plasma levels of drug may be clinically unacceptable.
o Therefore, a "loading dose" of drug can be injected as a single dose to achieve the desired
plasma level rapidly
LD = (VD x [C]P(target))/F
LD = Loading dose,
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
CP[target] is a target plasma concentration
Fig 2.2 shows the effect of using loading dose for digoxin that help to achieve the required therapeutic
concentrations immediately in contract to the use of normal dosing regime which may require up to 10
dats to achieve therapeutic concentration
o Water soluble drugs will reside in the blood, and fat soluble drugs
will reside in cell membranes, adipose tissue and other fat-rich
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 3: Metabolism of Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe reactions involved in drug metabolism
Describe factors affecting drug metabolism
Describe first pass effect
Describe kinetics of metabolism
Explain clinical importance of drug metabolism
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 10 minutes Reactions Involved in Metabolism
3 45 minutes Small Group Factors Affecting Metabolism
4 200 minutes Presentation First Pass Metabolism
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
These reactions are grouped into two major groups called Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Phase 1 Reactions
Phase 1 reactions are catabolic (e.g. oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis), and the products
are often more chemically reactive and hence, paradoxically, sometimes more toxic or
carcinogenic than the parent drug.
Phase 1 reactions often introduce a reactive group, such as hydroxyl, into the molecule, a
process known as 'functionalisation'.
This group then serves as the point of attack for the conjugating system to attach a
substituent such as glucuronide explaining why phase 1 reactions so often precede phase
2 reactions.
Phase 1 reactions take place mainly in the liver whereby many hepatic drug-metabolising
enzymes, including CYP enzymes are involved.
Phase 2 reactions
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Most of phase 1 metabolites are more polar hence expected to be readily excreted.
However some drugs are not eliminated rapidly require a further reaction involving an
addition of an endogenous glucuronic acid, sulfuric acid, amino acid or acetic acid to
form a highly polar conjugate for elimination.
ALLOW few groups to present and the rest to add points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Kinetics of Metabolism (20 Minute)
Drug metabolism involves:
First order kinetics
Zero order kinetics
First order kinetics (Linear Kinetics)
Most drugs are metabolized through first order kinetics and is observed in most clinical
In the first order kinetics the rate of metabolism of a drug is directly proportional to the
concentration of free drug
That means a constant fraction of drug is cleared per unit time
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Once the metabolising enzymes of phenytoin or any other drug with saturable kinetics are
saturated, any small increment of the dose may result into marked increase of its plasma
concentrations leading to drug toxixity
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Mat0pzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 4: Drug Excretion
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe routes of drug elimination
Describe factors affecting renal drug excretion
Calculate clearance
Describe clinical importance of elimination half life
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 10 minutes Routes of Drug Excretion
3 30 minutes Factors Affecting Renal Drug Excretion
5 15 minutes Presentation Calculation of Clearance
Presentation/ Description of Clinical Importance of
6 20 minutes
Brainstorming Elimination Half Life
7 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
Removal of a drug from the body may occur via a number of routes, the most important being
through the kidney into the urine.
Other routes include
o the bile,
o intestine,
o sweat
o lung,
o Milk in breastfeeding mothers.
Renal excretion:
Most drugs are renally cleared and differ greatly in the rate at which they are excreted by the
Some drugs are almost completely cleared renally such as penicillin and others are slowly
cleared, eg diazepam
Three fundamental processes account for renal drug excretion:
o glomerular filtration
o active tubular secretion
o passive diffusion across tubular epithelium
Pulmonary excretion
Is important for gaseous lipophilic substances.
The gaseous general anaesthetics are the most common example.
Drug diffuses from the plasma into the alveolar space and is excreted during expiration.
Biliary Excretion :
Biliary excretion involves active secretion of drug molecules or their metabolites from
hepatocytes into the bile.
The bile then transports the drugs to the gut, where the drugs are excreted.
The transport process is similar to those described for renal tubular secretion.
The efficiency of biliary excretion is quite variable.
Enterohepatic cycling.
Although many drugs may reach the gut through Biliary Excretion, deconjugating enzymes in
the gut and the gut pH causes many drugs to assume nonpolar lipophilic forms that then are
promptly reabsorbed by diffusion into the plasma.
Drugs that undergo extensive enterohepatic cycling generally have long durations of action
e.g Rifampicin
Disease or age.
Glomerular filtration rate decreases approximately 1% per year and may be significantly
compromised in elderly patients.
The decline in glomerular filtration rate is accelerated by disease states such as diabetes.
For drugs that are eliminated by glomerular filtration, dosages are often adjusted based on the
patients glomerular filtration rate.
Tubular secretion
Secretory mechanisms in the renal tubules actively transport endogenous substances and drug
molecules from the plasma in peritubular capillaries to the tubular lumen.
Although quite diverse in some characteristics, the tubular transporters can be classified into
two major groups: the organic anion transporter (OAT) and the organic cation transporter
(OCT) families.
Tubular transporters exhibit saturability.
o Transporters reach a maximum rate of excretion, after which further increases in drug
concentration do not cause further increases in secretion.
Tubular secretion is especially important for drugs that are highly plasma protein bound,
because these drugs are not excreted effectively by glomerular filtration.
Important in delivering some drugs, such as diuretics, to their site of action in the renal
Is not affected by the degree to which a drug binds to plasma proteins.
Tubular secretion can be manipulated clinically via the use of inhibitors to extend the
duration of action and increase the plasma concentration of drugs that are rapidly excreted by
tubular secretion.
For example, the drug probenecid blocks the OAT transporter responsible for secretion of
some penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics into the renal tubule.
Probenecid can be prescribed along with antibiotics in the penicillin and cephalosporin
families to prolong their duration of action.
Reduced in neonates, infants, and the elderly.
Affected by genetic polymorphisms in the OAT and OCT family of transporters.
Tubular reabsorption
Once in the renal tubule, the nonionized form of the drug is able to diffuse across the tubular
membrane and re-enter the plasma.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Water is reabsorbed along the renal tubule the tubular drug concentration increases, providing
a concentration gradient favouring drug reabsorption.
Manipulation of the pH of the tubular fluid can be used to enhance or inhibit tubular
reabsorption according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch relationship.
Acidification of urine can be used to decrease reabsorption of weak bases by increasing the
proportion of drug in the ionized form.
Conversely, alkalinization of urine can be used to increase the renal excretion of acidic drugs
because a greater proportion of the drug is in the ionized form.
What is the clearance of drug X with a plasma concentration of 4mg/L and is eliminated
at a rate of 10mg/hr ?
Clearance (CL) is the volume of plasma containing the total amount of drug that is removed
from the body in unit time
Clearance: volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time.
Clearance = Rate of elimination ÷ plasma conc.
CL of drug X= 10mg/hr÷ 4mg/L= 2.5L/hr
Half-life refers to the time required for the body to eliminate 50% of the drug.
Elimination Half-life of refer to time for plasma concentration to decrease by half.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Elimination half-life (t ½) can be used to predict how long it will take from the start of dosing
to reach steady-state levels during multiple dosing or continuous intravenous (i.v.) infusion.
Also elimination half life help in determination of dosing frequency
Steady state is reached when rate in (input) = rate out (output).
The time to reach steady state is dependent only on t½ of a drug , i.e. 4-5 t½
o For example, drugs with a short half-life (24 hours) need to be administered
frequently, whereas a drug with a long half-life (2124 hours) requires less frequent
o For example, digoxin has a long half-life (36 hours) and requires once-daily dosing.
o However, aspirin has a short half-life and requires frequent dosing.
Difficulty in excreting a drug increases the half-life and increases the risk of toxicity.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 5: Drug Receptor Interaction
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe of drug-receptor interaction
Describe the types of receptors
Explain the concept of receptor regulation
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 30 minutes Drug-Receptor Interaction
3 45 minutes Types of Receptor
6 30 minutes Presentation Concept of Receptor Regulation
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
What is a receptor?
How do drugs interact with receptors?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
The tendency of a drug to bind to the receptors is governed by its affinity, whereas the
tendency for it, once bound, to activate the receptor is denoted by its efficacy.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Selectivity of Drug Responses
Drug molecules exhibit preferential affinity for receptors as follows:
The cell will respond only to the spectrum of drugs that exhibit affinity for the receptors
expressed by the cell.
The greater the extent to which a drug molecule exhibits high affinity for only one receptor,
the more selective will be the drugs actions, with lower potential for side effects.
The higher the affinity and efficacy of a given drug, the smaller the amount of drug necessary
to activate a critical mass of drug receptors to effect a tissue response, and the lower the
potential for nonselective actions.
As the concentration of a drug increases, the drug will combine with receptors for which it
has lower affinity and may generate off-target effects.
Thus selectivity of a drug to a specific receptor is obtained at low to moderate doses.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Type 1-Ligand-gated ion channels (ionotropic receptors)
Type 2- G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) [metabotropic receptors or seven-
transmembrane-spanning (heptahelical) receptors
Type 3-Kinase (Enzyme) linked and related receptors
Type 4-Nuclear receptorsIntranuclear/intracellular receptors (e.g. gonadal and
glucocorticosteroids hormones)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Neuromuscular (paralyzing) drugs antagonize this nicotinic receptor, thereby preventing
muscle contraction.
o Drugs that stimulate GABAA receptors open chloride channels, causing
hyperpolarization (making the cell more negative) and reducing the probability of an
action potential being produced, thereby turning off the target neuron.
o Drugs that treat anxiety and sleep disorders are clinical examples of these types of drugs.
Voltage gated ion channels.
These ion channels change conformation (open, closed, or inactive) in response to changes in
membrane voltage.
Drug binding to the channel alters the response of the channel to changes in membrane
voltage such that the open, closed, or inactivate state may be lengthened or shortened.
An example is a local anesthetic agent that binds to sodium channels that are responsive to
the arrival of an action potential.
Local anesthetics lock the channels in the inactive state, thereby rendering them temporarily
nonresponsive to future action potentials and thereby block transmission of pain signals.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
In the 'resting' state, the G-protein exists as an unattached αβγ trimer, with GDP occupying
the site on the α subunit
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Calcium and calmodulin; phospholipase C which catalyses phosphoinositide turnover
producing inositol phosphates(IP3) and diacyl glycerol(DAG).
Translocation of Receptors
Prolonged exposure to agonists often results in a gradual decrease in the number of receptors
expressed on the cell surface, as a result of internalisation of the receptors.
This is shown for β-adrenoceptors whereby the number of β-adrenoceptors can fall to about
10% of normal in 8 h in the presence of a low concentration of isoprenaline, and recovery
takes several days.
The internalised receptors are taken into the cell by endocytosis of patches of the membrane,
a process that also depends on receptor phosphorylation.
This type of adaptation is common for hormone receptors and has obvious relevance to the
effects produced when drugs are given for extended periods.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 6: Agonists, Antagonists and Dose Response
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe Agonist and antagonist effects
Describe dose response relationship
Explain on factors modifying drug response
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Description Of Agonist And Antagonist
4 30 minutes Effects
5 45 minutes Small Group Description of Dose Response Relationship
Presentation/ Explanation on Factors Modifying Drug
30 minutes
Brainstorming Responses
7 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Inverse Agonist :
o Inverse agonists inhibit rather than activate the receptor.
o This phenomenon is evident with receptors that exhibit baseline (ongoing or constitutive)
activity in the absence of agonist binding.
o In these cases, binding of the inverse agonist reduces the baseline activity of the receptor,
which in turn elicits an effect opposite that of binding of the agonist.
o Inverse agonists and antagonists will elicit similar effects because both types of drugs will
reverse the effects of endogenous ligands.
Antagonist :
o Antagonists bind but produce no activation of the receptor and therefore block responses
from the tissue.
o They are assigned an intrinsic activity of 0.
Competitive antagonists
Antagonist combines with the same receptor as an endogenous agonist (e.g. ranitidine at
histamine H2-receptors), but fail to activate it.
When combined with the receptor, they prevent access of the endogenous mediator.
The complex between competitive antagonist and receptor is reversible.
Provided that the dose of agonist is increased sufficiently, a maximal effect can still be
obtained, i.e. the antagonism is surmountable.
β-Adrenoceptor antagonists are examples of reversible competitive antagonists.
Non-competitive antagonist:
Bind irreversibly to agonist binding site
The effect is equivalent to removing receptors from the system
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
The effect of one drug can be reduced in the presence of another in other ways:
Chemical antagonism
Pharmacokinetic antagonism
Block of receptor-effector linkage
Physiological antagonism
Chemical antagonism
It refers to the uncommon situation where the two substances combine in solution; as a result,
the effect of the active drug is lost.
o Eg 1→ chelating agent dimercaprol that bind to heavy metals and thus reduce their
o Eg 2 → the neutralising antibody infliximab which has an anti-inflammatory action due
to its ability to sequester the inflammatory cytokine, tumour necrosis factor
Pharmacokinetic antagonism
PK antagonism occurs when:
o The rate of elimination of the active drug is increased (e.g. the anticoagulant effect of
warfarin is ↓ when given together with phenobarbital,
o The rate of absorption of the active drug from the Git is reduced,
o The rate of renal excretion may be increased.
Physiological antagonism
Physiological antagonism occurs when two drugs whose opposing actions in the body tend to
cancel each other.
For example, histamine acts on receptors of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa to
stimulate acid secretion, while omeprazole blocks this effect by inhibiting the proton pump;
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
A. 50% of individuals exhibit the specified therapeutic response
B. 50% of individuals exhibit the specified toxic effects
C. 50% of individuals exhibit death
Pharmacodynamic factors
Variation in the response to equivalent drug concentrations arises because of various factors,
such as differences in
receptor number and structure,
receptor-coupling mechanisms
physiological changes in target organs resulted from differences in genetics, age and health.
Pharmacogenetics factors
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Some of the variation above may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms, which can result
in altered responsiveness in drug targets (e.g. receptor function) or altered drug handling (e.g.
enzyme activity).
Polymorphisms in drug absorption, distribution, or metabolism are major causes of
interindividual variability
Pharmacokinetic factors
It is well recognised that the clinical response to drug administration varies widely between
individuals and that most of this variability is pharmacokinetic in origin.
In general, variability arises because of inter-individual differences in rates of drug
absorption, drug distribution and elimination, either by metabolism or excretion.
Variability of drug response is also a consequence of a variety of drug interactions which
may influence pharmacokinetic parameters.
Among the many factors which are responsible for the variation in human drug response, age
is relatively important.
As a consequence of impaired metabolism and excretion the inter-individual variation in the
kinetic of many drugs is much greater in the elderly.
Also the degree of plasma-protein binding, in turn, influences the distribution, action,
metabolism and renal excretion of drugs.
Thus changes in plasma protein binding of drugs, e.g. in diseased states, may give rise to
altered pharmacokinetic and possibly altered drug response.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 7: Enzyme Inhibitors and Inducers
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 300 minutes Enzyme inducers
3 45 minutes Small Group Enzyme inhibitors
4 30 minutes Clinical Importance of Enzyme Induction
and Inhibition
7 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Enzyme induction:
A number of drugs increase the activity of microsomal oxidase and conjugating systems
when administered repeatedly.
The effect is referred to as induction and is the result of increased synthesis of microsomal
An inducer stimulates increased production of a CYP450 enzyme.
Enzyme induction can increase drug toxicity and may reduce drug effectiveness (drug
Drugs which induce cytochrome P450 enzyme system significantly include:
o Rifampicin, ethanol and Carbamazepine
o Drinks and herbal plants may also induce the cytochrome 450 isoenzyme a good example
being St. Johns wort and nicotine (smoking).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Enzyme inhibition (45Minutes)
Activity: Brainstorming (5 minutes)
Inhibition of a CYP450 enzyme will result in increased levels of a substrate (drug) that is
metabolized by that enzyme.
Inhibition may be either competitive or allosteric:
Competitive inhibition
Two drugs are metabolized by the same enzyme system, and one of the drugs binds more
readily to the enzyme, resulting in the inhibition of metabolism of the other drug.
Example: Erythromycin and atorvastatin are both metabolized by CYP3A4.
o Erythromycin is also a CYP3A4 inhibitor; therefore it inhibits the metabolism of
Enzyme induction
It may lead to drug-drug interaction whereby the plasma concentration of active drug
(substrate) which its metabolism has been increased will be sub-optimal, which might result
in reduced biologic activity of the drug, perhaps leading to therapeutic failure.
However, for drugs having toxic metabolites, enzyme induction may exacerbate metabolite-
mediated toxicity because more and more toxic metabolited will be formed.
For prodrug enzyme induction may accelerate the formation of active drug, , leading to an
exaggerated effect and toxicity
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 8: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on Endocrine
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S28_Description of Adrenal Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes
PST04211_S29_ Description of Hormonal Contraceptives Methods
PST04211_S30_ Description of Insulin and Anti Diabetic Agents
PST04211_S31_ Description of Thyroid, Parathyroid Hormones and Their Antagonists
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs Acting on Endocrine System
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs Acting on Endocrine System
Describe side effects of Drugs Acting on Endocrine System
Describe contraindications of Drugs Acting on Endocrine System
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Handout 8.1
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs Acting on
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Endocrine System
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs
3 25 minutes
brainstorming Acting on Endocrine System
Side Effects of Drugs Acting on Endocrine
4 20 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Contraindications of Drugs Acting on
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Endocrine System
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Sulphonylureas (tolbutamide, glibenclamide, gliclazide) and Related Drugs
o The hypoglycaemic effect of these drugs depends on the presence of functioning B cells.
o Sulphonylureas, like glucose, depolarize B cells and release insulin.
o They do this by binding to sulphonylurea receptors (SUR) and blocking ATP-dependent
potassium channels (KATP); the resulting depolarization activates voltage-sensitive Ca2+
channels, in turn causing entry of Ca2+ ions and insulin secretion.
Thiazolidinediones (rosiglitazone and pioglitazone)
o Glitazones bind to the peroxisome-proliferating activator receptor γ (PPARγ), a nuclear
receptor found mainly in adipocytes and also in hepatocytes and myocytes.
o It works slowly, increasing the sensitivity to insulin possibly via effects of circulating
fatty acids on glucose metabolism.
o Acarbose is a reversible competitive inhibitor of intestinal α-glucoside hydrolases and
delays the absorption of starch and sucrose, but does not affect the absorption of ingested
o The postprandial glycaemic rise after a meal containing complex carbohydrates is
reduced and its peak is delayed.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Sulphonylureas (tolbutamide, glibenclamide, gliclazide) and Related Drugs
o Monoamine oxidase inhibitors potentiate the activity of sulphonylureas by an unknown
o Several drugs (e.g. glucocorticosteroids, growth hormone) antagonize the hypoglycaemic
effects of sulphonylureas by virtue of their actions on insulin release or sensitivity.
The following are the contraindications for drugs for Diabetes Mellitus
o Insulin: Is contraindicated in persons who have Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the
product and during episodes of hypoglycemia
o Glibenclalmide: Is contraindicated in diabetic emergencies (ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar
coma), advanced hepatic or renal insufficiencies, pregnancy and nursing period
o Gliclazide: Is contraindicated in following conditions, pregnancy, lactation,
o Tolbutamide: Is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity or allergy to the
o Metformin Is contraindicated in patients with any condition that could increase the risk of
lactic acidosis, including kidney disorders , lung disease and liver disease
o For other contraindications please see NTA level 4
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 8.1 Pharmacodynamics of drugs used for treatment of
Antithyroid drugs
o The action of carbimazole is via its active metabolite methimazole, which is a substrate-
inhibitor of peroxidase and is itself iodinated and degraded within the thyroid, diverting
oxidized iodine away from thyroglobulin and decreasing thyroid hormone biosynthesis.
o Propylthiouracil has similar actions, uses and toxic effects to carbimazole, but in addition
inhibits the peripheral conversion of T4 to active T3.
o It is used (by specialists) in pregnancy (see below) and has some advantages over
carbimazole in this setting.
