Applied Physics Assignment Questions 2024-2025

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(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)

Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.

Assignment Questions

Subject Name with code : Applied Physics- 22BS0PH01

Class : I-Year II Semester
Academic Year : 2024-2025

Blooms Taxonomy Levels (BTL)

L-1- Remembering, L-2- Understanding, L-3- Applying, L-4- Analyzing,

L-5- Evaluating, L-6- Creating


Set -1
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks
1 What do you mean by Blackbody radiation? L2 I 2M

2 Give the physical significance of wave function. L2 I 2M

3 What is diffusion current? L2 II 2M

4 Write the advantages of solar cell. L2 II 2M

5 Define the terms a) electric dipole moment b) dielectric constant L1 III 2M

6 What is piezo electricity? L2 III 2M

7 Discuss salient features of quantum free electron theory. L2 I 5M

Why is LED forward biased? Does it work under Reverse bias?

8 L3 II 5M
9 What is Ferro electricity? Give examples of ferroelectric materials. L2, L3 III 5M
Describe Davisson & Germer’s experiment with neat diagrams and
10 L3 I 10M
explain how it enables to verify the wave nature of matter.

What is Hall effect? Derive an expression for the Hall coefficient and
11 L2, L3 II 10M
Hall voltage.

12 Explain about electronic, ionic and orientational polarizations. L2 III 10M

(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.


Set - 2
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks
1 List out consequences of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. L2 I 2M
Calculate wavelength associated with an electron under a potential of 2M
2 L3 I

3 Write a short note on drift current. L2 II 2M

4 Mention few applications of LED. L2 II 2M

5 Define terms a) Electric polarizability b) Electric susceptibility L1 III 2M

6 What is ionic polarization? L2 III 2M

7 State and explain de Broglie hypothesis of Matter waves. L2 I 5M

8 Distinguish between LED and Solar Cell. L2 II 5M

9 List out applications of piezoelectric materials. L2 III 5M

10 What is Photoelectric effect? Discuss Einstein photoelectric equation. L3 I 10M

Derive an expression for the concentration of electrons in the

11 L3 II 10M
conduction band of an intrinsic semiconductor.

12 What are ferroelectric materials? Explain briefly with an example. L2 III 10M
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.


Set - 3
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks

1 Explain briefly the E-K diagram. L2 I 2M

2 Define effective mass of electron and write its expression. L2 I 2M

3 What is recombination process? L1 II 2M

4 List out few applications of Hall Effect. L2 II 2M

5 What is electric polarization? L1 III 2M

6 Define ionic polarization? L1 III 2M

7 State Heisenberg uncertainty principle and give its applications. L2 I 5M

8 Distinguish between Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors. L2 II 5M

Explain the properties and applications of pyro electric

9 L2 III 5M

Derive an expression for the time independent Schrödinger’s

10 L2 I 10M
wave equation.
Explain the formation of a P-N junction/depletion region and
11 L2 II 10M
discuss V-I characteristics under various biasing conditions
What are piezoelectric materials? Explain the properties and
12 L2 III 10M
applications of piezo electric materials.
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.


Set - 4
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks

1 State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. L2 I 2M

2 What do you mean by photo current? L1 I 2M

3 What is P-type semiconductor? L1 II 2M

4 What is Hall effect? L2 II 2M

5 What is orientational polarization? L2 III 2M

6 Define the terms a) electric diploe b) electric field. L1 III 2M

7 Explain how solids are classified based on Band theory of solids. L2 I 5M

Give a brief note on the construction, working principle and the

8 L2 II 5M
VI characteristics of LED with relevant diagrams
What is Ferro electricity? Give examples of ferroelectric
9 L2 III 5M
Derive expression for energy and wave function of a particle
10 L3 I 10M
confined in one dimensional potential box.
What is Solar cell? Describe construction and working of solar
11 L1, L2 II 10M

12 Explain the properties and applications of pyro electric materials. L2 III 10M
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.

