1 s2.0 S002980182402540X Main
1 s2.0 S002980182402540X Main
1 s2.0 S002980182402540X Main
Ocean Engineering
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/oceaneng
Keywords: The hydro-meteorological conditions in large port terminals are complex, severely hindering the safe berthing
Floating breakwater and operations of ships; in this case, floating breakwaters are suitable alternatives to traditional fixed facilities
Wave attenuation performance because of their advantages such as maneuverability, adaptability, minimal impact on marine environments, and
Parametric optimization
convenient construction and transportation. In this study, a floating breakwater with wing-plate was indicated,
Multi-objective genetic algorithm
and the influence of the structural dimensions on wave attenuation performance is explored based on potential
Computational fluid dynamics
flow theory. Additionally, a parameterized scaling optimization method based on a multi-objective genetic al
gorithm (MOGA) was introduced and applied to the newly designed floating breakwater. Then a numerical
hydrodynamic model was constructed according to the optimization result, and computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulations were conducted using STAR-CCM+. Finally, wave dissipation experiments were performed
and validated the superiority wave attenuation performance of the innovative floating breakwater over the
traditional square-box floating breakwater.
* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Chen).
Received 8 May 2024; Received in revised form 27 August 2024; Accepted 4 September 2024
Available online 12 September 2024
0029-8018/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
waves, which results in collision, friction, and circumfluent motion that achieve the same wave dissipation effect with a reduced structure
disrupts the regular movement of water particles, converting it into width-to-wavelength ratio, thereby reducing costs. K. Murali et al.
chaotic turbulence to achieve wave dissipation(Kar et al., 2019). (Murali and Mani, 1997) proposed a cage-type floating breakwater
Currently, floating breakwaters designed based on these wave dissipa based on the Y-shaped floating breakwaters. This facility consists of two
tion mechanisms mainly include floating box type, floating cylinder Y-shaped floating breakwater connected together, and the results
type, and floating raft type, as shown in Fig. 1. showed that it has good wave dissipation effects. The study also pointed
In order to enhance the performance of floating breakwaters, out that the presence of water flow would reduce the wave dissipation
scholars from various countries have conducted extensive experimental effect, so attention should be paid to the arrangement of breakwaters to
research on the types of such facilities. VSundar et al. (2003) conducted minimize the impact of water flow. Shunichi Ikesue et al. (2002) pro
experimental studies on the hydrodynamic performance of three posed a double-box floating breakwater structure to cope with
different diameters of floating cylinder breakwater in irregular waves. deep-water long-period waves. This structure consists of two parallel
They recorded the reflected waves in front of the breakwater and the floating boxes connected together, with horizontal fins arranged on the
transmitted waves behind it, and plotted graphs to validate the effec inner and outer sides of the floating boxes. The wave-dissipation per
tiveness of the floating cylinder breakwater. Y.Ozeren et al. (2011) formance of the floating breakwater was studied through
proposed a multi-cylinder section type of floating breakwater based on two-dimensional wave tank tests, and the scale of the floating boxes and
the floating single-cylinder breakwater. They designed various fins as well as the spacing between the two boxes were optimized based
constraint models under different conditions, as a result, they suggested on the test results. Nobuhiro Matsunaga et al. (2002) proposed a
that the wave dissipation capacity of fixed breakwaters depends on the truss-type floating box breakwater, adding a truss structure on each side
relative depth of the structure’s draft. Bayram(Atilla, 2000) conducted of the conventional floating box breakwater. The truss structure breaks
experimental research on regular waves in shallow water for inclined incoming waves, and the floating box suppresses the propagation of
floating breakwaters, indicating that the wave attenuation performance small broken waves. Experimental studies showed that the wave dissi
of floating breakwaters is related to wave height, wave period, and the pation effect is related to the ratio of truss length to floating box width
tilt angle of the breakwater. Loukogeorgaki et al. (2014) conducted and the ratio of floating box width to water depth. Mohamed R. Gesraha
physical experiments to study the impact of incident waves with (Gesraha, 2006) added two thin side plates to a conventional rectan
different parameters on floating breakwaters under both regular and gular floating breakwater to form a cross-sectional shape resembling the
irregular wave conditions. The experiments revealed a strong correla Greek letter Π. Numerical calculations and experimental results showed
tion between the incident wave angle and wave height and the motion that this configuration experiences smaller wave loads and has a smaller
response of the floating breakwater under a small period; however, in heave damping coefficient, but larger other hydrodynamic coefficients,
the high-frequency range, the correlation between the incident wave resulting in better wave dissipation performance within the given wave
angle, wave height, and the motion response of the floating breakwater period range. Masashi Kashiwagi et al. (2007) proposed an improvement
was weaker. method by adding horizontal fins at different positions on the Π-shaped
J.S.Mani(Mani, 1991) proposed a Y-shaped structure with a row of breakwater and analyzed the wave-dissipation effect of the improved
cylinders added underneath a trapezoidal floating box, disrupting the model through two-dimensional potential flow theory calculations. D.H.