β-Adrenoceptor Antagonists
o Beta-blockers improve symptoms of hyperthyroidism, including anxiety, tachycardia and
o They inhibit the conversion of T4 to T3 in the tissues.
Radioactive Iodine
o Radioactive iodine (I131) is safe in non-pregnant adults and has largely replaced surgery in
the treatment of hyperthyroidism, except when there are local mechanical complications,
such as tracheal obstruction.
Combined Oral Contraceptives (COC)
The main contraceptive action of the combined oral contraceptive (COC) is to suppress
ovulation by interfering with gonadotrophin release by the pituitary via negative feedback on
the hypothalamus. This prevents the mid-cycle rise in LH which triggers ovulation.
Progesterone, megestrol acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethindrone, norethindrone
acetate, norgestrel, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, norgestimate, gestodene, dienogest
o Progestins are transcription factors; they modify mRNA synthesis directly.
o Progestins enter the cell passively (no receptor required) and bind to progesterone receptors
in the nucleus, which then dimerize and bind DNA directly and influence gene transcription.
o Mifepristone is a competitive antagonist of progesterone.
o It is used as a medical alternative to surgical termination of early pregnancy (currently up
to 63 days gestation, although it is also effective during the second trimester).
o A single oral dose of mifepristone is followed by gemeprost (a prostaglandin that ripens
and softens the cervix), as a vaginal pessary unless abortion is already complete.
Aromatase inhibitors
o Aromatization is the process of converting a nonaromatic ring into an aromatic ring and is
catalyzed by aromatase, a P450 enzyme.
o Aromatization converts androgens into estrogens.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The aromatase inhibitors block the conversion of androgens oestrogens in the peripheral
o They do not inhibit ovarian oestrogen synthesis and are not suitable for use in
premenopausal women who will continue to secrete ovarian oestrogens.
o Currently licensed agents include anastrozole, letrozole and exemestane.
Drug interactions
Combined Oral Contraceptives (COC)
Oestrogens increase clotting factors and reduce the efficacy of oral anticoagulants.
o Thus a need for frequent monitoring of the international normalized ratio (INR).
Antihypertensive therapy may be adversely affected by oral contraceptives, at least partly
because of increased circulating renin substrate.
Enzyme inducers (e.g. rifampicin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, nelfinavir, nevirapine,
ritonavir, St Johns wort) decrease the plasma levels of contraceptive oestrogen, thus
decreasing the effectiveness of the combined contraceptive pill.
Side effects
Natural: estrone sulfate ,17β-estradiol , estriol , sysnthetic : ethinyl estradiol, mestranol
o Endometrial: Some of the partial agonists have estrogen agonist effects on the
endometrium, leading to abnormal cell growth.
o This can manifest as increased endometrial thickness, endometrial polyps, leiomyomas,
and even endometrial cancer.
o Thromboembolism: Increased risk of thromboembolic events, including pulmonary
embolism, have been observed in large studies.
o Stroke: Stroke has been observed in large studies.
o Hot flashes: Hot flashes mimic the physiology of menopause.
o Nausea, vomiting
o Menstrual irregularities: Oligomenorrhea (infrequent periods) and amenorrhea (absent
periods) may occur.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Cataracts
Progesterone, megestrol acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, norethindrone,
o Androgenic activity: Because of the similarity of progestins to androgens and the
conversion of progestins to androgens, androgenic side effects are not uncommon.
Levonorgestrel is the most androgenic.
o Third-generation progestins are less androgenic than second-generation progestins.
o Acne and hirsutism are the most common signs.
o Increased LDL and insulin resistance are also seen.
o DVT: Third-generation progestins may be associated with a higher incidence of DVT
than second-generation progestins.
o Vaginal bleeding: The mechanism is not completely understood
Natural: estrone sulfate ,17β-estradiol , estriol , sysnthetic : ethinyl estradiol, mestranol
o Hypercoagulable states: Estrogen is a procoagulant, and estrogen administration is a risk
factor for pathologic thromboses (deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolus
o Cancers that could demonstrate increased growth in response to estrogen: breast, ovarian,
uterine, and endometrial.
o Strong risk factors for atherosclerosis: hypertension (HTN), diabetes, high cholesterol,
family history.
o Pregnancy: Estrogen plays an important role in maintenance of pregnancy.
o Progestins
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Unexplained vaginal bleeding: Prolonged progesterone administration can cause vaginal
bleeding; it is important to diagnose any pathologic causes of bleeding before starting
treatment that could confound other bleeding.
o Breast cancer: Female sex hormones can stimulate breast tissue growth.
o Active liver disease
o Conditions of concern for hypoestrogenic effects and reduced HDL levels, theoretically
increasing cardiovascular risk:
o Current and history of ischemic heart disease
o History of stroke
o Diabetes for over 20 years or with nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, or vascular
Progestogen-Only Contraceptives
o Include pregnancy, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, severe arterial disease, liver adenoma
and porphyria.
Aromatase inhibitors
o Pregnancy (which is a physiologic state requiring increased estrogen).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 9: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on
Respiratory System
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S36_ Essential Anti-asthmatic Drugs
PST04211_S39_ Description of Cough and Cold Preparations
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs acting on Respiratory System
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs acting on Respiratory System
Describe side effects of Drugs acting on Respiratory System
Describe contraindications of Drugs acting on Respiratory System
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Handout 9.1
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs acting on
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Respiratory System
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs
3 25 minutes
brainstorming acting on Respiratory System
Side Effects of Drugs acting on Respiratory
4 20 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Contraindications of Drugs acting on
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Respiratory System
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
The following are the mechanisms of drugs used to treat Asthma and chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD);
Beta 2 (β2)-Agonists
o β-2- Agonists (e.g. salbutamol and the long-acting β2-agonist salmeterol) are used to treat
the symptoms of bronchospasm in asthma (both in an acute attack and as maintenance
therapy) and
o Intravenous salbutamol is also used in obstetric practice to inhibit premature labour).
o Agonists occupying β2-adrenoceptors increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
by stimulating adenylyl cyclase via stimulatory G-proteins.
o Cyclic AMP phosphorylates a cascade of enzymes.
o This causes a wide variety of effects including:
Relaxation of smooth muscle including bronchial, uterine and vascular;
inhibition of release of inflammatory mediators;
increased mucociliary clearance;
increase in heart rate, force of myocardial
o It is not clear exactly how theophylline produces bronchodilation.
o Its pharmacological actions include the following:
o Relaxation of airway smooth muscle and inhibition of mediator release (e.g. from mast
o Theophylline raises intracellular cAMP by inhibiting phosphodiesterase.
o However, phosphodiesterase inhibition is modest at therapeutic concentrations of
o Antagonism of adenosine (a potent bronchoconstrictor) at A2-receptors;
o Anti-inflammatory activity on T-lymphocytes by reducing release of platelet-activating
factor (PAF).
o Glucocorticosteroids are used in the treatment of asthma and in severe exacerbations of
COPD because of their potent anti-inflammatory effect.
o This involves interaction with an intracellular glucocorticosteroids receptor that in turn
interacts with nuclear DNA, altering the transcription of many genes and thus the
synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, β2-adrenoceptors, tachykinin-degrading
enzymes and lipocortin (an inhibitor of phospholipase A2, reducing free arachidonic acid
and thus leukotriene synthesis).
o They are used both in maintenance therapy (prophylaxis) and in the treatment of the acute
severe attack.
Leukotriene Modulators
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Leukotriene B4 is a powerful chemo-attractant (eosinophils and neutrophils) and
increases vascular permeability producing mucosal oedema.
o Leukotrienes C4, D4 and E4 (cysteinyl leukotrienes) are potent spasmogens and pro-
inflammatory substances (SRS-A).
o Leukotriene modulators fall into two classes, namely leukotriene receptor antagonists and
5-lipoxygenase inhibitors.
o Leukotriene C4 and D4 antagonists: Montelukast is a competitive inhibitor of LTD4 and
LTC4 receptor.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
CLARIFY and SUMMARISE by using the content below
The following are drug interactions for drugs used to treat Asthma and Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease
Although synergism between β2-adrenergic agonists and theophylline has been
demonstrated in vitro, clinically the effect of this combination is at best additive.
Many drugs inhibit CYP1A2- mediated theophylline metabolism, e.g. erythromycin
(and other macrolides), fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin), interferon and
cimetidine, thus precipitating theophylline toxicity.
Theophylline metabolism is induced in the presence of hepatic CYP450-inducing
agents, such as rifampicin.
Leukotriene Modulators
o No clinically important drugdrug interactions are currently recognized
The following are the side effects of drugs used ro treat asthma
Anticholinergic side effects (first-generation agents): dry mouth, urinary retention
o Hyperglycemia and steroid induced diabetes
o Weight gain and severe swelling, particularly in the face; caused, in part, by the
mineralocorticoid effects
o Psychiatric symptoms including depression, mania, and psychosis; other types of
cognitive dysfunction can also occur, including euphoria, insomnia, mental confusion
o Gastric and duodenal bleeding secondary to inflammation or ulceration
o Infections resulting from immunosuppression
o Skin effects: thin skin, violaceous striae (stretch marks), acne
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Eyes: cataracts and glaucoma
o Muscular effects: muscle wasting, myopathy
o Adipose distribution: buffalo hump, central obesity
o Osteoporosis may occur.
o Cushings syndrome
Moon facies, buffalo hump (cervical fat pad), central obesity, supraclavicular fat
collection, acne
o Adrenal suppression: Because of negative feedback loops, exogenous glucocorticoids
will suppress CRH and ACTH.
o One significant side effect of glucocorticoids is an increased white blood count
(driven by an increase in neutrophils).
The following are the contraindications for drug used to treat asthma and COPD;
o Active serious infection due to immunosuppressive effect
o Diabetic patients, refer side effects.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 6: Key Points (5 minutes)
Leukotriene antagonists (e.g. montelukast) are effective as oral maintenance therapy in
chronic persistent asthma.
Glucocorticosteroids are associated with many adverse effects
Some drugs like may precipitate asthma
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What are the groups of drugs used in management of asthma?
What are contraindications of drugs for asthma?
What is the mechanism of action of codein (antitussive)?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania government
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 9.1 Pharmacodynamics of drugs for cough, cold and
o Antitussives constitute a heterogeneous class of compounds that inhibit cough through
either a central or a peripheral mechanism, or a mixture of the two.
o Centrally acting agents such as dextromethorphan work by inhibiting the cough center in
the brain, elevating the threshold for coughing.
o The exact mechanism by which they do this is still poorly understood.
o Dextromethorphan, for example, is an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist,
although it is not known what contribution this has to its antitussive effects.
o Opiates such as codeine and hydrocodone also work through a central mechanism.
o Peripheral-acting agents work either by anesthetizing the local nerve endings or acting as
demulcents. Demulcents have a soothing effect on the throat.
o Older-generation antihistamines (dexbrompheniramine, diphenhydramine) have also been
used as antitussives with some success. The mechanism behind their use is not well
H1 antagonists
o H1 antagonists are agents that antagonize the allergic responses and other effects
mediated by histamine. These are also known as antihistamines.
o Histamine plays a key role in allergic reactions, also known as immunoglobulin E
(IgE)mediated hypersensitivity reactions.
o The role of histamine in the immune response is largely mediated by H1 receptors.
o H1-receptor antagonists competitively antagonize histamine at these receptors, mitigating
the immune response to an allergen.
Drug interactions:
Side effects
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Opiates main side effects are sedation and constipation at the lower doses used to
suppress cough.
H1 antagonists
o Sedation: H1 receptors in the CNS mediate wakefulness, so antagonism of these receptors
leads to drowsiness.
o Some antihistamines also antagonize serotonin receptors, and this might also contribute to
None of major significance
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 10: Pharmacodynamics of Antiemetics and Drugs for
Peptic Ulcer Disease.
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer
Describe drug interactions associated with Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer
Describe side effects of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
Describe contraindications of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Antiemetics and
2 40 minutes
Buzzing Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer
Side Effects of Antiemetics and Drugs for
4 20 minutes Presentation
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Presentation/ Contraindications of Antiemetics and Drugs
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming for Peptic Ulcer Disease
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do antiemetics and drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease produce their pharmacological
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
H2-Receptor antagonists
o H2-receptors stimulate gastric acid secretion and are also present in human heart, blood
vessels and uterus (and probably brain).
o Competitive H2-receptor antagonists when used in clinical use block/inhibit gastric acid
Prostaglandin Analogues
o Misoprostol is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1 which inhibits gastric acid secretion,
causes vasodilatation in the submucosa and stimulates the production of protective mucus.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Proton Pump Inhibitors
o The proton-pump inhibitors inhibit gastric acid by blocking the H+/K+-adenosine
triphosphatase enzyme system (the proton pump) of the gastric parietal cell. Examples are
omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole and rabeprazole.
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated with Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
(20 minutes)
How do significant drug interactions of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Drugs for treating Peptic Ulceration
o Magnesium and aluminium salts can bind other drugs in the stomach, reducing the rate and
extent of absorption of antibacterial agents such as erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, isoniazid,
norfloxacin, ofloxacin, pivampicillin, rifampicin and most tetracyclines, as well as other
drugs such as phenytoin, itraconazole, ketoconazole, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine,
phenothiazines, iron and penicillamine.
o They increase the excretion of aspirin (in alkaline urine).
H2-Receptor antagonists
o Absorption of ketoconazole (which requires a low pH) and itraconazole is reduced by
o Metabolism of several drugs is reduced by cimetidine due to inhibition of cytochrome P450,
resulting in raised plasma drug concentrations.
o Interactions of potential clinical importance include those with warfarin, theophylline,
phenytoin, carbamazepine, pethidine and other opioid analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants,
lidocaine (cimetidine-induced reduction of hepatic blood flow is also a factor in this
interaction), terfenadine, amiodarone, flecainide, quinidine and fluorouracil.
o Cimetidine inhibits the renal excretion of metformin and procainamide, resulting in increased
plasma concentrations of these drugs.
o Ranitidine has a lower affinity for cytochrome P450 than cimetidine and does not inhibit the
metabolism of warfarin, phenytoin and theophylline to a clinically significant degree.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Bloating, flatulence, belching, and nausea are also common: These effects are caused by the
liberation of CO2 from carbonate-containing antacids. Constipation
o Al3+ Containing Buffers cause Hypophosphatemia: Al3+ can bind phosphate in the gut,
inhibiting its absorption. Constipation is also observed.
o Milk alkali syndrome is a rare disorder caused by ingestion of large amounts of calcium,
resulting in hypercalcemia and alkalosis.
o Sodium bicarbonate may cause systemic alkalosis
H2-Receptor antagonists
o Generally well tolerated
o Common: Diarrhoea, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, muscle pain, and constipation may
o Central nervous system (CNS) side effects(rare): Confusion, delirium, hallucinations, slurred
speech, and headache can occur and are thought to be caused by antagonism of H2 receptors
in the CNS.
o Thrombocytopenia (rare): The mechanism has not been established, but theories include bone
marrow suppression due to inhibition of DNA synthesis, and the development of platelet
antibodies against H2 antagonists.
o Cimetidine Only: Gynecomastia (breast development in men) and galactorrhoea (lactation
not associated with childbirth
Prostaglandin Analogues
o Pregnancy (or desired pregnancy) is an absolute contraindication to the use of misoprostol, as
the drug causes abortion through its effects on PG receptors.
What are the contraindications of Antiemetics and Drugs for Peptic Ulcer Disease.?
ALLOW few students to respond?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
WRITE their responses on the flip chart/ board
H2-Receptor antagonists
o None of major significance
Prostaglandin Analogues
o Pregnancy (or desired pregnancy) is an absolute contraindication to the use of misoprostol, as
the drug causes abortion through its effects on PG receptors.
DIVIDE students in three groups and assign one assignment for each group
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 10.1 Pharmacodynamics of Antiemetic Drugs
o Cannabis and its major constituent, D-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), have anti-emetic
properties and have been used to prevent vomiting caused by cytotoxic therapy. In an attempt
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
to reduce side effects and increase efficacy, a number of analogues, including nabilone, have
been synthesized.
o The site of action of nabilone is not known, but an action on cortical centres affecting
vomiting via descending pathways
seems probable.
Drug interactions
Metoclopramide: Dopamine Receptor Antagonists
Metoclopramide potentiates the extrapyramidal effects of phenothiazines and
Its effects on intestinal motility result in numerous alterations in drug absorption,
including increased rates of absorption of several drugs such as aspirin, tetracycline and
Side effects
Side effects of antiemetic drugs are:
o Headache
o Dizziness
o Constipation
o Drowsiness
o Sedation
o Dry mouth
o Hypertension
o Hypotension
o Nasal congestion
o Diarrhea
Antiemetic drugs are contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to these
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 11: Pharmacodynamics of Analgesics, Antipyretics
and Anti-inflammatory Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S7_ Description of Analgesics
PST04211_S21_ Description of Antinflammatory and Antipruritic Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory
Describe side effects of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs
Describe contraindications of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Analgesics,
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Antipyretics and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Drug Interactions Associated With
3 25 minutes Analgesics, Antipyretics and Anti-
Inflammatory Drugs
Side Effects of Analgesics, Antipyretics and
4 20 minutes Presentation
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Presentation/ Contraindications of Analgesics,
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Antipyretics and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Analgesic action
o Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is thought to sensitize the nerve endings to the action of bradykinin,
histamine, and other chemical mediators released locally by the inflammatory process.
o Thus, by decreasing PGE2 synthesis, aspirin and other NSAIDs repress the sensation of pain.
o NSAIDs are superior to opioids in the management of pain in which inflammation is
involved; combinations of opioids and NSAlDs are effective in, treating pain in malignancy.
Antipyretic action
o Fever occurs when the set-point of the anterior hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre is
o This can be caused by PGE2 synthesis, stimulated when an endogenous fever-producing
agent (pyrogen) such as a cytokine is released from white cells that are activated by infection,
hypersensitivity, malignancy, or inflammation.
o The salicylates and other NSAIDs lower body temperature in patients with fever by
impeding PGE2 synthesis and release.
o They reset the "thermostat" toward normal and rapidly lower the body temperature of febrile
patients by increasing heat dissipation as a result of peripheral vasodilation and sweating.
o These drugs have no effect on normal body temperature.
