Iot Based Mobile Robot For Smoke Detecti

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Sunil Bhutada1, L. Sai Tejasri2, R.Tejaswini3
1Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
2,3,4U.G. Student (B.E), Department of Information Technology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology,

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Abstract: The reason for this paper is to make a robot The main concern of this paper is to create a real time robot
utilizing raspberry pi which is controlled by web. This robot is which can provide live streaming of the surroundings and
intended to guarantee wellbeing at work regions, for example, also give information regarding the temperature and
nuclear power plants and different businesses where there is humidity of any particular area.
chance that fire may happen. Our robot comprises of
temperature and smoke sensors that give temperature and II. LITERATURE SURVEY
mugginess esteems alongside identifying the can
work the robot by giving charges on the website page, A Hypothetical Background of remote controlled robot
additionally screen the surroundings in which the robot exists utilizes RF circuits, which have a restricted working reach.
with a webcam that is connected with the sensors. Each one of Use of a wireless network for computerized control and
the sensors and the webcam are controlled remotely and can utilization of a cell phone for automated control can beat
be worked at anyplace with less human connection staying these constraints. It gives the vigorous control and enhances
away from hazard. The information observing which is working extent. In spite of the fact that the appearance and
recovered from every one of the sources will be put away in capacities of robots change immeasurably, all robots share
the database planned with server. The information can later the highlights of a mechanical, mobile structure under some
be gotten by the client whenever. The client need not go the type of control.
workfare to check the conditions rather the client can screen
everything in the close-by environment. This is particularly Work that has been done in the past is identified with
helpful for the general population who work in perilous spots display work has been illustrated beneath:
with unsafe substances.
Gyula Mesterin his paper manages the remote sensor-based
Keywords: raspberry pi, temperature sensors, humidity remote control of versatile robots movement in an obscure
sensor, webcam. situation with obstructions utilizing the Bluetooth remote
transmission and Sun SPOT innovation. The Sun SPOT is
I. INTRODUCTION intended to be an adaptable improvement stage, equipped
for facilitating broadly varying application modules. the
A. Theoretical Background object of the remote control is the Boe-Bot mobile robot
from Parallax.
A mobile robot is a programmed framework that is fit for
motion. Versatile robots have the ability to move around in Abdul Ishaq T.K, Joseph Sebastian, Muhammad Sameer P.A,
their condition and are not settled to one physical area. Mohammed Irfan K.A were proposed a mobile robotic arm
Portable robots are controlled by programming and utilize which is controlled by human gestures. This wireless
sensors and other apparatus to recognize their environment. gesture controlled robotic arm uses zigbee technology to
Portable robots are advanced in computerized reasoning connect and receive signals. Zigbee transceiver is connected
with physical mechanical technology, which enables them to here for the transmission of signals wirelessly.
explore their environment.
B. Motivation
There are numerous reviews talking about the point of
Without showing up in the working region the client can
controlling robot remotely. A considerable number of them
readily comprehend the state of condition while working
are limited to little working extent. This is on account of
with hazardous flammable substances.
utilizing the method of correspondences like Bluetooth,
C. Aim of the Proposed Work radio recurrence, Zigbee and so on between UI and robot. In
our system the mobile robot is remotely controlled at low

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1381
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

cost. It has a webcam mounted on it for surveillance camera and the controls gave in website page. As the robot
purpose. The sensors measure values like temperature from is attached with sensors the values of the temperature and
the environment and record them later are stored in the humidity values constantly vary. The web program can
database. This recorded sensor values can be viewed collaborate with the raspberry pi through wlan in a
thorough webpage provided. This is done with low latency comparable framework. Development is a program that
and accuracy. screens the video movement from cameras. Using this
development programming raspberry pi is made as webcam
V.OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM: server with required setup.

To make a totally controlled IoT based Raspberry Pi Robot

in which the requests are created in python content and
controlled through web page. The progressing is done
remotely. Checking has been an imperative segment that can
be used as a piece of the endeavor. As a modification in the
status of the contraption, the customer can be taught

The client orders are exchanged to a web server ( i.e,

raspberry pi in this paper)which is typically done from a
web interface through a web program. The server forms the
client summons utilizing contents written in python and
sends them to the significant units like engine of robot. This Fig.2. Graph of the temperatures recorded during a period of
can likewise help control the bell, sensor movements and so time.

The web interface is produced utilizing HTML and

JavaScript. The raspberry pi has 3 modules running – the
web server, database and principle control program.

Fig.3. Screenshots of the webpage that displays temperature,

humidity and gas.

Fig.1. block diagram of the proposed system


We have built up the IoT based portable robot with a

webcam with gives the user live visuals about the
surroundings. The client can control the development of the
portable robot like left, ideal, forward and so forth with the Fig.4. Webpage that is used to control the robot

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1382
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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Fig.5. Above describes test case samples


Our system can be used in various places that cause threat
or hazard due to fire. This system can further be progressed
by enhancing the performance and by adding more features.
Features like image processing and detection for improved
security purpose and attaching robotic arms for picking and
placing items. Further development of this system has many
applications in fields like military, industries, household
purpose etc.


We are thankfull that our regarded guide and task facilitator

Dr. Sunil Bhutada invested his profitable energy controlling
us and diligently reassuring us all through the term of this
task. We stretch out our earnest because of our Head of the
department Dr.V.V.S.S.S Balram for the participation over
the span of this undertaking. In conclusion, we are grateful
to all the educating and non-showing staff of the division of
Information Technology and each one of the individuals who
specifically or by implication added to finish this work.


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© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1383

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