Open-Access Geographic Sources and Data For The Study and Management of Natural Resources

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Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No.

3, 2021
P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903
DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.03.118
Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And
Management Of Natural Resources
National University Agraria de la Selva - UNAS, Lima, Perú
National University Federico Villarreal-EPG- UNFV, Lima, Perú
National University Mayor de San Marcos - UNMSM, Lima, Perú
Specialized Institute for Research in Ecosystems and Natural Resources INERN, Lima, Perú
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: The objective of this systematic review is to describe and analyze open geographic
data provided by governmental sources in order to provide an overview of open geographic
sources and data for the study and management of natural resources in Peru. For this purpose,
the web was explored and scientific articles were reviewed, finding a huge cartographic archive
offered by the Peruvian State. On the one hand, public institutions put their respective
geoportals into operation, and on the other hand, the launching into space of the PeruSAT-1
satellite. This increased the supply of official geospatial information in the last five years. In
addition, geotechnical data was found in raw and processed form from global initiatives. All of
this documentary collection is available to the public in an open, free and free form in
cyberspace, which can be used in the study of the use, restoration, conservation and valuation of
ecosystems and other elements of the environment.
Keywords: Spatial data infrastructure of Peru; PeruSAT-1; space missions; geoportals;
cartographic information; open information.

Peru, being a megadiverse country, needs to have geographic documentation concerning the current state of its
natural resources, and open access data has become the pantry of this type of georeferenced information from a
wide variety of sources. One such source is Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). [1] These tools allow official
institutions and society in general to access official georeferenced information, according to certain guidelines
and standards. It is precisely the ability to access timely and reliable information that allows making the right
decisions to achieve sustainable development [2].
In this sense, the Peruvian State in the framework of its policy of democratization and data transparency, since
the beginning of this millennium has been implementing the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Peru (Idep), which is
the central node of official cartographic information where public institutions according to their competences
and functions, have made available to citizens their interoperable services of georeferenced information on the
National Territory. Similarly, in September 2016, it put into orbit PeruSAT-1, the first high spatial resolution
satellite; considered the one with the highest performance in the South American region, which is part of the
National Space System [3].
Apart from the data offered by governmental institutions; there is in cyberspace spatial information on natural
resources coming from initiatives on a global scale, such as space agencies that have driven specific missions to
observe the main processes affecting and impacting the planet, for example global change. These missions have
produced and made publicly available raw data, becoming a source of multiple variables referring to the ocean,
atmosphere and emerged land, the most prominent being the programs initiated by NASA and the European
Space Agency (ESA) [4].
Another source we can mention are virtual globes, the most widely used being Google Maps and Google Earth,
which appeared in 2005. The free version of Google Earth makes it possible to visualize cartography of the
entire planet, however it uses web services that are neither standard nor interoperable [5]. Overcoming this
limitation, starting in 2010 the Google Earth Engine (GEE) portal appears, which offers enhanced opportunities
to perform earth observation studies, providing access to satellite and other ancillary data in the cloud, as well as
algorithms to process large amounts of data over large areas and over long periods of time [6].
Finally, for more geodata we turn to the stream known as Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI), which in
the last decade has revolutionized the spatial domain by shifting the map making process from the hands of
experts to those of any volunteer contributor, its best representative being OpenStreetMap. Although in its

Copyright © The Author(S) 2021. Published By Society Of Business And Management. This Is An Open
Access Article Distributed Under The CCBY License. (Http://Creativecommons.Org/Licenses/By/4.0/)
Ronald Puerta Tuesta et al / Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And
Management Of Natural Resources

beginnings (2004) its main objective was to create maps of the whole world for free, today its uses have
demonstrated its potential to generate derivative projects [7]. There are also other initiatives in the network such
as Global Forest Watch, designed to monitor forests worldwide.