Prednisolone and others
o These agents lack antipyretic and analgesic activity.
o They only have anti-inflammatory activity.
o Inhibits expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2, 3 and 6, TNF, GM-CSF and IFN-γ;
o Inhibits production of adhesion molecules – ICAM-1,E-selectin and vascortin – leading to
reduced vascular permeability.
o Reduces synthesis of arachidonic acid metabolites (prostaglandins, leukotrienes) and reduces
histamine release.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The currently available gold preparations are gold sodium thiomalate, aurothioglucose, and
o It is believed that gold salts are taken up by macrophages and suppress phagocytosis and
lysosomal enzyme activity.
o This mechanism retards the progression of bone and articular destruction.
o The mechanism of their anti-inflammatory activity is uncertain.
o Besides inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis, they are known to stabilize lysosomal membranes
and trap free radicals.
o In treating inflammatory disorders, they are used for rheumatoid arthritis that has been
unresponsive to NSAlDs or else they are used in conjunction with an NSAID.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Renal failure & hyperkalemia have been reported in patients receiving triamterene &
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Analgesics, Antipyretics and Anti-
Inflammatory Drugs (10 minutes)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 12: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting Locally on
the Skin
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs acting locally on the skin
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs acting locally on the skin
Describe side effects of Drugs acting locally on the skin
Describe contraindications of Drugs acting locally on the skin
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs Acting
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Locally on The Skin
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Acting Locally on The Skin
Side Effects of Drugs Acting Locally on The
4 20 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Contraindications of Drugs Acting Locally
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming on the Skin
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do drugs acting locally on the skin produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Azoles (Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole and miconazole nitrate) acts by inhibits the biosynthesis
of plasma membrane by preventing synthesis of ergosterol and other steroids which results to
damage of fungal cell wall membranes and loss of essential intracellular elements.
o Terbinafine Hydrochloride: binds with squalene epoxidase enzyme and hinders biosynthetic
pathway of ergosterone and results to growth and it is associated with high intracellular
squalene concentrations which interfere with fungal membrane function and cell wall
synthesis causes death of fungi.
o Commonly agents are: acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir
o Acyclovir works by lowering the ability of the herpes virus to multiply, it acts as specific
inhibitor of herpesvirus DNA polymerase (HSV), type 1 and 2 and varicella zoster virus. This
selectivity is due to the ability of these viruses to code for a viral thymidine kinase capable of
phosphorylating acyclovir to monophosphate (this capability is absent in uninfected cells)
Ant protozoans
o Mechanism of action of ant protozoans differ significantly with drug to drug e.g
Paramomycin (antibacteria drug but also it is antiprotozoal agent) interfere with
metabolic processes (glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation) or by interfering with reproduction
and larval physiology or interfering with muscular physiology of parasites (e,g in treatment
of leishmaniasis).
o Used for their Antinflammatory action
o Details on glucocorticosteroids is found on pharmacology of Antinflammatory drugs
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated with Drugs acting locally on the skin
(20 minutes)
What are drug interactions associated with drugs acting locally on the skin?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o For example oral metronidazole has been reported to potentiate the anticoagulant effect of
warfarin and coumarin anticoagulants resulting in a prolongation of prothrombin but the
effect of topical metronidazole on prothrombin time is unknown.
o Miconazole when co administered with warfarin it may increase the anticoagulant effect
of the warfarin by inhibiting hepatic microsomal cytochrome p-450 enzyme.
o Amphotericin B fungistatic activity is antagonised by azoles antifungal when applied
o Amphotericin B decreases the effects of miconazole.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o These medications should not be used if the patient is allergic to any ingredients of the
o They are contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to the contents of the drugs
o Miconazole cream is contraindicated during the pregnancy because small amounts of these
drugs may be absorbed from the vagina, the drug is used during the first trimester only when
o Acyclovir is contraindicated in patients who have developed acyclovir hypersensitivity or
valacyclovir hypersensitivity.
o Because of similar chemical structures and possible cross-sensitivity, acyclovir should not be
used in patients with famciclovir hypersensitivity, ganciclovir hypersensitivity, penciclovir
hypersensitivity, or valganciclovir hypersensitivity.
o Pregnancy
Topical acyclovir products are classified as pregnancy risk category B. No complete or well-
controlled pregnancy studies have been performed in humans.
o Breast-feeding
Exposure of the infant after maternal use of topical administration of acyclovir is minimal,
provided the treatment area does not involve the breast. Women who have active herpetic
lesions on or near the breast should avoid nursing until the lesions have completely resolved.
o Ophthalmic administration
Acyclovir cream and ointment products are for external topical use only. Avoid ophthalmic
administration or use inside the mouth or nose.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 13: Pharmacodynamics of Antineoplastic Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antineoplastic Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antineoplastic Drugs
Describe side effects of Antineoplastic Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antineoplastic Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Antineoplastic
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antineoplastic Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antineoplastic Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antineoplastic Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Alkylating Agents
In general, Alkylating agents are particularly effective when cells are dividing rapidly, but are
not phase-specific.
They combine with DNA and thus damage malignant and dividing normal cells.
If a tumour is sensitive to one alkylating agent, it is usually sensitive to another, but cross-
resistance does not necessarily occur.
The alkylating agents transfer alkyl (chemical) groups to DNA. DNA alkylation in the
nucleus leads to the death of the cell.
Once in the cell, the alkylating agents undergo a structural rearrangement that results in the
formation of an unstable intermediate, an ethylene immonium ion.
This ion either directly, or via another intermediate, a carbonium ion, transfers alkyl groups
to nucleic acids such as guanine or to other cellular constituents.
Mustine (Mechlorethamine)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Mustine forms highly reactive ethyleneimine ions that alkylate and cross-link guanine bases
in DNA and alkylate other macromolecules, including proteins.
It is an inactive prodrug given orally or intravenously.
Carmustine, lomustine, semustine, bendamustine
Nitrosoureas have an additional mechanism of action.
Nitrosoureas undergo another reaction, referred to as carbamoylation, with lysine residues of
The product of this reaction is referred to as a carbamoylated protein, and this process
appears to limit the ability of the cancer cell to repair DNA.
This unique mechanism of action limits cross-resistance between nitrosoureas and other
members of this class.
It is an inactive prodrug given orally or intravenously
Platinum compounds
Cisplatin, Carboplatin etc
o Platinum compound cytotoxicity results from selective inhibition of tumour DNA
synthesis by the formation of intra- and inter-strand cross-links at guanine residues in the
nucleic acid backbone.
o This unwinds and shortens the DNA helix.
Pyrimidine antimetabolites
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o 5-Fluorouracil is a prodrug that is activated by anabolic phosphorylation to form: 5-
fluorouridine monophosphate, which is incorporated into RNA, inhibiting its function and
its polyadenylation.
o The anabolic phosphorylation also forms 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate, which binds strongly to
thymidylate synthetase and inhibits DNA synthesis.
o Incorporation of 5-fluorouracil itself into DNA causes mismatching and faulty mRNA
Purine antimetabolites
6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
o 6-MP requires transformation by intracellular enzymes to 6-thioguanine which inhibits
purine synthesis.
Cytotoxic Antibiotics (Anthracyclines )
o Cytotoxic actions of anthracyclines lead to apoptosis through intercalation between
adjacent base pairs in DNA, leading, to fragmentation of DNA and inhibition of DNA
repair, enhanced by DNA topoisomerase II inhibition.
Topoisomerase Inhibitors
Camptothecins (Topoisomerase I inhibitors)
o Camptothecins act during the S-phase of the cell cycle. DNA topoisomerase I is necessary
for unwinding DNA for replication and RNA transcription.
o Camptothecins stabilize the DNA topoisomerase IDNA complex. Cell killing is most
likely via induction of apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Etoposide and Teniposide (Topoisomerase II inhibitors)
o DNA topoisomerase II is a nuclear enzyme that binds to and cleaves both strands of
DNA. It is necessary for DNA replication and RNA transcription. Etoposide stabilizes the
topoisomerase IIDNA complex, leading to apoptosis, as for camptotecins.
Microtubular inhibitors (Vinca Alkaloids and Taxanes)
Vincristine and Vinblastine (Vinca alkaloids)
o Vinca alkaloids bind to β-tubulin, a protein that forms the microtubules which are
essential for the formation of the mitotic spindle.
o They prevent β-tubulin polymerizing with α-tubulin and thus inhibit mitosis. Blockade of
microtubular function involved in neuronal growth and axonal transport probably
accounts for their neurotoxicity.
Paclitaxel (Taxanes)
o Paclitaxel binds to the β-subunit of tubulin and antagonizes the depolymerization of
microtubules, halting mitosis. Cells are blocked in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and
undergo apoptosis.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated with Antineoplastic Drugs (20
Platinum compounds
o Additive nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity occurs with aminoglycosides or amphotericin.
Purine antimetabolites
6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP)
o Allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase.
o The usual dose of 6-MP should be reduced by 75% to avoid toxicity in patients who are
concurrently taking allopurinol.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o This is important because allopurinol pre-treatment is used to reduce the risk of acute uric
acid nephropathy due to rapid tumour lysis syndrome in patients with leukaemia.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Methotrexate and others
o Myelosuppression: Conventional chemotherapy agents work by targeting rapidly dividing
o This nonspecific effect can also target rapidly dividing cells in other areas of the body,
including bone marrow and the GI tract.
o Alopecia: Cytotoxic chemotherapy agents tend to target tissues with rapidly dividing cells,
such as those in hair follicles.
o Defective oogenesis or spermatogenesis results from targeting of rapidly dividing cells.
o Hepatotoxicity: Reversible elevations in liver enzymes may develop.
Alkylating Agents
o Severe leukopenia, thrombocytopenia will be exacerbated (see side effects).
o Pregnancy: Like other cytotoxic agents, cyclophosphamide can cause fetal harm.
o Lactation: Cyclophosphamide is excreted in breast milk, so breastfeeding should be
Melphalan, Chlorambucil:
o Radiation: should not be administered with radiation therapy or within 4 weeks of
radiation therapy (chlorambucil).
o Radiation also damages DNA and may impair DNA repair mechanisms in healthy cells,
leaving them more susceptible to the DNA-damaging effects of alkylating agents.
o Severe leukopenia and/or thrombocytopenia is a contraindication.
o Lactation: It is not known whether lomustine is excreted in breast milk, but breastfeeding
is not advised during treatment
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 14: Pharmacodynamics of Immunosuppressive
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Immunosuppressive agents
Describe drug interactions associated with Immunosuppressive agents
Describe side effects of Immunosuppressive agents
Describe contraindications of Immunosuppressive agents
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Immunosuppressive
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Agents
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated with
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Immunosuppressive Agents
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Immunosuppressive Agents
Presentation/ Contraindications of Immunosuppressive
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Agents
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Calcineurin inhibitors
o It inhibits the production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and other cytokines by activated
lymphocytes through its binding to a cytosolic protein cyclophilin. This conjugate
subsequently interacts with a Ca2+calmodulin dependent Calcineurin complex and inhibits
its phosphorylase activity.
o This impairs access to the nucleus of the cytosolic component of the transcription promoter
nuclear factor of activated T cells (NF-ATc), which in turn reduces the transcription of
messenger RNA for IL-2, other pro-inflammatory lymphokines and IL-2 receptors.
o Tacrolimus (FK506) is another calcineurin inhibitor with the same mechanism of action to
o It is more potent than ciclosporin and often used in patients who are refractory to ciclosporin.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Inhibition of mTOR blocks cell-cycle progression at the G1 → S phase transition.
o mTOR regulates important functions of the cell, including proliferation, angiogenesis (blood
vessel formation), cell survival, protein synthesis, and transcription. It is recognized as a key
point in many cellular functions.
Prednisolone and others
o inhibits expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2, 3 and 6, TNF, GM-CSF and IFN-γ;
o inhibits production of adhesion molecules – ICAM-1,E-selectin and vascortin – leading to
reduced vascular permeability
o reduces synthesis of arachidonic acid metabolites (prostaglandins, leukotrienes) and reduces
histamine release
Anti-Proliferative Immunosuppressants
o Azathioprine is a prodrug and is converted to 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) by the liver.
Mycophenolate Mofetil
o In vivo the active entity, mycophenolic acid, inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase
(a pivotal enzyme in purine synthesis). Hence, it suppresses proliferation both of T and B
o In addition, mycophenolic acid inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Monoclonal Antibodies
Anti-CD3 Antibody (Muromonab-CD3)
o Anti-CD3 antibodies bind CD3 protein, blocking antigen binding to the T-cell
antigenrecognition complex, and decreasing the number of circulating CD3-positive
o In addition, binding of anti-CD3 to its receptor causes cytokine release. The overall effect is
to reduce T-cell activation in acute solid-organ graft rejection.
Polyclonal Antibodies
Antilymphocyte Globulin
o The major effect is probably to prevent antigen from accessing the antigen-recognition site on
the T-helper cells.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Immunosuppressive Agents
(20 minutes)
Calcineurin inhibitors
o These include allopurinol, cimetidine, ketoconazole (and other azoles), erythromycin,
diltiazem (and other calcium channel blockers), anabolic steroids, norethisterone and other
inhibitors of cytochrome P450 3A4, which reduce the hepatic clearance of ciclosporin
leading to increased toxicity.
o Phenytoin and rifampicin increase hepatic clearance, thus reducing plasma concentrations.
o Concomitant use of nephrotoxic agents such as aminoglycosides, vancomycin and
amphotericin increases nephrotoxicity.
o Concomitant use of ACE inhibitors increases the risk of hyperkalaemia.
o The drugdrug interaction profile of tacrolimus is similar to that of ciclosporin, but it may
cause more neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
Prednisolone and others
o Details are found on pharmacodynamics of drugs acting on respiratory system .
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 4: Side Effects of Immunosuppressive Agents (20 minutes)
Calcineurin inhibitors
Ciclosporine and others
o Increased risk of infections, especially opportunistic infections Fungal, Viral: Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Atypical bacterial: Nocardia, Listeria, mycobacterial
o Increased risk of neoplasm: Cancer is often detected and eradicated by the immune system in
its very early stages.
o Nephrotoxicity: Kidney damage is a common problem with administration of cyclosporine.
This is the most important side effect. It is possibly mediated through renal arteriolar
vasoconstriction. Renal damage often limits administration of cyclosporine.
o Hypertension: The exact mechanism is unknown, but cyclosporine has been shown to
increase sympathetic nervous system activity, which would result in increased blood
o CNS problems: Tremors and headaches may occur, usually seen with larger doses.
o Tacrolimus only: Hyperglycemia (diabetes) may occur as a result of pancreatic beta cell
o Cyclosporine Only: Hirsutism or hypertrichosis (hair growth): a cosmetic problem and Gum
o Tacrolimus Only: Alopecia (paradoxically, the opposite of hypertrichosis)
Prednisolone and others
o Details are found on pharmacodynamics of drugs acting on respiratory system
Methotrexate and others
o Details are found on pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
include fever, rash, urticaria (itching), myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (joint pain), jaw
tightness, and edema.
o Infection: Because of the immune suppression, common bacterial and also opportunistic
infections are more common in patients receiving TNF suppression:
o Bacterial sepsis (widespread inflammatory response caused by bacterial infection in the
o Fungal infections
o Latent TB (previous TB can be reactivated); patients must be screened for previous TB
infections before starting anti-TNF therapy
o Herpes zoster
o Severe but rare side effects include heart failure, liver failure, and demyelinating disorders of
the central nervous system (CNS).
o Cancer: Another function of the immune system is to provide surveillance of early cancer
cells and to destroy them early. A blunted immune system therefore can increase the potential
for development of cancer.
Methotrexate and others
o Details are found on pharmacodynamics of anticancer drugs (session )
o Mycophenolate is contraindicated in pregnancy, whereas azathioprine is not.
o An active, severe infection is a contraindication.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 15: Pharmacodynamics of Vitamins and Minerals
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S38_ Description of Vitamins and Minerals
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Vitamins and Minerals Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Vitamins and Minerals
Describe side effects of Vitamins and Minerals
Describe contraindications of Vitamins and Minerals
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Vitamins and
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Minerals Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Vitamins
3 20 minutes
brainstorming and Minerals
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Vitamins and Minerals
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Vitamins and Minerals
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Vitamin D
o The two major forms of vitamin D replacements are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.
o Vitamin D is an important regulator of calcium and phosphate homeostasis and bone
metabolism. It works in conjunction with PTH. The overall effect of vitamin D is to increase
serum calcium concentrations. These effects are mediated via the following:
o Increased calcium absorption from the intestine
o Regulation of bone resorption and formation. This occurs via stimulation of both osteoblastic
and osteoclastic processes. Osteoblasts form bone, and osteoclasts dissolve bone.
o Increased calcium reabsorption in the distal renal tubules
o Vitamin D results in a negative feedback loop and decreases transcription and secretion of
PTH. The overall effect of PTH is to increase serum calcium levels, so increased vitamin D
inhibits the actions of PTH so that both mechanisms do not drive up calcium levels too high.
o Vitamin D is lipophilic (it is one of the fat-soluble vitaminsA, D, E, and K) and thus freely
crosses the cytoplasmic membrane. Intracellularly, it binds vitamin D receptors (VDRs) and
binds DNA, where it regulates transcription of genes in the intestine, bone, kidney, and
parathyroid gland.
o Vitamin D also has actions in macrophages and T cells and in proliferation and differentiation
of a large number of cells, including cancer cells.
o Through these actions, it has immunomodulating and potentially, anticancer actions.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Also, these actions are the basis of the mechanism whereby it is effective in psoriasis.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
o Thiamine is used in the treatment of beriberi and other states of thiamine deficiency, or in
their prevention. Such conditions include alcoholic neuritis, Wernickes encephalopathy and
the neuritis of pregnancy, as well as chronic diarrhoeal states and after intestinal resection.
o Thiamine (in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate) is required for carbohydrate metabolism,
as it is a coenzyme for decarboxylases and transketolases.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
o Pyridoxine hydrochloride is given to patients at risk (e.g. alcoholics) during long-term
therapy with isoniazid to prevent peripheral neuropathy, and in deficiency states. Pyridoxine
is also used to treat certain uncommon inborn errors of metabolism, including primary
o Vitamin B6 occurs naturally in three forms, namely pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.
All three forms are converted in the body into pyridoxal phosphate, which is an essential
cofactor in several metabolic reactions, including decarboxylation, transamination and other
steps in amino acid metabolism.
Vitamin B12
o Vitamin B12 is an organic molecule with an attached cobalt atom. Linked to the cobalt atom
may be a cyanide (cyanocobalamin), hydroxyl (hydroxocobalamin) or methyl
(methylcobalamin) group. These forms are interconvertible.
o Vitamin B12 is needed for normal erythropoiesis and for neuronal integrity. It is a cofactor
needed for the isomerization of methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl coenzyme A, and for
the conversion of homocysteine into methionine (which also utilizes 5-
o Vitamin B12 is also involved in the control of folate metabolism, and B12 and folate are
required for intracellular nucleoside synthesis.
Vitamin K
o Vitamin K is key cofactor in the hepatic activation of four coagulation factors. The four
vitamin K-dependent clotting factors are II, VII, IX, and X. To act as a cofactor, vitamin K
must be in its reduced form, vitamin K hydroxyquinone.
o The enzyme vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) converts vitamin K to its reduced form
which is the active form.
o Iron plays a vital role in the body in many proteins including transport proteins (e.g.
haemoglobin, myoglobin) and enzymes (e.g. CYP450s, catalase, peroxidase, and
metalloflavoproteins). It is stored in the reticulo-endothelial system and bone marrow.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Vitamin B6
o Isoniazid prevents the activation of pyridoxal to pyridoxal phosphate by inhibiting the
enzyme pyridoxal kinase, and slow acetylators of isoniazid are at increased risk of developing
peripheral neuropathy for this reason.
Calcium and magnesium
o Impairs absorption of tetracyclines.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Accidental overdose with iron is not uncommon in young children and can be extremely
serious, with gastro-intestinal haemorrhage, cardiovascular collapse, hepatic and
o Desferrioxamine (an iron-chelating agent) is administered to treat it.
Vitamin D
o None
Vitamin A
o Excess vitamin A during pregnancy causes birth defects (closely related compounds are
involved in controlling morphogenesis in the foetus). Therefore pregnant women should not
take vitamin A supplements, and should also avoid liver in their diet.
o Most vitamins do not have significant contraindications
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 16: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Acting on Genital-
Urinal System
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S_ Description of
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs acting on Genital-Urinal System
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs acting on Genital-Urinal System
Describe side effects of Drugs acting on Genital-Urinal System
Describe contraindications of Drugs acting on Genital-Urinal System
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs acting on
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Genital-Urinal System
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs
3 20 minutes
brainstorming acting on Genital-Urinal System
Side Effects of Drugs acting on Genital-
4 20 minutes Presentation
Urinal System
Presentation/ Contraindications of Drugs acting on
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Genital-Urinal System
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Thiazides are also vasodilators, an effect independent of their diuretic actions. Their
antihypertensive effect is probably related mainly to this mechanism and not the diuretic
o Effect on plasma ion concentrations: Decreased Na +, Cl−, K+, Mg+2, Increased Ca+2, Increased
HCO3−. (This creates a metabolic alkalosis.) This is a result of H+ ion loss. Remember that
the equation will shift left with a loss of H+:
i.e H+ + HCO3 - →H2O+CO2
Loop Diuretics: ( furosemide, ethacrynic acid, torsemide, bumetanide )
o Loop diuretics are used in management of edema in Heart failure, Nephrotic syndrome and
Liver failure. They are also used in acute hypercalcemia.
o Loop diuretics inhibit the Na+/K+/2Cl− co-transporter channel in the thick ascending limb
(Henle’s loop) of the renal tubule. This results in less Na+ being reabsorbed back into the
body. Cl− and K+ also move in the same direction through this ion channel, as does Na +.