surrounding flow field through the cylindrical structure to dissipate Jung et al. (2006) proposed a floating breakwater made of polyethylene
wave energy. The study results indicated that this configuration can pipes, which is effective for waves with a period of 6 s and a height of 1
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
Table 1
Preliminary dimensions for the floating break
water section.
Parameter Value
Box width 12 m
Box height 8m
Box draft 3m
Wing width 3m
Wing length 2m
Wing angle 130◦
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
most cases, the viscous forces during their motion are negligible relatively high (Zong and Fangze, 2014). Therefore, this study primarily
compared to inertial and gravitational forces, allowing viscosity to be investigates the wave attenuation performance of floating breakwaters
disregarded without causing significant errors(Gao et al., 2021). In the under longer wave periods (5~10s).
study of wave interaction with objects, the wave height is much smaller For regular incident waves, the wave field near the breakwater ex
than the characteristic length of large-scale structures, minimizing the hibits periodic variations, with a cycle matching that of the incident
impact of viscosity while diffraction effects are pronounced(jun et al., wave. Selecting the maximum fluctuation at a specific location within
2024). Therefore, employing potential flow theory to analyze the one wave cycle determines the wave height at that location. By plotting
interaction between floating breakwaters and waves is a reasonable the wave height distribution based on varying positions, a wave height
simplification and approximation. cloud map can be generated to depict the wave conditions near the
To obtain the wave attenuation performance, reference points P1 to breakwater. Since the wave height represents the worst-case scenario at
P4 are established and depicted in Fig. 4. The wave heights at these a particular location, the transmission coefficient derived from the wave
reference points are calculated, and the ratio of the measured wave height contour map tends to be conservative, providing a reliable indi
height to the incident wave height yields the transmission coefficient at cation of wave attenuation effectiveness. The floating breakwater under
each location. Because of the neglection of viscosity in potential flow waves with a height of 1 m and varying periods is depicted through a
theory, overall simulation results tend to be overestimated, so the wave height contour map, which is generated based on the maximum
minimum transmission coefficient among the four positions is utilized as wave surface observed at different positions within one wave cycle, as
the indicator of its wave attenuation effectiveness, which was later shown in Fig. 5. Overall, the new floating breakwater exhibits superior
validated through CFD techniques. An analysis is then conducted to wave attenuation performance. Under wave periods ranging from 5s to
assess the influence of various design parameters of the floating break 7s, the wave attenuation behind the floating breakwater is satisfactory,
water on its wave attenuation performance. with wave heights predominantly ranging from 0.5m to 0.7m in most
The basic principles of wave transmission and reflection were areas. However, for wave periods between 8s and 10s, the wave heights
initially explored during the early 20th century, because of the advent of behind the floating breakwater mostly align with the incident wave
computers which allowed for more complex calculations and simula heights, indicating poor wave attenuation performance.
tions, the terminology and standardized methods for measuring and For the square-box floating breakwater, the transmission coefficient
calculating the transmission coefficient were developed. Recent decades based on reference points is summarized in Table 2. Under wave periods
have seen innovations in materials and designs, such as floating break between 6s and 10s, the breakwater essentially loses wave attenuation
waters, and the transmission coefficient continues to be a critical metric effectiveness.
in the research(Kamath et al., 2015; Ji et al., 2018; Peña et al., 2011; For the new floating breakwater, the transmission coefficient at
Martinelli et al., 2008; Dong et al., 2008). reference points is presented in Table 3. Under wave periods 6s and 7s,
The wave transmission coefficient serves as a crucial metric for most areas showed transmission coefficients below 0.6, however, in
assessing the effectiveness of wave attenuation structures, and a lower longer wave periods (8s–10s), the wave attenuation effectiveness of the
transmission coefficient indicates better wave dissipation performance. breakwater diminished.
