Open-Access Geographic Sources and Data For The Study and Management of Natural Resources
Open-Access Geographic Sources and Data For The Study and Management of Natural Resources
Open-Access Geographic Sources and Data For The Study and Management of Natural Resources
3, 2021
P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903
DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.03.118
Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And
Management Of Natural Resources
National University Agraria de la Selva - UNAS, Lima, Perú
National University Federico Villarreal-EPG- UNFV, Lima, Perú
National University Mayor de San Marcos - UNMSM, Lima, Perú
Specialized Institute for Research in Ecosystems and Natural Resources INERN, Lima, Perú
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: The objective of this systematic review is to describe and analyze open geographic
data provided by governmental sources in order to provide an overview of open geographic
sources and data for the study and management of natural resources in Peru. For this purpose,
the web was explored and scientific articles were reviewed, finding a huge cartographic archive
offered by the Peruvian State. On the one hand, public institutions put their respective
geoportals into operation, and on the other hand, the launching into space of the PeruSAT-1
satellite. This increased the supply of official geospatial information in the last five years. In
addition, geotechnical data was found in raw and processed form from global initiatives. All of
this documentary collection is available to the public in an open, free and free form in
cyberspace, which can be used in the study of the use, restoration, conservation and valuation of
ecosystems and other elements of the environment.
Keywords: Spatial data infrastructure of Peru; PeruSAT-1; space missions; geoportals;
cartographic information; open information.
Peru, being a megadiverse country, needs to have geographic documentation concerning the current state of its
natural resources, and open access data has become the pantry of this type of georeferenced information from a
wide variety of sources. One such source is Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). [1] These tools allow official
institutions and society in general to access official georeferenced information, according to certain guidelines
and standards. It is precisely the ability to access timely and reliable information that allows making the right
decisions to achieve sustainable development [2].
In this sense, the Peruvian State in the framework of its policy of democratization and data transparency, since
the beginning of this millennium has been implementing the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Peru (Idep), which is
the central node of official cartographic information where public institutions according to their competences
and functions, have made available to citizens their interoperable services of georeferenced information on the
National Territory. Similarly, in September 2016, it put into orbit PeruSAT-1, the first high spatial resolution
satellite; considered the one with the highest performance in the South American region, which is part of the
National Space System [3].
Apart from the data offered by governmental institutions; there is in cyberspace spatial information on natural
resources coming from initiatives on a global scale, such as space agencies that have driven specific missions to
observe the main processes affecting and impacting the planet, for example global change. These missions have
produced and made publicly available raw data, becoming a source of multiple variables referring to the ocean,
atmosphere and emerged land, the most prominent being the programs initiated by NASA and the European
Space Agency (ESA) [4].
Another source we can mention are virtual globes, the most widely used being Google Maps and Google Earth,
which appeared in 2005. The free version of Google Earth makes it possible to visualize cartography of the
entire planet, however it uses web services that are neither standard nor interoperable [5]. Overcoming this
limitation, starting in 2010 the Google Earth Engine (GEE) portal appears, which offers enhanced opportunities
to perform earth observation studies, providing access to satellite and other ancillary data in the cloud, as well as
algorithms to process large amounts of data over large areas and over long periods of time [6].
Finally, for more geodata we turn to the stream known as Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI), which in
the last decade has revolutionized the spatial domain by shifting the map making process from the hands of
experts to those of any volunteer contributor, its best representative being OpenStreetMap. Although in its
Copyright © The Author(S) 2021. Published By Society Of Business And Management. This Is An Open
Access Article Distributed Under The CCBY License. (Http://Creativecommons.Org/Licenses/By/4.0/)
Ronald Puerta Tuesta et al / Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And
Management Of Natural Resources
beginnings (2004) its main objective was to create maps of the whole world for free, today its uses have
demonstrated its potential to generate derivative projects [7]. There are also other initiatives in the network such
as Global Forest Watch, designed to monitor forests worldwide.