Therefore Na+, Cl−, and K+ are lost in the urine hence Natriuresis and diuresis.
o Blockade of the Na+/K+/2Cl− cotransporter has effects on other ions as well as follows:
o Blockade of the Na+/K+/2Cl− cotransporter interferes with the ability of K + and Cl- channels to
create the positive to negative gradient.
o Disruption of this electrochemical gradient facilitates excretion of Ca +2 and Mg+2. Normally
these divalent cations undergo paracellular reabsorption, repelled by the positively charged
tubular lumen and attracted to the negatively charged interstitium. Attenuation of the positive
to negative gradient reduces paracellular reabsorption of Ca +2 and Mg+2, and they are
o A passive Na+/H+ exchanger is present at a distal site in the tubule. Na+ gradients drive this
exchange. When the Na+/K+/2Cl− channel is blocked, the Na+ concentration in the lumen of
the tubule is high, which facilitates the reabsorption of Na+ and excretion of H+ at this distal
site. Therefore furosemide creates alkalosis by H+ ion loss through a secondary, passive
o Similarly, by enhancing delivery of Na+ to distal sites of the nephron, Na+ is exchanged for
K+, leading to enhanced K+ excretion, and this further depletes K+.
o Like the thiazides, the loop diuretics are also believed to act as vasodilators, an effect
independent of their diuretic actions. This may contribute to the anti-hypertensive effects of
the loop diuretics.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Vasopressin is produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary gland.
Factors that stimulate its physiologic release include increased serum osmolarity and
hypotension. Its primary actions are therefore to increase body water to control osmolality
and to increase blood pressure. A third action that it exerts is to help stop bleeding through
platelet stimulation.
o Vasopressin binds two types of receptors: V1 and V2. V1 is subtyped into V1a and V1b. V1
receptors are found in many locations of the body, including endothelium and many other
sites. V2 receptors are located in the collecting ducts of the nephron.
o At very low concentrations vasopressin acts on V2 receptors. Only at higher doses are the V1
receptors activated.
o Vasoconstriction effect: V1 receptors are located on vascular smooth muscle and produce a
potent vasoconstrictor effect when stimulated. This occurs only at higher serum levels of
vasopressin. Activation of V1 receptors results in increased intracellular calcium.
o Antidiuresis action: V2 receptors are located in the collecting duct of the nephron. When
stimulated, they activate pores called aquaporins (e.g., aquaporin 2). These pores usually are
stored in intracellular vesicles and when stimulated by vasopressin will fuse with the luminal
membrane and facilitate the reabsorption of water from the nephron lumen back into the
body. In the absence of the vasopressin and the aquaporins, the collecting duct is
impermeable to water and will not absorb any water.
o Platelet Function: Factor VIII and von Willebrands factor (vWF) bind together and then
bind platelets, which causes platelet activation. A deficiency in either of these two factors
will result in decreased platelet function and bleeding disorders (hemophilia A and von
Willebrands disease). Desmopressin binds to V2 receptors, which are instrumental in
endothelial release of factor VIII.
M3 Selective: (Darifenacin and solifenacin). Nonselective: (oxybutynin, tolterodine and
o The human bladder contains all five subtypes (M1 to M5) of muscarinic (M) receptors.
Although M2 receptors are more abundant in this region, M3 receptors mediate contraction of
the detrusor muscle in the bladder.
o Detrusor muscle contraction facilitates emptying of the bladder (micturition). Abnormal
contractions of the detrusor, also known as hyperreflexia, can lead to incontinence,
specifically urge incontinence. Anticholinergics that antagonize the M3 receptor inhibit these
detrusor contractions, easing the symptoms of urge incontinence.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
hesitancy (difficulty starting urination) and typically do not urinate much at a time but
experience urinary frequency.
o An α1 antagonist can relax the urinary sphincter, which facilitates the flow of urine.
5α-Reductase Inhibitors
Prototype: finasteride and dutasteride
o The 5α-reductase enzyme is the last step in the synthesis of DHT, the active form of
testosterone. Prostate cells depend on stimulation by DHT for their growth. Reducing levels
of DHT will therefore slow growth of the prostate.
o The 5α-reductase type II isoform is highly expressed in prostate epithelial cells. Selective or
nonselective blockade of this enzyme results in decreased formation of DHT, inhibiting the
growth-stimulating effects of this androgen.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Hyperlipidemia: Thiazide diuretics increase cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein
(LDL); the mechanism has not been established.
o Hyperuricemia: Thiazides compete with uric acid for secretion into the PT, reducing the
excretion of uric acid. This can lead to attacks of gout.
o Impotency (rare) is likely a result of reduced volume.
o Renal dysfunction (increased serum creatinine) may occur secondary to hypovolemia and
reduced blood pressure. This is typically only seen in patients with already reduced GFR.
M3 Selective: (Darifenacin and solifenacin). Nonselective: (oxybutynin, tolterodine and
o Typical anticholinergic side effects: Dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, erythema
and pruritus.
5α-Reductase Inhibitors
Prototype: finasteride and dutasteride
o Sexual dysfunction: Decreased libido, ejaculation disorders, and erectile dysfunction are
caused by the antiandrogenic effects.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Drugs acting on Genital-Urinal System (10
Thiazides Diuretics: (Hydrochlorothiazide, chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone)
o Sulfa allergy: Thiazide diuretics should be used with extreme caution (or not at all) in
patients reporting hypersensitivity reactions to sulfa-containing drugs.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Antidiuretic Hormone (Vasopressin) Analogues
Vasopressin, Desmopressin and Terlipressin
o Desmopressin only: patients at risk for unregulated water consumption (psychogenic
polydipsia), because they can develop hyponatremia
Anticholinergics: Bladder
M3 Selective: (Darifenacin and solifenacin). Nonselective: (oxybutynin, tolterodine and
o Conditions in which cholinergic blockade would exacerbate an already serious condition,
or patients at risk for the following:
o Urinary retention
o Gastroparesis, gastric obstruction
o Narrow-angle glaucoma (uncontrolled)
5α-Reductase Inhibitors
Prototype: finasteride and dutasteride
o Pregnancy: Women of childbearing age should not use 5α-reductase inhibitors. They are
strictly contraindicated in pregnancy. Testosterone is essential for development of
genitalia in males; therefore these agents can lead to abnormal development. Pregnant
women are advised not only to avoid taking the medication but also to avoid even
handling the pills.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 17: Pharmacodynamics of Antihelminthics
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S10_ Description of Antihelminthes Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antihelminthics
Describe drug interactions associated with Antihelminthics
Describe side effects of Antihelminthics
Describe contraindications of Antihelminthics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Antihelminthics
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antihelminthics
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antihelminthics
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antihelminthics
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
o Albendazole like other benzimidazoles acts by binding to and interfering with the
synthesis of the parasite's microtubules and also by decreasing glucose uptake. Affected
parasites are expelled with the feces.
o Benzimidazoles have a selective inhibitory action on helminthic microtubular function,
being 250-400 times more potent in helminths than in mammalian tissue. The inhibitory
concentration is lower
Has same mechanism of action with Albendazole discussed above
Has same mechanism of action with Albendazole discussed above
o Pyrantel pamoate
It acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, causing persistent activation of
the parasites nicotinic receptors. The paralysed worms are then expelled from the
intestinal tract of the host.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ivermectin targets the parasite's y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. Chloride efflux
is enhanced and hyperpolarization occurs, resulting in paralysis of the worm.
Praziquantel acts by increasing membrane permeability to ca2+.This causes increased
contraction of the musculature and eventually results in paralysis and death of the worm
It has been suggested that praziquantel (at slightly high concentrations ) modifies the
parasite so that it becomes susceptible to hosts normal immune responses by causing
tegumental damage hence worm destruction.
It is associated with IL-4 and a type 2 (TH2) response
Piperazine inhibits neuromuscular transmission in the worm, probably by acting like
GABA the inhibitory neurotransmitter on GABA gated chloride channels in the nematode
muscle hence flaccid paralysis. The paralysed worms are expelled live
Act by inhibiting anaerobic phosphorylation of ADP by the mitochondria of the
parasite ,an energy producing process that is dependent on carbon dioxide (co 2 ) fixation
thus resulting into decreased glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis
The scolex and a proximal segment are irreversibly damaged by the drug. The worm
separates from the intestinal wall and is expelled. Neither the larvae nor the ova are
The drug undergoes ATP dependent enzymatic activation to unstable phosphate ester
which dissociates to yield a reactive carbocation which then alkylates DNA.
Has some anticholinergic effects on the worm.
Modifies parasite membrane so that it becomes susceptible to the host normal immune
Causes progressive paralysis of the worm due to decreased ATP resulting from
prevention of ADP phosphorylation.
may also interfere with parasite arachidonate mechanism
It has nicotinic like action, stimulating and subsequently blocking the neuromuscular
The paralysed worms are then passed in the faeces. The ova are not killed.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated Antihelminthics (20 minutes)
Serious and Rare: CNS effects (seizures, changes in mental status, intracranial
hypertension) may occur in the treatment of neurocysticercosis. These effects are believed
to be caused by inflammatory reactions that occur because of the dead parasites.
Corticosteroids may be coadministered with praziquantel to reduce inflammation.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Antihelminthics (10 minutes)
Mebendazole and albendazole
o It is contraindicated in pregnant women, because it has been shown to be embryo
toxic and teratogenic in experimental animals. However, Mebendazole and
albendazole have each demonstrated teratogenic effects in animals. They are used in
pregnancy, but only after a careful risk-benefit assessment.
Ocular cysticercosis: The type of reaction described later in the discussion of
neurocysticercosis can be irreversible if it occurs in the eye.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 18: Pharmacodynamics of Antimalarial Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of antimalarial drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with antimalarial drugs
Describe side effects of antimalarial drugs
Describe contraindications of antimalarial drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Antimalarial Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 25 minutes
brainstorming Antimalarial Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antimalarial Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antimalarial Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
The 4-Aminoquinolines:chloroquine
o Chloroquine is still used as antimalarial drugs world-wide, but increasing resistance
(especially P. falciparum) has reduced its efficacy.
o Its uses are now limited to malaria prophylaxis, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis or
systemic lupus erythematosis
o The erythrocyte stages of Plasmodium are sensitive to chloroquine.
o At this stage of its life cycle, the parasite digests haemoglobin in a food vacuole to
provide energy for the parasite.
o The food vacuole is acidic and the weak base chloroquine is concentrated within it by
diffusion ion-trapping.
o Chloroquine and other 4-aminoquinolines are believed to inhibit the malarial haem
polymerase within the food vacuole of the plasmodial parasite, thereby inhibiting the
conversion of toxic haemin (ferriprotoporphyrin IX) to haemozoin (a pigment which
accumulates in infected cells and is not toxic to the parasite).
o Ferriprotoporphyrin IX accumulates in the presence of chloroquine and is toxic to the
parasite, which is killed by the waste product of its own appetite (hoist with its own
o Decreased DNA synthesis: The drug can also decrease DNA synthesis in the parasite by
disrupting the tertiary structure of the nucleic acid.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Mechanisms of Resistance: The actions of chloroquine and related agents on heme occur
at the food vacuole, and the main theory regarding resistance centers around the ability of
chloroquine and others to access the food vacuole.
o Malaria may limit this through various mutations that either prevent access to the vacuole
or pump drug out of the vacuole.
o One strategy being investigated to overcome resistance is to inhibit the activity of this
efflux pump using another drug
Arylaminoalcohols (4-Aminoquinoline derivatives)
o Quinine is the main alkaloid of cinchona bark.
o The mechanism of its antimalarial activity remains unclear, but may be similar to that of
8-Aminoquinolines (Primaquine)
o Primaquine is used to eradicate the hepatic forms of P. vivax or . malariae after standard
chloroquine therapy, provided that the risk of re-exposure is low.
o It may also be used prophylactically with chloroquine.
o It interferes with the organisms mitochondrial electron transport chain.
o Intermediates are believed to act as oxidants that are responsible for the schizonticidal
action as well as for hemolysis and methemoglobinemia encountered as toxicities.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Antimalarial Drugs (20
What are the side effects and adverse effects of Antimalarial Drugs?
ALLOW few students to respond?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 6: Key Points (5 minutes)
Drugs for malaria prophylaxis include proguanil, artovaquone etc
Artemisinin based combination therapies are now the first line drugs world wide
Antimalaria drugs produce their actions through different mechanisms.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 19: Pharmacodynamics of Antifungal Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S14_ Description of Antifungal Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of antifungal drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with antifungal drugs
Describe side effects of antifungal drugs
Describe contraindications of antifungal drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Antifungal Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antifungal Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antifungal Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antifungal Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Amphotericin B
o Is a polyene macrolide with a hydroxylated hydrophilic surface on one side of the
molecule and an unsaturated conjugated lipophilic surface on the other side.
o The lipophilic surface has a higher affinity for fungal sterols than for cholesterol in
mammalian cell membranes and increases membrane permeability by creating a
membrane pore with a hydrophilic centre which causes leakage of small molecules,
e.g. glucose and potassium ions.
o Nystatin works in the same way as amphotericin B, but its greater toxicity precludes
systemic use.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Triazole drugs work by the same mechanism as imidazoles but have a wider antifungal
spectrum and are more specific for fungal CYP450.
o The imidazoles have considerable specificity/affinity for fungal cytochrome-haem P450
Caspofungin and micafungin
o Echinocandins are non-competitive inhibitors of 1, 3-β-D glucan synthase, an enzyme
necessary for synthesis of a glucose polymer crucial to the structure and integrity of the
cell walls of some fungi.
o Fungal cells unable to synthesize this polysaccharide cannot maintain their shape and lack
adequate rigidity to resist osmotic pressure, which results in fungal cell lysis.
o Terbinafine acts by inhibiting the enzyme squalene epoxidase, which is involved in
fungal ergosterol biosynthesis.
Other antifungals
o This drug is concentrated in fungi and binds to tubulin, blocking polymerization of the
microtubule, disrupting the mitotic spindle.
Flucytosine (5-Fluorocytosine)
o This drug is deaminated to 5-fluorouracil in the fungus and converted to an antimetabolite
5-FdUMP. This inhibits thymidylate synthetase, impairing fungal DNA synthesis.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Antifungal Drugs (20
Caspofungin and micafungin
o These are minimal compared to the azoles. Ciclosporin increases Caspofungin AUC by
35% and micafungin increases the bioavailability of sirolimus and nifedipine.
o The pharmacokinetics of micafungin do not appear to be affected by other drugs;
however, micafungin has been shown to increase levels of amphotericin B.
o Because of their complementary MOA, these two antifungal agents might be combined.
Other antifungals
o Griseofluvin induces hepatic CYP450s and consequently can interact with many drugs.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 4:Adverse Effects of Antifungal Drugs (20 minutes)
Amphotericin B
o Nephrotoxicity: Reversible kidney dysfunction, sometimes leading to chronic kidney
dysfunction, can result. The mechanism is incompletely understood but thought to be
mediated in part by both renal tubular injury and renal vasoconstriction.
o Infusion reactions: Fever, chills, hypotension, vomiting, dyspnoea, and headaches
may occur. The mechanism of these reactions is unknown.
o Electrolyte abnormalities: Because of increases in the distal tubular permeability,
potassium and magnesium wasting, leading to Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia,
can occur.
o Nystatin is not administered systemically because of high toxicity
Caspofungin and micafungin
o Infusion reactions: Swelling and rash occur and may be an allergic-type reaction mediated
by histamine
o Elevated liver enzymes: This side effect occurs mainly in patients receiving both
cyclosporine and caspofungin. Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant, and patients who
are immunosuppressed are more likely to develop fungal infections and therefore are
more likely to be treated with antifungals.
o Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a life-threatening condition whereby the dermis and
epidermis separate. It is commonly caused by drugs (there is a long list). It is mediated by
a hypersensitivity reaction. It occurs in about 2 to 3 per million people per year.
o Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a less severe form of Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
o Liver failure: Liver enzymes must be measured before patients start terbinafine.
o Neutropenia and lymphopenia: Neutrophil and lymphocyte counts can be severely
decreased. The drug should be discontinued if the counts are very low. The effect is
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Other antifungals
o The drug potentiates the intoxicating effects of alcohol. Griseofluvin is teratogenic in
laboratory animals
o Headache: can sometimes be very severe and force discontinuation of the drug
o Peripheral neuropathy: tingling of the hands and feet
o Sleep disturbances and fatigue
o Dermatologic: Skin rashes: Remember that the drug is in high concentrations in the
keratin. Different rash types can include the following: Urticaria (hives) ,Erythema (red
Flucytosine (5-Fluorocytosine)
o There is a risk of infection. Avoid treating patients with nonfungal infections.
o Liver damage can rarely occur. Liver enzymes should be routinely measured.
o Bone marrow suppression: Anemia, low WBC count, and low platelet counts can occur.
This is due to inhibition of rapidly dividing cells, as 5-DUMP can inhibit DNA synthesis
o Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a severe skin reaction with a mortality rate around 30%.
Amphotericin B
o Amphotericin B
o Renal dysfunction, because amphotericin B is nephrotoxic
o None of significance
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Fluconazole is contraindicated in pregnancy because of fetal defects in rodents and
o Breast milk concentrations are similar to those in plasma and fluconazole should not be
used by nursing mothers.
Ketoconazole (imidazole)
o Ketoconazole and amphotericin B should not be used together
Caspofungin and micafungin
o None of major significance
Other antifungals
o Griseofulvin may cause hepatotoxicity and is contraindicated in patients with acute
intermittent porphyria.
o Pregnancy: Griseofulvin is a potential teratogen.
