Shelldon James Agricultural Science SBA

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Agricultural Science School Based Assessment(SBA)on Crop and Production 2024-2025

Name of student:

Registration Number:

Name of school: Claude Mckay High School

Counter Number:

Name of Territory: Jamaica

Location: Claude Mckay High School Agriculture From

Name of Teacher: Mr. Thompson

Date Start:

Table of content for crop production

Section1: Problem Statement-----------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section1: Aim--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section2: Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

Section3: Acknowledgment-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Section4: Methodology---------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Section5: Experimental Design----------------------------------------------------------------------3

Section6:Plot Layout----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Section7: Material and Equipment-----------------------------------------------------------------5

Section 8: Schedel of Activates-------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Section9: Activates /Photographs--------------------------------------------------------------------7

Section 10: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Section 11: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Section 12: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

Section13: Discussion (Liti Review) -------------------------------------------------------------11

Section14: Date Collection --------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Section15: Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

Section16: Limitation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Section17: Recommendation------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Section18: References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Work Cite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------20

Bibliography --------------------------------------------------------------------------20
Section1: Problem statement

To investigate the effect of 11:22:22 and 14:28:14 on the growth and development of lettuce
grown in two plots over a six-week period.


1. To determine the weekly average growth rate of lettuce in each plot ( plot A and B).
2. To determine which plot gives the best result.
Section2: Introduction

Name of project: Lettuce Production

Location: Claude Mckay High School Agricultural From

My school base asement on lettuce production i am a student of the Claude Mckay High school.
From crop planting and production are classifild as the growing of crops and marketing lettuce is
a plant which plants around the late spring to the early summer. The lettuce peppered by cleaning
the land area then we mold the soil then we separated the land in two plots A and B. Plot A was
fertilizer with 11.22.22 and plot B was fertilizer with 11.28.14 and the measuring distance
between (12-30) (50-60) distance in row.
Section3: Acknowledgement

First I want to say thanks to the lord for my life and my family.

I want to tell my teacher Mr. Thompson thanks for outlining the structure of this SBA to me and
necessary agriculture practices needed to produce well developed seedlings, proper land
preparation and management practices needed to bring about the best result in crop production.

I want to say thanks to my classmate for helping me on my land planting them.

Secondly, I want to say thank you to the school for providing the agricultural department with
the resources needed to complete this agriculture science SBA.
Section4: Methodology

The research collects data on a weekly basis by both plots by randomly scouting the plots for
insects, identifying the type of insects, the damage done by the insects and the number of pests
found in the plots.

These data were analyzed there after.

Plant Survival

The number of survival plants was counted and recorded each week until the end of the


The yield was measured and obtaining fresh harvest lettuce plant the removal of unwanted

Other observation

The plants were supervised throughout the experimental period and other observation data was
recorded for example growth rate, the color, leaves color, and insect pest present.
Section5: Experimental Design

The experimental was conducted on a sandy soil at Claude Mckay High School during the period
October 05 , to , 2024

The experimental plot consists of two plots labeled plot A and Plot B with each plot measuring
20-30 cm by 50-60 cm Plot A was the control plot A and Plot B was treatment plot

Plot A and Plot B were fertilized weekly, plot A was fertilized with 11.22.22 and plot B was
fertilized with 14.28.14 per plant
Section6: Plot Layout

Plot A Plot B
11.22.22 14.28.14

8inc 9c

F 5

8inc 3inc
Section7 :Material and Equipment usage

Material and Equipment Used For

Cutlass The cutlass was used for cutting the weeds.

Forks The forks were used for losing the soil.

Hand forks The Racke was used to remove the weeds.

Hoe The hoe was used for learning and removing weeds.

Hand forks The hand forks were used to dig holes to plant in them
Section8: Schedule of Activates

Weeks Activates

Seedling production (seedling tray cellss were filled with premix and seed were
Week 1

Week 2 Transplanting of lettuce seedlings on the land.

Week 3 We weed out the lettuce bed.

Week 4 We fertilize the lettuce.

Week 5 Then we water the lettuce.

Week 6 Then week six (6) we start to harvest the lettuce.

Section 9: Activates / Photographs

Lab 1: Title: seeding production (seed bed/Sheet tray)

Apparatus: seed tray, pro-mix seed


Activity: Firstly, we sanitized the seed tray with bleach and water. Then we add the pro-

in a bucket and add water to it. Then we fill the seed tray cells, make a hole in the promix ,
then place two seeds each cell followed by covering the tray with plastic to generate heat to
improve germination.

Lab2: Title: Land preparation

Apparatus: Hand Fork, Cutlass, Racke, Hoe, Forks


Activity: When cleaning the land, we start to use the cutlass to cut down the weeds from
the land. Then we use the rack to remove the weeds from the land. We use the fork and shovel to
cut out the gutter for water to run in. We use the fork to plough and cord to divide the parcel of
land into two plots A and B.

Section 10

Lab3: Title: Planting (transplanting of seed)

Apparatus: Hand fark


Activity: When transplanting we use the hand fork to make the hole in the land then we
water and remove the seed from the seed tray and plant it in the plots.

Lab4: Title: watering

Apparatus: watering


Activity: When watering the seedlings, we apply water at the base of the seedlings so that
water can enter the root zone of the plants of the plant to rehydrate its cells.

Lab5: Title: Moulding (cultural skills/ manual)

Apparatus: Hand fork


Activity: The hand fork was used to remove the weeds from around the plant and to break
up hardpan around it so that water can pass through and plant roots can expand.

