Ecuexplorer User Guide
Ecuexplorer User Guide
Ecuexplorer User Guide
Installation ..........................................................................................................................2
Getting Started....................................................................................................................3
User Interface............................................................................................................................. 3
Menu Structure............................................................................................................................ 3
Initial Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 6
Hotkeys.................................................................................................................................... 6
If you need to change the default installation path you can type the new location in the
‘Destination Folder’ box provided, or use the ‘Browse’ button to navigate to the desired folder.
Click ‘Install’ to start the installation.
The installation package will create a shortcut on the desktop to the ecuExplorer application; it
will also create a new folder in the Start -> Program folder. Use these for easy access to the
application and this user guide.
Getting Started
User Interface
The user interface for ecuExplorer looks like the image above. The red outlined section is the
navigation tree, clicking on the different tree nodes will change the blue area to the relevant
view. The green outlined section displays the communications ports that are available on the
system. The blue outlined section will display the relevant view data according to the node
selected in the navigation tree.
Menu Structure
File -> Open Log File
Use this to open a saved log file into ecuExplorer. Each loaded log file will appear as a separate
item in the ‘Saved Log Files’ navigation tree node.
File -> Exit
This will close the application.
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ecuExplorer User Guide
Note: The adjustment limits are set in the ECU ROM image and differ between ECU
versions, therefore total adjustment is dependant on these ECU values.
Tools -> Adjust Ignition Timing
This function allows you to adjust the ignition timing. The base ignition timing can be adjusted
to add or remove timing. This adjustment is a global setting and is applied to the base timing
across all RPM and Engine Load. The maximum is 5° either added or removed.
Note: The adjustment limits are set in the ECU ROM image and differ between ECU
versions, therefore total adjustment is dependant on this ECU value.
Tools -> Read ECU Flash Memory
Note: The ecuFlash tools can cause irreparable damage to the connected ECU. Please
do not use them until you fully understand what is being done and the associated
This function allows you to download the current ROM image that is stored in the connected
ECUs’ flash memory. Downloading the ROM image will cause the connected ECU to lose all learnt
ignition and fuel values, just like an ECU Reset. It will take a few miles/kilometers of driving
before the ECU is running at its optimum.
Tools -> Write ROM Image to ECU Flash Memory
Note: The ecuFlash tools can cause irreparable damage to the connected ECU. Please
do not use them until you fully understand what is being done and the associated
This function allows you to upload a new ROM image to the flash memory in the connected ECU.
It is important that the new ROM image is compatible with the connected ECU, otherwise the
ECU will be useless. It is important that the new ROM image is not encrypted by any third-party
application, otherwise the ECU will be useless. Writing the new ROM image will cause the
connected ECU to lose all learnt ignition and fuel values, just like an ECU Reset. It will take a few
miles/kilometers of driving before the ECU is running at its optimum.
Tools -> Test Write to ECU Flash Memory
Note: The ecuFlash tools can cause irreparable damage to the connected ECU. Please
do not use them until you fully understand what is being done and the associated
This function will do the same as the ‘Write ROM Image to ECU Flash Memory’ BUT it will not
actually write to the flash memory. It is a test routine which can be used to verify that all is
working correctly before actually committing to writing to the flash memory. Test writing the
ROM image will cause the connected ECU to lose all learnt ignition and fuel values, just like an
ECU Reset. It will take a few miles/kilometers of driving before the ECU is running at its
Tools -> Compare ROM Image to ECU Flash Memory
Note: The ecuFlash tools can cause irreparable damage to the connected ECU. Please
do not use them until you fully understand what is being done and the associated
This function will allow you compare a new ROM image to the ROM image that is currently in the
connected ECU flash memory. Comparing the ROM image will cause the connected ECU to lose
all learnt ignition and fuel values, just like an ECU Reset. It will take a few miles/kilometers of
driving before the ECU is running at its optimum.
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ecuExplorer User Guide
Initial Configuration
When the application is installed and used for the first time there is no communications port
selected. Available communication ports are displayed in the bottom left-hand pane.