Flucytosine (5-Fluorocytosine)
o Pregnancy is a contraindication because of the conversion to 5-FU, which is an
antimetabolite for human DNA and a potential teratogen.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 20: Pharmacodynamics of Penicillins and
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S44_ Description of Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Describe drug interactions associated with Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Describe side effects of Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Describe contraindications of Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Handout 20.1 Important Information on Mechanism of Actions of Penicillins and
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Penicillins and
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Cephalosporins
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Penicillins and Cephalosporins
Side Effects of Penicillins and
4 20 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Contraindications of Penicillins and
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Cephalosporins
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
o The penicillins interfere with the last step of bacterial cell wall synthesis
(transpeptidation or cross-linkage thus exposing the osmotically less stable membrane.
o Cell lysis can then occur, and these drugs are therefore bactericidal.
o The efficacy of penicillin antibiotic in causing cell death is related to its size, charge,
and hydrophobicity.
o These drugs are only effective against rapidly growing organisms that synthesize a
peptidoglycan cell wall.
o Therefore, Penicillins are inactive against organisms devoid of this structure, such as
mycobacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses.
o These drugs have the same mode of action as Penicillins.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
All β-lactams (penicillins, carbapenems, and cephalosporins) act through this
common sequence of events.
o Virtually all bacteria contain penicillin-binding proteins.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Pseudomembranous colitis: many antibiotics, including cephalosporins, can wipe out gut
flora and permit the bacterium C. difficile to colonize, which causes this condition.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Penicillin and cephalosporins have similar structure and mechanism of action
The four generations of cephalosporins have different spectrum against bacteria
Anaphylactic shock is a serious adverse effect of penicillins
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 20.1 Important Information on Mechanism of Action of
Penicillins and Cephalosporins
o Different bacteria have different amounts and different types of penicillin-binding
o For example, Escherichia coli has seven types, and Staph. aureus has four.
o Different penicillin-binding proteins have different affinities for β-lactams, and therefore
different bacteria will demonstrate different sensitivities to β-lactams.
o Gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan layer.
o They are therefore sensitive to β-lactams.
o Gram-negative bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan layer, but external to this layer is a
lipopolysaccharide layer.
o This lipopolysaccharide layer protects the peptidoglycan layer from β-lactam activity, and
therefore gram-negative bacteria are significantly more resistant to β-lactams.
o β-Lactamase inhibitors are added to some β-lactam antibiotics to overcome resistance
caused by β-lactamase.
o Although β-lactamase inhibitors do contain a β-lactam, they are not toxic to the bacteria;
they merely bind to β-lactamase.
o Examples of β-lactamase inhibitors include : Clavulanic acid (added to amoxicillin) and
Tazobactam (added to piperacillin)
o Narrow-spectrum penicillins contain a larger molecule on the penicillin molecule side
chain that confers steric hindrance: the inability to twist the molecule into other
o This results in these penicillins being resistant to β-lactamase but at the same time
restricts their spectrum of activity (thus they are said to be narrow-spectrum agents).
o Aminopenicillins have an added amino group (NH2) that makes the molecule more
hydrophilic and thus able to cross the lipopolysaccharide layer more easily.
o Therefore aminopenicillins have greater activity against gram-negative bacteria.
o Broad-spectrum penicillins are modifications of aminopenicillins: nitrogen and carbon
atoms are added to the molecule.
o This increases the range of bacteria that are sensitive to the antibiotic. These penicillins
are usually coadministered with a β-lactamase inhibitor because they are β-lactamase
sensitive (a common example is “Pip/Tazo,” which is piperacillin and tazobactam).
o The main mechanisms of resistance to β-lactams include the following:
o Variation of the penicillin-binding protein leading to decreased binding of the β-lactam
o Production of β-lactamase, which enzymatically destroys the four-carbon β-lactam ring
o Changes in membrane channels called porins that are important in allowing influx of the
o Efflux pump mechanisms, which pump the drug out of the bacteria
o The four generations of cephalosporins have different indications:
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o First-generation cephalosporins are:
o Good for skin infections (which are commonly Streptococcus or Staphylococcus) .
Commonly used as prophylactic antibiotics (preventative) given before surgery to
prevent wound infections
o Second-generation cephalosporins are: Good for Bacteroides infection (anaerobic),
which can occur with intraabdominal infections. Used less commonly for severe
infections because third-generation cephalosporins are more efficacious. Second-
generation cephalosporins can be used for mild infections in which gram-negative
organisms are predicted or known
o Third-generation cephalosporins are: Commonly used for severe infections in
combination with another drug of a different class (different MOA)
o Fourth-generation cephalosporins are: Reserved for severe nosocomial (hospital-
acquired) infections, which have a tendency to be: Resistant to multiple other
antibiotics. More severe infections and commonly caused by gram-negative
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 21: Pharmacodynamics of Macrolides
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S45_ Description of Macrolides
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Macrolide
Describe drug interactions associated with Macrolides
Describe side effects of Macrolides
Describe contraindications of Macrolides
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Macrolides
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Macrolides
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Macrolides
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Macrolides
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
The macrolides bind irreversibly to a site on the 50s subunit of the bacterial ribosome,
thus inhibiting the translocation steps of protein synthesis.
The binding site is either identical to or in close proximity to that for lincomycin,
clindamycin, and chloramphenicol. Inhibition of protein synthesis does not typically kill
bacteria cells, so these agents are generally bacteriostatic, but in high concentrations they
can be bactericidal.
Macrolides are phagocytosed by macrophages, which is a benefit because WBCs
preferentially travel to sites of infection, thereby theoretically delivering the drug to the
site at which it is needed.
Mechanisms of Resistance:
o Modification of the RSU binding site either by chromosomal mutation or through
methylation via methylase greatly decreases the efficacy of macrolides; bacterial
methylase can be produced constitutively (all the time) or can be induced.
o Reduced intracellular concentrations are found within the bacterium, through either
reduced permeability of cell membrane to macrolides or, probably more important,
increased efflux of macrolides via active pumps.
o A third, and maybe least prominent, method of resistance is through the production of
esterases that hydrolyze macrolides; this is more common with gram-negative enteric
bacteria (bacteria that colonize the GI tract).
Cross-resistance is complete among all macrolides; if a bacterium is resistant to one, it
will be resistant to all others in this class.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Macrolides (20 minutes)
Previous liver complications with a macrolide are likely to recur and therefore should be
considered a contraindication to macrolide use.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines &
National Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam,
Tanzania government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-
Hill Education.
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 22: Pharmacodynamics of Fluoroquinolones
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S42_ Description of Fluoroquinolones
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Fluoroquinolones
Describe drug interactions associated with Fluoroquinolones
Describe side effects of Fluoroquinolones
Describe contraindications of Fluoroquinolones
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Ste Activity/
Time Content
p Method
1 Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
45 Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of
minutes Buzzing Fluoroquinolones
20 Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
minutes brainstorming Fluoroquinolones
4 Presentation Side Effects of Fluoroquinolones
5 Brainstormin Contraindications of Fluoroquinolones
6 Presentation Key Points
7 Presentation Evaluation
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
DNA is normally supercoiled. Supercoiled DNA is under too much tension to be
separated, so an extra step is required before replication and transcription can occur. DNA
gyrase relaxes supercoiled DNA by cutting it, allowing rotation to occur, and then
reattaching it.
Fluoroquinolones bind to and inhibit DNA gyrase (also called topoisomerase II) and
topoisomerase IV. Fluoroquinolones inhibit DNA gyrase in gram-negative organisms and
topoisomerase IV in gram-positive organisms.
The fluoroquinolones inhibit DNA gyrase after the cutting step, preventing reattachment
from occurring.
o At high doses this leads to the release of these broken segments of DNA.
o It is thought that the accumulation of these DNA fragments leads to cell death,
accounting for the bactericidal action of fluoroquinolones.
Fluoroquinolones can enter human cells easily and therefore are often used to treat
intracellular pathogens.
Originally, quinolones were mainly effective against gram-negative bacteria, but newer
agents are useful against gram-positive cocci as well.
Mechanism of resistance:
o Mutations in the genes that encode type II topoisomerase result in the enzyme not being
inhibited by the fluoroquinolone.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Alterations in membrane porins or efflux pumps that actively pump the drug out of the
bacterial cell result in lower drug levels inside the bacteria.
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Fluoroquinolones (20
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Fluoroquinolones (10 minutes)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 23: Pharmacodynamics of Aminoglycosides
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Aminoglycosides
Describe drug interactions associated with Aminoglycosides
Describe side effects of Aminoglycosides
Describe contraindications of Aminoglycosides
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Aminoglycosides
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Aminoglycosides
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Aminoglycosides
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Aminoglycosides
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Amikacin is particularly effective when used against bacteria that are resistant to other
aminoglycosides, because its chemical structure makes it less susceptible to inactivating
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Hypersensitivity reactions: skin rash, fever, eosinophilia and anaphylactic shock can be seen
though infrequently.
The special attention should be paid to the anaphylactic shock caused by streptomycin.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 24: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs for Amoebiasis
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S9_ Description of Amoebiasis
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs for Amoebiasis
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs for Amoebiasis
Describe side effects of Drugs for Amoebiasis
Describe contraindications of Drugs for Amoebiasis
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs for
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Amoebiasis
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs for
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Amoebiasis
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Drugs for Amoebiasis
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Drugs for Amoebiasis
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Tissue Amoebicides
Nitroimidazoles amoebicides (Metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole).
o Nitroimidazoles are chemically reduced by ferredoxin and the reduction products are
responsible for killing the parasite.
o Entamoeba lacks a functional Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
o Metronidazole is a prodrug. The nitrogen group must be reduced (addition of electron) before
the chemical obtains its anti-infective function.
It is reduced by a nitro reductase enzyme called a ferredoxin (an iron- and sulfur-containing
The extra nitrogen side chain is reduced in this reaction.
o With aerobic bacteria the electron transport chain does not require these special enzymes
because oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor; therefore the prodrug is not converted to the
active form of the drug.
o However, with anaerobic bacteria, with which oxygen is absent, these special enzymes are
o Therefore metronidazole is not activated with aerobic bacteria but is particularly effective
against anaerobic bacteria.
o Reduction of the prodrug metronidazole results in the production of toxic products
(hydroxylamine) and other free radicals that damage DNA.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Their bactericidal, activity is limited to anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. Metronidazole kills
trophozoites of E. histolytica in intestine and tissue but does not eradicate cysts from
o Is active principally against amoeba in the liver
Luminal Amoebicides
Dichloracetamides (Diloxanide furoate, clefamide, teclozan, etofanide)
o Mechanism is still unknown
o Tetracyclines these affect luminal amoebae indirectly- tetracyclines inhibit the bacterial
associates of amoebae (E.histolytica).
o Paromomycin- an effective directly acting amoebicide
o Erythromycin has direct amoebicidal action but cannot be used alone.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Nitroimidazoles amoebicides (Metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole).
o Metronidazole elimination is accelerated by simultaneous use of phenytoin and phenobarbital
which are CYP450 enzyme inducers.
o Metronidazole clearance is decreased by cimetidine which is an enzyme inhibitor.
o Metronidazole potentiates coumarin type of anticoagulants.
o Metronidazole can have a disulfuram-like effect: ingestion with alcohol can lead to severe
nausea and vomiting.
This results from inhibition of the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, leading to
increased levels of acetaldehyde, which are toxic.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 6: Key Points (5 minutes)
Metronidazole is not recommended during pregnancy
Tinidazole have similar mechanism to metronidazole
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 25: Pharmacodynamics of Antiviral Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antiviral Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antiviral Drugs
Describe side effects of Antiviral Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antiviral Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Antiviral Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Antiviral
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Drugs for Antiviral Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antiviral Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Anti-HIV Drugs
Nucleoside Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs): Zidovudine(ZDV),
lamivudine (3-TC), stavudine (d4T), didanosine(ddI), emtricitabine (FTC) and abacavir
o Anti retroviral drugs targets several steps which are involved in the replication of HIV.
o The virus must fuse to the host cell, uncoat, enter and be transcribed by reverse transcriptase,
become incorporated into the host genome, and be transcribed to viral RNA, which is then
translated into polyproteins.
o Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme that transcribes viral RNA into viral DNA (hence the term
o The parent drug, ZDV, enters virally infected cells by diffusion and undergoes
phosphorylation first to its monophosphate (ZDV-MP) then to the diphosphate (ZDV-DP),
the rate-limiting step, and finally to the triphosphate (ZDV-TP).
o ZDV-TP is a competitive inhibitor of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and when incorporated
into nascent viral DNA causes chain termination.
o Human cells lack reverse transcriptase and human nuclear DNA polymerases are much less
sensitive (by at least 100-fold) to inhibition by ZDV-TP, thus producing a selective effect on
viral replication.
o This mechanism of action is common to all anti-HIV nucleoside analogues.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Non -Nucleoside Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (nNRTIs): nevirapine,
delavirdine, efavirenz and Second-generation: etravirine
o Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme that transcribes viral RNA into viral DNA (hence the term
o The nNRTIs bind to a site distant from the active site of the reverse transcriptase, and induce
a conformational change in the enzyme.
o This conformational change greatly reduces the activity of the enzyme.
o Unlike the NRTIs, the nNRTIs have no activity against DNA polymerase.
o Also, because the binding of nNRTIs to the reverse transcriptase is very specific, nNRTIs act
specifically on the HIV-1 strain and lack activity against HIV-2.
o Conversely, the NRTIs indirectly inhibit reverse transcriptase and are therefore not specific
for HIV-1.
Integrase Inhibitors:
o Integrase inhibitors are a newer class of drugs for HIV infection that inhibit HIV by
preventing the virus from incorporating its DNA into the host genome.
o The integrase enzyme incorporates viral DNA into the host genome.
o Specifically, integrase binds to viral DNA and joins it with host DNA. The divalent cations in
the catalytic core of integrase enable it to form covalent bonds with DNA.
o This is followed by cellular repair activities that seal the viral DNA into the chromosome.
o Integrase inhibitors prevent the formation of covalent bonds with host DNA. This prevents
incorporation of HIV into the host genome.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Enfuvirtide mimics the HIV machinery required to fuse to the CD4 cell. It competes with the
HIV proteins and prevents entry of the virus into the CD4 cell:
o Glycoprotein gp120 binds HIV and activates gp41.
o Glycoprotein gp41 changes conformation and creates an entry channel (pore) into the cell.
o Specifically, enfuvirtide binds gp41 and prevents conformation change.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Indinavir absorption is also affected by pH; therefore agents that raise pH such as antacids
should not be administered simultaneously.
Integrase Inhibitors:
o Raltegravir is not a substrate for CYP450 enzymes. It also does not inhibit or induce CYP450
enzymes. It is primarily metabolized by glucuronidation (UGT1A1), and it is a Pgp substrate.
o Atazanavir is a UGT1A1 inhibitor, and concomitant administration of raltegravir and
atazanavir has been shown to elevate raltegravir levels.
o Rifampin is a strong inducer of UGT1A1; therefore concomitant administration of these two
agents can significantly reduce raltegravir levels.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o If fever, abdominal pain, and rash occur within 6 weeks of initiation of therapy, the drug
should be discontinued.
o Special for Tenofovir: Acute renal failure is a rare side effect, and although tenofovir is an
antiviral nucleotide like cidofovir and adefovir, it is not believed to share their nephrotoxic
o Stomatitis and oral ulcers (zalcitabine): Zalcitabine may be toxic to rapidly dividing cells,
but the mechanism is unclear.
Non- Nucleoside Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (nNRTIs).
o Rash: Macular or papular rash, often pruritic and also self-limiting, may occur with continued
drug administration. In a minority of individuals, rash can progress to more serious Stevens-
Johnson syndrome.
o Hepatitis can be severe and fatal; it is more common in female patients, especially during
pregnancy. Most cases are the result of a hypersensitivity reaction. Delavirdine has not been
associated with fatal hepatitis.
o Neutropenia is a rare effect.
o Efavirenz only: CNS effects: The mechanism has not been established. These side effects are
typically transient, resolving after a few hours or up to several weeks. These include
dizziness, impaired concentration, dysphoria, vivid dreams, psychosis and insomnia
o Note: The nNRTIs do not inhibit DNA polymerase and therefore do not exhibit the same
mitochondrial toxicities as the
Protease Inhibitors:
o GI (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea): Diarrhea in particular is a common and troublesome adverse
effect of protease inhibitor therapy. The mechanism is not established and is complicated by
the fact that diarrhea is a complication of HIV infection.
o Hyperlipidemia: A side effect common to all protease inhibitors, hyperlipidemia might occur
less frequently with atazanavir. Protease inhibitors appear to stimulate lipogenesis in
o Lipodystrophy: Fat redistribution is a problem in HIV that appears to be exacerbated with the
use of protease inhibitors.
o The nature of the fat redistribution may depend to an extent on the total body fat at baseline
as well as energy balance.
o Hyperglycemia, insulin resistance: Protease inhibitors appear to inhibit the activity of the
glucose transporter (GLUT-4), inhibiting insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by cells.
o Atazanavir may be less likely to cause this side effect compared with other protease
o Crystalluria, nephrolithiasis (Indinavir only): Indinavir has poor solubility and precipitates
o Patients are advised to increase fluid intake while on indinavir.
o Hyperbilirubinemia (atazanavir only) is not considered to be a serious side effect or sign of
Integrase Inhibitors:
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Because the antiretroviral are typically administered in combination regimens, it is difficult
to determine the side effects that are associated with a specific class or drug within that class.
o Generally well-tolerated: In controlled trials, raltegravir did not elicit more adverse effects
than placebo.
o As with most antiretrovirals, the safety of integrase inhibitors in pregnancy has not been
Fusion Inhibitors:
o Injection site irritation
o Peripheral neuropathy (can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in extremities)
STEP 5: Contraindications of Antiviral Drugs (10 minutes)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What is the mechanism of action of Zidovudine?
What are adverse effects of efavirenz?
Why do NRTIs cause lactic acidosis?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 26: Introduction to Toxicology
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Define terms used in toxicology
Describe broad areas/branches of toxicology
Describe mechanisms of toxicology
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Definition of Terms Used in Toxicology
Presentation/ Description of Broad Areas/Branches of
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Toxicology
4 20 minutes Presentation Description of Mechanisms of Toxicology
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 4: Mechanisms of Toxicology (20 minutes)
Mechanisms of toxicity can be classified as follows:
o The physical presence of the toxicant triggers reactions that are harmful (e.g., asbestos fibers
in the lung).
o Toxicants react chemically with the tissues or body fluids such as blood to produce harmful
effects (e.g., strong acids or bases cause burns).
o Toxicants interact with endogenous pharmacologic pathways, resulting in inhibition or
overstimulation (e.g., botulinum toxin inhibits release of acetylcholine to cause paralysis).
o Toxicant reacts biochemically with cellular constituents to produce cellular damage (e.g.,
venom of many snakes contains phospholipases that destroy cell membranes).
Genomic (genotoxic):
o Toxicant alters the genetic material of the cell, resulting in disruption of function. Genotoxic
substances may be mutagenic or carcinogenic.
Mutagenic (carcinogenic):
o Toxicants alter DNA structure or function sufficiently to cause mutations (benzene) or initiate
and promote the development of cancers (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as
benzo[a]pyrene, found in cigarette smoke).
o Toxicant may trigger an immune response that leads to cellular damage (e.g., penicillin-
induced hemolytic anemia) or conversely suppresses the immune system, causing an
increased susceptibility to infection (e.g., procainamide-induced agranulocytosis).
o Toxicant alters foetal development, resulting in birth defects (e.g., phenytoin is associated
with development of cleft lip).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 27: Management of Acute Poisoning
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe approaches/measures in management of acute poisoning
Describe management of specific drug overdoses/poisoning of clinical importance
Describe management of overdoses/poisoning of other chemicals of clinical
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Handout 27.1: Management of Specific Drug Overdoses/Poisoning of Clinical
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Approaches/Measures in Management of
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Acute Poisoning
Presentation/ Management of Specific Drug
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Overdoses/Poisoning of Clinical Importance
Management of Overdoses/Poisoning of
4 20 minutes Presentation
Other Chemicals of Clinical Importance
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Gastric Lavage:
o Technique involves placing of patient in left lateral head down position if not intubated.
o Then Insertion of a soft lubricated tube through mouth or nose into stomach.
o Aspirate and save contents and then lavage repeatedly with 50-100ml of fluid until
returns are clear .
o Use luke warm water or saline.
o Gastric aspiration and lavage should only be performed if the patient presents within one
hour of ingestion of a potentially fatal overdose.
o If there is any suppression of the gag reflex, a cuffed endotracheal tube is mandatory.
o Gastric lavage is unpleasant and is potentially hazardous.
o Indications: Removal of gastric contents (within the first hour). Examination of gastric
contents is important.
o Contraindications: Do not do if patient comatose unless intubated. Also do not use if
corrosives are ingested
Activated Charcoal:
o Adsorbs almost all drugs and poisons. Poorly adsorbed substances are Lithium,
Potassium, alcohol, iron, cyanide. Metal salts, alcohols and solvents are not adsorbed by
activated charcoal.
o To be effective, large amounts of charcoal are required, typically ten times the amount of
poison ingested, and again timing is critical, with maximum effectiveness being obtained
soon after ingestion. Its effectiveness is due to its large surface area (1000m2/g). Binding
of charcoal to the drug is by non-specific adsorption.
o The use of repeated doses of activated charcoal may be indicated after ingestion of
sustained-release medications or drugs with a relatively small volume of distribution, and
prolonged elimination half-life (e.g. salicylates, quinine, dapsone, carbamazepine,
barbiturates or theophylline).
o The rationale is that these drugs will diffuse passively from the bloodstream if charcoal is
present in sufficient amounts in the gut or to trap drug that has been eliminated in bile
from being re-absorbed.
o Whole bowel irrigation using non-absorbable polyethylene
o Contraindications: Comatose or obtunded unless given by gastric tube or intubated as
drinking charcoal can cause emesis. Ileus or intestinal obstruction (delays expulsion of
charcoal). Corrosive poisonings where endoscopy is planned. Oral charcoal may also
inactivate any oral antidote (e.g. methionine).
