22T,+LAYOUT +4733 Article - Text 22346 1 2 20230719 (1) + (Repaired) Oke+ +1
22T,+LAYOUT +4733 Article - Text 22346 1 2 20230719 (1) + (Repaired) Oke+ +1
22T,+LAYOUT +4733 Article - Text 22346 1 2 20230719 (1) + (Repaired) Oke+ +1
Received: July 19, 2023 Abstract: This study aims to produce Biology LKPD, determine the feasibility and
Revised: September 15, 2023 effectiveness of the LKPD developed to increase critical thinking of Islamic value and
Accepted: October 25, 2023 Scientific attitude. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R &
Published: October 31, 2023 D) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, and Implementation,
Evaluation) developed by Dick & Carry. Data analysis techniques used gain scores
Corresponding Author: (Statistic analysis). Evaluation of biological LKPD products according to product
Sanudin feasibility experts is in the good category. According to the biology teacher, it was in the
[email protected] outstanding category and the students' responses were in the outstanding category.
Learning using the OEFPADU LKPD syntax shows that critical thinking of Islamic values
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i10.4733 increases (the average gain score is 0.72), independent test simple t test sign. 0.000 and
paired sample t-test 0.001 and observations of 7.60%. The scientific attitude of students
© 2023 The Authors. This open increased by 14.30%, from the good to outstanding category with the Wiloxcon test
access article is distributed under a analysis, the scientific attitude before and after using the OEFPADU syntax LKPD there
(CC-BY License) was a significant difference with the Asymp results. Sig. 0.000 (<0.05). This shows that
the use of OEFPADU LKPD syntax is effective in improving critical thinking skills of
Islamic values and scientific attitudes.
Keywords: Biology LKPD; Critical thinking skills of Islamic values; OEFPADU Syntax;
Scientific attitude
Mastery of critical thinking is needed by students to apply learning accompanied by verses from the Quran
face future challenges. This skill as reasonable and and Sunnah related to the subject of biology both in
purposeful thinking which includes analyzing, planning and implementing learning. The application
synthesizing and evaluating information to make that was carried out was only limited to conveying
further conclusions and decisions (Shcheglova, et al., information from the teacher to students that there were
2019). Facing the challenges of the 21st century world, verses of the Quran and Sunnah related to the subject of
knowledge and information alone are not enough so that biology, not until they were presented in the learning
the ability to solve problems effectively is needed. In the media to find and link Qur'an verses and Sunnah related
information age, critical thinking is the main ability one to the subject matter.
needs to become a resilient global society. With this SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan is one of the
ability a person will be careful in making decisions and Islamic schools that are in the TERPADU Islamic School
solving problems (Zetriuslita et al., 2018). Network or JSIT. The TERPADU Islamic School (SIT) is
According to Allison G. Snyder (2006), students' essentially a school designed to implement the concept
mastery of critical thinking can be developed or of education based on the Quran and Sunnah. SIT is
strengthened through the use of certain methods or intended so that the education that is held is still guided
models in the learning process. However, not all by religious laws so that there is no separation of
learning models can automatically improve mastery of religious education from general education. The SIT
critical thinking. Learning methods and models that concept is a school concept that combines education
emphasize more active students, learning models that based on religious values with education organized by
encourage discussion and provide lots of opportunities the government in one curriculum that has certain
to express opinions, use ideas, give students lots of characteristics. With an approach like this, every process
opportunities to express ideas in writing, encourage of delivering learning cannot be separated from Islamic
collaboration in studying and discovering developing values. There is no secularization, no dichotomy
knowledge responsibility, self-reflection and social between religious studies and general subjects such as
awareness which will develop students' mastery of Biology, Physics, History, Mathematics, Languages,
critical thinking. Crafts, etc., all of which are inseparable from Islamic
Core competencies as stated in Permendikbud values. The character of SIT which combines general
Number 24 of 2016 concerning Core Competencies and learning with Islamic values where the syntax in the
Basic Competencies in the 2013 Curriculum, are the level learning process uses OEFPADU (Observation,
of ability that students must have to achieve graduate Exploration, Formulate, Presentation, Application,
competency standards at each grade level. This core Worldly, and Ukhrawi).
competency consists of four parts, namely spiritual The results of interviews with biology teachers in
attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge, and skills. These high schools (SMA) show that teachers have never
four competencies should be applied in learning at implemented media-based learning that is OEFPADU
school. However, when referring to the revised 2013 with Islamic values, especially in biology subjects. In
Curriculum RPP, only the subjects of Religious and fact, the school has the potential to implement media
Moral Education and Citizenship Education apply the accompanied by verses from the Quran and Hadith
four core competencies in learning. Other subjects, considering that all students at the school are Muslims.
including biology, only apply 2 core competencies, Islamic schools should be able to more optimally
namely knowledge core competencies and skills core integrate Islamic values through verses from the Quran
competencies. This is not in line with the contents of and hadith related to certain subjects to improve
Permendikbud Number 24 of 2016 concerning Core students' spiritual attitudes.
