Assessment Rubrics For E.E. Lab

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Assessment Rubrics for EE-103 Electrical Engineering Lab

Excellent (9-10) Good (7-8) Fair (4-6) Poor (1-3)

Introduction and Theory Complete and well written; Nearly complete, missing Some introductory Very little background
provides all necessary some minor points information, but still missing information provided, or
background principles for some major points information is incorrect
the experiment
Experimental Procedure Well-written in paragraph Written in paragraph format, Written in paragraph format, Missing several important
format, all experimental important experimental still missing some important experimental details or not
details are covered details are covered, some experimental details written in paragraph format
minor details missing
Results: data, figures, All figures, graphs, tables All figures, graphs, tables Most figures, graphs, tables Figures, graphs, tables
graphs, tables, etc. are correctly drawn, are are correctly drawn, but OK, some still missing some contain errors or are poorly
numbered and contain some have minor problems important or required constructed, have missing
titles/captions. or could still be improved features titles, captions or numbers,
units missing or incorrect,
Discussion All-important trends and Almost all the results have Some of the results have Very incomplete or incorrect
data comparisons have been been correctly interpreted been correctly interpreted interpretation of trends and
interpreted correctly and and discussed, only minor and discussed; partial but comparison of data
discussed, good improvements are needed. incomplete understanding of indicating a lack of
understanding of results is results is still evident. understanding of results.
Conclusion All-important conclusions All-important conclusions Conclusions regarding major Conclusions missing or
have been clearly made, have been drawn, could be points are drawn, but many missing the important points
student shows good better stated are misstated, indicating a
understanding lack of understanding
Report Formatting, All sections in order, well All sections in order, Sections in order, contains Sections out of order, too
structure and referencing formatted, very readable. formatting generally well, the minimum allowable much handwritten copy,
References provided but could still be improved. amount of handwritten copy, sloppy formatting. No
appropriately References provided, but not formatting is rough but referencing at all.
entirely readable. Improper
Plagiarism in any case will result in zero mark in that session. LE Sania Shaheen

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