Assignment Questions

Subject Name with code : Applied Physics- 22BS0PH01

Class : I-Year II Semester
Academic Year : 2024-2025

Blooms Taxonomy Levels (BTL)

L-1- Remembering, L-2- Understanding, L-3- Applying, L-4- Analyzing,

L-5- Evaluating, L-6- Creating


Set -1
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks
1 Define magnetic moment and magnetic induction. L1 III 2M
2 What is Meissner effect? L2 III 2M
3 Why XRD is used in charactering the materials. L2 IV 2M
4 What is the working principle of SEM? L1 IV 2M
5 What are the characteristics of LASER? L1 V 2M
6 List out applications of lasers in various fields. L2 V 2M
7 Discuss properties and applications of Super conductors. L2 III 5M
8 Discuss quantum confinement and surface to volume ratio. L2 IV 5M
With the help of suitable energy level diagram, explain the principle, L2
9 V 5M
construction and working of a Semiconductor laser diode.
Explain Hysteresis (BH curve) of a ferromagnetic material and its use L3
10 III 10M
for selecting the material for making of a permanent magnet.
Explain the fabrication of nano materials using chemical vapor
11 L2 IV 10M
deposition method (CVD).
Define Acceptance angle and Numerical aperture. Derive expression L2, L3
12 for numerical aperture and acceptance angle of an optical fiber. V 10M
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.


Set - 2
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks
1 What is flux quantization? L2 III 2M
2 Write a short note on magnetoresistance? L2 III 2M
3 What do you mean by nano science and Nao technology? L1 IV 2M
4 What is surface to volume ratio? L1 IV 2M
5 What is total internal reflection? L2 V 2M
6 Draw the cross-sectional view of the optical fiber. L2 V 2M
7 Explain Hysteresis of a ferro magnetic material. L2 III 5M
Discuss the importance of SEM and XRD techniques for nano L2
8 IV 5M
particle characterization.
What is population inversion? Discuss various population inversion L1,L2
9 V 5M
10 Distinguish between Type-I and Type-II superconductors L2 III 10M
Discuss the solgel technique used for the fabrication of L2
11 IV 10M
What are optical fibers? Explain the classification of optical fibres L2
12 V 10M
in detail.
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.

Set - 3
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks

1 What is Magnetostriction? L2 III 2M

2 Define super conductivity? L1 III 2M

3 What is the working principle of SEM? L1 IV 2M

4 What are bottom-up and top-down processes? L2 IV 2M

5 Define stimulated absorption? L1 V 2M

6 List out various types of losses in optical fibers. L2 V 2M

What is Meissner effect? Explain how Meissner effect proves a L3

7 III 5M
superconductor to be a perfect diamagnetic material.
What are nano materials & Why do they exhibit different L2
8 IV 5M
Draw the block diagram of an optical fiber communication system and L2
9 V 5M
explain the function of each block.

10 Distinguish between Hard and Soft magnetic materials. L2 III 10M

11 Explain how XRD can be used to characterize nano particles. L3 IV 10M

With the help of suitable energy level diagram, explain the L2

12 V 10M
construction and working of He-Ne laser.
(An UGC Autonomous Institution – Affiliated to JNTUH)
Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy (District) - 501 506.


Set - 4
S. No Questions BTL Unit Marks

1 What is Magnetostriction? L2 III 2M

2 Define Magnetization and Magnetic Susceptibility. L1 III 2M

3 List out few applications of nanotechnology in various fields. L1 IV 2M

4 Write the importance of surface to volume ratio. L2 IV 2M

5 Write advantages of optical fibers. L1 V 2M

What do you mean by population inversion? How it can be L2

6 V 2M
What is Meissner effect? Explain how Meissner effect proves a L3
7 III 5M
superconductor to be a perfect diamagnetic material.

8 Explain Ball milling method for preparation of nanoparticles. L2 IV 5M

9 Distinguish between step index and graded index optical fiber. L2 V 5M

10 Distinguish between Type-I and Type-II superconductors. L2 III 10M

Sketch and explain SEM technique for the characterization L3

11 IV 10M
of nano materials.
Describe the construction and working of a Ruby laser with relevant
12 L2 V 10M
energy level diagram.

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