Competencies and Basic Competencies in the 2013 The results of observations when learning in the
Curriculum, where there are four core competencies, classroom, at the beginning of learning the teacher often
while only two are applied in learning. As a result, reminds the concepts that have been studied before.
biology learning in schools tends to only pursue When the teacher gives the inducement to a question, the
cognitive and psychomotor values, without including students immediately open the source book they have
spiritual attitudes and social attitudes. Even if there is, and read the answers to the questions from the teacher
the spiritual attitude that is highlighted is only limited according to what is written in the book. During
to praying before starting and ending learning. One of practicum learning the teacher asks problems that occur
the efforts that can be made to include a spiritual attitude related to the experiments to be carried out, students
is to include Islamic values in Biology learning through choose to be silent and do not answer questions. This
teaching materials. condition indicates that students are less sensitive in
The results of observations in Islamic schools in recognizing surrounding problems. In addition, at the
Sleman Regency show that only 25% of biology teachers end of the experiment there were still many students
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005
who had not been able to write down the results of will be carried out with the title "Development of
conclusions that were in accordance with the objectives Biology Worksheets Using OEFPADU Syntax on
with the existing problems and the results of the mean Environmental Change Material to Improve Critical
score related to critical thinking questions that had been Thinking Ability Islamic Values and Scientific Attitude”.
given was 50.50. This shows that students' critical
thinking skills are still relatively low. Method
The presence of learning media is expected to make
it easier for students to understand the knowledge being Development of OEFPADU syntax biology student
studied. Based on the description above, students still activity sheets (LKPD) using the ADDIE development
need help in the form of learning media that can be used model Dick and Carry (Bhushan, 2006). Assessment
as a guide when carrying out practicum activities. instrument trials include empirical trials, limited trials
Moreover, learning media in the form of student and field trials. LKPD is validated by LKPD feasibility
worksheets can combine three competency targets in the experts, and teachers. The assessment instrument is
form of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Learning will be validated by expert lecturers. The test subjects were
more meaningful if students are actively involved in students of SMA IT Baitussalam Prambanan. The type of
learning. Learning outcomes will also last longer if these data obtained is quantitative and qualitative. Data
results are obtained from the students' own efforts. collection techniques use non-test techniques and tests.
Whereas, to support success in learning, tools other than Validation of test instruments by expert lecturer’s dan
K-13 books are needed which are equipped with the implementation stage shown in Figure 1.
competency skills and attitudes in the form of practicum
Based on the problems above, the researcher
intends to develop a product that can be used by
students as a learning medium that can increase the
ability to think critically about Islamic values and
scientific attitudes in learning. The hope to be achieved
is that learning becomes more meaningful because the
process takes place scientifically in the form of student
work activities and contains Islamic values. Integrating
biology with religious values is a step in producing a
complete science because biology as a science and
religious values as a moral and moral foundation will
make students not only knowledgeable but also have
good morals. This is in line with the opinion of Rosada
et al, (2019) that after participating in learning to use the Figure.1. ADDIE Development Model Flow to Evaluation
OEFPADU science worksheet on religious values,
students gave a positive response to the implementation The data analysis technique uses a validation sheet,
of the OEFPADU worksheet. In addition, in research observation learning, student responses, gain score
conducted by Zahwa et al, (2020) and Susanto et al, Hake (Dewara & Azhar, 2019), paired sample t-test,
(2022) it was found that the biology worksheets that independent t-test with the SPSS 17 for Windows
were made were feasible to use to train critical thinking program. The research instrument used a Likert scale
skills. from a score of 1-5. The development results are suitable
The contextual material developed in this learning for use in learning if they get a good category, while
media is environmental material because the subject observation data, both critical thinking of Islamic values
matter requires a critical thinking process in terms of and scientific attitudes using the percentage formula.
analysis, evaluation, and finding solutions to solving
environmental problems. The conclusions from Tabel 1. Convert Actual Scores to Five Scale Scores
observations and interviews in the field, the (Widoyoko, 2009)
implementation of biology learning that facilitates the Average Score Category
growth of students' critical thinking skills and scientific ASA> 4.2 Outstanding
attitudes can be achieved better if it is supported by tools 3.4< ASA ≤4.2 Good
in the form of lesson plans and worksheets (Manalu et 2.6< ASA ≤3.4 Enough
al., 2022). The development of student worksheets can 1.8< ASA ≤2.6 Less
be used to improve the critical thinking skills of Islamic ASA ≤1.8 Very less
values and scientific attitudes of students, so research Note: ASA = Average Score Actual
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005
Tabel 2. Convert Quantitative Scores to Qualitative average score of 4.30 for the language (4.30), graphic
(Widoyoko, 2009) (4.60) and presentation (4.0) components.