2.1. Spatial Data Infrastructure of Peru (IDEP)
Definitely when we talk about official geographic information on the national territory, we must mention IDEP
[8]. This is the articulated set of policies, standards, organizations, human and technological resources aimed at
facilitating the production, use and access to geographic information of the State in order to support socio-
economic development and promote timely decision making.
IDEP had its origins in 2003 when the IDEP Coordinating Committee was formed, but it was in 2007 when the
Permanent Coordinating Committee (CCIDEP) was established. In 2011 the portal was created and finally in
2014 the Georeferenced Information Web Services Standards for Data Exchange between Public Administration
Entities was established. Currently the CCIDEP is in charge of the Digital Government Secretariat of the
Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Among the services offered by Idep we can mention: Georeferenced System Maps of Peru, National Metadata
Catalog, Geoportals, WMS (Web Map Service) visualization services, WFS (Web Feature Service) download
services and map viewers of public institutions that share their information which are called Nodes, which
mostly implemented geoportals from 2017. In short, Idep works as a central node, gathering geographic
information from the public sector.
Ingresando a IDEP es posible acceder a los Nodos que de acuerdo a la cantidad de servicios que brindan se
clasifican en: Nodos Básicos; aquellos que permiten solo visualización mediante un visor de mapas o con
herramientas externas de la web como IMARPE, Gobierno Regional Cusco, OSINERGMIN, Ministerio de
Energía y Minas, y COFOPRI. Nodos Intermedios; cuentan con geoportal para proporcionar servicios de mapas
en la web (WMS) como IGP, Gobierno Regional de Callao, OSINFOR, Gobierno Municipal de Cusco, INEI,
ANA, CENEPRED, INDECI, Gobierno Regional Madre de Dios, Gobierno Regional Huánuco y Gobierno
Regional Amazonas, por último los Nodos Avanzados; además de brindar los servicios que ofrecen los nodos
básico e intermedio, comparten su información vía servicios de descarga estandarizados (WFS o WCS) u otros
medios y cuentan son un catálogo de metadatos propio. Aquí encontramos a los geoportales de SERNANP,
Gobierno Regional Cajamarca, SENAMHI, SERFOR, Gobierno Regional Loreto, INGEMMET, Gobierno
Regional Ucayali, IGN, Ministerio del Ambiente y Gobierno Regional San Martín.

Fig.1: Peru's Spatial Data Infrastructure Geoportal anslated with (free

2.1.1. Base Information Nodes

The spatial representation of natural resources requires a reference cartography, and in Peru to obtain the base
cartography it is necessary to resort to the National Geographic Institute of Peru (IGN) [9]. As the governing
body of national cartography, its mission is to plan, direct and execute activities related to geomatics, in order to
keep the country's official basic cartography updated; in accordance with IDEP; making it available to public
and private entities for development and national defense.
By accessing its geoportal [10] you can access the National Geospatial Fundamental Data Infrastructure, the
National Geovisor of images that is composed of orthophotos and images taken from satellites and unmanned

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Management Of Natural Resources

vehicles, the Geovisor of the Geodetic Framework, the IGN Metadata, the Technical Norms, Standards and
Documentation, the Geovisor of Antarctica and geovisors of other public institutions.
The National Geospatial Data Infrastructure is composed of the large project developed by this institution such
as the National Map at a scale of 1:100,000, which are basically topographic maps composed of 500 junctions
covering 100% of the national territory that can be downloaded in vector format. In addition, the official basic
cartography at scale 1:25,000 of the regions of Ica, Huancavelica, La Libertad, Moquegua, Piura, Tacna and
Tumbes as well as the official basic cartography at scale 1:1,000 of the cities of Puno and Huancayo can be

Fig.2: Geoportal of the National Geographic Institute's National Infrastructure of Fundamental

Geospatial Data of Peru.

Similarly, we can mention the Organism for the Formalization of Informal Property (COFOPRI) [11] that
implements, manages, updates and executes the national urban cadastre that has a multipurpose cadastre
platform [12] and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) [13] responsible for producing and
disseminating official statistical information of the country, executes census surveys, population statistics,
indexes and indicators among others, has one of the oldest portals for the consultation of population centers
according to their political location [14].

2.1.2. Flora, Wildlife and Ecosystem Nodes

The National Forestry and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) [15], is responsible for managing and promoting
sustainable use, conservation, protection of forest and wildlife resources and promoting research. By entering its
portal, one can access spatial information on forest management throughout the national territory such as: forest
management, forest zoning, forest inventory as well as locating hot spots and forest fire alerts [16].
The Forest and Wildlife Resources Oversight Agency (OSINFOR) [17], in charge of supervising and overseeing
the sustainable use and conservation of forest and wildlife resources at the national level, publishes on its
website maps of forest and wildlife permits such as: supervised trees, supervision tours, supervised forest
management plans and five-year audits [18].
Closing this section, the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) [19] has one of the portals with the most spatial
information in three thematic areas: a) Territory; where data on land cover and use, disaster risks, and ecological
and economic zoning can be accessed. b) Sea and Coasts; regarding the integrated management of coastal zones,
marine erosion and ecosystems by entering GeoCostas [20] and c) Geobosques [21] regarding the monitoring of
forest cover changes, and has five sub-modules: Forest and forest loss, Early warnings, Land use and land use
change, Degradation, Reference scenarios. In this same sector, but as a decentralized agency, we have the
National Service of Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP) [22], in charge of directing and establishing technical
and administrative criteria for the conservation of Natural Protected Areas and ensuring the maintenance of
diversity, presents one of the most outstanding portals at the national level [23], not only for the large amount of
information that can be downloaded directly in shapefile format, but also for having an interface that is always
updated and very similar to that of a GIS program, which makes it easy to use. It offers cartography of all the
protected natural areas classified according to their category, as well as the corresponding zoning and buffer

