Enterprise Modelling and Integration
Enterprise Modelling and Integration
Enterprise Modelling and Integration
Francois B. Vemadat
EC/EUROSTA T. Luxemburg & LGIPM. ENIM/University ofMetz, France,
Francois. [email protected]
Abstract: Enterprise Modelling and Integration has evolved over the last decades from
entity-relationship and activity modelling to object and flow modelling as well
as from pier-to-pier system integration to inter-organisational exchanges ena-
bling various forms of electronic commerce. The next challenge is Enterprise
lnteroperability, i.e. seamless integration in terms of service and knowledge
sharing. The paper discusses modelling and integration issues to progress to-
wards Enterprise lnteroperability and shows how the CIMOSA architecture
can be revised to host these emerging techniques and standards.
The original version of this chapter was revised: The copyright line was incorrect. This has been
corrected. The Erratum to this chapter is available at DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-35621-1_43
and the schedule of events, and the why defines the strategy of the enter-
What needs to be modelled: The following aspects are concerned
(AMICE, 1993, IFAC-IFIP Task Force. 1999).
- Function aspects: functional domains, triggering events, business
processes (or control flows), enterprise activities (or process steps)
- Information aspects: enterprise objects, object relationships (semantic
and user-defined links), object flows, object states
- Resource aspects: doers (human and technical agents), resource com-
ponents, resource capabilities and/or competencies, roles
- Organisation aspects: organisation units, organisation cells (or deci-
sion centres), responsibilities, authorities
- Temporal and causal constraints
These are the usual modelling constructs found in prominent EM lan-
guages (ARIS, CIMOSA, GRAI, IDEF, IEM ... ) as reviewed in (Vemadat.
What for: The enterprise models must provide abstract representations
of the things of the organisation being analysed with enough precision and in
a way which lends itself to computer processing to support:
- Enterprise Reengineering I Process Improvement (establishing the
business-process map, simplifying and reorganising some processes,
optimising use of resources, simulating enterprise behaviour)
- Workflow design and management (to automate critical processes)
- Tuning enterprise performances (mostly in terms of costs and delays
but also quality, reactivity and responsiveness)
- Management decision support ("what if' scenarios, simulating
planned situations, forecasting, etc.)
- Enterprise integration (i.e. seamless exchange across the system to
provide the right information at the right place at the right time)
Enterprise Knowledge Management: Enterprise modelling is a form of
enterprise knowledge representation method in the sense that it captures,
represents and capitalises basic facts and knowledge about the way the en-
terprise is structured, organised and operated (mostly surface knowledge).
According to G. Mentzas, Enterprise Knowledge Management (Tiwana,
2000) is a new discipline for enabling individuals, teams and the entire or-
ganisation to collectively and systematically create, share and apply corpo-
rate knowledge to better achieve organisational efficiency, responsiveness,
competency and innovation. Thus, there is a need to also address deep
Within an enterprise, knowledge is exhibited at various levels. It is in the
mind of people (individual level), within team structures (team level), encap-
28 Vernadat, F.B.
Enterprise Integration: Since the early 90's, EI has drastically evolved
from specialised communication protocols (e.g. MAP, TOP, field-buses),
diverse dedicated standard data exchange formats (e.g. IGES, STEP, EDII
EDIFACT, HTML. .. ) and complex monolithic integration infrastructures for
distributed computing environments (e.g., OSF/DCE in the Unix world, OLE
and DCOM in the MS Windows world and OMG/CORBA in the 00 world)
proposed at that time (Vernadat, 2001 ). Regarding Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI), the state of the art is now to use Message-Oriented Mid-
dleware (MOM) (either in stateless or state-full mode as well as in synchro-
nous or asynchronous mode) on top of computer networks compatible with
TCP/IP (Linthicum, 2000). The middleware must provide sufficient scalabil-
ity, security, integrity and reliability capabilities. Messages are more and
more in the form of HTML and XML documents. The most recent trend is to
switch to Java programming (JSP, EJB) and apply the J2EE (Java to Enter-
prise Edition and Execution) principles to build integrated collaborative sys-
On top of these, large applications are implemented according to the 3-
tier client-server architecture using the web architecture and a standard pro-
tocol (HTTP). A client user can access the application on his/her PC via
HTTP using a standard HTML browser. The request is sent to a web server,
which concentrates all requests and passes the request to the application
server (AS). The AS processes the request using its local database server.
A new trend for the development of application servers is to build them
as a set of remote services accessible via the web, called web services. The
client does not need to know where they are located on the web but can re-
quest their use at any time. Services need to be declared via WSDL (Web
Service Description Language) and registered in a common web repository,
called UDDI
Concerning message exchange, the trend is to make wide use of XML
(eXtensible Mark-up Language) (XML, http) to neutralise data because of
the ability ofXML to separate the logic of documents as well as data format-
ting from data itself. This means that well-known data exchange formats
used in industry (e.g. EDI, STEP, etc.) will soon have to be reworked in the
light of XML (e.g. cXML, ebXML. .. ).
Finally, concerning transport of messages, new protocols are being pro-
posed including SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) (http://), RosettaNet
(http://), Bolero.net (http://), Biztalk (http://) among others.
Towards Enterprise Interoperability: Broadly speaking, interoperabil-
ity is a measure of the ability of performing interoperation between two or
more different entities (be they pieces of software, processes, systems, or-
Enterprise Modelling and Integration 31
cyclic view of the SLC, presented on Fig. 2 and based on modern iterative
prototyping methods used in software engineering as well as in system de-
sign and implementation.
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Enterprise Modelling has evolved over the last three decades from fact
modelling to Knowledge Management while at the same time Enterprise In-
tegration has evolved from computer systems integration and CIM to Enter-
prise Interoperability and e-commerce.
This paper has provided a short overview of the field in terms of where we
stand and what has to be done next. It also proposes an extension of the
CIMOSA framework to host extended principles for Enterprise Modelling
and Integration.
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