Precentage Category Instrument validation by expert lecturers
80<PV≤ 100 Outstanding assembling critical thinking assessments of Islamic
60 <PV≤ 80 Good values, and observation sheets of critical thinking on
40 <PV≤ 60 Enough Islamic values and scientific attitudes are in the proper
20 <PV≤ 40 Less category to use. The results of field trial used two classes,
0 ≤ PV≤ 20 Very less
namely experimental and control. The experimental
Note: PV = Precentage Value class uses the OEFPADU syntax LKPD while the control
class does not use it. Prior to testing, it is necessary to
Result and Discussion carry out parametric tests, namely homogeneity tests
and homogeneity tests aimed at showing that the
The initial stages of product development, namely:
experimental class and control class come from
This LKPD has gone through five stages of development, populations that have the same cognitive ability and
namely analysis, design, development, implementation
variance (homogeneous) at a significance level of 5%
and evaluation. The details of the results of each
(0.05). The normality test using the Shapiro-Wilk test
development stage are as follows: the analysis stage
shows 0.196 and 0.135 meaning the data is normally
includes needs analysis, curriculum analysis, and
distributed and the homogeneity test uses the Levene's
student characteristic analysis. The development stage is
test and shows a value of 0.144 meaning the data is
carried out by analyzing the selection of media sources,
preparation of teaching material drafts (LKPD), The result of student implementation is 100. This
preparation of research instruments. The Development
shows that biology learning with OEFPADU syntax runs
Stage includes the development of LKPD with preface
optimally. The field test is presented in Table 3. Pretest
cover components, table of contents, sections of LKPD
and post test data from the control and experimental
consisting of competency maps, concept maps, classes were analyzed using the t-test to determine the
integration models, activity topics, learning objectives,
effectiveness of the OEFPADU Syntax LKPD. The t-test
biology info and Islamic values, OEFPADU
analysis is preceded by a parametric statistical
components, competency maps and concepts, learning
prerequisite test, namely the normality and
activities, objectives, OEFPADU Components homogeneity tests as shown in Table.4.
(Observation, Exploration, Formulate, Present,
Application, Worldly and Ukhrawi) Reflection and Table 4. Normality and Homogeneity Test Reseults
bibliography. Editing carried out activities from the Prerequisite test Test Type Sig.
LKPD that had been developed in consultation with the Normality Test
supervising lecturer, then the results from the Control Class Shapirowilk Pretest: 0.240
preparation of the LKPD draft and research instruments Posttest: 0.079
were then consulted with the lecturer to get input and Experiment class Shapirowilk Pretest: 0.381
suggestions. Furthermore, it was validated by experts Posttest: 0.162
Homogeneity Test Leven’s test Average Pretest dan
and biology teachers then implemented in the field and
Posttest: 0.097
Table 4 shows that pretest and post test data for
Tabel 3. Results of the TERAPDU Syntax LKPD both classes are normally distributed and homogeneous
Validation because sig.> 0.05 so that H0 is accepted. The next
Validators Average score Category
analysis is the t-test which aims to determine the
LKPD Feasibility 4.18 Good
effectiveness of using LKPD. The following are the
Expert Lecturer
results of the t-test presented in Table 5.
Biology Teacher 4.79 Outstanding
syntax LKPD is proven to be effective in increasing the critical thinking skills of students' Islamic values can be
ability to think critically of Islamic value. A diagrams of seen in Figure 2.
the avarge pretest and post test scores on aspects of
100 90.33 85 85.83
80 65.97
60 50.69
42.36 40
Give a simple Build basic skills Conclusion Provide further Set strategies and
explanation explanation techniques
Pretest postest
Diagram of the mean scores of pretests and posttest value skills before and after using the OEFPADU syntax
control classes and experiments can be seen in Figure 3. LKPD.
Furthermore, the mean post test results for the
100 85.15 control and experimental classes were 66 and 85.15
indicating that there was a significant difference in the
80 66 post test results between the control class and the
60 53 48.33 experimental class with sig. 0.000 (<0.05). The results of
the t-test (Independent sample t-test) show that the use
of the OEFPADU LKPD syntax has proven effective in
20 increasing the ability to think critically about Islamic
0 values meeting. The results of students' Islamic value
Control class Experiment critical thinking skills can be seen in Figure 4. Based on
class the diagram in Figure 4. It can be seen that based on the
results of observations; all aspects of critical thinking
Pretest Postest skills of students' Islamic values have increased in
percentage at each meeting.
