Infancy Stories Notes

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Unit 4: Infancy Narrative Notes

Lesson 1: Genealogy of Christ in Matthew


A. Two “false fulfillments” of the Kingdom Promises
1. The ___________
a. 166 BC-66BC
b. Problem: Wrong genealogy, family of Levites. What is the tribe the
Messiah was prophesied to come from? ___________
2. King Herold the Great
a. 37BC-66 AD
b.Problem: Not a Jew, Israelite, or Son of David

B. A very high expectation for the Messiah:

1. Everyone’s thought, we just need to kill the king and put the Son of David
on his throne.
2. Matthew 1: Genealogy works and it’s not boring after waiting hundreds of

C. Genealogy
1. There are 9 genealogies in the book of Genesis.
a. Genesis is known as the “book of genealogy.”
b. There is a connection between the Gospels and Genesis with the
c.St. Matthew is showing that there is a ___________
2. The new creation/ Adam:
a. Jesus is the one who is to fulfill the covenants.
b. Three great seeds in the Old Testament
1. The seed of ___________- Genesis 3:15: This descendent
will defeat Satan and is the seed of the woman, very strange.
2. The seed of ___________Gen 22:18: This descendent will
bring universal blessing, HE WILL BLESS THE WHOLE
3. The seed of ___________- 2 Samuel 7:12-16: This
descendent will be called Son of God and will rule as King
3. How many generations are in the Genealogy of Matthew? Count! ______
a. Not actually 14, a few were skipped for memorization.
b. Jews practiced gematria number play (gematria- a way of assigning
numerical value to words or phrases).
b. Matthew chooses 14 because 9D(4)V(6)D(4)= 14 ) it is Hebrew for
c. 14= 7 x 2 which is also the covenant number 7.
D. The Genealogy of Christ
1. Is there another genealogy of Christ? Luke 3:23 Are they the same? No
2. Matthew’s Genealogy is of ___________ and Lukes is of
___________. Legally St. Joseph’s son but physically Mary’s. Either way
Jesus is the Son of David.

E. Woman in the Genealogy of Christ: Very strange!

- Read and annotate Matthew 1
1. Very strange for them to even be mentioned in the geneology
2. Who are these women?
a. Tamar: A gentile who tricked her father in law to have a child.
b. Rahab: Gentile, with a sketchy job.
c. Ruth: Gentile, she asks Boaz to marry her after sneaking into his
d. Wife of Uriah: Bethsheba, her name is not even mentioned! She also
was a gentile who, though married, had an affair with King David.
e. What stands out is their ___________
3. A Block Punch
a. Jews and Gentiles received information of the virginal conception
and birth of Jesus and mocked Mary and Christians.
b. Block: Defends the virginal conception and birth of Jesus.
c. Punch: Accuses Jews in their geneology.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is genealogy?

2. What is St. Matthew trying to show by beginning with a genealogy of Jesus?

3. Who are the three seeds (descendents) from the Old Testament promised?

4. There are two different genealogies for Jesus in Matthew and Luke, how can
this be?
5. What stands out about the women, who were not normally included in
genealogies, and what does it mean about Jesus’ mission?

Lesson 2: Infancy Narratives in Matthew’s Gospel

Objective: ______________________

A. Birth of Jesus- December 25th
- Read Mt 1:17-25
1. What does it mean to send her away quietly? _____________________
2. “_________!” - Common Theme (325xs in the Bible)
3. Joseph says yes to the Lord, would you? What is God calling you to say yes
B. The Visit of the Wise Men: _________________
- Read Matthew 2:1-12
1. ______led the wise men to ______. Then they asked the scribes and
priests who used ______to tell them where to go. Then the
*Spiritual Application: Sometimes God makes things very clear to lead us and
sometimes we need to go to His WORD in Scripture to figure out where to
go in life :)
2. Faith of the wise men (Gentiles!)
3. Gifts
a. Gold: ______
b. Frankincense: Incense: ______
c. Myrrh: Suffering servant: ______
4. End of 1st King 4: wise men come from the east to hear Solomon at the
height of his fame. Christ is only a baby and the wise men come: Baby
Geneious. _____

C. Escape to Egypt and Return to Egypt
- Read Matthew 2:13-23
1. King Herod wanted to kill Jesus and did kill all baby boys in Bethlehem.
2. The Angel Gabriel appeared to St. Joseph again in a ______.
- Joseph in the Old Testament is a type of St. Joseph. They are both
faithful to God, trust Him in hard circumstances, receive prophetic
dreams and are faithful to God!
3. St. Joseph is super faithful.
4. St. Joseph the leader of the Holy Family.
5. They go to Nazareth: “He shall be called a Nazarene”- root natzer means
branch, title for the Messiah. Another reason people couldn’t believe Christ
really is the Messiah.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What does it mean that St. Joseph sent Mary away quietly?

