Linear Modelling Assignment 2
Linear Modelling Assignment 2
Linear Modelling Assignment 2
This report discusses the most important assumption made while solving this problem,
with an explanation for the importance of this assumption. Secondly, a comparison
between the Python code and Abaqus results will be given for the case described be-
low. Lastly, a question about the replacement of a truss member by a rope will be
Simulating this case with the Python code that was produced, the results in Table 1.1
and Table 1.2 can be found.
1.2. Verification of Code Results 2
The same simulation in Abaqus resulted in the results given in Table 1.3 and Table 1.4.
Additionally, the geometry that is simulated and colorplots of displacement, strain, and
stress results are shown in Appendix A. Moreover, the query function results are shown
Table 1.3: Node displacement and reaction forces Abaqus
Comparing the results of the Python code with the results obtained by Abaqus, it can
be seen that the results are very similar. This shows that the code gives results that
coincide with commercial software. To ensure that the code not only works for the
given (test) case, two additional cases were checked. From these additional cases, it
1.3. Truss member replacement with rope 3
can be concluded that the code is not only valid for the given test case, but for any
case for which the node positions, connectivity matrix, force vector, element areas and
Boundary Conditions are specified well enough for the system to be solvable. This was
concluded, since the Python code results closely matched the results that were found
in the lecture and pre-lecture videos.
What this does to the code is that the type of loading in each element (compression or
tension) needs to be identified. This is done as the code is now (saying each member
is a truss member, not a rope). Then this loading type information (compression or
tension), and the information on which member is replaced by a rope, is used to change
the global matrix accordingly. From the results given in Section 1.2 it can be concluded
that element/member 2 is in compression, which means it experiences no structural
stiffness from this member (due to the rope being able to only carry tension). This
means that the contribution of element/member 2 is reduced to all zeros in the global
stiffness matrix. This global stiffness matrix is then used to compute the results of the
system for the case where element/member 2 is a rope.
[1] Peeters, D., AE4AMS003 Linear Modelling Assignment 2: truss element, 2024.
A.1. Colorplots of perseverance case 6
The results of the Abaqus simulations were found using the query tool in the program.
The tables with results (Table 1.3 and Table 1.4) were obtained from this query function
and adjusted to the correct node and element numbering, as indicated in Figure 1.1b.
The query results of each variable can be found below, note that the node and element
numbering is different in Abaqus. The correct node and element numbering is counting
from the top row down, so for element results from element 1 to 4 and for node results
from node 1 to node 5.
Figure A.8: Nodal reaction forces (in Newton) in x-direction query results
Figure A.9: Nodal reaction forces (in Newton) in y-direction query results