It is defined in simplified terms as follows: By comparing the wave attenuation of the two types of floating
breakwaters under different wave periods, it is observed that for wave
Kt = (1) periods of 6s and 7s, the floating breakwater demonstrated superior
wave attenuation performance, while the box-type floating breakwater
In the equation, Kt is the transmission coefficient, and Hi is the fails to attenuate waves effectively behind it. In cases where the wave
incident wave height, Ht is the transmitted wave height. period exceeds 8s, both types of floating breakwaters exhibit negligible
Based on experience and numerical simulation, floating breakwaters wave attenuation effects. For typical oceanic conditions, taking the
exhibit effective wave attenuation under short wave periods, trans South China Sea as an example, wave energy is primarily concentrated
mission coefficients in different sizes and wave conditions are usually in the period range of 6s–8s (L et al., 2012). From this perspective, the
under 0.5; besides, the target floating breakwater is planned to be uti wave attenuation performance of the novel floating breakwater is ex
lized in the southern China Sea where the local wave heights are pected to surpass that of the conventional box-type breakwater under
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
To analyze the impact of sectional dimensions on wave attenuation motion for the floating breakwater, enabling the wing-plate-equipped
performance, the controlled variables method was employed, wherein floating breakwater to absorb more wave energy when facing longer
only one scale of the benchmark model was modified in a scenario. wave periods, thereby exhibiting better wave attenuation performance
Subsequently, the wave attenuation performance of the altered model than the square-box floating breakwater.Furthermore, an analysis was
was tested under a wave height of 1 m. The parameter distribution and conducted on the influence of the sectional parameters of the new
calculated transmission coefficient are shown in Fig. 6. floating breakwater on its wave attenuation performance, which will be
It is evident that the lowest transmission coefficient for box width the theoretical support for the optimization method in the next chapter.
occurred at a wave period of 7s, and the increasing width positively Overall, all sectional parameters only affect wave attenuation perfor
contributed to wave attenuation performance. mance obviously during a wave period lower than 8s and almost lose the
Under wave periods of 6s and 7s, floating breakwaters under effect of wave elimination if the wave period is higher than 9s. it was
different drafts experienced a local minimum in transmission coefficient. found that a larger box width and draft can significantly improve wave
The larger the draught, the larger the corresponding period of local attenuation performance during a wave period lower than 8s, for larger
minimum transmission coefficient. At the periods corresponding to the box width and draft increase interaction area between the structure and
local minimum transmission coefficient, there were significant differ incoming waves, leading to greater wave energy absorption and atten
ences in transmission coefficients among floating breakwaters with uation. The impact of wing-plate parameters on wave attenuation is
different draughts. Those with better wave attenuation effects had reflected in the periods corresponding to minimal transmission co
transmission coefficients below 0.4, while those with poorer effects were efficients; longer wing-plate lengths and smaller angles result in longer
around 0.6. wave periods associated with minimal transmission coefficients. In
There are variations in the wave periods corresponding to the local order to avoid the interference of viscosity, the CFD method was
minimum transmission coefficients for floating breakwaters with compared with the potential flow method in this paper; under a wave
different wing-plate lengths. Specifically, larger wing-plate lengths period of 5s, the transmission coefficient is 51%–59.2%, which is close
correspond to larger wave periods for the local minimum transmission to the transmission coefficient of 55% calculated based on the potential
coefficients. At these wave periods, there are some differences in flow theory.