2. How many times does the Word of God say, “do not be afraid” in the Bible?
Should we be afraid or trust God?

3. When do we celebrate the Epiphany and what is the Epiphany?

4. What are the 3 gifts the wisemen bring and what do they represent?

5. Why did the Holy Family go to Egypt?

Lesson 3: St. Luke’s Infancy Narratives and
Objective: _____________

A. Birth of John the Baptist Foretold

- Read and annotate Luke 1: 1-24
1. _____________
a. His father, _________ was a priest.
b. His Mother a daughter of Aaron, a
prophet, Elizabeth.
B._____________- when the angel told Mary she would conceive the Son of God!
Why does the Church celebrate the annunciation on March 25th?
- Read Luke 1: 26-38
1. The angel_______ was sent from God to _________.
- Daniel 9:24: Daniel prophesied that in 490 years the anointed one will
come (the angel Gabriel was there).
2. Genesis 3:15: “_____________”
a. Enmity: extreme opposition.
b. This shows that the woman and her seed share the same opposition
to the serpent and the seed of the serpent (Mary had to be sinless-
always having grace: Immaculate Conception).
3. When the angel Gabriel greets Mary he says, “Hail full of grace.”
a. This is an exalted greeting.
b. The Greek word means, one always having grace.
c. This is a Biblical proof for the Immaculate Conception.
4. ______: Mary says yes!! “Be it done unto me according to your Word.”
a. It is a free and active participation.
b. She was not forced to say yes or was she used as some mere
physical channel.
c. ___ _______________.
d. Mary has an important role in our salvation, because she is the
mother of Our Savior and our spiritual mother!
e. We are called to be like Mary and say yes to God’s will!

C. The Visitation- When Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth.

- Read Luke 1: 39-44
1. A very unusual situation: a young teenager cousin, who is not wealthy, or
honored comes to a high ranking woman, Elizabeth’s husband was the high
priest, and she was in society and older. All the honor should have gone to
Elizabeth. Yet, this noble woman falls on her knees and treats Mary like
2. Elizabeth and John were filled with the Holy Spirit when Mary came,
because Mary brought Jesus to Elizabeth and John the
Baptist.________________________________. (VERY PRO LIFE!).
3. Luke 1:43, “And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord
should come to me?”
a. The mother of the great Davidic Son, the Messiah
b. Queen Mother: 2nd only to the King: 1 Kings 2:13-25
4. The Hail Mary Prayer is a ______________________________.

D. _________
- Read Luke 1: 45-56
1. “My soul magnifies the Lord”-
she is like the moon, she reflects
the Son to the world.
2. Prophesy: every generation will
call her blessed! Are you fulfilling
3. Mercy- covenant love,
4. There is a reversal of normal
order for the Kingdom of God.
5. Mary is praising God as God
6. Echos Hannah’s song 1 Samuel 1
a. ________________.
b. Hannah means Grace and
Mary is full of grace.
c. They both have miraculous pregnancies.
c. Hannah’s son, Samuel, would be a great priest and prophet and so
would Marys.

E. Zechariah's Prophecy
- Read Luke 1: 67-80
1. This prophecy is prayed in the Liturgy of the Hours: In thanksgiving for
God’s covenant faithfulness.
2. Shows the Davidic and Abrahamic covenant fulfillment.

F. Mariology 101: _________________

1. Do Catholics worship Mary?? ____
2. Mary is only important in relation to her Son.
3. She has a very important role! ________________
4. ____________________:Dogma of the Church that
Mary was born without sin.
5. How is Mary like the moon?______________

Comprehension Questions:
1. Who are John the Baptist's parents?

2. What is the name for when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary
and when do we celebrate it?The Annunciation and March 25th

3. What is the Immaculate Conception and when do we celebrate


4. What is similar about Eve and Mary and what’s different?

5. Who was the Davidic Kings Queen and who is the Davidic Queen now?

.6. How is Mary like the moon?

Lesson 4: Birth and Early Life of Christ in St.

Luke’s Gospel

A. The Birth of Jesus-__________________

- Read Luke 2: 1-7
1. Caesar Augustus had everyone return to their own city for a count
(census) .
2. Where was Joseph's hometown? ______, this is the city of ______. The
Hebrew word for Bethlehem means, ______, Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE-
3. Micah 5:1-2, “But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathaha least among the clans of
Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel;
Whose origin is from of old, from ancient times.Therefore the Lord will give
them up, until the time when she who is to give birth has borne, Then the
rest of his kindred shall return to the children of Israel”
4. Manger: feeding trough used for animals to eat, usually wheat.
5. _______________________________
B. Christology 101
1.Jesus is _______% God and _______%Human
2.__________________: how Christ can be 200%? _____________

C Presentation of the Lord______________

- Read Luke 2:22-38
1. Jesus was circumcised, Named and presented to
2. __________ was a righteous man who
prophesied in the Holy Spirit.
3. “A sword will pierce through your own soul”
a. Who is Simeon speaking to? _______
b. __________
c. Mary is a co-redemptrix, she shares in
our salvation more than anyone but Jesus.
d. Like Mary, our suffering has meaning
when we unite it to Jesus and offer it up!
You won’t regret one moment of suffering
on earth in heaven.
4. __________ was a prophetess who prayed all
the time and she praised God for the one who will redeem them all, Jesus!

D. Finding of Jesus in the temple

- Read Luke 2: 39-52
1. The Holy Family went to Jerusalem for the feast of___________.
2. Mary and Joseph couldn’t find Jesus for three days. Jesus was teaching in
3. Jesus being gone for 3 days here is a type of _________________.
4. Was Jesus obedient to His parents, even though He is God? Yes! He set
an example for us ;)
5. Where did Jesus grow up? _________
3. How many years of Jesus’ life were hidden?? _________

Comprehension Questions:
1. Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem, what is Bethlehem the city of and what does
the word mean?

2. What prophet from the Old Testament prophesied that Jesus would be born in

3. What is the term for Jesus being 100% God and 100% man, one person with two

4. How can our suffering have meaning?

5.What is Jesus missing in the temple for 3 days a type of?

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