Whole Bowel Irrigation :
o Cleanses the GI tract
o Indications: Whole bowel irrigation using non-absorbable polyethylene glycol solution
may be useful when large amounts of sustained-release preparations, iron or lithium
tablets or packets of smuggled narcotics have been taken by body stuffers/packers
(People who swallow packets of drugs for smuggling.)
o Contraindication: Paralytic ileus
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Sometimes it may be necessary to wash the skin or remove clothes and other coverings to
minimize contact with the source of allergy /poison.
Enhanced Elimination
Urine manipulation:
o Alkaline diuresis (urinary alkalinization) should be considered in cases of salicylate,
chlorpropramide, phenoxyacetate herbicides and phenobarbital poisoning, and may be
combined with repeated doses of oral activated charcoal.
o Acid diuresis may theoretically accelerate drug elimination in phencyclidine and
amphetamine/ ecstasy poisoning.
Haemodialysis and charcoal haemoperfusion:
o Not all drugs or poisons can be cleared by this method.
o Hepatic or renal failure where excretion of the drug may be compromised.
Administration of Antidote
Antidotes are available for a small number of poisons and the most important of these,
including chelating agents have been discussed in the previous sessions.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Management of Specific Drug Overdoses/Poisoning of Clinical
Importance (20 minutes)
Paracetamol poisoning/overdose
o Acetaminophen is metabolized by the cytochrome P450 pathway to a toxic intermediate
that is detoxified by glutathione.
o With acute acetaminophen overdose hepatocellular glutathione is depleted allowing the
toxic intermediate (NAPQI) N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine) to attack cell proteins and
cause cell necrosis.
o Patients with enhanced cytochrome P450 activity like alcoholics and anticonvulsant users
are at greater risk of hepatotoxicity.
o If a potentially toxic overdose is suspected, the stomach should be emptied if within one
hour of ingestion. The antidote should be administered and blood taken for determination
of paracetamol concentration, prothrombin time (INR), creatinine and liver enzymes.
o Rumack-Matthew Nomogram utilized to decide whether treatment with N-acetylcysteine
is required.
o Intravenous acetylcysteine and/or oral methionine are potentially life-saving antidotes and
are most effective if given within eight hours of ingestion; benefit is obtained up to 24
hours after ingestion.
o For serious paracetamol overdoses seen greater than 24 hours after ingestion, advice
should be sought from poisons or liver specialists.
o Acetylcysteine is administered as an intravenous infusion.
o Methionine is an effective oral antidote in paracetamol poisoning. It may be useful in
remote areas where there will be a delay in reaching hospital or when acetylcysteine is
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Salicylate poisoning/overdose
o Respiratory alkalosis frequently predominates and is due to direct stimulation of the
respiratory centre.
o The metabolic acidosis is due to uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and consequent
lactic acidosis.
o If acidosis predominates, the prognosis is poor.
o The typical presentation includes nausea, tinnitus and hyperventilation and the patient is
hot and sweating.
o Immediate management includes estimation of arterial blood gases, electrolytes, renal
function, blood glucose (hypoglycaemia is particularly common in children) and plasma
salicylate concentration.
o The patient is usually dehydrated and requires intravenous fluids.
o A stomach washout is performed, if within one hour of ingestion.
o Activated charcoal should be administered. Multiple dose activated charcoal is advised
until the salicylate level has peaked.
o Depending on the salicylate concentration and the patients clinical condition,
o an alkaline diuresis should be commenced using intravenous sodium bicarbonate.
However, this is potentially hazardous, especially in the elderly.
Children metabolize aspirin less effectively than adults and are more likely to
develop a metabolic acidosis and consequently are at higher risk of death.
o Plasma electrolytes, salicylate and arterial blood gases and pH must be measured
regularly.Frequent monitoring of serum electrolytes is essential.
o If the salicylate concentration reaches 8001000 mg/L, haemodialysis is likely to be
Haemodialysis may also be life-saving at lower salicylate concentrations if the
patients metabolic and clinical condition deteriorates.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Mechanism: Preferred substrate of alcohol dehydrogenase therefore inhibits formation
of NEW toxic substrate. Systemic alcohol is used in poisoning by methanol or
ethylene glycol, since it competes with these for oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase,
slowing the production of toxic metabolites (e.g. formaldehyde, oxalic acid).
o Fomepizole (4-methypyrazole): Competitive Inhibitor of Alcohol dehydrogenase
(in vitro: 80,000 times affinity for ADH than methanol).
o Disulfiram and other Alcohol-sensitizing drugs: These produce an unpleasant reaction
when taken with alcohol.
The only drug of this type used to treat alcoholics is disulfiram, which inhibits
aldehyde dehydrogenase, leading to acetaldehyde accumulation if alcohol is
taken, causing flushing, sweating, nausea, headache, tachycardia and
Cardiac dysrhythmias may occur if large amounts of alcohol are consumed.
o Disulfiram also inhibits phenytoin metabolism and can lead to phenytoin intoxication.
Unfortunately, there is only weak evidence that disulfiram has any benefit in
the treatment of alcoholism.
Its use should be limited to highly selected individuals in specialist clinics.
o Acamprosate: The structure of acamprosate resembles that of GABA and glutamate.
It appears to reduce the effects of excitatory amino acids and, combined with
counselling, it may help to maintain abstinence after alcohol withdrawal.
Acamprosate-inhibt NMDA receptor prolongs abstinence.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 27.1 Management of Specific Drug Overdoses/Poisoning
of Clinical Importance
Tricyclic Antidepressants poisoning/overdose
o Tricyclic antidepressants cause death by dysrhythmias, myocardial depression,
convulsions or asphyxia.
If the patient reaches hospital alive they may be conscious, confused,
aggressive or, in deep coma.
Clinical signs include dilated pupils, hyperreflexia and tachycardia
o Gastric lavage may be performed up to one hour after ingestion if the patient is fully
o Occasionally, assisted ventilation is necessary.
o The most common dysrhythmia is sinus tachycardia, predominantly due to
anticholinergic effects and does not require any intervention. Broadening of the QRS
complex can result from a quinidine-like (sodium ion blocking) effect and is associated
with a poor prognosis.
o Anti-dysrhythmic prophylaxis should be limited to correction of any metabolic
abnormalities, especially hypokalaemia, hypoxia and acidosis. Intravenous sodium
bicarbonate (12 mmol/kg body weight) is the most effective treatment for the severely
ill patient and its mode action may involve a redistribution of the drug within the tissues.
o If resistant ventricular tachycardia occurs, intravenous magnesium or overdrive pacing
have been advocated.
o Convulsions should be treated with intravenous benzodiazepines. Oral benzodiazepines
may be used to control agitation.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 28: Pharmacodynamics of Anticonvulsants
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S_ Description of
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Anticonvulsants
Describe drug interactions associated with Anticonvulsants
Describe side effects of Anticonvulsants
Describe contraindications of Anticonvulsants
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Anticonvulsants
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Anticonvulsants
4 20 minutes Presentation Adverse Effects of Anticonvulsants
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Anticonvulsants
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Barbiturates increase the binding of GABA to GABA A receptors and increase the influx of
Cl− into the neuron, resulting in hyperpolarization and decreased neuronal activity.
Barbiturates also potentiate the binding of benzodiazepines to GABAA receptors. The overall
net effect of this binding is a global reduction in CNS activity; barbiturates are CNS
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Carbamazepine: The hepatic metabolism of carbamazepine is inhibited by cimetidine,
isoniazid, diltiazem and erythromycin. Toxic symptoms may arise if the dose is not adjusted.
o Phenytoin:
1. Inhibition of phenytoin metabolism: Inhibition of microsomal metabolism of phenytoin in
the liver is caused by chloramphenicol, dicumarol, cimetidine, sulfonarnides, and isoniazid.
When used chronically, these drugs increase the concentration of phenytoin in plasma by
preventing its metabolism.
2. A decrease in the plasma concentration of phenytoin is caused by carbamazepine, which
enhances phenytoin metabolism
3. Increase in metabolism of other drugs by phenytoin: Phenytoin induces the P-450 system
which leads to an increase in the metabolism of other antiepileptics, anticoagulants, oral
contraceptives, quinidine, doxycycline, cyclosporine, mexiletine, methadone, and levodopa.
o Valproic acid: Valproate is a CYP2C9 enzyme inhibitor and can interfere with the
metabolism of other antiseizure medications such as phenytoin and phenobarbital.
o All barbiturates are liver enzyme inducers; they increase the activity of CYP2A and CYP3A
enzymes, which results in faster metabolism (and thus reduced effect of) other,
coadministered drugs that are also hepatically metabolized.
o Barbiturates are an example of autoinducers: a drug that induces the same enzymes that
metabolize it. This results in increased dose requirements over time, compared with initial
dose requirements.
Sodium channel blockers (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Valproate, Lamotrigine)
o Valproic acid: Pregnancy: As is the case with a number of other antiseizure drugs, valproate
is teratogenic, and its use in pregnancy should be considered only after a careful risk-benefit
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Valproic acid is contraindicated in significant hepatic disease or dysfunction.
o Porphyria is a rare group of diseases caused by enzyme deficiencies resulting in accumulation
of porphyrins, which are precursors to heme.
Barbiturates can increase activity through these biochemical pathways and exacerbate
accumulation of porphyrins.
o Significant hepatic disease or dysfunction.
o Pregnancy: As is the case with a number of other antiseizure drugs, valproate is teratogenic,
and its use in pregnancy should be considered only after a careful risk-benefit assessment.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 29: Pharmacodynamics of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Describe drug interactions associated with Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Describe side effects of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Describe contraindications of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Hypnotics and
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Anxiolytics
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 25 minutes
brainstorming Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Presentation/ Contraindications of Hypnotics and
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Anxiolytics
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
The Actions of BDZ are:
o Reduction of anxiety: At low doses, the benzodiazepines are anxiolytic. They are thought to
reduce anxiety by selectively inhibiting neuronal circuits in the limbic system of the brain.
o Sedative and hypnotic actions: All of the benzodiazepines used to treat anxiety have some
sedative properties. At higher doses, certain benzodiazepines produce hypnosis (artificially-
produced sleep).
o 3Anticonvulsant action: Several of the benzodiazepines have anticonvulsant activity and are
used to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders.
o Muscle relaxant effect: The benzodiazepines relax the spasticity of skeletal muscle, probably
by increasing presynaptic inhibition in the spinal cord.
o Although the hypnotic zolpidem is not a benzodiazepine, it acts on a subset of the
benzodiazepine receptor family.
o The difference with BDZ: Zolpidem has no anticonvulsant or muscle relaxing properties. It
shows no withdrawal effects, exhibits minimal rebound insomnia and little or no tolerance
occurs with prolonged use.
o These
o Buspirone is useful in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders and has an efficacy
comparable to the benzodiazepines.
o The actions of buspirone appear to be mediated by serotonin (5-HT lA) receptors, although
other receptors could be involved, since buspirone displays some affinity for DA 2 doparnine
receptors and 5-HT2 serotonin receptors. The mode of action thus differs from that of the
o Difference with BDZ: Buspirone lacks anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxant properties of the
benzodiazepines and causes only minimal sedation. Dependence is unlikely. Buspirone has
the disadvantage of a slow onset of action.
o Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine with antiemetic activity.
o It has a low tendency for habituation; thus it is useful for patients with anxiety, who have a
history of drug abuse. It is also often used for sedation prior to dental procedures or surgery.
o Barbiturates have been used as mild sedatives to relieve anxiety, nervous tension, and
insomnia. Most have been replaced by the benzodiazepines.
o Details on mechanism of action, side effects, drug interactions and contraindications of
barbiturates are shown in Session 34(Pharmacodynamics of Anticonvulsants).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated with Hypnotics and Anxiolytics (20
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 6: Key Points (5 minutes)
Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist. It can be used to reverse benzodiazepine sedation.
It is a dose which determines the anxiolytic and sedative hypnotic effect of drugs used.
Benzodiazepines have other indications than anxiolytic effects.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 30: Pharmacodynamics of Antipsychotic Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S43_ Description of Antipsychotic Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antipsychotic Drugs
Explain the dopamine theory of schizophrenia
Describe drug interactions associated with Antipsychotic Drugs
Describe side effects of Antipsychotic Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antipsychotic Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 15 minutes Dopamine Theory of Schizophrenia
Mechanism of Action of Antipsychotic
3 45 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
4 20 minutes
brainstorming Antipsychotic Drugs
5 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs
6 20 minutes Contraindications of Antipsychotic Drugs
7 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do antipsychotics produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Newer/Atypical Antipsychotic drugs (Second generation antipsychotics)
o Clozapine is metabolized by CYP450 enzyme system and its metabolism is affected by
notable inducers or inhibitors of the specific isozymes, such as the following:
o Inhibitors: erythromycin, cimetidine, azole antifungals, protease inhibitors, SSRIs
o Inducers: carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampin, omeprazole, cigarette smoking
o Olanzapine itself a weak CYP450 enzyme inhibitor, but it has not been shown to have
significant effects on other drugs.
o The metabolism of olanzapine has been affected by fluvoxamine which is an enzyme
o Inhibitors of quetiapine metabolism include: azole antifungals, macrolide antibiotics
o Inducers of quetiapine metabolism include: carbamazepine, phenytoin
o Inhibitors of risperidone metabolism include: fluoxetine, paroxetine
o Inducers of risperidone metabolism include: carbamazepine
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS): Is a rare but life-threatening side effect. The
mechanism is not fully understood, but it is thought to be a result of inhibition of dopamine in
the hypothalamus, an area responsible for temperature regulation.
o The condition is characterized by: decreased or altered level of consciousness, increased
muscle tone (rigidity), fever, myoglobinemia and death, which occur in about 10% of these
cases and autonomic instability (variable heart rates and blood pressures).
o NMS responds to treatment with dantrolene (a ryanodine receptor antagonist that blocks
intracellular Ca2+ mobilization).
o Agranulocytosis: A decreased white blood cell count can occur as a result of antipsychotics.
o This will result in undesired immunosuppression and requires discontinuation of the drug.
o This effect is observed with chlorpromazine and other phenothiazines (<0.1% of patients).
o Cardiac conduction abnormalities: Such as long QT (thioridazine, droperidol) are a rare
but serious side effect that has led to the market withdrawal of these agents in some
o Antipsychotics appear to affect cardiac potassium channels, and these two agents are likely to
have a greater impact on these channels than other agents.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o QT interval prolongation: As a class, the second-generation agents are considered to
prolong the QT interval; however, ziprasidone is the only member of this class in which
this adverse effect has led to consistent clinically relevant events.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Atypical antipsychotics (e.g. clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine) are less likely to cause
extrapyramidal side effects.
Although there may be a rapid behavioural benefit when antipsychotics are used, a delay
(usually of the order of weeks) in reduction of many symptoms implies secondary effects
(e.g. receptor up/downregulation).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 31: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs Used in Parkinson's
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease
Describe drug interactions associated with Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease
Describe side effects of Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease
Describe contraindications of Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs Used in
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Parkinson's Disease
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Used in Parkinson's Disease
Adverse Effects of Drugs Used in
4 20 minutes Presentation
Parkinson's Disease
Presentation/ Contraindications of Drugs Used in
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Parkinson's Disease
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
cross the blood-brain barrier, but its immediate precursor levodopa is readily transported
into the CNS and is converted to dopamine in the brain
o Actions: Levodopa decreases rigidity, tremors and other symptoms of parkinsonism.
o The effects of levodopa on the CNS can be greatly enhanced by coadministering
carbidopa, a dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor that does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
o Carbidopa diminishes the metabolism of levodopa in the GI tract and peripheral tissues;
thus, it increases the availability of levodopa to the CNS.
o The addition of carbidopa lowers the dose of levodopa needed by 4- to 5- fold and,
consequently, decreases the severity of the side effects of peripherally formed dopamine.
Dopamine Agonists:
o The absorption and extent of first-pass metabolism of bromocriptine is highly variable,
leading to wide fluctuations in plasma concentrations and variability in dose response.
o Dopamine agonists bind to dopamine receptors to produce actions similar to dopamine.
o The dopamine agonists used in Parkinsons disease have longer durations of action than
L-dopa. Cabergoline, an agent not used for Parkinsons disease, has an exceptionally
long elimination half-life (approximately 100 hours).
o Other dopamine agonist include cabergoline, pergolide, pramipexole, ropinirole
Trihexyphenidyl, benzatropine, orphenadrine, procyclidine
o Non-selective muscarinic receptor antagonism is believed to restore, in part, the balance
between dopaminergic/cholinergic pathways in the striatum.
o Muscarinic antagonists are effective in the treatment of parkinsonian tremor and to a
lesser extent rigidity, but produce only a slight improvement in bradykinesia.
Dopamine precursors :
o The vitamin pyridoxine (B6) increases the peripheral breakdown of levodopa and
diminishes its effectiveness.
o Concomitant administration of levodopa and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, such
as phenelzine can produce a hypertensive crisis caused by enhanced catecholamine
production; therefore, caution is required when they are used simultaneously.
o In many psychotic patients, levodopa exacerbates symptoms, possibly through the
buildup of central amines (an increase in dopamine levels).
o In patients with glaucoma, the drug can cause an increase in intraocular pressure.
o Cardiac patients should be carefully monitored because of the possible development of
cardiac arrhythmias.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Monoamine oxidase B inhibitors (MAO B) Inhibitors:
Selegiline and Rasagiline
o At very high doses (six times the therapeutic dose), MAO-B selectivity is lost and pressor
responses to tyramine are potentiated. Hypertensive reactions to tyramine-containing
products (e.g. cheese or yeast extract) have been described, but are rare.
o Amantadine and centrally active antimuscarinic agents potentiate the anti-parkinsonian
effects of selegiline.
Dopamine Agonists:
Bromocriptine and others
o Ropinirole and pramipexole: Sudden sleep onset occurs without warning and poses a
potential risk for activities requiring attention, such as driving. This may be a class effect
but has been confirmed with ropinirole and pramipexole.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Drugs Used in Parkinson's Disease (10
Dopamine Agonists:
Bromocriptine and others
o Pramipexole, Ropinirole: Caution should be exercised when driving or engaging in other
activities that require alertness, because of the potential for sudden onset of sleep (see
Side Effects).
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What is the mechanism of action of levodopa?
What are contraindications of Entacapone?
What are adverse effects of bromocriptine?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 32: Pharmacodynamics of Antidepressants
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Explain pathophysiology of depression
Describe mechanism of action of Antidepressants
Describe drug interactions associated with Antidepressants
Describe side effects of Antidepressants
Describe contraindications of Antidepressants
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The monoamine hypothesis suggests that depression is caused by a deficiency of synaptic
neurotransmitters such as serotonin (5-HT), NA, and dopamine. Serotonin, in particular,
is associated with mood.
o Normally, 5-HT and NA are released from presynaptic vesicles into the synaptic cleft,
where they travel to postsynaptic receptors.
o Once released from these postsynaptic receptors, 5-HT and NA are removed from the
synaptic cleft by reuptake transporters located on the presynapse.
o The TCAs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin (5-HT) and NA into the presynaptic cell body,
increasing the amount of 5-HT and NA available to bind to postsynaptic receptors.
o TCAs antagonize other receptors: muscarinic, histamine (H1), adrenergic (α1) receptors.