transmission coefficients among floating breakwaters with different
wing-plate lengths, but overall, the wave attenuation effects are satis 3. The novel parameterized optimization method based on
factory, with transmission coefficients ranging from 0.2 to 0.4. multi-objective genetic algorithm
Under wave periods of 6s and 7s, the floating breakwaters with
different wing-plate angles exhibit a local minimum in transmission 3.1. Introduction of multi-objective genetic algorithm
coefficient. Overall, the transmission coefficients are below 0.5, with
smaller wing-plate angles corresponding to larger periods of local min The Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) in goal-driven
imum transmission coefficient. However, under the periods between 8s optimization is a hybrid variant based on the popular Non-dominated
and 10s, all floating breakwaters with any size lost wave dissipation Sorted Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) incorporating the concept of
ability. controlled elitism, facilitating support for discrete or continuous input
This chapter introduced structure and analyzed the motion and wave parameters (design variables)(Somervell et al., 2017). The Pareto sort
attenuation performance of a new floating breakwater, comparing it ing scheme is achieved through a rapid non-dominated sorting method,
with a square-box floating breakwater of the same size. It was observed which is an order of magnitude faster than traditional Pareto sorting
that the installation of wing-plates increased the inherent period of roll methods. Constraint handling employs the same non-dominance
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
principle as the objectives. Thus, there is no need for penalty functions Table 4
or Lagrange multipliers. This also ensures that feasible solutions are Distribution of optimization parameters.
consistently ranked higher than infeasible solutions. Parameter Unit Maximum Minimum
The MOGA optimization method addresses the following form of
Box width (W) m 8 25
constrained nonlinear optimization problem: finding the minimum Box draft (D) m 2 5
value of objective functions, where there is more than one objective Wing length (WL) m 1.5 4
function, Wing angle (Wa) ◦
120 180
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
wave height exceeds the incident wave height. This phenomenon pri
marily arises from the short wavelength of waves in shorter periods,
coupled with the limited length of the unit. The interference of different
wave components behind the floating breakwater unit is complex,
leading to significant variations in the wave height distribution map. At
a wave period of 5s, the central area near the floating breakwater unit
exhibits poor wave attenuation, while better wave attenuation is
observed in the distant and lateral regions, with transmission co
efficients below 0.6. For wave periods ranging from 6s to 8s, the ma
jority of the rear region behind the floating breakwater unit experiences
relatively low wave heights, with transmission coefficients below 0.6,
indicating effective wave attenuation.
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
reflection at the external boundaries while also preventing wave re breakwaters to test the method mentioned above, and a fifth-order
flections within the computational domain from interfering with the Stokes wave was introduced as the incident wave, with a wave height
wave generation boundary, a characteristic not present in the boundary of 2m, a water depth of 30m, and a wave period of 9s, resulting in a
wave-making method. wavelength (λ) of 117.14 m.
Additionally, relaxation zones can be chosen to be locked (Frozen Figs. 10 and 11 illustrate the temporal variation of wave height from
Type) within a specific region of the computational domain, meaning the front and rear edges of the wing-plate floating breakwater, and it can
that the relaxation zone is bound to the grids within that range. As the be observed that there is a noticeable wave height reduction in the area
computational domain moves, the relaxation zone moves accordingly. behind the breakwater structure due to its wave attenuation effect.
This approach is suitable for numerical simulations of large-scale The transmission wave height was determined by averaging the
maneuvering vessels operating within waves. This is also the reason wave height at four positions relative to the rear edge of the floating
why this wave-making method was introduced into the solver in this breakwater: 0.25λ, 0.5λ, 1λ, and 2λ. The transmission coefficients for the
project. square-box floating breakwater and the optimal breakwater were
Conducting CFD simulations for square-box and wing-plate floating calculated as 0.833 and 0.506, so it can be demonstrated that, compared
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
Fig. 10. Wave heights at positions 0.05λ, 0.1λ, 0.25λ, and 0.5λ from the front edge of the wing-plate floating breakwater.
with the square-box floating breakwater, the wing-plate floating performance than square-box floating breakwaters, Additionally,
breakwater exhibited a more pronounced attenuation of incident waves comparing the CFD results with the potential flow theory results from
in the rear region. Chapter Two, it is revealed that the average difference between the two
More simulations utilized irregular incident waves adopted JONS is approximately 0.05, indicating a close agreement between two nu
WAP spectrum SJ(ω), which has been widely recognized in engineering merical methods.