Note: If you are using a USB cable or a USB <-> Serial Converter the COM port may
only be visible when the cable is connected to the pc/laptop. These are virtual COM
To select a communications port for use you must double-click on the desired item in the list.
Once a port is selected it will have the text ‘<<>> SELECTED <<>>’ displayed next to it.
ecuExplorer must be restarted to effect the change.
Ctrl-O :: Open Log File
Ctrl-X :: Exit
F7 :: Reset ECU
Ctrl-F1 :: About
Navigation Tree
Above is a screen-cut of the ‘User-Defined Data Items’ view. This view will display a list of all
extra user-defined data items that the application will add to the ‘Realtime Data View’ view and
be able to report on. Each data item is either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’. To change the state of the
data item right-click on the specific row and a menu will be shown where you choose the new
state. The new state is effected immediately and the selected data item is either added or
removed from the relevant data item list in the realtime data view.
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ecuExplorer User Guide
Above is a screen-cut of the ‘Known Trouble Codes’ view. The top pane lists all Subaru specific
trouble codes. The bottom pane lists all OBD standard defined trouble codes.
For each opened log file a new node will be added to the ‘Saved Log File’ navigation tree node.
Clicking on the opened log file node will display a view like the screen-cut above. The top pane
of the window lists each column that is in the saved log file. The bottom pane lists each column
from the saved log file along with the saved data.
When the saved log file is opened all columns are shown by default, if you do not want to see a
certain column uncheck the relevant item in the top pane. This will hide the data column in the
grid below.
ECU Connectivity
When the application is started this navigation node is displayed as ‘ECU (Disconnected)’. When
the application has made a successful connection to the ECU it will display the ECU type in the
node. The ECU connectivity node consists of the following views:
- Realtime Data View
- Trouble Code Reader
Note: The ECU ID that is displayed in the navigation tree may differ from the vehicle
type or ID printed on the ECU cover. This is because some remapping vendors use
another ECU’s base code to achieve certain features.
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Above is a screen-cut of the realtime data view actively connected to an ECU and retrieving data.
Note: Data items are only added to this view when there is a successful connection to
the ECU. If you do not get any data items in this view ensure that you have done the
- connected the cable to the car’s OBD port
- selected the correct COM port for communication
- the ignition must be in the ON position
The realtime data view is split into 2 panes. The top pane holds all analogue data items, while
the bottom pane lists all digital data items.
Each data item has a check-box next to it. Only if the check-box is ticked will the application
query the ECU for the realtime data. Each data item has 4 columns for data display. The
‘Minimum’ column will display the lowest value received during the data collection period. The
‘Current’ column displays the value that is actively being received from the ECU. This is the most
active column. The ‘maximum’ column will display the highest value received during the data
collection period. The ‘Unit’ column displays the relevant unit of measure for the specific data
The current sample rate is displayed next to the ‘Realtime Data View’ navigation node. It is
shown as milliseconds (ms). 1000ms = 1 second. This is the time taken for ecuExplorer to
query the ECU, process the response and display the received values.
Note: The more data items you select to read the slower the sample rate will get. To
increase the sample rate select only the items you want to monitor. Having a better
sample rate will allow you to notice smaller trends in the captured data and provide a
higher resolution for graphing or analysis.
Right-click in either pane and you will be shown the realtime data view context menu. It has the
following commands:
Start File Capture
This is a manual way to start capture to a .csv log file. Some cars do not have a rear defogger
switch or it may not work correctly. This allows those users to still capture their ECU data for
analysis at a later stage.
Choose Logging Directory
This menu command will open a folder browse dialog box. You can select the directory where
your .csv log files will be stored to. This setting is stored in the registry and used each time the
application starts.
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ecuExplorer User Guide
The trouble code reader view is split into 2 panes. The top pane holds all current trouble codes,
while the bottom pane lists all historic trouble codes.
Current trouble codes indicate that the ECU has detected an immediate problem. Historic trouble
codes indicate that the ECU detected a problem in the past but it has since been resolved or is no
longer detected. Some trouble codes will cause the Check Engine Light (CEL) to be illuminated
on the dash.
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