This accounts for their extensive list of side effects.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o MAO degrades catecholamines, serotonin, and other endogenous amines in the CNS
as well as in the periphery.
o There are two key isoenzymes: MAO-A which degrades epinephrine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin and MAO-B which degrades phenylethylamine. Both
degrade dopamine.
o The purpose of MAO inhibition is therefore to increase levels of these substances
within the body, specifically the CNS. The efficacy of these agents is a result of their
actions within the CNS, whereas the side effects are largely mediated by their actions
outside of the CNS.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Fluoxetine and paroxetine inhibit the CYP2D6 isoenzyme, and this can lead to clinically
important drug interactions with drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs),
carbamazepine, or vinblastine.
o There is also a very serious interaction with thioridazine (see Contraindications).
Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Examples include: venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, milnacipran
o Duloxetine and (to a lesser extent) venlafaxine are inhibitors of CYP2D6.
Monoamine oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
Examples include :Selective to MAO-B: Selegiline, rasagiline, Selective to MAO-A:
Moclobemide and Nonselective inhibitors: phenelzine and tranylcypromine
o Hypertensive crisis occurs because of a drug-drug or drug-food interaction, leading to
increased levels of norepinephrine and subsequent rapid elevation in blood pressure.
Before the triggering factors (tyramine-rich foods) were identified, this interaction limited
the utility of these agents.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Agitation, insomnia: These effects are likely via stimulation of central serotonin
o The intensity of this side effect can vary among the SSRI. In some cases, these side
effects can be somewhat beneficial in patients who have fatigue or apathy and
Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Examples include: venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, milnacipran
o Gastrointestinal (GI) distress, attributed to inhibition of serotonin reuptake, appears to be
most common with venlafaxine.
o Stimulation of serotonin receptors in the brain likely mediates nausea. Serotonin receptors
are also found in the gut, and serotonin appears to have an effect on GI motility that
becomes intolerable in some patients, leading to cramping and diarrhoea.
o Dizziness may occur although the mechanism is unknown.
o Somnolence may be secondary to sleep disturbances, although the mechanism is
o Insomnia may occur due to stimulation of 5-HT receptors in the CNS. Both the length and
quality of sleep may be impaired.
o Sexual dysfunction, attributed to inhibition of serotonin reuptake, appears to be most
common with venlafaxine.
o It may be both mechanical, as serotonin inhibits functions such as erections, ejaculation,
lubrication, and orgasm, and central, as serotonin has an inhibitory effect on dopamine, a
neurotransmitter believed to play an important role in arousal.
o Sweating: The mechanism for this effect has not been established.
o Dry mouth is likely caused by NA.
o Sustained hypertension is dose related. The elevation in blood pressure is likely caused by
the pressor effects of increased NA. Patients should have blood pressure monitored.
Monoamine oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
Examples include :Selective to MAO-B: Selegiline, rasagiline, Selective to MAO-A:
Moclobemide and Nonselective inhibitors: phenelzine and tranylcypromine
o Sleep disturbances include insomnia.
o The insomnia is likely a central stimulatory effect from the increased monoamines,
although a mechanism has not been established. Moclobemide, a reversible and selective
MAO-A inhibitor, may cause fewer problems with sleep.
o Weight gain is a common side effect of antidepressants; likely, increased monoamines
play a role, but the mechanism has not been established.
o Postural hypotension: The mechanism has not been established. This can be problematic
in elderly patients, leading to falls.
o Sexual disturbances: Might be due to enhanced serotonin activity resulting to sexual
dysfunction with these agents.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressants (NaSSAs)
Examples include: Mirtazapine
o Sedation occurs because of blockade of histamine receptors. It tends to predominate at
lower doses, as increasing NA at higher doses counteracts this effect.
o Increased appetite may be due to H1 antagonism, although the mechanism is unclear.
Weight gain may be due to H1 antagonism
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Citalopram and pimozide: The combination of these two agents is associated with a
greater risk of QT interval prolongation, although the mechanism is unknown.
Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)
Examples include: venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, milnacipran
o SNRIs and MAOIs: MAOIs inhibit the breakdown of serotonin. Concomitant use can
therefore lead to excessive serotonin. When switching from an SNRI to an MAOI, or vice
versa, allow for a washout period of at least 1 to 2 weeks.
Monoamine oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
Examples include :Selective to MAO-B: Selegiline, rasagiline, Selective to MAO-A:
Moclobemide and Nonselective inhibitors: phenelzine and tranylcypromine
o MAOI with sympathomimetics: nonselective MAOIs may potentiate the hypertensive
effects of sympathomimetics, leading to a hypertensive crisis that can be fatal.
Methylphenidate, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and similar agents
(methyldopa, l-dopa, l-tryptophan, l-tyrosine, and phenylalanine) should be avoided.
o Foods with tyramine: See interactions of MAOIs
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 33: Pharmacodynamics of Drugs for Heart Failure
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of drugs for heart failure
Describe drug interactions associated with drugs for heart failure
Describe side effects of drugs for heart failure
Describe contraindications of drugs for heart failure
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Drugs for Heart
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Failure
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated Drugs for Heart
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Failure
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Drugs for Heart Failure
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Drugs for Heart Failure
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o For more information on adverse effects, interactions, contraindications and mechanism
refer a session on Pharmacodynamics of Pharmacodynamics of Antihypertensive drugs
o As in hypertension, the pharmacodynamics of sartans are similar to those of ACEI apart
from a lower incidence of some adverse effects, including, particularly, dry cough.
Beta blockers
o For more information on adverse effects, interactions , contraindications and mechanism
refer a session on Pharmacodynamics of Antihypertensives
o Beta-blockers are negative inotropes and so intuitively would be expected to worsen heart
o There is, however, a rationale for their use in terms of antagonizing counter regulatory
sympathetic activation and several randomized controlled trials have demonstrated
improved survival when a β-adrenoceptor antagonist is added to other drugs, including an
o Inotropic action: Through the action of Na/K/ATP ion pump blockade, the following
sequence of ionic events occurs:
o ↓ Na exits the cell
o ↑ Intracellular Na
o ↓ Na electrochemical gradient for Na-Ca exchanger
o ↓ Ca exits the cell
o ↑ Intracellular Ca
o The increase in intracellular calcium results in increased contractility, SV, and CO.
o In heart failure, sympathetic tone is increased as a compensatory mechanism to increase
o Digoxin increases contractility and hence SV and CO, therefore reducing the need for
sympathetic compensation; thus digoxin reduces the sympathetic tone in heart failure.
Beta1-Adrenergic Agonists: Dobutamine ,Dopamine, Amrinone and Milrinone
o Improves cardiac performance by their positive inotropic effects and vasodilatation ((β-
2), minimum effects on HR by dobutamine)
o Increase in intracellular cAMP → results in the entry of Ca2+ into the myocardial cells
increases, thus enhancing contraction
o Diminished effects after long-time infusions and possible worsening upon withdrawal
o Ibopamine which is a pro-drug and has actions at β-1, β-2, D1 and D2 is not preferred
because of the non-selectivity hence increased toxicity.
o Glucagon increases cyclic AMP thus increasing myocardial contraction hence used in
acute cardiac dysfunction due to overdose of β-blockers
Inhibitors of Phosphodiesterase III
o Inhibitors of phosphodiesterase III which is specific to the heart and responsible for
degradation of cyclic AMP thus increase myocardial contractility are also used.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Drugs for Heart Failure (20
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o These are consequently those most likely to benefit from an ACEI in the long term.
Long-acting drugs (e.g. ramipril, trandolapril) cause less first-dose hypotension and
can be given once daily.
o ACEI are usually well tolerated during chronic treatment, although dry cough is
common and occasionally unacceptable apart from a lower incidence of some adverse
effects, including, particularly, dry cough.
Beta blockers
o Intolerance Fatigue and cold extremities are common and dose related.
o Erectile dysfunction occurs, but is less common than with thiazide diuretics.
o Central nervous system (CNS) effects (e.g. vivid dreams) can occur.
o Airways obstruction β-adrenoceptor antagonists predispose to severe airways
obstruction in patients with pre-existing obstructive airways disease, especially
o Peripheral vascular disease and vasospasm β-adrenoceptor antagonists worsen
claudication in patients with symptomatic atheromatous peripheral vascular disease
and worsen Raynaud’s phenomenon.
o Hypoglycaemia β-adrenoceptor antagonists mask symptoms of hypoglycaemia, and
slow the rate of recovery from it, because adrenaline stimulates gluconeogenesis via
o Heart block
o The therapeutic index is very low.
o The therapeutic range for digoxin is 0.5 to 2.5 nmol/L (in the blood). The probability
of toxicity is significant when the level is > 2.6.
o Children experience less toxicity than adults and have a higher therapeutic range (2.5
to 3.5).
o It is estimated that 20% of patients taking digoxin will experience toxicity.
o Clearance is via the kidneys.
o Renal dysfunction increases the elimination half-time, which increases digoxin levels
and increases the risk of toxicity. The dose must be reduced accordingly.
o Factors that increase digoxin sensitivity (and thus increase toxicity risk) include
Hypokalemia (most common cause), Hypercalcemia (less common),
Hypomagnesemia (less common), Hypothyroidism and Hypoxia or acidosis.
o Adverse effects (Toxicity) sign and symptoms include:
o GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and anorexia (loss of appetite)
o CNS: Confusion, dizziness, and agitation
o Cardiovascular: Arrhythmias and heart block
o Visual: Orange tinted vision, visual disturbances
o Increased automaticity occurs.
o Atrial or ventricular dysrhythmias such as premature atrial contractions (PACs),
premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), atrial or ventricular tachycardia can
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Treatment is to stop giving the drug for a short period, or, if there are severe
cardiac arrhythmias, an antibody called Digibind can be given; Digibind binds
digoxin and increases the rate of clearance
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 34: Pharmacodynamics of Antihypertensive Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S17_ Description of Antihypertensive Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antihypertensive Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antihypertensive Drugs
Describe side effects of Antihypertensive Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antihypertensive Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Presentation/ Mechanism of Action of Antihypertensive
2 45 minutes
Buzzing Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antihypertensive Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs
Presentation/ Contraindications of Antihypertensive
5 20 minutes
Brainstorming Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors(ACEI)
o These drugs block the enzyme that cleaves angiotensin I to form the potent
vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II.
o ACEI lower blood pressure by reducing angiotensin II and perhaps also by increasing
vasodilator peptides, such as bradykinin by diminishing their inactivation.
o Angiotensin II causes aldosterone secretion from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal
cortex and inhibition of this contributes to the antihypertensive effect of ACE inhibitors
because of decreased sodium and water retention.
Beta blockers
o Β-Adrenoceptor antagonists reduce cardiac output (via negative chronotropic and
negative inotropic effects on the heart).
o These drugs also inhibit renin secretion and some have additional central actions reducing
sympathetic outflow from the central nervous system (CNS).
Angiotensin receptor blockers
o Most of the effects of angiotensin II, including vasoconstriction and aldosterone release,
are mediated by the angiotensin II subtype 1 (AT1) receptor.
o These drugs block the AT1 receptors thus blocking Angiotensin II actions/effects.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Calcium-channel blockers inhibit Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent L-type calcium
channels. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations control the contractile state of actomyosin.
o Calcium-channel blockers therefore relax arteriolar smooth muscle, reduce peripheral
vascular resistance and lower arterial blood pressure.
o Thiazide Diuretics: Thiazide diuretics inhibit reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions in
the proximal part of the distal convoluted tubule.
o Excessive salt intake or a low glomerular filtration rate interferes with their
antihypertensive effect. Natriuresis is therefore probably important in determining their
hypotensive action.
α-Adrenoceptor antagonists
o There are two main types of α-adrenoceptor, α1- and α2.
o Noradrenaline activates α1-receptors on vascular smooth muscle, causing tonic
vasoconstriction. α1-Antagonists cause vasodilatation by blocking this tonic action of
noradrenaline hence α1-Adrenoceptor antagonists lower blood pressure.
o Prazosin, doxazosin and other alpha 1 receptor blockers decrease peripheral vascular
resistance and lower arterial blood pressure by causing the relaxation of both arterial and
venous smooth muscle.
o These drugs cause only minimal changes in cardiac output, renal blood flow, and
glomerular filtration rate.
Centrally acting drugs
o Methyldopa: after uptake into central neurones and methyldopa is metabolised to a false
transmitter (α-methylnoradrenaline) which is an α2-adrenoceptor agonist.
o Activating central α2-adrenoceptors by the false transmitter inhibits sympathetic outflow
from the CNS.
o Moxonidine is another centrally acting drug: it acts on imidazoline receptors and is said to
be better tolerated than methyldopa.
Other vasodilators
o Minoxidil: works via a sulphate metabolite which activates potassium channels. This
relaxes vascular smooth muscle, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and lowering
blood pressure.
o Nitroprusside: It is a rapid acting inorganic nitrate which degrades to NO relaxes blood
vessels hence reduced blood pressure.
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
o ACEI interaction with Diuretics:
o Diuretic treatment increases plasma renin activity and the consequent activation of
angiotensin II and aldosterone thus limiting efficacy of ACEIs.
o ACE inhibition interrupts the loop and thus enhances the hypotensive efficacy of
diuretics, as well as reducing thiazide-induced hypokalaemia.
o Conversely, ACEI have a potentially adverse interaction with potassium-sparing
diuretics and potassium supplements, leading to hyperkalaemia, especially in patients
with renal impairment.
o As with other antihypertensive drugs, NSAIDs increase blood pressure in patients
treated with ACE inhibitors.
Beta Blockers
o Pharmacokinetic interactions:
o β-adrenoceptor antagonists inhibit drug metabolism indirectly by decreasing hepatic
blood flow secondary to decreased cardiac output.
o This causes accumulation of drugs such as lidocaine that have such a high hepatic
extraction ratio that their clearance reflects hepatic blood flow.
o Pharmacodynamic interactions:
o Increased negative inotropic and atrioventricular (AV) nodal effects occur with
verapamil (giving both intravenously can be fatal), lidocaine and other negative
Calcium channel blockers
o Intravenous verapamil can cause circulatory collapse in patients treated concomitantly
with β-adrenoceptor antagonists.
o Diuretics exhibit a non-specific adverse interaction with NSAIDs,
o All diuretics interact with lithium. Li + is similar to Na+ in many respects, and is
reabsorbed mainly in the proximal convoluted tubule.
o Diuretics indirectly increase Lireabsorption in the proximal tubule, by causing volume
o This results in an increased plasma concentration of Liand increased toxicity.
o Diuretic-induced hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia increase the toxicity of
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Combinations of a thiazide with a potassium-sparing diuretic, such as amiloride,
triamterene or spironolactone can prevent undue hypokalaemia, and are especially
useful in patients who require simultaneous treatment with digoxin, sotalol or other
drugs that prolong the electrocardiographic QT-interval.
What are the side effects and adverse effects of antihypertensive drugs?
ALLOW few students to respond?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
CLARIFY and SUMMARISE by using the content below
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors are contraindicated in the followings:
o Pregnant women: ACE inhibitors are fetotoxic and should not be used in pregnant
Beta Blockers are contraindicated in the followings:
o Airways obstruction: asthmatics sometimes tolerate a small dose of a selective drug
when first prescribed, only to suffer an exceptionally severe attack subsequently, and
β-adrenoceptor antagonists should ideally be avoided altogether in asthmatics and
used only with caution in COPD patients, many of whom have a reversible
o Decompensated heart failure – β-adrenoceptor antagonists are contraindicated (in
contrast to stable heart failure) because of decreased contractility of heart muscles
through blockade of B1-receptors.
o Peripheral vascular disease and vasospasm – β-adrenoceptor antagonists
worseclaudication and Raynaud’s phenomenon.
o Hypoglycaemia – β-adrenoceptor antagonists can mask symptoms of hypoglycaemia
and the rate of recovery is slowed, because adrenaline stimulates gluconeogenesis.
This effect is inhibited by these drugs.
o Heart block – β-adrenoceptor antagonists can precipitate or worsen heart block.
o Metabolic disturbance – β-adrenoreceptor antagonists worsen glycaemic control in
type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Angiotensin receptor blockers are contraindicated in the followings:
o Pregnant women: These drugs are fetotoxic and should not be used in pregnant
Calcium channel blockers
o Verapamil should be avoided in treating patients with congestive heart failure due to
its negative inotropic effects
o Nondihydropyridines: Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome: In WPW the
accessory pathway (bundle of Kent) is not blocked by Ca+2 channel blockers, but the
AV node is. Therefore the use of Ca+2 channel blockers will promote conduction
through the accessory pathway. Because the accessory pathway does not have a
conduction delay as the AV node does, conduction through the accessory pathway can
result in very high ventricular rates in the presence of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter.
o Nondihydropyridines: Hypotension: Ca+2 channel blockers lower BP and should
not be used in patients who already have low BP.
o Nondihydropyridines: Acute CHF: Non-DHPs have a depressant effect on the heart
and must be avoided in acute CHF.
o Nondihydropyridines: AV blocks: Ca+2 channel blockers can make an AV block
more severe.
o Dihydropyridines: Pregnancyteratogenic effects seen in animals
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Dihydropyridines: Conditions in which tachycardia is harmful such as Coronary
artery disease, Aortic stenosis and Mitral stenosis
Diuretics are contraindicated in the followings:
o Patients with Gout: most diuretics reduce uric acid clearance, increase plasma uric
acid and can precipitate gout.
o Diabetic patients: thiazides reduce glucose tolerance thus high doses cause
hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes.
o Patients with severe renal impairment because the effects of diuretics depend on renal
o Diuretics should not be used in pre-eclampsia, which is associated with a contracted
intravascular volume.
o Diuretics should be avoided in men with prostatic symptoms.
o It is prudent to discontinue diuretics temporarily in patients who develop intercurrent
diarrhoea and/or vomiting, to avoid exacerbating fluid depletion.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 35: Pharmacodynamics of Anticoagulants
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Anticoagulants
Describe drug interactions associated with Anticoagulants
Describe side effects of Anticoagulants
Describe contraindications of Anticoagulants
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Anticoagulants
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated with
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Anticoagulants
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Anticoagulants
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Anticoagulants
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Heparin is a sulphated acidic mucopolysaccharide that is widely distributed in the body.
The unfractionated preparation is extracted from the lung or intestine of ox or pig, and is
a mixture of polymers of varying molecular weights.
Since the structure is variable, the dosage is expressed in terms of units of biological
Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) are fragments or short synthetic sequences of
heparin with much more predictable pharmacological effects, and monitoring of their
anticoagulant effect is seldom needed.
They have largely replaced unfractionated heparin in therapy.