practice, and it is expressed as follows:
( ( )2 )
( ( )− 4 ) exp − 0.5 ω− ωp 4.2. Experiment setup and result
5 ( ) 5 ω σωp
SJ (ω) = Aγ H2 ω4 ω− 5 exp − γ (11)
16 S p 4 ωp The experiment was conducted at the State Key Laboratory of Ocean
Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The ocean engineering
In the equation, Hs and ωp denote significant wave height and basin at the laboratory can simulate various marine environmental
spectral peak frequency, respectively; γ = 3, which is the peak conditions, including wind, waves, and currents, making it a fully
enhancement factor controlling the sharpness of the JONSWAP spec equipped facility in China. The main dimensions of the basin are 50m ×
trum peak. The spectral density function of the JONSWAP spectrum is 30m × 6m, and it is equipped with a high-power hydraulic wave
shown in Fig. 12: generator from Kempf & Remmers, Germany, capable of producing
More simulations introducing JONSWAP irregular waves under pe regular or irregular long-crested waves with a maximum wave height of
riods from 6s to 10s for the square-box(SB) and wing-plate(WP) floating 0.5m. A wave-absorbing beach on the opposite side of the wave gener
breakwaters were executed, and transmission coefficients were ator to prevent wave reflection and dissipate wave energy is also
measured 30m, 60m, and 90m behind the breakwater. According to applied.
transmission coefficients shown in Table 6, it can be demonstrated that The model experiment was conducted at a scale of 1:20, adhering to
wing-plate floating breakwaters exhibit a superior wave dissipation this scale in both model fabrication and simulation of the marine
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
Fig. 11. Waves heights at positions 0.25λ, 0.5λ, 1λ, and 2λ from the trailing edge of the innovative floating breakwater.
Table 6
CFD scenarios setup and results.
Fig. 12. Spectral density function of JONSWAP spectrum. No. Wave Wave Model 30m 60m 90m Average
period height Kt Kt Kt Kt
environment. The experimental model parameters are shown in Table 7, 1 4 6 SB 0.284 0.228 0.174 0.229
and its definition can be referred to in Fig. 2. WP 0.229 0.175 0.127 0.177
2 6 6 SB 0.520 0.473 0.453 0.482
Totally ten scenarios were tested for two floating breakwater models: WP 0.514 0.440 0.430 0.461
the square-box (SB), and the wing-plate (WP). Models were primarily 3 8 6 SB 0.685 0.686 0.634 0.668
constructed of wood, with a fiberglass waterproof layer and a yellow WP 0.645 0.656 0.612 0.638
paint coating applied to the outer surface. Its structural design featured a 4 10 6 SB 0.780 0.746 0.718 0.748
WP 0.770 0.731 0.702 0.734
removable top cover and an internal hollow structure, allowing for the
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
Table 7 and 0.181, respectively, compared to WP, indicating that adding wing-
Model size for SB and WP. plate can enhance the wave energy dissipation performance of the SB.
Parameter SB WP These results prove the wave dissipation function of wing-plate because
of the increase of effective draft and expansion of wave-blocking area.
Length 10m 10m
Box width 0.695m 0.695m
Box height 0.3525m 0.3525m 4.3. Comparison between experiment and numerical simulation
Wing width / 0.1m
Wing length / 0.19m
Wing angle / 130◦
In addition to the simulations described in Section 2, more simula
tions were conducted under experimental conditions for wing-plate
floating breakwater, and its transmission coefficients are displayed in
Table 9. It can be concluded that the absolute difference between
experimental and CFD outcomes is below 0.1, indicating the rationality
and high precision of CFD simulations. Furthermore, comparing exper
imental results with the potential flow theory, similar trends are
exhibited, so it can be considered that the parameterized analysis based
on potential flow theory is effective. Generally, the wave attenuation
performance decreases with the increase of wave period and wave
height; in the scenario with a wave period of 8s, the transmission co
efficient is abnormally high because the wave condition is close to the
resonance frequency of the floating breakwater. Compared to the nu
merical simulation in Chapter 2, the breakwater with optimized
sectional parameters still shows significant wave attenuation perfor
mance during the wave period 8s–10s under higher wave height, so it
can be demonstrated that the parameterized optimization method
computed a remarkable result.