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Management Of Natural Resources

Fig.3: Natural Protected Areas Viewer (SERNANP)

2.1.3. Energy and mining nodes

We begin this section by mentioning the Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) [24], whose
mission is to generate and provide geological information and manage mining rights. Its portal offers
georeferenced information on geology and mining cadastre [25]. It makes available the Geological Map of Peru
at a scale of 1:1,000,000 in a standardized digital version; based on the 501 quadrangles that make up the
National Geological Map, which were surveyed between 1960 and 1999, integrating new information generated
between 2000 and 2003 at scales of 1:100,000 and 1:50,000. It also offers georeferenced information on
volcanoes and geological hazards.
We can also mention the sector holder, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, which provides the Wind Atlas, Solar
Energy Atlas and hydroelectric potential maps [26]. Finally, the Energy and Mining Investment Supervisory
Agency (OSINERGMIN) presents information on energy systems by sub-sector Electricity, Natural Gas,
Hydrocarbons and Renewable Energy Resources [27].

2.1.4. Water and Atmosphere Nodes

The National Water Authority (ANA) offers access, use and distribution of information on water resources on
its portal [28], where one can find the delimitation and coding of hydrographic units (basins), the national
inventory of glaciers, high Andean lagoons and dams, classification of marine-coastal water bodies, hydraulic
modeling, vulnerable populations due to stream activation, coding of surface watercourses, dynamic barriers,
among others.
Next, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (SENAMHI) [29], aims to generate and
provide meteorological, hydrological and climatic information and knowledge in a reliable, timely and
accessible manner. In its portal one can find climate classification, solar energy, frost frequency, climate change
projection, Niño/Niña event, climate forecast, daily monitoring of temperature and precipitation among others
[30]. To conclude this section, we cite the Instituto del Mar Peruano (IMARPE) oriented to the study and
knowledge of the Peruvian sea and its resources [30].

2.1.5. Disaster risk prevention nodes

The National Center for the Estimation, Prevention and Reduction of Disaster Risk (CENEPRED) [31] provides
geospatial information on disaster risk management; by logging in, one can access hazard mapping, risk
mapping, exposed elements, as well as download images taken from drones [32].
On the other hand, the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) [33] has the capacity to serve the country's needs in
areas such as seismology, volcanology and the study of the El Niño phenomenon. It is possible to access layers
of information on earthquakes that occurred from 2005 to 2017 [34]. We can also access information on risks
and hazards in the portals of the Ministry of Environment, Ingemmet and ANA.
Finally, for disaster prevention and response, we have the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) [35]
where we can access maps of emergencies that occurred in the years 2003 to 2018, as well as evacuation routes
and safe areas and maps of emergency operations centers [36].

2.1.6. Regional Government Nodes

Regional governments that implemented their spatial data infrastructure deserve a separate mention. Within the
framework of their autonomy, these governments have implemented their portals with open data at regional

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Management Of Natural Resources

level, many of them with the support of national institutions and non-governmental organizations, centralizing
information from different sectors. For example, the governments of jungle regions such as Loreto [37], Ucayali
[38], Amazonas [33], Madre de Dios [39], San Martin [40] and Huanuco [41] share the Amazon, with the
common content among them being forest and wildlife management, protected natural areas, native
communities, among others. Continuing with the regional governments, we add to this list the portals of the
Cusco [42] and Cajamarca [43] regions, where one can find, among other things, spatial information on tourism
and history.

