DLP - English 9 - 30

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration:
30 English 8 1 60 minutes
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the human being
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) and the forces he/she needs to contend with EN8LT-If-7:

Key Concepts / Understandings

to be Developed literature, understanding, human being, forces,

Adapted Cognitive Process

Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015) OBJECTIVES: Provided with a literary text, the learners should be able to:
The fact or Remembering Identify the characters and conflict of a literary text
condition of knowing
something with familiarity
gained through experience Understanding
or association

ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate,
systematic, and sustained Analyzing
effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming
from one's knowledge, Evaluating
practice, aptitude, etc., to do Argue on how the characters contend with the forces

Responding to
Attitude Phenomena Conform to appreciation of one's rights

Responding to
Values Phenomena Practice concern for others

2. Content Understanding the Human Being, A Little Incident by Lu Hsun

3. Learning Resources Curriculum Guide, Learner's Material, laptop, pictures, meta strips, Language in Literature b

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity The teacher will present pictures of people who will represent as characters of the selection. Pictures w
5 minutes posted on the board as the teacher will be asking the learners' perception about them.
4.2 Activity Learners will be grouped into three. The teacher will provide meta strips that contain the personality,
circumstances and conflict of the main characters of the selection. Then, groups will be asked to post th
10 minutes meta strips under the picture it describe.
4.3 Analysis How did the characters develop the personality? What is the relationship between the character's perso
and the circumstances they face? What were the forces encountered by the characters?
How did the characters develop the personality? What is the relationship between the character's perso
5 minutes and the circumstances they face? What were the forces encountered by the characters?
4.4 Abstraction
The teacher will ask students about the key concepts of the lesson.
10 minutes
4.5 Application If you were in the shoes of one of the characters in the selection, how would you have faced the
10 minutes cirscumstances? Why?
4.6 Assessment
Tests Pen and paper test
10 minutes

4.7 Assignment
Preparing for the new lesson Read any kind of expository text as a preparation for the new lesson.
5 minutes
4.8 Concluding Activity
A quotation from story will be shared to the class.
5 minutes

5. Remarks

6. Reflections

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with
evaluation. the lesson.

B. No. of learners who require additional

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
activities for remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Name: School:
Irene B. Gesalan Palanas Integrated School
Designatio Division:
n: Teacher 1 Cebu Province
Number: Email address:
9224317664 [email protected]
July 14, 2017


hould be able to:

rips, Language in Literature book

s of the selection. Pictures will be

about them.

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e characters?
etween the character's personality
e characters?

d you have faced the

ration for the new lesson.


Receiving Phenomena

Responding to Phenomena



Internalizing values


Reinforcing / strengthening the

day’s lesson
Enriching / inspiring the day’s
Enhancing / improving the day’s
Preparing for the new lesson


Talking to Learners/ Conferencing

Anlysis of Learners' Products


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