Unfractionated Heparin(UFH)
o Unfractionated heparin has been replaced by LMWH for most indications, but remains
important for patients with impaired or rapidly changing renal function.
o Treatment is monitored by measuring the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
four to six hours after starting treatment and then every six hours, until two consecutive
readings are within the target range, and thereafter at least daily.
o Dose adjustments are made to keep the APTT ratio (i.e. the ratio between the value for
the patient and the value of a control) in the range 1.52.5.
o Mechanism:
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The main action of heparin is on the coagulation cascade. It works by binding to
antithrombin III, a naturally occurring inhibitor of thrombin and other serine proteases
(factors IXa, Xa, XIa and XIIa), and enormously potentiating its inhibitory action.
o A lower concentration is required to inhibit factor Xa and the other factors early in the
cascade than is needed to antagonize the action of thrombin, providing the rationale for
low-dose heparin in prophylaxis.
o As an antithrombin drug, it inhibits platelet activation by thrombin
Low Molecular Weight Heparins (LMWH)
Advantages/difference with UFH include:
o Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) preferentially inhibit factor Xa.
o They do not prolong the APTT, and monitoring (which requires sophisticated factor Xa
assays) is not needed in routine clinical practice, because their pharmacokinetics are more
predictable(less protein binding and first-order kinetics) than those of unfractionated.
o LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin and dalteparin) are at least as safe and effective as
unfractionated products, except in patients with renal impairment.
o Thrombocytopenia and related thrombotic events and antiheparin antibodies are less
common than with unfractionated preparations.
o Once-daily dosage makes them convenient, and patients can administer them at home,
reducing hospitalization.
o However, LMWH are eliminated solely by renal excretion, unlike unfractionated heparin;
as a consequence, unfractionated heparin should be used rather than low-molecular-
weight preparations in patients with significant renal dysfunction.
o Mechanism: as discussed on UFH
Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors: Rivaroxaban:
o Direct factor Xa inhibitors are agents that inhibit clotting by inhibiting a specific
component of the coagulation cascade.
o Factor Xa converts prothrombin to thrombin (factor IIa). Thrombin is an enzyme that
catalyses the final step in the coagulation cascade, the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.
o Fibrin is a fibrous protein that forms a mesh, providing structural rigidity to a clot. The
mesh is created by the cross-linking of fibrin, and this cross-linking step is facilitated by
factor XIII.
o In addition to converting fibrinogen to fibrin, thrombin also activates factor XIII; thus
thrombin not only catalyses the creation of the key component of the clot, it also
facilitates the provision of structural rigidity to the clot.
o Thrombin also activates factors V, VIII, and XI, therefore amplifying the coagulation
cascade. In addition, thrombin activates platelets, leading to their aggregation.
o Direct factor Xa inhibitors directly inhibit the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
without using antithrombin III as an intermediary.
o The direct inhibition of thrombin formation results in an anticoagulant effect.
Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors: Rivaroxaban::
o Direct factor Xa inhibitors are agents that inhibit clotting by inhibiting a specific
component of the coagulation cascade.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Direct Thrombin Inhibitors: Parenteral: Hirudin, Bivalirudin and Desirudin Oral:
Dabigatran, Ximelagatran and Argatroban
o Thrombin (factor IIa) is an enzyme that catalyses the final step in the coagulation
cascade, the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.
o Fibrin is a fibrous protein that forms a mesh, providing structural rigidity to a clot. The
mesh is created by the cross-linking of fibrin, and this cross-linking step is facilitated by
factor XIII.
o Thrombin also activates factors V, VIII, and XI, therefore amplifying the coagulation
cascade. Thrombin also has antiplatelet effects.
o Thrombin has an active site as well as two other sites, referred to as exosite 1, which
binds fibrin, and exosite 2, which binds heparin.
o Direct thrombin inhibitors all bind to thrombin directly at its active site. The bivalent
inhibitors (-irudins) also bind at exosite 1 (hence the term bivalent, indicating two
binding sites), while the univalent inhibitors only bind at the active site.
o The univalent thrombin inhibitors (e.g., argatroban and dabigatran) and bivalirudin all
bind reversibly, whereas the other bivalent inhibitors bind thrombin irreversibly.
o The net result of this binding is that the effects of thrombin are inhibited. The inhibition
of thrombin results in an anticoagulant effect.
Vitamin K Antagonists: Warfarin
o Vitamin K antagonists are a family of naturally derived anticoagulants, which are also
known as coumarins.
o Vitamin K is key cofactor in the hepatic activation of four coagulation factors. The four
vitamin K-dependent clotting factors are II, VII, IX, and X (Figure 16-4).
o To act as a cofactor, vitamin K must be in its reduced form, vitamin K hydroxyquinone.
The enzyme vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) converts vitamin K to its reduced
o Warfarin inhibits the enzyme VKOR. Blocking formation of the reduced form of vitamin
K inhibits the activation of these four clotting factors.
o These clotting factors vary in their half-lives (6 to 50 hours), with factor II having the
longest half-life and factor VII having the shortest. This delays the onset of action of
warfarin, as one must wait until these clotting factors have been mostly depleted before
the full anticoagulant effects have been achieved.
o There is significant genetic variability in responses to warfarin owing to variants in 2C9
that metabolize the drug less efficiently and to variants in VKOR.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 3: Drug Interactions Associated With Anticoagulants (20 minutes)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 36: Pharmacodynamics of Antiplatelet Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antiplatelet Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antiplatelet Drugs
Describe side effects of Antiplatelet Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antiplatelet Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
2 45 minutes Mechanism of Action of Antiplatelet Drugs
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated with
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antiplatelet Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antiplatelet Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antiplatelet Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Antiplatelet Drugs
Salicylates: acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
o ASA works by irreversibly inhibiting COX-1, an enzyme that catalyses the formation of
cyclic endoperoxide, which in turn is then converted to Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in
platelets. TXA2 is a potent inducer of platelet aggregation and release.
o Inhibition of TXA2 leads to the antiplatelet effects of ASA.
Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) Blockers
o Platelets are activated by adhering to damaged endothelium by linking of glycoprotein Ia
(GPIa) receptors with collagen and GPIb receptors with von Willebrand factor (vWF).
The activation of platelets leads to aggregation and clot formation.
o Platelet activation leads to synthesis and release of mediators involved in platelet
aggregation: TXA2, Serotonin (5-HT) and ADP.
o Mediators such as ADP promote platelet aggregation by increasing GP receptor
expression and promoting binding of fibrinogen to GPIIIa/IIb receptors.
o Ticlopidine, prasugrel, and clopidogrel inhibit the ADP-dependent pathway of platelet
activation and subsequent aggregation.
Antiplatelet IIb/IIIa Inhibitors
o IIb/IIIa receptors are located on the outside of platelets, in very high numbers (50,000 to
80,000 per cell); in the resting platelet they are inactive.
o Fibrinogen and vWF bind to IIb/IIIa receptors; once bound, they bind to foreign surfaces
and also bridge other platelets to induce platelet aggregation.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o These drugs bind to the IIb/IIIa receptor complex on the platelet and prevent binding of
endogenous ligands including fibrinogen and vWF, thus inhibiting aggregation of the
o Dipyridamole was introduced as a vasodilator, but provokes rather than prevents angina
(via a steal mechanism).
o It is used acutely as in stress tests for ischaemic heart disease (e.g. combined with nuclear
medicine myocardial perfusion scanning).
o It is also used chronically, combined with aspirin, for its antiplatelet effect in patients
with cerebrovascular disease.
o Dipyridamole inhibits phosphodiesterase which leads to reduced breakdown of cAMP,
and inhibits adenosine uptake with consequent enhancement of the actions of this
mediator on platelets and vascular smooth muscle..
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 4: Adverse Effects of Antiplatelet Drugs (20 minutes)
Antiplatelet Drugs
Salicylates: acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
o GI: GI effects are caused by reduced levels of a PG (produced by COX-1) that protects
the lining of the stomach. They can range in severity from upset stomach to GI bleeds and
o Bleeding is caused by the antiplatelet effect.
o Tinnitus: Ringing of the ears is typically only seen at higher doses.
o For details refer Pharmacodynamics of Antinflammatory drugs
Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP) Blockers
o Bleeding
o Rash, diarrhea: mechanism not known
o Severe neutropenia is a rare side effect associated with ticlopidine but not with
o It necessitates discontinuation of the drug.
o Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): has been associated with ticlopidine and
less commonly with clopidogrel.
Antiplatelet IIb/IIIa Inhibitors
o Bleeding
o Thrombocytopenia is the most serious complication. Thrombocytopenia is immune-
mediated and occurs in 5% of patients but is severe in 1%.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 37: Pharmacodynamics of Local Anaesthetics
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Local Anaesthetics
Describe drug interactions associated with Local Anaesthetics
Describe side effects of Local Anaesthetics
Describe contraindications of Local Anaesthetics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do local anaesthetics produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Local anaesthetics are drugs which upon topical application or local injection cause
reversible loss of sensory perception, especially of pain in a localized area of the body.
They block generation and conduction of nerve impulses at a localized site of contact
without structural damage to neurons.
Clinically they are used to block pain sensation from or sympathetic vasoconstrictor
impulses to specific areas of the body
Cardiocascular system
o The adverse cardiovascular effects of local anaesthetics are due mainly to myocardial
depression, conduction block and vasodilatation.
o Reduction of myocardial contractility probably results indirectly from an inhibition of the
Na+ current in cardiac muscle
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o The resulting decrease of [Na+]i in turn reduces intracellular Ca2+ stores and this reduces
the force of contraction.
o Interference with atrioventricular conduction can result in partial or complete heart block,
as well as other types of dysrhythmia
o Vasodilatation, mainly affecting arterioles, is due partly to a direct effect on vascular
smooth muscle, and partly to inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system.
o This leads to a fall in blood pressure, which may be sudden and life-threatening.
o Cocaine is an exception in respect of its cardiovascular effects, because of its ability to
inhibit noradrenaline reuptake
Local anaesthetics should not be injected into inflamed or infected tissues nor should they
be applied to damaged skin.
o Increased absorption into the blood increases the possibility of systemic side-
effects, and the local anaesthetic effect may also be reduced by altered local pH.
Patients with Heart block, second or third degree (without pacemaker)
Patients with Severe sinoatrial block (without pacemaker).
Concurrent treatment with quinidine, flecainide, disopyramide, procainamide (class 1
antiarrhythmic agents) should be avoided.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What are local Anaesthetics?
What is the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics?
What are the side effects of local anaesthetics?
What are contraindications of local anaesthetics?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 38: Pharmacodynamics of General Anaesthetics
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of General Anaesthetics
Describe drug interactions associated with General Anaesthetics
Describe side effects of General Anaesthetics
Describe contraindications of General Anaesthetics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Handout 38.1. Side Effects of Inhalation Anaesthetics
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Mechanism of Action of General
2 45 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With General
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Anaesthetics
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of General Anaesthetics
5 20 minutes Contraindications of General Anaesthetics
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do general anaesthetics produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
General Anaesthetics are the drugs which produce reversible loss of all sensation and
consciousness, or simply, a drug that brings about a reversible loss of consciousness
General Anaesthetics are generally administered by an anesthesiologist in order to induce
or maintain general anesthesia to facilitate surgery
General anaesthetics are mainly inhalation or intravenous as shown in the table below;
Inhalation: Intravenous:
Gas: Inducing agents:
e.g Nitrous Oxide Thiopentone,
Methohexitone sodium,
Volatile liquids: Benzodiazepines (slower acting):
Ether Diazepam
Halothane Lorazepam
Enflurane Midazolam
Dissociative anaesthesia:
e.g Ketamine
Neurolept analgesia:
e.g. Fentanyl
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Major targets of General Anaesthetics is ligand gated ion channels GABA-A, Cl¯
channel receptors which are found throughout the CNS
Normally, GABA-A receptor mediates the effects of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA),
the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Adrenergic Neurone Blockers: enhanced hypotensive effect when general anaesthetics
given with Adrenergic Neurone Blockers
Alpha-blockers: enhanced hypotensive effect when general anaesthetics given with
Aminophylline: increased risk of convulsions when Ketamine given with Aminophylline
Analgesics: metabolism of etomidate inhibited by Fentanyl (consider reducing dose of
effects of thiopental possibly enhanced by Aspirin;
effects of intravenous general anaesthetics and volatile liquid general anaesthetics
possibly enhanced by Opioid Analgesics
Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonists: enhanced hypotensive effect when general
anaesthetics given with Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonists
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Activity: Take Home Assignment (10 minutes)
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Handout 20.1 Side Effects of Inhalation Anaesthetics
Table 28.2 Inhalation Anaesthetics
Drug Speed of Main unwanted Notes
induction and effect(s)
Nitrous Fast Few adverse effects Good analgesic effect
oxide Risk of anaemia (with Low potency precludes
prolonged or repeated use as sole anaesthetic
use) agent-normally combined
Accumulation in with other inhalation
gaseous cavities agents
lsoflurane Medium Few adverse effects Widely used
Possible risk of coronary Has replaced halothane
ischemia in susceptible
Sevoflurane Fast Few reported Similar to desflurane
Theoretical risk of renal
toxicity owing to
Desflurane Fast Respiratory tract Used for day-case surgery
irritation, cough, because of fast onset and
bronchospasm recovery (comparable
with nitrous oxide)
Halothane Medium Hypotension Little used nowadays
Cardiac arrhythmias Significant metabolism to
Hepatotoxicity (with trifluoracetate
repeated use)
Malignant hyperthermia
Enflurane Medium Risk of convulsions Has declined in use
(slight) May induce seizures
Malignant hyperthermia
Ether Slow Respiratory irritation Now obsolete, except
Nausea and vomiting where modern facilities
Explosion risk are lacking
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 39: Pharmacodynamics of Antituberculosis Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
PST04211_S13_ Description of Antituberculosis Drugs
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antituberculosis Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antituberculosis Drugs
Describe side effects of Antituberculosis Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antituberculosis Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Mechanism of Action of Antituberculosis
2 45 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antituberculosis Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antituberculosis Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antituberculosis Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do Antituberculosis Drugs produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
Isoniazid inhibits synthesis of mycolic acids, which are essential components of
mycobacterial cell walls.
Isoniazid is a prodrug that is activated by KatG, the mycobacterial catalase-peroxidase.
The activated form of isoniazid forms a covalent complex with an acyl carrier protein
(AcpM) and KasA, a beta-ketoacyl carrier protein synthetase, which blocks mycolic acid
synthesis and kills the cell.
Rifampin binds to the β subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and
thereby inhibits RNA synthesis
Human RNA polymerase does not bind rifampin and is not inhibited by it.
Rifampin is bactericidal for mycobacteria.
It can kill organisms that are poorly accessible to many other drugs, such as intracellular
organisms and those sequestered in abscesses and lung cavities
Ethambutol inhibits mycobacterial arabinosyl transferases, which are encoded by the
embCAB operon.
Arabinosyl transferases are involved in the polymerization reaction of arabinoglycan, an
essential component of the mycobacterial cell wall.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Pyrazinamide is converted to pyrazinoic acidthe active form of the drugby
mycobacterial pyrazinamidase, which is encoded by pncA .
The specific drug target is unknown, but pyrazinoic acid disrupts mycobacterial cell
membrane metabolism and transport functions.
There is no serious interaction between ant tuberculosis drugs and other drugs except that
rifampicin reduces plasma concentration of digoxin
Absorption of isoniazid is reduced by antacids,
Hepatotoxic of isoniazid is potentiated by general anaesthesia and its CNS toxicity is
increased by cycloserine
Pyrazinamide antagonizes effect of probenecid
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ethambutol; the most common serious adverse event is retro bulbar neuritis, resulting in
loss of visual acuity and red-green color blindness
Streptomycin is ototoxic and nephrotoxic
o Vertigo and hearing loss are the most common side effects and may be permanent.
o Toxicity is dose-related, and the risk is increased in the elderly
o Toxicity can be reduced by limiting therapy to no more than 6 months whenever
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 7: Evaluation (5 minutes)
What are the mechanisms of antituberculosis drugs?
What are the drug interactions of action of antituberculosis drugs?
What are the side effects of antituberculosis drugs?
What are contraindications of antituberculosis drugs?
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Session 40: Pharmacodynamics of Antiarrythmic Drugs
PST04211_S1_ Introduction to Pharmacology
Learning Tasks
By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:
Describe mechanism of action of Antiarrythmic Drugs
Describe drug interactions associated with Antiarrythmic Drugs
Describe side effects of Antiarrythmic Drugs
Describe contraindications of Antiarrythmic Drugs
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
Computer and projector
Step Time Content
1 05 minutes Presentation Introduction, Learning tasks
Mechanism of Action of Antiarrythmic
2 40 minutes Presentation
Presentation/ Drug Interactions Associated With
3 20 minutes
brainstorming Antiarrythmic Drugs
4 20 minutes Presentation Side Effects of Antiarrythmic Drugs
5 20 minutes Contraindications of Antiarrythmic Drugs
6 05 minutes Presentation Key Points
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes
How do Antiarrythmic Drugs produce their pharmacological effects?
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs add on points not mentioned
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Table 40.1 Anti-dysrhythmic drugs: the VaughanWilliams/Singh classification
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
o Phenytoin may increase the cardiodepressant eff ects of lidocaine.
o Beta Blockers (class II antiarrhythmics) may reduce lidocaine metabolism, possibly
leading to drug toxicity.
o Amiodarone may increase the plasma levels of quinidine, procainamide, diltiazem,
digitalis, and flecainide.
o It may increase the pharmacological effect of beta-blockers, calcium-channel
blockers, and warfarin.
STEP 4: Side Effects of Antiarrythmic Drugs (20 minutes)
Life-threatening pulmonary toxicity may occur during amiodarone therapy, especially
in patients receiving 400 mg/day. Baseline as well as routine pulmonary function tests
reveal relevant pulmonary changes.
Most patients develop corneal microdeposits 1 to 4 months aft er amiodarone therapy
begins. However, this reaction rarely causes visual disturbance, but the patient should be
monitored with routine ophthalmological examinations.
Blood pressure and heart rate and rhythm should be monitored for hypotension and
Patients should be monitored routinely for the possible development of hepatic
dysfunction, thyroid disorders (e.g., hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism), and
Cardiotoxicity effects, such as pronounced slowing of conduction in all heart regions
which may lead to SA block or arrest, ventricular tachycardia, or asystole may occur.
Toxicity may cause acute cardiac effects (e.g., pronounced slowing of conduction in all
heart regions), which, in turn, may lead to SA block or arrest,ventricular tachycardia, or
High serum procainamide levels may induce ventricular arrhythmias (e.g., PVCs,
ventricular tachycardia, or fibrillation).
Hypotension may occur with rapid intravenous administration.
GI effects are less common than with quinidine therapy.
Hypersensitivity reactions are the most severe adverse eff ects of procainamide. These
reactions include drug fever, agranulocytosis, and an SLE-like syndrome.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
STEP 5: Contraindications of Antiarrythmic Drugs (10 minutes)
This drug is contraindicated in patients with;
Complete AV block unless a ventricular pacemaker is in place.
Marked prolongation of the QT interval or prolonged QT syndrome because ventricular
tachyarrhythmia may arise, resulting in quinidine syncope (i.e.,syncope or sudden death).
This drug is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to procaine and related
drugs, myasthenia gravis, second- or third-degree AV block with no pacemaker, a
history of procainamide-induced systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or prolonged QT
This drug may cause marked hemodynamic compromise and ventricular dysfunction. It
is contraindicated in patients with cardiogenic shock or second- or third-degree AV block
with no pacemaker.
Disopyramide should be avoided in patients with heart failure (HF).
It should also be used cautiously in patients with urinary tract disorders, myasthenia
gravis, and renal or hepatic dysfunction.
This drug is contraindicated in patients with cardiogenic shock or second- or third- degree
AV block with no pacemaker
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
In cells with abnormal automaticity, most of these drugs reduce the phase 4 slope by
blocking either sodium or calcium channels, thereby reducing the ratio of sodium (or
calcium) permeability to potassium permeability
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. (2013). Standard Treatment Guidelines & National
Essential Medicines List Tanzania Mainland (4th ed.). Dar es salaam, Tanzania
government printers.
Robert L. Talbert, Gary C. Yee, Gary R. Matzke, Barbara G. Wells, L. Michael. (2014).
Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach (9th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill
Sally S.R, Jeanne C.S. (2000). Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (6th ed) New York,
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. (2007). Martindale, the Extra
Pharmacopoeia (5TH ed). London, pharmaceutical press.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary
(59th ed). London, BMJ Group and RPS Publishing.
PST 05104 Pharmacology & Therapeutics NTA Level 5 Semester 2 Facilitator Guide