2.2. Peruvian satellite system for Earth observation

Under the responsibility of the National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development (CONIDA),
which is the governing body for space activities in Peru and the headquarters of the Peruvian Space Agency. Its
mission is to promote, research, develop and disseminate space science and technology, generating products and
services that contribute to the socioeconomic development and security of the nation [44].
The Peruvian Space Agency, in compliance with its mission, is in charge of the implementation and
development of the National Center for Satellite Image Operations (CNOIS), which consists of two segments;
the terrestrial segment located in Pucusana from where space operations are programmed and monitored, and
the space segment composed of the Peruvian satellite PerúSAT-1. Through its COF application [45] it allows
access to images of the national territory captured by PerúSAT-1, and other satellites of the Airbus constellation
such as SPOT6/7, Pleiades HR and TerraSAR-X. Although access is not free, you can download the images for
free by requesting access as a user to this service if you are part of a public entity, private institution or national
or foreign non-profit organization.
Designed for a useful life of 10 years, PerúSAT-1 observes the Earth through its NAOMI camera, which has
four bands (Blue, Green, Red and Near Infrared) with a resolution of 2.8 m and a panchromatic band with a
resolution of 0.7 m [46]. These features make it possible to use it in applications ranging from homeland
security and border monitoring, coastal surveillance and combating illegal trafficking to mining, geology,
hydrology, disaster management and environmental protection. It currently allows users to map vegetation,
water bodies, and urban areas with high accuracy [47].

Fig.4: PeruSAT-1 image of the Chaclacayo and Lurigancho area (Lima) 2019. Source: CONIDA


Due to the huge amount of existing cartographic resources on a global scale, we selected the most recent
geotechnologies with the greatest affinity to the study of natural resources in Peru:

3.1. Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)

Designed and built by NASA and launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in December 2018, has as its
instrument the active sensor Lídar to measure tree height and canopy density. During its nominal lifetime of two
years, GEDI is anticipated to provide more than 10 billion cloud-free waveforms with footprint resolution (25 m
diameter circumference) [48].

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Management Of Natural Resources

The data provided by GEDI are mapped at different processing levels: Level 2, where waveforms are processed
to identify ground elevation, canopy top height, and relative height; in the L2A dataset and in L2B, various
canopy metrics are calculated, including canopy cover fraction, total leaf area index (LAI), and vertical foliage
profile. At Level 3, outputs are gridded by spatially interpolating the footprint estimates coming from Level 2
and their uncertainties and finally Level 4, which represent the output of the models and equations that require
the most post-processing [49].
Definitely GEDI data contribute to a more accurate calculation of the carbon stored in the different vertical
strata of the Amazon forests, which due to their structure and composition are among the most complex
ecosystems in the world. This information is available for free download from NASA's EarthData platform [50]
since 2019 in HDF format that can be manipulated in any GIS environment.

3.2. Copernicus
An Earth observation and monitoring program managed by the European Space Agency (ESA), it consists of a
space component and in situ coordination that allows it to offer operational services in land cover and
atmosphere monitoring, marine environment and climate change monitoring, as well as emergency management
and civil security. To this end, ESA has developed the Sentinel family of missions; each mission carries with it a
range of technologies, such as radar and multispectral imaging instruments according to the purpose for which it
was created. Airbus, prime contractor for the development and construction of the Sentinel satellites mentions
that the missions are: Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P, Sentinel-4, Sentinel-5 and Sentinel-6 [51].
The Sentinel-2 mission consists of two twin satellites (S-2A and S-2B) put into orbit in 2015 and 2017
respectively, both manage to cover the entire Earth in only five days. They have the multispectral optical
instrument (MSI) that generates images with 13 bands, four 10-m bands: three visible (red, green, blue) and one
near-infrared; six 20-m bands; and three 60-m resolution bands for atmospheric correction and cloud detection.
Each tessera is approximately 110 km x 110 km and are delivered to the public in two levels: Level 1C,
orthoimages in UTM/WGS84 Projection with reflectance values at the Top of the Atmosphere (TOA) and Level
2A, which are reflectance images at the bottom of the atmosphere (BOA) derived from level 1C [45].
Level 2A products are generated in the ground segment for the entire world since December 2018 which means
considerable time savings for users engaged in monitoring forests, land use change and water resources.
Sentinel-2 images can be downloaded in jp2 format free of charge and in full along with Sentinel-1 and
Sentinel-3 products on the "Copernicus Open Access Hub" portal [52].
In turn, the Sentinel-5P mission has a thematic orientation dedicated to air quality monitoring, with its Tropomi
instrument providing daily and global data for Ozone, NO2, SO2, formaldehyde, aerosol, carbon monoxide,
methane and Clouds. S-5p products can be downloaded in NC format with a spatial resolution of 7 x 7 km from
the "Sentinel-5P Pre-Operations Data Hub" portal [53]. This spatial temporal capacity to record pollutants has
aroused the interest of specialists and institutions, as is the case of the Geophysical Institute of Peru for the
evaluation of the behavior of volcanoes in the southern highlands of the country [54], also S-5P data have been
used to show the decrease in aerosol pollution in Lima and Amazon regions during the quarantine due to Covid-
19 [55].
Finally, the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) provides information from its satellites for
emergency response in relation to different types of natural or provoked disasters. This service consists of two
components: the first provides on-demand emergency geospatial information for mapping immediately after the
disaster or emergency (Rapid Mapping, RM) or for phases not related to the immediate response (Risk and
Recovery Mapping, RRM). While the second component includes: European and Global Flood Awareness
System (EFAS and GLOFAS), European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the Drought Observatory
(DO) which provides information on droughts in Europe and the world [56].
Rapid Mapping Service produced flood maps requested by the Peruvian Government within hours of activating
the emergency on the northern coast of Peru as a consequence of the El Niño Costero phenomenon in March
2017 [57].
For these reasons, many specialists agree that Copernicus is the revolution of open-access satellite information.