Figure 3. Diagram of the average pretest and posttest scores The increase in critical thinking skills from meeting
for the control and experimental classes. 1 to meeting 2 was 2.80%, the improvement in critical
thinking skills in Islamic values of students from
Thus, as a whole the developed OEFPADU syntax meeting 2 to meeting 3 was 4.80%, so that the increase in
Biology LKPD can increase students' pretest-posttest critical thinking skills in Islamic values of students as a
scores with a gain score of 0.72 which is included in the whole increased by 7.60% after using the developed
high improvement category. Based on diagrams 2 and 3 LKPD, namely from good to Outstanding category. Based
it can be seen that every aspect of critical thinking skills on the n-gain score of the pretest-post test and the
of Islamic values has increased scores from pretest to percentage increase in the critical thinking skills of
post test. Aspects of simple explanations, building basic Islamic values that have been mentioned previously, it
skills, concluding, providing further explanations, set is evident that the developed OEFPADU syntax biology
strategies and techniques have increased in the high worksheets can improve students' critical thinking skills
category with a gain score greater than 0.70. of Islamic values as are media facilities with supporting
Then the results of the paired sample t-test of characteristics (Parenta et al., 2022; Billa et al., 2022). This
critical thinking on Islamic values before and after using is in line with the opinion of Hanuri Sakuriti (2020)
the TERPDU syntax LKPD concluded that there was a which states that the Quran-based LKPD is seen as
significant difference with sig. 0.001 (<0.05). The results making a significant contribution in developing
of the paired sample t-test showed that there were students' critical thinking skills through problem
differences in the ability of critical thinking of Islamic solving.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005
100% 94%
84% 83% 84% 80% 82% 82% 84% 84% 80% 88% 84% 80%
80% 74% 70%
Give a simple Build basic skills Conclusion Provide further Set strategies and
explanation explanation techniques
Figure 4. Percentage Score Diagram for Increasing Critical Thinking Skills in Islamic Values of Students
Furthermore, it is strengthened according to the cultural intellectual, and scientific developments' (Saada
Islamic perspective in Mohammad Manzoor Malik & Magadlah, 2021).
(2019) that rooted in original Islamic sources and in its Reinforced by Usman, Shaharuddin, and Abidin
historical scientific tradition, knowledge in Islam can be (2017) stated that part of the flow of critical thinking
divided into transmitted science (al-ulum al-naqliyah) originating from movements that uphold humanism
and rational science (al- ulum al-aqliyah) with the spreads to all aspects of society, one of which is in the
concept of Islamic critical thinking as well as (Malik, form of spiritualism. The ukhrawi aspect in LKPD,
2021), namely through knowledge (;ال ع لمal-'ilm) develop aspects of the skills and knowledge of students
becomes the core of Islamic critical thinking, and the to be able to link hadith and the Quran in learning and
means of this knowledge is revelation (; ال وحيal-wahy), be committed to practicing it.
the use of the senses ( ;ال حواسal-hawas), reason (mind
and heart, ; ال ق لب و ال ع قلal-aql wa al-qalb), experience 120%
or historical testimony ( ;اوال شهادة ال س ياحal-siyahah aw al- 95%95% 97%96%
shidah), and meditation on nature and the world 100% 88% 89%
physical ( ; ك ونالal-kaun).As according to the 80%
curriculum suggested by Al-Ghazali, it can be seen from
two aspects: the content point of view, and the
methodological point of view. Teaching should be a 40%
slow but dynamic procedure, including thinking
logically (critical thinking) and inspiration (intuition).
Al-Ghazali highlighted that educating students must be 0%
linked to real life situations (Sheikh & Ali, 2019). Meet 1 Meet 2 Meet 3
This is further strengthened by Kolb (2021) who Corious attitude
says that religious pedagogic considerations which need Respect for data
to be underlined as a Muslim are the need for empirical Openness and cooperation
analysis instructed by theoretical practices in relation to
Figure 5. Percentage Score Diagram for Increasing Students'
everyday life. According to Davids and Waghid quoted
Scientific Attitudes
from Najwan Saada and Haneen Magadlah (2021) that
critical reasoning is mentioned several times in the
In line with Mualimin (2020), that not only Islamic
Quran. Indeed, Allah in the Quran encourages everyone
sciences are extracted directly from the Qur'an, such as
to explore and seek God's wisdom by highlighting the
interpretation, jurisprudence and monotheism, but the
concepts of tafaqqur (contemplation), tadabbur
Qur'an is also a source of science and technology,
(contemplation), tafaqquh (understanding) and taaqqul
because there are many signs of Al-Quran. The Quran
(reasoning). Moreover, critical reasoning was part of the
which talks about issues of science and technology and
practice of Muslim theologians and philosophers
other fields. The integration in question is not just an
between the eighth to eleventh centuries, 'a period when
ordinary mixing process (Islamization), but as a process
Islamic thought was at a high level, alongside strong
of dissolution. The integration of the Quran and Hadith
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) Octoober 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8997-9005