Lab6: Title: Fertilizer

Apparatus: Hand

Activity: When placing the fertilizer, we apply the fertilizer around the base of the plants.
Care must be taken not to place the fertilizer too close to the plants as this can cause burning.


Lab7: Title: Application of pesticides

Apparatus: Spray pan


Activity: We apply insecticide and fungicide to plants through a backpack sprayer to

reduce insect’s damages to the plant.

we add one spoon full of dietene and add 1 liter bucket of water and mix it and add it in the spray
pan and spray the lettuce.

Lab8: Title: Harvesting

Apparatus: knife


Activity: When we are harvesting, we cut each lettuce at the base of the plant with a sharp
knife, wash, remove damaged leaves then put it in the bag and cell it for $200& $250.
Section13: Discussion

Discussion of findings: based on the article. Lettuce Fertilizer 8-15-36 Plus Micro Nutrients.Our
Lettuce Fertilizer 8-15-36 plus micro nutrients is the best option for lettuce growth. Here are
some of the challenges the farmer face.pest,weather fluctuations, diseases. The farmer overcome
them by employing “pesticide pest management”

Strategies and preventative measures to mitigate these risks.The farmer markets and sells his
lettuce produce by establishing relationships with local markets, where he supplies his fresh
Section14: Date Collection

The average height for lettuce planted is over six weeks.

Weeks Measurement (inches) plot Average (inches) plot B


Week 1 1.2 1.1

Week 2 2 2.2

Week 3 4.2 4.6

Week 4 5.2 5.2

Week 5 6.8 6.7

Week 6 7.3 7.4

Presentation of Date

The bar chart below shows the average for plot A (chemical) and plot B (Fertilizer)
Plot A
Plot B
Section15: Conclusion

It can be concluded that the application of fertilizer increases the yield of lettuce plants in sandy
soil at Claude Mckay high school.
Section16: Limitation

In carrying out this experiment the researcher face a number of challenges that as prevented a
more successful result such as,

1. Poor weather conditions that limit outdoor activities.

2. The lock of access to better tools and equipment.
3. The lettuce market was competitive,with price fluctuations and customer preferences
affecting profitability.
4. Poor soil which causes soil borne disease.
Section17: Recommendation

If the Claude Mckay high school agriculture science department is to carry out similar research
in the future, I wish to make the following recommendation.

1: Provide students with more tools to do forming.

2: Better security because of preda.

3: Sustainability water source.

Literature- review

The researcher: visited the community of Taymount and interviewed Mr Watson a lettuce

How do you add fertilizer to your lettuce?

What do you do to stop insects from harming your lettuce?

The topic was asked which fertilizer is the best for lettuce growth

Farmer: well I use the lettuce fertilizer “8-15-36 Plus Micro Nutrients” I recommend you to use
it too.

Farmer: if you place the fertilizer to the root of the lettuce it will breakdown and it will not grow

Farmer:I use the azadirachtin to stop insect from harming the lettuces on the land
Section18: References

Based on greenway biotech
lettuce#:~:text=lettuce%20 fertilizer%208%2D15%2D36%20 plus%20Micro%20 nutrients
text=our%20 lettuce%20 fertilizer%208%2D15

Lettuce Fertilizer 8-15-36 Plus Micro Nutrients.Our Lettuce Fertilizer 8-15-36 plus micro
nutrients is the best option for lettuce growth. The fertilizer is blended to offer a balance ratio of
nitrogen, potassium,and phosphorus as well as key micronutrients like boron,copper,iron,
manganese and more

Researcher:what are some of the challenges you face as a lettuce farmer?

Farmer:pest can be a challenge as well as dealing with weather fluctuations and diseases that can
affect the crop.I employ

Pesticide pest management strategies and preventative measures to mitigate these risks.

Researcher:how do you market and sell your lettuce produce,

Farmer:I have established relationships with local markets, where I supply my fresh lettuce.

Claude Mckay High School completa budget for lettuce prduction


Projected Income

Plot A Plot B

Itens 11.22.2 Unit Totel Annt Unit Totel

2 Cost Cost cost Cost

lettuce 15 bags 30% bag 4,500 20 bag 300% 6,300


Total 4,500 6,300


Projected profil = Plot A Plot B

P.I-P - P.E = 4.500-10.100 6,300-10,100

P.pffd =5.600 =3,800

Projected Expenditure

Plot A Plot B
Lettuce 30zs 200/ 600 30zs 200/ 600
ozs ozs

Fertilize 10lbs 150/lb 1500 14.28.1 1500/lb 500

11.22.2 4
2 10lbs

Redemi $15sop $500.0 7,500 15 mpk $500 7,500

l k 0

Dices 25ml $500.0 500 250ml $500 500


Water P.B.S P.B.S

Tool P.B.S P.B.S

T.P.D 10,100 10,100

Plot A 11.22.22 Income Plot B 14.28.14

Item Amount unit Total Amount unit Total
cost cost cost cost

lettuce 14 by 200 2,800 10 by 200 2,000

T.A.I 2,,800 2,800 2,000 2,000 2,000

Actual Expenditure

Plot A Plot B
lettuce 200z 15/02 3.000 20025 150 025 3,000
seed s 5

Fertilize 5.1 150/lb 765 51bs 150 4p 7,650

11.22.2 bs

Ridomil P by p by s




Tota 3,765 10,65

actual 0

Plot A Plot B

2,800-3,765 2,000-10,650

=965 =8,650

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