Case Analysis Template - AbiCab Mobile - 2 - Fall 2024
Case Analysis Template - AbiCab Mobile - 2 - Fall 2024
Case Analysis Template - AbiCab Mobile - 2 - Fall 2024
Help her out by using ChatGPT to explore what it would take to implement each of these recommendations, and what information each would generate in support of the goal.
As an example, to gain an initial understanding of the process for “a competitive analysis of mobile apps” you could enter the prompt, “What is the process for completing a
competitive analysis on the Google Play store” Then, for the second prompt, you could ask, “What information is gained by completing a competitive analysis on the Google Play
store.” Summarize your findings in the table below (do not directly copy the ChatGPT output).
Business Goals Selected Initiatives and What is the process for What information is gained
Recommendations that align with and implementing this and what does it through this activity?
support the goal. require?
Increase the number of new Complete a thorough competitive analysis of
users by 25% similar mobile apps on the Google Play store to
better understand the competitive landscape in
preparation for the expansion into the New
Delhi market.
Improve the retention rate of Hire an external firm to complete a thorough
existing users by 50% and objective analysis of the mobile app
analytics from the previous year.
Increase app revenue by 40% Run pricing experiments on the Google Play
store to see how much customers are willing to
pay for AbiCab Premium service.
Launch an innovative online Review the social media analytics based on the
marketing campaign to increase posts from the past 12 months to see which
traffic and customer posts performed best and why.
engagement on the Store
Create a strategic marketing Complete a keyword analysis using Google
plan for an expansion into the Adwords to better understand how the
New Delhi market by the end of customer needs in the New Dehli market could
the next year. differ from customers in Mumbai.
Step 2: Additional recommendations
Question 1: Hayu Lahiri, the Senior Data Analyst, had provided some very interesting insights based on the customer data generated by the AbiCab mobile app.
Select one of her insights and give your recommendation on how this insight could inform the “innovative online marketing campaign” that Tanvi is planning.
Question 2: What do you do if you were Tanvi? Would you take the advice of Asheesh Turan, the Information Systems Manager to “minimize investments in
marketing until the issues with the user interface are resolved?” Or would you move forward with your plans to expand to New Delhi, and rely on the
information from analytics and other sources to inform and iterate you marketing campaign in real time to hit your 12-month deadline? Explain your reasoning.