3.3. Google Earth Engine (GEE)

Cloud-based platform for planetary-scale geospatial analysis that offers Google's massive computational
capabilities to address a variety of high-impact societal problems, including deforestation, drought, disasters,
disease, food security, water management, climate monitoring, and environmental protection. In order to access
the platform you just need to have a gmail account and register [58].
With GEE you can visualize, download and process online satellite images, geomorphological, climatological
and population data. Within its repository we can find the Landsat archive for more than 40 years, complete
Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 archives, Modis and Aster data and other images such as Proba-V and EO-1, SRTM
topographic data, land cover, climatological variables including WorldClim and Worldpop datasets.

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Management Of Natural Resources

In order to analyze the information, GEE offers a series of artificial intelligence algorithms such as
Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Random Forest, GMO Max Entropy among others, which allows
classifying satellite images for example to quantify deforestation and/or land use change. This is possible by
connecting to the Google cloud via the GEE API using JavaScript and Python coding language or for more
advanced features REST. In addition, researchers can develop their functions by storing them in their own
repositories and share it along with their results.
All of these elements allow users to discover, analyze and visualize Geo Big Data in powerful ways without
needing access to supercomputers or specialized coding expertise. Within a decade of its launch, GEE has
generated much excitement and engagement in the fields of remote sensing and geospatial data science [59].

3.4. OpenStreetMap (OSM)

Collaborative mapping project created by a community that provides open mapping data on streets, addresses,
stores, stations and many more globally. To do so, it uses local knowledge in order to make the data accurate
and up-to-date and due to the large number of contributors over time has ensured that OSM data has reached a
high degree of quality compared to official data, at least in urban areas where there are more active contributors
In recent years users have used OSM in different applications such as land cover and land use identification
which undoubtedly represents a great contribution to land use change and deforestation monitoring. The spatial
information provided by OSM is mainly of vector type, and can be downloaded in OSM format directly without
registration. [61].

3.5. Global Forest Watch

An online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests around the world, using geotechnologies
so that anyone can access information in near real time about where and how forests are changing. In the map it
presents we find layers of information on land cover, forest change, land use, climate and diversity with their
respective legends and analysis from 2001 to 2019 which can be downloaded in spreadsheets [62] This dataset
has been developed in collaboration with the University of Maryland, Google, the U.S. Geological Survey and
Nasa, using Landsat 5, 7 and 8 images of 30 m spatial resolution. By entering their open data portal, all this
information can be downloaded as a document, in raster and vector format or can be connected through the API
In Peru, one of its partners is OSINFOR, as we have already seen it is in charge of supervising forest and
wildlife resources, who use and train on the use of forest loss information. Finally, GFW periodically issues the
Fire Observatory bulletin, in its June 2020 edition it warns that San Martin is the Peruvian jungle region with the
highest number of fires so far this year, which represents an alert to take actions that lead to the excessive
reduction of the use of fire.


The effort made by the Peruvian State to make available to all, updated and cartographic quality official
information has been noticed, this has been evidenced in the large amount of open data offered by public
institutions [64]. However, there are still many institutions that can provide georeferenced information on
natural resources, such as local governments, research institutes and universities, whether public or private.
On the other hand, open data on natural resources are not proportional. One of those with the most spatial
information is the Amazon forests, however little or almost no open information has been found on
hydrocarbons and other non-renewable resources such as lithium, recently discovered within the national
In addition, little scientific documentation has been found regarding governmental sources and official data
itself, [65] so it is of paramount necessity to correctly use the data and generate technical-scientific information,
as well as to adequately cite the sources of the data banks, especially those of state entities that allow better
localization in academic search engines.
Finally, it is important to highlight the voluntary and global initiatives that offer raw and digitally processed
data. [66] We are sure that with the emergence of new geotechnologies, the massification of data and above all
the growing concern for preserving the planet, the supply of open spatial information will increase.

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Ronald Puerta Tuesta et al / Open-Access Geographic Sources And Data For The Study And
Management Of Natural Resources

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