Fig.1: Peru's Spatial Data Infrastructure Geoportal anslated with (free
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Management Of Natural Resources
vehicles, the Geovisor of the Geodetic Framework, the IGN Metadata, the Technical Norms, Standards and
Documentation, the Geovisor of Antarctica and geovisors of other public institutions.
The National Geospatial Data Infrastructure is composed of the large project developed by this institution such
as the National Map at a scale of 1:100,000, which are basically topographic maps composed of 500 junctions
covering 100% of the national territory that can be downloaded in vector format. In addition, the official basic
cartography at scale 1:25,000 of the regions of Ica, Huancavelica, La Libertad, Moquegua, Piura, Tacna and
Tumbes as well as the official basic cartography at scale 1:1,000 of the cities of Puno and Huancayo can be
Similarly, we can mention the Organism for the Formalization of Informal Property (COFOPRI) [11] that
implements, manages, updates and executes the national urban cadastre that has a multipurpose cadastre
platform [12] and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) [13] responsible for producing and
disseminating official statistical information of the country, executes census surveys, population statistics,
indexes and indicators among others, has one of the oldest portals for the consultation of population centers
according to their political location [14].
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Management Of Natural Resources
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Management Of Natural Resources
level, many of them with the support of national institutions and non-governmental organizations, centralizing
information from different sectors. For example, the governments of jungle regions such as Loreto [37], Ucayali
[38], Amazonas [33], Madre de Dios [39], San Martin [40] and Huanuco [41] share the Amazon, with the
common content among them being forest and wildlife management, protected natural areas, native
communities, among others. Continuing with the regional governments, we add to this list the portals of the
Cusco [42] and Cajamarca [43] regions, where one can find, among other things, spatial information on tourism
and history.
Fig.4: PeruSAT-1 image of the Chaclacayo and Lurigancho area (Lima) 2019. Source: CONIDA
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Management Of Natural Resources
The data provided by GEDI are mapped at different processing levels: Level 2, where waveforms are processed
to identify ground elevation, canopy top height, and relative height; in the L2A dataset and in L2B, various
canopy metrics are calculated, including canopy cover fraction, total leaf area index (LAI), and vertical foliage
profile. At Level 3, outputs are gridded by spatially interpolating the footprint estimates coming from Level 2
and their uncertainties and finally Level 4, which represent the output of the models and equations that require
the most post-processing [49].
Definitely GEDI data contribute to a more accurate calculation of the carbon stored in the different vertical
strata of the Amazon forests, which due to their structure and composition are among the most complex
ecosystems in the world. This information is available for free download from NASA's EarthData platform [50]
since 2019 in HDF format that can be manipulated in any GIS environment.
3.2. Copernicus
An Earth observation and monitoring program managed by the European Space Agency (ESA), it consists of a
space component and in situ coordination that allows it to offer operational services in land cover and
atmosphere monitoring, marine environment and climate change monitoring, as well as emergency management
and civil security. To this end, ESA has developed the Sentinel family of missions; each mission carries with it a
range of technologies, such as radar and multispectral imaging instruments according to the purpose for which it
was created. Airbus, prime contractor for the development and construction of the Sentinel satellites mentions
that the missions are: Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P, Sentinel-4, Sentinel-5 and Sentinel-6 [51].
The Sentinel-2 mission consists of two twin satellites (S-2A and S-2B) put into orbit in 2015 and 2017
respectively, both manage to cover the entire Earth in only five days. They have the multispectral optical
instrument (MSI) that generates images with 13 bands, four 10-m bands: three visible (red, green, blue) and one
near-infrared; six 20-m bands; and three 60-m resolution bands for atmospheric correction and cloud detection.
Each tessera is approximately 110 km x 110 km and are delivered to the public in two levels: Level 1C,
orthoimages in UTM/WGS84 Projection with reflectance values at the Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) and Level
2A, which are reflectance images at the bottom of the atmosphere (BOA) derived from level 1C [45].
Level 2A products are generated in the ground segment for the entire world since December 2018 which means
considerable time savings for users engaged in monitoring forests, land use change and water resources.