Fig. 14. Configure the weight and draft of floating breakwater. In this study, a novel floating breakwater was proposed, and its wave
attenuation performance was validated through experiments and CFD
e1 at a distance of 1.5m from the centerline, c2 and e2 at 3m from the
centerline, and c3 and e3 at 4.5m from the centerline. Among these Table 8
points, c0 to c3 were located at the midsection of the floating breakwater Experiment results.
model, while e1 to e3 were positioned at the edges of the model. Fig. 15 No. Wave period Wave Height Model Hi(m) Ht(m) Kt
shows the distribution of measurement points.
1 6 2.5 WP 3.86 2.02 0.523
The experiment simulated an ocean with a water depth of 30m. The
SB 3.04 1.26 0.416
irregular wave spectrum adopted is the JONSWAP spectrum, and wave 2 7 3.5 WP 4.34 2.49 0.573
conditions and scenario results are shown in Table 8. SB 4.15 2.46 0.593
Fig. 16 depicts the comparison of the transmission coefficients be 3 8 5 WP 5.67 3.87 0.682
tween the SB and WP. It is evident from the figure that, except for sce SB 5.91 4.32 0.730
4 9 5 WP 5.88 3.86 0.657
nario 1, the transmission coefficients of the WP are lower than SB under SB 5.63 4.23 0.751
the remaining four conditions. Specifically, for the rest scenarios, 5 10 5 WP 6.17 4.09 0.663
transmission coefficients of the SB are increased by 0.036, 0.072, 0.142, SB 5.57 4.36 0.783
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
Fig. 16. Comparison of the transmission coefficients between the WP and SB.
periods, and the best result was figured when the wave period
Table 9 was 8 s.
Comparion between CFD and experiment results. (3) CFD simulations and experiments were conducted to compare the
No. Wave period/s Wave height/m Experiment CFD Difference wave attenuation performance of the floating breakwater with
1 6 2.5 0.523 0.534 0.011 wing plates and the box-type breakwater. Additionally, experi
2 7 3.5 0.573 0.652 0.079 ments were conducted to investigate the influence of wing plate
3 8 5 0.682 0.614 − 0.067 perforation design on wave attenuation performance. The results
4 9 5 0.657 0.676 0.019 confirmed that equipping wing plates can enhance the wave
5 10 5 0.663 0.745 0.082
attenuation effectiveness of the squre-box floating breakwater.
simulations. The following conclusions were drawn from the above It should be noted that the optimal sectional parameter is not the best
work: solution in all conditions, but the design results ensure a good wave
attenuation performance in as many cases as possible. According to the
(1) A floating breakwater with a box-type main body and wing plates experiments and simulation, the optimal floating breakwater achieves
at the bottom was designed, and the influence of structural pa the best wave attenuation performance at wave period 6s, and the
rameters on wave attenuation performance was studied based on average transmission coefficient from 6s to 10s is 0.620.
potential flow theory. It was found that increasing the width and Although CFD simulation applied regular and irregular waves were
draft of the box body improved wave attenuation performance, executed, experiments were conducted on the wave dissipation perfor
while the length and angle of the wing plates had a significant mance of the new floating breakwater in this study, experiments only
impact only when the wave period was relatively short. considered irregular waves based on the JONSWAP spectrum and lacked
(2) A parameterized method based on the Multi-Objective Genetic tests under regular wave conditions. According to the CFD simulation,
algorithm (MOGA) was developed to optimize the dimensions of the influence of wave parameters and structural parameters on wave
the wing-plate floating breakwater. The proper dimensions of the attenuation performance under regular waves will show a more obvious
new floating breakwater were obtained for different wave trend, so it is more suitable for regularity analysis. Therefore, in future
P. Mao et al. Ocean Engineering 312 (2024) 119202
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