Sentinel-2 images can be downloaded in jp2 format free of charge and in full along with Sentinel-1 and
Sentinel-3 products on the "Copernicus Open Access Hub" portal [52].
In turn, the Sentinel-5P mission has a thematic orientation dedicated to air quality monitoring, with its Tropomi
instrument providing daily and global data for Ozone, NO2, SO2, formaldehyde, aerosol, carbon monoxide,
methane and Clouds. S-5p products can be downloaded in NC format with a spatial resolution of 7 x 7 km from
the "Sentinel-5P Pre-Operations Data Hub" portal [53]. This spatial temporal capacity to record pollutants has
aroused the interest of specialists and institutions, as is the case of the Geophysical Institute of Peru for the
evaluation of the behavior of volcanoes in the southern highlands of the country [54], also S-5P data have been
used to show the decrease in aerosol pollution in Lima and Amazon regions during the quarantine due to Covid-
19 [55].
Finally, the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) provides information from its satellites for
emergency response in relation to different types of natural or provoked disasters. This service consists of two
components: the first provides on-demand emergency geospatial information for mapping immediately after the
disaster or emergency (Rapid Mapping, RM) or for phases not related to the immediate response (Risk and
Recovery Mapping, RRM). While the second component includes: European and Global Flood Awareness
System (EFAS and GLOFAS), European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the Drought Observatory
(DO) which provides information on droughts in Europe and the world [56].
Rapid Mapping Service produced flood maps requested by the Peruvian Government within hours of activating
the emergency on the northern coast of Peru as a consequence of the El Niño Costero phenomenon in March
2017 [57].
For these reasons, many specialists agree that Copernicus is the revolution of open-access satellite information.
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In order to analyze the information, GEE offers a series of artificial intelligence algorithms such as
Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest, GMO Max Entropy among others, which allows
classifying satellite images for example to quantify deforestation and/or land use change. This is possible by
connecting to the Google cloud via the GEE API using JavaScript and Python coding language or for more
advanced features REST. In addition, researchers can develop their functions by storing them in their own
repositories and share it along with their results.
All of these elements allow users to discover, analyze and visualize Geo Big Data in powerful ways without
needing access to supercomputers or specialized coding expertise. Within a decade of its launch, GEE has
generated much excitement and engagement in the fields of remote sensing and geospatial data science [59].
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8. Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Perú: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
9. Instituto Geográfico Nacional: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
10. Geoportal del IGN: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
11. Organismo de la Formalización de la Propiedad Informal:
12. Plataforma de COFOPRI: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
13. Instituto Nacional de estadística e Informática: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
14. Geoportal del INEI: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
15. Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
16. Geoportal del SERFOR: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
17. Organismo de Supervisión de Recursos Forestales y de Fauna Silvestre:
[Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
18. Geoportal del OSINFOR: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
19. Ministerio del Ambiente: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
20. GeoCostas: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
21. GeoBosques: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
22. Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
23. Geoportal del SERNANP: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
24. Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
25. Geoportal del INGEMMET: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
26. Visor del Ministerio de Energía y Minas:
[Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
27. Visor de OSINERGMIN: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
28. Geoportal del ANA: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
29. Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
30. Geoportal del SENAMHI: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
31. En el momento de redacción de este artículo el portal se encontraba en desarrollo [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
32. Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
33. Geoportal de CENEPRED: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
34. Instituto Geofísico del Perú: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
35. Visor del IGP: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
36. Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
37. En el momento de redacción de este artículo el Visor del SINPAD no estaba en funcionamiento [Consulta:
15 junio 2020].
38. Geoportal del Gobierno Regional Loreto: [Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
39. Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Gobierno Regional Ucayali:
[Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
40. Geoportal del Gobierno Regional Amazonas: [Consulta: 15 junio
41. Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales del Gobierno Regional Madre de Dios:
[Consulta: 15 junio 2020].
42. Geoportal del Gobierno Regional San Martín: [Consulta: 15 junio
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Management Of Natural Resources
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